Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1914, Image 1

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Vol.. i.i v- NO. 16,880.
Washington Thinks
Settlement Probable.
Cargo of Cotton Inspected and
Transport Facilitated.
Officials Surprised That Xote Has
Been Regarded as "Brusque"
and Insist Only Matter-of-Fact
Statement Is Blade.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. While the
American note to Great Britain, con
cerning interruptions of the commerce
of this country, continued today to ab
sorb official Washington, there was
manifest a tone of confidence that the
numerous difficulties which had arisen
In the last five months eventually
would be amicably adjusted.
Already the discussion had turned to
measures which the United States could
properly take in co-operation with
Great Britain to reduce to a minimum
the necessity for extending: search on
the high seas. It become known that
agents of the Treasury Department,
acting: in co-operation with the State
Department in one case, already had
Inspected a cargo of cotton, which In
spection had satisfied the British em
bassy and facilitated the progress of
the shipment to its destination.
Mutual Understanding; Expected.
The belief was held in official quar
ters that a mutual understanding: might
be reached whereby legitimate cargoes
could be certified before their depart
ure from this country and thereby made
immune from detention.
High officials of the Washington
Government were somewhat surprised
that the American note has been re
garded as "brusque" in some London
quarters. They said, the British Cab
inet, which has. it under -consideration,
after a single reading of the document
must be convinced " that the United
States had spoken in the most friendly
spirit, though none the less earnestly
and emphatically, on points on which
it considered itself thoroughly justi
fied under the laws of nations.
, Note Show No Irritation)
There is nothing of a peremptory
character in the note nor is it phrased
in tones of Irritation, according to those
Who are familiar with its contents.
They say it is a matter-of-fact and
frank statement of the difficulties ex
perienced by American shippers, and
the failure' of the British government
to meet the various protests which have
been made.
In all, it became known today, 30
American ships and cargoes, their value
totaling millions, have been detained.
The American note points out specific
ally, however, that reimbursements for
previous damages alone cannot cure the
situation, as the activity of the British
fleet has restrained many exporters.
whose business has become stagnant
for fear of the numerous technicalities
and risks involved in shipments.
'Violations Cbum Suspicion.
With respect to cotton shipments
the case of one or two illegitimate car
goes, it is recognized, has caused the
British government to suspect all ship
The United States has no evidence
Ithat there has been contraband con
cealed in cotton cargoes, but Great
Britain has made two specific com
plaints of it. Although not vouching
for or confirming the charges, the
United States Government has thought
St advisable nevertheless- to issue a
warning that one fraudulent shipment
must produce embarrassment to cargoes
Secretary Bryan discussing the note
with callers today, declined to give any
derails. He described it as a general
statement summarizing the American
position in several specific cases. Those
neutral diplomats who called to ask
a dou t tne note aid not receive a copy
of it. but were informed that the first
newspaper report of it was accurate.
They were told that the State Depart
ment probably would not deliver the
text of the communication to foreign
governments generally, as it still re
garded the note as confidential, the
United States Government itself not
having authorized its publication in
part or in whole.
Briti&li Reply Not Expected to Be
Ready for Several Days.
LONDON. Dec. 30. The British Oabl
net held a special session todav to con
eider the American Government's 'note
concerning the delay to American ship
ping by the searching of vessels by the
British fleet. The note reached the
foreign office only today. The subject
of American shipping continues to
monopolize Interest here. It is not ex
pected a reply to the note will be ready
for several days. It is pointed out that
a document which it took weeks to
draft hardly conld be digested by th
Cabinet in one meeting.
Information must be sought at th
Admiralty, wnicn department ts re
sponsible for the examination of ships'
cargoes. The permanent officials of th
Foreign Office and the law offices of
the. Crown necessarily will be called
(Concluded on Face 2.)
Four Aeroplanes Slake Several Trips
Over' Town, While Fifth. Stands
Guard Fortifications Hit.
LONDON, Dec. 31. Four German
aeroplanes flew several times over the
city of Dunkirk Wednesday, dropping
bombs as they went, according to the
Dunkirk correspondent of the Dally
Mall. Soldiers in the streets fired on
the machines and one Taube seemed to
be hit but all got away safely. .
The official returns of the casualties
shows that 15 persons were killed and
32. wounded. The bombs were filled
with shrapnel.
For half an hour the whole city
crackled with rifle shots and bombs,
which threw up dense clouds of black
moke. No sooner did one aeroplane
seem to depart than another arrived.
Buildings in all parts of the city were
The first bomb fell on the fortifica
tions, two more near the railroad sta
tion, and many others in different parts
of the town and in the suburbs of
Rosendall and the districts of Cude
kerque and Fumes. One child's arm
was blown off and an old woman was
killed outright.
