Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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WITH shouts of joy and the mer
riest spirit of all the year, Port
" land children awoke this Christ
mas morning with eager expectancy
to see the brilliantly-lighted trees laden
with gifts for all the members of the
household and grasp bulging stockings
to find the contents of the mysterious
little white packages.
The remainder of the day will be
devoted to going to various tree par
ties at the homes of their little friends,
while society women, will entertain In
formally with family reunions, recep
tions and games. Many members of
families who have not enjoyed Christ
mas together for several years have
come from afar to the family home in
Portland to pass the season. College
boys and girls from the East and South
as well as from adjacent towns are
all making merry together In, this city
for the Yuletide season. They keep up
a lively atmosphere of dancing, skating,
games and parties, to which the adults
sometimes are Invited.
Many of the prominent Portland fam
ilies will keep open house all day,
closing the festivities with dancing and
a late supper.
(Mir. and Mrs. James Manner left yes
terday for their annual migration to
Long Beach, CaL, to pass the remainder
of the Winter.
Mrs. "William D. Skinner returned to
her home yesterday from a brief visit
in Seattle with friends.
Miss Helen McFanl returned borne
from the University of Washington last
Friday, to pass the holidays. She has
as her guest Miss Amy Olmsted, daugh
ter of Judge Olmsted, of Enterprise. A
number of smart affairs have been
planned. Miss Olmsted is a member of
the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Helnline, of
Roseburg, Or., have arrived to pass
the holiday season with the parents
of Mrs. HeinJine. the Rev. and Mrs. E.
O. Eldrldge, of 1607 East Stark street.
The Young People's Fraternity of the
Unitarian Church, assisted by the Sun
day school, Mrs. Frank Kelsey, Miss
Sheehy, Mrs. H. M. Lull, Miss Adele
Erault and Miss Clara Wuest, will give
an entertainment In the Sunday school
room of the Unitarian Church, Broad
way and Yamhill streets, for the bene
fit of the American Red Cross Society
Tuesday evening, December 29.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Burnett are being
congratulated on the arrival of a baby
daughter, born December 16 at Seaside,
where Mrs. Burnett is passing the Win
ter as the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George McMahon. Mrs. Burnett
"was formerly Miss Molly McMahon.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bond, daughter
Betty and Miss Ellen G. Bond, of Pen
dleton, are the guests of Mr. Bond's
mother, Mrs. Alice Hays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kendall Dudley,
of Walla Walla, are enjoying the holi
days with Mr. and. Mrs. Elliott Haber
sham, and will be extensively enter
tained during their visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wolfard, of Sil
verton. Or., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Virginia Mesch
er, to Custer Einoch Ross, an attorney
of Silverton.
'HRISTMAS among the clubwomen
Vr of Portland means "doing some
thing to make someone else happy."
In all the big movements for social
service the women of the local clubs
have taken an active part and have
helped to scatter the gloom In many a
lonely life and bring Christmas cheer
in hundreds of homes.
A merry company of girls, guided by
Miss Alberta Cory, will lsave the
Young Women's Christian Association
'this afternoon at 2 o'clock for a hike
into the country. On the return, the
girls will have an oyster supper which
they spill prepare' in chafing dishes.
Any girls away from home or who are
lonely, are Invited to attend this
The young women hoarding at the
Portland Women's Union held their
Christmas party on Saturday evening,
last. The spacious dining-room, where
the guests assembled, was gay with
Christmas decorations. The largs "Vic-
i ji 3. i i v iiik x ipn rn r-n lunon win am
for" dancing and later games were
played. Delicious cake and ice cream
were served, bringing to a close the
most enjoyable party ever held at the
Women's Union.
- Forty-five children from the kitchen
garden and sewing classes, conducted
by the Portland Women's Union, were
entertained at a Christmas party given
. by Mrs. A. D. . McDougall in her home
: on Willamette Heights on Saturday
, afternoon. The ball-room was dec
orated beautifully with Christmas
greens and poinsettlas, and the tree
was bright with colored lights and
gifts for the children. Mrs. McDougall
was ably assisted by her daughter,
Mrs. Casimir Campbell, and Mrs. Natt
McDougall, and their charming hos
pitality will be remembered long by
those present.
