THE MORNING OREGOXIA3T, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1914. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOMAN TELEPHONES. MrfSaa-lnff Editor Main 7O70, A 6095 City Editor Main 7070. A 6095 Sunday Editor Main 7V70, A 605 Advertising department .. .Main 7070, A 6095 City Circulation Main 7070, A 6095 Composing-room ; .Main 7070, A u5 Printing-room . ...Main 707O, A 6095 Superintendent Building- Mala 7070, A 609S AMUSEMENTS. HEILIO (Broadway at Taylor) Actual war pictures from Belgium. Continuous from noon to 11 P. M. BAKER (Broadway and Sixth, between Al der anJ Morrison) Baker players. In "Lean Klescbna." Tonight at 8:15. I.VRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical com edy, "Mike and Issy tn Mexico." Thla aft ernoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30 and :10 o'clock. x YaudcTlllo. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Stark This af ternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15 o'clock. .PAXTAG23 (Broadway at Alder) Per formances. 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15. MARCUS LOEWS EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Continuous performance from 1:80 to 5:30 and 6:80 to 11 P. M. Moving-Picture Theaters. NATIONAL Park and Stark. PEOPLE'S West Parle and Alder. MAJESTIC Park and Washington. NEW STAR Park and Washington. EL'KSET THEATER Wash, and Broadway. COLUMBIA Sixth and Stark. notice: to subscribers. Orders for copies of The New Tear's Oregonian, which will be Is sued' on January 1, 1915, to be sent to friends, should be sent to The Oregonian at once. PRICES FIVE CEtVTS. USE BLANK ON ANOTHER PAGE, THIS ISSUE!. Postage In the United States or possessions, Canada or Mexico, 6 cents. Foreign postage 10 cents. Address The Oregonian. Portland, Oregon. East Morrison Extension ' Due. The extension of East Morrison street from East Twentieth to East Twenty sixth streets is expected to be adopted as soon as the proceedings have been completed. Commissioner C. A. Bige low has been urging the action for several years. The extension will be about 51 feet wide, taking in the right of way, 30 feet wide, of the Port land Kailway, Light Sc. Power Com pany, and the balance of the space south of the right of way. It is not intended to improve East Morrison street at present. Street Repairs to Bb Completed. A force of workmen engaged by the city will complete repairs this week on Morrison street between Fifth and Sixth streets, where a caveln took nearly half the street Into the ex cavation for the new Meier & Frank building. The repairs have been under way for several weeks. Rebuilding of the sewer in, the street was completed yesterday and. the filling in of the big hole will be started this morning. The pavement will not. be replaced until Spring. The street will be covered with planks. Sextet Is Sentenced. Gladys Lord received a sentence of 30 days in Jail, Clara Williams, aged 16, was ordered to the Juvenile Court, Francis J. Fay was given 30 days to go back to his wife in California, and Wilbert Barnes, Elmer Morterund and Beatrice Wil liams were given suspended sentences, when they appeared before Municipal Judge Stevenson yesterday afternoon. The sextet was arrested Sunday morn ing In the Tobin building on Main' street, Lents. Assaulter op1 Aged Man Fined. For viciously knocking down Joseph Miller, an aged man, whom he had solicited for alms at Second and Burn side streets Saturday, James Monroe was yesterday morning fined $20 by Municipal Judge Stevenson. Following !: ........ 1 IfillA. l r-, n nntarail ills aivai.i via , av, w . ...... . a saloon and drawing a razor cursed the patrons and threatened to carve any who touched him. Detectives Hill and Hammersley made the arrest. 