Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Failure to Make Formal
Transfer Offends General
Mexicans follow army
JJ"o Serious Disturbance of Peace
ICoted as Ahierlcana Leave and
General Agullar's Men March
In on iteels of Etacuator.
., (Continued From First Page.)
"I am gratified that this day has
ended So peacefully. The fclexlcahs,
pleased to have shown the whole civil
ized world today that Mexico 1b a cul
tured nation, are well satisfied With
the whole affair, t appreciate the ef
forts of the American people and the
Govei-nment which made it possible
for the occupation to end this way."
Brigadier-General Funston and his
command of 6000 infantrymen and ma
Hnea, which was landed here eh Ap"rll
30 last, effected the evacuation of the
city without any clash occurring be
tween the Americans and the native
army. The Mexicans marched In on the
heels of the departing troops, but no
serious disturbance of the city's peace
was registered during: their entrance.
General Carranza was quoted by rep
resentatives here as being displeased
with the method of the Americans of
delivering over the city, and as having
criticised them sharply for falling to
make a formal transfer of the various
Communication between Vera Cruz
and Mexico City again was interrupted
tonlgnt, the wires being cut between
here and Cordoba General Carrahs-.a'B
Ambassador Asks Washington Re
garding Mexican Affairs.
WASHINGTON, Nov, 83. Anxiety for
the safety of French and British sub
jects and their interests in Mexico City
brought Sir Cecil Spring Rice, the Brit
ish Ambassador, and Jules Jusserand,
the French Ambassador, to the Statj
Department today to learn What the
American Government knew of the sit
uation In the Mexican capital, Reports
to the State Department showed condi
tions as having improved.
Mr. Jusserand also inquired What dis
position had been made of the $1,000,099
in customs duties collected by the
American forces which evacuated Vera
Cruz today. He was Informed by Act
ing Secretary Lansing that the money
was taken away by General Funston's
forces, and that no decision had been
reached as to its disposition,
French bondholders have a lieh on
practically all the customs duties at
Vera Cruz. Gne loan gave them 62 per
cent of the customs receipts, and
Huerta negotiated a loan giving them
the remaining 38 per cent. The latter
transaction has been declared Invalid
by the Carranza government, and
French bondholders feared that it the
customs fund were given to General
Aguilar, who took possesion today in
the name of Carranza, the obligations
Would be ignored.
It virtually is certain that urtlti a.
government Is recognized in Mexico
which has arranged for an adjustment
of all financial difficulties of the re
public, the fund from Vera Cruz wili
be kept by the United States. '
Acting Secretary Lansing gave the
two Ambassadors the substance of the
State Department dispatch, eaytng that
while the residents of the capital were
in a panic Friday and Saturday, fear
ing that the city would be sacked and
looted by forces of Zapata and Villa
after the Carranza troops withdrew,
conditions since then had changed and
the capital was quiet.
The Ambassadors had received Word
from their ministers in Mexico City
giving an optimistic view tf the situa
tion. The British legation telegraphed
that a circular was being distributed
announcing that on the evacuation by
the Carranza forces the Villa and
Zapata troops would begin a period of
looting at certain hours. Acting Bec
retary Lansing said that the depart
ment had heard of these circulars, and
he was strongly inclined to believe they
were the woric of enemies of both Villa
end Zapata. He took this view because.
In response to ah inquiry made last
Friday about rumors of possible disor
ders when the Villa troops reached the
capital. General Villa himself issued
general orders stating that any Soldiers
caught molesting women or stealing
would be summarily shot.
Many officials of the Washington Gov
ernment who follow events in Mexico
closely were of the opihiolh that the
arrival of the Villa force in Mexico
City probably would end all apprehen
sions and place the city In better order
than it had been in months.
Cnn-anza Forces Occupy Vera Crnz
as Americans taVe .
EL PASOj Tex., "Nov. 25. The evacu
ation today of Vera Cruz and the oc
cupation oT that city by Cafrana
troops began to shape the tangled sit
uation in Mexico. It Was not doubted
that the deposed first chief would
make the east port his provisional cap
ital even before the convention party
established itself la Mexico Gityw
No report came Trom the west re
garding the result of the fighting in
Jalisco, where Villa troops are reported
attacking Guadalajara, the metropolis
of the west Minor engagements be
tween the convention and Carranza
forces were reported In various points.
