Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Meeting Held Within Direct
Range of Sonora Guns
Goes on Smoothly.
Border Town of Palomas, Opposite
Columbus, IT. M.,Xow Threatened
by General Salazar, Maker
of Newest Revolution.
NACO, Ariz., Dec. 24. Governor May
torena, of Sonora, showed a "friendly
and harmonious" attitude and a dispo
sition to consider a settlement of the
Mexican border problem hero, accord
ing to Brigadier-General Hugh I Scott,
chlef-of-staff of the United States
Army, who conferred with him today
3 n an Army tent pitched on the Inter
national boundary four miles east of
"Progress" was the term . General
Ccott applied to this conference. "Very
satisfactory" was his characterization
of his meeting yesterday with General
Benjamin Hill, the Carranza leader who
lias been cooped up for 10 weeks in
Kaco. Sonora, by Maytorena's Villista
MlMlon Not to Be Hurried.
Various solutions of the border prob
lem were discussed at today's meeting.
(General Scott frankly says his mission
la one "not to be rushed," and thinks
m. series of conferences with the rival
Mexican leaders will be necessary. The
two conferences thus far are "favor
able" but "indecisive," he declares.
Both Scott and Maytorena frequently
crossed the international boundary in
the course of their discussion, which
was held within direct range of Hill's
Hill Changei Direction of Fire.
At General Scott's request Hill dis
continued firing In this direction.
EI PASO, Tex., Dec. 24. The Car
ranza government has declared void
any contracts made by the convention
government as backed by Villa's arms.
A bulletin issued today from the Car
ranza consulate said that -the consti
tutionalist "first chief from his head
quarters on the east coast had issued
a decree disavowing all contracts made
by the party now in power at the na
tional capital. It was worded in sim
ilar fashion to that made by Carranza
In his revolution against the Huerta
central government. " ,
It was announced "to whom it might
concern" that any loan or obligation
contracted by General Eulallo Gutier
rez, General Francisco Villa or any
person asserting himself to represent
the Mexican government, will be re
pudiated and solemnly disowned by
Carranza in his capacity as first chief
of the constitutionalist army in charge
of the executive power of the nation."
Salazar Threatens Falonuu.
The Mexican border town of Palomas,
opposite Columbus, N. M., is being
threatened by the troops of General
Jose Ynez Salazar, who has launched
a revolution against both the Villa and
Carranza factions.
It was learned today that a small
jgroup of Salazar troops under Colonel
Manuel Gutierrez, a former commander
of federal irregular troops, had raided
and captured the American ranch prop
erty of the Palomas Land & Cattle
Company, just south or the Palomas
Columbus port, of which it is a sub
port for exportation.
It is reported that Salazar intends
10 laKe raiomas, which is garrisoned
by a few Villa troops, and thus secure
for himself the same privilege of im
porting munitions of war which has
been permitted the Carranza and Villa
forces at the ports of entry they con
trol. The ranch raided is one of tha
largest in Mexico. It is owned by Loi
Angeles capital. The cowboys were
driven away and all horses ana cattle
SSpeech of Professor P. Hoogli Closes
; Clarke Sessions.
' VANCOUVER, Wash, Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) The closing event of the 31st
annual Clarke County Tteachers" In
stitute was a speech by Professor P.
Hough, who assisted Jn organizing the
first institute and who has been on
the programme since that time. Mr.
Hough has been identified with the
Clarke County schools for more than
80 years.
He Baid that If he had .the power
to stop the present European war he
would permit England to retain her
present position, give back to France
Alsace-Lorraine, let Poland have her
Independence and Germany would be
what 6he was before. He predicted
that there will be a war in China in
the not distant future.
The teachers presented Mrs. Eliza
beth Sterling. County Superintendent
of' Schools, with a diamond ring and
a bouquet of carnations. Professor YV.
E. Dudley will succeed Mrs. Sterling
In office, taking up his duties next
September. ,
Cuts in All Departments Started in
Interest of Economy.
HOQUIAM, Wash., Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) Hoquiam's new City Commis
sion, elected for three-year terms, and
composed ' of Mayor J. S. McKee and
Commissioners Charles F. Hill and John
H. Neef, is now in office and' already
has begun the task of saving money
In cost of government. Almost a com
plete change was made in the person
nel of city employes, from Chief of
Police down the line, but the first sav
ings are to be effected In the elimina
tion of some employes.
