Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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Multnomah May Pay for All
Purposes $7,488,000 or
U Cut of $1,460,000.
Economical Tendency, However,
Slakes Lower Kates Sore Board '
of Control to Anticipate Money
to Be Spent by Legislature
table: showing multnomah
county tax levy com
parjson fok years
1014 AND 1915.
1914. 1916.
Mills. Mills.
State 4.60 a. 60
State School 1.20 1.20
County (general) 1.75 1.7S
County high school .15 .16
County roads 1.80 1.80
County library 45 .45
Port of Portland 1.85 1.00
City of Portland 7.70 7.50
School District No. 1.. 7.50 6.00
Total levy 27.00 22.35
Note The levies as shown for
1915 for state, 1 state school,
county, county high school, county
roads, county library and Port of
Portland have not been definitely
fixed. The county levies are still
uncertain. The state levies and
the Port of Portland levy prob
ably will be the official figures
Although budget-making for 1915 has
not been finished In all branches of the
government supported by tho taxpayers
of Multnomah County, the work has
gone far enough to Indicate that there
xv 111 be a big reduction in taxes In 1915
o compared with the present year.
The uncertainty of the levy for road
construction In Multnomah County
makes the aggregate levy for all gov
ernmental purposes uncertain. Should
the levy remain the same as for 1914,
the aggregate levy for all purposes
will be close to 22 mills, as compared
:wlth 27 mills for the present year.
There will be reductions In the
amounts raised for the City of Portland,
the Port of Portland, the state and
school district No. 1.
County Rate Yet Uncertain.
As far as the City of Portland and
the school district are concerned, the
reductions have been definitely settled.
For the state and the Port of Portland
they are practically certain. For the
county the whole proposition Is still in
the air and no definite figures can be
The county has the fixing of the
levies for the general county expense?,
the county roads and the county li
brary. There is a possibility, it is said,
of reducing the levy for general county
and library expenses. The county road
question is too uncertain to permit of
any estimates.
Should the county levtes all remain
as they were for 1914, the total tax
levy to which taxpayers of Portland
are subject would aggregate 22.35 mills
for 1915. as compared with 27 mills
for 1914. In other parts of the county
the levy would differ, according to the
branches of government to which the
taxpayers of the parts ottside Port
land have to contribute. Generally
throughout the county beyond the limits
of the City of Portland the levy would
be 14.85 mills.
Reduction of S 1, 400,000 Likely.
On a levy of 22.35 mills for Portland
and the millage for tho rest of the
county, as shown in the accompanying
table, tho taxpayers of Multnomah
County would contribute to the sup
port of all branches of the govern
ment for 1914 a total of $7,488,000. or
$1,460,000 less than was paid in for the
came purposes for 1914. The total taxes
lor 1914 were $8,948,000.
Under the 22.35 mills levy each $1000
of assessed valuation In Portland would
pay a tax In 1915 of $22.35, as com
pared with $27 for 1914. This shows
a reduction of $4.65 on each $1000 of as
sessed valuation. Last year the as
sessed valuation of Multnomah County
vas $341,000,000. It is given this year
at $335,000,000. or a reduction of $6.
000,000. Of the various branches of the gov
ernment which have reduced taxes the
school district heads the list. Last
year the levy for schools was 7.5 mills.
This year the levy has been fixed by
the taxpayers at 6 mills, a reduction
of 2.5 mills. The City of Portland has
reduced its levy two-tenths of 1 mill,
or the equivalent of $60,000.
Saloon Revenue Made Up.
Had It not been for the adoption of
prohibition and the consequent loss or
revenue to the city the city levy would
have been at least 7 mills, or $150,000
less than it is now.
The state levy has not been fixed, but
It is figured by State Treasurer Kay
that it will be 3.6 mills, or a reduction
pf 1 mill over the levy for 1914. Under
the old tax law the State Board of
Control heretofore has fixed a levy in
the December prior to the biennial sea
ion of the Legislature, without regard
to appropriations which might be made
by the Legislature. This made it neces
sary to make a big levy the year after
the legislative session to raise the
money for the appropriations made.
Under the new tax law the Board of
Control is permitted to anticipate the
action of the Legislature. Conse
Quently it is the plan to raise $1,000,000
additional taxation in 1915 to provide
for the legislative appropriations. Under
the old law the levy for 1915 would
have been $1, 000,000 less in 1915 but
would have been Increased in 1916 to
make up the appropriations of the
The state levy of 3.5 mills as proposed
Includes a 1-mill millage tax raised to
provide for road work, maintenance ot
the University of Oregon and some of
the other institutions. The state tax
levy will be flxed by the Board of Con
trol within a short time.
It has been tstimated by the Port of
Portland officials that the levy for port
purposes will be .8a of a mill less next
year than this year. This will make
the port levy 1 mill. It may be unaer
that. Increase In the levy for 1914 was
made necessary by the appropriation
to the Federal Government of $475,000
for work on North jetty and the Lower
Columbia. The port, levy will be den
nitely fixed at a meeting of the Port
of Portland Commission December 10
The levy for county purposes will be
flxed within a short time. A commit'.
tee of business men has been working
on a budget with particular attention
to the levy for road construction and
Council Passes Measure Over Ob
jections of Mayor Albee.
w. tfr- liners havings coolinar arransre
i menta in connection with their plumb-
Ing- must put in meters. This was the
verdict of the City Commission yes
terday, when Mayor Albee presented
formal objection to a proposal of Com
missioner Daly to charge a rate of $3
a month for the coolers. Over the
Mayor's objection the Council passed
an ordinance doing away with the pro
posed $3 charge and requiring such
services to have water meters. There
are about 225 such services in the city.
