Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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! Norman E. Mack, National
' New York Committeeman,
Springs Tariff Surprise.
X-eader In His Paper, Buffalo Times,
. Creates' Stir by Urging Readjust
ment to Aid Creation of New
I American Industries.
Ington, Nov. 22. Surprise is expressed
by Democratic Senators and Repre
, sentativea now in Washington at the
Btand taken by Norman E. Mack,
IDemocratic National ' committeeman
'from New York State, and a big factor,
nationally, in the Democratic party, in
favor of a revision of the Underwood
tariff a revision upward. Mr. Mack
!pet forth his views in his paper, the
Buffalo Times, of a few days ago, and
'his editorial has created quite a stir
In his own party.
Mr. Mack points out that manufac
turlng- and mercantile enterprises in
the United States, - while at present
' confronted with an "emergency," have
a great unprecedented opportunity for
expansion, because of the situation in
' Europe "if they were able to avail
themselves of it." Now that the Euro
pean supply of many articles hereto
Tore imported, has been cut off. Mr.
' Mack believes that American Indus
.tries can be built up to cater to the
American market, and displace the
t foreign manufacturers, if the tariff
can be readjusted in such a way as to
encourage capital to invest in new in
American Factories In .Lead.
"To enable American capital to en
ter upon the manufacture of articles
heretofore imported from abroad, and
to insure the American business man
against the difficulties, uncertainties
and losses inseparable from the starting
of a new industry from the ground
up Is the wheel to which Congress
should put its shoulder when the ses
sion begins in December, says Mr.
Mack's editorial.
"The American manufacturer is en
titled to all the reasonable safeguards
he can have in the way of readjustment
of such tariff schedules as it shall
be shown necessary to revise to meet
the requirements of the new situation
With plank five of the Baltimore plat.
form as a solid basis to stand on, it is
' plain that these safeguards are suf
ficient to furnish the American man
ufacturer venturing into a hitherto un
tried field, the help necessary to give
him every fair assurance of safety for
the capital he invests and success in
what he begins.
"No Democratic doctrine "can be vio
; lated, .but on the contrary Democratic
; doctrine would be exemplified and still
'. more effectively put in operation by
i necessary revision of certain of the
: tariff schedules in such a manner as to
afford a re3onable safeguard for young
."American enterprise which now is
t eager to enter the promised land.
L ; Cure of Unemployment 'Seen.
.'. "Congress can not do other than
wisely if, at its next session, it takes
up this matter for candid considera
tion and effective action. Doing this
; will at one stroke make good the losses
: sustained bsi American manufacturers.
I no matter from what causes. It will
I settle, and settle right, the question of
.' unemployment. Work must be fur
nished to every worker in. this coun
try, and every worker who comes to
' these shores. To give employment to
all we must have the industries by
which employment is created."
And there was more to Mr. Mack's
editorial, all tending to show that he,
for one, had been studying the re
turns from the recent election, espe
cially in the more important industrial
states, where the Democratic losses
were heaviest.1
Jones Takes Same View.
: When the Senate was preparing to
.vote on the war tax bill, at the last
session. Senator Jones, of Washington,
Ivoiced the same view that is now
; taken by Mr. Mack, and proposed sev
eral amendments designed to encour
;age the establishment of new indus
tries in the United States industries
that would take the place of manu
facturers in the war zone, the plants
of which have been closed. But his
amendments were given scant consid
eration and were defeated by a strict
J party vote, , all the Democrats opposing
' them. Whether other Democrats will
.take the view advanced by Mr. Mack
.is- doubtful, " for there appears to be
little or no prospect that the tariff
again will be revised by the Demo
cratic Congress.
r Intrusion at Danco Resented by
..' Whites on Umatilla Reservation.
: PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 22. (Special).
Edward Kirkpatrick, a prominent
--and wealthy rancher of this county was
shot by an Indian at a dance earlv this
t morning. The bullet entered the "lower
part of Kirkpatrick's body. He will
' recover.
