Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    - ' : 1
Oregon Legislators Nos. 31,32, 33, 34
Thompson's New
"Screwless" Mounting
D. 0. Lewis and S. B. Huston, Representatives-Elect of Multnomah, and
Gus C. Moser and I. N. Day, Hold-Over Senators of Multnomah.
Hanalei Is Aground on Dux
bury Reef, v North of
'). Golden Gate.
Transactions at Baker Lead
to Row in Which Charges
Fly Back and Forth.
Where the
Kralr Sat-te
i 1
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F ; - - '" . -r . .;W-:-s
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i " i
' DTwo of Crew Drowned; Vessel From
'Carets Hangs on Dnxburj- Reef
JTorth of the Golden Gate.
Throngs Une Snore.
(Continued From Flrat Pare.)
the exact position of the strlckeri ship.
Hope ia found in the fact that the
Hanalei ia known to be staunchly built,
and 'tIfereTorefs "likely to survive many
more hours before finally breaking up
and settling Into the deeper water at
the edge of the shoals.
Marine men found comfort tonight in
the knowledge that although Duxbury
Jteef is known up and down the Coast
as "the graveyard of ships"" the" toiVof
lives has never been heavy.
Scarcely 300 yards from the Bolinas
chore and so close that hundreds of
watcners could dimly discern her out
lines, the Hanalei slowly pounded to
pieces tonight while searchlights from
the Government ships further out be
yond the breaking surf sent welcoming
flashes of light.' Gampfirea lined the
Bolinas beach and crowds waited for
Ihe arrival of the "launch 'with a motor
and additional life&asingr apparatus.
From the huddled groups on the
doomed steamer came occasional cries,
mingled with the scream of the Hana
lei's siren calling for the aid that only
daylight can bring.
Two of Six Drowned.
Late today, just before darkness put
a stop to the ineffectual efforts 61 the
lifesavihg crews, a lifeboat with a line
was launched from the Hanalei. It
contained four of the crew and one pas
senger. For a moment it rode the
"waves and then capsized In the break
ing surf. Three men clung to the craft
and were saved. The fourth man, after
missing hiahold several times jan' the
lifeline and nearjy drowning, was saved
and- pulled back aboard" the' Hanalei.
The fifth man, whose name could not be
learned tonight, .was drowned.
Shortly after this effort a single
sailor started out from the Hanalei
on a'liferaft. but it capsized almost im
mediately and the man "was drowned.
His body was wasned ashore. . "
Captain John S. Clark and his crew
from the Fort Point liresaving station,
were among the first of the rescue
boats to reach the scene of .the wreck.
.A. heavy surf and Jagged rocks barred
any close approach to the Hanalei, but
Captain Clark chanced a dash .'through
the breakers- to put a line aboard, but
his efforts " were vain. The power
launch was cast' end ur and roiled over
In the surf, . 'spilling out the captain
and crew.' All but two managed to re
gain their overturned boat. A sailor
named Stowell was swept close to""the
Hanalei and was dragged aboard by a
Ifne cast to him. ' ' ' "'' ' "
Captain Clark half swam, half drifted
ashort after struggling in the surf for
more than an,, hour.
Fob Hides Wrecked Craft. ;
The - Hanalei, bound here from
Eureka.Tia.viog on board 32 passengers
and a ship's company of 30 hands, drove
into the rpckTst4dde.4 shoals, nine miles
north of tlje Golden Gate, this morn
ing, and. although many hours' have
passeJTsince then, the only Information
received indicates that'fKe fog and the
sea have exacted a" terrible toll.
Qtt t5S JrlSSe of the outer reef, un
able to lend assistance oecausVot lh"e
nasty swell, three, steamers the rsv
"epue cutter'Eainbow arid the oil-tankers
" RfcHmohcf and El Segun'do are
among" the aqzi;n"'Yessels ' Waiting for
the Impenetrable' mist to lift and reveal
the tragedy. '
waiting for tlje Impenetrable mist to
lift arid reveal the "tragedy."'