The children gave a programme of
songs and recitations and then played
games until refreshments were served,
after which the Christmas presents
were distributed. Miss Anne Kurtz,
chairman of the committee; Miss
Hughey, superintendent of the school,
with the teachers, Mrs. Swensson, Mrs.
Campbell, Mrs. McCrum. Mrs. Henry,
Miss Green, Mrs. Burt and Mrs. J. B.
Comstock, president of the Union, were
present to assist in the merry-making.
The automobile ride to and from the
party, furnished by members of the
Union, added much to the pleasure of
the afternoon.
The children's programme Included:
March; song by school; recitation,
"Bethlehem Bells." Ruth Feilbey; reci
tation, Edna Rodgrers; song, four little
girls; recitation, Earnistlne Taylor;
song, Stella Lahti and Edna Rodgers;
recitation, "Christmas Bloom," Stella
Lahti; song by school; recitation
Frances Vermeire and Adeline Wolf
sher. " !
Would She Be Happy t
"Dear Miss Blake: I. am keeping
steady company with a young man
whom I miss awfully when he Is on a
vacation, but when he is with me I
don't feel a bit "affectionate, yet I like
his company. Would I be happy if I
married him? Don t you think that
when a fellow goes with a girl over
eight months, calling on her on as
Donis BlakeS
" ' " ' III
average of once a week, sometimes
twice. It Is about time he was declar
ing his intentions? And If he never
mentions such a thing as love, shouldn't
she let him go and give someone else
a chance? Last Summer I met a young
man at a lake and we grew quite fond
of each other before I returned home.
Since that time we have corresponded
more or less regularly and I have
grown to love him more than all else.
I know this is not a mere passing
infatuation, because it is over a year
now and I have had plenty of chances
to like other fellows, but none seems to
come up to this boy. The question is
this: I know he liken me, but in what
way I cannot guess. Would it be proper
for me to write and ask him his in
tention in a tactful way? I know that
until I learn his Intentions I will be
unable to transfer my affections to
anyone else which isn't fair, as I keep
company with several young men who
seem serious. M. R.
You will be happy if you marry the
man you love. You know better than
I whether you love the first man or
not. I should say that if your heart
is with the young man whom you met
at the lake last Summer you surely do
not love this young man. But you may
be mistaken about your affections for
your Summer lover. Do not think of
writing to him an dasking him his in
tentions. That would be a most im
politic thing for you to do under the
In answer to your second question.
the young man probably thinks that
you are too young to be married or he
does not feel in a position to support a
family. Eight months is not a great
length of. time, you know.
Her Father la Wealthy.
"Dear Miss Slake: I am a girl of 22
and am in deep distress. My father is of,
an old colonial iamiiy ana weanny.
I am In love with a young man who
holds the position of bookkeeper in
father's factory. I am certain that he
reciprocates my affection, but he will
not ask me to become his wife because
of the dltterence in our social standing.
Under these conditions would it be
proper to ignore the old tradition which
will not allow a woman to propose
marriage? I am sure that I can never
be happy with another. '
No. do not propose marriage to the
young man. X think that you could
do as many other girls in your position
have done that is, get your father in
terested in the young man to such an
extent that he will want to help him
along in his business. If you can make
your father see that he is a deserving
young man and that you are very much
in love with him I am sure that he
will be willing to help bridge the dif
ference In social standing. However, a
difference in social standing should
really not be any barirer where true
love exists and I think with a little
tact and loving influence you can per
suade your father to this effect.
DrnslIIa's Christmas Tree.
A FEW days before Christmas Dru
silla looked very mysterioi. and
when Bobby Jones looked out one night
he saw her sitting in her corner sur
rounded with bundles. Little bundles
were lied with red ribbon in white pa
per coverings.
"What have you in the bundles?"
asked Bobby Jones, not thinking any
thing at all about Christmas.
"I shouldn't think you would ask
questions so near Christmas, Bobby
Jones," replied Dxusilla.
