Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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General Hill Makes Offer, if
Maytorena Will Withdraw
From Naco.
Chier or Tnited States Army Staff
Is on Ground to Investigate
, Trouble, but Bad Weather
Prevents Conference.
NACO, Ariz.. Dec. 21. If General
Jose Maytorena will withdraw his Vil
lista forces from the siege of Naco,
Mexico, General Benjamin Hill's Car
ranziata forces will not chase him, ac
cording to a tentative agreement be
tween Hill and the United States Army
officers announced here today.
Whether Maytorena will consider It
honorable and prontable to withdraw
under these conditions. If they are es
tablished, remains to be seen. Brigadier-General
Hugh !. Scott was to have
had a conference with him today, but
bad weather compelled its postpone
ment. A further conference between Gen
eral Scott and General Hill is set for
tomorrow in the bullet - punctured
United States Custom-House, recently
abandoned by customs officials.
General Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff
of the United States Army, resumed
today his investigation of the border
trouble here. He is seeking informa
tion from those in touch with Mexican
affairs, which may aid in composing
the situation here, where for 10 weeks
Governor Jose Maytorena, of Sonora,
the Villa leader, has besieged the Car
ranza forces of General Benjamin Hill,
entrenched in Naco, Sonora.
The reinforced United States Army
forces here under command of Brigadier-General
Tasker II. Bliss now
total 4700 men.
Rain fell during the forenoon, caus
ing a practical cessation of the Mexi
can fire.
Two Convention Leaders Reported
Executed in Mexico City.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Dec. 21. Gen
eral Aragon, a member of the Aguas
Calientes convention, and Colonel David
Berlanga. secretary of the convention
of the military chiefs, were executed
in Mexico City December 8, according
to private advices received here today.
It was reported that Berlanga had
assailed the actions of Provisional
President Gutierrez, General Villa and
other leaders at a meeting of the con
vention. General Aragon, It was said, was ac
cused of complicity in a plot to de
stroy telegraph and railroad lines in
Northern Mexico to hamper the move
ments of General Villa's troops.
Mexican Outlaws Pay Penalty Be
fore Guns or Firing Squad.
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Dec. 21 Jose Es-
calante and Esteban Cruz, Mexicans ar
rested at Nacozari on charges of hav
ing murdered Thomas R. Francis and
It. E. Dunn, British subjects, confessed
the crime today and were promptly
executed, according to a message re
ceived by J. T. T. Paxton, British Vice
Consul here.
A firing squad detailed by Car
ranzaists officers at Nacozari closed the
careers of Cruz and Escalante, who
were charged also with several other
crimes. Dunn and Francis were robbed
and then killed two weeks ago at a
mine near Nacozari.
Great Britain Thanks America.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Sir Cecil
Spring Rice, the British Ambassador,
called at the State Department today
to present the thanks of his govern
ment for the action of American Con
suls Simpich and Hostetter in Mexico
in obtaining the release of II. Percy
Meaker, the British subject who was
Imprisoned recently in Sonora by Gen
eral Maytorena's troops on the charge
of having aided the enemy.
(Continued From First Page.)
strength to stretch "their lines across
the peninsula at a distance from the
city and therefore were compelled to
concentrate on a narrow span from
the Bay of Kiau-Chau to the sea. This
left their last line so. close to the city
that a battery had to be placed in the
In guns, the garrison mounted 40
pieces, of all patterns, calibers and
makes, and the allies 140 siege guns,
with a preponderance of heavy 28 and
21-centimeter mortars. Four of the
German 24-centlmeter cannon were
captured from the Chinese at the time
of the Boxer uprising, and six 12-centimeter
pieces had been used against
the French at the siege of Paris, more
than 40 years ago. Then there was a
scattering of field pieces and light
naval guns carried ashore from dis
mantled gunboats in the harbor.
Japan's Moves Save Men.
In short, Tsing-Tau was nothing near
eo strong as the Japanese supposed it,
and in no wise merited its reputation
of a second Port Arthur. Had the Jap
anese but known, they might have car
. rled the defenses by storm much ear
lier than they did. Their methodical,
cautious operations however, undoubt
edly saved their men.
