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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1914)
12 TITE MOT5XTNO OKEGOXTAJT, - WEDXESD AT, NOVE3IBER 23. 1914. SOCIETY folic were busy attonding sales and teas yesterday. Import ant among- these was the annual tea and sale of fancy and useful ar ticles, as well as food delicacies, at the Woman's Exchange. The rooms in gala attire were filled with representative Portland women who were all interest ed in the attractive display of dainty specimens of handwork, suitable ' for Christmas gifts. Receiving the guests were Mrs. Henry "W. Corbett. Miss Failing, who recently returned from a lengxny tour of the Continent; Mrs. William C. Alvord and Mrs. E. L. Thompson. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. WInslow B. Ayer, Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman, Mrs. Gordon Forbes (Frances Wilson) and Mrs. Ben Neustadter. A bevy of charming belles assisted In serving. m m m Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Pittock have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mrs. Kate P. Hertzman, to Lockwood Hebard, a prominent busi ness man of this city. The wedding probably will take place early this Winter. Another of the delightful and large affairs of yesterday was that for which the Catholic Woman's League were hostesses at their rooms. It was also a sale of useful and handsome' articles, and was followed by tea. The articles were consigned by women who are obliged to earn their living, and was conducted by Mrs. Andrew C. Smith and Mrs. Felix Isherwood. Many prominent womerf, members of this organization, attended the sale and tea and secured artistic little gifts to distiibute at Christmas time. The league is planning to give a card party shortly, and already a number of reservations have been made. One of the interesting events of to night is the dinner dance at the Com mercial Club. This dance is to be one of the most unique ever given by the club, and is to be strictly an "automobile dance." One of the special features of the affair is the decorations, and anoth er a "Costume Motor Dance." C. F. Wright Is chairman of the evening, and from present indications the "Automo bile Dance" will eclipse all previous affairs at the Commercial Club. At an early hour tomorrow morning society folk, in the saddle and .in motor cars, will hurry to the Portland Hunt Club at Garden Home to attend the breakfast and annual Thanksgiving paper chase. Breakfast will be served j at o'clock and the chase will Degin at 10 from the clubhouse grounds. Among those who will entertain parties at breakfast are Mr. and Mrs. Chester Griffin Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose M. Cronin, Joseph P. Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Nat McDougall, Miss Genevieve Church, Miss Mabel Weed and MiS3 Sadie Noyea. . Miss Maude Bateham, a charming and popular belle of the younger set, has just returned from a delightful visit with friends in Spokane, where she was entertained extensively. Miss Bateham attended the debutante recep tion of Miss Mary Louise Corbin while in Spokane, and others who entertained In honor of the visitor at teas, lunch eons and dinner dances included Misses Ethel Graves, Helen Grinnell, Bamona Ham and Sybil Spencer. ... Mrs. G. Ia. Buland will leave today for Castle Rock, Wash., to pass the Thanksgiving holidays in her country home. - Miss Ruth Williams was hostess for a delightful party in honor of the Feb ruary, '15, class of Washington High School on Saturday evening at her home on Hawthorne avenue. After a short but unique programme rendersd by talented classmates, the young peo ple enjoyed an evening of games, cards and dancing. Among Miss Williams' guests were: The Misses Catherine Alexander, Ruth Bobb, Lolita Bodman, Helen Butler. Ruth Doty, Nellie Depp, Kathryn Fields, Emma Gat-bade, Con nie Gilraan, Edna Kolcomb, Ellen Jack eon. Winifred Joyce, Marie Kohn, Bar bara Nisley, Mildred Raymond, Marion Richmond, June Shea, Agnes Torgler, Holge Williams, and Ray Staube, Waldo Grenfel, Charles Stolte, Victor Johnson, Sumner Williams, Clifford Duncan, Maynard Harris, Barkley Laughlin, Ford Cox, John Casey, Ben Titus, Ar thur Torgler. Lester Jacobsen, Charles Raymond, John Clemenson, Mark Conk lin, Frank Normandln, Harry Brubaker and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Blttner. Mrs. Wade H. Pipes returned from London last Friday, where she had been visiting her mother since before the outbreak of the war. Delta Delta Delta sorority will enter tain tomorrow with a large Pan- 'Hellenic tea in honor of Mies R. Louise Fitch, of Cambridge. 