Mayor Albee said he does not be
lieve in the Council forcing water users
to put on meters while the question
of universal meters Is awaiting vote
of the people under the referendum
invoked by water users last Spring:,
when the Council passed an ordinance
providing; for the meters throughout
the city. Commissioner Daly contend
ed that the water coolers cause much
waste of water In the Summer time,
and therefore an excessive rate should
be charged or the services should be
metered. Mayor Albee contended that
tho water ' coolers do not cause waste
of water, and even If they do. there
is an ordinance providing for the
prosecution of the persons ao wasting;
the water.
No Sale Made Over 7.30 at North
Portland Yards Sheep and
Luibi Are Firm.
Hogs continue to lead in receipts at the
North Portland yards. Yesterdays run was
smaller than on the earlier days of the week.
but the total supply this week has cot ahead
of the demand, ana the market consequently
has a bearish Inclination.
The top price for the day was $7.80,
against $7.45 on Tuesday. Heavy hoes sold
at $0.30 and pigs brought $0.75 and $7.
There was a little bnslness In cattle car
ried over from the preceding; day. Steers
sold from $S to $6.75.
The mutton market remains firm. There
were further sales of Iambs at $0.75 and
ewes and yearling's brought the going prices.
The yards will be closed today.
Receipts were 10 cattle, 2 calves. 751 hogs
and 645 sheep. Shippers were:
With hogs L. A. Ralston, Parmar, 1 car;
F. B. Decker, Hubbard, 1 car; w. F. Nlelson,
Junction City, 1 car; Fred Peterson, Iderdal,
Idaho. 1 car; H. M. FX. Keridan, 1 car,
H. W. Royer, Arco, Idaho, 1 car; J. T.
Couper, Condon, 1 car.
With sheep C. H. Falks, Jr., Halsey, 1
car; Patton A Overton. Halsey, 2 cars; M.
J. lowdcn, Lowden. Wash.. 8 oars.
With mixed loads J. s. Flint, Junction
City, 1 car calves and hogs; C IS. Warner,
Lebanon. 1 car cattle and hogs.
The days sales were as follows:
Wt Price, i
Wt. Price.
1 steer
SO steers
1 bull .
1 cow
2 steers
6 steers
14 steers
5 hogs
47 lambs
2 hogs
41 hogs
7 hogs
60 ewes
11 ewes
133 lambs
OHO 5.o 78 hogs
204 $7.30
. . 870 6.50
a bogs
m 0.30
1K3 7.00
280 6.76
210 7.80
. 1160 4.001
.. 770 8.60
, .11.10 6.00
..1080 8.2D
4 Logs
2 hoea
4 ho&a
1 hog
1 hog
37 hogs
1 huK-
210 7.R0
800 6.80
110 .lo
810 6.30
158 7.30
. . 930 6.75
.. 108 6.40
. . 68 6.75
. . 425 6.80
40 hogs
200 7.!tO102 hogu ... 19 7.80
460 6.301 8 hogs 130 7.0O
134 li.TO TO nogi ... 229 7.00
ll'.S 4.C0I IS hogs 1S1 7.25
SO 6.73 2 hogs 120 6..0
113 6. 2r I
12 year
Currnnt Drlces of the various classes of
stock at the yards follow:
Prime steers $7.0og T.RO
Choice steers 6.506.7a
Medium steers .................. 6.25 3 b
Choice cows B.75a il.25
Medium COWS 6.25(63.75
Heifers .......................... 5.25ft6.2.l
Calves aoOji S.00
Bulls 8.00'f4.7i
Stags 4.5000.00
Light 7.007.30
Heavy 6.006.30
Lambs 6.00 6.75
Omaha Livestock Market.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 25. rloes Re
ceipts 8400. market stea&y. Heavy. S7.40
tfi-an: ugnt. (. ouitfi.cs; pigs, ti.0O4f T.zo;
bulk. $7.4G7.65.
Cattle Receipts 1200, market steady. Na
tive steers, $6 60 10.00; cows and belters.
f.ovw i.4u; wesivrn steers. sj.uuc& s.ou;
Texas steers, $5.75 7.10; cows and heifers.
$5.257.00; calves, $8.00010.00.
Sheep Receipts 6S0U, market strong.
Yearlings e.75S7.25; wethers, $5.50&6.00;
iaznos. ea.wtuf
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Nov. 25. Hon Recelnta SA-
000, market weak to Cc under yesterday's
average. Bulk, S7.30&7.o6; light. $7.0O4
7.50; mixed, $7.20a7.65; heavy, $7.107.60;
rough, $7.10(8 7.20; plBS, $5.00i.t5.
Cattle Receipts 7000, market steady.
Beeves, $5.75(10.50; steers. $5.400.00;
cows and heifers. $3.6909.20; calves. J8.i54i
11.50. .
Sheep Receipts 20,000, market weak.