, On the morning of October 31, the
anniversary of the Mikado's birthday,
the besiegers began their final bom
bardment. The artillery fire was con
tinuous and overwhelming, and until
the capitulation on November 7 there
was a constant roaring from the bat
teries and an unceasing crackle of
rifle and machine fire from the
Meanwhile, under cover of a hail of
shot and shell, Japanese sappers short
ly were pushing forward their trench
heads until, when the big guns were
silenced to permit the infantry to take
the open field, the Germans evacuat
ing redoubt No. 3 found Japanese rifles
and machine guns plready covering the
exit of -their bomb-proof.
Once the besiegers had broken
through at this point, the city was
theirs, for there was nothing left to
oppose them. At 6 o'clock In the
morning of the 7 th, as the white
flag went up over the forts, the stocky
men with the red shoulder straps al
ready were marching through the
streets, torn and dirty, with their in
trenching spades on their shoulders,
shouting "Banzai."
In the assault the Japanese cha-ged
with as much dash and fury as they
had shown caution in th siege. The
most terrible Incident of the capture
was the slaughter with spades and
picks of 13 German soldiers and one
officer caught in Fort Bismarck.
Germans generally testified that the
negotiations for surrender and. the
siege operations themselves were con
ducted by the Japanese in accordance
with the best standards of civilized
warfare. In one particular they went
to an -extreme that even caused some
German amusement. As position after
position became untenable, the Ger
mans on withdrawal would destroy the
works and Dlow up the guns. Before
surrendering they wrecked the gov
ernment buildings, waterworks, docks,
railway and sank all warships in the
Hearing that this was on the cards,
a Japanese aeroplane was sent over the
city to drop a message, in bad German,
of which the following is a literal
translation Into English:
"To the officers and men in fortress:
"We deem it to be contrary to the
will of god and to humanity If one
should destroy the still useful weapons,
warships and other materials which no
longer have tactical value, and only
from the Jealous Intention ttiat they
should not fall into the hands of the
"Although we believe that with Ger
man officers and men who appreciate
the honor of knighthood such thought
lessness has not been carried out, we
take liberty in expressing our opinion
regarding the matter.
(Signed.) "The Siege Army Command."
German Hatred Bitter.
Toward the British the Germans
showed hatred even more bitter than
was spoken against Japan in Berlin
when it first became known that she
would enter the war.
The striking of the British battle
ship Triumph by a shell from one of
the forts caused greater rejoicing than
would have been accorded the sinking
of a Japanese cruiser. The lone Ger
man aviator in the fortress, after spot
ting the British camp by its white
tents, aimed almost all his bombs at
it. When the British entered the city
with the Japanese every execration
conceivable was showered on them by
the German prisoners. One officer spat
In the face of General Bernardiston as
he passed.
The British took no part in the ne
gotiations for surrender, and on occu
pation hoisted their flag only over
their own quarters.
' Although repeatedly pursued by Jap
anese biplanes, the lone German avia
tor always outdistanced them in his
monoplane and Just before the capitu
lation he fled into Chinese territory
and Interned his machine for the dura
tion of the war. Often he was able to
bring back valuable sketches of the
enemy's positions.
Air Scoots of Little Benefit.
On the contrary, the Japanese com
mander got little good from his air
scouts. General Kamio expressed
much disappointment with their work.
They returned with reports of damage
done, he said, but he was always skep
tical, and, as those knew within the
lines, rightly so. Their bombs did little
damage and it was always possible to
dodge them before they landed, after
their whistling approach had been
heard. '
There were many reports in Tsing
Tau of 111 treatment received by the
Chinese at the hands of the Japanese,
but such personal investigation as was
possible showed that the two races got
on very well. During the early days
of the bombardment something like
100 coolies were killed by shells di
rected at the German earthworks which
their huts adjoined, but this was due
to the national stolid unwillingness to
leave their dwellings even when in the
zone of fire. When the Chinese found
they were fairly treated they some
times posted proclamations of welcome
in their villages along the railway
seized by the Japanese, at the same
time, with true Chinese thrift, inviting
the troops to pay well for what' they
An incident illustrative of the deep
Japanese sentiment for th-3 beautiful
was found in one of the first acts of
Major-General Yamanashi, second in
command. The correspondent discov
ered him, a little man with formidable
drooping mustachios, sitting wrapped
in furs beside a bank of flower pots.
