Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 18, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Four Counties Now Are With
out Representation 'in
Legislative Body.
Before Division Crook Had One
Member for 17,199 Residents
and Multnomah Has One for
Each 13,245 Inhabitants.
A redisricting: bill, providing a new
basis of representation in the Legisla
ture, probably will be proposed at the
forthcoming session of the Legislature
but trouble is threatened over its
provisions regardless of . what . those
provisions are.
Under the present apportionment
three counties, exclusive of the newly
created one. are left without represen
tation at all and others seem to be
sriven more than their respective share
of representation.
The present population of the state,
Just compiled by the Portland Commer
cial Club, based on Federal census fig
ures and school census returns, is 795,
687. The aggregate representation In
tbe two houses of the Legislature is
90 60 members in the house and SO
In the Senate. The average number of
persons represented by each member of
the Legislature, therefore, is 8S4Q'.-i
Many parts of the . state," however,
have less than this proportion of rep
resentation, while others appear to be
over-represonted. . - " '
I. Inn Well Provided For.
Linn County seems to have more than
Its share, as it has five representatives
two in the Senate and three in the
House. The population or Linn County
is 25,635. This undue representation is
because E. D. Cusick, Senator-elect
from the Lane-Linn Joint district, lives
in Linn County. Without counting him.
Linn County would have four members,
which would give an average of one
representative for each 6421 persons.
Douglas County, likewise, Is well
represented. With a population of 22,
S73, it has one member in the Senate
and two in the House an average of
one for each 7624 Inhabitants.
Clatsop County has one Senator and
two Representativks, with a popula
tion of 17,273 an average of one for
each 5757 people.
Jackson County, with a population of
27.144. has one Senator and three Rep
resentatives, an average of one for
each 6786 persons. It is a Senatorial
district In itself and has two Repre
sentatives of its own, besides one Rep
resentative from the Douglas-Jack son
Joint district.
WaablngtoK Representation H,arg;e.
Washington County has two Sena
tors and three Representatives, with a
population of 23,270 an average of
one for each 4654 residents. Washing
ton has three Representatives and one
Senator of its own. W. H. Hoi lis. Sen
ator from the Lincoln-Tlllamook-Wash-ington-Yamhill
Joint district, lives in
Korest Grove.
Josephine County has one Senator
nd one Representative each from a
district comprising Josephine County
v exclusively. The county has a popula
tion of 8785. This gives each 4292 per.
ons in that-county one representative.
:- The theory on which the last dis
tricting was done was to make the
Senatorial districts contain twice as
many people as the Representative dis
tricts. This plan evidently was over
looked in the case of Josephine County,
as tbe Representative district and the
Senatorial district have common boun
daries with the county.
Marion County also seems to be
pretty well represented, as It has two
.Senators and five Representatives. The
population thero is 46.919 an average
'l one member for each 6702 persons.
Umatilla County is over-represented,
liavlng two Senators and three Repre
ntatlevs for 23,270 inhabitants, an
average of 4654.
Three Counties Left Out."
v TTtnatilla has two Representatives
nd a Senator of its own. R. N. Stan
field, Representative from the Umatilla-Morrow
joint district, lives in
Umatilla County, as does C. A. Barrett,
Senator from the Umatilla-Morrow-Union
joint district.
Meanwhile Morrow County has no
representation at all.
Wasco County has three members
one in Uie Senat and two in the
liouse. Wasco and Hood River jointly
liavq one Senator and two Representa
tives. All three members live in Wasco
County, which has a total population
of 1S.S95 an average- of one for each
Sl'Sl of population.
Hood River, which lius a population
or 7S15, is not repnesented at all.
Malheur County likewise has no rep
resentation, yet it has a population of
13,913. Malheur, with Grant and Har
ney counties, form a Senatorial district
represented by Loring V. Stewart, who
resides at IJayville, Grant County.
Malheur and Harney counties form a
Itepresentative district, which elected
Frank Uavuy, of Burns, Harney County.
Crook Representation Ntnall.
