Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 19, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Crook County Delegation to
Press Demand for $450,000
: Irrigation Appropriation.
Indorsement of Congress In Port
land to Be Sought and 130 Citi
zens Will Descend on Legis
lature to Press Itequest.
Old General Eke O'Nomical is in for
solar plexus blow at the hands of
the next Legislature if some of the
leading irrigrationlsts of Central Oregon
have their way about it.
Members of the Legislature who have
been nursing- the veteran tightwad
along ever since the election hoping
that he would survive the expected
raids at the state capital, were dis
mayed yesterday when they learned
that Crook County and other interior
districts are preparing to send a dele
gation of 150 representative citizens to
Portland for the Irrigation Congress the
first week in January and to the open
ing session of the Legislature in Salem
the following week, for the express pur
pose of urging an appropriation of at
least $450,000 for- irrigation develop
ment. Ever since the election "economy"
has been the favorite watchword of
legislators-elect. Whenever any citi
zen approached one of them with a
proposal for procuring some of the
' state's funds for some purpose always
in the interests of "the people" they
would answer with the one word,
General Eke O'Nomical up to this
time has seemed the most popular old
fellow in the state. No member of the
Legislature had a monopoly on his com
panionship. But now comes along this
Central Oregon crowd and proposes to
push the venerable General aside very
disrespectful like, and ask for some
lavish appropriations, regardless of his
eerious protests.
The first round will be fought at the
irrigation meeting, which will be a
mere preliminary to the legislative ses
sion. The irrigationists will hold forth
at the Imperial Hotel, Portland, on
January 7. 8 and 9. The Legislature
opens at Salem on January 11.
An 'effort will be made to have the
Irrigation Congress adopt a, resolution
favoring an appropriation from the
Legislature for Central Oregon develop
ment to be performed in conjunction
with the Federal Government.
Whether or not the Federal authori
ties decide to match the $450,000 al
ready expended by the state in the
Tumalo project, the Central Oregon
irrigators want another state appropri
ation for additional work.
It is probable that they will ask that
the $450,000 already spent shall be re
turned to the state treasury, from
whence it came, as soon as settlers on
the Tumalo tract begin making their
payments. ,
But it is understood that they wil)
aim to have the appropriation they
now are seeking become the basis of
a., revolving fund to be used perpetual
ly for additional reclamation work.
It is apparent, too, that the plan of
the Central Oregon people will meet
with se'rious opposition both in the
irrigation meeting and in the Legisla
ture. ..Governor-elect Withycombe arrived
in town yesterday morning, visited his
brother for a few hours, had a confer
ence with a number of friends, and
left the city before any Job hunters
were aware of his presence.
He left about 2 o'clock for -Salem,
but it was not until after that hour
that the word was passed around that
he was in town. There was a rush to
the Imperial Hotel, where the Governor
elect generally stops when he comes
to town, but the only consolation for
the job-hungry crowd was the knowl
edge that Dr. Withycombe had been
there a little earlier in the day and
that he would return to Portland prob
ably once or twice before he takes of
fice next month.
A bill providing for the creation of
the oltice of public defender in each
county of the state will be submitted
to the next Legislature. Such a meas
ure now is in course of preparation by
a Portland attorney and probably will
be submitted through a member of the
Multnomah delegation.
Much interest attaches to the plan to
allow the Governor to fill the office in
each county- pending the election two
years hence.
The Republican county committee
will1 appear before the Multnomah
County legislators at their meeting
next Monday evening to present a bill
that will give the Governor power to
remove all appointive officers in the
state government "for cause."
. This proposal was submitted to the
legislators last Monday in a letter, and
a secret meeting was hinted at, but the
delegation instructed the county com
mittee to appear in the regular manner
at a public meeting and present Its bill
in completed form. Just what Is meant
hy the term "for cause" also was not
made apparent and some of the legis
lators want enlightenment on this
One item of expense that the Legis
lature threatens to cut off entirely is
the 10,000 that annually is expended
y the Oregon Social Hygiene Society.
The usefulness of this organization has
not sufficiently impressed itself n-nnn
the legislators to cause them to favor
continuing the appropriation and along
with the rest of the economy pro-eramme-
they figure that this expendi-
iliic -h.h oo saveo to tne state.
It is understood that the Orerrnn s
rial Hygiene Society had prepared to
" 'or a year lor the next two
' (Continued From First Pags.)
commanded silence from all stations as
far north as Sitka, Alaska, the Govern
ment operators at the naval station
at Arlington, opposite Washington,
acknowledged the message. Arlington
in turn conveyed the news to the shores
of the Atlantic and to ships far out to
sea on the Atlantic Ocean.
