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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1914)
16 TTTE MOT?XTXO OTJEGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, XOY123rtJEIt 2.1, 1914. ITN'KKAL DIRECTORS. The uuo r.uetice unaertaKing establish nenL In Portland wUa private driveway, slain u. a 16U9. J. P. FINL.KY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN", the leadlnc funeral director. 220 Tnird street, corner fcalmon. Laay assistant. A 1511. Main' 507. F. K. DUNNING. INC. East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St. Bast 5a. B 285. A. R. ZELLER CO.. 592 WILLIAMS AVE. East 10SS. c 1088. Lady attendant. Day and nlKbt service. DUNNING & M'BNTEK. funeral directors, Tth and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County coroner. R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. East 1115. C li 4,;. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay sts, Lady assistant. East 781. SKKWJS UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd and Clav. Main ilo2. A Lady attendant. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBIDS CO., florists, 347 Wass InKtrm. Main 09. A 1209. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLAHci BROS.. debiRnVrs and decorators; fresh cut flowers, great variety. Morrison. bet. 4th and 5th- Main or A 18U5. HSOPLK'S FLORAL SHOP. 2d and Alder. Designs and Bprays. Marshall MAX M. SMITH. Main 7210, A "131. Selling bids. . CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK " Containing; 335 Acre. Portlasd's Only Modern -Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Refined, Pleasing Service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Both Telephones. NEW TODAY. Just the Spot FOa an ideal home Three acres in Hillsboro city limits, suitable for platting, or will make an Al home as a whole. Two acres are set to English walnuts, 40 feet apart. 7 years old, with fruit trees same age between. Soil Al, well drained with tile and only two blocks from electric railroad, high school, five blocks to business part and Courthouse. . No buildings.. A perfect location for a f irsi-classhome. Terms or some trade. Address owner, K. M. HEIDEL,, Or. Phone Main 144, Uillsboro, Or. BAKERY FOR SALE PREMISES FOR LEASE Furnishings of the bakery, delicat essen and confectionery at 623 Wash ington street. Angela Hotel building, between 10th and 20th streets, for sale at about one-third their cost terms If desired. Store about 18x94 feet; very low rent; fine bakeoven; splendid lo cation. MORGAN', FLIED.NER A BOYCE, 813-S21 Morgan Building. MORTGAGE LOANS en good improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. If you need money call today. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114, A 411S. VK WILL BUILD AND f nomei Flats and apartments in any part 01 tne city costing from $2000 to $20,000; payments ilk rent, call and see us. t. E. BOWMAN St CO., Room 1. Commercial Club Building MONEY TO LOAN S10.000, J12.000. $15,000, 18,000. $20,000, $25,000 to loan in single amounts on lncome-oearing property. GEO.' II. THOMAS, 207 Oak St., Room 2, Alnsnorth Bldg. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. . KA11M AMU CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St. Hoard of Trade Uldc MORTGAGE LOANS os imphovi:l city property. Blooey available within 24 boars after receipt of abstract tf and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount At Current Kate. JOHN E. CRONAN 002 Spalulnx tilde. Portland O. REAL ESTATE nKAJLKBS. PALMER-JONES CO- U. P.. 404-405-404 W ilcox bldg. BECK. William S1S-S1C Fall in bldg. BEND1CT BROS., 930 Hawthorns avenu. JENNINGS & Co. Main 188. 208 O re g oman. BARRETT BROS. 3U2 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. ASTORIA. WARRENTON. FLAVEL, NEW ASTORIA. Being developed as greatest Industrial and shipping point on Pacific Coast; lots cheaper than any similar location in world. Small Investment capabltr large returns. R. L. YOKE. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. JUrt L KELH URST LOT CUT IN HALF. $$O0 loss, lot cost $1000, will give deed for $795: this is the total price; go look at It today; lot 19, block 11. Take Monta. villa car to Hazel Fern place, to nortneiut lhk blocks; my sign Is on the lot. Frank L. McGuire. 414 Abington bldg. Main 1003. MONTAVILLAH ACRE, $930. All cleared and set to fruit trees, close to new school, very reasonable and can give easy terms. Fred W. German Co, 914 Cham, of Com. VERNON. VERNON, $550, $550. Lots 21 aad 22. block 8. S. W. corneT 21st and Killingaworth ; worth $1100; this can't be beat. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. for 50x100 lot In Parkrose, block from car. J. Hartog, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON t Fourth and Stark Sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and homesltes: a few great bar gains: every customer is a reierence. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3S39. $1500 LOT for $950; close In, S. W. corner E. 9th and Rhone sts. ; opposite ex-Mayor Rushlight's home; take Brooklyn car or telephone A sail. nr. attttfttt. n0 lot fiOxlOO. close to car. for $350: $150 will handle. 719 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Owner. Mir. Z5ti. 60x1 SO, $350, $5 MONTHLY. A. C. Marsters, 203 Wilcox bldg. sT ' Mh REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 2 LOT BARGAINS. Corner lot, single, Irvington; must be oia; maxe oner. 100x125. 8. W. corner of 45th and Lin coin; paid $30U0; make offer, 710 Lewis Bldjr. For Sale -Houses. 2700. 3X CASH. Brand new tl-room bungalow, only one block from car, in good residence dis trict; it has all modern features, such as pressed brick fireplace, built-in bookcases hardwood floors, beautiful wide buffet. 2 nice, light, airy bedrooms, fine protected sleeping porch, white enamel bathroom, complete Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, with cement floor and laundry trays, Boynton furnace. Call owner, 294 E. 39th St, Phone Tabor 1243. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THB MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARC1I1- TM.TS. 324 ABINGTON BLPp, FORECLOSURE SALE. Will sell for amount of encumbrances, modern 2-story 7 -room house, with extra large sleeping porch; built 2 years ago; lo cated in the best residence district In city. A snap, and. must be sold. Will consider good lot, mortgage, or c2oft0-ln acreage as first payment. J DELAHUNTY, 270 Stark St. Main 15U3, A 1516. OWNER FORCED TO SACRIFICE BEAU TIFUL. $0000 HOME. In best residence section of city, up-to-date In every respect ; hardwood floors, tile bath, best of plumbing ; large rooms, a spacious torch. attractive grounds, ga rage. $0500; on easy terms, will put you into hls pretty home. AC 427, Oregonian. STRICTLT modern new 5-room bungalow, furnace, light fixtures, window shades, hardwood floors, 50x100 lot, located in Rose City Park district, half block from car; must sell at once; will make attractive price and will take lot or auto as first payment. AL. 428, Oregonian. SNAP WANT MONEY! 