He had found them drooping and with
ered in the abandoned German quar
ters taken over by him and It had been
his first care- to tend and revive thtm.
Certificate by Consols Suggested mm
Measure to Prevent Unneces
sary Delays to Ships.
LONDON, Dec. 21. It can be asserted
positively that no definite agreement
has been reached whereby England will
refrain from searching ships which
leave American ports with statements
from English Consuls that they are
carrying no contraband. England is
willing to accept such statements in
cases in which there is no reason to
believe that the cargoes may have been
augmented at sea. The long negotia
tions between England and America,
however, have resulted in no positive
agreement or understanding between
the two countries.
The Foreign Office is eager to pre
vent unnecessary delays and Is willing
that American shippers have their car
goes examined by authorized agents
designated by British Consuls, provided
tney desire to do so and America ap
proves such examinations. But Eng
land makes no guarantee that under
such circumstances cargoes will be ex
empt from further inspection. if
deemed necessary by the Admiralty.
it is declared authoritatively that
consular inspections in most cases
would expedite snipments merely, as
the number of suspected cargoes is
comparatively small. Earlier in the war
copper and other contraband were
loaded underneath coal or heavy
freight, making inspection extremely
difficult and necessitating virtually a
complete smiting of the cargo. Where
bulky articles of contraband are trans
ferred at sea, from one ship to another,
it is impossible to conceal them be
neath the entire cargo, and consequent
ly it would be an easy matter to make
a supplemental examination in the
cases of vessels in which the original
cargoes contained no contraband.
Army Officers Hope for Permit to
Visit Battle-Front.
BERLIN, via The TTatriKv tn Tn.
Dec. 21. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph e!
K.unn, Aiajor JJ. E. Aultman, Major
Clarence C. William, Captain Wilson D.
Burt. Captain Samuel G. Shartle and
Captain Samuel D. Rockenbach, United
States Army, have arrived here from
Washington by way of Munich.
These American officers hope to ob
tain the permission of the German gov
ernment to observe the operations at
the front.
Many Idfesaving Apparatns JSVork
of Edward S. Copeman.
LOWESTOFT, England, Dec. 11.
(Correspondence of the Associated
Press.) Edward S. Copeman, inventor
of lifesaving apparatus, is dead at his
home here, aged .
The best known of his inventions is
a raft for saving life at sea. This was
adopted throughout the British mer
chant service and earned him several
medals and decorations. He invented
a water tank cart which Is Btill a
standard in the British army.
Leadership and Promises Are
Offered to Sweden for Aid, ,
. Petrograd Says.
Scandinavian Kingdoms Urged to
Unite, Kaiser Holding Out Kin
land, Estnovia, Livonia and
Courland as Prize, It Is Said.
PETROGRAD, via London, Dec. 21.
The recent conference at Malmo,
Sweden, of the Scandinavian Kings and
a visit which King Gustave is report
ed to have .made to Berlin previously
constitute a subject of much interest
in Russia in view of the suggestion of
a Scandinavian union.
It is recalled that Professor Ostwald
went to Sweden on a semi-official Ger
man mission, at which time he proposed
such a Scandinavian union, similar to
the German Empire, in which Sweden
would occupy a position analogous to
Prussia in Germany, promising, it is
said, that if such a union were real
ized, Germany would contribute Fin
land, Estnonia, Livonia and part of
This proposed Baltic union of 25.000,
000 population would, according to the
alleged German view, become an im
portant European power, while the
Scandinavian countries separately, de
spite their high cultural and industrial
development, would be politically in
significant. Rasslan Discusses Scheme.