The affray took place at a dance be
i lng given by J. W. Hodd. a brother-in-law
of the injured man, who lives in
..the Umatilla reservation near Pendle-
ton. The guests at the dance were all
! white, andyno Indians were invited.
When the dance was coming to an end
: three Indians came in and their en
, I trance was resented. In the quarrel
'.; that ensued one of them drew his re
j! volver and pointed it at Kirkpatrick.
, , As the shot was fired the weapon was
j: knocked downward and the bullet en
I; tered Kirkpatrick's leg.
!; Sheriff Taylor and his deputies' are
!I searching for the assailant.
Accident Occurs on Willamette-
Pacific East of Mapleton.
; EUGENE, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.)
; An unidentified laborer was struck by
a train and killed on the Willamette-5-!aciflc
eight miles 'east of Mapleton,
. this afternoon. The accident occurred
on a straight track. He was walking
beside the track and tried to cross it
as the train approached. 1
The dead man was about 45 years
old. The Coroner was notified and
went to get the body.
First Smelt Arrive in Cowlitz.
KELSO. Wash., Nov. 22 (Special).
The first smelt of the present season
. were caught in the Cowiltz River be-
low here Friday night. About 150
-pounds were caught. They bring 25
cents a pound on the Portland and
Seattle markets. The main run prob
ably will commence in three or four
v3f V 3b
Footprints Traced From Ranch
Where Ludke Was Killed.
Clarke County Sheriff and Prose
cutor Xo Nearer Solution of
Murder After Investigating
Several Theories.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial. ) Several theories on the assassina
tion of Otto Ludke at the home of a
friend. Axel Alvin, near Horn's Cor
ners, Friday night, have been offered.
but, under investigation of officials.
none has provided any clew.
Suspicion turned toward Edward
Gall, who had been a warm friend of
Ludke. It was said that they had
quarreled over the war. Gall being a
Russian and Ludke a German. It was
reported that Ludke did not tell his
wife of the quarrel because of her
weak heart. " It was reported to Sheriff
Cresap that Gall had threatened to
get ' Ludke, and that Ludke had said
he was not afraid.
Sheriff Cresap and L. M. Burnett,
County Attorney, went to Gall's home
yesterday. Apparently Gall did not
know Ludke had been killed. Gall was
closely questioned, his gun was ex
amined and the 'officials searched the
house, but nothing was revealed to in
dicate that Gall might have knowl
edge of .the crime.
Ludke returned last Sunday from a
trip up the river with two kittens and
he gave one to Gall. Tracks found
near Ludke's house led off through
plowed ground toward Gall's house.
but Gall has no shoes that would make
such an imprint. Sheriff Cresap. after
examining the footprints, declared Gal!
could not have made them. When the
Sheriff and attorney left Gall's house.
Gall was weeping over the loss of his
friend. Tiie officials are convinced
Gall knows nothing of Ludke's death.
Neighbors believe that someone had
a grudge against another man. who
was in the Alvin house at the time of
the murder, and that Ludke was shot
by mistake. Not a man for miles
around has been found with anything
but a good word for Ludke, while an
other visitor to the Alvin home is not
Coroner Limber has empaneled a
jury to investigate the death of Ludke,
but when the Jury will convene has
not been determined.
The funeral of Mr. Ludke was held
today at the German Lutheran Church
near Ridgefleld, and interment was in
the churchyard adjoining the church.
Rev. Mr. Schneider officiating. The
funeral was largely attended.
Salute From Battleship Will Mark
Opening: of Panama-California
SAN DIEGO, CaL Nov. 22. A mid
night salute from battleships in San
Diego harbor, the flash of a signal
from the White House in Washington
and the tumult of a Spanish New
Year's fiesta will open on the dawn of
1915 San Diego's Panama-California
After five years of labor in the
building of the Spanish city on the
lortiest mesa of San Diego, the stage
is set and the actors are ready. The
614 acres-within the rose trellis which
surrounds the grounds and a laree
part of the 1400-acre park in which
the exposition is placed are green
with the semi-tropical Jungles of
Southern California flora.
