Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Mnaitine Editor Main TO TO, A 60 (MS
City Editor Main 7070. A os
Sunday Editor Mala 7070, A BOSS
Adverttslns DeDartment ...Main 7O70, A ftooo
City Circulation Main 7070. A 805
Comuoslns-roora Main T070, A BUMS
Printings-room Main 7070. A 808
tuperlntsndent Building; Main 7070. A 6095
Ail C S K M UN TS.
HTEILIO THEATER (Broadway at Taylor)
"The Poor Little Rich. Girl," allegorical
drama, tonight at 8:15.
Baker (Broadway and Sixth, between Al
der and Morrlaon) Baker Players, in
"Merely Mary Ann." Tonight at 8:15.
JLYRia (Fourth and Stark) Musical com-
dy, "The Girl From Kypt." This after
noon at S:80 and tonight at 7:80 and 11:10
VANTAGES (Broadway and Alder) Per
formances 1:30, 7:80 and 9:80 P. M.
and Yamhill Continuous performance
from 1:20 to 0:80 and 7:30 and :ao P. M.
Movtiur-Plcture Theaters.
KATIONAL Park and Stark.
PEOPLE'S West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washington,
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
&UNSET THEATER Wash, and Broad' ay.
Bailer 8katlns.
OAKS KINK atneclal attractions.
lee Bleating.
HIPPODROME 21st and Marshall.
Lakchnt Ecntcnci Conditional. J.
H. Shields, a real estate-man of the
city, entered a, plea of guilty yester
day before Judge McGinn to a. charge
of Jarceny by bailee, it being charged
that he tricked owners of mortgaged
property Into paying him 230 with
the understanding that a mortgage for
that amount would be released, where,
as the lien still stood. He was sen
tenced to serve from one to ten years
In the Penitentiary with the stipulation
that if he pay the amount to the
people he had defrauded within 90 days,
the sentence against hlra would not
be enforced. This he agreed to do.
Licensb Dbad LiNa Fixed. Failure
of saloons to have their applications
for renewals of lioense for 1915 on
file with the license collection bureau
by B P. M. December 1 will be taken
aa evidence that the saloon so falling
does not intend to renew its license.
This was the announcement yesterday
of License Collector Hutchinson. The
dead line for all license renewal ap
plications has been fixed for that
time. Only such applications aa aie
placed In the mall and have a post
mark dated prior to 6 P. M., December
I, will be accepted after the lioense
bureau closes on December 1.
Wife's Son Estranges Husband.
George E. brought suit for divorce
yesterday against Mary Alice Link,
charging cruel and Inhuman treatment
in that the wlfo persisted In keeping
her son by a former marriage, who is
said to be of unsound mind, at their
home when it was the wish of the
plaintiff that the lad be placed in an
Institution. They were married In this
city in 1911. Nora sued George A. Cut
ting for the payment of alimony that
Is said to remain unpaid contrary to a
court order made at the time her
divorce was granted in California, in
January, 1909.
Accountant Bidders Hba-Rd. Seven
public accountants who have tendered
bids to the city for a contract to audit
the city's books In compliance with the
city charter, were heard by the City
Council yesterday. Each accountant
was asked questions as to the scope of
the work he proposed and was ex
amined as to fitness. An award of a
contract will be made within a few
days. Under the provisions of the city
eharter, an accounting of all the city's
books is required annually. It Is pro
posed this year to go into the in
vestigation more deeply than last year.
S. P. Kerr Is Buried. Funeral serv
ices of S. P. Kerr were conducted yes
terday afternoon from 1129 Williams
avenue. C. H. King, of the Fourth
Church of Christ, Scientist, officiated.
A. J. Dwyer, W. B. Knowltan. T. A.
Clark, G. W. Sherley. Edward Free
born and J. W. Mills were pallbearers.