"Christmas doesn't make any differ
ence to us," replied Bobby, "only there
are more new toys in the playroom- and
old ones get slighted for a while."
Now. that is just like a boy to think
of Christmas in a selfish way," said
Drusilla, "but this year you will think
of it in another way, and a pleasant
way, too, I can tell you, for we are
going to have a Christmas tree here in
the playroom."
"You told me about the one last
year," said Bobby, "when the baby doll
came, but I didn't see any fun for me."
"Well, you will this time," siad Dru
silla; "the tree is to be for us all, and
we will all have a present, and the tree
is to be a little one for all that live
in the playroom."
Teddy bear pricked up his ears and
the monkey swung around and looked
at Drusilla; the paper doll put her head
out of the window and the wooden sol
diers stood up and looked at each other,
saying they did not expect a thing.
The -little doll that lived in the doll
house came to the door and said some
thing about having a porch light for
her present, but Drusilla only looked
wise and told them- all they would
have to wait until Christmas.
Christmas morning Drusilla's little
mother .came into the playroom bring
ing a little tree glistening with tinsel,
and when it was placed on the table
the little bundles that Drusilla was
guarding in the corner were put under
the tree and some were hung on it.
"I want Bobby Jones mended, so he
can sit up and see. the tree," said Dru
silla's little mother to her mother.
"Poor Bobby Jones has ' been broken
since he fell right over when you
opened his box, and I have something
for him on the tree, so he must be
Bobby was carried downstairs, and
when he returned he was fast in his
box again.
"Now. I will give -them their pres
ents," said the little mother. "Here are
a watch and chain for you, Dxusilla;
let me put it on."
Then another package was opened
and a little sweater for Teddy Bear
was in it- "There now. that place the
moths made in your fur won't shbw
any more, Teddy," said the little mother
as she put it on him.
"And, Bobby Jones, here is a new
cap for you that will cover the place
where the monkey pulled out your
hair," and Bobby held very still while
it was put on his head.
The paper doll had a new set of fur
niture for her dining-room and the
little doll in the dollhouse had the light
for her porch. Just as she had wished.
Bobby Jones bobbed up and broke
the silence of the room that night. "A
Merry Christmas to all!" he called out,
and up came all the heads, and Drusilla
spoke next.
"What did I tell you, Bobby Jones?
Don't you like Christmas now?" she
"I should say so," replied Bobby,
wagging his head. "I feel like a new
man my spring repaired ana a new
cap. I certainly fared well.'
Everybody said they received just
what they wanted, and after talking
a while Drusilla took out her watch
and looked at It. "My, it's late," she
said. "Good night, I must go to sleep."
And the playroom settled down to
slumber, thinking that there was some
thing in Christmas after all besides
new occupants for the playroom.
(Copyright. 1914, by the McClure Newspaper
Barbara Boyd.
What the Fashions of the Fifties Might
A FRIEND was looking over a box
of family heirlooms. She picked
up a pair of dainty half-sleeves of
cobwebby linen, exquisitely hand-embroidered
and hand-made.
"Just think!" she exclaimed. "Grand
mother made these. Look at all those
tiny stitches. They are so small, you
can scarcely see them-" She fingered
some other bits of hand-made lace and
fine neckwear in the box and then sat
silent for a few moments.
"Our grandmothers made things in
this beautiful way," she finally reflect
ed, "because fashion lasted with them.
But it would never pay us to put such
work on things, for in two months or
so they'd be old-fashioned and we'd
have to throw them away." She picked
up the half-sleeves again. "She's worn
these you see until they are almost
worn out. Fancy any fashion of today
in little dress accessories staying in
long enough to do that. My bureau
drawers are full of collars and jabots
and guimpes and belts that are alto
gether out of date, and yet I have
scarcely worn them, at all."
What she said is quite true, isn't it?
And doesn t it suggest that in spite of
our belief in our wonderful advance
in many ways over our grandir others,
we are not so far ahead of them In
some things as we think.
Surely in some matters of dress did
they not show a good deal more sense
than we do?