111. The affair will be given at the home of Miss Vera Redman and will be one of the smart events of the week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bannon have is sued Invitations for an" informal social evening with the Mutual Art Associa tion at their home, 291 Eugene street, November 30. a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Joseph Luse . Hazel Fields), of Lueeland, Saskatche wan. Canada, are the guests of the " latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fields, for the Winter. Mrs. Luse, who is one of the young matrons, will be extensively entertained by many of : her old friends in this city, several af fairs already having been planned to honor her. The committee on interschool hop has announced "Its second dance of the season for Friday evening at Octillion Hall. The dance is to honor the U. of O. and M.- A. A, Club football teams, who will play here today. The ballroom will be decorated at tractively with chrysanthemums, . greenery and pennants of the teams. Committees are: From Uunversity of Oregon William Tuerck, Anson Cor nell, James Sheehy, Misses Julia Piatt. Beulah Hayes and Marguerite Gross; from Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club E. S. Nelson, Oswald Day, W. Holden, J. E. Duffy, L. Streiblg and Mr! O'Donaldson. Patronesses for this event are: Mrs. S. Bellpnd, Mrs. A. J. Hoban, Mrs. A., T. Beach ana Mrs. H. Adams. ParentTeaehep Associations A The "friendly visiting" department of the social service work of the Port land Parent-Teacher Association is in charge of Mrs. G. L. Buland. Through the 62 circles an eflort will be made to find all the homes which, for any reason, might be helped or cheered by the friendly visits of a good, kind, helpful friend, either by encourage ment, advice, council In sickness, in finding employment or In need, by supplying clothing from the head quarters, 41J Central building. The friendly visitors will be able to give clothing or other help where it will CHARMING SORORITY GIRL WHO IS POPULAR WITH YOUNGER SET AND FREQUENTLY ENTERTAINED. Wl ... t do the most good because they will come In close touch with the cases that Interest them. The women of the various women's organizations are invited to send in their names as friendly visitors for one or more families for the Winter. Tel ephone Mrs. Buland, East 6110, or write to her at 606 Maple street and she will give instructions and an opportunity to help. Already friendly visitors have enlist ed from Reed College, the Parent Teacher Association, the Portland Psy chology Club, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Political Science Club. Reed College girls are planning to be "big sisters" in homes where there are growing girls and children. LIBRARY HALL was packed yester day afternoon. There wasn't even standing room left. The reason for this was the meeting of the Portland Psy chology Club and the exceptionally fine programme presented. Miss Eleanor Rowland, of Reed College, gave an interesting talk on psychology, refer ring in particular to the work done by Dr. Catherine Davis, commissioner of correction, of New York City, who has a psychological laboratory in which she studies the delinquent children. Miss Rowland advocated the study of psychology by all who would deal suc cessfully with children. "We have all strong feelings and emotions," she said." and the way to learn to control them is first to understand them." Mrs. A. D. Charlton presided. A resolution asking President Wilson to introduce the National suffrage plank in his next message to Congress was introduced by Miss Virginia Arnold and was indorsed. Mies Isabelle Steele played two violin solos. The center of attraction, however, was not psychology as an abstract sub. Ject, nor business meetings of circles, but the psychological inspiration that came from the ipresence of a company of pretty little children of the Wash ington Park playground, most of them pupils from Ladd school. They took possession of the stage, which for their benefit was transformed into a wood land bower. A gay and happy band of fairies and blossoms, they danced and made merry and were graceful and at tractive. Costumed in all the bright and delicate shades of the rainbow the children made a charming picture. The fafry play they presented was directed by Miss Hortense Williams. The pro gramme Included special dances and songs In which every child participat ing took her part to perfection. . The numbers were: "Bachelor Button," solo, Doris Hol man; flower dance, Mary Richards, Julia Greu, Eleanor Wright, Esther MacDougall, Carol Anderson, Eliza Mc. Laren, Nova Norwood, Amy Turner, Doris Holman, Lillian Israel; "Bumble Bee" solo, Marjorle Leet: "Rose Song," Elolse Hall; rose dance. Mary Richards; Highland fling, Louise Damaln. Polly Endlcott; minuet, Mary Richards, Marjorie Leet; orchestral selections, Ladd school orchestra, directed by Mrs. Lou Ward Gray. Central Woman's Christian Temper ance Union will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the headquarters, De kum building. After .a short business session Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden will give a parliamentary drill. Chapter A. P. E. O. Sisterhood, had a literary and musical programme on Monday followed by a tea at the home of