8 -room house in Irvington. 8-room house on E. 14th at. Make offer See O. P. Hulse, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark'Sts. ) MT. TABOR DISTRICT $2200. Four-room California bungalow ; Dutch kitchen: stationary tub and built-in fea tures, cement sidewalks in and paid for; $50 cash and balance monthly; will take lot or acreage ud to $500. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 9U Chamber of Commerce. WHY pay rentwhen you can buy a 2-room House ior u, -u aown, $o per montn t On a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, ber ries, fruit, etc., which is the greater part of your living. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Big Rooms and Garage. block to R. C. P. cars. 3 short blocks to Beaumont car It is the biggest bargain ever offered in this district; hardwood floors in 4 rooms, high basement ceiling. Possession Dec. 1. M 422, Oregonian. PAUSE! REFLECT! Before you throw away another year' rent. Here's a chance to buy a new, modern 7-room bouse, located in center of Laurelhurst, for $4150, on easy terms. J. W. CROSSLEY, 2704 Stark st. Main 1503, A 1515. $1500 EQUITY FOR $500 CASH. In 7-room modern house, block in car. In good district, lot 50x100, worth $3000; mortgage $1500 for 2 years; if you come quick you can buy equity for $500. J. B. Ruley Co.. S28 Cham, of Com. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours: bv your own plana or ours: Dav us like rent. THE OREGON HOMEBUILDETtS, l-i'S0 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 2-ROOM HOUSE for only $375; $40 cash. d per montn; tms is located on the West Side, only 15 minutes' car ride, 5c fare : best buy In the city. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. THE biRgest Hawthorne bungalow snap ever orcerea. uuw vaiue, ror best offer; abso lutely must go: make an offer and you have got a house. AP 891. Oregonian. 2 G RE AT bargains, Irvlngton, 7 and 8 rooms; fine homes cheap ; will take good lot as part payment oh each. East 273. W. H. Herdman. S2150 MUST SELL new 5-room bungalow. strict! v moaern: small amount aown. $ro per month, including Interest. Best buy In city. Owner. 1009 East 23th st. North, SACRIFICE fine 8-room house, corner lot. on E. Yamniu ; walking distance, big snap at $.00U; uu down and 2o par mo. owner, in n;. xsa. fnone ast oims. $2S00 FINEST 7-room house, 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; one of the nicest homes and well located; easy terms; will take lot. raoor dus. $11.000 50x100: very attractive. modern house, 11 rooms: Income $00; terms, phone owner. East Bail 9. FOR SALE A modern 7-room house with one or three lots; might trade for improved larmoi same value. w 4a, uregontan. NEW. modern 12-room house, Irvington; block. Phone East 2432. R, B. Rice. HOUSE, lot. $600; Kenton; $300 cash, bal- ance mortgage. 11 Wash.: bldg. Rented. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carl tne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser, Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 47d. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. FINE 21-acre suburban home. 5 miles from business center, on Section Line road finely improved; 6 acres fruit and berries; citv water; will sell or trade, liasta .Bros. Bit Henrv bide. BuHiness Property. PROMISING corner business property. stores, 3 apartments above, baths, hot and cold water; electric fixtures; basement; al most new building; over 200 feet frontage including two oarners; on canine; renting for $1.4 montn; sacrmce price; $1.500, part cash ; no trade, no agents. Owner, post box 253, Pprtland. For Sale Acreage, BARGAIN HUNTERS' OPPORTUNITY. CO acres, 2 miles of Lents, at slaughter price of $150 per tcre ; 10 acres In culti vation, all fenced, rich soil, south and east exposure ; is subdivided in l'-acre tracts, which would easily sell for $300 and more per acre; on beautiful Mt. Scott and sur- rounded bv well-Improved d I aces. Just think of the location and you will realize there hasn't been a bargain like this offered in this section in some years- No trade. J. B. RAINEY, 1304 Yecn bldg. Marshall 8177, TIGARD. 0 ACRES. S45O0. This place Is S miles from Portland on Taylor fc erry road ; has a 1 -room plas tered house, with fireplace; it cost $1SOO eood barn: 5 acres under cultivation; 120 fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, logan berries, currants ; in tact, overy kind ol small fruit: an ideal acreage home ; uvner was offered $4000 for the bare land four years atco: easv terms. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. $600. $20 down and $10 month, buys 10 acres good logged-off land, 1 Vz miles from town, on main line of 3 railroads, between Portland and Centralia, 7 miles from Che halis. If you go on this land and improve it you don't have to make any payments for 2 years. Perfect title. Warranty deed. ttElL KfcAL KoTATB CO., dlH Railway Exchange Bldg. ' ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station chicken and truit ranches near Portland new subdivision near Gresham ; r acres. $400, $500. S70O; 3 acres, $503, $700; 10 acres. $750. $900. $1000 oer tract: best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at bcappoose, ur.. to iuo per acre. FRANK M ' FAR LAN D REALTY CO., . 309 Yeon Bldg- Portland, Or. LOOKING FOR A SUBURBAN HOME? Will subdivide tracts to suit on red eleo trie, west of Portland; 25c fare: ideal foi homes ; very fertile ; first selections will get some bearing orchard : the first man who went out bought 8 acres; price $200 to per acre, easy terms, bee Mr. Ron, bough, 269 Stark fit., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 3 ACRES. At Lents, with small house and barn; all level and in cultivation, just a lew blocKs of 5c car: adjoining Dr6nerty laid to city lots; you can plat this Into lots and make double the purchase price; now is the tim to buy at sacrifice price, $J500: terms. Owner, 412 Cham, of Com. bldg. TIGARD ROAD GARDENS. 2. 3 and 4 -acre tracts, all in cultivation 5 minutes walk to station; $350 to 450 per acre: easy terms; omy o tracts leru Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Cora. FINE view .acre: part be aver dam, with house: some income on place. See owner ana save commission. Terms. Oergon City tine, f 4W, oregonian. SOME splendid acreage for platting. As toria. Warren ton. cheao enough to make Dig money; win niat and sell for you. R. L. YOKE. IMG Northwestern Bank bldg. For Sale -Farms. 