Would our level-headed grandmoth
ers have sanctioned for a moment the
present whirl of fashion? Would they
ever have discarded that precious "best
dress" after a few months and when it
was by no means worn out because for
sooth, "they" and nobody knows yet
who this autocratio "they" is said
skirts were tiered instead of plain,' or
full instead of tight, or sleeves long
instead of short?
Beshrew me, I think not.
I think they would have put their
pretty little feet down very firmly and
worn' that treasured "best dress," the
pride of their heart, until they felt they
had gotten a satisfactory amount of
wear out of it.
Of course, it will be said that our
grandmothers didn't have time for the
changes of fashion that beset us today.
that they had larger families to bring 1
up, tne nousenoia linen to weave, tne
candles to make, the hams to cure, the
bread and biscuit to -bake, and that
they were only too glad to mave a "best
dress" hanging in the closet of the
darkened "spare room" ready to wear
year in and out to their few festivities.
But if this is true, isn't it an indict
ment of our use of our greater leisure?
Can't we use it to better purpose than
spinning the wheel of fashion around,
to putting our girdles up under our
arms one month and dropping them
down over our hips the next? If we
have the greater leisure, and no one
will contend that we haven't, aren't
there more -worth while things for us
to do than to use it making our clothes
over every few months so we can have
them in fashion?
It really is a serious question and
one that women should really take a
stand about. And since the war in
Europe has somewhat altered the fash-H
ion question, since it seems to point to
the development of American fashions.
isn't the time ripe for American women
as a united body to take some stand to
simplify this question of dress, so that
so much of our time, our money and
our energy will not go to clothing our
selves? Isn't there in this country some one,
or, better yet, several clever enough to
design dresses beautiful, artistic and
appropriate to the uses required of
them and not too costly, and aren't we
sensible enough and courageous enougb
to adopt those fashions and to make
them stable, so that there will not be
the constant money-consuming and
time-consuming changes in style of the
Let us think about it, at any rate.
Dr. Mardj5n&
1814. McClure
Destructive Suggestion.
QOMB time ago the Mayor of one of
aJ our Western cities requested the
editors of the dally papers to refrain
from publishing the details of suicides.
because their publication had caused
an alarming epidemic of suicides in
that community. ,
The human mind may be attuned to
any key, high or low, base or noble, by
the power of suggestion.' The sugges
tion may be in a word spoken by one
self or by another; it may come from
a newspaper, a book, a play or a pic
ture; it may emanate from the presence
of a friend or of an enemy, from a
grand, heroic character, or a mean.
cowardly one. From hundred of
sources it may come, from wli . .i or
without, but from wherever It omes
it leaves its mark on the life for good
or ill. Our characters are largely
made up from various kinds of sug
gestion. ' " .. .3 , T , J nfl.. 1 . 1
so, and these take root in minds that
might otherwise be free from them and
therefore happy, confident and success
Who can picture the havoc which the
suspicious suggestion has wrought in
innocent lives? Think of the influence
of employers holding the thought of
suspicion regarding . their servants or
other employes.
Servants have actually been made dis
honest by other persons perpetually
holding the suspicion that they were
dishonest. This thought suggests dis
honesty to the suspected perhaps for
the first time, and ' being constantly
held takes root and grows, and bears
the fruit of theft.
Is it not cruel to hold a suspicious
thought of another until you have
positive proof? That other person's
mind is sacred; have you any right to
invade It with your miserable thoughts
and pictures of suspicion? Many a
being has been made wretched and mis
erable for years; has been depressed
and borne down by the uncharitable,
wfceked thoughts of others. There is no
doubt that many a man is serving a
sentence which ought to be served by
those who have Influenced him to com
mit the crime for which he is being
The time will come when we snail
have more sympathy for those who go
wi-one-. and even for criminals, because
we shall know how powerruiiy numan
minds are influenced by the viclouB
thoughts of others.
We are the creatures of suggestion.
We set them from newspapers, books,
from everyone with whom we come
in contact. The atmosphere is full of
them. We are constantly giving them
to ourselves.
Manv a criminal's acts could be
traced to the graphic suggestions of
criminal novels, the exciting stories
of murder and plunder which he be
can to read when a child.