A telegram today from San Luis
Fotosl, where Villa's officials are In
power, said that General Luclo Blanco,
commander at Mexico City, had recog
nized the convention party. Blanco
was quoted as having reported to
Provisional President Gutlerrea that
he had arrested Generals Obregon, Hay
end Vlllareal. villa troops today
rushed repairs of the railroads to ex
pedite their entry into thd national
capital. '
Captain Hill, of lariiies, Publishes
Denial of Reported Forecast
BOSTON, No. eS.Captain Walter
N. Hill, of the United States Marine
corps, tonight declared untrue a pub
lished interview which quoted him as
paying that Mexicans probably would
bo burning and looting Vera Cruz by
nightrall if the American forces left
there today.
He expressed the opinion that the al
leged Interview was a garbled ac
count of a personal conversation, as
he had remarked to a friend that there
might be trouble In Vera Cruz when
the United States forces departed.
A woman always looks mora tor less
proud if she eaa faint nw and then.
: i;v ,r J r!4h 1
17' 'l-jj. rifi- ll-5 t , ;i
KJ - i 1-.- ,4f '-t U ; 1 , P f-
I - ZJZSktd ? ' . " y V- - f
U-S- Vi V. ; V--6'.
-v $ - - ,
Hollanders Swarm Eagerly to
Take Part in Distribution.
Steamer at Rotterdam Is Vntoaded
in Record Time for Port and Sev
eral Tons of Salt Are Sent
' Quickly to Brussels.
. ROTTERDAM. Via London, Nov. 23,
The cargo of provisions for the destU
tute people of Belgium, sent by the
Rockefeller Foundation on the steamer
Massapequa. was unloaded here todav
and is now on the way to Belgium. Be
fore the ship had been made fast 600
stevedores swarmed aboard. They un
loaded the cargo with speed Which.
perhaps, never before was equaled at
this port
The stevedores fought for the cov
eted privilege of helping in the work.
which carried with it the right to us
pass marked Member American
The process of unloading wa
watched by a large crowd in which
were Captain Tv F. Lucey, of the Ameri
can Relief Commission; Lieutenant-
Commander Walter R. Gerard!, Ameri
can Naval Attache at Berlin; Soren
Llstoe, American Consul-General at
Rotterdam, and Captain Sutherland,
American Military Attache at The
Mr. Llstoe extended the official wel
come and Maurice M. Langhorne, secre
tary of the American Legation to The
Netherlands, Who represented the
absent American Minlsten, Dr. Henry
Van Dyke, made an address. A repre
sentative of the Belgian Relief Com
mlttee replied With an expression of
theaks to the American people oh be-
half Of his countrymen-. In the after
noon the Americans were entertained
bv the Burgomaster of Rotterdam.
The Rockefeller Commission hurried
several tons of salt to Brussels, some
of the refugees there having " been
without salt for two months.
r i-
Amerlcan Institution for Wounded
Is at College of JnlHTi
PARIS, Nov. 23. Harry Payne Whit
ney's hospital Is located for the present
In the College of Juilly, a famous Insti
tution, dating from the 16th century.
In the town of juilly, not tar from
Compiegne. Dr. Walton Martin and his
seven assistant surgeons uf of Ne
York, and IB nurses today were setting
up the hospital of .208 beds. This Is
one of several auxiliary units of the
American hospital in the field. Robert
Bacon, ex-American -Ambassador to
France, arranged with the French mili
tary authorities for the site.
Mr. Bacon today was elected a mem
ber of the American Ambulance Board;
A report submitted shows that the dally
cost for each patient in the American
ambulance will be less than 10 francs,
aa all the services of the staff of up
wards of 300 surgeons, nursesi orderll?s
and managers are, given free. There
are how 350 patients In the hospital
General Fevrier, chief sanitary in
spector of the French army, says it Is
one 01 the most perfect hospitals lh
Mineworkers tut on teohd.
FORT SMITH, Ark., Nov-. 23. Peter
B. Steward and Fred Holt, ex-bfflcials
of district 21, Uhlted Mine Workers of
America, Indicted WUb 4 others for
conspiracy ia connection witk the
Prairie Creek mine troubles, furnlBhed
bond today. In addition to this, Charles
and Sandy Robertson, Foster Beam,
Ernest Nein, Jesse Edwards and Marvin
Ray also have been released on bond.
Clint Bums, John Mahlck and Valen
tine Burrilo etill remain ir the county
jail here.
Men Taken From G. IX Jenkins
Ashore on Long Island Coast.
JiEvV TOllK, NoVi S3. Boats from
the Shlhnlcock llfesaVlng station sue1
cessfully rescued the captain and crew
of the four-masted schooner G. D. Jen
kins, bound from Tampa for New Haven;
which went ashore early this morning
'on the Long Island coast. The schooner
was laden with lumber and heavy seas
threatened her destruction
The United States revenue cutter Mo
hawk steamed from here for the scene
of the wreck this afternoon-.
