12 THE MOltNTNGr OltEGOTTCANV TUESDAY, TOTESIBEIS 24. 1914. COMPLIMENTING W. G. ' Preston, of Waitsburg, Or., who celebrated his 82d birthday ' yesterday, his son, C B. Preston, presided at an elab orate dinner party at his home In Zrvingrton last night, covers being laid tor Mr, Preston, George W. Shaffer, John and Louis Kelce, both prominent men of Waitsburg; J." Harper, T. C. Taylor, Commodore Jordan. Warion Belcher, and the host. Charming deco rations about the rooms and on the handsomely appointed table . added to the festivities, and made the affair a notable one for the honor guest. After dinner, reminiscences and music were the diversions. Mr. Preston Is a pioneer of Oregon, a prominent and popular man. He is passing the Winter with his son and daughter-in-law. . The Japanese entertainment given for the benefit of St, Michael's and All Angels' Church at Fernwood School on Friday night was one of the season's successes. The affair was well at tended, and was both Instructive and Interesting. Pictures were shown by Professor Wiley to Illustrate the trip taken by Mrs. E. Burslam Thompson through Japan, which also proved a delightful feature of the programme. Charming little flower girls, arrayed In gorgeous Japanese kimonos, added to the colorful and pleasing scene. An aria from "Madame Butterfly," sung by Miss Elolse Hall, was applauded roundly and an attractive part of the programme was the dancing by little J.IIS3 Laura Shay and A. H. Rodda, who scored a success in "Tama Tama Man," and responded to encores. Mrs. C. C. Ehay directed the musical numbers, an well as the dancers. Cherry branches, trees, hangings and lanterns, typical of Japan, were effectively arranged about the rooms. Miss Laura Shay is arranging a pro gramme of children's dances for the German Red Cross benefit to be given Saturday, December 5. The dances will be "A Dutch Clog," minuet de la Cour, butterfly dance and the Tama Tama dance. There also will be Ger man songs by Miss Shay. Ernest Clinton, of 613 Mulberrr street, and Miss Gussie Hoglund, of 742 Mississippi avenue, were married on Sunday, November 22, by Rev. J. Bowersox at his residence, 1170 Omalja avenue. Miss Helen N. Mclver and Frederick Clausen attended them, t Mr. and Mrs. Clinton will make their home at 27 East Sixty-first street. . Miss Josephine Hammond, of Reed College, left today for The Dalles, where she Is to read a group of plays for the Library Association at that place. The meeting of the Drama League, which was announced for Wednesday night, November 25, has been post poned until Thursday night. December S, in the Tyrolean room at the Hotel Benson, when Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will read Ibsen's "Enemy of the Peo ple." Mrs. Lyddon Veysey entertained the latter part of last week with a delight ful bridge party for the benefit of the British Red Cross Society and Prince of Wales fund. Five tables were ar ranged for the games and pretty prizes were awarded the high scorers at each table. Mrs. Ida Caldwell announces the marriage of her daughter. Miss Maud Butler, to George D. Morss, of Fresno, CaL, which was solemnized on Novem ber 13. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. C. Whittaker have Issued invitations for the wedding re ception of their daughter. Miss Ger aldine Crofton Whittaker, and Burton Charles Haines. The wedding will be a brilliant affair of Wednesday after noon, December 9, at the home of the bride-elect's parents In Irvington. The reoeptlon will follow Immediately after the ceremony, and will be informal. . St. Clare's Parish, Capital Hill, will entertain with a card party in Parish Hall, November 28, at 8:15 P. M. Prizes will be awarded to those successful at cards. An event of the week that will be unusually pleasant' will be the annual Thanksgiving ball of the Cotillion Club at Cotillion Hall Thursday night. A big matinee dance in the afternoon will be given also. Several features have been prepared, among them being a demon stration of the latest dance sensations of the East. A select programme of the latest popular song successes will be rendered and refreshments served. Members of the committee are Bessie Ricketts, Izetta Martin, Francis Maglll, Grace Powell, Mrs. M. M. RJngler. Arthur Himes, Harry Kalzer, Dr. C. R. Walker, George E. Love, William Hurst and Montrose M. Ringler. Mrs. J. N. Dunbar was hostess on Saturday evening at a charmingly ap pointed party given in honor of Mr. Dunbar's birthday. The rooms were decorated attractively In chrysanthe mums and ferns. Following the game a delicious repast wa3 served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Doran, Mr. and Mrs. R, N. Stearns, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Myers, Dr. and Mrs. William Stout, Professor and Mrs. S. F. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crofts and Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar. ... The members of the Altar Society and the Toung Ladies' Aid of the Church of the Madeleine will entertain tonight at a card party and promenade to be given in the parish hall from 8 to 11 o'clock. Take Broadway car to Siski you street. The affair gives promise of being socially enjoyable. A number of the younger set of Irvington will assist In receiving. . "Winter Care Of The Garden To Protect Year Flowers from Jack Front. ' HEN Jack Frost has visited the garden and checked or blighted the vegetation, the flower lover will consider what shall be done for the various plants and shrubs. Jack Frost usually makes himself decidedly evi dent in this vicinity about the first of November, but farther north his ar rival may be expected earlier. Differ ent plants demand different treatment. Such flowers as peonies and holly hocks will come up again the follow ing year if they are properly protected during the Winter, while others like cannas and dahlias, which are more accustomed to warmer climes, must have their roots or bulbs dug up and stored in a cellar. Hardy Perennials. Hardy perennials that are expected to live througn the Winter should be covered with a good coating of manure or other litter to a depth of three or four inches. This will hold the frost in the ground dur ing the Winter and keep the plant from alternately freezing and thawing; In colder regions the manure will keep ONE OF THE LATEST FADS IN FURS. m "&L' - : ill jS ' ' . . V 10 r - - - V? o ' - ' ' - i (- '- , . I - ' v - : . - i A I f.'. - 1 ' r ' S i ' . - t k . . - t -' ' - i I- ' . I I I i t? M K Ill tl SCoe of &icirr Sorry ? ArtcZer- &ro&zS ' 7s the plant from freezing to so great a depth that its water supply would be cut off and the plant would perish. This treatment is good for peonies, larkspur, hollyhocks, columbines, iris, paltycodones and perennial poppies. Cannas, Dahlias, etc. As soon as the tops of cannas, dahlias, gladiolas, ca ladiums and similar plants are killed by the frost, the roots or bulbs should be dug and stored in a cellar where the temperature will remain about 55 degrees and should never go below 50 or above 60 degrees. No more enth should be shaken from the clumps of cannas and dahlias than la necessary to remove them from the ground. The plants may be placed on racks or in slat boxes so the air may circulate freely through them. No frost must reach the roots, nor must they become too warm or dry. With bulbous plants, such a caladl ums, gladiolas, tuberoses, it is desira ble to remove all the soil and dry them in the open air a day or two before storing. The killed tops of all vegetation may well be removed from one's flower beds after Jack Frost has visited them. This is merely for the sake of appear ance, as it has nothing to do with making the garden more successful the coming season. IMPORTANT meetings scheduled for today will be those of the Port land Psychology Club at the Library at 2 o'clock; the Tuesday Afternoon Club at the home of Mrs. Ix. M. Davis, 860 Commercial street; the Women's Political Science Club, room II. Library 2:30, preceeded by the parliamentary drill at 2 o'clock in room G: the dramatic department of the Shakes peare Club, Library, room F,- at J 2 o'clock. The general meeting of the Psycho logy Club will be open to the public. At 3 o'clock Miss Eleanor Rowland, of Reed College, will give an adress and the afternoon will be concluded by an entertainment furnished by the child ren of Washington Park playground. Mrs. Alice Welster will preside. The vast amount of social better ment work which has been accom plished in the world has been done by untrained workers, and the volunteer has been and always will be a great factor In the social effort. In the work of the People's Institute, which has been carried on for ten years, with in creasing success, the help of about 60 volunteer workers is employed. The sewing and dressmaking classes which meet every Saturday morning at the Alblna center is in charge of Miss Ada Dornbicker, assisted by the Misses Frances Gill, Lily Fox, Grace Whitney Marjory Reed, Ethel Went worth, Louise Macy, Klely, Bax ter and Moore. Volunteer visitors for this month are: Mrs. Thomas Hon ey man and Mrs. George Whiteside.