It Is a dangerous tning to noia in
the mind a wrong suggestion, for it
tends to become a part of us, and, be
fore we realize it we are like our
If young people only realized what
a terrible thing it is to get even a
suggestion of impurity into the mind
they would never read an author
whose lines drip with the very gall
of death. They would not' look at those
danererous books which lead their read
ers as near the edge of indecency as
nniuible without stepping over, lo ae
scribe impurity in rosy, glowing, se
ductive, suggestive language, is but the
reflnnment of the house or deatn.
The suggestion of impurity in trashy
literature is responsible for a great
rtool of diBHlnation: for blasted hopes
and blighted lives. The same is true of
suggestiveness In art and tne drama.
w havA all had the exalted expert
ence, the marvelous tonic, the uplift,
that has come from the suggestion in
a play or a book depicting a great hero.
How heroic and noble and self-sacrlf 1c-
fna- wb feel for a long time, and now
resolved we are to become like the hero
in the play or the story. This is a good
illustration of the power suggestion is
constantly playing Jn our experience
all through lite.
Multnomah, Clackamas and "Wash
ington to Discuss Quarantine.
Delegates from Clackamas, Washing
ton and Multnomah counties will meet
in the Rosarlan room of the Commer
cial Club building the afternoon of Jan
uary & to consider further the question
of declaring a quarantine against Cal
ifornia potatoes. ' Oranges in these
counties have expressed themselves as
favoring a quarantine, providing it is
established that California potatoes are
infected and may contaminate Oregon
tubers. J. J. Johnson, master of Mult
nomah County Pomona Grange, says
great interest is being manifested in
the coming meeting. - lie declares sev
eral delegates will Insist on a quaran
tine and that others are opposed to
such action.
Mr. Johnson has a tentative bill
drafted to provide a general Inspection
law for Oregon, Washington and Cali
fornia. This will be considered at the
January meeting. The bill would estab
lish reciprocity among the three states.
Miss Ieom Eapeclally Auxloni That
Strangers In Town May Take
Advantage of FBcllltlea.
Portland Library holds out an invi
tation to visitor's on Christmas day.
The Central building. Tenth and Taylor
streets, will be open from 2 to 6 P. M..
and special plans are being made to
entertain those who care to use the in
stitution. In honor of the season a spe
cial list of books has been compiled by
Miss Mary Frances Isom, librarian,
who, in submitting it, says:
If you have spare time on a holi
day come to the Library. If you are
a stranger, ask in the periodical room
for the newspaper from your home city.
Christmas stories fill the December
magazines. Or perhaps you mean to
make New Year resolutions. In the
reference room are books of facts.
which help the clerk, bookkeeper, doc
tor, lawyer or teacner increase nis ein-
ciency. The engineer will find a mine
of useful data in the technical room.
The art room is open, and the business
girl who loves pictures, on Christmas
day may give herself a present of a
visit to the great galleries of Europe,
vie Baedeker, the lives of artists, and
volumes richly illustrated.
'Holidays are lonely for some of us.
and If you want, to make friends with
some nice girl in a .story book, or read
of a hero in drama, or gather cheer
from the contagious optimism of essay
ists such as Bourne in 'Youth and
Life' or Crothers' 'Among Friends,' or
inspiration from Mary Antln's 'Prom
ised Land,' or 'The Promise of Ameri
can Life,' by Croly, stop at the infor
mation desk in the upper lobby. A
special group of Christmas books has
been gathered here. If the following
list is of interest, cut 'it out to use as a
Andrews, "Militants, or Eternal Mascu
line"; Antin, "The Promised Land"; Barrle,
"Margaret O'GIlvy"; Bennett. "The Feast
of St. Friend": Bourne, "Youth and Life";
Croly. ' Promlee of American Lire"; Crotn
ers, "Among Friends"; Crothers, "By the
Christmas ,Fire"; Dickinson, "Children's
Book of Christmas Stories"; Duncan, "Dr.