Mr. Kerr had been a prominent lum
berman for a number of years. He
had been connected with the Hammand
Lumber Company, but for the past four
years was estimator and timber pur
chaser for the Russell Sage Founda
tion. Clothesline: Thefts Admitted. Mon
tavilla was well represented In Muni,
clpal Court yesterday when IS angry
housewives appeared to testify against
Frank Strattoo and his wife of 1375
East Morrison street. Fifteen clothes
lines have been robbed of sheets, pillow
casings and other wearing apparel in
recent thefts and the Strattons were
held responsible for the losses. In
court Strattoo pleaded guilty and
declared that his wife had nothing to
do with the stealing. Judge Stevenson
continued the case until today,
C. P. Kihkland Is Released. C. P.
Klrkland, joint proprietor of an apron
factory at 15 East Twenty-eighth
street, was released from custody yes
terday after having been kept under
eurveilance since Friday by the police.
Klrkland's detention was in connection
with the death of Mrs. Hannah Ron
nine;, of East Mill street and Union
avenue, who waa reported t have died
from suicide.
Hidb Butkr Accused of Theft.
Frank Weiner, a hide buyer, aeoused
at Heppner, Or., of the theft of a team
of horses and a wagon recently, wan
arrested here yesterday by Deputy
Sheriffs Kulper and Lumaden upon
telegraphic advices from Heppner. The
property alleged to have been stolen
belonged to Dan Rice and Is said, to
have been takes October 10.
Lad Admits Robberies, Aloyslus
Bader, aged 17. indicated on three
counts for assault and robbery by the
grand Jury last Saturday, pleaded
guilty before Judge McGinn yesterday
to all three accusations and the court
took his case under advisement John
Reed, another youth indicted with
Bader, did not plead yesterday and will
contest tne cnarges against him.
James L. Morris Buried, Funeral
services of James L. Morris, who died
Saturday, were held yesterday morning
from St. Mary's Church, Williams ave
nue and Stanton street, and the inter
ment was made In Mount Calvary
Cemetery. He is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Katherine Morris, and two
children, Mrs, Joseph M. Meyer and
waiter J. Morris, or Portland,
Man Rilxasbo yo Support Wife. -
Being advised by a trland of Mrs. R.
M. Crosby that the woman is in want
and without means of support because
her husband is held in the County
Jail, where he is serving a 9J-day
sentence for vagrancy. Judge McGinn
ordered yesterday that the man be
released from custody.
Druo Firm Incorporates.-!. Artiol
of Incorporation were filed yesterday
by toe ueiro-ivoia company, with a
capital stock of $6000. The objects are
to conduct a wnoiesaie and retail
trade in drugs and chemiealtv Incor
porators are Sol and Phil Blaumauer
and Eugene Hoch.
Chinese Doctor Goes Free.- C. Gat
Woo, a ' Chinese doctor, was brought
Detore Judge Bell In LMstrict Court
yesterday, charged with having sold
medicine without a license. The prose
cution was undertaken by the State
Board of Health and resulted In the
defendant being dismissed.
Susdat Speeders FiNED.--AVtol8ts
who took advantage of Sunday to
speed their cars on county roads were
fined yesterday by Judge Dayton In
District Court aa follows: H. L, Cor
bett, $15; A. Olson, $10; A. Frenzel, $20;
j, crane, $10, and C. J. Cook, $18.
J. Bruce Evans Leaves. t-J. Bruce
Evans, the young California evangel
ist, who for the past three weeks
has conducted successful meetings in
the White Temple, left last night for
Oakland, Cal., where he will have
ona:ge or. a similar series of meetings.
Dr. N. J. Fulton return to West Side
at Wheldon Annex; December L Adv.
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"The Poor Little Rich Girl," the sp ectacular allegorical drama which will
begin a five-days' engagement at t he Helltg Theater, Broadway at Taylor
street, tonight, replacing the Orpheu m bill, is said to be one of the most
pretentious productions sent out by K law & Erlanger this season. It is not
merely a play for children, but It arrles a potent appeal to grown-ups,
according to critics.