Until the fog is dissipated the only
hope for those on the steamer is the
shereslda, and, while ' every effort is
being put forth from the beach, aid may
come too late. '
As night added danger with the tog,
the Hanalei began to pound heavily en
the rocks, and the picture of the pas
sengers and crew, clinging to the tort
rail, which was obscured at intervals
by the wall of breaking swells, was
visible vaguely to the helpless rescuers
on the cliffs. Before the sight was shut
out from view It could be seen -that the
Hanalei was shattered abaft the main
mast, which was broken off above the
Through the ' darkness came the
shrieks of those ' on board, and the
-weakening siren of the doomed vessel
sounded faintly between the- deep
warnings bellowed by the ships which
stood near by helpless to lend aid. "
Lifeunn Labor to Utmost.
The crew of the Point Bonita life
saving station, in powerboat and lifo
cutters, were continuing its efforts to
get near the wreck" tonight, and unless
the vessel was broken up so badly that
it would be impossible for the passen
gers and crew to maintain their hold,
they may be able to cut down the toll.
From the beach, which was lighted
"by bonfires and crowded with people
from Bolinas, valient efforts Were be
ing made to get. to the ship, but the
heavy combers which crashed on the
beach prevented any'attempt to launch
"boats. . A cannon was mounted and
lines were being shot into the black
ness In the hope that they would fall
on the helpless craft and permit a
breeches buoy to be rigged.
Separating from' the group which
clustered in the after part of the Bhip,
where the waves broke less furiously,
the men, with lines about their waists
were seen to plunge into the sea. Yard
by yard they fought thels way shore
ward, now appearing en the crest of a
foaming billow, and again obscured, in
the wash of a breaking comber.
Two Reach Shore Alive.
Of the three, two reached shore alive,
burled up on the beach, but without ac
complishing that for rwhich they had
taken the last chance the lines had
been torn from them.
Thrilling scenes were witnessed by
those on the beach during the after
noon as the fog opened up at periods,
like a curtain rising on a play, and re.
vealed the absorbing and dreadful
drama of men. engaged in fighting for
their lives against forces which seemed
bent upoa their destruction.
The "crew of the Hannalei, which lay
in a' seething maelstrom, about 600 feet
from shore, tried to launch two boats,
but they were capsized and swept
beachward like eggshells. Two Jife
rafts were torn in like manner from
the ship by the hungry waves and then
came the final effort on the part of
those on the ship to get a line ashore.
Captain Clark, of the lifeboat, was
washed ashore alive, while the remain,
ing members pf his crew were seen to
clamber aboard the doomed vessel.
The power lifeboat had struck a rock
near the vessel.
There is little hope held out of
rescuing the remaining 60 persons, pas
sengers and crew, known yet to be
aboard the ill-fated craft.
A night fe and darkness, added its
D. C. Lewis.
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I. X. Day.
DP- LEWIS. gne; pf Multnomah
County's Representatives lnthe
lower house of the next legisla
tive assembly, lives at 1108 Willamette
boulevard, in Sti Johns. -; He is an at
tprgejr and fQP the last (jw years has
taken an active part"ln the develop
ment pf ' St. Johns .and other, outlying
parts ot Jhej county. '-,;
PVpviout)sinng tB Oregog he
lived in Oklahoma, where for six years
he served "as general' solicitor for "the
Frisco Railroad. He is a graduate of
the University of Michigan law school
and a native of New York, In addi
tion to 'practicing' law he has been en
gaged, since coming to Ibis state, as
rightrof-way agent for the Oregon
One of the 23 lawvera in the next
General Assembly will be S. B.' Huston,
or Portland, who was elected to the
lower house as a candidate on the Citi
zens' ticket arid nominee of "the," Reoub-
lican party. ; .
Mr.-Huston is a native of Indiana, a
graduate' Valparaiso University in
that state and of the Chicago' law
school. His' first legal work was in
Illinois, where he practiced with suc
cess. Later "he "practiced for" "a short
while in Indiana.'. Afterwards he
went to New- Mexico,' where 'he was
employed oy tne Santa Fe Railroad.