A Russian diplomat, discussing this
plan, said today:
"Excluding our provinces, which Ger
many never will be able to offer the
union, Russia favors such a Scandina
vian union, although apparently Ger
many is inspired in accordance with
her aim to create several buffer states
before herself and Russia. A strong,
united Scandinavia would weaken Ger
man influence On the Baltic
"We do not believe that Sweden wants
our provinces or that the Finlanders.
Ethonians or Letts desire to join the
Scandinavian union. Therefore the Ger
man figures of 25,000,000 should be de
creased to 12,500,000, which is the pres
ent population of Sweden, Norway and
Denmark, adding perhaps Schleswig
Holstein, which Germany, if defeated,
probably would be forced to return to
Denmark. The immediate aim of the
union to fortify neutrality."
LONDON, Dec. 22. The correspond
ent of the Daily Telegraph at Copen
hagen says he learns from a. high
diplomatic source that Germany pro
posed that Sweden should help her in
the war, offering as, compensation the
Baltic islands and a protectorate over
Sweden Ignores Offer. y
"As Sweden idid not deign to reply,"
ihe correspondent adds, "Germany inti
mated that if Sweden refused the offer
Germany, at the peace conference after
the war, would let Russia take Sweden
as compensation for Poland.
"This threat was similarly ignored.
and then Germany began to irritate
Sweden by stopping her wood export.
"These were incidents leading up to
the conference."
Stockholders in Standard Oil Sub--
sidlary Get Christmas Gift.
NEW YORK, Dec. 21. (Special.)
Another Standard Oil Company melon
was cut today, making a fine Christmas
present for stockholders of the Ohio
Oil Company, one of the Standard sub
sidiaries. It took the form of a dis
tribution of stock of the Illinois Pipe
Line Company among the holders
equivalent to 133 1-3 per cent dividend.
The Ohio company is both an oil
producing and pipe line company, op
erating in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
Its capital stock is $15,000,000 par
value, divided into $25 shares.
Last year it made $22,000,000 profit,
eaual to 152 per cent on its stock, and
declared 57 per cent-dividends. At a
meeting of stockholders today tn Lima,
O.. the Illinois company stock was
parcelled out on a oasis equaling
133 1-3 per cent.
EGG WASTE $200,000,000
Only Two-Fifths of Crop Reach
Consumer, Is Testimony.
NEW YORK, Dec 21. Between the
hen and the consumer there is an
estimated waste in eggs-of $200,000,000
annually In this country, declares Wil
liam Mann, attorney for the New York
Central Railroad Company, who testi
fied today at the Inquiry into the but
ter and egg business of the state by
the Attorney-General's office. Mr.
Mann placed the value of the annual
egg crop at $500,000,000. .
The witness said that not more than
six out of ten eggs laid reach the con
sumer. Of the $200,000,000 waste, he
added, $50,000,000 is due to needless
breakage of eggs in transit from the
nest to the retailer. The balance of
the loss represents unnecessary addling,
spoiling and deterioration of good eggs
due to poor handling.
Mrs. Elizabeth Electa Hathaway, 87,
City Resident Since 1852.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec 21. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Elizabeth Electa Hatha
way, 87 years old, who crossed the
plains in 1852 and who was the last
charter member of the First Methodist
Church here, died yesterday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. E. King.
The funeral will be held from the
Methodist Church tomorrow morning.
Rev. W. T. Randolph officiating.
Mrs Hathaway is survived by 15
great grandchildren, 35 grandchildren,
two daughters, Mrs. King and Mrs. H.
R. Caples. of this city, and four sons,
A. O. Hathaway, of Washougal; O. B.
Hathaway, near Woodlawn, Or.; A. B.
Hathaway, of Crabtrce. Or., and H. B.
Hathaway, of Fellda.
One Kival Receives Four Wounds
and Innocent Bystander Is Hit.'
RENO, Nev., Dec 21. In an Im
promptu duel over a woman, W.
Murphy and C. Farias emptied pistols
at each other tonight on Center street
from a distance of 15 feet. Murphy was
hit four times and a fifth bullet slight
ly wounded a bystander nearly a block
away. Farias was not hit and crave
himself up. , .
Decision in Oregon Case May
Prove Epochal.