Crook County, with a population of
17,199, has only one member. He is
Vernon A. Forbes, of Bend, In the lower
houe. Crook County, by the last elec
tion, was subdivided, Jefferson County
being formed and this new county
doubtless will be clamoring for repre
sentation in the Legislature; Crook,
Orant. Klamath and Lake have two
members in the lower house. The other
one is Wesley O. Jones, of Klamath
Falls. Klamath County thus is given
but one representative, although the
population is 11,367.
Many counties, like Lake. Sherman.
- Curry and Wheeler, which have a lim
ited population, are represented by one
member each.
Multnomah County legislators point
out that this county is discriminated
ngainst by the present districting plan
The county has 12 Representatives
from the county at large, one from the
Multnomah - Clackamas joint district,
six senators from the county at large
and one from the Multnomah-Columbia-Clackamas
Joint district; This gives it
20 members in the Legislature. The
population is 277,183 an average of
one legislator for each 13.859 residents
The total population of the state, ac
cording to the Commercial Club's fig
ures, is 795,587. Multnomah County,
then, has a little more than one-third
the population of Oregon within its
Multnomah Proportion Low.
Under tho present system with a
total of 90 members in the Legislature
.Multnomah County should have 30
Senators ami Representatives.
But it is probable that Multnomah will
not be able to procure this proportion
of representation. The up-state mem
bers will not "stand for" it.
Any effort to cut down the repre
sentation from Marion County likewise
is apt to meet with serious protest.
Kaeh particular district probably wili
hare its own "ax to grind"' when ro
distrlctlng is attempted.
It Is apparent that Malheur and
Crook counties and some others that
have gained substantially In population
in the last few years will ask for more
adequate representation, although Crook
has lost population through the for
mation of Jefferson County.
It is probable, also, that an amend
ment to the present law which prohib
its division of counties to form Rep
resetnative or Senatorial districts will
be attempted.
This suggestion comes from residents
of Multnomah, Marion and other com
paratively populous counties, who de
clare the present system is unfair, as
it results in the election of legislators
from the populous centers of their re
spective counties to the obvious detri
ment of the rural districts.
Present Status Shown.
The following table shows the pres
ent population of each county in the
state and the representation from each
county based on the actual residence
of the representative, together with the
average number of persons represented
by each member of the Legislature:
- latsop
Columbia .
Coos ........
louglas . . , . .
Gilliam .....
Mood River. .
Josephine . . .
Malheur ....
Marion ......
Union ......
Wallowa -, . . -
Washington '.
w neeier ....
j 20,37:,
1 13.245
8, 80S
277,1 S3
10. inn
:5,687j 90
c P
' 6.788
4. 292
' 6.702
7, o,
Crook County now is deduced In popula
tion. Jefferson havlnir tt4i rrrali1 f Vi f-n-n
at the last election.
Resolutions Vnanlmoasjly Adopted
Backing lTp Roadmaster'a Labors.
It- M. Parks Makes Talk.
That Oregon fopn will be producing
all the Portland cement needed for
home consumption, was the declaration
yesterday by H. M. Parks, director of
the Oregon Burwu of Mines and
Geology, yesterday before the Progres
sive Business Men's Club at the Mult
nomah Hotel. In his topic, "The Latest
Mineral Resources of Oregon."
Mr. Parks was introduced by Harold
N. Lawrie, a consulting mining
geologist and engineer, who acted as
chairman of the day.
In the businegH transacted at the
meeting the club lauded the work of
John B. Yeon and indorsed him and Uis
labors for tbe community by adopting
unanimously the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Progressive Business
Men's Club believes it would be a serious
mistake tor this community it it failed ta
avail Itself ot the proffered services of no
able, energetic, experienced and competent
a citizen a John B. Teon bus proved him
self to be in the position of County Boad
master: and. be It ftirther
Resolved. That as members of this club
and taxpayers we unanimously recommend
the continuance of Mr. Yeon In thq position
of Roadroaster tor Multnomah County, In
which he has so ably and well demonstrated
his ability to serve the best interests ot the
entire community.
Albert S. Brown. Portland represen
tative of the Christian Science Monitor,
rendered a piano and tenor solo.
Washington Tjodge No. 4 8 Holds An
nual Meeting on East Bide.