It tells the story of a little girl, the child of rich parents, who Is left en
tlrely to the care of servants. Through a beautiful allegorical effect, her
parents are shown their mistakes.
Bridob) Work Progresses. The
work of repairing the Grand-avenue
bridge over Sullivan's Gulch Is well
under way. All the concrete deck has
been removed preparatory to relaying
the new one. The new deck will be
of wood blocks laid the same as was
done on Union-avenue bridge. The sup
porting steel beams on each side of
the double car tracks have been shifted
to make a more solid base for the road
way. While this work Is in progress,
me piers between the O.-W. R. & N.
and North Bank Railways are being
raised to a level, These piers settled
when the fill was made by the North
Bank Railway, causing a dangerous
sag In the bridge. The North Bank
Railway is repairing the disrupted
piers, and the city pays for the new
oriage aecic
Carpenter Must Face Charge. E. H.
Carpenter, confessed forger, must re
turn to California to answer to a
charge of forgery against him there
after having been paroled in the local
courts... This was the decision of Judge
navanaugn yesterday, who denied the
writ of habeas corpus asked on behalf
of -Carpenter and remanded him to the
County Jail. Notice of appeal was
riven ana vne eourt allowed until Fir-
day to perfect the appeal. Carpenter
will be held in custody pending the
decision of the higher court In regard
to nis ease.
Jotridinq Precautions Okdersd.
Joyriding in city automobiles will
terminate within a short time. Orders
were given yesterday for the painting
or tne sign "City of Portland" in large
gilt letters on every car and truck
owned by the eity. These words will be
placed on the hood of each car and the
number of the oar will be painted on
tne Doay near the car door. It was
decided by the Council that there shall
be no city cars without the sign. It
was planned at first to exempt some
of the cars used for detective work.
Apmen to Discuss Festival. Port
land's Rose Festival will be the theme
of discussion at the luncheon of the
Ad Club at the Portland Hotel to
morrow noon, and the members of the
Festival board will be the guests of
honor. J. Fred Larson will be chair
man of the day and the principal ad
dress will be given by Emery OlmsteacV,
presiaent or tne festival board. Prize
winners in the weekly -salesmanship
contest will compete at this time for a
grand prize.
Cattli Inspection to Start. Work
of inspecting cattle at slaughtering
places for Indications of foot and
mouth disease will be started at once
by the oity health bureau as a result
of & hearing before- Circuit Judge
Gatens yesterday in which the Judge
refused to abandon the injunction
against the meat Inspection, ordinance,
but announced that the city could go
ahead and inspect for the foot and
mouth disease.
Sailor Hurt bt Car. O. P. Cooper,
a sailor aboard the United States
Lightship No. 67, waa badly Injured
wnue attempting to catch an "ow)''
car at Sixteenth and Thurman streets
early yesterday. He stood tee close to
the traok and, as a result, was knocked
upon the fender and carried several
feet. Cooper is C7 years old and was
taken to Good Samaritan Hospital.
Rotarians to Hear Judos. Judge
John H. Stevenson will be speaker at
tne luncheon of the Portland Rotary
Club at the Benson Hotel today. The
subject of his address will be "Some
Problems as Seen From the Munlolnal
Court Judge's Bench." Arrangements
will be announced at this luncheon also
for a second excursion on the Colum
bia Highway to be held next Sunday,
W, C. T, U. to Meet. The Women's
Christian Temperance Union will hold
a victory and praise service at the
home of Mrs. Fannie McCourt, Four,
tieth street and Harold avenue, today
at 2;30. A reception for the new
members will follow. All are Invited,
Luncheon will be served.
Fine to Be Served Out. In default
of payment of a $108 fine for having
had opium in his possession. Frank
LaBoard was yesterday sent to tho
County Jail by Judge Wolverton. La
Board was arrested October T, with a
quantity or opium, in nis possession.