Conventions in the world's fair ar
chitecture have been ignored. No
where on the grounds is there' the
Greek or Roman temple which was a
familiar figure at the world's fair of
the past. Nowhere are the buildings
crammed close to the highway or to
each other. Instead they are set well
back of broad lawns and thick shrub
Not only the buildings but the natots
and broad gardens are modeled after
the best types of Spanish-America.
The guards and attendants are attired
as caballero and conquistadero. The
dancing girls are Spanish dancing
girls. The bandsmen are vaqueros.
The nomenclature is Spanish, with
the main highway, "El Prado," after
the. great boulevard in Madrid, enlarg
Tv"V8 I
It t
W It
I It
. .'.' . I I
- 'i t
ing into plazas and approached by cal
cadas which wind in from the' orange
orchards and gardens which overhang
the canyons surrounding the mesa of
tne exposition city.
Captain H. C. Cook, or "White Sal
mon, Wash., Passes.
WHITE SALMON, Wash, Nov. 22.
fSpeciaL) In the death of Captain
Howard C. Cook last night. White Sal
mon loses one of its first settlers. Cap
tain Cook had been a resident of
Klickitat County for 34 years, having
taken up a homestead here in 1880. Had
Klickitat County been divided as pro
posed . last year, the new county was
to have been called Cook County, in
honor of Captain Cook.
Captain Cook was born in Pennsyl
vania in 1844. He enlisted in the Navy
in 1862 and served . under Admiral
Dewey, who at that time had command
of a squadron operating on the Mis
sissippi River. The vessel on which he
was stationed was blown up and he
was injured. In 1867 he went to India.
Returning to America, he became- cap
tain of a freight vessel which plied
around the world for several years.
Captain Cook was sent to the Pacific
Northwest by the War Department in
1878 on an engineering project. Cap
tain Cook was a Mason and an Odd
Cattle Infection Xot Used to Ham
per Exports, Says Washington.
WASHINGTON,. Nov. 22. An official
statement issued by the Department of
Agriculture announced tonight that
sensational reports that the livestock
foot-and-mouth diseas was being pur
posely disseminated to interfere with
American exportation of meat to th
warring nations of Europe had been in
vestigated and found to have no foun
dation whatever.
"The rapid spread of the foot-and-mouth
disease," the Department added,
"is due entirely, in the opinion of au
thorities in the Department of Agricul
ture, to the extreme contagiousness of
the infection and in 'particular to the
early infection of the Chicago stock
yards, the great distributing center of
tne united states.
Berlin and . Budapest Xame Streets
After Each Other.
LONDON, Nov. 6. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) The muniei.
palities of Berlin and Budapest have
been exchanging complimentary mes
sages. The war has drawn the two
cities into closer intimacy. !
The Oberburgermeister of Berlin
has .been informed by the correspond
ing official in Budapest that one of
the most beautiful streets ami squares
of the latter city have been called re
spectively "Kaiser Wllhefm Strasse"
and "Berliner Platz," and the Berlin
Oberburgermeister, not to be outdone
in courtesy, replied that the Berlin
municipality has decreed that one-half
or the Konlggratzer Strasse is to be
named after the Hungarian capital.
Boy Tripping on Vine, Gun Dis
charges and "Wound Is Fatal.
SALEM, Or., Novi 22. (Special.)
While returning to his home from
bunting in a field near his home, Roy
Hardcastle, 15 years old, of Monitor,
was killed Instantly today by his own
The lad and several companions were
walking along the bank of a river,
when he was tripped by a vine, and
the trigger of the gun, catching In
the brush, the weapon was discharged.
The shot penetrated the right breast,
tearing a hole almost through the, body.
Coroner Clough was notified, and,
finding that death was accidental, said
he would not hold -an inquest. -
Homer Henry, 16, Carries . Sisters
From Burning Home.
' NAMPA, Idaho, Nov. 22 (Special.)