- xionoiuiu aiso picked up the S. O. S.
signal of the Isthmian, and after Point
Loma had sent the cruiser West Vir-
ginia and destroyer Perry cruising
southward to aid the Isthmian, the
operator there informed the station in
far-away Hawaii of the news of the
The Isthmian got away from Port
land November 30 with close to 300 tons
of cargo, the most important consign
ment being hops, canned salmon and
dried fruit, with considerable general
freight. The vessel proceeded to Puget
Sound to unload New York cargo and
reload for the same destination and en
route for the canal completed loading
at California ports.
C. D. Kenendy, Portland agent, had
not received official information late
last night regarding the accident.
Wireless Stations Closed.
At 10:30 o'clock Rear Admiral T. B.
Howard, commander-in-chief of the
United States Pacific fleet, ordered
every commercial and naval . wireless
station on the Pacific Coast to cease
operations with the exception of the
stations at Point Loma and aboard the
cruiser West Virginia until it was as
certained whether the Isthmian would
survive her injuries. The Point Loma
and West Virginia statiens were in
communication every 10 Xninutes.
Captain Ryer reported- that the after
hatches were still dry and that the
ship was again making slight headway.
This is the first time in the history
of radio telegraphy where an order has
been issued cldsing all stations while
the fate of a distressed steamer hung
in the balance.
Cargo from here was not loaded in
any one compartment, so some of it
might have been stowed in No. 1 hold,
which is said to be full of water. The
Isthmian was turned out in 1908 and
lias been operating here regularly since
the company, established its service via
the Panama Canal.
The Union Iron Works, of San Fran
cisco, built the vessel. She is of 5404
gross tons and 3464 tons net, being
383.3 feet long and having a beam of
50 feet and the depth of. hold is 25.8
Marine Xotes.
Messages to the Merchants' Exchange
yesterday were to the effect that the
Norwegian bark Nordhav. which put
into Montevideo a few days ago in a
leaking condition, was to sail from
there today, repairs having been made
without the necessity of discharging
any of the grain she took on here.
In spite of tne approach of the holi
days the steamers Willamette and
Klamath got away for California ports
yesterday with good passenger lists.
San Francisco advices yesterday were
that the Italian ship Blagio O, a car
rier of 1942 tons, had been chartered
to load lumber here for Bristol Channel
at 75 shillings.
Carrying a full cargo of wheat the
British steamer Usher left down yes
terday, bound for orders which are ex
pected to direct her ultimately to the
United Kingdom. ,
George S. Mills, of Vale, is at the Im
W. A. Black, of Baker, is at the Im
Paul Brooks, of Boise, is at the Cor
Frank Irvine, of Spokane, Is at the
J. Mattey. of McMlnnvllIe, Is at the
Gus Peret, of Toncalla, is at the
R. W. Dixon, of Eugene, is at the
C. S. Wood, of Sisters, Or., is at the
Joe Cochran, of Kelso, Wash., is at
the Nortonia. ' "11
H. J. Slusher, of Astoria, is registered
at the Oregon. '
E. L. Barnes, of Seattle, is registered
at the Oregon.
O. J. Olsen and family, of Tacolt. are
at the Seward.
Almon Baker is registered at the
Multnomah from Goldendale.
Chester H. Rice, business manager
for David Warfield, is registered at the
P. N. Plamondon, of Kelso, Wash.. Is
at the Seward.
J. E. Horan, of Albany, is registered
at the Carlton.
H. W. Maynard, of Forest Grove, is
at the Perkins.
Mrs. Swan Benson, of Newberg, is
at the Multnomah.
Professor H. T. French, of Corvallls,
Is at the Seward.
Mrs. Jack Appleton, of Deer Island.
Is at the Cornelius.
Peter. May Is registeres. at Trie rer
kins from Stockton.
A. F. Coats is registered at the Mult
nomah from Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Bawlley, of Hllls
boro, are at the Nortonia.
W. A. Marvin, of Medford, is regis
tered at the Seward.
B. A. -Anderson, of Long Beach,
Wash., is at the Carlton.
C. Ortig. of Anacortes, Wash., is
registered at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. James, of New
port, are at the Cornelius.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker, of La
Grande, are at the Cornelius.
Mrs. M. J. Whipple, of Portland, is
a guest at Hotel Virginia, Long Beach.