17H ACRES near Roseburg, 12 acres in apple orchard 6 years old: Newtown and Spitz : good water and new build lngs, on the. banks of Umpqua Hirer; an ideal home place; will trade or sell. Call sos Abington mag. FORCED SACRIFICE-Willamett 80. some improvements. $2100. Owner Chauncey .Barney, wrcgon ity. vr, UFA I. ESTATE. h'or bale Farms. IF TOU WANT LAND WE WILL GIVE YOU A START. Here Is vour chance to get started on the land. We will make you a better prop osition than renting. It will take less money. You can take your choice out of 10.000 acres of the richest land in the Sacramento Valley the kind of soil that rrowB lo tons alfalfa. 50 bushels wheat and 75 bushels barley per acre every year. You have Dractically unlimited time to pav for this land, and you can make It produce a sinttle crop that is worth the lull purchase price, sP It Is a exeat chance for yon. Now is the time to go on the land. You will get war prices for all you produce. LOS MOLINOS has the beat Irrigation system gravity flow In California. Never a water shortage. Practically all the water you want. A rrcat dairy country creameries now paying farmers $10,000 a month for but ter fat three wajjons call at your door. Fine alfalfa pasture and two crops of grain from the same lana In a year, make hog raisine wonderfully profitable. Fine fruit land every fruit that has made California famous some orchards paid 350 an acre this year. Beautiful country. Healthy. Fine schools. Come and see us and learn our plan of helping you get started on the land. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY. Los Molinos. California, GREATEST SNAP OF ALL! RIGHT NEAR PORTLAND! 86 acres. 4 miles from city limits. 3 ml. from Skyline blvd., on Willamette Heights, near electric line; good 9-room house, large barn, other outbidgs. ; 65 acres under cultiv., 12 acres in clover and timothy, bearing orchard, fine soil; hard-surface and gravel road to farm, trout stream on place; price only $112. bo per acre, $4OO0 cash, bal. terms, 6 per cent. See S. Hewey, 269 Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON M'MINNVILLE. A swell suburban home of 17 a,; 15 a. in cultivation, fine loam soil, A onion land, 1 a. prod uced 350 sacks; all kinds of tree and small fruit; 20 varieties rosea, electric car station at corner ; good 0 room house, newly papered and painted 40x40 barn; a nice small home; bought ax $6700. Owner must sacrifice at $3900; $1400 cash, bal. $500 per year.. Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Gerllnger bldg., Portland. 26 ACRES. BARLOW, OREGON. Only $4700; half cash. In tlon; all sandy river bottom loam cultlva- woven- wire fenced ; new 6-room house, new barn and outbuildings; . ofement walk, fine lawn and roses; all improvements new, up to date.; mile to a. F. station, schools, stores, etc. Hurry to get this exceptional bargain. Also many others. Call on Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Gerlinger bldg. s CATTLE MEN, TAKE NOTICE. Own two farms, one must go. 1357 acres Union Co.; 800 acres plow land, fully equipped; 2 houses, 4 barns; near school; 300 head livestock. Plenty of water, good grazing. 28ii-AORE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. Near Forest Grove, Oregon ; 125 under plow, 25 acres hops, balance oak and pil ing timber; trout creek; 8-room house, hot and cold water; two barns, graveled road, some trade, balance terms. Owner, Wm. Johnson. 527 Chamber of Commerce. lloO-ACRE diversified farm with 35 a alfalfa and 0 more suitable ; 2o acres fini bear ing orchard (no apples), with good local market: about 400 acres ruitable for wheat. balance excellent pasture . spring water for house use. Irrigation and power; clOe to station ; will sacntice at .i;.i0d, some cash, some trade and very easy terms on balance; stock and equipment iucluded. Ben E. Kelley, Penawawa, Wash. ONION LAND, $90 PER ACRE. 16 acres, 13 miles to Portland, about 1& miles to both electric lines, on county road, about tf acres onion land. 8 cleared, ou.y $90 per acre, $15o cash, bal. long a you want. W. H. SEITZ & CO., 310 Spalding bldg. Main 6584. 116 ACRES. 14 miles from Newbrg, on main road; 90 acres In cultivation, some bottom land. 5 acres In 3-year-old urune-i. about 2 acres family orchard, 3 large barns. 8-room house, goad water, wood and pasture; this place must be seen to be appreciated and must be sold; price Is cut to $120 per acre; must have some cash F 221, Oregonian. 107 ACRES, dairy ranch. 53 acres cultivated. iu in hops, airaira ana orcnara, good build ings, fenced, 1 miles from town and creamery ; price $8000, terms to suit. C. F. Hasselton, owner, Portland, Or. SG ACRES, close good town, main Una 9. P., south of ii.ugene, deep black soli, about level, good buildings, plenty of water; $4000, no trade; $10oo cash, good time on balance. 603 Oregonian bldg. WANTKD KKA L KST4T E. WANTED BUSINESS PROPERTY. I have a client with $25,JUOO - cash and $10,000 in residence and vacant lots, unin cumbered; wants a $35,000 to $50,000 prcp erty. Says he means business. ' Geo. E. Waggoner, 805 Yeon bldg. WANTED 5 to 7-room house, up to $3500, in rl. c rarK, or otaer good district; give two clear lots worth $15o0 and some cash for equity. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., 506 Oregonian Bldg. HAVE cash customers for 5 or 6-room bun galow with sleeping-porch, east trout, 50x 10O lot. Rose City Park district; if you have this and want to sell, see me at once. C. M. Derr, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Modern house, 5 or 6 rooms, for my vacant lots: will assume small amount or Dav some cash: only cash values con sidered. Owner. 614 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED 5 to 20 acres, improved, modern house, with or without stock ; best cash price. 407 Roselawn ave. Wpodlawn 3877. EAST side unimproved corner, near a bridge; price siu.uou to sio.wu. uive lowest price, full particulars. 253, Portland P. O. WANT tract of from one to five acres along river, within 8 miles of city ; must be cheao for cash. X 426. Oregonian. WILL buy seller's contract under $500 on clear property. Phone East 6074. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. LARGE tract, B. C. fine timber, half cedar. sacrifice- price, $o000 will handle; prin cipals only. C. Brlnton, genl. del., Seattle, Wrash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. X M'CRACKEN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. TIMBER 320 acres, about 14.000.000 feet, In Eastern Lane County. Or., reasonable. Address box 25, Garden Home, Or. FOR KEN' FARMS. 