He came to Oregon in the Snrine- of
1883. His first employment in this
state .was on a farm and in "a flouring
mill at Forest Grove. In 1884 he
started to practice -law in Hlllsboro
and remained -there until 1906, when
he removed to Portland. He has
served as a member - of the School
Hoard, City JJpunciJ and Mayor of Hills
boro " "and represented Washington
County in the State Senate one term.
One 'of the--holdover Senators from
Multnomah;. County s Qua g, Mfiger, a
Portland attorney. Mr. Moser is a na
tive of Wisconsin, where he "was born
ii years agp .He obta"iried'his duc'a
tjqn in the grade schools" and higt
school at Afondnvi "wis" "a-nA l'a."D.
tejided the" N9rthern "Indiana" Korrpa!
-ivPiS fti -v aiDaraisp, in a.
"gween genoqt terms he taught
school but was unable to graduate at
Valparaiso on account of depletion of
fund- "Ha etudled'iaw meanwbila and
came to Oregon in 1891. Three years
later he was admitted to the bar. He
engaged successfully In practicing law
and in July, 1904, was appointed chief
deputy district attorney in Portland. '
Mr. Moser has been active in fra
ternal circles ad is past grand chan
pellqr pf the Knights of Pythjas in the
state and past exalted ruler of the
Portland Lodge of filks. Ho also is a
member of the Multnomah Club and of
the 'Commercial "Club "and"" served a
term in the Oregon National Guard as
a' non-commissioned "officer. '"
He rcas elected State Senator fcara
Multnomah County in the election of
1912 and was a candidate for Governor
at the Republican primaries last May.
Following his defeat he organized the
"Harmony" club, composed of all the
defeated candidates for the same nom
ination, .for the purposed of aiding in
the election, of Dt' Withy combe. '
The only contractor In the next Leg
islature wil be I. N. Day, one of the
holdover Senators "from Multnomah
Bounty: Mr." Day has been a resident
of Oregon since 1893. He came Jo the
state" ln'that' year 'to build the' Cascade
Locks, on the Columbia River, for the
Government. It"was his first' contract
ing Job in the state. He was success
ful in that and became impressed with
the possibilities of Oregon, so decided
to stay here. He has lived in the state
ever since, cont'inufng'Tn" TthV co'ntract"
ing business. He has been identified
principally with the Independent Pav
ing Company and other enterprises.
Mr. Day is a native of Canada, but
lived as a youth in Massachusetts,
where h9 received his early education.
He removed to California in 1875. where
he started In the contracting business.
He found time also to study law at the
University of California, Ha was, ad
mitted to the bar in the state, but
peyer practiced Jaw, usjng his knowl
edge only as an aid to his business
career. " ----- - -.
Mr.' Day was elected as State Sena
tor from Multn"oma"h"C&u'u'yi"n'the Fail
of IS 12"" for a four "years' 'termT H"s
never held" public" of fic 5 "Before" "
pall to the dense fog prevailing, the
relief vessels withdrew "to deep water
to escape the danger of striking the
roexs wnicn stua mat section or the
menacing coast. "
Lifeboats from the stations at Fort
Point and Point Bonita, remained, trying
yawiy ia succor ihosa on tna doomed
craft. "
The sea r eomoarativelv calm, but
the surf at ihat point is always heavy
and it was in this that the rescue
forces had to work to get within aiding
distance of the schooner. .
fahortly after sunset the fog thinned
momentarily and from the wireless
station at Bolinas, the Hanalei was
glimpsed, it could be seen that the
vessel was broken near the center and
on her tilting decks the passengers and
crew were grouped, clinging to masts
and rails.
Their cries for help could be heard
clearly above the booming of the
breakers. Then the fog closed in again,
blotting out all sight of the vessel, but
through the there still could be
Heari thethln calls of the"'despalrlng
passengers and crew.