Mrs. J. P. Jaeger, 610 East Twenty fourth street. Mrs. lone Townsend Wells sang two artistic numbers. Charles Swenson accompanied her. Miss Elizabeth Eugenia Woodbury gave two clever readings, the first from "The Spanish Gypsy," by George Eliot. Mrs. Bruce Stewart sang "At Dawning." She was accompanied by Mrs. George H. Wardner. Mrs. S. H. Morgan assisted the host ess in receiving. Mrs. O. W. Mlelke and Mrs. T. H. Edwards presided at the tea table, and Miss Constance Davis, Mrs. Wardner and Mrs. Stewart as sisted about the rooms. About 60 guests were present. For the benefit of the American Red Cross Society and for the Baby Home the women of the First Fresbyterlan Church sewed diligently yesterday in the church house. . For the Home a large number of useful little blue and gingham dresses were made. During the afternoon H. D. Ramsdell explained the work of the Red Cross, its broad humanitarian work, its splendid de mocracy. He said: "The concentration of charitifeB is the best way to show what Americana can do. The German. English and others, who are giving teas and are helping for their various nationalities, are all praiseworthy, but for Ameri can Red Cross workers there are no nationalities. We must help. Immed iate renewal of supplies is absolutely necessary. We must act and act quick ly. Let us have Portland well repre sented in .the Red Cross donations." Mrs. Frank Riggs presided. Mrs. Wheeler, of the Mount Tabor Church, sang two solos. At luncheon time 200 were served with turkey lunch. The meetings are held every month and the time is occupied in sewing for some worthy cause. At a recent meeting of the Soroels Club, of The Dalles, Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, secretary of the Child La. bor Bureau, gave an interesting ad dress on "The Man Who Is Down and Out." Mrs. J. Coulson Hare entertained the members of Circle No. 6, Portland Psychology Club, Monday at her home in Caruthers street. Mrs. W. T. Wade is leader of the circle. Mrs. A. B. Combs gave several readings, selectlqns from Kipling. Mrs. W. E. Bond and Mrs. R. Hollenbeck assisted the hostess In serving tea after the programme. Several guests shared the pleasures of the delightful afternoon. Psychology Circle No. 10 will meet on Friday morning at the home of Mrs. William Ingold. 631 East Madison street, instead of the usual Thursday, The subject will be "Memory." ... The school beautifying committee will meet on Monday afternoon in room H, ltibrary. The feature of the day will be a conference with the principals of all the schools. Mrs. J. C. Elliott King, chairman of the organization, is assisted by many enthusiastic men and women who are interested in the work. Next week there will be an exhibition of pictures suitable for schoolrooms and assembly halls, which has been loaned and will be displayed in the Ainsworth School. Mrs. Hlnman Loom is is chair man of the committee in charge. J To-Night .fix SZr 2?4. Wlkitj. Drusllla Goea to the Zoo. (WHERE have you been all day. W Drusllla?" asked Bobby Jones one night. "Oh! Bobby Jones, if . you think you have heard of adventures before. Just listen to what I have to tell you," said Drusilla. "This morning that nurse took my little mother to the zoo. We rode there in the auto, and my little mother carried me in her arms." "What is a zoo?" asked Bobby Jones. "A zoo." explained Drusllla "is a place where all the wild beasts live, and some of them are as big as this house and some of them as small as you are, Bobby Jones. I will never get to the part where my adventures come In If you keep interrupting me. Bobby Jones, and that is all that is in teresting about this- story. We saw bears and birds of all kinds, and a camel and a giraffe with a neck so long I do not know whether he had a head or not; all I saw were legs and a part of his neck; J could not see at the end of it." Bobby opened his mouth to ask a question, but then he remembered what Drusllla said about interrupting her, and he closed his lips and listened. "After we had seen so many dread ful creatures that I was frightened about out of my wits." continued Dru silla, "that nurae said, 'We must see the elephant,' and I most know that she went In there on purpose to have the dreadful thing happen to me. "She had a bag of peanuts, and she gave that awful creature some to eat, and he reached out the longest tall, which was right on his face. You know, I saw one once at a circus an elephant, I mean but I did not know they could pick up anything with that tail. "They can, Bobby Jones, and after a while that nurse gave my' little mother some peanuts and told her not to be afraid, and she held out her hand and the elephant took them with him tail. "But this is where the dreadful ad venture comes in. My little mother dropped the peanuts, and she stooped over to pick them up, and that dread ful elephant reached out with his tail and took me right cut of my little mother's arms and held me up over his head and then he tried tc swallow me. "Well, everybody screamed, some were laughing, and that nurse was one of those who laughed, she screamed louder than anyone, and a roan ran up and hit the elephant on the tall and he dropped me quickly. I can tell you. "My little mother picked me up and hugged me and ran out of that place. I don't like elephants,' she said. 