Frank Berry's Mother Dead.,
Frank T, Berry. Deputy United States
Marshal, received word yesterday that
his mother had died at Lecompton,
Kan. She was 86 years old, and of the
six children all live in the Middle West
except Frank: T- Berry.
Ciyio Lhaouh xo Meet, The Clvlo
League will meet in the oollege room
of the Hazelwood at noon today and
will be addressed by A. L. Barbur,
city A.uaitor, on tne subject Bonded
Indebtedness and Taxes.
Sunflower Club to Entertain. The
Sunflower Club, an auxiliary of the
First Spiritualist Church, will give an
entertainment and dance tomorrow
evening at Alisky Hall. The programme
begins ac ociocu.
Half Solbs, 75 Cents. While you
wait; . water-proof work a specialty.
Jaoob gchwlnd, ISl West Park, near
Hummel Corset Parlors wJU be
closed Indefinitely January 1. Tele
phone appointments early, Marshall 466
and A ei03.-r-A.av..
A v
Veterans Would Aid Needy. The
Grand Army of the Rebublic Quartet,
veterans of the Civil War, have offered
their services to any organization that
may desire them at a b-sneflt perform
ance for relief of the destitute of the
city. J. S. Hamilton, leader of the
quartet, yesterday announced that it
was prepared to help In this way in
the big relief movements that are
being conducted in the city. Arrange
ments for the services of the veterans
oan be made by calling Mr. Hamilton
at Main $636. Members of the quartet
are: J. S. Hamilton, P. Poison, F. II,
Varner and J. G. Chambers.
Autoist Asks $1650, Ella Mont
gomery brought suit against the South,
ern Pacific Company yesterday for
$1650 damages because of the alleged
wrecking of her automobile at Clacka
mas Station last July. It Is stated
that while snaking a crossing of the
toutnern facitic tracks at Clackamas,
the machine stalled and an approaching
train struck and demolished the car. It
is alleged that the employes of the
company in charge of the train were
negligeat in that they did not stop
tne train and save tne auto.
Armory Site Bid Lowered. A lower
price for an armory site than that
previously given was quoted to th
County Commissioners yesterday by the
real estate firm of Mail-& "Von Borstel,
Tfte tract offered consists of blocks 1
and In the vicinity of East Twenty
sixth and Everett Btreets, -including 3J
tots, arwa tne original price was $85,000.
The owners now offer the site for $66,,
000, which is stated to be the aonroxi.
mate cost of the property Ave years
ago, together with taxes and street as.
sessments that have been paid since.
Reed Extension Lecture Today.
in tne Reed College natural science ex
tension course this afternoon at 8
O'clock, Dr. W. C. Morgan will lecture
on now Plants and Animals Live
This course is held in the biological
lecture room or tne college. At 8 P. M
In library hall of the. 'Central Library
Dr. Kenneth Latourette will give the
eignin lecture in tne Reed extension
course entitled "The War: Its Origins
ana ais signincanee." on the tonic
"European Expansion in Southern and
Jj'ar eastern Asia nd the War."
One Bridge Bill $30.000 A bin
amounting to $30,000 for professional
renaereo Dy tne engineering
firm of Waddell & Harrington, of
Kansas city, in charge of the con
struction of the interstate bridge, was
submitted to the County Commissioners
yesterday. It waa placed on file and
win ue paia later wnen runds are
avauaDie irom tne sale of bridge
bPEEDjNo Denial Proved. C. F.
Reed, fined $33 in Municipal Court
recently for speeding, won his rase
wnen ne appeared before Judge Mor
row yesterday on appeal from Juilsra
Stevenson's decision. His showlna
convinced the eourt that he had not
driven his auto faster than the pace
nxea Dy city ordinances and he was
anowea to go free,
Ministers' Association Mertb The
Ministers' Holiness Association for the
x ree Aietnodsts of Portland district
will hold an all-day session today at
the First Free Methodist Church. East
Ninth and East Mill streets, beginning
at 10:30 thin morning. Rev. T. J.