It is believed that besides the two
whose bodies were -reported to have
been washed ashore, that others on the
rapidly breaking vessel ventured into
the surf In an effort to win the land.
VVomeu and Baby Aboard.
Eight women and a baby are among
the passengers of the Hanalei, the full
Hst of which follows:
C. A. Roberts, cattleman, Eureka.
Harry Roberts,
R. W. Roberts, cattleman, Ferndale.
R. Bays.
Ole W. HowelL
J. Streeter.
Harold Turkenson.
Mrs. Turkenson.
Mrs. M. W. Cottrell.
G. W. HarrisonT
C. O". BTencoe.
J. H. Hutchinson
Mrs. Bretting.
Mrs. Val Franz. Jr.. and Infant Ran.
W. J. ISdrngniJoii, ,
Miss Lawtgo. .
Miss ta"Rue.
Dr IJT Coje.
Mrs. Brown. j
M.rS- J- WoojJwarjL f
T. Mayer."
J. O. DonnelL
L. C. Merritt.
E. C. Carlson.
F. George Studebaker.
Mrs. A. Quinn.
Mrs. H. Flynn.
Mrs. D. F. Abearn.
IL Place.
Xearly All Members .of Crew on
Wreck From San Francisco.
ninjM, tai.( nor. zg. The
master of ' the lllfated HanaleL J." J.
Cjiey. h4a but',refin)jy ; taken ioni
mana oi me vessel. The Hanalei Is
said to have been a staunch wooden
vessel, built originally for the Hono
lulu sugar trade.
S: J: Irfbroan, president of th$ J&d,- Steamship Agency, owners of
the vessel, left here tonight for San
The members of the craw according
to the last payroll are: Master, J. J.
Carey; first officer, Thomas McTague
second officer, Mr. Rees; chief en
gineer, D. W. Eeitiagin; first "assistant,
G. Runth; second assistant R. Thart
ser; steward. S. Aston; w'ireless op
erators. L. A. Lovejoy and A. J. Sven
sen; winchmen. S. Sullivan ind J. Hal
kin; sailors, C. Olesen, A. Koffel, J.
Steen, O. Johnson. F. Sievers and J.
Carlson; watchman, J. Reimer; fire
men, 4. Ormachea. S. Fawcett and R.
Pemberton; oiler, R. "Pemberton; cooks
W. White, G. Lewis. H. Elliott and j!
Devaney; waiters, H. Sickles J. Casey
and J. Gleason.
Nearly all of the crew shipped at San
The Hanalei was valued at $60, GOO
and her cargo at about $50,000. accord
ing to S. L. Krelder. secretary of the
Independent Steamship Agency. She
had on board lumber, cattle, sheep and
Western Union President and Party
to Inspect Offices. Here.
Newcomb Carlton, president of the
Western Union Telegraph Company; and
a party of New York officials will visit
Portland today. He will be accom
panied by C. H. Gaunt, general man
ager in San Francisco; 3. C. Willever,
commercial general manager; L. lie
Kisick. assistant to the president; E. Y.
Gallaher. comptroller; W. N. Fash
baugh," general traffic superintendent.
arji Q. M, YerJis, general fi)ant superin
tendent. The visitors will be met on arrival
by the following managers of Oregon
telegraph offices: C. B. Winn, Albany;
W. E. Newcombe, Ashland; E. C. Austin,
Astoria; A. E. Tunnicliffe, Baker; E. A.
Miller, Corvallis; J. A. McKevitt, Eu
gene; W. C. Sprinkel, La Grande; J. M.
Watklns, Medford; G. H. Dalrymplo,
Pendleton; H. B. Ling, Salem; H. M.
Carr, Vancouver, Wash.; B. R. Ness
Oregon City; W. A. Robb, Portland, and
S. L. Hayes, Portland.
At the Benson Hotel the visitors will
discuss with the Western Union man
agers the present and future require
ments of the Western Union in Oregon.