90-Dat Sentence Escaped. Anthony Madden, arrested In company with Mary Taylor by Patrolman Bales Sun day after raising a disturbance in the Dayton Hotel, signed the pledge before Municipal Judge Stevenson yesterday afternoon and was paroled to Captain Inskeep for an Indeterminate period to make certain the oath Is kept. A sus pended sentence of 90 days was also given. Indorsements of Mr. Tbon Received. indorsement of J. B. Yeon for re appointment to his position as County Roadmaster was received by the Board of County Commissioners yesterday in a resolution passed last Thursday by members of the Progressive Business Men's Club. Several other indorsements of like character from private sources were read also by the Commissioners. Community Sins at Fairview.' A community sing is being arranged by the Methodist afkd Presbyterian churches of Fairview, for the City Hall there, tomorrow night. Mrs. Janet Grant is preparing several spe cial numbers to be rendered by the school. Mrs. A. L. Stone and Mrs. L. C. Dixon have charge of the pro gramme. Two Sellwood Entertainments to Bb Given. Two entertainments will be given in the Sellwood school today. Children of the school will have the afternoon and the evening will be for the parents. The same programme will be given, but the entertainment has been divided to prevent overcrowding. The Fire Department has limited the attendance to 300. Civic League Department to Meet. A business meeting of the Oregon Civic League's department of revenue and taxation will be held today at noon in the college room of the Hazel wood. All members and others, .interested in the proposed work for the year, will be welcomed. Cigar Dealer Fined $15. T.Mitchell, who conducts a cigar store at 386 East Burnside street, yesterday was fined $15 for selling cigarettes to a boy. M. Ripp. owner of a poolhall at 389 Alberta street, received a fine of $10 for allowing a minor to play in his resort. Six Bots Dismissed. Six boys, ar rested with Mrs. Anita Moore at 43S Ross street Saturday night by Detective Wise on a charge of disorderly con duct, were dismissed with a warning in Municipal Court yesterday after noon. A continued sentence was given the woman. Women's Club to Hear Talk. H. W. Stone, secretary of the Toung Men's Christian Association, will address the Women's Political Science Club this afternoon at 3 o clock in room H, Central Library, on "Prohibition En forcing Laws." Christmas Services Due. St, Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church will hold a special service at 10 o clock Christmas morning. Rev. T. F. Bowen will give the Christmas sermon. The music will De in cnarge or. .airs. -aj. aj, Shay. . Meettnq os" Auxiliary Postponed. There will be no meeting today of the Women's Auxiliary of the German Red Cross Society. The next meeting of the organization will be held In Deutsches Haus Tuesday, December zs, at z:33. Water Offices to Reopen. The East Side water offices, East Alder and East Seventh streets, and the Albina office. Russell street hear Williams avenue, both will reopen January 1. Something) Different. Fancy Ger man Christmas cakes, plum pudding and mince pies. Order in advance either branch Royal Bakery. Adv. Y. M. C. A. Student desires room and board in exchange for services. Phone Main 7065.-Adv. Christmas Saub of Cyclamens, 142 Broadway Ventura Clubs aids Needy. The Ventura Women's Improvement Club met at the home of Mrs. Harry McCoy, near the Base Line road, Wednesday. The needs of several families in the community were discussed. A special meeting has been called for Friday to sew for a family in need. It was reported that several children attend ing the Russellville Bchool had been compelled to stop school on account of the long distance and cold weather. The Ventura Improvement Club has been working to secure a schoolhouse at home by next' year. i Rev. J. H. Boyd to Address Con ference. Rev. J. H. Boyd will go to California this week to speak before the student's conference at Pacific Grove. He will also preach at Leland Stanford University. Next Sunday, the assistant pastor of the First Presby terian Church will occupy the pulpit and will deliver the Christmas sermon. There will be special music on this oc casion. No prayer meeting will be held Thursday, but next week the church will hold a prayer service at 9:30 on New Year's morning. Sunday School Fete Today. The Rose City Park Presbyterian Sunday