Washington Lodge No. 46, A. V. and
A. M.. at the annual meeting Wednes
day in the East Side Masonic Temple,
elected and installed the following
named officers for the ensuing year:
Worshipful master, H. H. Young;
senior warden, V. M. Patterson; Junior
warden It. B Hurlburt; treasurer, R.
B. McClung; secretary, re-elected for
tho I4th time. J. H. Richmond; chap
lain, John M. Lewis; deacon, A. H. S.
Haff enden ; junior deacon, C. J. Car
penter; senior steward. J. W. Little;
Junior steward. J. Kier; marshal,
Robert H. Down; tyler, T. H. Brlckell;
trustee for three years, W. A. Demp
sey. J. K. Martin, retiring worshipful
master, assisted by Roy Quackenbush,
acting giand marshal, installed the of
ficers, the ceremony being followed by
a dinner.
Washington Lodge will be visited by
St. John's Lodge No. 17 and Albany,
Or.. Lodge tomorrow night. The
visitors will arrive at 5:15 o'clock and
will be entertained at the East 6ido
Masonic Temple, where they will give
the desrrees.
It Gets to That Sore Spot
Like Magic
A-a-h! That's delicious relief for
those sore muscles, those stiff Joints,
that lame back.
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard and
other home simples.
It does the work of the old-fashioned
mustard plaster, minus the plaster and
minus the blister!
You simply rub MUSTEROLE on the
spot where the pain Is rub it on brisk
ly and the pain is gone.
!No muss, no bother. Just comforting,
soothing relief first a gentle glow,
then a delightful sense of coolness. And
best of all, no blisters like the old
fasnioned mustard plaster used to
There is nothing like MUSTEROLE
for Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsil itis,
Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia,
Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of
the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore
Muscles. Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted
Feet and Colds of the Chest (it often
prevents Pneumonia),
At your druggist's, in 25o and 60c
jars, and a special large hospital stze
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MTJS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations get what
you ask for. The Musterole Company
Cleveland, O.
Double Stamps
Today With All
Cash Purchases
A II Departments
Early 1 ,4 h K.
Olds, Worttnam SeKing
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 6231
Me rchandise
Let "him" or "her" choose
their own glfta. An OWK
Merchandise or Glove
Bond will settle the gift
question satisfactorily.
Issued in any amount desired.
Parcels Sent by Express
Branch office in the Basement
Underprice Store, near : Alder
street entrance. Parcels for
warded to all parts of the world.
BRANCH Postoffice
Near tho elevators on tbe main
floor. Parcels wrapped, weighed
and stamped ready for mail
ing. Make use of this service.
Parcels Checked Free!
For the convenience of . our pa
trons parcels will be checked, and
held until called for free of
charge. Public phones second floor.
Santa Claus Will Be in Toy land
Today From 2 to 5
Ask mamma and papa to take you tp see Santa Clans' headquarters at
Olds, Wortman & King's, They'll surely bring you to see it. Every
thing is in readiness. Trains and automobiles axe breaking the speed
limit.. Dollies are waiting for some little girlie to give them a home, and
thousands of other toys that are brand new are shown in a great variety.
$3.50 Coasters at $2.48
Fox ButiLiitig Boards
Fourth Floor Board is double,
with different sets of figures and
characters on each side. An inter
esting and ' instructive puzzle,
game or plaything. Each, $1.00
i r
1C1ZJ '
Fourth Floor A gift all boys ap
preciate. Chest made of hardwood
and covered with heavy tin. 21
pieces to the set. J? T O O
$2.50 Tool Chests at PJ-OZ
just like
this cut.
Red top
board, with
ly striped and stenciled gears and
reaches. A Eplendid Xmas gift.
Our Special 25c Table
Between Elevators, Fourth Floor
For easy selection we have grouped
hundreds of articles on this table.
Your choice of any of them at 25c.
Musical Tops, Mechanical Toys,
Combination Game Boards, Balls,
Telephones, Rubber Dolls,. Brad
ley's "True-Life" Paper Dolls,
Boats, Soldiers, Dishes, Wagons,
Animals, Drums, and other toys.