Statutes of Many States Depend on
Outcome and if Minimum Wage
Legislation Is Upheld Move
ment Will Gain Impetus.
ington, Dec. 21. Wide significance will
attach to the decision of the United
States Supreme Court in what is known
as the Oregon minimum wage case,
recently argued before that tribunal
and because of the great Interest and
the general effect of this decision the
court probably will weigh the subject
at length before deciding it.
The Oregon caae is the first one of
th6 kind ever to reach the United
States Supreme Court, there having
been no previous decision affecting the
constitutionality of minimum wage
laws, but the decision of the court in
this case will affect similar laws in
all other states which have made such
State Courts Role Variously.
The Oregon law, which is attacked
in the Stettler-Simpson cases is simi
lar to the minimum wage law of Min
nesota, with the difference that the
Oregon courts have upheld the consti
tutionality of the . law of their state,
while the Minnesota courts have held
their law to be unconstitutional. Other
state courts have ruled variously on
the question.
In the main, the ' minimum wage
laws of the several states are framed
along a common line and if the Oregon
law be held constitutional other states
will be able to enforce similar laws,
and where their laws do not coincide
with the Oregon law they can be
amended readily, so as to come within
the ruling which the Supreme Court
may make. On the other hand. If the
Supreme Court holds the Oregon law
to be unconstitutional the minimum
wage laws of other states will be at
tacked. Court Expected to Take Jurisdiction.
It may be that the Supreme Court
will hold that no constitutional ques
tion is involved and it may pass up
the Oregon case without deciding it,
but lawyers who have familiarized
themselves with the record in the case
rather expect the court will take Juris
diction and will hand down an opin
ion in accord with the views of its
A decision by the Supreme Court
upholding the constitutionality of the
Oregon law would not only result in
appeals from other states where the
for all the family
Cuff Links'
Tie Pins
Lavallieres, etc.
Avoid the crush of
the department
stores and do your
Christmas shopping
at Ben Selling's
Store Open Evenings Until Christmas.
state courts have held the law to be
unconstitutional, but it would result
in the redrafting of the laws of states
where there is a radical difference from
the Oregon statute. Furthermore, if
minimum wage legislation is held to
be constitutional. Legislatures of
states thaKhave not yet passed mini
mum wage laws will be called on to
enact such legislation and strong labor
support will be given to the move
ment to force through bills of this
character, patterned closely after the
Oregon law.
Railroads, Trolley Lines and City
Employ Thousands.
CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Thousands of
men who sought shelter in municipal
lodging-houses last night were given
employment today by railroads, trolley
lines and the city, clearing the streets
and railway tracks of the heaviest
snowfall of the Winter.
There were 3800 jobless men shel
tered in two municipal lodging-houses
and the Rufus Dawes Hotel. All of
them were ready for work. They were
paid per day.
German Prelates Order January 10
to Be Observed by Soldiers.
AMSTERDAM, via London, Dec 21.
The newspaper Nleuw Rotterdamsche
Courant learns from Cologne that the
archbishops and bishops of Germany
have ordered that January 10 be kept
as a general repentance day by the
Catholics in the army.
The priests In the field are charged
to encourage the soldiers to participate
as much as possible.
Olympla Sails for West February 1 5
CHARLESTON, S. C, Dec 21. Orders
were received here today for the United
States cruiser Olympia, Admiral
Dewey's flagship at the' battle of Ma
nlla, to be ready to sail February 15
for the Panama-Pacific Exposition by
way or the Panama Canal. The Olym
pla has been here since 1912.
Automobile Pioneer Passes Away.
SAN ANTONIO. Dec. 21 Dr. J. W.
Carhart, said to have built the first self
propelled vehicle, died here todav. need
84. He was honored recently by the
National Association of Automobile
Manufacturers in resolutions recogniz
ing mm as the pioneer in the automo
bile business.
Wilson to Reappoint H. C. Hall.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. President
Wilson, it was learned today, plans
to reappoint Henry Clay Hall, of Colo
rado Springs, Colo., member of the In
terstate Commerce Commission, whose
term expires January 1.