5 ACRES with 6-room new house to : liable party. Lundburg, 9?5 Yeon bldg. FARMS WANTED. iVANT 40 acres good land, about one-fourth timber, west of Cascade Mounts. Ins, not over $1600; will give we 11-Improved Port land property for same. Phone Tabor 303 or address 2704 63d fit.' S. E. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. PAY difference on 7-room - modern home with sleeping porch, unincumbered. 010 E. Main street, for Larger home, not over $oooo. G. W. COMBS. 306 Selling Bldg. NEW 7-room house and 14 acres at Ryan, on Oregon Electric, only 15 minutes from Portland P O. a. classy place; tennis court, etc.; price $5000; trade for improved city property. Wllloughby, SZb Morgan bldg. WILL trade all or part of $60U0 worth of unincumbered Kenton property ior good modern home or building site; win as sume balance if necessary. M 424, Ore gonian. IMPROVED ranch, 320 acres, in Southern Alberta, near town, to trade for hard ware business, not over $20,000. Samuel Thomas, route No. 2, Halsey, Or. 5-ACRE suburban home for partly improved acreage. See O. P. Huise, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) WANT to exchange 1000 eauity in good city lot as first payment on 5-room house near rtose city or Aiontavuia canine. Phone East 6499. & OR 6-room house In Portland for my equity of $2500 In a njee fruit ranch y mile from P. O. and high school. AK 423. oregonian. MORTGAGE wanted In exchange for modern 5-room bungalow on Halsey street. See owner, 512 Piatt bldg. WILL. TRADE for modern furnished room ing or apartment-house, 30 or more rooms. 306 I2th st. LOT 42. block 38. East St. Johns, to trade for light auto truck, or pleasure car, X Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL EXCHANGE 5-pabsenger Winton, In first-class con dition, for real estate. Clear acreage for office furniture, safes and floor coverings. Good 20-acre farm for city. Clear acreage for small car. And many other trades to offer. AYRES & SMITH, 601 N. W. bldg. Main 7266. WILL trade for 1-ton auto truck, chicken and hog ranch, three blocks from depot, 2 acres land, 4 -room house, good cellar, smokehouse, 2 chicken-houses and chicken i yiirus. earn ior rive head stock, au good i improvements, rent for $1200 ner year city water, used at present for hogs, chick ens and cows. Address box 157, Condon, Or., Gilliam County. LARGE BUSINESS BLOCK at Eugene, Or., the always prosperous city; modern, central; will exchange for farm land In valley or wheat aectlon ; ideal proposition for retiring land owner wanting income of about $50O monthly and has land worth from $40,000 to $50, -00O; give full description. P. Aug. Peterson, Eugene, Or. FINE 1336-acre wheat farm, 1200 acres in cultivation, 600 acres in Fall wheat this year. Fine soil, good buildings and un limited good water, stock and machinery; 8 miles to railroad. Price $27.50 per acre. Will take $30,000 In unincumbered prop erty, or $10,u00 trade; balance easy crop payment at 6 per cent. T. H. Little hales, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE or exchange, from 6 to 8 mil lion feet of excellent tie and other lumbe. stumpage; also mill located on the ground; located within two miles of R. R. and 5 miles from city of 7000; will sell on good terms or exchange for- other property. Box 266, Corvallia, Or. 5 ACRES with beautiful 6-room California bungaiow, in Willamette Valley, in higi state of cultivation and Irrigated; will sell for cash or take equity $150O in Portland residence If not too much mtge. See Mr. Rohrbough, 209 Stark st-., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON TO exchange, two beautiful Laurelhurst lots, clear, for modern bungalow; prefer West Side or Irvington. J 894. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. 4 SHARES Metropolitan Investment and Im provement Co.'s capital stock $100 per share, for lumber. Phone Tabor 252. WEBER pianola piano for automobile; must be standard make. E 400, Oregonian. FOR BALE. AUCTION SALE Of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables. 302 Front sU. every Tnursday at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. if you want to buv. attend this sale. Owing holiday Thurs.. 26th. auction will be held Wednes day. 25th. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictl commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse 8t Mule Co., 240 E. bth. East C315. YOUNG team, mare and gelding, weight 2550 lbs., for $140; young bright bay team, mare and gelding, weight 2400, for $135; will split either team, as they work single or double; a farm wagon, express wagon and harness cheap. 2b8 N. 14th. HORSES and wagons for rent or sals; we do furnlturej and expressing at 75c per hour. A Ford delivery car in good shape for sale. East 72, B 136U. Hawthorns . Avenue Stable, 420 Hawthorne ave. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WANTED Horse for feed, light work. Phone A 5056. WANTED Y'oung team of horses, about 20OO lbs. Call Main 526. weight DEAD horses and cattle removed free. Call day or night Tabor 4203. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. L Cohen, 381 Water su Main liiiua. Main 6i5. Pianoe. Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE at a snap; leaving city and must sell my fine mahogany piano; can - be seen at Portland Van 6c Storage Co. warehouse, 15th and Kearney sts., where piano Is in storage. AM comuelled lo leave Portland at once; have fine Chickerina upright piano that I will store wltn private tamily ; should party desire to purchase, will sell- very cheap. AH 427, Orcgonlan. ' LEAVING" PORTLAND, will store free of charge with reliable party my Stein way upnaht oiano. in answer please furnish reference. All 426. Oretoniau. ALL' kinds of musical Instruments excep tionally low prices. Elby Co., 320-36 Lumber Ex. blag., 2d and Stark sts. TALKING machine and 25 records, $7.75. Many other bargains. 403 Uucaauan Diag. Main loub. $50 TALKING machine and 23 records for $36.50. 4o3 Buchanan bldg. Main iuut. Dogs. LiiroH, Pet bloc a. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LAD LUX KENNELS, EST AG AD A. OK. FOR SALE Persian kittens. East 5152, ObJ E. Broadway. Furniture Cor (Sal. FOR SALE Two gas ranges, 2 water heat ers, 1 wood heater, 2 dressers, i Iron beas, 3 soriniS. 2 mattresses. 'Z rockers. 