Cal. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Herring, of Duns
muir, Cal., are registered at the Nor
tonia. E. Hofer, of Salem, is at the Imperial.
President Kerr, of the Agricultural
College, is registered at the Imperial
from Corvallls.
Jerome J. Day. of Moscow, Idaho,
part owner of the Portland Hotel, left
with his family for Moscow last night,
after a brief visit in Portland.
Former Star T wirier Honored.
A LEANT, Or., Dec. 18. (Special.)
William A. Salisbury, former star
pitcher on the Portland championship
team of the old Northwestern League
in the days of Jack Grim, and now an
Albany business man, has been elected
commander of Camp Phillips, ' No. 4,
Spanish-American War Veterans of -this
city. Other officers were chosen as fol
lows in the annual election: E S.
Hawker, senior vice-commander; W. V.
Merrill, junior vice-commander; W. D.
Morris, officer of the day; Fred Kober,
officer of the guard; S. C. Worrell, trus
tee; H- H. Hern, chaplain; Walter M.
Eaton, adjutant; M. L. Peters, quarter
master; C. H. Baker, musician.
Steamer Stranger Reported to
Be Half Submerged.
Howling Gale Causes Wellknown
River Craft to Strike Dalles
City Takes Survivors 'to Car
son Boat Bnilt In 1903,
Captain W. K. Jones, of The Dalles
Columbia line, received a message late
last night from Marrjr Lofgrren, agent
for the line at The Dalles, sarins; that
tne Strana-er vras not Irreparably dam-
aged and that the hole In her hull could
be patched. In all probability, and the
vessel flonted.
Striking what rivermen refer to as
Dalles City rock, just auove Carson, on
the Washington side of the Middle Co
lumbia, the steamer Stranger, one of
the best-known propellers on the river,
sank yesterday afternoon and is lying
about half submerged. Captain Archie
Geer managed to get passengers ashore
and they were sent here on the Dalles
City, arriving last night.
The Stranger had been dispatched to
the Cascade Locks from ' Portland to
assist the steamer State of Washing
ton. The latter tied up at Bonneville
because of difficulties being experi
enced by the larger vessels in getting
through the Cascade Locks, and the
Stranger went to The Dalles. She was
returning downstream yesterday when
she piled up.
The rock is well away from shore
and submerged, and, while its location
is known to rivermen, the howling
gale that has been on there during the
prevailing cold spell or pressure of Ice
is thought to have set the vessel
against the obstruction. The rock was
dubbed Dalles City rock because the
steamer Dalles City struck it and sank
there about two years ago.
' The Stranger was looked for at the
Cascade Locks "to go through, and ow
ing to the fact serious trouble is b'eing
contended with at the headgate of the
hydraulic line from which power is
obtained to operate the lock gates, the
steamer Dalles City was held there tor
two hours so the Stranger could pass
at the same time, there being Insuffi
cient water in the reservoir to lock the
steamers through separately. The La
Crosse, operated by the Cascade Locks
Lumber Company, went to the assist
ance of the Stranger.
The Stranger was built in 1903 and
is of 85 gross tons and 51 tons net
register. She is 73.6 feet long, with a
beam of 17.7 feet and 6 feet depth of
Keeper Tompkins, of the Cascade
Locks, reported by telephone last night
that there was no Improvement in the
flow of water from the intake to the
reservoir. From the office of Major
Morrow, Corps of Engineers, United
States Army, which has supervision
over the locks, nejtice was given all
steamboat lines yesterday that the
locks might be closed to navigation
at any time if present weather condi
tions continued. It was advised that
before vessels leave Portland that Mr.
Tompkins be communicated with to be
sure the plant could be operated.
Ice has been forming above the. Cas
cades and is-, being carried into the
canal, so the gates may be blocked. No
reports of trouble were received from
The Dalles-Celilo Canal, though it was
made known that ice is forming there.
At the Cascade Locks Wednesday and
Thursday nights the temperature is
said to have been 19 above zero, accom
panied by a howling gale.
Relief Vessel Due From Portland to
Lighter Cargo.
STEVENSON. Wash.. Dec 18. (Spe
cial.) H. W. Lofgren, agent for The
Dalles-Columbia line at The Dalles,
said last night that the crew was still
aboard the Stranger and that a steamer
would arrive at the scene of the acci
dent in the morning from Portland,
when ' the Stranger's cargo would be
Mr. Lofgren says a heavy gale was
blowing all day, which caused the
steamer to strike on the rock. Sev-"
eral automobiles were being carried by
the craft, whose upper deck is still
above water.