'I never want to see one any more, they eat dolls, and my Darling Drusllla Is scared, I know she Is.' "That nurse had to buy my little mother ice cream and candy before she would stop crying. . She was awfully angry, and I heard her say to another nurse. ;all over that old Drusllla, too, I wish' he had swallowed her.' " "That was an awful adventure, Dru sllla," said Bobby, as Drusllla said goodnight. Copyright, 1814. by the McCluro Newspaper syndicate, rsew loric uity. THE Young Women's Christian As sociation held a rally In the asso ciation headquarters, Broadway and Taylor street, last night at 6:45 o'clock. Recently the organization sent out lit tle envelopes asking a donation from all the members to assist in sending a secretary from the Pacific Northwest to Japan. The pamphlet accompanying the en velope announces: The members of the Los Angeles T. W. C. A. have Just had a campaign. ' Two secretaries will go to the Orient frym Los Angeles. What will the members of the Portland Y. W. C. A. do? Since the war with Russia Japanese women have been forced into commercial life. Japan Is a country w ith cities of large population. In Tokyo alone there are 50,000 business women, 0.000 girls In factories, 15, 000 women students. The Y. W. C. A. pro vides hostels for the students and has bo gun working In neighborhood centers, at the stations and among factory girls. Osaka, Kyoto, Sundai and Yokohama each with over 1.000,000 inhabitants, have been calling for Y. W. C. A. secretaries for four years. Yokohama business glrl have started a little branch with rest and clubroomi, and work at the railway station has been opened. The country of Japan recognizes the social needs only of the married woman in her home. The business woman of America lias a rec ognized social standing. The City of Portland, Or., with a popula tion of about 200,000, has tor the use of Its women and girls a fine Young Women's Christian Association building an excellent cafeteria, well equipped gymnasium and swimming pool, ample facilities for lessons in cooking, sewing, millinery and commercial branches, reading-room, restrooms, beds for strangers, employment, workers at the sta tions, branch centers, classes for all In Bible and mission study, social hours, ex cursions and "get acquainted" parties much for the stranger and for the settled business woman. These cities support foreign secretaries: Central branch, New York City: Buffalo. N. Y.; St. Louis, Mo.; Detroit, Mich.; Indian apolis. Ind. ; Pittsburg. Pa.; Cleveland, O.; Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Margaret Matthew, general sec retary for the Y. W. C. A. in Japan, left last night for California after a visit of two weeks In Portland. Prior to her departure she gave an interest ing talk on her work. Er.couraglng re ports were heard, regarding the Jap anese fund. Snapshots .EarbSa Boyd. The Woman Who Is Not Awake. T HERE are plenty of women all A about us who are not awake. Entre nous, it may Just be possible that you and I are not awake; or if our egotism refuses to concede this. we may be willing to admit we are not fully awake. The fact that some women are slum bering was brought home the other day by a woman caller. She was the merest acquaintance, but she said quite frankly that she had nothing to ao, nownere to go, was lonesome ana thought she would come and "sit a while with us." She simply came to escape being bored by herself. Probably hav lng had a plentiful supply of that kind of boredom, she preferred beinir borea by somebody else. A new brand of boredom evidently would be a welcomt. change. As Is customary, we essayed to talk on various subjects we supposed woula be interesting. An election was pend ing that was arousing strong local In terest. The issues at stake were topics of conversation wherever people gath ered; and as the state was a recent arrival in the ranks of suffrage, the election was broached. But she replied indifferently, -"Oh, I don't vote. I don't care anything about such mat ters." There are plenty of women who have the privilege of voting who .do not vote. But this is because they are op posed to suffrage. But she was sim ply ignorant "of everything connected with it, indifferent to it, and frankly content to be so. Then we broached the subject of the news of Europe which was thrilling; the world. I never read the news papers," she remarked in the same ln dflferent way. "They are so tiresome." "But how do you know what is go ing on?" we asked in amabement. "Oh, people talk," she said, listlessly. But can you imagine anyone talk ing to her with any great interest or eagerness about the news of