1 rug, kitcnen linoleum, ail for $40 if taken at once, call mornings at 4va Aiuitnoman st. EUROPEAN furniture, plate, etc. Now is the time to-acquire at 10 w price, expert, going to England, can execute dealers' or pri vate commissions on favorable terms ; highest references. AK 426, Oregonian. FURNITURE and pianos shipped in through consolidated cars to ail points east ana soutn at reduced freight rates. Pacitic Coast Forwarding Co., 201 Wilcox bldg. r'hone .wars nan iioi. FINE range, with coll, beatiag stove, car pets, $ i a ; easy chair, center table, chairs. bed, dresser, etc ; cheap; going away. Tabor 200, week days, berore 6 o clock. FURNITURE for sale, 4-room apt. for rent 6 oiocKs irom r. kj. Westminster Apt. no. 1, cor. sth and Madison sts. MUST sacrifice elegant, new furnishings of 6-room bungalow; going East, call liitt Mill and mane oxier. i.auor iu. MUST sacrifice fine, new furnishings, six room bungalow, going East, call 1116 Alia, mane oner. iaDor , Poultry. 100 INDIAN RUNNER ducks, ready to lay. woouiawn iua. foruauo, ix. F. L. No. l, box 949. Livestock. BIG SALE will be held at Transfer Livery Barn. Gresham. Or.. Wednesday, Nov. 2o horses, cows, wagona and harness to bs sold to highest biddeiv fialo beginning al 10 A. M. 12 HEAD of fresh dairy cows, Durham, Hoi stein and jersey, to o gallons a nay. Take Woodstock car to GUth ave., walk 4 oiocas west. FOR SALE Three young mlllt goats. Phone woodlawn FRESH Jersey cow for sale. 478 Patton road. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 1912 REO 5 passenger. 30 horse power, only t. $325 vl 'iJi.rt,iji-Artrtu w o passenger, 6 cylinder, 36 horsepower, fully Antiinnnd in Al "nnriir i rtn fnr nulrlr sale $1250 SEVERAL OTHER 'GOOD USED CARS V- TO SELECT FROM. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., K BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main 83S7. A 49C9. 2 REAL BARGAINS. 1914 Ford. 5-passenger. $395. 1912 Studebaker SO, 5-passenger, practi cally new; see it and you will buy It; cost $1200: price $495. Francis Motor Car Ex change. East 13 th and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1199. MANUFACTURER has a tew four and six- cylinder cars at prices below wholesale, li you are in tne market for a high class car at a cheap car price, answer this. Terms if desired. Address M 423, Oregonian. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices, $30O to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building, Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. TAKE-DOWN nortable garatzes erected on your lot complete with lock'and key; price ii.i;u u u. lana-jjuw u vamge attg. (JO., Main 57 IO. A 0035. Foot of Harrison st. FOR HIRE. $1.50 per hour, 5-passenger 1914 Ford: special rates for day or trips. Main 1201 after 5;3 P. M. or Sundays call East 4oOS. STORAGE for unused cars. $250 per mo.; used cars $4; also new Federal truck for sale. New Market Garage, 2d and Ankeuy, WANTED To rent by the month, a one ton motor truck; must be in good con dition. AV 225, Oregonian. FEDERAL truck, A-l mechanical condition; easy tertne. 8 426, Oregonian. ONE 1912 Ford touring car In first-class running conditHn. V 420. Oregonian. 3 -.TON auto truck for sale; cheap; good, con dition. Call Royco, 133 Otb, FOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED The best auto that 1 can buy forj $750 honest-to-goodness cash money. AB . 4-L. O rcgop la n. Motorcycles. 1914 INDIAN, 2-speed; bargain for cash; fully equipped. AJ 427, Oregonian. Type write re. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, at very lowest prices. See our display, men get our prices. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO., 302 OAK ST. TYPEWRITERS for rent, $ months for and up; 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. b6 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our llius- trated folder. Ketau department, w HL'Lii SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Wash. L TYPEWRITERS All makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark sU Main 140i. Miocllan eo us. FOR SALE CHEAP, stern-wheel steamer Olympian, carries 400 passengers; fully equipped and ready fur service; 15$ fee long, 26 feet beam; compound tandem 1500 H. P engines, oil burner. For particulars aoply to Moncrieffe Cameron, Proctor in Admiralty, 324 Central bldg Main 1684 and Queen Anna 1462. Seal tie. Wash. SEWING MACHINES Sold on very easy payments, rented one week $1, one mo $3, 2 mo. $5 Repaired by experii. We call for and deliver. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Mar. 721. 2 Morrison St. A 5110 SEWING .nachinea of all makes, new and second-hand bargains; $5 up with a writ ten guarantee to sew pertect, machines rented and rent appned on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium, 190 3d. near Taylor. THOROUGHLY reliable and cheapest place in tne city to ouy your secoiio-nano fur niture is at the Levin Hardware A. Fur niture Co., 221-223 Front, corner baimoa Phone Main 9072, A 7174 CASH registers National), sold on easy monthly payments, all registers guaran teed. t HE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Basement Majestic Theater Bldg. H U N'TLNO season is now on ; bargains In nxies, snotguns. revolvers, ail makes, caeap Beauregard's, 702 Main su. Van couver, W ash. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in ureg jo, per gauon fort land Faint Co., 230 front mt. Marshall 100. FOR SALE Set black lynx furs; calf morn" lngs Hotel Waunita, room 19. 385 Yam hill st. SAFES One large and second-band safe at a Oregonian'. one medium size bargain. C 421, LATEST red Morocco International; almost new ; goes for $10. Act quickly. AL 429 Oregonian. $100 BUYS gentleman's diamond ring, latest design; bargain. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark stk. SAFES All size at co-; , safes repaired. Hosier Safe Co., '.0s Northwestern Bank b ug Main 76 To. CONCRETE mixer for sale or rent; used on 2 jobs only; 2 -sack batch, cheap. Main feitio, 46 zu st. INDESTRUCTIBLE (not wax) cylinder records for either Edison or Columbia, 15 cents. 403 Buchanan bldg. Main 10u8. FOR SALE cheap for cash, slightly used moving-picture macntne. h.diaon. call after 6 P. 11., 271 E. Water. 1-CYLIXDER Reo, $85; terms; 25-f t. boat hull, $90; will trade; prefer motorcycle or cow. 448 E. lh S.; SAFES New and second-hand; i.rgains iui irsi at. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. 1 buy, sell and exchange koaaLts, cam eras and tenses. 44 3d st, N. FERTILIZER Hotted manure for sale bj the load, i'none East 13 463. DRESS SUIT and tuxedo, $20. Phone East CANARIES $2 and up; guaranteed singers. 171 west far a st., basement. UNREDEEMED diamond, jewelry, for money loaned on. w m. noli, Washington bldg. CHRISTMAS trees, 4-ft. and up; perfect shape ; order now. B 2697 or Tabor 5954. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented S months tor $4. Main 6273. A 4441. 