The Pacific Coast officers who will be
present besides General Manager Gaunt
are: H. F. Dodge, " assistant ' general
manager; C. A. Rhodes, auditor; H. C.
Chaee, traffic superintendent, and F. L.
Ord, plant superintendent, alj of San
Francisco. y
Armor Plata Plant Viewed.
PITTSBURG, Now. 28. Members of
the Congressional committee to in
vestigate the feasibility of establishing
a government armor plate plant ar
rived hero today and visited the Car
neitie Steel Company's armor plate
plant at Homestead. Included in the
party are Representative L. P. Padgett,
chairman of the Hourfe committee on
naval affairs, and Rear-Admiral Joseph
Dispute Between Rival Middlemen
Is Quelled by Two Being Ejected
From Corral Alleged Con;
tracts Are Factors.
BAKER. Or., Nov. l3.rrrSpeelal.)
Buying of cavalry horses for the French
government began in Baker th'ij'morn
ing and led to a clash between rival
middlemen' which' before it' was quelled
gave hints of large profits and threat
ened to bare details of the buyers'
methods. Two agencies appeared, one
headed by Robert Jones, L. J. Camp
bell and T. J. Campbell, of Montana,
and the other by J. W. Bullock; a cap
italist and fuel dealer, of Seattle, and
W. L. Russell, horseman, pf Walla
Walla. Charges of broken contracts,
double dealing, etc., were bandied back
and forth, aha finally Messrs. Bullock
and Russell were escorted from the
corral at Turner Bros.''" barn and were
told to keep away.
Mr. Bullock and Mr. Russell appeared
at the corral and told of an agreement
whereby they -were to share with Mr.
Jones and the Campbells in the pur:
chase of all horses here. The latfr re
pudiated the agreement on the basis
that it had been on condition that the
Walla Walla and Seattle buyers show
that they had a contract with the
French govgrnment.
Mr. Bollock: Makes Offer.
This was not shown and Mr. Bullock
then addressed the scores of horse
owners who had brought in horses and
offered to pay J150 a piece for them,
the price wnich he said the other con
tractors would receive.
"Take the horses; "you can have them
all at that figure," was the response
of Mr. Jones. - '
Mr. Bullock reconsidered, however,
and decided to buy no horses. At this
point the Turner Bros, took a hand and
ordered Mr Bullock and Mr. Russell
from the corral.
Meanwhile Colonel H. Leelere and
Major "F. La MaysounoTIhesafd toTe
representatives of the French govern
ment, were putting as fine' a bunch of
horses as ever were assembled in East
ern Oregon through their paces at the
corral. Turner Bros.," subcontractors
for Mr. Jones and the Campbells, had
gathered several hundred animals vir
tually all coming up to the standard
Of height, age and general appearance
set VP bf FS?? government.
Prises Are from 173 to tlli.
The percentage of acceptances was
high. The prices paid by Turner Bros,
went from $75 to $110.
Two distinct agencies are buying
cavait-y bpr&es for France, it U said.
One is Clarence Smith, of Jersey City,
with whom Mr. Bullock and Mr. Rus
sell say they have' a "contract. Law
rence Sifton. of Toronto, is the other.
Mr. Bullock said that after making
the offer to buy at 1 150 he realised that
this would only be hurting himself,
and thereupon decided to withdraw
from the field. He asserted, however,
that he would be back here with Mr.
Russell and would take 2000 horses or
more from the Baker territory. He
showed what purported to be a cop
tract with Clarence Smith, but did not
divulge its contents.
Recent Candidates for Governor In
volved In Upheaval That Touches
Bfanjr Associations.
OREGON GITT, Or., Nov. 33. (Spe
ciaL) In a general shakeup, which In
one way oj: another has affected al
most every attorney in the city, law
firms and partnerships have been dis
solved and new ones farmed within the
last few days with greater dispatch
than during the last five yearg-
W. . ITRen, defeated candidate, for
Goygrnor an4 the' man' who is described
the father of the, ''Ofegop, system,"
has withdrawn from the firm of U'tien
: Schiiebel and "moved to Portland,
Where "the" firm' "J'Ren c'""Hesse "has
(ieeh "formed. "" L. Stipp, ex-L.rty Re
corder, has become" "a partner" of"C.