Sheep. $5.306.00; yearlings. $6.20&7.&;
lambs. $a.5O(ij.00.
Humboldt and Others Prepare to
Resume Activity.
BAKER, Or, Nov. J5. (Special.)
From all parts of Raker County come
reports of continued activity in the
mining camps. The big Humboldt
mine, at Rye "Valley, has completed
sinking- its shafts and will resume tak
ing out ore in a few days. The mill
will be started within a week.
A new electric pump is belnsr In
stalled in the Rainbow mine, in the
Rye Valley district, and development
worn, wmcn has been halted by water
In lower levels, will be resumed.
C. D. wheelock and a force of men
have gone to the Sumpter district with
a large drill to prospect for quartz.
xne bumpter dredge has been taking:
out nuggets in large quantities.
"We Pay 40 Cents and Sell at S3"
Aimed at Chinese Product.
(Special.) What the free importation
of eggs means to the American egg
producer is brought home to the Cot
tage Grove egg producer by a Cottage
Grove atore. In the window of the
Johnson store appears this sign: "We
pay 40 cents for eggs and sell for 25
cents." Inquiry at the store brings out
the information that it is Oregon eggs
for which 40 cents is paid and eggs
shipped in from China which are sold
at 25 cents. The proprietors are strong
The sign has attracted considerable
attention from persons and many have
called lor an explanation.
Record Price Paid In Asotin County
and Barley Also Soars.
ASOTIN, Wash., Nov. 25. (Special.)
The record price for wheat in Asotin
County was paid Saturday when the
M. H. Houser Company bought from
R. C. Stone 1000 sacks of fortyfold at
$1.06 a bushel. Even when the Interior
Warehouse purchased 2100 sacks of
brewing barley at $1.06 a 100 pounds
the farmers did not come out in large
numbers to dispose of their grain. A
further advance is expected before
Linn ton Installs Water Hydrants.
WILLBRIDGE, Or, Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) Eight water hydrants and 17
electric lights are being installed by
the town oi unnton in the Willhridge
Man Kills 3 Mountain Iions.
ciaL) Ellis Miller, of the Rogue River
district, recently killed three mountain
lions in one dkt.
Profit in Higher Wheat Goes to
Vessel Owner, Not Farmer.
Local Grain Market Is Holding Up
Well, Notwithstanding Strong
Else in Freight Rates Barley
Is Firm In Country.
Wheat, would he worth 5 or 6 cents a
bushel more than it is in the local market.
but tor the recent advance In freights. As
it is, the wheat market is holding up re
markably well E4er the strain. Prices are
but little changed from those of a week
or 10 days ago. Where any reaction has oc
curred, it has been aue. In a measure, to the
weakness East and the postponement of spot
delivery baying until the local docks ara
Grain freights to Europe by sailing ship
are now quoted at 40a and some owners
want 42s 6d. Steamers, because of the
strong demand everywhere, cannot be hau
for less than GOa, This advance of 10 to
15s over the rates ruling only a short time
ago. comes out of the Oregon and Wash
ington farmers' pockets, inasmuch as the
latter are deprived, to that extent, of the
benefit of the higher wheat prices In Eu
rope. The local markets therefore, by hold
ing its own under the circumstances has
done very well, particularly as the present
export value ot club is estimated at not to
exceed $1.10.
At the nooa cession ot the Merchants'
Exchange 10,000 bushels of February club
were sold at $1.16, only half a cent jesa
than this delivery brought earlier In - the
week. January forty-fold was sold at 1.1S.
a gain of half a cent over the bid price on
Tnesday, while January bluestem, selling
also at v$1.19, recorded a similar half cent
advance. December bluestem, however, was
a full cent lower, at $1.18.
Prices asked for wheat for later delivery
averaged a cent over bid prices, but tie
spread between buying and selling prices
of prompt wheat wa more, ranging trzm
2 to 3 cents. For the first time this season,
more money was bid and asked for prompt
forty-fold than for milling bluestem.
The oats market was steady at $28 hid
for prompt and $28.60, $27.75 and $29.75 for
December, January end February, respect
ively. Oats sellers would make no conces
sions. The barley market tras firm as heretofore.
In the country there was decided strength
and farmers asked high prices. At Dayton.
Wash., there was a sale at $1.17, equal to
$27.25 here. This is materially above the
Coast parity, as seller here asked $26.5t
and the best hid was $25.50.
Local receipts. In cars, were reported by
the Merchants' Eicitaga as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monday 114 10 19 13 8
Tuesday 43 6 5 5 7
Wednesday ... 77 8 5 7 a
Tear ago 67 6 11 8 17
Season to date. 9576 OOT 12(13 11TA son
Year ago. S7S5 1387 1122 861 13S3
Fluctuations Are Generally Within Narrow
The generally downward movement in the
prices of the principal commodities that has
been ao pronounced for some time past ap
pears to have been checked In the past
week, there belnar Si alterations in the 318
quotations received -by Don's Review, ot
WHICH 40 were advances as compared with
41 declines. More liberal supplies and mod
erate demand had a depressing effect on the
finer grades of .butter, but cheese developed
a firmer tendency, and a shortage of fresh
eggs resulted In higher prices for desirable
stock. Except In corn the grain markets
displayed well-maintained strength. but
some shading; was reported on certain grades
of flour, due probably to light domestio eon-
sumption. Uvo meats and nearly all kinds
of provisions were weak and irregular.