- For the benefit of the Institute work a silver tea will be given at Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett's on Friday, to celebrate the 10th anniversary. A generous re sponse is expected from the publio to help on this good work. One of the adjuncts of the People's Institute, which accomplishes a vast amount of work,. Is the free dispensary which is made possible by the splendid co-operation of the Visiting Nurse As sociation, the organization that also provides the services of the nurse who cares, for the tuberculosis cases. On the committee of the Visiting Nurse Association are Mrs. Thomas Honey man and Mrs. Robert G. Dieck. The ' Women's Association of the First Presbyterian Church will hold an all-day meeting today In the church house. Luncheon will be served at noon. The members will sew for . the Baby Home. The announcement states that "there will be plenty of work for all. . The Women's Auxiliary to the Ger man Red Cross Society will meet this afternoon in Deutsches IJaus. The members are busily working on the plans for their bazaar, which will b held December 4 and 5. r t r - a- ifrrreaercKJiMOssirer. Fletcherlsm. THE apostle of this doctrine is still actively practicing " what he preaches. The latest word, from Mr. Fletcher Is full of sensible, and whole some, suggestions and advice for any one who cares to eat. and especially so to those who are guilty of exceeding the speed limit in eating. Mr. Fletcher says: "About five years ago, I gave to a leading magazine the story of my feel ing younger at 60 than at 40. I did not realize that I could feel better at 65 than I did at 60, or at 50, and most certainly better than I did at 40. For it 'was at this latter age that I stood practically at the edge of the grave, with my friends alarmed at my near ness to the human scrapheap, and with the Insurance companies giving me the cold shoulder. It was then that I discovered what - has universally to become known as 'Fletcherlsm. "Since that-.time, and particularly during the last five years, I have seen one friend after another of my forty-to-fifty-year period go out of my life, friends who, compared to me, were vigorous in health and alert In mind; while I am here more decidedly here than ever and I yield to no one In my declaration that I consider myself the most fortunate man alive. I am for tunate because I . have personally tested my theories of eating and have translated them into actualities, and I have seen them adopted by thousands of others who have during these years written and told me of the efficiency of the rules in their case. "I consider myself fortunate because I am splendidly well: I rarely have a headache, and never without knowing the cause. I never feel tired. I can do better work at 65 than I could at 60. and I can relish and digest anything my nature calls for and my appetite approves. "Of course It Is needless to say that I continue to believe la Tletcherism' more than I ever did, and I live by those rules. "Here are some of them: "1. Never eat except when good and hungry. "2. Never eat when worried badly or angry. "3. Eat only what really tastes good to you. "4. Exhaust all the good taste from all food, liquid or solid, or mushy, be fore swallowing. Don't swallow any food until It first Is like pulp In your mouth and has been tasted fully. When this is so the food will swallow Itself. "5. ' Leave a little bit of the appetite as a 'nest egg for the next meal. "6. Eat always somewhat less than you can; but eat what you do a little more, and so get far better results In the way of both pleasure and nutri tion. It Is not how much you eat that does you good. It Is how you eat what you eat. "7. If you have only five minutes in which to eat, and do not expect to have another chance for a long time, don't hurry. Be just as deliberate as if you had an hour In which to eat. Taste completely each morsel that you do eat. Remember that taste is the best aid and assurance of digestion, and digestion is the measure of nutrition. A small amount of food thoroughly masticated Is better than much food which is swallowed unmasticated." "Don't believe folks, please, when they say 'Fletcherlzlng means that you must count forty or fifty when you put a morsel In your mouth, be fore you swallow it. Or that you must chew each morsel forty or fifty times. Don't eat by such a yardstick: use your own common sense. " 'Fletcherlsm', as applied to nourish ment is summed up In this convenient rule: Eat what you like and when you like; only eat it rightly: that is 'Fletcherlsm.' "Tou must be cheerful while eating1. Better miss a meal or two and let the mental fog clear up as it surely will do if you starve it. Worry and anger will disturb digestion. But remember, these emotions start in the mind, and can be and are controlled by the mind. So here are two rules: "1. Mind the mind. "2. Mind the mastication. "And. believe me. nature will do the rest. Appetite then will be able to act in normal manner." DORTS BLAKE'S Cant Lean to Love Him. EAR MISS BLAKE: I admire a certain gentleman, but as he is somewhat shorter than I It seems that I cannot learn to love him very much. Please tell me whether his height ought to cause me to feel that way. He has all the qualties that I wish to find in a young man, but his height is the only thing that I can. find fault with. MISS R. S." Tou surely do not love the young