school will have Its Christmas festivi ties today. The primary department, including the beginners, will be enter tained at a party this afternoon at the church, at 3 o'clock. The humorous cantata. "Santa Claus, Jr.," will be presented tonight at 7:45 for those above the primary department. At the evening entertainment. the various classes will bring in gifts for the less fortunate. The gifts will be distributed tomorrow. Colorado Society to Celebrate. The Colorado Society of Oregon will hold its Christmas tree celebration in Cotil lion Hall, Fourteenth and Burnside streets, at 8 o'clock this evening. Dancing, card playing and musical entertainment also are on the pro gramme. A Christmas present will be given to everyone who attends. Former residents of Colorado, whether mem bers of the society or riot, have been invited. Forgery Hearino Today. Robert Woodward, brother to "Bunny" Wood ward and implicated in the charges for which his brother has chosen to answer before the Circuit Court, yesterday afternoon was arrested by Detectives Coleman and Snow on a forgery charge. He will receive his preliminary hear ing today. F. W. Lutkemlene signed the complaint against Woodward. Club Annex Meeting OffJ The Women's Annex of the Multnomah Club will not meet this morning, owing to the illness of the instructor, J. Lee Thompson. Mr. Thompson has been working strenuously during the past few weeks and Is unable to direct his classes today. He drilled all the dancers and the pony ballet for the recent show given by the club. Novelty Company Incorporates. The Crew Baseball Novelty Company, for the manufacture of a toy baseball game and other kinds of toys and wooden novelties, filed articles of in corporation in County Clerk Coffey's office yesterday. The incorporators are: F. C. Crew, E. A. Reichel and F. J. Lichtenberger. The concern is capi talized at $25,000. Dramatic Society to Entertain. The Dramatic Society of the James Johns High School will entertain Wed nesday night at the high school audi torium with a Christmas programme, which will Include music and shadow pictures. Wesley Wrinkle has been elected manager of next year's foot ball team. Victory School to Entertain. A Christmas entertainment will be given the Victory schoolhouse. In Powell Valley, tomorrow night for the benefit of the school. A Christmas tree will be provided, and presents will be dis tributed. The exercises will consist of songs, readings and recitations by the children. Barn Blown Down. An old barn standing on the cross road be tween the Section Line road and the Sandy River, near the farm of John Brown, was blown down Wednesday night and obstructs the road. The barn was 60 feet long, 40 feet wide and 24 feet high. Tree for Homeless Friday. In the Men's Resort, at Second and Burnside streets, there will be a Christmas tree Friday night for homeless men. A real Santa Claus will distribute gifts and there will be an informal programme in which some of the men will parti cipate. Funeral of M. F. Ambler Tomorrow. Funeral services for the late M F. Ambler, who died Monday at his home near Milwaukie, will be held tomorrow at 1 P. M. at the family residence. In terment will be in Mount Scott Ceme tery. Prize Waltzing Tournament, Cotil lion Hall, Xmas eve and night: special holiday dances, direction Professor Ringler. Adv. SHOW TO AID CONVICTS BURNSIDE THEATER WIXTj SWELL CHRISTMAS FUND. Net Proceeds of Performance Tonight to Help Cheer Those In Prisons. Inmates Give to Belgians. A benefit performance for the Oregon Prisoners' Aid Society will be given at the Burnside Theater tonight. In addi tion to sl programme of motion pic tures, a number of vaudeville acts will be presented. The net proceeds of the performance will be donated to the Prisoners' Aid Society, which cares for paroled and discharged prisoners at its headquar ters, 195 Burnside street, and will be spent in bringing Christmas cheer to the penitentiary. W. G. MacLaren, superintendent of the society, also is state parole agent and prison chaplain. For the past four years the organiza tion has sent a little