Bu-Kola Tablets are Without a doubt
the best kidney remedy on the market
today 26c. All drug stores. Adv.
April S.-Marines and paymasi
ter in launch from U-. B. S. Dol
phin arrested at Tampicd. Rear
Admiral Mayo demands apology
and salute to American fla.
April 18 Hureta disavow ac
tion tt his officers at Tampicd in
arresting Americans.
April 12 Transport Hancock
Ordered to Tamplco to take on
American refugees.
April 13- President Wilson
backs Admiral Maya's demand
for salute to flag.
April 14 Amerlean fleet rein
forcements ordered id Vera Cruz
and to West Coast Of Mexico.
April 16 Huerta proposes ''si
multaneous salute" by American
and Mexican guns.
April 17 Huerta's proposal re
jected. !
April 18 Huerta given until
April 19. evening, to salute.
April 19 President asks Con
gress for authority to take ac
tion to enforce demands.
April 20 Senate votes to up
hold President
April 21 House votes to up
hold President; American ma
rines take Vera Cruz with loss
of four killed and 0 wounded.
April 82 Further fighting lh
Vera Cruz.
April 23--investirieht of Vera
Cruz completed. American losses,
12 killed, 30 wounded.
April 24 infantry sails for
Vera Cruz.
April 27 American flag bffU
elally raised Over Vera Cfuz.
April 28-General Fuhsteh and
Army take command at .Vera
Cruz. Marines withdrawn.
September 16 President Wil
son announces proposed evacua
tion bt Vera Cruz.
October 11 President Wilson
announces decision to keep troops
lh Vera Cruz for time being, due
to fresh hostilities between Car
ranza and Villa.
November 12 -President Wil
son again orders evacuation of
Vera Cruz,
November 23 Vera. Criis eVae-uated.
British Nation-Wide Recruiting
Rally Unsatisfactory.
Newspapers Denounce Game and
Sngest Various Drastic Meas
ures to Bring Fans and
Players Into Army.
LONDON. Nov. 23-. Indignation
against the hitherto universally popu
lar game of football s expressed by
nearly the entire British press today
Decause almost no men enlisted as (
result ot the recruiting rallies at Sat
urday's matches.
"It Is time to eradicate the football
cancer." says the Pall Mail Gazette in
an article which goes an to say that
hot a single man was recruited at
London's principal football match,
which was attended by 15,000 spec
"A Colonel "who lost a eon At the
front and was returning to the firing
line appeared at this israme," says the
paper, "and pleaded with the men to
Saonia bnmi Pleat
" 'As a boldler. I ask you,' said the
Colonel. 'I ""say come, your country
neeas you.
"His words were drowned by shouts
as the teams came on the field," con
tinUes the paper, which adds that In
other parts of the country the same
stolid refusal greeted the bands of
speakers and recruiting officers. No
recruits were obwiihed at Nottingham
wnere vouo spectators attended
match, and no one was reerulted at
The Evening Standard fcayS that the
total result of the rountryslde movfe-
,ment was one recruit.
Powerful Persuasion Urged;
"Is football such . a passion that
nothing can stop it?" says the Stand
ard. "Vigorous youth should be power
fully persuaded that this Is hot the
time for development of any passion
save love oi country-.
The Westminister Gaiette says there
is only one way In Whicn the football
association can put itself right, in the
eyes or the public, and that is by dis
continuing us programme.
Review of Case by Supreme Court
Denied to Leo 51. Frank.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Justlc
Lamar refused today to Issue a writ
of error to bring to the Supreme Court
for review, the conviction Of Leo M.
Frank, for the murder of Mary Phagan
a factory girl. In Atlanta. Ga., in ISIS.
Fratik is under sentence of death
His attorneys applied to Justiee Lama
for the writ on. the ground that a righ
under the Federal Constitution had
been denied when tha Jury's verdict
had been returned during his absence
from the eourtroomi
Canadian Accused of High Treason
BRIDGEBURGi bnt.. Nov; H. Cof
fcoral Paul Mazur. of the Forty-sixth
Reglmehti stationed at Port Hope, Is
under thilltary afrest at . Toronto,
charged with high treason. He 16 ae
eased of attempting to help three Aus
trlah reservists to leave Canada He
will he given a preliminary hearing bfe
fore military authorities Wednesoajr
The penalty for high treason, undc
the laws of the British Empire, is death,
Agirilar Says Disturbers of
Peace to Die Without Cere
mdrty When Caught.