Cobyrn, president of the association,
will read a paper on "Pastor Russell's
Heresies,'' or the "Millennium Dawn."
Woman Attempts Suicide. Miss
Edith Foster, of Vancouver, attempted
suicide by drinking part of a bottle
of poison in her room at 17 Goodnough
building, late yesterday because of the
failure of a former sweatheart tq
return her affections. She was taken
to Good Samaritan Hospital by the
Ambulance Service Company and last
night was able to leave the hospital.
Judge Gatens to Spsak. Judge W.
N. Gatens will speak at Lents Freinds
Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
lecture will be on the work of the
Juvenile Court, and will be the first
of a series arranged by the Mount
Scott Women's Christian Temperance
'Kansas Jathawkkbs to Meet.
The Kansas Jayhawker Society of Ore,
gon will meet Friday night in the
MasDnio Temple, Park and Tamhill
streets- A musical programme will be
given, and a sandwich lunch wili be
served by the women of the society.
T. W, C. A. Rallt Tomorrow.- The
Toung Women's Christian Association
rally will ba held at . 6:45 tomorrow
night, owing to Miss Margaret Mathews,
leaving the same night for San Wran
Manager of Swayne Hpy$ Com
pany Charged With Embezzlement.
The tables were turned in Judge Mc
Ginn's court yesterday, when F, P.
Baumgartner, lately complaining wit
ness against H- L. Reed, was arraigned
on the same charge, larceny by em
beszlement. he formerly preferred
against Reed, the latter having been
set free last week when the grand Jury
as executor, administrator,
guardian, trustee, receiver or
in any position of trust, under
the supervision of the State
Superintendent. of Banks, The
time to arrange your affairs
is while you are here to ar
range them. Consult your
lawyer about your will. We
co-operate with him in cajrry-
ing out your wishes. Title
& Trust Company, Title 4k.
' Trust Building. Fourth near
returned a net true bill against him.
A later grand jury Indicted Baumgart
ner. Both men are employes pf the Swayne
St Hoyt Company. Baumgartner acted
as manager and Reed was a clerk. It
Is said a shortage of $2600 was dis
covered in the firm's accounts. Reed
waa arrested upon Baumgartner' a qom
plaint, and was held in jail for eevaq
weeks before he was released.
Baumgartner yesterday asked time
te plead and was given until next Fri
day, It is charged that the offense waa
committed last March.
Fortlamd Coumcll Increases Issue) by
2000 to Spsly Coast Demand.
Neighborhood Ilonae Beaents.
Last year the Portland - Council of
Jewish Women compiled and published
cook book that met with such wide
success that the 2000 volumes soon
were disposed of and requests for more
of the books came in, net only from
residents of Portland, but from all tne
cities of the Paoifto Coast. To be able
to fill the orders that have poured in
the committee, inoluding Mrs. Julius
Lippltt, Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, Mrs. S. W,
Herrman and Mrs, Julius Louisaon. de
cided to get out a second edition, and
as a consequence 4000 additional vol
umes are being published.
The prooecds derived from the sale
of the cook book will be used for the
maintenance Of the Neighborhood
House, the pet philanthropy of the
Council of Jewish Women. The new
edition contains many additional reci
pes. It has been revised and enlarged
and is bound attractively. The first
edition, of which many copies found
their way Into California, Arlsona and
Washington, has been the means of
advertising Portland and the work that
is accomplished hers among th.e
women's organizations.
There are more than 430 members In
the Portland section ef the council, and
the work done by the club is recognized
among settlement workers in all parts
of the country as efficient and helpful.
The Neighborhood House conducts
classes for foreigners, young and old.
It has gymnasiums, kindergartens, a
dispensary, a library, sewing and man
ual training departments. It le a
center of many activities.
To keen all these lines of work In
operation, funds are necessary, and it
is to swell tne sum on nana mat me
women have given of thsir time, tal
ents and best energies to get out
book that is a credit to their organisa
tion and the great work that is being
watched by social workers in all parts
of the country.