The brisk foreign demand for American
leather has stimulated business in raw ma
terial, esoeclallv in heavy varieties, anoi
there was a sharp upward movement to
auotations on most kinds of hides. Tne
market for leather, however, while very
firm, was practically unchenged, so far, at
least, as regards substances mainly used In
this country.
Though a more cheerful sentiment Is re
ported In the iron and steel Industry, no
tangible Improvement has yet appeared, and
competition for the small amount of busi
ness passina has caused further shading on
certain products. In the minor metals, tin
and antimony were easy.Tbut higher prices
were established on lead, spelter and copper.
Sugar, heans. naval stores, rubber, linseed
oil. cottonseed oil and vegetables were Try
firm, while coffee, silk, hemp, jute and nu
merous drugs continued to move totrards a
lower level of values.
Prices Eonal to B8 to 60 Cents, Clean Basis.
Territory Transfers.
Amona the wool sales at Boston in the
past week was a Quantity of Oregon wool In
the grease, which - Is reported ' to have
brought prices equal to about CSC0c, clean
basis. A considerable Quantity of New Mex
ico wool is reported on the basis of about
53c for fine wool of fair staple. This lino
inoluded several hundred thousand poundc.
one lot of some 200,000 pounds being re
Ia addition to the foregoing, a little
business has been done In quarter and three.
eighths territory at 25c In the grease, says
the Commercial Bulletin. Some trading Is
also reported in a limited way for fine
staple at 63065c and half-blood at 60362c.
Some three-eighths staole also was sold In
limited quantity at 02053c, clean basis. A
lot of 100.000 pounds of staple wool was
sold at 22o in the rreasa.
One lot of a half-million pounds of fine
and fine medium territory clothing Is re
ported cm the basis of 57 58c, clean, or
nearlv 21c In the grease. A number of small
sales of 50 and 60-bag lots are reported on
a parity with the foregoing sales.
Supplies Are Worked off to Satisfaction of
Most Dealers.
The Thanksgiving trade in poultry at
wholesale came to a close Tuesday night.
The buying yesterday was to fill In and was
not extensive. Receipts during the day
were moderate and most of the supply was
disposed of. Two or three dealers still
had turkeys on hand last night, but taken
all together, the clean-up was as good ao
expected, and the market closed falrly
steady at the prices that prevailed since
the opening of the week.
It was otherwise with the live poultry
frade. The supply In this . line was ex
cessive in the last two days, aad many
coops had to be carried over. The dealer!
who were fortunate In cleaning up did so
by sharp cutting. Hens and Springs sold
at 12 cents and ducks at 10 11 cents. There
was no sale for live geese or turkeys.
The egg- market was firm, although some
houses reported an increase in receipts.
Butter and cheese were unchanged.
In Need of Supplies, but They Are Not Bid-
oraej Ajcausc xneuweivee.
Mall advices from the East say that
France is still In the market for refined
sugar, the purchases already made amount
ing to 65.000 tons. Latest indications point
to a reduction in their crop estimate of
350.0OO tons, even to a possible 250,000 tons
final outturn. Anticipating such deficiency,
France Is now estimating its requirements
from outside sources at a total of 300,000
tons for the campaign year. Still, unlike
Great Britain in anticipating the demand
very far ahead. France Is very conservative
hi Its bids for sugar from the United States
and Cuba and does not thus far advance
prices upon Itself, but la evidently waiting
for a more Tavorabla time for buying for
accumulations ahead.
late Grapes Are Received.
A fine shipment of Cornichon grapes was
received yesterday and put on sale at $1.50.
A shipment of Verdels also axrWed and of
fered at $1.15. Five ears of bananas were
Oranges cleaned up well, particularly the
small and medium sixes.
A car ot sweet potatoes was received and
two cars more could easily have been used,
so strong was the demand. Carlots ot
sweet potatoea, lettuce and oranges are due
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday ware as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland .J2.045.312 $l02,0ti0
Seattle 1,811,256 133.S20
Tacoma 275.8118 63.481
Snokane 6SS.825 94,211
Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc
Merchants Exchange, noon cession
Prompt delivery:
Wheat 11111.
Bluestem $ 1.1
Forty-fold 1.1SH
Club 1.1
Red Russian 1.07
25. SO
$ 118 V4
. 1.19
1.1 8H
Red fife X.H
No. 1 white feed ........ 2S.00
No. 1 feed I4.0O
Brewing 25.50
Bran 22.00
Shorts 22.50
Futures Bid.
December bluestem .......S 1.1 7 Vi
January niuestem ........ 1.19
December forty-fold ...... 1.17
January forty-fold ....... 1.1S
December club ........... 1-14
January club ............ 1.15
February ciub ........... 1.16
December Red Russian.... 1.08
January Red Russian 1.10
December red fife.... 1.10
January red fife. ........ 1.10
December oats ........... 2S.50
January oate ............ 28.75
February oats ............ z9.75
May oata
5,090 bushels December bluestem 11.19
10,000 bushels January bluestem 1.19
5,ojo bushels January forty-toid ...... 1.19
t.OOO bushel February club 1.18
5,000 bushels February club 1.18
M11.LJUKD Spot price;: Bran, $2424.5
per ton: shorts, $-6.26.00; rolled barley.