The fifth aeroplane remained as sen
try outside the town, ready to attack
any of the allies' aeroplanes that might
seek to repel the air assailants.
French Submarine Cripples Austrian
Vessel, Says Venice Report.
LONDON. Dec. 31. A dispatch to the
Dally Mall from Venice contains a
report that a French submarine boat
has torpedoed the Austrian dread
nought Viribus Unltis at Pols,
It is said the hull of the dread
nought was pierced, but that she suc
ceeded in reaching her dock.
The Viribus Unltis Is of 20.000 tons
displacement, and has a complement of
1000 men. She is one of the four ships
constituting the largest type of the
Austrian navy.
A. London newspaper dispatch from
Venice in September said that one side
of the Viribus Unitis had been badly
damaged In a fight in the Adriatic but
that she escaped her pursuers.
RIease, Pardoning. 1 5 54 . In All
Leaves Only 14.9 in Prison.
COLUMBIA. S. C, Dec. 30. Fifty-five
New Year's pardons, paroles and com
mutations granted today by Governor
Blease reduced the number of prison
ers in the State Penitentiary, at the
state farms and in county convict
camp; to 149. The Governor's action
today put the total number of prison
ers to whom he has granted clemency
in his four years of office at 1541.
Sixteen full pardons were granted to
day, 21 prisoners were paroled and the
sentences of 15 commuted. Twenty-
eight of the 55 were serving terms for
British Supplies and Vessel Believed
Doomed in Bay of Fnndy.
YARMOUTH. N. S.. Dec. 30. The
steamer Navarra, a St. John. N. B ves
sel, bound for France with a full cargo
of hay, oats, automobiles and army
supplies for the British, struck on
Holes ledges. Tucket Island, in the Bay
of Fundy, last night and probably will
be a total loss.
The steamer went on the ledges in
a fog. and the heavy sea pounded her
hard on the rocks, which pierced the
hull. The Navarra registers 2848 tons
and was under charter to the British
Entente Just Formed Is to Continue
After War Ends.
LONDON, Dec. 30. The Daily Mail's
Copenhagen correspondent says he
learns from thoroughly trustworthy
sources that the Triple Entente, result
ing from the recent conference of the
Scandinavian Kings at Malmoe, will be
continued after the war has ended.
Although no political alliance is yet
intended, it is not improbable that the
understanding between the three small
nations eventually may result in a
strong Scandinavian nation, divided
into three Independent families.
Highest Honor, Cousin to Ruler, Is
Bestowed in Italy.
ROME. Dec 30. King Victor Em
manuel has decorated Premier Salandta,
with the Order of the Annonclade, the
highest Italian decoration, which en
titles the bearer to call himself i
"cousin of the King."
The King decorated the Premier at
the ceremony of baptism of the newly
born Princess Maria. -He spoke warm
ly of the services rendered to the state
by tho Premier.'
Persistent, but Unconfirmed, Rumor
is Heard in Rome.
ROME. Dec. 30. It is persistently
rumored here that the Kaiser has had
a relapse and that his condition is
It is impossible to confirm these
rumors at present.
Germans Go Back, Aus
trians Flee in Panic.
Third Attempt to Reach City
Believed Abandoned.
Force Is Driven Out of East Prnssia.
Vienna and Petrograd Both Say
Victory in Carpathian Moun
tain Pass Is Theirs.
LONDON. Dec. 30. With Petrograd
tonight reporting further important
successes in Southern Poland, Galicia
and in the Carpathians, Berlin con
tents itself with the assertions that
Russian cavalry have been driven out
of. East Prussia and that the offen
sive in various parts of Poland con
Vienna admits defeat in Galicia, but
says the Russian advance in some of
the Carpathian passes has been
checked. This is in conflict with the
Petrograd official communication.
Train Loads of Loot Taken.
Many train loads of war material.
which, with 50,000 prisoners, was taken
from the Auetrians, are passing
through Lemberg, according to a dis
patch from that city.
With the defeat of the Austrlans. the
Germans evacuated their strong posi
tion in Mistrzewice. from which they
delivered their furious attacks in an
attempt to advance on Warsaw.
Russian military experts believe this
is the first step in the abandonment of
the. third attempt of the Germans to
reach Warsaw.
Germans Brave Heavy Fire.
The Russian official report, received
tonight from Petrograd, follows:
"Along the whole front of the armies
operating on the left bank of the
Vistula there has been a lull, except
in the region of Bolimow, Inowlodz and
south of Malagoszc, where fierce fight
ing persists.