The only city department unchanged
Is the fire department. Chief W. E.
Crawford and all of his men are re
tained. In the police department Chief T. M.
Quinn and Sergeant Fred Brothersoni
who have served since the L W. W.
trouble here two years ago last May,
are succeeded by M. C. Quinn and
Elmer Upson respectively.
Archie Long, Buried 130 Honrs,
Collapses After Rescue.
WINONA, Wash., Dec. 24. Archie
Long died today at his home from a
physical collapse, caused by having
been buried under tons of rock and
gravel for 130 hours. He and Otho
Chappell were taken out late yesterday
from the bottom of a Government test
hole a mile from here. Chappell was
dead when he was taken from the hole.
The men were working In the hole
when the cribbing broke and permitted
rocks and gravel to cover the entrance
to the hole. Since last Friday crews
of from seven to 14 men worked In re
lays. Tents were put up at the hole
and the rescuers slept around the hole,
automobiles carrying food to them.
The collapsed cribbing held a 500
pound boulder from crushing Long.
During the time he was in the hole he
stood between two large boulders.
William Schluting, of Colfax, who
worked constantly since the accident,
heard'Long talking the past three days.
He begged for water and asked the
rescuers to rush work. The man be
came unconscious as he was taken
from the well and did not rally. Long
has a sister in California. Chappell has
a widowed mother and a brother In
Winona. A double funeral was held at
Winona today.
Equipment Shipped Sufficient to Pro
vide 15O0 Horsepower, Which May
Be Increased 2000b
GOLD HTLLv Or., Dec 24. (Special.)
Immediately after the holidays the
Rogue River Public Service Corporation
will Increase Its construction force of
employes at this point to three crews.
that the work of installing its first
power unit at the plant near this city
may be speeded up to completion. The
local company has contracted to furnish
the major part of the Increased load to
new patrons and it is understood that
demand has been made by the Beaver
Portland Cement Company for service
beginning February 1. The cement plant
will be completed and, in operation
early in the new year.
The Public Service Company shipped
two cars of water turbines Monday
from the supply, yard at the Sanders
plant, near Grants Pass, to the Gold
Hill plant. This new equipment, which
will be the muscle of, the increased
power capacity, consists of three Dowl
ing turbines, with a capacity of up
ward of 400 horsepower each. They
will be used in the new installation for
the purpose of caring for electrical
power already contracted.
Harness and gears for the new ma
chines have been shipped from the
Plamandon works at Chicago. Togeth
er with the governors and the tur
bines, this comprises the new generat
ing equipment.
With this installation completed, the
company will have 1500 electrical horse
power developed at the local plant, and
it is understood that should the city
of Medford award the Public Service
Corporation the contract for furnishing
electrical current in wholesale quanti
ties for the lighting of Medford, an
additioinal unit of 2000 horsepower
will be installed at once.
Official Says Girl's Assailant May
Be Murderer.
KOSEBURG, Or., Dec 24. (Special.)
That William Lupman, who is in the
County Jail here, charged with attack
ing Jennie Ollnghouse, a domestic em
ployed at the home of Carl D. Shoe
maker, a Roseburg newspaper man,
last night, may have murdered the lit
tle daughter of Rev. Mr. Green, at Eu
gene, nearly two years ago, was de
clared by Sheriff Quine tonight.
After his arrest near Wilbur Lup
man said he was in Eugene about
the time the clergyman's daugh
ter was murdered there, and Miss
Olinghouse' declares that Lupman. in
threatening her, said he had killed a
woman and a girl and would .murder
her if she uttered a -word. .At the
County Jail this afternoon the prisoner
asked to be hanged at once.
Lupman had been employed by Mr.
Shoemaker for a few days. Miss Oling
house says Lupman forced open the
door of her room and threatened her
with death if she made outcry. He
carried an ax, a water-soaked gunny
sack, a piece of rope and the rem
nants of a shirtwaist, declares the
servant, and grasped her by the throat-
C. J. Grimm, who heard the struggle,
went to investigate and the girl's as
sailant fled. Deputy Sheriff Stewart
then joined the search and found Lup
man nearby. Lupman yanked a pick
et from a fence and struck Deputy
Sheriff Stewart on the head, dazing
him. Stewart again pursued Lupman,
who. wielding a piece of timber,
knocked the Deputy Sheriff insensible.
The Deputy was not armed. Lupman
was seized near Wilbur later.