$1.25 "Shoo Fly" 89c
Styled just
like this
cut. Well
made and
nicely fin
ished". The
grade ' sold
elsewhere at $1.25. Special, 892
Cur Special 50c Table
Between Elevators, Fourth Floor
Pianos, Furniture Sets, Balis,
Violins, Trunks, Nine Pins, Carpet
Sweepers, Games, Puzzles, Horns,
Banks, Boats, Animals, etc., etc.
Your choice at only, each, 50
Great Vz Price Sale of Dolls
Fourth Floor "Sweetheart"
Dolls, full jointed, with long curly
hair, sleeping eyes, etc. Papier
mache body. . Attractive faces.
$2.00 Sweetheart Dolls at Sl.OO
$2.50 Sweetheart Dolls at $1.25
$4.00 Sweetheart Dolls at S2.00
$5.00 Sweetheart Dolls at $2.50
Fourth Floor Kid-body Dolls at
great savings. These bodies are
slightly soiled; otherwise perfect.
$2.00 Kid-Body Dolls at 551.48
$2.25 Kid-Body Dolls at $1.85
$3.75 Kid-Body Dolls at $1.98
$5.00 Kid-Body Dolls at $3.48
$6.00 Kid-Body Dolls at $4.38
1 nvlcorf 1 I VjE,
Economy Toy Banks
Teach the chil
dren to save.
These E c o n
omy Banks are
strongly made.
5-coin size for
pennies, nick
els, dimes,
quarters and
halves. Bell
rings and reg
isters, $1.50
On Special 15c Table
Toy Department, Fourth Floor
Hundreds of "articles for gift-giving
at this moderate price. Horns,
Balls, Brooms, "Roily Dolly,"
Xmas Stockings, Stoves, Irons,
Wagons, etc. Conveniently ar
ranged for easy choosing.
$1.00 Folding Doll Beds now 79
Toy Pop Guns for boys, ea., 25c
Tree Ornaments many new ideas
shown for the first time this
year. On sale now at low prices.
Mechanical Trains 75c
and Up to $3.00
Fourth Floor Endless amount of
fun and amusement for tho little
ones. Well made with 6trong
winding spring. An ideal toy.
Electric Trains, Autos, Streetcars,
etc. Full line Iron Toys all kinds.
$1 to $36
Ideal Gifts
Get your boy a
set of Meccano.
It's the most -fascinating
toy in
the world. Al
ways new al
ways delightful
you'll enjoy it,
too. We show
in all LTfefe
ranging in fi&k
from . mmm&m
a tx mi
What $1 Will
In Women's Xmas
. Kerchiefs "
Main Floor Tbe following spe
cially boxed Handkerchiefs will
be found in the Handkerchief
Section in center aisle, near
the Morrison-street entrance.
For $1.00
Three Sunspun Hand-Embroidered
Handkerchiefs for women.
Put up in a fancy Xmas box.
For $1.00
Women's Spanish Hand-Embroidered
Initial Handkerchiefs.
Put up . three in a fancy box.
For $1.00
Women's Fine Linen Kerchiefs.
Dainty cottage embroidered.
Three handsome styles in a box.
For $1.00
Women's Pure Linen Handker
chiefs, with fancy initial in
corner. Put tip 3 in fancy box.
For $1.00
Women's Linen Kerchiefs, with
Abbey hand-embroidered corner.
Broad hem. 3 in fancy folder.
For $1.00
Women's Pure Linen Kerchiefs,
with faney spokenwork corner
embroidery. 3 in fancy box.
One Venise or Princess Lace
Handkerchief, put up in a fancy
holder. Priced at, each, $1.00
Clearing Sale of
Main Floor Women's beautiful
Scarfs of erepe de chine, in plain
and printed effects. Dainty gifts.
Up to $1.48 Scarfs 98
Up to $2.50 Scarf 3 $1.48
Up to $5.00 Scarfs $1.98
Gillette Razors
$5 to $25
Mala Floor.