$27.50 28.50.
tLOUS patents. 10.00 per barrel:
straights. $5.00; graham, $5.60: whole wheat.
S3. HO. "
CORN Whole. $38 per ton; cracked, $37
per ton.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy. S153
15.50; grain 'hay. $10 11; alfalfa, $18.50
14: Valley timothy, tl814. ,
Dairy and Country Produce.
Local jobbing quotations:
EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count.
40Sj42c. candled. 42V4 4f3c
tolltki Hens. 12c: springs, lie: tur
keys, dressed, choice, 20i21o; ordinary, 18
lc: culls, 15&17C: live, JTffilSo: ducks.
lOGj llc; geese, 10c
BunKK creamery, prints, extras, stttc
per pound in case lots; c more !n less
than case lots; cubes. 31c Oregon triplets. Jobbers juylng
price. 15c per pound f. o. b. dock Port
land; Young Americas, 15)6c per pound.
vjal uancy, litx&izo per pound.
FOiiK Block. lOe per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local Jobbing quotatlona:
TROPICAL, FRUITS Oranges, navels.
$S per box; Valencies, $3.2S&8.50 per box
Japanese, per box. $1501.60; lemons. $3.50
(95.50 per box; bananas. Ivio par pound,
grapefruit, $3.754; pineapples. 7 cents per
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. C0975c eer
doz.; eggplant, 7c pound; peppers, 67ft
per pound; artichokes. UOe per doaen; toma
toes, tfvcvsi per crate: cabbage. u1q per
pound; peas. lOo per pound; beans, 67c
per pound; celery, 50 75c per dozen; caull.
llower, 409 Toe per doaen; sprouts. So pex
pound; head lettuce, $1.852 per crate;
pumpkins, lc per pound; squash, lo per
GREEN FRUITS Annies. 65cStl.5 ner
box; caaabas, IKo per pound; pears, SI
1.25; grapes, $1)1.50 per crate;-cranberries.
t3&9 per barrel.
POTATOES Oregon. 75(6 85o per sack:
Idaho, S5c; Yakima. 85civSl: sweet po
tatoes, 2c per pound.
uaiu&s leiiow. 859uo per sack.
Staple Groceries.
Local jobbing quotations: '
SALMON Columbia River one-pound
talla. 12.90 ner dosen: half-pound flats.
$1.50; one-pound flats, $2.55; Alaska piuk.
one-pound tails, $1.05.
HONEY Choice. $3.25 per cue.
NUTS Walnuts, 1524c per pound:
Brazil nuts, 15c; filberts, 15 24c; almonds,
23 & 24c; peanuts, 634c; cocoanuts, $1 per
uoaen; pecans, iwm2uc.
BEANS Small wblte, 15.15; large white.
5c; Lima. 5?6V&c; pink. 4.80c; Mexicaa
6 He; bayou, 5.65c
COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 18tt089ttc
SUGAR Fruit and berryr $5.90; beet,
$5.70; extra C, $5.40; powdered, in barrels.
SALT Granulated. 115.50 per ton: half-
ground, 100s. $10.75 per ton; 6CS, $11.50 per
ton; aairy, IK per ton.
RICE Southern head, H6lc; broken,
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 80 ner sound:
aprlcota, 13pl5c; peaches. 4c; prunes.
Italians, iv; raisins, loose Muscatels, 80;
unbleached Sultanas. 7Uc; seeded. 84to:
dates. Persian, 7&7V&C per pound; lard. per oox; currants, 1 ize.
Hops, Wool. Hides, Etc
HOPS 1914 crop. 8tJ)llo; 1911 erop. nom
HIDES Salted hides. 13o per pound; salt
kip. ISo; salted calf, 18c per pound; salt
dry bides, 24c; dry calf, 18c; salted bulla.
10c per pound; green Lulls, 8 He
WOOL Valley, 17lSc; Kastern Oregon,
15i20e nominal.
MOHAIR 114 clip. J7'.io per pound.
CASCARA BARK Old and new, 4o per
PELTS Dry, 10llc; dry short wool. 7
3c; dry shearlings, lOtoplSo each; green
shearlings. 15i5a each; Spring lambs, 34
02ic: green pelts, October, 40 70c; .Novem
ber. 70ljf80o.
- HAMS Ten to 13 pounds, l"4 9MMc-, 14
to 18 pounds, 19tt20xc; skinned, UViO
21c; picnic. 14 He.
BACON Fancy, 18030c; standard, ISA
DRY SALT CURED Short clear backs,
1417c; exports, 15pl7e; plates, IIQI80,
LARD Tierce basis: Pure, 23Vs014e;
compound. 9 Ho,
KEROSENE Water white, dinma, bar
rels or tank wagon, 10c; special drums or
barrels, IS He; caseu. 17HZ4He.
GASOLINE Bulk, 13o; cases, iOc"; engine
distillate, drums. 7He; cases, 14He; naptha,
drums, 12c. cases. 19a,
LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 65o; raw,
cases, (Oct boiled, barrels. 57c; boiled, cases,
TURPENTINE In tanks, e; la eases,
(7c; 10-case lots, lo less.