Christmas box to every Inmate of the Institution, and regularly cares for destitute families of prisoners. At a recent Sunday morning service In the prison chapel. Chaplain Mac Laren told the imprisoned wards of the state of the efforts being made to raise a fund for the relief of the famine stricken Belgians. Fifteen minutes afterward his congregation tendered a $50 contribution for the Belgian fund. "It was mostly in nickels and dimes." said Mr. MacLaren. "Many of them sold sugar and other luxuries to be able to contribute their mite. I am glad the people of Portland are helping me to meet the spectacle of .the prisoners' dreary Christmas with equal sympathy ana generosity." "KIDDIES" TO GET CHEER Day Nursery of Fruit and Flower Mission Gathers Gifts.' The. children of the Day Nursery of the Portland Fruit and Flower Mission have some holiday treats in store for them. ine members of the oreaniza tlon have been gathering clothing, pro visions, toys, candies and various arti cles that will be used to fill baskets for the families represented by the lit tle people, of the nursery. In addition to this, there will be for each youngster a stocKing rilled with "goodies" and trifles dear to the heart of every child. Those -mho are old enough will go to the Christmas tree at the Armory on Thursday. Some of the mothers of the nurserv babies are in need of work. They are capaoie, worthy women who do not seek charity but ask for a chance to earn the money to provide for their little famine. While the mothers are out at This Company Is Authorized by the State to Act as executor, adminis trator, guardian, trustee, receiver or In any posi tion of trust, under the supervision of the State Superintendent of Banks. The time to arrange your affairs is while you are here to arrange them. Consult your law yer about your will. We co-operate with him in carrying out your wiBhes. Title & Trust Company, Title & Trust Building, Fourth, near Stark. work the babies are cared for in the day nursery. Any person knowing of suitable day work for these women may telephone Marshall 1723 or A 3394. SAL00I1AN IS HELD UP AFTER SHOWINC LICENSE MONEY, WALLET WITH K300 IS TAKES. G. B. Ludeovice Met by Two Masked Men as He Leaven Ilouic in Kuri Morning;. Gold Is Overlooked. G. B. Ludeovice, proprietor of a sa loon at Union avenue and East Clay streets, carelessly counted several hundred dollars out in small bills last Saturday night in view of the patrons of his place of business, declaring that he Intended paying his license with the money on. Monday, and as he left his homo yesterday morning two masked men shoved their guns in his face and relieved him of $300. The highwaymen did not trouble to search Ludeovice, taking only the pocketbook which he had exhibited Saturday night, ' overlooking a purse with ?110 in gold. The robbery took place at 6:45 A. M.. Just as Ludeovice descended the steps of his home at 229 East Eighth street, on his way to work. Shortly before he left his dog in the yard had howled and barked as if at a stranger, and it is then that the men are supposed to have arrived. A braes of guns were pointed at the saloonman. the money was taken from his pocket and the men disappeared, all in a few minutes. The few words spoken by the highwaymen Were in Italian. A policeman who was in the saloon Saturday night when the proprietor flashed his money warned him that It was a foolish thing to do. It is as sumed by the police that one of the men then in the saloon planned the robbery, as it evidently was done by persons familiar with the habits of Ludeovice and who knew where he was in the habit of keeping his money. Detective Tichenor is investigating the case, assisted by all the detectives in the department. The money was in $10 and $20 notes. COMMUNITY SOCIALS GIVEN Residents of Glenhaven District nave Weekly Gatherings. The residents of the Glenhaven neighborhood have been enjoying a series of Saturday evening entertain ments which have promoted social In tercourse and the "get together-get ac quainted" spirit. - The entertainments are held in the