The offloers of the Council of Jew
ish Women are: President, Mrs. Iesac
Swett; vice-president, Mrs. M. Baruh;
treasurer, Mrs. George Loewenson; To
cording secretary, Mrs, S. Teiser; cor
responding secretary, Mrs. Harry
Meyer; directors. Mrs. 8. Rosenblatt,
Mrs. Fred Langerman, Mrs. I. N. Lip
man, Mrs. Max Hlrsoh, Mrs. Abe Colin.
Mrs. N. D. Simon. Mrs. Simon Selling,
Mrs. I. Leeser Cohen, Mrs. Sigmund
Ottenheimer; auditors, Mrs. Sol Baum
and Mrs. Mark Levy. On tne neign
borhood House committee are Mrs. S.
M. Blumauer. Mrs. A. J. Meier. Mrs. M.
FleisGhner. Mrs. Julius Lippitf, Mrs.
Gustav Simon, Miss Ella Hirsch avid
Mrs. E. Sonnenteld.
Fear of I. VV. W. Said, to B Cause
of Abandonment of Plan,
The parade of unemployed proposed
tnw thi afternoon has been called off.
A- Duncan, one of the members ef the
committee in cnarge or arrwinili
tinhoned to Mayor Albee yesterday
that the plan had been given up. Cause
of the abandonment of the parade plan
la said to be the fear that the Indus
trial Workers of the World would get
In and break up the paraae or tans
charge pf it and cause trouo-ie.
it had been oroposed to have the and then Dresent the City Coun
cil with a plan to furnish work to the
unemployed at $S a day. This idea was
riven ud at a meeting of the recently
organlxed Unemployed cmsens pro
tective Association wnen a. w. wo.
took charge of the meeting. It l poo
sible an attempt will be made to hold
the parade at a later date. The direct
DurDOse of tne paraae was to nave
been to show the City Council the need
of providing work for the unemployed.
It was found that- the Council is doing
all it can to furnish work.
Attorney Oortoy Fined by Judge
Jonea for Contempt of Court.
Four short words, spoken in the heat
of a legal argument before Judge Jones
la District Court yesterday, cost Attor-
nir Tt n. Cnrhv 12.60 each. Ha was
fined $10 for contempt of court, which
he paid without argument.
In determining a civil suit a contro
versy arose between opposing counsel,
B. C. Corby and P. E. Newell. The two
disagreed sharply on a detail. The ten
sion became high and Attorney Corby,
unable to restrain himself, shouted
"Yeu are a liar."
Judge Jonea then took a band and Im
posed the fine. r
Distribution Tomorrow Only for
requests Already Granted.
There's no further use to make ap
plication to tha park bureau for rose
bushes. The supply or lu.uuu Dusnes
which was on hand for free distribu
tion for use in parking strips has bees
exhausted. The bushes are to be given
Men's Furnishings
Men's $2.00 Shirts with soft
stiff cuffs, special at
Men's $1.00 J Neckwear,
tomorrow at Mount Tabor Park to
person whoss requests (or the flushes
hav beea granted.
At the beginning; thsre were about
23,000 bushes. The first distribution
was made some time ago. Since that
time applications have been receive
In hundreds until now, it ia said, there
are more bushes applied for than can
De suppilea. j ne aisiriouuvn luuiurru m
will be exclusively to persona whose
requests a made in writing have been
Professor Webb Speaker at East
Side Business Men's Club.
The Key to Advertising Efficiency"
was the toplo presented yesterday by
Professor Webb, of the fforthwestern
University, at the luncheon of the East
Side Business Men's Club, at Hotel
Edwards, Grand avenue. About BO bus
iness men attended. Mr. Webb pointed
out what ha called "fake" advertising
and ill-directed advertising and go-va
soma illustrations along that line. He
said that the golden ru holds good
in efficient advertising, and declared
that advertising should be truthful.