man as much as you think, you do or you would not find his smallness of stature such an obstacle to your happl ness. Try not seeing him a while. That will show you more quickly tnan any thing else the true state of your affec tions. I think that you probably will find that If the choice comes between giving him up and forgetting his short ness you will forget all about his snort ness. Hasn't Met Her Family. "Dear Miss Blake: I am engaged to a young girl of 22, whom I met in col lege. Her parents are not in town, but she is living with a married brother whom I have never met. She has asked me to go and visit her and meet her brother. Would it be right to go and meet him there, or would it be better, to meet him in some other place? Don't you think it Improper to visit her at home without meeting the family be fore? They are busy all the timo, and so am I. PERPLEXED." It depends entirely upon what you mean by visiting. If you mean merely that the girl wishes you to call upon her or to come to spend the day, there is no reason why you should not accept her Invitation. But If you were plan ning an extended visit of two or three days it would be a little more comfort able for you to meet her family before hand. I should go and call upon her. if I were you, and meet her family and Borne other time make your visit. Snapshots ' Barbara Boyd, People Who Bnry Their Heads la Sand. fT HAVE heard of human ostriches - A in side shows," remarked the Clubwoman, "but I did not know they ran around loose in society generally. I met one the other day, however." "It Is easy enough to run across ani mal traits in human nature," sniffed the Old Maid. "They are quite plenti ful. Did this human ostrich have the proverbial ostrich digestion and so as J 0 ff 2? j We have roads a complete analysis of the contents of ean of Rumford Baking Powder purchased of a Portland grocer, and found It to be a-ortay of the highest commendation as a healthful, efficient and economical leavening agent. GILBERT-HALL CO.. Chemists, ea. Portland, Oregon These prominent chemists substantiate the opinion of the millions of housewives who prefer and use Rumford Baking Powder for its known purity, economy, uniform strength and exceptional efficiency. Experience, proves that Rumford not only raises the cake, biscuits or muffins just right, but adds something of nutritive value to the food. This is why Rumford is famous as he Wholesome Baking Powder JUST THINK, AMIE Here I Am With a New FALL SUIT "All the rest of the girls that I associate with have theirs. But I have made up my mind that I am not going another week without one. I was out at the Skating Rink yesterday and saw Mildred there, and she was so beauti fully dressed in a Gabardine made In Military Style, and to save my life I could not help asking her where she bought it. What do you think she said? CHERRY'S. Tea, in the Pittock Block. It was one of those garments reduced from $25 to 114.95. And, say. you should hear her tell about the beautiful broadcloth suits, the velvet combination dresses, all reduced to such low prices. So I have made arrange ments for her to go with me to CHERRY'S Wednesday so I can get fitted out ' for Thanksgiving. What could give you more pleasure and make you more thankful than a nice new suit, waist, set of furs or a beautiful hat for Thanksgiving? Very well. I'll meet you at Tenth and Wash ington (that is the Pittock Block), and we will step right Into Cherry's place at 389-391 Washington, and you can get all you want. Oh no, you don't have to pay them all down. Fay something when you get your suit and pay a little each week or month. Just as you like. Adv. a consequence gobble everything In sight?" "No. I was not thinking of that trait. But you have heard of the way ostriches stick their heads In the sand and think they are hidden, when all the time the rest of their hideous, un gainly body Is in full view?" The Old Maid nodded. "She reminded me of that trait of the ostrich. She refused to see certain faults of her own or else thought that she had cleverly covered them up and so evidently believed nobody else saw them, when all the time they were as plain as the nose on your face. For instance, she really had a downright malicious streak in her. She told a very unkind story about some one. but prefaced it by saying it was too good a joke to keep. It was no Joke at all. But she Just wanted to cover up her desire to tattle. And so she tried to make us believe she was entirely Inno cent of any such intention or else so guileless that she really thought her story a Joke." "You often run across people like that," agreed the Old Maid. "I heard a woman say the other day. It's awful selfish of me to sit here 'and eat all this cake,' and then she . gobbled all the cake In sight. I suppose she thought we wouldn't think her selfish if Bhe