Sheriff Quine notified Sheriff Parker
last night of his suspicion that Lupman
may have murdered Rey. Mr. Green's
State Teachers' Association AVould
Make Requirements More Rigid.
EUGENE, Or.. Dec 24. (Special.)
A demand for even more rigid require
ments from teachers in Oregon schools
appeared in the form of a resolution
from the higher education department
of the State Teachers' Association yes
terday. The resolutions premise that a
trained teacher is necessary for the
best interest of the children; that It is
the duty of the state to provide a
trained teacher, and that adequate pro
vision for such has not been made.
The resolution asks the Legislature
to provide against giving a teacher's
certificate to any one without three
years of high school wortc and a one
year professional course, the latter, as
to subject matter and Institution, to be
prescribed by the Superintendent of
Public Instruction.
The resolution favors the application
of the tutorial principle to the abler
students of the colleges during the lat
ter years of the college course and that
a special honor examination be estab
lished wherever possible.
A second resolution commends the
extension work of the higher educa
tional institutions, and suggests co
operation among the several institu
Service of Jessie Harking at Van
couver Is Endangered.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec 24. (Spe
cial.) Ice in the Columbia River Is so
thick and heavy that the Jessie Hir
klns no longer can make the landings
at the ferry 6lip at the foot of Wash
ington street.
Landings are made at the Govern
ment dock and passengers must walk
back several blocks. Regular trips
were made from Hayden Island to this
point today and will be made as long
as possible."
Logger Dies From Injuries.
ASTORIA. Or.. Dec 24. (Special.)
Bernard Pederson, aged 28, the Graya
River logger who was badly crushed a
few days ago by being caught between
two logging trucks, died today as a re
sult of his injuries. He leaves a mother,
Mrs. Anna Pederson, and three brothers
residing in the Grays River district.
Daniels Would Offer Induce
ments to Trained Men.
Secretary Xotes That Most Men Quit
After Only One Enlistment,
but Believes They Would
Favor New Method.
"WASHINGTON, Dec 24. Creation of
a naval reserve from among honorably
discharged enlisted men of the Navy is
proposed In a draft of an amendment
to the forthcoming naval appropriation
bill, which Secretary Daniels sent today
to the Senate and House naval com
mittees with a strong recommendation
that it be adopted.
"If this amendment be enacted into
law," said Mr. Daniels, in a statement
tonight, "two most important and nec
essary means for promoting the effi
ciency of the Navy will be provided,
i'irst, it will make available a reserve
organization of trained men to supple
ment the regular establishment in time
of war. Second, it will increase the
efficiency of the regular Navy by offer
ing a substantial Inducement to men to
continue in the service for periods of
12, 16 and 20 years,';
Reservlsta Receive Part Pay.
The principal features of the 'bill are
as follows:
Men who have had 20 years of hon
orable service may, upon their own
application, be transferred to the re
serve on half pay; those of 16 years'
service with one-third pay; those of 12
years service with one-fourth pay;
those of eight years' service with $60
per annum; those of four years' service
with $30 per annum, and those now in
civil life who have been honorably dis
charged within eight years may enlist
in the naval reserve and receive pay
at the rate of $12 per annum and be
furnished with uniform clothing outfit
Provision is made for periodical assem
bling for muster. Inspection and drill.
In his letter to the two committees.
Secretary Daniels said:
"The records of the Navy Depart
ment for the last three years indicate
that' there is an annual average of
about 3150 men honorably discharged
from the service who do not re-enlist
in the Navy, but take up civil pursuits.
One Enlistment Usually Enough.
"The greater proportion of these men
quit the service after only one enlist
ment. It is believed that the legisla
tion herein proposed offers an induce
ment which will cause more of these
experienced men to remain longer in
the regular service and that practically
an or tnose who do not re-enlist in
the Navy will nevertheless enlist in the
naval reserve. In other words, the
number of men annually lost to the
service will be greatly reduced. Each
re-enlistment in the Navy saves the
Government the cost of an outfit nf
clothing, and the time and money spent
in training and recruiting. The cost
of an outfit furnished a recruit, $60,
alone will cover the annual pay of one
enlisted member of the reserve who
had eight or more years of service in
the Navy."