"Advertising should instruct, educate
and inform tha people," said Professor
Webb, "and show them the benefit of
certain articles. There is a morality
In advertising and the truth should be
told. It requires great experience to
prepare an advertisement that will
bring results. Certain brands have be
come household words and demonstrate
Trading Stamps,
Not only crcry Haaan
Shoe, but every operation
on every Hanan SKoe i
inspected by experts,
whose business it is to
guard zealously the Hanan
reputation. We arts proud
to be the agents (or a
house that makes such
superior shoes.
129 10tb.. Set. "Wash., Alder,
g Specials
Any Man's Suit, Raincoat
or Overcoat
That Sold at $25 up to $45
Every new style in fancy fabrics, blue serges and
black suits, full dress and tuxedo suits, raincoats and
overcoats, now at $5.00 off the regular prices of
$25.00 to $45.00. Here is the way they go, for a
limited time only:
$45 garments at . .,. .- ... . . . .40
$40 garments at $35
$35 garments at 30
$30 garments at $25
$25 garments at , $20 .
In the Boys' Department
Boys' and Children's Suite, Balmacians and Overcoats, now at spe
cial prices. Norfolk Suits, with one or two pairs of pants; Over
coats in new, Fall styles, and Balinacaans iu many fab- am
rics. Cboiee now at........ Vl
Special priees now on Boys HaU and Furnishings. pU
& Co.
best advertising that can be done, mind of the publlo through the lead
hammering the one Idea intra the lng newspapers of the country."
Low Round
For Thanksgiving; Day, November 2fi, low round trip
tickets will be soJd between all points in Oregon on tha
Southern Pacific, Main Line and Branches, November 25
and 26. Final return limit November 30.
Round Trip Fares
Between Portland and Eugene ."...$1.80
Between Portland and Salem $2.00
Between Portland and Albany , . 3.10
Between Portland and Corvallia 3.50
Between Portland and Junction City. . . 4.30
Between Portland and Harrisburp; 4.15
Between Salem and Eugene 2.80
Between Salem and Junction City 2.30
Corresponding low fares between all other points.
Superior Train Service
Full particulars at City Ticket Office, 80
Sixth St., Cor. Oak ; Union Depot, East Morri
son, Fourth and Yamhill, or from any agent of
John W. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Tha SW.ii- is a w. saodsra ana
slegaiuly appointed hotel, pmseutai
on of tbo most beautiful corner lob- j
ales la tho Northssat. Located a:
loth and Alder ats., opposite Olds,
Wortmia A klni'i bis deMrtmsn
store. ' In heart of retail and theater I
district. Kates, tl and us Huii
meets all trains, "W" oar also runs I
t i r -.. .(.,.. a u"tvf.w I
1 1 U 111 LUllHt fSlwh wuv.. w
EWAAU w.s.aa'WAnu.rrxp
School for the Adult Blind.
Jltb and Davis.
For particulars call J. F. Meyer.
Phone Main 548,
ook tailing; bow easj It n to
euro UiUUR. DRL'C and TO
BACCO habits. Ben. sealed
and unmarked. Mention wbtob
von ars lateraatad la. WHITE CROSS IN
BtllUXE. 11 Iavls St. Portland. Ox.
Men's Hats
Men's $10.00 Austrian Velour Jj QC
Hats, all shades, now pOOD
Men 's $5.00 Austrian Velour rf O O P
Hata, special at PO0D
S. & H.
At Fourth
Trip Fares
The Bouse of Weleoma
Park and Alder Streets
Portland, Or.
In the theater and shopping
district, one block from any
carlina. Rates $1.00 per day
and up. With bath, $1.50
per day and up. Take eox
Brown Auto 'Bus.
C. W. Cornelius, President
EL . Fletcher. lanager
Women's Exchange
186 Fifth Street.
Christmas Sale
Dainty gifts at all prices. Horns
made mince meat and other
Thanksgiving delicacies.
Afternoon Tea.