pretended she thought herself bo, or that, anyway, we would excuse it." "Yes, there are people who also try to throw dust In your eyes in that way," admitted the Clubwoman, "or else as I say, it is a matter "of sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to see- their conduct for what It really is and so of believing nobody else sees it, either. When In reality, it is In plain sight in all its ugliness." "You ought to let them know they don't deceive you," sniffed the Old Maid. "Then maybe it would break them of the habit. For my part when anybody tries that little game on me, I THANKSGIVING DINNER With All the ,,TmIlUD.g3.,, 2 75c ra PERKINS HOTEL RESTAURANT Phone Reservations: Main 5185, A 614 J -wlfflHB . -lil mil? t 1 t ! 11 I 1 i i mi TTTTTT'Ur yT?-- -y y mm Illllllllilli s TT?Sr BfWTTTnilK iiir pL i Make Your Thanksgiving one. Have your table laden with the bounty of the season. A blsr. fat turkey with all the old-fashioned f lxin's and end with a cup of Royal Club Coffee Twill be a rare feast, "fit for a klni!" y o u r own family "Royal ClnV rot- ed, steel-cut and packed in airtight tins ta Portland 1 LANG & CO. Larsrest Coffee Importers and Roasters ia the Northwest. JCSaai JET ' BRIGHTEST OF THE SEASON -.If jo! swMo mosicali r6m anct BY THE AUTHOR OF "PQLLYANNA" ELEANOR H. PORTER PRICE, NET, $1.22 . FOR SALE WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLO THE ABINGDON PRESS HEW YORK CmciHNATf 150 FHtk Araa 22 Wmc f aank Smet ROSTOIf PUT MUMS SmtOIT CS1CACO KANSAS CITT SAN rRANCISCO HU riOH TBI IUA1IST UUUI HOW PARIS STYLES MAKE . MUCH HAIR FROM LTTTLE You have noticed the prevailing hair styles, which are Parisian, make it im possible to use false hair because of the simple lines which conform to the natural shape of the head. It there fore becomes necessary to make your own hair look as heavy as possible. This is not a difficult task If you are careful to keep it perfectly clean. In washing the hair it is not advisable to use a makeshift, but always use a preparation made for shampooing only. You can enjoy the best that Is known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a package of canthrox from your druggist; dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and your sham poo Is ready. After its use the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dan druff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than It is. Its lustre and soft ness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth. Adv't. tell them In plain language that they are not hoodwinking me a bit. I have a friend who does and says all sorts of unkind things and then thinks be cause she confesses her fault that her conduct - ought to be overlooked. But I tell her very plainly that to say she is sorry for a thing and then to go and do it right over again doesn't impress me in the least with her repentance, and that If she wante me to believe she really regrets her conduct she needs to stop doing It. I think I would be really helping her to fool herself if I overlooked and forgave her every time. She would get to thinking she could do anything she pleased, so she asked pardon for It afterward." "I guess you are right," admitted the Clubwoman. "But it's odi how think ing people can believe they fool others by such a course." "There are precious few thinking people these ' days," sniffed the Old Maid. "Or If they do exercise their gray matter at all, they only stir the surface about a sixteenth of an lncn deep." Maybe you also have noticed that af ter a man reaches 40 years of age he Isn't much Interested In Halloween. Screwless, Holeless Mountings Holes in the lens for screws weaken them screw heads accumulate dust and the flange obstructs the vision. "Ever-Lo eta" are rigid, compact, sightly, unobtrusive and practical. They are mechanically applied to the lenses by a patented process without solder or screws they are enduring and prevent "wig gly" lenses and obstructed vision. Sold only by us Any lens in sixty minutes. Columbian Optical Co, 145 Sixth Street, Between Alder and Morrison Floyd Brower, Manager O. K. 5035 26 1-2 ems x 75 Ba.a Maple! The most delicious flavor for .custards, puddings and desserts Maple,' as a flavor for ice cream, custards, frostings, puddings and WV7igvwuV thousands. You get the rich flavor 3or the verT nPle syrap in TOWLETS 3LOG CABIK CANE AND MAPLE SYRUP MaAmm Home, "Sweet" Home, Indeed 13 ft It's the most enjoyed of all syrups for pancakes, waffles, biscuits. etc. Adds sest to almost any food. The Log Cabin can protects you gamst imitations insures you of purity. Order a can of your grocer. The Towle Maple Products Co. Sales headquarters: Peoples Gas Building:, - Chicago, Illinois 2 Refineries: St. EauI,Minn4 St. Johnsbury, Vermont on GOLDEN MIUL --irn.f?n 454 2& Ib.iin $1? (40a lb.) FORTY-FIVE CENT QUALITY I V I