244 Stark st. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1. Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor.Su and Morrison. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED! W ANTED i "Get acquainted 1 pav casn Let me pay figure ou your secona-hand machinery, caole. pipe, motors, belting, toot, boilers, engines, etc., also entire tnachiue shops, and PAY SPOT CASH. Call me and make money. Main 663. . S. HORWITZ. A 1663 240 Front St. Res. phons Marshall 562. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECON D- HAND CLOT H INO A.sD EVEKY THING. CALL MAIN 2060 285 FIRST STREET. AND you will get highest cajh prices, no matter what you have. Cail Main 20S0. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUY ERS" HONEST DEAL WS PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES. SHOES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST., OR 251 FRONT. SQUARE DEAL. FAYS BEST PRICE AT J. MY ER'S, WE PAY HIGHEST ..ASH PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $5 AND UP SHOES BOUGHT. , RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. M A IN 3595. LEVIN HARDWARE St FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or I4atn 9u72 Our ouyer calls promptly. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. Highest price paid tor second-hand registers. 243 Washington st. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC WANTED Don't give it way. Get our first. Standard Fur. Co., 1S2 1st. Mam 4773. WANTED Good rugs, dressers and house hold goods; must be . bargains. Y 430, Oregonian. DO. NOT cell or give away any of your fur niture before you cail the Bell Auction House, 194 2d st. Maishall 47S3. WANTED To rent, a piano In good con dition; will pay $2.50 monthly; no chil dren. Marsnaii 2.10. io - Oh st, . CASH paid - for hair combings. banitary Beauty - Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. WE tint rooms tor $3.60; paint houses at your price. Phone East 17L STOVE repairing, colls, connections, cast ings, roofing, plumbing. Main 835. 342 1st. WANTED Pacific Reporter and other law books. B 420, Oregonian. WANTED Diamond, cheap; must be a bar gain. AK 427, Oregonian. OLD bicycles and parts bought, men's and ladles'. Tabor 5475. DIAMOND wanted, to 1 karat. Will pay cash Cor pood ston. Main 5uu2. WANTED Three National cash reguters once, win pay spot casn. juaia bob. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dent. Main 663 or A lttftg. Barde. SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 16ga. CASH 'ior trood second-hand lixniture. Main 333 A 2567. HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE, automobile owners, we can at all times supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar. 4060.- Pacific Auto Schoois, Sr66-26$ 11th. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock;, excellent territory; hus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenibh, Wash, COOK wanted for restaurant, steady, reliable, sober, also want a good, sober, steady dish washer who can do short-order cooking. Y 427, Oregonian. ADVERTISING and subscription solicitors on commission lor Congressman LaiTurty's new weekly. The Saturday American. R. L. Merrick. 733-36 Pittock Block. WANT man to clear 15 acres brush. Joining city limits, and take part cash and part real estate for pay. 313 Railway Ex change bldg. WANTED Canvassers of good address, with book experience; good wages made by men of energy and perseverance; cash ad vanced. S 425, Oregonian. WANTED Riding saddlemakers for Army work; good wages, long Job. Address AV 22S. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced man . stenographer for wholesale house; state experience and references. Address P. O. box 131. MAN and wife as Janitor In small apartment-house In exchange for apartment. A 427, Oregonian. WANTKD Auto oamter. Portland Plating & Auto painting Co., 22d and Thurman. GOOD barber wanted; steady job. 2&1 Burn side st. PORTLAND Barber College Men wanted to learn the barber trade. 232 2d at. TENOR, high range, who knows harmony. East 801O. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid, barony Studio, Royal bids. UELi tAMfca MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially Invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record, 1918. Calls tor men from employers ......2865 Positions filled ItHI Employment memberships $5 per annum guarantees tnemoers will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' fuil and iO months' social priv ileges. issued cty employment secretary only. Second Poor. Y. M. C. A, building. WE HAVE the best proposition ever of fered men who want to learn automobile driving, repairing, g&s engineering, by tne most tnorough metnod known. Don't pay money for instructions until you iaven tigate our proposition. Call or write lot "Truth About Uio Automoulle Business." Pacific Auto & Gas Engine School, 1:66 208 11th. near JeQerson st. CAPABLE men with ordinary salesmanship ability can make $75 to $loo per wee demonstrating and selling Simplex oil-&as generator and burner; will cut iuel bills anywnere in Northwest and as convenient as natural gas, simple and inexpensive; exclusive territory; no Investment, but you must be ante to nanuie yourseii. zo fine. Cail for Mr. Pottenger. BiOME aa Expert A utornobile Mac. New system of tacning the automooile business- at home with automobile and in structor; Quicker and more thorough than the repair shop. Write for proof. OREGON AL TOMUblLB LNSTiTUTE, 314-315 Stock Exchance bide., Portland, Oregon. ALL MEN WORKING OUTSIDE SHOULD send for our free catalogue. Clothes for outdoor wear. M ALONE Y & CLOSE, 117-119 Stevena S u, Spukane. Ub spare time to build up mall order busineiia of own; help you tutrt tor snare in proiits; 27 opportunities. Particular free Dept. B-12, Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Two live, energetic salesmen, not afraid of work; a permanent position, good moaey. Circulation Dept., Collier's Week ly, 418 Oregonian bldg. F. K. Shelley, it to 10 A. M. LIVE photo agents, premium given, extra commission Moore Studio. Elks' bldg. FIRST-CLASS naius finishers s anted. 266 Washington St., room 413. Help Wanted salesmen. A LARGE RAINCOAT MANUFACTURING CONCERN WANTS SALESMAN TO REP RESENT THEM IN THE NORTHWEST. LIBERAL COMMISSION AND GOOD PROSPECTS TO THE RIGHT MAN. WRITE, STATING EXPERIENCE, TO MANCHESTER WATERPROOF COAT CO. 821 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. WANTED L(ve, energetic business getters to sell our Oakland and Berkeley real es tate In all Paciiic Coast and Inter-Moun-tain states, there are reasons why our salesmen radiate happiness and good cheer Come in and let me "show you." if too far away, write full particulars about yourself, age, ousiness experience, etc. A D. F. Reynold, rooms 407. 