Luke of the Labrador"; Gilder, "Poems";
Hannay, "Spanish Gold"; Harte, "How Santa
Claua Casne to Simpson's Bar"; Jacobs,
Many Cargoes": Kennedy. "Servant in the
House"; Keppel, "Christmas in Art"; Mon
roe, "Making of a Business Woman" ; Morris,
In the Yule-Log Glow. Christmas Tales
From Round the World"; Porter (O. Henry),
"Gift of the Wise Men": Scott. "Marmion":
Tennyson, "In Memoriam"; VanDyke. "Spirit
oi unristmas--; vveDster, "vvnen Patty Went
10 college"; White, "The Call of the Car
Portland Resident Is Survived by
Widow and Ten Children.
Johnson White. 73, residing at 1674
Hodge street, this city, died in The
Dalles Thursday. He is survived by his
widow, Mary W. White, and the fol
lowing children: Mrs. Virginia Mc
Elhaney, of Yamhill; J. B. White, of
Vancouver, Wash.; O. V. White, of Al
bany; Kev. U. A. White, of Richmond,
Cal.; Miss Sadie A. White, of Portland;
Rev. H. F. White, of Tillamook; M. L.
White, of Medria, CaL; Chester J. White,
of San Anselmo, Cal.; H. H. White, of
Portland, and Mrs. W. F. Parry, of
Mr. White was a well-known resident
of Benton and Linn counties, and was
lifelong worker m the Methodist
Funeral services will be held at 2:30
o'clock Saturday at Finley's undertak
ing parlors. Fifth and Montgomery
streets. Interment will be in Rlvervlew
Xo War News to Be Transmitted
From England Dnrlng Holiday.
LONDON. Dee. 24. The press infor
mation bureau in London is to be
closed from 5 P. M. today until 5 P. M.
tomorrow and during this 24 hours no
official news will be given out. In
London it has been mutually agreed by
the morning and afternoon papers not
to publish Christmas day.
Censorship on cablegrams leaving
England will continue over Christmas.
John Stull, of Salem, is at the Sew
Roy S. Neol, 'of Mosier, is at the Per
kins. ""
A. II. Innes, of Kalama, is at the Nor-
H. A. Thompson, of Seattle, is at the
J. B. Warner, of Spokane, is at the
C. II. Dagg, of Astoria, Is at the
F. O. Slpprell, of Hillsboro, is at the
Charles Willis, of Kelso, is at the
J. C. Robinson, of Lebanon, is at the
Max Pudlich, of Astoria, is at the
George E. Rothwell, of Flavel, is at
the Eaton.
John S. Kamp, of Astoria, is at the
Cordon Black, of Philadelphia, Is at
the Perkins.
E. C. Ward, of . Goldendale, Wash., is
at the Eaton.
J. W. Wilson, of Jacksonville, is at
Stanton Jones, of Atlanta, Ga., is at
the Multnomah.
E. E. Williams, of Independence, is
at the Imperial.
W. L. Whitmore, of Pomeroy, Wash.,
is at the Imperial.
D. B. Thomas, of Newberg, is regis
tered-at the Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hutton, of Burns,
are at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Finch, of Spokane,
are at the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrs. A. ti. Nichols, of Seat
tie, are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ware, of Pendle
ton, are at the Nortonia.
L H. Severance, of North Yakima,
Wash., is at the Carlton.
Mr. ' and Mrs. L. B. DeWItt, of Ta
coma, are at the Oregon.
H. L. Carrick, of Seattle, registered
yesterday at the Nortonia.
J. L. Wright and family, of Bridal
Veil, are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stockman, of
Baker, are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Maguire, of Walla
Walla, are at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Drake, of
Redmond, are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bell, of Castle
Rock, Wash., are at the Perkins.
Dr. M. F. Clauslus, of Slletz. regis
tered yesterday at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bolan registered
yesterday at the Nortonia from Salsm.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Seat
tle, registered yesterday at the Oregon,
R. S. James and Charles, W. James,
'of Seaside, registered yesterday at the
CHICAGO, Dec 24. The followine
from Portland. Or., are registered at
Chicago hotels: At the 1a Salle, Clara
Vandcrvort; at the Great Northern,
Miss Helen Rawle.