Our Greatest Sale of Fine Furs
Tremendous Reductions
Women's $100 Pony Coat for SoO.OO
Women's $ 40 Pony Coats for $30.00
Women's $ 60 Pony Coats for $35.00
Women's $110 Caracul Coat at $82.50
Women's $110 Near Seal Coats $82.50
Wom's $175 nud. Seal Coat $131.25
Women's $175 Ring Tail Coat $75.00
Children's $40 Near Seal Coat $15.00
Children's $25 Brwn Coney Coat $9.9S
Children's White Coney Coat $12.50
Mink Scarfs from $45. OO to 852.50
Mink Sets, very. fine, priced S48.50
Skunk Scarfs from $8.62 to $41.25
Fitch Scarfs, priced $9.38 to $30.00
Black Fox Scarfs $12.38 to $29.85
Civet Cat Scarfs $10.75 to $13.12
Civet Cat Mnffs $15.00 to $20.62
Ermine Scarfs from $18.75 to 63.77
Mole Scarfs priced $9.50 to $27.50
Mole Muffs, price $18.75 to $24.37
- mm '
Kimonos and Negligees $6.50 Up to $35.00
Full Line Boudoir Caps 29c to $5.00
Second Floor Women's fancy
Negligees and Japanese Kimonos,
very dainty for Christmas gifts.
Brocaded silks, crepe de chines,
satins, etc., in beautiful new pat
terns and colors. Some hand em
s&soT; $35.00
C J XT -r T
ncwuu xiuur nouaoir iim in a , :
handsome assortment of styles '
appropriate yet inexpensive gifts.
Made of crepe de chine, nets,
laces, Swisses and lawns. Trim
med with rosebuds, ribbons, etc.
The prices range O T
m mmmr f
from 29 up to '
Two Specials in Silk Petticoats
AT $3.59 Beautiful new Pet
ticoats of crepe de chine, messa
line. All jersey and jersey tops,
with messaline, flounces. Shown
in all colors. Several styles.
AT $5.0O All-silk messaline,
jersey, with messaline flounces or
all-silk jersey. Plain and plaited
flounces. Fitted elastic tops.
Shown in all the new shades.
Wool Sweaters for
Christmas Gifts
Second Floor Women's and
Misses'. Wool Sweaters in plain
and- fancy weaves. Roll or
Byron collars. Fine or heavy
ribbed. Priced fiJO QQ
very special at P07
Girls9 Dresses
lf2 Price
Second Floor Tbis includes out
entire line of Girls' Dresses, in
silks and velvets. Priced in the
regular way at $16.25 up to
$26.00. This season's newest
styles. Aeres 10, 12 and 14 years.
$16.25 Dresses now at $ 8.13
$17.50 Dresses now at $ 8.75
$20.00 Dresses now at $10.00
$26.00 Dresses now at $13.00
Girls' Challie Dresses
At V3 Off
Second Floor Great Clearing
Sale of our entire Jine of Chil
dren's Woolen and Challie
Dresses. Scores of pretty styles
in serviceable colors. Ages
for ' girls 6 . to 14. The prices
ransre from $9,251
to $21.00. Now at lril
Girls $12.50 to $21.50 Party
Dresses on sale now at 1-3 off
Girls' $5 Sweaters
At $3.98
Second Floor Girls' heavy knit
Wool Sweaters in ruffneck
style, with knit-in pockets and
pearl buttons. Shown in gray,
red and white. Q QQ
Worth up to $5.00 70
Sale of Men's Xmas Ties
Lot 1 Choice 65c Lot 2 Choice 85c
Men's Store, Main Floor An un
paralleled opportunity to buy the finest
of Neckwear at extremely low prices
Hundreds will avail themselves of this
snap. Very latest wide flowing end
Ties in beautiful new designs and color
ings. 1000 Ties at 65 1000 O
Ties at tho special price of, each OtC
35c Linen Kerchiefs at 25c
Main Floor Men's extra fine, sheer, all
linen Handkerchiefs a standard 35o
quality, with hemstitched self-border.