Mr. Daniels gave the following fig
ures showing the number of enlisted
men of the Navy and their length of
service on June 30, 1914:
Under four years, 34,027; more than
four and less than eight years, 10,909;
more than eight and less than 13 years,
4529; more than 12 and less than 16
years, 1688; more than 16 and less than
19 years, 745; more than 19 and less
than 22 years, 407; more than 22 and
less than 25 years, 249; more than 25
and less than 28 years, 136; more than
28 years, 77; total, 52.667.-
Xo Clew to Identity of . Murdered
Man or Assailants round.
CENTRAL! A. Wash.. Dec 24. In
running down the assailant of an un
identified man, who was slugged In
Vader on the night of December 6, and
who died Tuesday without regaining
Every store in Portland will begin a CLEARANCE SALE this
This is the ONE store where quoted reductions mean genuine
price concessions.
Printed quotations count for little EVERY ARTICLE in my
high-class stock excepting a few contract goods- is radically
reduced; real economy will be exercised by buying here.
The price tickets remain unchanged; it will be easy to determine
the savings when you have the SALE price quoted.
If you want to save, visit this store.
and Boys Clothing
consciousness, and In establishing the
identity of the victim, Sheriff Foster
and Coroner Newell nave the biggest
job they have tackled since they as
sumed office in Lewis County.
The man alighted from a southbound
train at Vader on the night in ques
tion, despite the fact that he had a
hat check indicating that he had paid
his fare to Portland. He flashed a roll
of bills on the station jont, who di
rected him to a hotel. The man acted
as if intoxicated, and the hotel people
refused him a room, whereupon he
secured quarters at a rooming-house.
The next morning he was found
lying on the bed, with his skull
crushed and his money gone.
The victim was between 35 and 40
years of age, was 5 feet 6 inches in
height, weighed 130 pounds and had
blue eyes and black hair. His hat was
purchased at a Centralia store and his
suit, a gray one, at Shaner & Wolffs,
in Seattle.
United States Supreme Conrt - Decision
in 16-Honr Uw Cue Invoked in
JLecal Option Question. '
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec 24. (Spe
cial.) Since the Federal Court has is
sued a restraining order against the
county and city officials prohibiting
them from putting into effect the local
option law, passed at the recent elec
tion, a number have wondered why the
case was taken to this court, instead
of to the State Court.
A. L. Miller, attorney before the Fed
eral Court for the Northern Brewing
Company, tonight said:
"The Northern Brewing Company Is
an Ohio corporation. We desired to get
a high authority on this question, so
took It to the Federal Court.
"Furthermore, the State Supreme
Court had held against a feature of
the 16-hour law we brought up, and
this decision was reversed by the
United States Supreme Court.
"Congress passed a 16-hour law, al
lowing ample time for the railroads
to comply with its provisions. Later
the state enacted a 16-hour law, but
attempted to put It into effect some
time before the Federal statute.
"The Supreme Court of Washington
upheld the state law, but this decision
was reversed by the higher court, on
the grounds that the extension was
given in the Federal law that those af
fected might adjust their affairs ac
cordingly." Mayor-elect Milton Evans said today
that this decision will assist materially
the finances of Vancouver. Instead of
returning to the saloonkeepers about
$7000 for the unexpired portions of
their licenses, the city' w,ill receive
money from them In 1915.
Three Others Hurt "When Car Goes
Over High Embankment.
EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 24. In an
automobile wreck a few miles from
Everett early this morning. Miss Ken
yon, a young woman residing in
Everett, was killed and her sister
slightly injured. Thomas Precious, of
Goldbar. was seriously injured, his left
leg being broken. Floyd Tremble, 'also
of Everett, the chauffeur, was cut and
The car apparently went over a high
embankment on a curve while moving
at nign speed, une wreck was dis
covered by another autoist and relief
brought to the injured about an hour
after the accident.
Fred Warner, Oregon City, Victim
of Sudden Attack of Pneumonia.
OREGON CITY, Or., Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) Fred Warner, resident of Oregon
City for the last 20 years, died at his
home here today, a victim of pneu
monia. He worked until Friday night In the
Crown Willamette mill. Saturday and
Sunday his condition became critical
and he rapidly grew worse. He is
surveved by his widow, one child, his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warner,
and one sister. Miss Maude' Warner.
Mr. Warner was about 30 years old
and was a native of Stockton, CaL
Funeral arrangements have not been
E, L
Morrison Street at
Husband, 50, Loses Wife Be
fore Honeymoon Ends.