We Wish One and All
A Merry Christmas
M Sani'l Rosenblatt & Co. R
Wl Northwest Cor. Third and Morrison raU
Irii ii ii'irf -F'-'v'S?-. t?Z2T:-, - .-.r-
TfieHome of
Hart Schaffher
& Marx
g Clothes g
Police Charge Fair With "Vagrancy
Pending; Investigation Arrest Fol
lows New York Tip About Gang.
Posing as Baptist missionaries col
lecting funds for an orphans' home in
Assyria, Nichola John, alias "Rev. John
Emmanuel," and "Deacon" Nlcodemus
Ellas are held in the City Jail as va
grants' pending investigation of frauds
alleged to have been perpetrated by the
A tip that five swindlers were headed
toward this city with a similar scheme
was received from the Immigration
Department at New York and the au
thorities believe John and Ellas be
long to the gang.
The two men possessed six letters.
bearing unqualified recommendations
of them and the cause they represented.
The letters are dated six months back
and bear the alleged signature of an
Arabian missionary. Each of the let
ters has a different name, in the
eulogy of the one Introduced. This,
the police say, was done to confuse the
authorities in following them from one
city to another, as the names under
which they were operating could be
changed easily. The letter-head in
scribed "Rev. John Emmanuel. D. IX,
Chaldean Baptist Missionary, Hilla,
Mesopotamia, Northern Arabia," had
just been printed, as the Ink was not
quite dry when the letters were seized.
Surplices were found In possession
of the men, one of whom was dressed
in clerical garb.
Twenty 3IiIlion Feet to Be Bought
by England in Northwest.
TACOMA, Wash., Dec 24. Tenders
for 20,000,000 feet of ties for delivery
in England have been asked of North
west mills by J. F. Neame & Co., of
London, through A. S. Penketh, the
firm's local ageht. The order will be
placed after January 1, Mr. Penketh
announced today.
He predicts heavy orders from Eng
land upon marine freight rates arriv
ing at some stable basis. '
Portland Adds 2 35 Names to. Num
ber of Children Between 4 and 20.
Since the officers of the Portland
school district announced last week
that the annual school census showed
that 44,700 children between the ages
of 4 and 20 resided within the juris
Biscuits and
Syrup for
If you like biscuits
like them better than
Makes Home, "Sweet" Home, Indeed
Its maple flavor Is much superior to other
syrups, because of the blending. Sold
always in the full measure Log Cabin
can and guaranteed pure.
The Towle Maple Products Company
k l' . tr Y
AT.. Mi
Jr 3la
JJf Headquarters
J? Peoples Gas
diction of the Portland schools, the
city has been scoured for the names
of children not represented on the
lists, with the result that 235 new
names have been recorded.
The total to date is 44.935. or 35
more than the showing for last year,
when the Sylvan district, with 101 chil
dren, was Included in the census. Since
the 1913 census this district has been
ruled without the Portland territory
and Its children were not listed in the
1914 total.
The census figures show that there
now are nearly 600 more taxpayers in
the district than at the corresponding
period of last year.
France in the last fiscal year bous-ht
from the United 8tatea . 142 autos, valued
at $924.180.
Try Musterole. See How Quickly
It Relieves
You Just rub MUSTEROLE in briskly,
and usually the pain is gone a deli
cious, soothing comfort comes to take
its place.
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. Use it
instead of mustard plaster. Will not
Doctors and nurses use MUSTEROLE
and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what relief
It gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis.
Croup, Stiff Neck. Asthma, Neuralgia,
Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lum
bago, Pains and Aches of the Back or
Joints. Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises,
Chilblains. Frosted Feet, Colds of the
Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TEROLE." Refuse imitations get what
you ask for. The Musterole Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
gapt and West Hail Her as "One of th;
reat Women Pianists of Her Time."
Management J. H. Clifford, London.
Stelnway Piano lTsed. -
Ice Hockey
Ice Hippodrome
Tomorrow Night
Log Cabin
and syrup, you will
ever, it the syrup
C 'J r'LJlMjhssssssi
Kerinaricw VV
St. Paul. S.
MiiuMsetai Xk,
j St. Joonsbtsry, jt&r
j Vermoat Jr
f ...