Fighting his way through the flames
and .smoke and cut off from every exit
but a bedroom window. Homer Henry,
16, today carried his sleeping sisters
and their playmate through their burn
ing home to the opening and dropped
them 15 feet to the crowd below.
The girls were burned but slightly.
The boy, however, was scorched badly
by the fames as he carried the girls to
safety. Fire destroyed, the home of A.
M. Henry this morning. The loss is
partly covered by insurance. The blaze
started from a defective flue. -
Work of Destruction Aided by
; Scouts in Trees Big
Guns Make-Havoc
Belgian Engines of Destruction Are
"Frlghtrnl Terror" to Patrols
In Field and Have De
moralizing Effect. '
BERLIN, Nov. 4. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) A Lieutenant of
Uhlans, who took part in the siege of
Antwerp, has sent Home his dairy, of
which a correspondent of the Associated
Press has translated the most interest
ing portions. It has not yet appeared
in the German press. After describing
his movements from Antwerp till the
army reached Aerschot, some 10 miles
to the northeast of Louvaln, where the
main body bivouacked on the night of
September 26, the dairy continues, with
some unimportant omissions, as follows:
"Our horses were stabled in the bar
room of a tavern, some of them tied
fast to beer taps how Idyllic! The
town had been frightfully shot up; there
was hardly a house undamaged.
Patrol Meeta Surprise.
"September 27 On the march at 7"
o'clock, reaching the railway crossing
north of Aerschot, where the main body
remained, while the advance guard in
trenched itself two kilometers farther
on. We. sent out two patroling par
ties, each of 20 horsemen, one includ
ing K k the first Lieutenant, and me.
We Joined the brigade staff and rode
on unconcernedly. Suddenly a terrific
infantry fire began on our front. No
body' could explain the matter, as our
advanced battery was silent, while only
our inrantry in the rear was firing.
The enemy can't drop from the sky,
and where does that machine-gun fir
ing come from?' we asked. Then
everything was quiet again. What had
."A Belgian armored automobile, the
terror of our troopa, had come roar
lng right through our advanced bat
talion at a mad pace before our men
knew what was happening. Then the
automobile reached our main body and
could no more turn back; so it began
to let its murderous machine play
upon us.
Chanffeur'a Death Saves Enemy.
We should all have been lost but
"September 28 Rendcvous again this
morning at the railway crossing. We
had scarcely arrived when a new trick
was Btaged. . The Belgians sent out
two unmanned trains to collide with
our ammunition trains in Aerschot.
They came on at a tearing speed, one
close behind the other. Fortunately
tne switch was set lor a sidetrack, so
the trains were dashed to pieces with
out doing any harm.
September 30. Marched this morn
ing to the river Nethe to occupy and
protect the bridge at Hellebrug. K
and I were entrusted with a patrol
across the Nethe to Heykant and Bevel.
We passed through Heykant all right
but we found telephone wires communi
cating with the church tower in Bevel.
We cut the wires and then sent a non
commissioned otricer with seven men
on to Bevel, while K and I with a
bugler walked to a hill and watched
the highway.
Villaa-ers Fire on Party. '
'When the little party reached the
village it was fired on. but continued
into the place nevertheless. I remarked
to K : 'Let us get away from this
hill and go behind that house there.1
The words were scarcely spoken when
a dozen bullets whizzed about our ears
but all too high. But we left the hill at
double-quick. , After an anxious half
hour the non-commissioned officer re
turned with his party safe and sound.
What the dare-devil done? ' A Belgian
telegraph patrol, stationed in the vil
lage, was firing upon the party; but
the non-com. and his fellows attacked
without lances, and away the enemy
scampered. Thereupon the officer, ac
companied by one man, mounted the
tower and destroyed the telephone sta
Terrific Fire Opened.
"October 1. I received the honorable
commission to ride again to Bevel to
see whether it was clear of the enemy
and, if possible, to make observations
from , the church tower. 'Well, those
fellows,' I said to myself, "probably got
enough yesterday.' At Heykant I saw
that the telephone wires, destroyed yes
terday, hadbeen restored. I sent for
ward a 'non-com. with five men about
100 yards ahead and followed after at
the head of my 20 Uhlans. Everything
seemed to be going well until the van
guard party was within 30 paces of the
first house of BeveL Then all at once a
terrific infantry fire opened. The 'non
com.' and another man dropped.