"Taking the offensive from Bolimow,
the Germans, under an intense fire
from our guns, made an assault on
Bourgaae, Borjlmow and our trenches
near Goumine (Gombin), but our
troops by an impetuous counter at
tack slaughtered with their bayonets
all of the enemy with the exception
of a few who were made prisoners.
Losses Are Enormous.
"In this engagement we captured
German machine guns and inflicted
enormous losses on the enemy, who
brought into action, successfully In
(Concluded on Page 9.) J
The , Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 60.6
degrees; minimum. 40 degrees.
TODAY'S Occasional rain; southerly wind.
Russians report further gains in Poland and
Galicia. Page 1.
Allies advance six consecutive days, says
official report. Page 2.
Belgium protests to Washlncton that Ger
man requisitions violate convention ot
The Hague. Page 2.
Allies repel German attacks and make some
gains; artillery duels continue. Page 3.
Burial by Kraden commander of dead foes
with miliary honors is revealed. Page 3.
German aircraft make raid on Dunkirk.
Paso 1-
Output of American farms eclipses all
records In 1914. Page L
Washington confident difference with Brit
ain will be adjusted amicably. Page 1.
Senatorial candidates In last campaign
spent $400,777. Page 5.
Senate committee pleads vigorously for ship
purchase bill. Page 3.
"Oregon First" Idea predominates at dedi
cation of state building at Panama-Pacific
Exposition. Page 1.
Governor-elect of Kansas pleads for Nation
wide prohibition. Page 4.
Walter McCredle says he'll live up to $5000
salary limit set in league. Page 10.
Joe Shugrue's stock Jumps skyward with
practical defeat s of Charlie White.
Page 10. . -
Harry Wolverton becomes new boss of Seals.
Page 10.
Commercial and Marine.
Possibilities of Argentine market for Ore
go.i apples. Page 15.
Wheat lower at Chicago because of diffi
culties with England. Page 15.
Stock trading narrow, but last prices firm.
Page 13.
Water rates on northbound commodities
from California to be raised. Page 12.
Portland and Vicinity.
Volunteer workers rush building of East
Side Tabernacle for revivals. Page 11.
Operations of Army Rescue Home described
by Envoy Gunderson. Page 7.
Multnomah delegation considers merging of
state laboratories. Page 9.
Interstate bridge to be biggest highway span
In America. Page 12.
All dry forces are reported to have agreed
on proposed prohibition act. Page 9.
Various clvfo organizations plan united
boosting in behalf of city and state.
Page 8.
Fist fight staged in Judge McGinn's court
Page 11.
Fun prevails in new films at moving picture
theaters. Page 11.
Governor revokes parole of J. C. La France.
Page 11.
Three boys confess several robberies and
blame neighboring shopkeeper aa leader.
Page IS.
Port Commisiion makes statement regard
ing Harriman bridge franchise. Page 12.
Thousands to watch new year in tonight.
Page 4.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page IS.
Snper-Zeppelin Destroyed by Brit
ons, Says Genera Report.
GENEVA, via Paris, Dee. 33. News
baa reached. P.omann'iorn from Fried
richshafen to the effect that during the
recent British aerial raid on Cuxhaven
one of the latest super-Zeppelins, which
was completed two months ago, was
entirely destroyed in its shed by bombs
dropped by the aviators and that
another Zeppelin escaped only by rising
rapidly in the air.
It is said that the British attack
inland of Cuxhaven, where the Zep
pelins were stationed, came as a com
plete surprise. The Friedrichshafen
factory, it is said.- has received urgent
orders to hasten the completion of two
Zeppelins now building in order to re
place the big machine destroyed at
Cuxhaven. The men in the factory are
working overtime. Count Zennelin ar-
I rived at Friedrichshafen from the front
yesterday to supervise the work.
. ' . f
Output in 1914 Nearly
Ten Billions.
Loss in Cotton Almost Com
pensated by Other Items.
Small, Increase in Price of Eggs and
More Widespread Increase In
Cattle and Calves Con
tribute to Result.
WASHINGTON, Dec 30. American
farms during 1914 eclipsed all records
for combined value of their products
with a. total of almost 110,000.000,
000. Secretary Houston, of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, announced today
that the value of all farm crops, farm
animal products and farm animals sold
and slaughtered aggregated $9,872,-
That was $83,000,000 more than the
grand total for 1913, the previous rec
ord year, and more than double the
value of all farm products in 1899.
Cotton Brings Total Down.
Crops this year were valued at
$6,044,480,000, and the estimated total
value of the animal products and of the
farm animals sold and slaughtered was
$3,828,456,000. The value of crop pro
duction this year was slightly less than
in 1913 on account of the reduced value
of the cotton crop, brought about prin
cipally by the European war.