Launch. Seized Is Alleged to Have
Towed Barge "With Debris.
Dumping about 50 tons of ashes in
the river, October 9, at a point alleged
to be 150 feet north of the St. Johns
bridge, on the Spokane, Portland &
Seattle Railroad, and approximately 40
feet from the shore, is an accusation
on which the gasoline launch Standard
was seized last night by Deputy United
States Marshal Leonard Becker, in con
nection with a libel filed by Assistant
United States District Attorney Rankin.
' The Standard is said to have been
used to tow a barge on which the ashes
were carried, and that the load was
dumped under the direction of some
person or persons in the launch. A
Federal statute governing the dumping
of debris in a navigable stream pro
vides a penalty of o00 to $2500. and
the libel was brought for the latter
amount. Because of efforts made by
, ' vCr-iW4! if 6 ? 19tJL -r8--" '
the Port of Portland Commission and
the Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., and
the amount of money expended in
channel improvements. Government of
ficials are determined to prevent any
portion of the mirlne road being filled.
Vessels lying in the harbor are com
pelled to keep ashes in piles on deck,
which are dumped when -they get to
Steamer Goes South Decorated With
Oregon Christmas Trees.
Continued easterly wind has smoothed
the Pacific like a pond, asserts Captain
Mason, of the Beaver, who said on ar
rival yesterday that from Los Angeles
until the liner was well north of Cali
fornia the voyage was most pleasant,
and though cooler weather was experi
enced along the Oregon coast, at no
time was the sea other than placid.
More than 100 travelers made the trip
and some came to enjoy an Oregon
Christmas, with others returning home
and a majority on business bent. i
The Beaver sails Tuesday and car
ries among other things a number of
Oregon fir trees for Christmas. She Is
due to reach San Francisco the morn
ing of December 25 and there will be
trees at each masthead as well as- dis
played on various parts of the super-
structure. Captain Clem Randall, for
merly a navigator in the fleet and for
several years superintendent of a tu
boat fleet at San Francisco, returns on
the Beaver after having been operated
on here for- appendicitis. He left St.
Vincent's Hospital for quarters at the
Seward Hotel yesterday.
Steamboatmen Say if Ice Becomea More
Tronbleso'me River Fleet May Use
Slonsra to St. Helena.
Floating ice, some sections of which
were estimated by Pilot Archie Pease
to cover about an acre and frozen from
three-quarters of an inch to an inch
thick, were ploughed through by the
flagship Beaver, of the San Francisco
and Portland fleet, from St. Helens to
the mouth of the Willamette yesterday.
The oil tanker Asuncion followed the
Beaver up the rjver and the British
steamer Usher left here for Astoria,
so that for a time a path was assured,
but Pilot Pease said that if there was
no movement of large vessels through
the ice district regularly he feared the
entire river there would be covered.
The Beaver ran into the first Ice at
Rainier. Steamboatmen say that if ice
becomes more troublesome below the
mouth of the Willamette some of the
regular river fleet will proceed via the
slough to St. Helens. The Harvest
Queen, reaching here last evening from
Astoria, reported that there was ice
from Kalama to the Willamette, but it
was well broken up because of the pass
age of deepwater vessels. ,
The little sternwheeler La Center
was reported frozen up in Lewis River
yesterday, failing to make her cus
tomary journey here. The steamer
Woodland was tied up at Portland yes
terday, suspending service to Lewis
River points because of the freeze. Lake
River is frozen over, and the Cowlitz to
such an extent that- the steamer Ches
ter ceased operating between Kelso and
Steamers from Camas to Vancouver
found new ''ice forming in places be
sides the floating pieces, and steam
boatmen lo.ok for trouble below the
Willamette in the event warmer weath
er is not experienced.
News from Lewiston, Idaho, yester
day was that the O.-W. R. & N. steamer
Spokane had been tied up there owing
to ice and low water, and that ends the
service temporarily. On the Upper Wil
lamette the principal trouble from the
cold, dry spel is falling water, and the
Yellow Stack line has been compelled
to substitute the steamer Oregona for
the Grahamona between Portland and
Willamette Valley points.