8 and 9 Syndicate bldg.. Oakland, Cal. CITY and country salesmen, for county Fn Oregon . best selling article on market, exclusive territory rights given, will clear iuyu year;y. 5-i5 Morgan bidg. SALESMEN who can get results; Lower Co lumbia Harbor property, good commission. Yoke, 1136 Northwestern Bank bidg. HELP VVANTEl 1 EM ALE. WANTED Housekeeper, middle-aged woman preterred ; one capable of assuming entire charge of house and care of two children, oue 7 and one 5 years old; good place for right party. Call at 351 Portland blvd. Friday forenoon, phone Woodlawn 337L WANTED Thoroughly experienced millinery buyer for high-class miliinery department. Address, stating age, experience and sal ary expected, to P. O. box 223, Seattle, Wash. - INDEPENDENT! Beauty culture is a proutaule business. Learn it from a grauuate. 204 Macleay bldg., 286 V ash ing ton st.. cor. 4th. NEAT-APPEARING woman, between the age of 25 and 35. to assist with work in rooming-house for board and room. Main 5973. bALESLADY' fur exclusive cloak and suit house; must be able to secure and hold the best trade of Portland. BF 400. Ore gonian. Vv" ANTED More girls to learn Burroughs calculating machine; short course ; posi tions open. central Commercial College, Tenth and Alder. LADY for vaudeville sketch, rood aunear- ance and dramatic experience. 609 Eiiers bldg. FIVE girls to Dekum bldg. learn beauty culture. Sanitary parlors. 414 y WANTED Experienced general housework girl. Phone Marshall 3171. 407 Highland Court, 22d and Gllsan. HOUSEWORK, lib Si Main st,, Main 2039. $15 to $30. St. Louis Agency, opposite Courthouse. A 7 175, WANTED Girl partner, song-dance act, for immediate circuit lime; no amateuis need apply. Freeman, Hotel Eaton. WANTED Girls to learn Maurine system ot beauty culture; we help finance you in business. 614 Abington bldg. IF UNEMPLOYED or wish to better your self, call at Mrs. Barry's Bus. Girls' Em. Service. 403 Dekum budg. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 2701 Washington, room 35, near 4th. Puone Main S3t, or A 3J6ti. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible potiition. Viavl Company. 4i3 Pittuck block, 335 Washington, WANTED Experienced women operators on power machines. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., bo "a 5th st. WANTED Some poor woman who wants home in the country. J. R., Dot, Wash. WANTED B. K., stenographer, dictaphone operator. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANT unemployed woman to work for room and board; gooa home. Tabor 1J0;. WANTED Woman to assist In housework for room and board. East 130b. A RELIABLE girl for general housework, references. 710 Lovejcy street, near 2;2d st. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter at once. Call L. Thomas. Main C3G9. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper; state reference; salary start ing at $50 per month. M 428, Oreconlan. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LhAKN automobile repairing, driving on up- . to-dato cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying : niethous most practical , room and board w bile learning ; position se cured ; satisfaction g uaranteed ; catalogue free.. National School of Engineering, 2110 w. 7th st., L-os Angeles, cat. WE TEAlH practically, with actual ma chinery In operation, electrical gas and steam engineering, machine shop, work - and Automobile repairing. Seed for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, lot' to 110 West Roy su, Seattle. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in b weeks: position guaranteed, tools free. paid while learning, scalp and tace mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching used ; tuition reuucea, is on su FREE PENMANSHIP LESSONS with our courses in bookkeeping and shorthand by mail; low cost; no charge for books and suDDlies. vt rite today xor rree lesson. Central Commercial College, Portland, Or. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade in 8 weeks. clean work, nercentage paid while learn lng. tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for tree catalogue. 4s N. zo. (GOVERNMENT positions open to women. $75 month. Write immediately for free list. Franklin institute. Dept. 703 T, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacif ie Stat Schools, McKay bldg., city. MEN, IS to 35, wishing to become railway mail clerks, $75 monthly. Apply or in f urmatioiy AV 140. Ore gonlan, INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach civil service, also $5 other courses; free catalogue, 202 McKay bldg. MRS. HINSDALE'S Business School, 502 Empress bldg. Personal Instructions; po sitions when competent. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE 401 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4258. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE All modern business courses, only $5 per mo. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MO 260 14TH ST. M. B893 EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. NIPPONESE, first-class cook, wants posi tion in private family. A 1569, Main 0361. YOUNG Japanese boy wants any kind hoteLi work !n country. 264Vi 1st st, 1 $5 FOR elevator or any work suitable. Drake Icork log). 011 Selling. Main 333V. CHAUFFEUR wants Job; will give $1000 bonds. 223 1st st. BAKER, all-around man wants Job; expr.; city or country. A. C. S 427, Oregonian. GOOD J a panes boy wants a position gen eral housework, V 424, pr&gonian SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers mm Clerks. COMPETENT office man. 12 years' exporl ence. as bookkeeper and accountant; best of references. will consider anything. X42S. OreKonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; 10 years" experience; best of references. AH 40 J, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher . ould Like position. A-l ruiorvuees. N 422. Oregouian. STENOGRAPHER, 21 years, experienced; city references. N 42S, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position as hotoj clerk. bell boy or usher. Mar&hall 164. room 0-i. MiiHrellancoufe. WANTED. A Job on a ranch doing chores and light work for the Winter for board and room and a little spending money. fc.x perieneced farmer. Reasou for soliciting such a Job. been hurt in lodging camp ami Just got cut of hospital, ana am about well, but cannot do the hardest kind of work for a f'.w months, but can do quite a bit and will not be a detriment to any one, but will earn what I get. Address 415 Abington