The corn and wheat crops, however,
were the most valuable ever produed
in the United . States, bringing the
year's crop value total to only $88,279,
000 less than the total for last year,
despite the loss of more than $300,000,
000 in the value of the cotton crop.
Value of Animals Increases.
' "The estimated value of the animal
products .'on " the farm In 1914." said
the Agricultural Outlook today. "is
distinctly higher than in 1918. which
was itself a record year in the value
of this class of products."
"This is due to general, but slight, in
creases in production, except for sheep
and swine, and in prices, and more es
pecially to a small Increase in the av
erage farm price of eggs and to a more
considerable increase In the farm price
of cattle and calTCS sold and slaugh
tered. "It must be borne in mind that the
amounts of these estimates do not stand
for net wealth produced, nor for cash
receipts, nor for profit, nor for Income
in any sense. Each product is valued,
as in the census, when it reached com
mercial form and the grand aggregate
(Concluded on Page 8.)
Wednesdays War Mo?es
THE third German advance on "War
saw has been definitely checked,
according to the view of the military
situation In Poland held by the offi
cials at Petrograd. In that territory
the Germans, who have been fighting
fiercely for weeks past, have suffered
great losses, and they have failed to
break through the Russian line, which
has been greatly reinforced before the
Polish capital.
The failure of the Austrian advance
through the Carpathians is said to have
had a serious effect on the Austro
German campaign in the east.
There has been a lull of late in the
fighting on the left bank of the Vis
tula, except at some isolated points
where the Russians apparently have
succeeded in maintaining their posi
tion. Vienna asserts the Austrians have
brought the Russian advance in the
Carpathians to a standstill, but the
Russian general staff records an im
portant success near Lisko and the re
pulse of the Austrian counter attacks
at Uzsok Pass, as well as sorties by
the garrison at Przemysl.
The allies, although making no dra
matic attacks on the German lines, are
steadily hammering away with their
artillery and when opportunity offers
push their line a few yards forward.
A French eyewitness, in a description
of the battles from December 16 to 24,
gives a good idea of the kind of fight
ing in progress and records gains
which, while each is marked only in
yards, amount in the aggregate to a
considerable advance at many points.
A few hundred yards in Flanders
were taken by primitive methods. Hav
ing the breeches of their rifles choked
with mud, the allies used them as clubs
and in many cases fought the Germans
with their fists.
In one little French village within
sound of the guns. Princess Patricia's
light infantry, the first of the Canadian
contingent to go to the front, is bil
leted, waiting its turn to go into the
trenches. The men had a splendid re
ception from their comrades in arms
and the French villagers.
It is expected in London that the
British government will require sev
eral days to consider fully the repre
sentations made in the American Gov
ernment's note with regard to the
searching of American vessels by Brit
ish warships before replying to them.
The Cabinet already has given the pro
test a preliminary reading. Public
feeling In Great Britain seemingly in
clines to the belief that the difficulty
will be smoothed over amicably. '
The first shipment of cotton from the
United States since the war began has
reached Rotterdam. The American
steamer transporting it was held up In
the English Channel for an examina
tion of her papers by British warships.
causing a delay of 24 hours.
The Japanese Foreign Office gives
denial to the reports that Japanese
troops have landed at Vladivostok or at
any other place on the way to Europe.
A report from Friedrichshafen by
way ot Geneva, says that in the recent
British, aerial raid on Cuxhaven one of
the later super-Zeppeltns was de
stroyed by bombs.
The Belgian borders will be closed by
the German administration, beginning
January 1, to all persons except those
holding special military passes. This
measure, it is understood, has been
taken to prevent espionage.
San Francisco Reserve Bank Slakes
Cnt in Short Maturities.
SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 30. (Spe
cial.) The rediscount rate of the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of San Francisco,
representing the Twelfth Federal Dis
trict, was reduced today from 5 per
cent to 4 per cent for maturities not
exceeding 30 days.
Rates for other maturities remain
unchanged, 5 per cent and 6 per
cent for maturities not exceeding 60
days and 90 days, respectively.
Precaution of Germans Believed Di
rected Against Espionage.
ROTTERDAM, Dec. 80. via London,
Dec. 31. Beginning January 1 the Ger
man administration In Belgium intends
to close the Belgian borders against
all comers. No passports will be issued
or recognized, except the special mili
tary pass.
The cause for this unusual precau
tion is not known here, but it is be
lieved to have been ordered to prevent
Employes Given Day Off Despite
Protest of Commissioner Brewster.