Captain L. P. Hosford. manager of
the Harkins Transportation Company,
said last night that ice conditions in
the Columbia, which were reported to
him by Captain Hagstrom, of the
steamer lone, might necessitate the
company refusing freight after today
for Washougal and Camas. Captain
Hagstrom said ice was accumulating
rapidly below the Vancouver bridge
and getting worse above, also that at
the head of Government Island it was
jamming. Captain Hosford decided to
send the steamer Georgia Burton out
with the lone today, so if one gets into
trouble the other may assist her in
working through the ice. He intends
to telephone a complete report tonight,
so the receipt of shipments may be
Grappler Points Out That Winter of
1876 Had Similar Start.
Ice, forming between the Harbor Pa
trol launchhouse and the shore yester
day morning, recalled to Hugh Brady,
municipal grappler, that in 1876, when
the river froze so that cattle could be
driven across, wood hauled and other
heavy loads placed thereon, the cold
snap began about December 15 and
gradually temperatures dropped until
the river, which was at a low stage
as at present, was frozen.
Also, says Mr. Brady, there is no
prospect of a change from the prevail
ing weather before December 24. In
fact the veteran riverman has a host
.of "Indian signs" in support of his
theory that this will be far from a
mild Winter. Steamers arriving from
points on the Willamette and Colum
bia yesterday had icicles hanging about
fantails, and the same evidence of low
temperatures was found on some that
were tied up In port.
GIVE son or brother
a box of union suits
,for Christmas that will be a
present worth while!
Smooth, perfect-fitting
Vassar Union Suits
Representative Hawley Finds Appro
priation Conforms With Revlaed
Eatlmatea of Engineers.
ington, Dec. 18 Representative Haw
ley has been advised by members of
the House committee on rivers and har
bors that the appropriation for the
mouth of the Columbia River was re
duced by the committee from $1,750,000
to $1,250,000 on the recommendation of
Colonel Taylor, assistant chief of en
gineers, who informed the committee
that with the balance remaining out of
the million dollars allotted last Fall,
the lesser amount would be all that
would be required to carry on the work
on the north jetty until June 30, 1916.
Therefore the appropriation authorized
in the rivers and harbors bill is in con
formity with the revised estimates of
the engineers.
, That being true. Representative Haw
ley points to the fact that the rivers
and harbors bill carries every dollar
recommended for every project in his
It was also learned that prior to
Mr. Hawley's appearance before the
committee there was a disposition to
cut the appropriation for the Lower
Willamette and Columbia below Port
land from $600,000 to $400,000, but Mr.
Hawley's argument showed the neces
sity for the full amount. A member
of the rivers and harbors committee
said that but for the explanations
offered by Mr. Hawley, no appropriation
would have been made for Nehalem and
the appropriations for Coos Bay and
Coquille River would have been sub
stantially cut, as the committee thought
the estimates were too liberal.
Consignees Xot Xamed for 'Nine
. Vessels Headed This Way.
More tonnage not listed in advance
of being started this way has been
posted at the Merchants' Exchange as
available for grain loading, the Nor
wegian bark- Hiawatha being in that
class, as she sailed from Cape Town
December 5 and her movements were
not reported until yesterday. Like
others that have been drawn from
ports along the West Coast and in the
Antipodes since the defeat of the Ger
man fieet. it is presumed that she is
seeking a charter.
Vessels named on the en route
board not shown to be engaged
are the Norwegian ship Forth, from
Sydney Heads: British ship Celticburn,
from Antofogasta; British ship Wis
combe Park, from - Guayaquil; Nor
wegian bark Pehr Ugland. from Cor
onet; Norwegian ship Majanka, from
Albany; Norwegian bark Llndf ield, from
Valparaiso; Norwegian -bark - Vanduara,
from Callao, and the Norwegian ship
Gizlna, from Valparaiso.
Royal Mail-Announces Fares to Orl-
I ent and Manila.
Passenger rates announced between
Portland and the Orient and Manila
yesterday by the Royal Mail line, ap
plying first on the steamer Glengyle,
are $125 to Yokohama, $133.50 to Kobe,
(146 to Moji, and $150 to Shanghai.
Hongkong and Manila. The Glengyle
is due here February 10 from London
via Far Eastern harbors, and loads for
the return voyage at once.
The Glenroy, next of the line due,
sailed from Yokohama Thursday and
should be at Honolulu January 4, where
she discharges about 2000 tons of
cargo, taken on at London. The date
of her expected arrival at Seattle is
January 15, and at Portland. Janu
ary IS. On the return voyage of the
Glenroy she is to work 'cargo for Vla
divostok, and considerable stuff may be
taken, especially shipments from the
East, where the Russian interests have
made heavy purchases for delivery via
the Pacific because traffice by the
regular route on the other side is ham
News From Oregon Ports.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 18. (Special.)
The tank steamer Asuncion arrived this
morning from California with a cargo
of fuel oil for Portland.