the day? Our talk after a while drifted to books. "You must read a good deal," was suggested. It must be confessed somewhat dubiously, after what had been discovered. "Oh no, most of the books nowadays are so stupid." We discovered finally that all she was interested In was what she had to eat at her boarding-house for one might know such a woman would board or rather In what she didn't get to eat, and in croquet. Her con versation consisted of bitter complaints of what her landlady failed to provide on the menu, and a discourse of the brilliant strokes she made in the game. For she played croquet from morning till nighty If she couldn't get anyone ... - "THE HOOSIER SCHOOLMASTER" AT THE NATIONAL , THEATER. - n iff . f - v V r 1 A A scene from the "Hoosler Schoolmaster," opening at the National Theater for a four-day run on Wednesday, November 25, in which Max Figman, the noted actor, plays the star part. The film production is based on the play which had so great a success through the whole country. This is the first photo-play of the Alliance programme which has contracted Its exclusive service to the National Theater. NATURAL COLOR TO GRAY HAIR BY AIR Hair dye is not a natural color restora tive. It simply stains the hair by chemical action, and leaves a lustreless finish that tells what you are using. The simple, clean and healthful method Is by using Hay's Hair Health, which contains a certain element that so pre pares the hair that the air causes it to come back to Its natural color. It can't harm. It singles out every faded strand and restores it makes It full color, healthy, lustrous. No other result can be produced. If you want these benefits In your case begin at once the use of the natur al method Hay's Hair Health. Not a dye. No : one will know you are using it. Any one who purchases a bot tle from any druggist who sells it in this town, does so with a full under standing that the price is to be re turned if the preparation does not please and satisfy. Judging from the fine results reported among people in Portland. It would seem that ira Hay's Hair Health th secret of eternal youth for the hair has been found. Sold in 25c, 60c and $1.00 sizes; made by Fhilo Hay Specialties Company, Newark, N. J. Adv. GET THE STAGE SECRET OF HEALTHY HAIR Though wigs are often used in special parts played by actresses, it is a nota ble fact they all have beautiful, nat ural hair which is the result of sensible care only. Their only secret is care. Not strenuous, but regular. In wash ing the hair it is not advisable to use a makeshift, but always use a prepara tlon made for shampooing only. You can enjoy, the best that Is known for about 3 cents a shampoo by getting a package of canthrox from your drug gist; dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. After Its use the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which Insures hair growth. Adv. ICE SKATING AT THE HIPPODROME Twentieth and Marshall. Daily 10 A. M., 3 P; M.. 8 P. M. FREE INSTRUCTIONS. BAND. to play with her, she played the two sides herself. "Yet she really has a mind," said one of the party after she had gone. Some one laughed. "She really has," insisted the speaker. "But she doesn't use it. She isn't awake. Just think of not knowing a thing of what is go ing on in the world, of knowing noth ing of such a big movement as sut rage is in this state, of not reading a line of all the stream of thought that is pouring from the presses. It seems incredible. Think - what she shuts out of her life!" But she is not alone, is she? Lots of us live in just as restricted circles of one kind or another. We may not cut out quite so much that is Interest ing. But we are cutting out some thing that .will add pleasure. We are not fully awake to all the things of beauty and joy about' us. And if life seems so full there is no time or space to add more, and ye( is dull, let us see if we are not filling it with the lesser to the exclusion of the greater. If we are not playing croquet all day when we might be in the current of some of the biggest and most vital movements of the times, if our mind is not com- plainingly filled with the thoughts of what we want on our menu Instead of the enjoyable romance and philosophy of the best writers of the day. If life seems flat, stale and profitless Isn't there something wrong with us? For the life that is pulsing all about us Is anything but dull and colorless. ST. JOHNS CLUB MEETS Deepening of Clumbia SlongU to Aid Commerce Is Object. More than 200 persons attended the "get together" meeting of the new East St. Johns Improvement Association Monday night in the First Trust & Savings Bank building on Fessenden street, East St. Johns, at its first public function. GeorgVJA. Carter, president of the association, outlined the purpose of the new organization. He said: "We have taken up the dredging of the mouth of Columbia Slough so It can be entered with safety by steam ers, making it a waterway. Already the Beaver Mill Company has started a sawmill In East St. Johns, and other concerns will come In when there Is a good waterway." Thanksgiving Custom Followed. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) Having eaten their Thanksgiving day dinner In Albany every year for four decades. Mr. and Mrs. Duron W. Wake field, of Portland, will arrive here to morrow to follow this precedent. Mrj Wakefield, who resided in this city be fore her marriage, has three sisters liv ing in Albany, Mrs. L. E. Slain. Mrs. F. P. Nutting and Mrs. L. E. Hamilton. These families always unite In a Thanksgiving dinner, and the Wake fields have come to Albany for the event every Thanksgiving day for 40 For Butter Richness Without Butter Expense Use fX, tt For ck.vt$7 1 E In some homes the butter problem grows greater day by day. In others, Crisco is used. With Crisco, women obtain the results 'given by the finest creamery butter, and at half the cost. Crisco fulfills practically every cooking need where expensive butter formerly was necessary. It allows the more delicate flavors of the food itself to be tasted. When Crisco has proven itself to you in a few ways, you will plan all manner of ways to use it. NOTICE We respectfully remind dealers that die china stamped "Haviland or "Haviland & Co. is the only china known since 1 840 as "Haviland China," and that any other ware with the name Haviland in its stamp cannot be lawfully sold as "Haviland China," or without the mention of the name in full with which it is stamped. Any infringement upon our exclu sive right to the denomination of Haviland China for our ware would oblige us to sue the offender for damages. Haviland & Co. KEEP A JAR OF MUSTEROLE HANDY It Quickly Loosens Up Coughs and Colds in Throat or Chest. Just a little MUSTEROLE rubbed on your sore, tight chest before you go to bed will loosen up congestion and break up most severe colds and coughs. MUSTEROLE is a clean white oint ment made with oil of mustard. Sim ply rub it on. No plaster necessary. Better than mustard plaster and does not blister. Thousands who use MUSTEROLE will tell what relief it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Tonsllitis, Croup Stiff neck. Asthma. Neuralgia, Head ache. Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains. Frosted Feet and Colds (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 60c Jars, and a special large hospital size for 12.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. A SKIM OF BEAUTY IS A JOT FOREVER Dr. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Removes Tsn, Pim ples, Freckles. Moth Patches, Rmsh and Skin Diseases, and every blemish on beauty, and de Sea detection. It has stood the test of 66 years, and is so harmless we taste it to be sure it is properly made. Ac cept no counterfeit of similar name. Dr. X- A. Sayre said to lady of the hautton t patient): "As you ladies will use them. I re commend 'Cam-sod's Cream' as the least harmful of all the skin preparations." At druggists and Department Stores. Fni.nopldM4tSin.Pnpx,37 6rulJtMiSULTX. -For- SA ortening ELDERLY PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE VINOL Aged Texas Woman Says: "Old People Who Are " Weak and Feeble Should Know the Merits of Wool. Grand Saline, Texas. "I am an aged woman, and for a long time was weak and feeble, but I have found Vlnol to be the best medicine to create strength for old people and for chronic colds I have ever taken. It has restored my health and strength so that I feel al most young again; in fact, I am now doing all my own housework. "Old people who are weak and feeble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. I have proved Vlnol a good reliable medicine and much cheaper than paying doctor's bills, and you may publish what I say about Vinol for the benefit of others." Mrs. Fannie E. Rodgers, Grand Saline, Texas. Vlnol. our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, sharpens the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blood, building up natural strength and energy. We have seen such splendid results from Its use that we return the money in every case where Vinol falls to build up and strengthen feeble old people, delicate children and the weak, nerv ous, run-down and debilitated or stop chronic colds, coughs or bronchitis. Owl Drug Company, Portland, Or. NOTE. 'Tou can get Vinol at the leading drug store in every town Vhere this paper circulates. Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish (Modes of Today.) A harmless, yet very effective, treat ment Is here given for the quick re moval of hairy growths: Mix enough powdered delatone and water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply paste and after 2 or 3 minutes remove, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. One application usually is sufficient, but to be certain of results, buy the delatone In an oriertnal package. Adv. Philadelphia, recently had a public bltloa of 1000 varieties of oldf Lao.