New Tear's day is to be a holiday for
city employes. Over the protest of
Commissioner Brewster, the Council
yesterday decided to give the employes
the day off with a full day's pay for
those engaged on a monthly salary
Commissioner Brewster said holidays
are too numerous and he opposed the
recognition of New Year's day.
German Ruler's Felicitations on
58th Birthday re Received.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30 President
Wilson tonight received a cablegram
from Emperor William of Germany,
warmly congratulating him on his 58th
birthday anniversary.
King George of Great Britain Is the
only other ruler of a belligerent na
tion who has congratulated the Presi
dent. Cable difficulties are supposed
to have delayed other messages.
Rosarians Win Place in
People's Hearts.
Place of Priority Won by
Promptitude in Action.
Formal Ceremonies at Exposition
Marked by Many Tributes to En
terprise or State Oakland to
Act - as Host Today.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30. (Staff
special.) The tradition of "Oregon
first" was splendidly maintained by the
Rosarians today when they stormed San
Francisco and in the dedication of the
Oregon building at the Panama-Pacific
Exposition set a new record for other
states to follow.
As Oregon was first with her great
excursion in 1912 to select the site for
her building at the Exposition, and as
she was first to break ground for the
new building in the excursion of the
Rosarians in 1913, and first to complete
her building ready fr turning over to
the State Commission, so today the
Rosarians held the first elaborate for
mal dedication ceremony that any state
organization has yet held for its build
ing. Oregon First In Affections.
President Moore, of the Exposition,
in his address before the Rosarians and
others who attended the ceremony wf
dedication In the auditorium of the Ore
gon building, dwelt on the "Oregon
first" idea.
"As she was first in selecting a site,
in breaking ground and in completing
her building," he said, "Oregon is also,
I may say. first in my affections for
a special reason.
"When I as lied Mr. Clark, chairman
of your commission, to attempt, if pos
sible, to reproduce your forestry build
ing in Portland, or a building along
similar lines, saying that I believed
that such a building 1 would do more
good, not only to the Exposition, but
to your own state as well, than a build
ing constructed on the classical lines,
they gave weight enough to my opinion
on the matter to arrange for just such
a building.
Building Inspires Pride
"Now, when I am escorting the great
men of other nations through the
grounds, I always stop here with them
and say, with pride, 'Look, here Is Ore
gon.' "In size, in effectiveness and In the
uniqueness of its quality you have
here a building that thoroughly suits
the Exposition, one that you may well
be proud of and one for which I con
gratulate you."
The Rosarians made San Francises
realize that Oregon holds a large place
on the map of the Pacific Coast from
the moment they rushed off the ferry
from Oakland.
With band blaring and Rosarians in
full uniform marching under the direc
tion of Captain Krohn, they visited and
serenaded the newspaper buildings,
marched with their band through tha
Palace Hotel and kept necks craning
all" along Market street until they
turned off to the Hotel Sutter, where
they made their headquarters. Big ob
servation automobiles carried them
from the hotel to the fair grounds and
trumpets announced their progress all
along the route.
Gathering Breaks Record.
Thousands, visiting the exposition
grounds paused and turned to follow
with their eyes the progress of the
Rosarian marchers through the gates
and streets of the exposition to the
Oregon building.
"There has never been such a crowd
gathered at any function in a state
building as there is in the Oregon
building today," said one of the news
paper men present.
L. W. Buckley, as chairman of the
day, introduced D. O. Lively, director
of livestock exhibits, who as one of the
charter members of the Rosarians dur
ing his residence in Portland, took
charge of the dedication ceremonies.
Albert Vogt, of Koster-Vogt Company,
turned over the plans of the completed
building formally to O. M. Clark,
chairman of state commission, who de
livered them to General W. E. Finzer,
representing Governor West. By him
they were conferred through John F.
Logan into the custody of W. L.
J Thompson, secretary of the Oregon
commission. Mr. Logan delivered the
address of the day in behalf of the
Oregon commission.
Tribute to Oregon Applanded.
When President C. C. Moore, of the
exposition, was escorted into the as
sembly hall by Eugent Shelby and by
Hollis E. Cooley, chief, of special
events, there was a burst of applause
which was exceeded only by the ap
plause which followed the tribute he
paid to Oregon and Oregon's building
in his address.
Equally enthusiastic in their praise
of Oregon's part In the exposition were
Edward Rainey, secretary to Mayor
Rolph, and R. B. Hale, first vice-president
of the exposition, who paid bis
compliments to Oregon as first, not
only in her work in the exposition
araoi; other slates, but as the guide
of other ' states of the Pacific Coast
Concluded on Page 3.)