The steam schooner F. S. Loop ar
rived this morning from San Francisco
with 40.000 brick for Astoria and 5000
brick for Westport.
The British steamer Strathallan
sailed this morning for 1 the United
Kingdom wth a cargo of grain from
The Norwegian bark Cortes arrived
during the night from Portland with a
cargo of grain for the United King
dom and will go to sea tomorrow.
The British bark Crown of India
sailed today for the United Kingdom
with a cargo of grain from Portland.
As soon as the tug took hold of her
she began setting sail and by the time
she crossed the bar the greater por
tion of her canvas was up. The rea
son for this was that there is a time
race on between the Crown of India
and the British ship Oweenee. which
will sail tomorrow or Sunday for
Europe. The latter has the reputa
tion of being an exceptionally fast
craft, but the Crown of India beat her
16 days in the run from Valparaiso to
this port. It is said that a wager
of $100 has been made on the race to
the British Isles.
The steamer Beaver from San Fran-
are the garments for gen
tlemen. We show them in
balbriggan, sea island cot
ton, wool, silk and wool.
$1,25 to $8.50
Morrison at Fourth
fiat Orders dove Orders "Merchandise Orders
clsco and San Pedro and the steamer
Geo. W. Elder from Eureka and Coos
Bay arrived today with freight and
passengers for Portland and Astoria.
The steamer Bear sailed this morn
ing for San Francisco and San Pedro.
COOS BAY. Or.. Dec. 18. (Special.)
The steam schooner Yellowstone ar
rived from Portland and will load lum
ber at North Bend. The Yellowstone
brought several hundred tons of
The steam schooner Hardy arrived
from San Francisco for a load of lumber
from the Simpson mills.
Steamer Schedule.
Geo. W. Elder. ...
Heaver. ..........
Yucatan. .........
Breakwater. . . . .
Rose City. .......
Roanoke. ........
. Ioa Angelea. . .
.San Eiego
, Coos Bay. . . .
-I-oa Angeles. . .
San Diego. . ,
.Los Angeles. ..
. . In port
...In port
...Dec 29
. . Dec. 2o
. . . Dec. 23
...Dec 27
. . . Dec -8
Geo. W. Elder....
. JB. F. to L. A.. .
. .Eureka. ... .. .
. 8. F. to L. A . .
. jC. B. and S. F.
, .Los ADgeles. . .
. Coos huy.
. J3an Diego
. .ban Francisco.
.Han Francisco.
, .San Francisco.
. .San Diego.
. X.08 Angeles. . .
aa Diego.
Los Angeles . .
. Ban Francisco,
.fan Diego.
.San Diego.
....Dec lit
... Dec 20
. . . Dec. 21
. . . Dec 'SI
. . . Dec
Dec. -23
. . . Dec -3
...Dec 4
...Dec 25
. . .Dec 21
... Dec 27
... Dec. a7
. . . Dec. SO
. . . Dec SO
...Jan. i
...Jan 1
...Jan. 23
...Feb. 2U
. . . Mar. 20
...Jan. 80
. . ..Feb. 2a
... Mar. x.
Paralao. .......
Beaver. ........
Breakwater. ...
Y ucatan . .......
Northland. . . . .
Multnomah. . .. .
e;an Ramon . . .
J. B. Stetson.
Hose City. ... . . .
Roanoke. ... . ..
Glenroy. .. . ..
Ulengyle. .. .
Ulenlochy . . .
Glenroy. .....
Glengyle. ....
Gienlochy. ...
. London. ......
London. ......
London. ......
. London. ......
London. ......
. London . . . .
aiarconl Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. M-, Decem
ber IK, unless otherwise designated.
Atlas. San Francisco for Seattle, 23 miles
from San Francisco.
Leelanaw, with barge Acapulco in tofr,
Nanalmo for San Francisco. Xed miles from
Herrin. Gaclota for Llnnton, S84 miles
north of Gavlota.
Richmond. Richmond for Seattle, lou
miles from Richmond.
Pleiades, New Orleans for San Francisco.
1213 miles south of San Pedro, December 17.
Pennsylvania, San Francisco tor Balboa,
21UH miles south of San Francisco, Decem
ber 17.
Camino, San Pedro for Rotterdam, 73 miles
souih of Acapulco, December 17.
San Juan. Balboa for San Francisco. 2632
miles soutb. of San Francisco, Dec 17.
John A . Hooper. San Francisco for New
York. t50 miles south of San Francisco.
Norwood, San Pedro for San Francisco, off
Point Vincent.