Glenhaven schoolhouse under the di rection of the improvement club of that locality. Saturday night a programme was rendered as follows: Piano solo, Grace Weiler; recitation, Davis Rod die; vocal solo, Daisy Cooper; commu nity paper. H. A. Clark, editor; violin solo, H. G. Hamilton; reading, Mrs. Louis MacGregor; vocal duet, Clara Grove and Lettie Thompson; "A Speech," William Coop: minstrels. Lonesomeville Entertainers, H. A. Clark. E. L CooperF. l. Widell. O. A. Samson; address, J. H. MacGregor. LAUNDRY MAY HOUSE IDLE Old Troy Building Already Has I0O Bunks and Room for More. A co-operative scheme for handling the unemployed in Portland this Winter and housing them in the old Troy Laundry was started yesterday, when articles of incorporation for the Citi zens' Employment Committee were filed ,in County Clerk Coffey's office. The incorporators are J. C English, Adolphe Wolte, A. L. Fish, Father E. V. O'Hara, J. A. Madsen and George M. Cornwall. Already, the old laundry building has been fitted up with 100 bunks and there is said to be room for about 250 more. A rPading room, shower baths. A N elegant display of Fitted Bags Cases and Leather Novelties at the Harris Trunk MTg Co. Sixth Street' Near Alder (Opp. Oregonian), at prices that will tempt you to buy. Portland's Largest and Most Complete Jewelry Store AN NOUN CES TO 1 1TH HOUR Christmas JEWELERS Washington iteam heat and other conveniences are being: provided. It is the plan of the committee to run a woodyard in connection with the lodging-house so the unemployed can do a stipulated amount of work in pay ment for their lodging-. The articles of incorporation also allow the com mittee to operate the place as a boarding-house and serve meals to the men, but members stated yesterday that this would not be attempted yet. As nearly as possible, the lodging house and woodyard will be run on a co-operative basis, the unemployed themselves do g the -work. The capi talization . of the new corporation is $500, and books for the sale of stock will be opened immediately. THE NWWKNOWS What kinds of pipes carry the names Sichel's London Make, White Hall and Picadilly. They are best. See all sizes and. kinds and prices at Sig. Sichel & Co., 92 Third street and Sixth and Washington. Adv. 'Her Candy Must Bo the Best And it will be if the selection is made from the beautiful baskets, 10, 5, 2 and 1-pound boxes of best makes of choco lates, bon bons and bitter sweets. Sig Sichel & Co., 92 Third street and Sixth and Washington. Adv. with every pair Child's Shoes. This is our Christmas message for the little ones. ROSENTHAL'S 129 10th St., Bet. Wash. & Alder We Give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps. GOOD SHOES ONLY fprfl A Box of yH) p Delicious Candy jgftjj ill FREE Wk 1 I VAtm V-Iii"- :"w 1 -tftttsi l'.l.L Y&KZT'gP Tree Outfits $3 Stubbs Electric Co. OPEN SIXTH Shoppers YOU are sure of finding here the thing most wanted. In diamonds you'll find the prices very iow, when qualities are considered. And everything else is the same way. We started the gift-buying season with the largest and most attractive stock in the history of this store, and our assortments are absolutely unbroken. Everything is marked in plain figures one price to all. ESTABLISHED 1868. SILVERSMITHS and Park Streets no you want HER eyes to light up and moisten with joy on Xmas morning? Send her an Atiyeh Oriental Rug Mark the distinction an "Atiyeh" Oriental Rug: famed for dura bility and lustrous silky bloom distinctive in artistic colorings and designs expressive of the originality and in dividuality characteris tic of those who weave them and invariably representing the best of its kind. Make your selection now for delivery Xmas morning. Lara-eat Oriental Rug Dealers In the Weat. TICXT11 AA'D ALDER. WANTED CHAIRS TO RECANE School for the Adult Blind, 11th and Davis. For , particulars call J. F. Meyers Phone Main 548. A few of our numerous Christmas Specials, Cozy Dairy Lunch Ladies Welcomed. S2S Was II.. Near 6th. Delicious Coffee and Rot Cakea, 10c; Rout Beef. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy. lOc; Chicken and Noodles, 10 a. Safety First Have An Electrical Eliminate the chance of turning: Christmas day into a day of sor- row. Have your tree lighted with electricity, it is very little more expensive and invariably cheaper in the end. 13 No Dirt No Dust No Danger. oo and Up Extra Lamps, Fruit, Flowers and Animal Desings 25c tip. Beg. colored Lamps 15c np. Every- . AT PTNB - $26.70 to San Francisco and Back for Christmas and New Year Holidays Ticket on Sale December 21. 22, 23. 24, 25, 28. 29. 39. 81, 1914; January 1, to San Francisco and other California points: also to Klamath Falls via Weed. Return lim it all points January 4. 1915. Superior Train Service Observation Cars, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars. High-Back Chair Cars and Itinera. Holiday Fares in Oregon Tickets for the Christmas Holidays will be on sale between all points in Oregon juecemoer i, is, uary a. .Liu-nets The exposition Line 1915 Xmas on the day of all days in the year for grand dinners as sured for all by our success in assembling, from every coun try, every clime, the world's choicest foodstuffs and sweet meats ! I Scores of phones are listening, always listening, for your call every muscle is taut and ready to spring in response to your smallest wish morning, noon or night. Phone or call before you plan your Christmas dinner. FASCV TURKEYS Southern Oregon Corn-Fed. Fancy. Fresh-Killed Birds no cold storage. Fat. young and tender. SELECT yours to day. JOES' DAIRY FARM SAU SAGE MEAT makes ideal stuffing. Fresh today. By express from Duluth something out of the ordi nary verv delicious LAKE SUPERIOR SMOKED RU'E K1S, pound 30l SMOKED CHUBS, pound 40C CHRISTMAS DELICACIES of every name and nature: Pre served Ginger, Preserved Chestnuts, Preserved Figs, Brandy Peaches. Figs. Cher ries, Marrons, etc., etc., and JJj 2J90 s - 5 SWISS FLORAL CO. EAST SEVENTH AND HANCOCK STREETS. Visitors Welcome to See Onr Latest Novelties. Tba liKWAKii im a av. modern and elegantJy appointed hotel, posaesainc one of the must beautiful corner ioo ble in the Northwest. Located a: 10th tuid Alder eta., opposite Old. Wartmui A - iClna'e bla deDartmea' ture in heart of retail and theater district. Rates, 1 and up Bui ta all trains. w car aaeo rune i Union Depot direct to HOTJfil. 1 &nD W. aft. aew Anu. c-rup Book telling how easy It Is to cure LIQUOR, DRUG and TOBACCO habits. Sent sealed and unmarked. Men tlon which you are Interested n. WHITE CROSS INSTITUTE. 714 Davie Street. Portland. Or. The vovaramsBt of New South Wales has deelaad to establish a state fish supply aganey to provide cheap liaa. www ii. uiaiuui iij,uili!i tm.wwawswwni 1 . FREE the zu, za, z. ii, ai, Jan ill also be sold be tween all C. & E.. 1. R. & N.. P. E. A E. and a F. C. & W. points. Return limit for all stations Jan uary 4. 1914. Call at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth street, corner Oak: Union Depot, or East Morrison-Street Depot for full particulars, fares, reservations, train schedules, etc. Southern Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Good Cheer the Nation's Feast Day hundreds of other dainty and inexpensive things from which to make your selections. OUR HOME-MADE BREAD is well adapted for your tur key dressing. FRENCH PASTRY from our own bakery per dozen only JO1. It adds a great deal to the Christmas feast. For your plum puddlnjr and mince p!e C AI.IFORMA BRANDY, bottle, 0? CALIFORNIA S1IEKHV. bottle. ..25C SWEET cider, made from washed, clean, sound ap ples, no wormy fruit; no preservatives used. mm,. STARK SX For Poinsettias In Pots er Cut, All Slc.i. Cyclamen And Other Plants for Gifts t Reasonable Prices. Phone to Grenhui of Both Phones. Free Delivery. HOTEL CORNELIUS The House of Welcome Park and Alder Streets, Portland, Or. In the theater and shopping dis trict, one block from ny car line. Rates $1.00 per day and up. With bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President H. E. Fletcher, Manager. Main 7200, A 6 LSI. 15,800 B. T. V. Per Pound. Patronize Home Industry Portland Gas & Coke Co, '1