Limit six to each customer. O lTg
Priced special, while they last4"
$1.5Q Union Suits for 98c
Main Floor Men's heavy Winter-weight
Union Suits. This i3 the famous "Lewis"
make, with closed crotch. Perfect fitting
and very comfortable. Shown in all
sizes. Standard $1.50 Union Q
Suits. Special today at only fOC
Men's $5.00 House Coats and Smoking
Jackets on special sale now at $4.45
Full line of Men's Auto Gauntlets in
famous makes at $2.50 to $8.50
Men's 50c Black Cash mo Rnr-Vo ?qa
Full lines Bacmo. Hays' and Dent's Lined Gloves, $1.75 to $5 OO
All Men's and Young Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats at $1195
All Men's and Young Men's $20.00 Suits and Overcoats at 814 95
All Men's and Young Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats at $1875
All Men's and Young Men's $30.00 Suits and Overcoats at $2250
$5 Silk Umbrellas $3195
On Sale Friday and Saturday
Department, Main Floor Here's a suggestion that will meet with the
approval of those who plan giving something useful. These excellent
Umbrellas are covered with finest quality silk in black and all the
wanted colors. Choice assortment of ebonoid and fancy sterling
trimmed handles. Standard $5.00 Umbrellas for women. (PO O Z
You may choose these Umbrellas for two days at, each
"Portland Maid" $1.00 Silk Hose for women Very acceptable gifts
Cut Glass and Silverware
Make Serviceable Christmas Gifts
$2.60 Oil-Vinegar Jugs at $2.08 4
$3.50 Oil-Vinegar Jugs at $2.80 1
... . ... , -v, ir: . t . l a s V
3-t.J v jnegar ugs ai 90,10
$1.50 Cut Glass Lavender Jar,
filled with Lavender Water, $1
$2.00 Perfume Bottles at $1.60
$2.40 Perfume Bottles at $1.92
$2.60 Perfume Bottles at $2.08
$3.00 Perfume Bottles at $2.40
$3.25 Perfume Bottles at $2.50
$1.65 5-iuch Vases only $1.32
$3.50 8-inch Vases only $2.70
$6.00 12-inch Vases Only $4.80
$3.25 Mayonnaise or Whipped
Cream Dish and Plate, $2.68
Special reduced prices on Nickel
$1.75 Bon Bon Dishes at $1.25
$3.00 Bon Bon Dishes at $2.45
$7.15 Baking Dishes at $5.00
$7.75 Baking Dishes at $5.75
$14.00 Coffee Sets only $9.90
$16.25 Coffee Sets at $10.90
Plated, Brass and Copper Ware
Special bargains in Electric Portables, Andirons and Fire Sets
Double Stamps with all cash purchases in all departments today
Men's $2.50 Christmas Slippers $1.69
'2Skllfl Bargain Circle, First Floor 2000 pairs Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's
gfyrf&kl Men's House Slippers, in tan or black. Siesta Slippei-s, with pompons. Also
m r 'T :fr Operas, Romeos and Everett styles. All Women's Felt Slippers in all popular
sizes. Slippers worth to I? if (ZCk colors. Standard $1.50 Slippers. Qn
J J&wJRr $2-50- Special, the pair P J On special sale at, the pairi'C'
VClt Slipper Specials in the Shoe Department for Today
FfcOA hL Men's $2.50 Traveling Slippers in kid container, special, pair, $1.98
1 tS- Men's Kozy Komfort Chamois-Lined Slippers, pocketboot edi., $3.50
VI H i-Sj J x Women 's Limousine Boots at $6.00 Child 's Fur-Trimmed Juliets at 89c
w 7jT - Ribbon-Trimmed Siestas at $1.48 Child's Red-Top Rub. Boots, $1.98
jW ' $2.50 Ooze Boudoir Slippers, 1.69 Child's Moccasins, the pair, $1.29
A t Special Prices
More of a gift than simply a
card yet no higher in price.
15c, 25c and 35c. Special 10
Full of the Christmas Spirit
only 25C
Boxed and Plain. No choicer
gift possible, only 50
Bible Special
An extra good, leather Bible,
large print and well-made,
easily worth $1.35. Special
only 98
$10 Sets Authorized
Nine handsome volumes author
ized by Mr. Kipling himself, $10
Editions. Special only $5.50
Special for Parents
Give your children a set of the
famous "After School Library.
Edited- by Hamilton Wright
Mabie. Books that will amuse,
instruct and help your children.
Special $6.50.
Only 10 sets offered at this price.
It will pay you, Booklover and
6tudent, to visit this new book
department that has shown
such a wonderful growth in the
two years of its existence.
Book Department,
Main Floor.