Lewis Luckenbach, New York for ban
Francisco, 76-4 miles south of San Diego.
Carolyn, San Francisco for New York, 1144
miles south of San Pedro.
Argyll, San Diego for Port San Luis, lo
miles from Port San Luis.
Santa Cruz, San Francisco for New Tork,
1068 miles south of San Francisco.
Pennsylvania. San Francisco for Balboa,
2324 miles south of San Francisco.
Camino, San Pedro for Rotterdam, 20tt
miles south of Acapulco.
Arolinc San Francisco for San Pedro, 12
miles east of Point Concepclon.
Oliver J. Olson, Puget Sound for Callao,
80O miles south of San Pedro.
Hilonlan. Seattle for Honolulu, 1296 miles
out, December 17.
Redondo, Coos Bay for San Francisco, 25
miles north of San Francisco.
Farragut, San Francisco for Seattle, three
miles north of Point Reyes.
Yucatan, San Francisco for Portland, flYs
miles north of Point Arena.
Barge 91, Ventura for Richmond. 10 miles
noran of Point Sur.
Lucas. Seattle for Richmond, 162 miles
north of Richmond.
Dewey, Seattle for San Francisco, 80 miles
south of Blunts Reef.
Adeline Smith, Coos Bay for San Fran
cisco, 18 miles north of San Francisco.
. Nann Smith, Coos Bay for San Francisco,
In stress and trouble the women of
a nation are . always to be counted
upon. In Servia the women went to
the front with muskets in their hands;
they were as strong and brave as the
men on the firing line. In this country
few of our women escape the weaken
ing troubles peculiar to their sex.
For every disease or ailment of a
womanly" character, no matter how re
cent or how long standing, the one
sure, reliable remedy of proved merit
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It is prepared from nature's roots
and herbs and does not contain a
particle of alcohol or any narcotic It's
not a secret prescription for its in
gredients are printed on the wrapper.
Women are earnestly advised to take
it for Irregular or painful periods,
backache, headache, displacement, ca.
larrhal condition, hot . flashes, sallow
complexion and nervousness.
For girls about . to enter woman
hood, women about to become mothers
and for the changing days of middle
age Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
should always be on hand.
Write Dr. Pierce. Buffalo, N. for
free 136-page book on woman's dis
eases. Cvery woman should have one.
Every home should have one. Every
man and woman who isn't afraid to
read - a book so plainly written that
anyone can understand it should write
today for a revised copy of the Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser
to Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo,
N. y. ;
This is a large cloth bound book
of 1008 pages; 8 Inches long; 1 Inches
thick; brimful of knowledge not found
in ordinary .books, sent postpaid to any
reader who will send this clipping with
20 cents. Adv.
SO miles north of San Francisco.
Iaqua. San Francisco for Saa le4t 13
miles south of San Francisco.
Queen, ban Francisco for Saa Podre, oft
Point New Year.
Bear, Portland for San Fraaclaoa, 4C
miles north of San Francisco.
Stetson. San Francisco for Columbia River.
28 miles north of Blunts Reef.
Santa Rita. San Luis for Seattle, 88
miles north of San Francisco.'
Grace Dollar, San Francisco for Puget
Sound. 855 miles north of San Francisco.
Cordova, Prince William Sound for T
coma, off Dungenesa.
Governor, Seattle for San Francisco, artx
miles west of Point Wilson.
Evelyn. Kan Francisco for Seattle, eff
Port Angeles.
Nome City, Port Angeles for San Fran
cisco. 10 miles west of Port Crescent.
JefTerson, left Ketchikan for Seattle, 8:45
P. M.
Alameda, northbound, left Ketchikan. 4:43.
P. M.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Dec 18. Arrived Steamers
Gee W. Elder, from Coos Bay; Beaver, from
San Pedro and San Francisco; Asuncion,
from San Francisco. Sailed Klamath, for
San Francisco; Willamette, for San Pedro,
via San Francisco; St. Helens, for Balboa,
via Puget Sound; British Steamer Usher,
for United Kingdom; British bark. Oweenee,
for United Kingdom.
Astoria, Dec 18. Arrived down during tiia
night, Norwegian ship Cortes. Arrived at
2 and left up at 2:60 A. M.. steamer Geo.
V. Elder, xroni Eureka, via Coos Bay.
Sailed at 2 A. 51., steamer Bear, for San
Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at 7 anti
left up at 8:30 A. M.. steamer Beaver, from
San Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived at
7:0 and left up at 9:30 A. M.. steamer
Asuncion, from San Franciscc Arrived at
7:40 A. M., steamer F. S. Loop, from Saa
Francisco. Sailed at 11:E0 A. M., Britlsn
steamer Strathallan, for United Kingdom.