Gnus Must Be Surrendered, but
Americans May Set xermits
on Application Crowds Cheer
as General "Funston Leave.
VERA CRUZ. Nov. 23.-General Cah-
aido Aguilar, who succeeded Brlradler-
General Frederick Funston today as
military governor of Vera Crux, did not
mince words when, through his chief
oolice. Theodore Frezieres, he told
the residents of this eity that any dis
turbance of the "peace, whether It be
picking pockets or any of the grayer
crimes, such as Sacking would result
the execution of the offending In
The proclamation containing this
declaration was circulated through the
streets as. General Agullar's forces
were arriving. The decree provides
that all arms must be turned in to the
authorities within 24 hours and any
failure to comply with the order will
cause the shooting of anyone in whose
ossession a gun was found.
Americana "May Set Permit.
This lat statement caused W. W.
Canada, the American Consul, to call
at the police station, where he told
Chief Frezieres that many Americans
ad deposited their arms with him.
The Consul was told that General Agui
lar had no Intention of demanding
them, and in fact expected the Consul
to use his discretion in holding the
arms of . any Americans. Americans
are not exempt from the order, but in
cases where the authorities are con-
vlnced that their standing warrants
It, they will be given permits.
Vera Cruz Is to go on the list of pro
hibition cities, at least tem'perarily. Oh
entering the city the Mexicans found
the Saloons closed in accordance with
the Order Issued by General Funston
yesterday. This was heartily approved
and under a hew order Issued today .
the saloons will remain closed "until
further orders."
General Aguilaf issued another oroc--
lamatloh In which he calls on the peo
ple ofVera Cruz to assist him in the
maintenance of order. The General as
sures them of his intention to furnish
guarantees of safety "i... il residents,
Mexicans and foreigners, i all classes.
veh td those opposed to the cause."
More Troops Are Due,
The entrance of the 4000 men now
garrisoned here was effected as tjuietly
as was General Funston's withdrawal.
Beyond the suburbs of the city there
are many more troops than are already
here, and it .Is expected that several
thousand of these soldiers will be here
before the 'end of the week. It is be
lieved that General Carranza may ar
rive any day to establish headquarters
here, though hot even Minister of For-
elgn Affairs Fabela-, who accompanied
General Augilar into Vera Cruz, was
well informed oh this point.
Little enthusiasm was displayed on
the entrance of the native forces' into
Vera Cruz. The tendency of almost
all the people, especially those of the
better class, was to remain safely with
in doors. Stores were closed through
out the city.
The public was given an opportunity
to see and to hear G'eneral Aguilar
shortly after hi3 arrival. The General
Foreign Minister Fabela and Luis San
chez Ponton, ex-Governor of the fed
eral district, made short speeches from
the balcony of the municipal palace.
General Aguilar merely called upon
the people to assist him In the main
tenance of order, adding that he was
not an adherent of General v ilia or
General Carranza so much as he Was a
Senor Fabela was more outspoken.
He unreservedly praised General Car
ranza and denounced General Villa as
a traitor. Loud shouts of viva car
ranza" answered him.
Cheers Stteed lunston Home.
General Funston's shio. the transport
Cristobal, was the last to leave Vera
Cruz. She slipped her cables at 1:50
o'clock this afternoon and passed In
review the other transports which had
been drawn up In parade formation in
the channel.
As the Cristobal's anchor was drawn
up a band on eck began playing ana
to the music She moved forward, carrr-
Ing for the first time General Funston's
two-starred flag. From her attermast
there was flung to the breeze the long
homeward bound pennant and the hun
dreds of officers and men on deck be
gan cheering.
Consul Canada stood on the balcony
of the consulate with a group oi men
and women friends. All were searching
the decks of the transports with field
glasses, while on the decks the officers
leveled their own glasses in the direc
tiert of the balcony, exchanging salutes
With those on shore.
1 (Continued From First PajB.)
touched. Their horses are good
enoughj but not as fepfy as ours, but
Etill are gwod horses, only their fel-
lewB come off if you catch 'em with
the butt of your lance or jolt 'em with
an elbow.
"Once off, the German trooper is
Manning's Coffee Store
Jones' Market
Fourth Und Alder -
hour need
for your
table useful
and decorative
wares in com
plete assort
ment and Bnd
less variety is
ready and wait
ing for you.