bldg., Portland, Or. Phono Main b-i. SING L.E man, no habits, wants situation, handy man in private family, work 7 years for Chief Engineer Henderson, of Navy Department, Washing ton, D. C; small wages. AB 427. Oregon ian. LINOTYPE operator-machinist and printer, pressman, seeks position in West. Compe tent, temperate, reliable; 15 years' experi ence Address George Fisher, lock box 79, Norfolk. Neb. MAN, 25, wants work anywhere, can speak 3 different languages, experienced in gro cery store. Address H. K., 7t4 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn b40. WANTED By young man willing to start at bottom and work up, position in fac tory, wholesale house or office. Phono Woodlawn 2677, ask for Ellis LICENSED auto driver, also rough carpen ter worker, desires position; willing to do anything; large family, who are needy. Main 717. A 1517. Y'OUNG foreigner understanding carpenter ing wants farm, or any kind work; small wages; speak little English. X 4-:0, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED man with family of seven children must find work is not able to do hard labor, but willing to do anything ho is able to do. Main V17, A 1517. EXPERIENCED gardener desires work; will do any kind of day work; references. Main 717, A 1017. EXPERIENCED painter, piper hanger and calclminer, but will do aiiy kind of work. Main 717, A 1517. YOUNG LAW STUDENT wants place to earn board and room or amall salary. Room 611 Y. M. C. A. CHRISTMAS decorations a specialty; Chitst mas trees 25 and 50c; prompt delivery. Phone Tabor 5042. YoUN G man, experienced In restaurant work, wants position. Mr. UriiTin, la7 6th st. GOOD carpenter wants work at $2.50 per, day. In or out of town; best references. P 420, Oregonian. MAN and wife want work on farm; experi enced; no children. Addreso R. P. Holler, 343 Couch st. AUTO student wishes to take eyre of auto mobile for room and board or cash. W 422, Oregonian. PIANO PL. A Y E It desires position evenings; experienced at picture or dance playing. I'hjne A-2797. EXPERIENCED painter, also Uinuer or short order cook, desires position ; references. Main 74:;, room 10. or A 1517. GOOD carpenter in need of work, five chil dren. 1064 Sth st. No. WANTED Paper to hang at 5c a bolt. Phone Main b979. YOUNG Japanese boy wants place In store or famly. 264 1st at. ' COOK, No. 1. man. wants position, country hotel. Cook. 3hS 3d su SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady having had 6 years' experience in book Keeping and general office routine desires nosition with wholesale or manu facturing concern; can operate typewriter; conscientious and hard vvuiki-r; moderate salary ; highest reference. Call East 21Gj. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, dictaphone operator wants permanent or suosLilute work. Phoue Main 2617. EXl'EHIENCKD law stenographer wishes position : best reierences. li 415. East 146. STENOGRAPHER desire3 position; eight years experience. 237. WANTKD Position by ep nographer. Tabor 2595. Dressmakers. Munced ste- MOLHSTE. recentl from San Francisco, us ing Freuch st j les without patterns, win make suits, go w us, d reuses, capes, etc 246 E. Broaiiwa.x, apt. 214. Call East 6051, Ni PRACTICAL nursa will care for elderly per son, confinement or infant ; references. Phone A 7175, Main 2Ss. WANTED L-igiit nursing at once; $1.50 per day, with light work. Sell. l-9. EXPERIENCED nurse, good references, assist with housework. Main 925 INFANT'S outfits, $5 per set and up. Mrs. Meier, Tabor 37S. Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPING wanted by experienced young woman; no objection to child. 3t27 43th st. S. E. Mt Scott car, Crcsion Sta. .SITUATION as housekeeper, private or ho tel, by experienced woman. Phoue East 1S65. TRUST WORTH Y and economic, refined manager for widower or bachelor's home. 428. Oregonian. YOUNG, respectable woman wents a posi tion as housekeeper for widower in city. W 424. Oregonian. WIDOW, good worker, wants position as housekeeper, city or country. M 427, Oregonian. . LADY wishes position as housekeeper; wid owers family preferred. Phone Tabor 5 5 r 5. MiDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper la or out of town. Call 232 N. lith. COMPETENT woman wants position as housekeeper to widower. A 1239. Domcvtlca GERMAN girl, 17, who speaks and under stands English, desires permanent posi tion, housework and to assist with cook ing; wages $2t per month. A 1517, Main 717. RELIABLE woman wants housework and plain cooking for family with children, Sellwood K)2U. WANT general house woik, small family, Spanlsu woman. Marshall 4125. 406 Couch st. SITUATION wanted by young girl not afraid ol work; genera! housework; good plain cooking. Woodlawn 37S5. . PLACE wanted by Norwegian girl; can't speak English ; small wui-ea; experienced cook wants place also. Call 105 2oih st. N. NEAT, experienced girl desires housework; city references. A 7175, Main 2u3&. EL.DERLY woman, general housework; good plain cook. B 421. Oregonian. SWISS girl wishes position general house work. Call Se i 1 wood 396. WANTED Housework in country ; all kinds of plain cooking. Tabor 1475. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work; good cook. Call Tabor 3368. Miscellaneous. AN experienced flannel washer wants underwear to wash at her . home, vei-y reasonable; call for and deliver, mending and darning tree, phone EaBt 1US.. 50o Williams ave. POSITION wanted in bakery or delicatessen, experienced in steam counter, cooking and baking; references. Phone Main tobOb. WANTED Plain washing and woolen blan kets, for hand laundry. Phone Main J-3 any time except Saturday. EXPERIENCED cook for restaurant, hotel or delicatessen desire. position. Main al., A 1517. EXPERIENCED day worker, ironer or anything, desires 717. A 1517. washer and work. Main EXPERIENCED day worker greatly in need; has family to support; niusx get work; ref erences. A 1517, Alain 717. EXPERIENCED colored woman for general housework or chamber work. Tabor 3201. HATS to make over at home, reasonable. Call Marshall 3352. THOROUGHLY experienced woman wanLS work by the hour. Main 5192. BY middle-acred married woman, charge oC apartment-house. AK 42S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Mar. "shall 3502. Miss Lockard. . THOROUGHLY experienced woman wants day work; ironing a specialty. Tabor 4547. MIDDLE-AGED Itailan woman mus' have work by th- day. Main 717. A 1517. CAPABLE woman wants day work or any kind. Woodlawn 1482. WANTED TO KENT. Rooms. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman desires room In strictly private, ouiet, modern home; per manent; absent considerable. T 420, Ors-gonian.