Six Honrs' Stay in Hotel Results in
Elopement and Deserted Spouse
Jjeaves for Home of Son-in-L,aw
While Police Search.
EUGENE. Or., Dec. 24. (Special.)
He had brought her all the way from
"That's an awfully good looking
man; I wonder If he has any money."
This the bride of two weeks said to a
much older husband and was overheard
by the clerk of the hotel in which
their honeymoon found them.
Six hours later the 30-year-old bride
is said to have eloped with the good
looking man and with $220 belonging
to the 60-year-old husband. The latter,
with $16 in his pocket, a long way
from home, left immediately to meet
his son-in-law at Marshfield.
They had registered as Mr. and -Mrs.
Pettit. They planned to take the 8
o'clock train for the ooast yesterday
morning, but the wife overslept. So In
the morning they toured the city. He
bought her $80 worth of clothing, and
then had a photographer take her pic
ture and their photographs together.
The good looking man registered as
Pla.ce Your Orders Early
Annual Edition of The Oregonian
Every resident of Portland, the Columbia River Basin and Oregon
should secure a copy of the New Year's Edition of The Oregonian. It
should be the duty of every person interested in the welfare and devel
opment of the state to send a copy of this great edition to each of his
friends in other states.
Fill out blank form and send to Oregonian office, Sixth and Alder Sts.
Name I Street Town State
t I '
Portland, Oregon
Gentlemen : Enclosed
Year s Annual to each of
Sent by
(Duplicate blanks may
Circulation Department)
'Women's Suits and
Desmond, of Portland, and an hour
after he and the bride had introduce!!
themselves, while Jr. Pettit was out
of the lobby, she asked the clerk re
garding trains for Portland. After
supper she sent the husband out after
"Where's my wife?" he asked tho
clerk upon his return.
"I don't know," returned the other,
"but I think she has eloped."
"She has all my money," echoed tho
The police found the garage at which
they hired a motor car.
Gas Buoys at Astoria Are Replaced
by Ice Signals.
ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 24. (Special.)
There has been practically no change
in the temperature In Astoria during
the past two days and early this morn
ing the thermometer registered 29 de
grees above zero, the same as on
Wednesday morning. During the day
the mercury rose slightly, but at no
place, excepting in the sun, did it rise
above the freezing point.
The ebb tide today brought down
considerable quantities of floating ice
and the floes extend quite a distance
down the harbor. Evidently the light
house department fears the cold
weather will continue for several days
longer, as the lighthouse tender Man
zanita has taken up the gas buoys in
this section of the river, replacing them
with ice buoys.
Forming of Associated Body Backed
by Mayor George Topping.
MARSHFIELD. Or,,J Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) The hopes of Mayor George P.
Topping, of Bandon, will be realized
soon, when an associated charities or
find , for which mail The Oregonian 's New
the above addresses. (Enclose 10c for each name.)
be had by calling, telephoning or writing to The 6re"onian
ganization will be formed for the re
lief of the needy. The organization
will include representatives from
lodges, churches, business men. Mayor
Topping is being ably seconded in the
work by Rev. C. Mayne McKnight and D.
M. Averill. Mayor Topping, in speaking
of the emergency, said:
"I have talked the matter over with
some of the ministers, business men
and lodgemen of the city and all of
them feel that a charitable organiza
tion of some kind is needed here, and
without an exception, they will stand
back of any move made in that di
During Cold Spell Town Pumps
Freeze and Bnildings Burn.
LEBANON. Or.. Dec 24. (Special.)
The cold weather has been a serious
matter for the little mountain town of
Sweet Home, not only in the way of
freezing up of nearly all the town
pumps. Dut during the week three build
ings have been burned.
The dwelling of Karl Mealey was
burned down Tuesday night with nearly
all the contents, and this set fire to
the feed store of Richard Watklns.
which was also burned with part of
the contents. Tho next night the resi
dence of Mrs. Jack McClure caught fire
and was damaged considerably.
Burns Has Long Cold Spell.
BURNS, Or.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
The longest continuous spell of bitter
cold weather experienced in this sec
tion during December in many years
has begun to moderate. Beginning De
cember 12 the Government thermometer
has registered from 4 to 13 degrees
below zero every morning.
After cleaning out a chicken coop In Birm
ingham. Ala., tlie chicken thief left the fol
lowing note: "Lord, have mercy on my soul,
how many chickens havo I stole, last night
and the night before, comlne back tonight
ana get more; remember, cominc bacl