Prices Have Declined 175 Points Since
. July 30.
NEW TORKkov. 25. The New York
Coitea Excnanae will reopeu Monday. No
vember 30. This announcement was made
today, following a special meettng of the
board of managers. It was believed that
the board at its meeting today would also
consider the question of opening the fu
tures market tor sugar, in tnis connection,
however, nothlna was done ano. the Question
will come up at a later meeting of the
The circulation of December notices, es
timated at about 40.000 bags, was accom
panied by further liquidation of contracts
tiirough the voluntary committee of the
Coffee Exchange today, out otherwise busi
ness was comparatively quiet in advance of
the -holiday, and the trade aso seemed to be
walttnc- for the reopening ot the exchange
on next Monday. Cost and freight offers
from Brazil were about unchanged and the
local spot market was quiet with Rio 7s
quoted at 6c and Santos 4s at lo cents.
Sales throueh the voluntary committee
were 70.775 bags with December selling aa
low as 5.15c ana closing at 6. 20 $j &. 30c;
March. 5.6535.60o: May. 5.805.S5c: July
5.675.72c. On the basis of the closing
price for December the market has declined
about 175 points since the exchanges wero
closed on July 30, but the old Interest Is
supposed to have been reduced to very small
proportions during the past four months
and the action of the board of managers in
deciding to reopen the futures market on
Monday was generally expectea.
Chicajro Dairy Produce.
CHICAGO. Nov. 25. Butter, unchanged.
Ekcts Receipts. 4oe.i cases; maraet, un
changed. Cotton Mhrket.
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Spot cotton, nu let.
Middling uplands. 7.75. Sales, G00 baiet.
Daluth Unseed Market.
Dt7LUT H. Nov. 25. Linseed Cash,
$1.49H; December. i.4Q; May. zx.ou.
Hope at New York.
NE-W YORK. Nov. 25. Hops- Quiet.
Best Grade of Securities
Wanted at Higher Prices.
loan Kates Ate Declining in Xcw
York Market Steel Trade Alone
of Industries Snows Signs
ot Backwardness.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25. The fact that the
stock exchange la to open at the end ot
the week has further stimulated confidence
in financial circles. This waa demonstrated
today by an announcement of an early re
sumption of business by the local coffee ex
change and by a broader Inquiry for se
curities of the better class, some of which
attained the best prices recorded since the
exchange suspended operationa
Business dwindled In the unofficial mar
ket, which waa fast losing all claims to
future existence. United States Steel and
Amalgamated Copper, which were the fa
vorites there, have been practically with
drawn .after recovering to a level short of
July 3U quotations. Another Indication of 1
general return to normal conditions was fur
nlshed by the curb, where trading in bonds
at staoie prices was resumed.
Of all important factors, the steel In
qulry almost alone continued to evince signs
of backwardness. Large sales of pig iron
were reported for the last few days, but the
real state of trade was shown by the will
ingness of manufacturers to book orders for
the first quarter of 1915 at present prices.
It was generally believed that unless busi
ness soon recovered in a marked manner
price concessions and lower wagea would
soon be announced.
Another decline for 90-day loans to 4H
per cent pointed to the abundant cash re
sources at this center and beepoke the di
minished trade. Local banks were refus
ing money from Interior correspondents on
the ground that it was not available for use
at this time Bank acceptances were quoted
at 1 per cent, which marked the lowest
rate since the establishment ot the Federal
Reserve Board. Exchange on London was
less firm.
The returns of the Southern Railway for
October showed a losa in net earnings of
$948,000, while the Atchison. Topeka & Santa
Fe system for the same period gained $J75.
000. Announcement of numerous rate suspensions
affecting some of the leading railway sys
tems of the country drew renewed attention
to the activities of the Interstate Commerce
Commission, which has the 6 per cent rate
decision under consideration.
According to private cables London de
rived no Tittle encouragement from latest
advices respecting conditions here. British
consuls were again quoted under the min
imum figure recently named by the ex
change. Details concerning the reopening of the
stock exenange next Saturday for restricted
dealings in bonds became known today. It
is proposed to group the various issues of
bonds under their proper classes, such as
state, municipal, railroads, industrials and
utilities. In each class a minimum price
of 2 to 4 or possibly 5 points under July
30 prices will be fixed.
There will be no quotations except for
actual sales, thus doing away with all bid
and asked prices. Official lists of transac
tions will be Issued at frequent intervals
under supervision of a special committee of
Arrangements to meet the new bond mar
ket were under way today. An enlarged
epace had been set aside on the trading
noor ana teiepnonic communication with
brokerage offices was being restored There
will be every facility for the rapid trans
mission of business, but brokers will be re
quested to make no publlo statement of
tneir operations.
Minimum Price Limits 8et oa Only Certala
stock at I ttlcagu.
CHICAGO, Nov. 25. The minimum price
restriction on practically all stocks traded
in on the Chicago Stock Exchange was re
moved today. Beginning next Friday trac
ing will be without price restrictions, ex
cept on such securities aa are also listed on
tne New York Exchange and closed at 815
a share or lower on July SO.
The stock exchange here opened laat Mon
day, and as a safeguard it was ruled that
stocks could not be sold below the closing
prices of July 30. except where a dividend
had been deducted. Tbe stocks, however,
have shown no apparent need of this sup
port, and have generally shown advances.