22 Below in Nevada.
RENO, Nev., Dec. 21 Elko was the
coldest place in Nevada today, the of
ficial temperature there registering 22
degrees below zero. .
That You May Know Us Better
Do not compare us with the ordinary installment stores. Ours
is sC high-class institution for the better trade of the city. Open an account
with us as you would with your grocer no payment down and, if you are
unable to meet your account between the first and tenth of the month, make
small payments as suits your convenience. We will give you three to six months
in which to settle the full amount.
Christmas Gifts You May Pay for
With slippers to match; all the
wanted patterns in warm, com
fy materials.
$5 to $20
Credit Your
Enginemen Say Some Efficien
cy Test Features Must Go.
Firemen Continue Citing to Arbitra
tion Board Cases of Alleged Over
working, Volations ot 16
Ilour l,aw, Etc.
CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Threats that the
enginemen would strike unless certain
features of the efficiency tests in the
railways "safety first" campaign were
eliminated were made today before the
wage arbitration board by Warren S.
Stone and William S. Carten, repre
senting the men.
The witnesses today were: O. K. Mo
denback, Elreno, Okla., of the Rock
Island road; C. B. Vance, running be
tween Centralia and Cairo, 111., on the
Illinois Central; N. T. Hicks. Trinidad,
Colo., of the Colorado & Southern: E.
O. Livesay, Denison, Tex., of the Mis
souri, Oklahoma & Gulf; A. P. Jacoby,
of the Moberly division of the Wabash;
C. P. Mohler, Bloomington, 111., em
ployed' by the Chicago & Alton, and W.
F. Stevens. Calgard, Alberta, -of the
Canadian Pacific. All are firemen.
The witnesses told generally of men
laid off and promotion deferred by the
advent of heavy engines, of long hours
and scant pay, the latter impaired by
expenses when away from home.
It appeared from the testimony that
on the heaviest engines one fireman
cannot do all the work required, and is
assisted by the engineer. The men as
serted that on such engines an as
sistant fireman should be provided. It
appeared also that violations of the
16-hour law are frequent.
. The strike threat came when Stone
and Carter both declared that they had
received promises time and again that
unfair tests would be eliminated, but
that the promises were disregarded.
"If the courts cannot protect us and
the board cannot, the united strength
of the men will." declared Carter. "The
practices of which we complain are con
demned by the rules of the railroads
themselves, but they continue."
The men complain that the tests are
made in' such a way that they frighten
the engine crew to a degree Inimical
to health, and sometimes result In their
leaping from their engines.
Frank's Writ of Appeal Denied.
ATIiANTA, Ga. Dec.1 21. Federal
Judge Newman today declined to grant
a certificate saying in his opinion there
was probable cause for an appeal to
the United S'ates Supreme Court in the
habeas corpvs proceedings instituted by
Clever Ties in neat Christ
mas boxes,
50c, 75c, $1, $1.50
405 Washington Street at Tenth
of Permanency
ler s
Skillfully chosen stock
offers a wealth of
And other Gems of
rare quality and bril
liancy in the most ar
tistic settings.
Wrist Watches,
Jewelry, Watches,
Gifts of Leather,
Clocks, Novelties, .
Mesh Bags,
Toilet Ware, Etc.
Reasonably Priced
in Every Instance.
Established 1S70.
310 Washington St.
Between Fifth and Sixth
If It's
Here Are Some
Electrical Heaters
Electrical Table Lamps
Electrical Lighting Fix
tures Electrical Tree Decora
tions Electrical Devices of All
Fireplace Appliances of
Any Description
M. J.Walsh Co.
"The Popular Lighting
Fixture Store"
Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder
of Mary Phagan. Judge Newman de
nied application for a writ Saturday.
War Loan Payments Conic Easily.
LONDON. Dec 21. ,A call for 30,
000,000 ($150,000,000) on the war loan,
which was due today, was arranged
easily. There was no disturbance of
money rates.
open every evening until Christmas.
A new lot of white,
gold and flesh crepe do
chine military collars
and hemstitched trim'd.
Long sleeves and low
We Give American
Travel Scrip