Schiiebel" and "the 'firm "Schuebel" & jStip'p
Is "formed." " "
Justice'"" of the Peace Sievers has
moved from his offices with B.'N.""Hicks
and opened "his courtrooms ' on Main
street in""the center of the business
district."" Charles Sieyers,' brother of
the justice, will have bis offices near
the courtroom, and B. Hicks will
practice alope.'
George C. . Brownell. candidate for
Governor at the primaries and promi
nent in the ranks of the Republicans
Np Chance
for a Break.
This is the only eyeglass
mounting on the market that
eliminates all drilling, piercing '
or slotting of the lenses.
With other so-called screw
less mountings it is necessary
to :slit" the lenses, which
WEAKENS them, the same as
E"jvery test proves the
s u eriority of Thompson's
"SCfkgWLESS" mountings.
Sold exclusively in Portland by
368-ie-ll Corbrtt Building,
Fifth mnd Morrison.
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
ivryptok. Glasses.
no longer will be one of the firm of
Brownell & Stone. Mr. Stone will take
as his partner Charles Moulton as soon
as the latter is able td pass- the state
oar examination.
The law firm of Cross. Hammond A
Burke has been formed by a union of
the former firm of Cross & Hammond
and Thomas Burke.
In the many changes only three or
tour attorneys are unaffected.
"Dutch" Strof Seised as Burglar When
He Scfks Aid While In Wound
ed Condition.
Awakened about Si.ll yesterday by
a burglar demanding his money, Charles
Jarl, a merchant at Kelso, Or, grabbed
ttjs intruder's" revolver and shot five
times, tWQ pf t"je'"luneti striking "the
robber. Late yesterday ."Dutclj" Strqf
staggered up to the residence of an
elderly; woman at" 463 Sixty-third
street and asked for help. StrQf was
bleeding from sevej-e gunshot wounds
in tne ieit oreast ana )n fpe iet( higfj.
oiroi now is under guard at tit. Vin
cent's Hospital.
Jarl sleeps in the seas of his store
Shortly after 3 o'clock he was awakened
to gaze into the flare of a packet flash
"Hands up," demanded the man be
hind the light.
"Har, har," replied Jarl, thinking a
member of the general ' store "council
was playing a Joke on him.
i'Where do ypu keep your money? "We
wean, uusiness, aemanaea tne robb6r.
Jarl gazed" around Vith" "Clinking' "eye's
and, perceiving a' second1 biirglar'work
ing on his safe with "a drill, he nut un
his hands. But he "put them up in a
amereni maner tnan that meant by
tna rooDer.
Jarl reached up and wrenched the irm
velver from the cracksman's hand and
commenced shooting. The burglar at
the safe didn't wait to see what hap
pened. He bolted out the front door.
The other robber, however. Jerked out
another revolver, bu$ the weapon
wouldn't work, and In tba 'me'antlme
Jarl was shooting like a trained sol
dier. Believing it to he the wisest
course, trip Burglar lollowed his part-
...... .-,,, . i. . ' - v..
""Jarl "got up and turned on the llehti
After ah "hour's" search "herepdrt'ed "to
deputies of Sheriff ' Mass. r,f or
City, that only three bullet boles could
do round. Jarl had fired five times.
That left two bullets yet to bsocated,
anu"""the" "fact"" that" ""Strof "had Tbeen""shot
twice and failed to explain how his
injury was sustained led the police to
believe Strof is the robber. The other
man has not been stprejiendgif. Tfce
robbers stole a horse and buggy be
longing to O. H. Johnsrud, a dairyman
at Kelso, and with this vehicle mads
their escape to Portland.
The robbers Jeft 4. pint of nitro
glycerine, twp sticks of giant powder,
a brace and bit, blankets and sban on
the porch of Jarl's store.