Please call at
your earliest
disarmed, for all his arms are on the
saddle. We don't fall off even when!
shot, for our horses bring us home to
our lines, while German horses are
left Hderle&s and come after us
themselves. We got a lot of likely
mounts in that way. In our little af-i
fairs yoa knock your man "off and
finish him and his horse turns lo go
after the others, but comes at a "word
and goes off with us.
"Sometimes we stalked villages that
We found Germans had entered. Then
we always waited a couple or nours.
when they were sure to be all half in
toxicated. It is now a regular rule to
lve the Germans time to drink them
selves silly before entering villages
and houses where thfey are spotted.
"If you can't hit em over the head
their helmets and neckpieces turn un
der any blow and -you have to get "em
below as best you can." .
'Advices received here from Llbau
are to the effect that the Germans have
opened a second bombardment oh the
city, which Was directed . especially
against the most open and populous
quarters. -A great many inoffensive
persons, principally women ana a num
ber of children, were killed. The exact
number of the fatalities. Is not yet
known. -
Battle Thought' Decisive.
It is believed here that the battle.
which, reports from various sources as
sert, the Russians have won. Is one of
the decisive. It not the decisive one, of
the eastern arena.
Turkey, according to Berlin, has In
flicted heavy losses on the Russians
near Batum. Asiatic Russia. The Turk
ish cruiser Hamidieh and torpedo-boats
bombarded Tuapse. The Ottoman forces
on the Shat-el-AraD niver declare tney
have defeated a Brttish force and that
a shot Irom a xurKisn cruiser causeu
an explosion on a British gunboat. The
news is not confirmed here.
Vienna reports the Servians resisting
the Austrians in well-chosen fortified
positions near the Kolubara River,
which the Ausrlans have crossed. Nish
says the Bervian retirement before the
Austrians is being tnade "for stragetlc
Russia ha mined the Russian littoral
of the Black Sea. in many places 0
miles out Irom the coast.
Russian Reinforcements Postpone
Decisive End In Poland.
BERLIN.- Nov. 23. (By wireless to
the Associated Press.) the general
staff of the German army, referring to
imnnrtant operations in Poland now
nearing a decisive outcome, announced
todav that it considered the situation
everywhere favorable. '
The official communication issued Dy
the German army headquarters today
"In East Prussia, the situation re
mains unchanged.
"In Poland, the appearance of Bus
slan reinforcements is postponing a de
Klalnn rf thA battle.
"In the region east of Cienstechowa
and to the northeast of Cracow the
Washington and Park Streets Established J868 1 1
Same Superior Quality
Since Eighteen Forty-ieven
Bottled In Pond
Austro-German offensive was main
tained. "Fighting continues at Nleuport and
at Ypres. A small British squadron
twice ap-proached the coast but was
driven off by our artillery. The Brit
ish naval guns had ho effect.
"In the forest of Argonne we are
gaining ground step by stp, one
trench after another, and One point of
support after another being wrested
from the French and a number Of pris
oners being taken daily.
A violent reconnoitering expedition
against our position on the east of the
Moselle River was made inef f eciive by
our counter attack.
'Baron von Hoetiendorf f. chief of
staff of the Austrian army, has sent a
telegram to the Lokal Anzelger. In
which he denies as laughable and mal
icious the reports of friction between
the German and -Austrian hiilitary
"Special dispatches "reaching here
from Basel and Zurich declares that
the English aviators who failed In
their attack on the Zeppelin factory
at Friederichshafen, flew over Swiss
territory. i
The Messagero, published in Rome
and favorable to France, declares that
the French army is suffering badly
from the effects of the cold weather
and that the hospitals arP overcrowded.
The Austrian press estimates the
result- of the Austro-Hungarian war
loan at more than 2,000,000,000 crowns
"The Daily Citizen Published a re
port of an English visitor to the Vew
bury concentration camp. He says the
fare is insufficient; that the German
prisoners are making outbreaks, and
that epidemics are likely."
Tou dOh't
the thieves
know much if you think
all belong to the same
Scurrying for
Overcoats Is the
Order of Today
We're prepared.
The widest variety rough Scotchy
fabrics cut in smart, loose raglans;
smooth finished coats of more con
servative types.
Sizes to fit ineh bf all sorts of pro
portions and liberal selection in
every size.
Prices to fit every pocketbook.
285 Morrison
Between Fourth and Fifth.
BEFORE your gTihdlather was a father, then
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to be sure." Judge Wm. H. McBrayer was a
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Kentucky, and as a distiller he set a standard of
superior quality for bourbon whiskey which his brand,
CEDAR BROOK, has maintained to this very day.
At all leading Deaters, Clubs,
Bars, Restaurants and Motels