Sailed at 12:45, British bark. Crown of In
dia, for United Kingdom.
San Francisco, Dec 18. Arrived at T A.
M.. steamer Paraiso, for Portland, via Coos
Bay. Steamer Isthmian, from San Pedro,
for New York, struck on Cerros Island, re
turning to San Diego, 26 feet of water in
No. 1 hold. Sailed at noon, steamer Yucatan,
for Portland. Dec 17. Sailed at S P. M.,
steamer Daisy Putnam, for Coos Bay and
Portland ; at 8 P. M., steamer J. U. Stet
son, for Portland.
Montevideo. Dec 17. Norwegian bark
Nordhav. reported leaking, will not discharge
cargo; will sail December 10 for Unltea
Cape Town, Dec. C. Sailed Norwegian
bark Hiawatha, for Portland.
Yokohama, Dec. 17. Sailed British
steamer Glenroy, for Portland, via Honolulu.
Astoria, Dec 17. Sailed at noon, steamer
Quinault, for San Francisco.
Chriutiaula. Dec 15. Arrived Kron Prlns
Gustaf Adolp, from San Francisco.
Sydney. N. s. w., Dec. JS. Arrived
Makura, from Vancouver. B. C.
Son Francisco, Dec. 18. Arrived Steamers
Paraiso, from Portland: a. C. Llndauer. from
Grays Harbor; Uregonian, from New York.
Sailed Steamers May-fair, for Port Angeles;
Pennsylvania, for New York; Yucatan, for
Portland; Wilamac (Biltish), for Hongkong.
Christobal, Dec. IS. Arrived Steamer
John, from New York, for San Francisco.
L'Mled Steamer Eccleslas (from Portland.
Or.). Naples.
Norfolk. Dec. 18. Arrived Steamer Santa
Cecelia, from San Francisco.
Seattle, Dec. 18. Arrived Steamers Con
gress, from San Diego- William Chatham,
Admiral Schley, from San Francisco; Sado
Maru (Japanese), from Hongkong. Sailed
Steamers Governor, for San Diego; Alkl. for
Southeastern Alaska.
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HSAD. Dec. 18. Condition of the
bar at S P. AI. Sea smooth; wind east. Li
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. Low.
2:43 A. M 7.3 feet!S:28 A. M 8.2 feet
P. M . feetr:17 P. M -1.2 feet.
at Taylor
32 Noon to 11 P. M. Today.
Jjeuit Chance to Hee
llrit and Only Authentic
Four Reels of Actual Fighting.
The Burning of Antwerp.
The ei,t ruction of Termonde.
The Flooding of Llerre.
The Battle of Aertcbot.
The Battle of Aluxt.
The Battle of JUailnea.
All Seats 25 Cents
Tickets at the Helllg Theater boxofflce
or The Oregonian business office
Benefit Belgian Red Cross and
Local AMtociaied Charities,
Malu Z. A 63 00
eo. 1. hakfr. 1mr.
Home of the Famous Baker Players. Mat.
today, last time tonight. First stork, produc
tion in this city of the beautiful play.
A d rare a everyone wants to see. Like the
tong and story. It will live forever, touperb
production, splendidly acted and gorgeously
mounted. KveningB: 25c. 35c. 00c, 75c. Box
1. Sat Mat., 25c, oOc. Box 75c. Wed Mat.,
all seats 25c (except boxi. Next week -fctarting
tomorrow Mat., "J-cab JKIeftcbna."
MaL U Uroiadav. c Stark.
'ine White liuarf.
ant well A Walker
l'ierre I'elletier A Co.
La I'ranre & Brucj
Minnie KautTmat
Broaui.a and Aider.
"Co Where the Crowd Goes.'
The Dancing Mermaids with Lottie Mairr,
Davis & Walker, A Mrenuous Daisy, bbeer
& Herman, DrVYIU Voting and bister. Spe
cial. Laurie Ordnaj; l'antagescope. a'hune
Main 6S6, A S23B.
flf'-l'SJ Matinee
S:ia P.M.
2 Khnirl
sal 7:30, S:10
impersonator, and five other 1 eat ur. Acts,
with fr'irHt-run l'hoto-l'uv) e.
P W 11" F i Afternoons 10e. 15.
a rihin ma. Night
H rj VB I 8 H ' n fc J t.-tm vm 1