Although the eecurities of but six cor
porations belong In the class from which the
restriction has been removed, the action of
the exchange waa regarded in La Salle street
as Important in showing the strength ot the
market, v
Money. Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Mercantile caper.
4ei54.. Sterling exchange heavy; 60-day
Dins. S4.t; lor caDies, z4.K8.70; for de
mand. S4.S8.65. Bar silver. 4Kc
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. Silver hare.
40 44 c Mexican dollars, 40 tp 42c Drafts
igbt. oar: do teleeraph. .02. 8terlin
Demand, il.Sa,; cable, (4.00 H.
LONDON. Nov. 25. Bar silver steady at
23d per ounce. Money. 1 per cent. Discount
rates Short bills, 24 per cent; throe
months, 2 per cent.
Prices Quoted at the Bay City ea Fruits,
Vegetablee, Etc.
CAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. Fruit Pine
apples. 2.753.25: California lemons. Jl.75
4; apples, Bellflowers, 3080c; Oregon
Newtowns, 00c&$1.15;. bananas, $1.26iqp;
Mexican limes, 50 id 65c
Vegetables Cucumbers, 35ff40c: string
beans, 4 010c; eggplant, 23te6oc; tomatoes,
iOUf COc
Kkm Fanoy ranch. 45c; pullets, 34e;
storage 27c
Onions Yellow, 55065c
Cheese Young Amerioa, 15Hlc; new,
10ra14c; Oregon, 14ic; Young America,
Butter Fancy creamery, S2He; seconds,
Potatoes Delta Burhanks. per sack. 80c O
$1; sweets, $1.40(1.50 per sack; Salinas
Burbanka. 1.401.60: Alvarado, $UHJ1.30.
Receipts Flour. 3578 quarters; brley,
16.190 centals; potatoes. 8390 sacks; hay,
S30 tons.
Bids Are Raised to S2S Per Ton Other
Cereals Also Higher.
BAKER. Or.. Nov. 25. (Special.) Barley
prices Jumped to a new high level today, $22
a ton. The advance Is declared to be the
start of an lncreaae for this grain, which
promises to go to unheard of heights until
it is stopped. Dealers declare that there Is
a great supply of barley held by the farm
ers, far more than there Is of wheat.
Other grain prices were at top quotations
today, club whoat being 91, fortyfold and
bluestem at $1.02 and oats at $1.17H.
Farmers are holding, declaring whatever
becomes of the outside market, there will,
in any event, be a good local market for
feeding hogs.
Crop Yield Under 1912 Record.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. Although pre
liminary estimates of crop production this
year indicate that the aggregate per acre
yields of all crops will he about 9.4 per cent
larger than last year's yield and about 2.3
per cent laraor than the 10-year average,
they will still be smaller by nearly 5 per
cent than the 1912 record large crop yields,
according to the Department of Agriculture.
The total production of com this year, it
is estimated, will be about 10.6 per cent
larger than that of last year.
New York Sncar Market
NEW YORK. Nov. 25, Raw sugar firm.
Molasses sugar, 8.89c: centrifugal, 4.04c
Refined steady.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Lead Quiet,
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Nov. 25. Evaporated apples
steady. Prunes firm. Peaches steady.
EI ma Grange Elects.
EL1IA, "Wash., Nov. 25. (Special.)
At the regular meeting of Elma Grange
No. 26, Saturday, the following officers
were electedr Ray Flnlay, master; W.
V. Beardsley, overseer; O. C. Mug
grove, lecturer; Jennie Watson, secretary.
For Your Safety-
it is a wise provision to
maintain a cash reserve
for unexpected demands.
Make us the custodian of
your funds.
National Bank
Is another factor which tends to make your relations with ns agree
able. You will find that our service is different from that of other
banks. Promptness, courteous treatment and many other small con
veniences make you feel at home the minute you enter our doors.
Whether you come in to deposit or just look around, you will find
a friendly atmosphere everywhere.
Merchants National Bank
Founded 1886. Washington and Fourth Streets.
Capital and Surplus
Commercial and
ina May Export 120,
000 Bushels Wheat.
Chicago Market Kallles Xear Close
on Decided Kevlval ot Foreign
Buying Europeans Take
About 1,500,0 0 0 Bushels.
CHICAGO. Nov. 25. Bearish estimates of
the Argentine exportable surplus acted as a
weight on the whoat market, but were off
set la part by a decided revival of export de
mand. Prices closed unsettled at me same
aa last night to Vi S o down. Corn declined
4iio to 1$1His net. ,-nd oats to c.
Provisions finished unchanged to &0 cents
Assertions by n high authority that Ar
gentina would probably have as much as
120.000,000 bushels of wheat available for
export led to much selling here. The bears
al&o were not slow to take advantage of
peace rumors and of authoritative roports
indioating that the world's Winter crop
of 1915 would be the largest ever seeded.
Signs that an immense export business in
wheat had resulted from the setback in
prices were decidedly helpful toward the
rally which was the chief point of interest
during the last part of the day. Total
sales to foreigners were figured at upwards
of 1. 600,000 bushols.
Fine weather and more liberal receipts
mad the corn market heavy throughout.