Grays Harbor Cities
is afforded by the
Three Splendid Trains of the
Oregon-Washington Railroad 8c Navigation Company
Puget Sound Express Leaves Union Depot 8:38 A. il.
(Direct Connection for Grays Harbor Cities.)
SHASTA LIMITED, Train, de Luxe 3:0 P. M.
(No Extra Fare between f'o'rtiand and Seattle. Carries Jlirst-
elafcs all-steel Coaches.)
The OWL, (Sleepers open 9:39' P, M.) ,...11:00 P. M.
"Through, SleepipgTCi' Service to Grays Harbor)
Similar Service Returning
for schedules, tickets reservations, etc.,
ask our . t
Sd and Washington Streets
Both phones
The Wiley B. Allen Co. can supply you -frith all the ney
Victor Records and all the record "hits," though other dealers
may claim a Victor Record shortage. -
Just at this time, we understand, the following numbers are
obtainable in Portland only at our store :
It's a Long Way to Tipperary" . . . . ;No. 1763?
"Millicent" Hesitation WaJt?) . : , , r .JEfo. 35393
"Cecile" (Hesitation Walt?) No. 35373
"Humoresque" (Thais Meditation), violin, No. 35306
"Aloha Oe" (Hawaiian Farewell Seng) . .Ne. 65348
"A Little Love, a Little Kiss" (John Mc?
Cormack) :. I . .,. . '. . .".No. 64343
Ours is the most perfectly equipped Vic
tor .shop in the Northwest, Every record
in perfect condition,
The price of Victar Victrolas and Records is tha same every
where, but the perfection of The Wilej B. Allen Oo.'s service
make3 it to your interest to buy at cur stoxe.
Your Money's Worth or Your Money Baek
IsAorrisQn Street at Broadway
Other Storesr San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Ban Jose,
Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diggq and Other Goast Cities.
Thanksgiving Dinner
The HazeJwQod
Will he something to be thankful for. Persona in Portland on
Thanksgiving day who find they are Rot tp bayg ihat'figtfemq
pleasure of a dinner cooked at home should fesl tha? are foe
tunate to be in Portland and not in some ot.he city, for in
Portland" is The Ilazelwood, which offers to the traveler or the
resident a more homelike place tEan can fie found 14 any ptfifir
city in America.
Many of our a la carte prices are less this year than previ
ous, ana ai an additional feature we will serve a
One. Dollar
Thanksgiving Dinner
.Oyster Horktall.
Cream pt Tomato or Oyster Soup.
Cery. Uvej. McKJefc
g3ce4 Sal mo r Halibut.
Choice of Roast Turkey Roast Duck, Roast Goou. Stewed Chicken.
Boast Val, Cock Tu&derVol&s or RoMt rnjU.
Pr&nberry Sherbet
Mashed or Baked Potatoes,
Buttered" Beets.
Chplcg pf Qreeti Peas, Stewed Corn, Brussels Sprouts
or Creamed Cauliflower, --
Choice of Chicken. Fjcult 0 Pogiblnfttlon fialad.
Choice of Neapolitan. Princess, Strawberry. Vanilla, Chocolate
Ice Cream or Choice ot aay pl.
Candy Wafers.
Coffee. Milk.
gal ted Almfiada,
You can have a table reserved if you like, hnfc came anyway.
Seating capacity 425.
The Hazelwood Confectionery
and Restaurant
Washington Street at Tenth
Thanksgiving Dinner
At the Multnomah will crown Chef Brizzolarj's nineteen years'
service with Manager Bowers." Served from 6 until '8 in' flje
Arcfilian Garden to the accompaniment of a splendid musieal
and dancing programme it will attract those desirous of a fit
ting celebration. ' " "
Daneing in the Ballroom, '4 until 7 and
9:30 until 12 Tha&giring" evening.
Reserve Tables Now for Thanksarlylns;
and New Tftr'a 'yj
Hotel Multnomah
H. C. Bowers. Up.
I. P." Beynolda."jU'st. Mr.