Oats were relatively firm In view of the
weakness of other grains. The mala sup
port appeared to be an activa foreign de
mand. Provisions tended down rad. Selling
pressure was laid chiefly to packers.
Futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close
neo 1.14 1.13 1.14 1.15
May 1.20 l.aoia 1.20 l-l!0
Dec 4',i .64 3 .3
May 8 .70 .oa ,w
Deo. 49 .49 .49 .49
May aa .53 .52", AS
Jan 1S.E0 18.55 18.50 18.50
May 18.03 18.05 1H.6J
Jan 8.85
May 10.05
9.80 9.81
10.00 10.07
Jan .8T 9.92 9.84 .W
May 10.1T 1i.lT 10.2O
rah nrlm. wAT X . VollOWS!
WheatNo. 2 red, l.loal-lS j No. X
hard, 1.10'il.l5i.
Corn No. 2 yellow, new 6465o; No.
3 yellow, new, 6!&63c
Rye No. 2. 1.07Oi.O.
Barley 60 JSC
Timothy $3.75 S.25.
Futures ranged aa follows:
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. Nov. 25. Cargoes on passage
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 25. "Wheat, December,
9s d. Corn December, 5s 6d; January.
5s d.
Aflnneajiolla (rain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 25. Wheat De
cember. 1.13: May, tl.18: No 1 hard
Sl.19: No. 1 Northern. 1.15 a 1. lh ;
No ! Northern. Jl.11- 1.18. Parley,
576Sc. Flax, 81.44 1.47 .
San Francisco Grain Market.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. Spot Quota,
tlons: walla Walla, $1.01 1.13 ; red Rtis.
sian, $1.00ul,8l; Turkjy red, $1.0501.07;
122: white oats, S".5-lu5: bn, Jo
Call Board Barley, December, $1.J5
bid, $1.25 asked; May, bl. $1.35
Paget Sound Grate Market.
TACOMA. Nov. 25. Wheat Kluest-im.
$1.16; -fortyfold. $1.15; club. $1.12; filo.
1Car receipts Wheat 18, barley 8, eats H,
hay 2.
SEATTLE, Nov. 25. Wheat Bluestem.
$1.17; Turkey red, $1.12; fortyfold, $1.15;
club, $1.14; fife. $1.10; red Russian, $1.0.
Barley. $24.50 per ton.
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 15, oats
2, barley 12. hay 9. flour 7.
Commercial Club Discusses Colii
S tor age and By-Products Plans.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) A monster meeting of the Wen
atchee Commercial Club was held Mon
day nonn to discuss ways and means of
inducing the location here of one or
more by-products plants and the prac
ticability of a cold storage plant with a
capacity of 3000 carloads of apples. Nu
merous letters were read from compa-
Savings Deposits
nies considering locating hero.
In the discussion of the cold storage
plant views were expressed that It
miRht be necessary for tho growers to
get together under one big selling
agency for the better protection of the
fruit industry. This matter was re
ferred to the new industries committee.
Durable -
That's Bitulithic Paving
Campagnle Generate Trannatlautique.
Sailings for HAVRE
UOCHAMBEAU Dec. 12. 3 P.M.
LA TOTJRAINE Dec. 19, 3 P.M.
CHICAGO Dec. 26. 3 P.M.
C. W. stinger. 80 th St.; A. 1. Chariton.
335 Morrison aL; t. M. Taylor, C. M. . bt.
P. Ky : lorkey B. Smith, lit, 3d St.; A. C
Sheldon. lOO 3d St.; H. lirkaon, 343 Wash
ington si.; North Bank I.nad, 5th and tstark
Ms.; F. S McKariand. 3d and Uanbingtua
sis.: K. B. Duffy. 124 3d t. Portland.
SAILS SOD.W, NOV. 20, 9 A. M.
Ticket Office i Freight Office
cket Office i Frelsrht Office
li A Rd St. I Foot Northrup St.
i 1314. A 1314. i aiain 6 HO 3. A W3-
Regular through ailing tor Sydney via
Tahiti and Wellington from San Francisco
Deo. 9, Jan 6. Feb. Z and every 28 daya.
Send for Pamphlet.
Cnion p Co. of New Zealand, Ltd.
Office: 67U Market ntreet, San Jr'raticiaco,
or local 8. 8. and K R. agent.
Frequent sailings from New York by new
and fast (lir.oOu-ton passenger steamers.
ttUSK at UAMKLS, Gen. Acts
liroaiiivay. N. V.
Dorsey B. Smith. Kit aad Washington St a.
Or jLocal Agents.
S T. 51.. NOVEMBER 27.
The San Francisco & Portland 8. S. Co..
TbirU and V asliington St, (wltil O.-W.
R. at N. Co.). lei. Marshall 46UO, A 611.
Satis Direct lor
San Francisco,
Today, 2:30 P. M., Nov. 23
Ii4 Third St. A 431)0. Main SC.
Sails from Alnsworth dock. Portland, 8 P.
M. every Tuesday. Freight and ticket office,
lower Alnsworth dock. H c C B S. S Lane.
L. H. Keating. Agent. Phones Main 380S. A
2S32. City Ticket Office. 80 Sixth St. C W.
Stinger. Agent. Phones Marshall 4500. A S12L.