"The rest of us. were out in the open
field, scarcely 150 paces from the en
emy, whom we could see standing be
nina a neuge. i gave the order: "To the
rear, open order, march!' Behind the
nearest houses I called a halt, and we
prepared to dismount and begin the
fight; but at this moment we were
fired upon from the rear, from Hye
kant. The fellows had calmly per
mitted us to pass through that village
in order afterward to fire on us from
two sides. There were ditches right
and left, so there could be no retreat
toward any side. We- had to dash
through. After passing Heykant we
gathered in a forest.
Four Will Get Iron Crosses.
"All my men answered to their names
except the two mentioned, and they
fell only 50 paces from the enemy. I
inquired and was told that the two
were dead. An Uhlan saluted and said:
'Herr Lieutenant, I will not leave the
corporal lying there; let me ride back
and get him." I lifted my hat, in spirit,
before this hero who wanted to rido
back into the fire of the enemy, and
said a silent praVer for his safety. 'Yes,'
I said, and a second man followed him.
After 10 minutes they -returned with
the corporal and the Uhlan. They had
both fallen without being hit. All four
are sure to get the iron cross.
"October ? Three forts have already
fallen. We again sent out three patrols.
All got under the enemy's fire, but re
turned without loss.
"October 6 K and I were or
dered to reconnoiter Fort Broechem.
which is to be shelled by our 42-centi--meter
mortars. We rode with 40
Uhlans to a point west of Nylen (about
II miles from Antwerp). In an ancient
linden tree on a slight elevation we
found a . deserted Belgian observation
platform. We quickly climbed to it.
Belglana Plainly Visible.
"A wonderful sight, the fort lay
about 1300 yards before us, every Bel
gian plainly visible through, our
glasses. A splendid place. Punctually
at 8 o'clock the 42-centimeter guns be
gan to talk. The first two shots dropped
1200 feet short. We announced this at
once. Every seven minutes two shells
were thrown. The next two dropped
nearer, but hot In the fort. Again an
urgent signal, after which every shot
534.50 to $49.50
Fancy Suits
hit. We took note of every one, and
continued to report at once. The fort
replied continually, but our presence In
the tree was not yet discovered. We
reported what of the enemy's turrets
were firing, and a half-hour later the
mortars directed their fire upon them.
Concrete Blocks Hurled In Aalr.
The last shot struck a powder maga
zine, which exploded with frightful
beauty. It was a moment never to be
forgotten to see how the concrete
blocks as big as houses flew through
the air. Fragments flew nearly a half
mile, many dropping in the Nethe and
making the water shoot "up in high
"October 7 Again this morning we
went to our old post of observation,
The fort was deserted. Our pioneers
were working feverishly rebuilding
the bridge over the Nethe, without
which we could not enter the fort.
H and I -rode down, on bicycles.
feeling that we must be among the
first to enter the fort. The pioneers
carried us and our wheels across. Then
we hurried across the open space be
fore the fort, which - was still being
shelled by the next fort. The sight
inside was frightful. Everything was
broken up and In ruins! One company
looking for, Belgians succeeded in find
ing 12. Also many dead.
Antwerp Entered at last.
"October 9 We sent out a patrol to
Ranst and thence to Fort No. 1 (of
the inner girdle of forts). At 11 o'clock
we were informed that negotiations for
capitulation were in progress, and we
were ordered to take the rest of the
cavalry squadron and reconnoiter in
the direction of Antwerp. We rode
away with the highest enthusiasm, in
cessantly singing 'the "Watch on the
Rhine and "Uod Save the Emperor.'
Everywhere were deserted guns. Forts
M and 3 and 4 were deserted. Should
we ride into Antwerp at once? The
answer goes without saying! We trot
ted on briskly till we reached the outer
moats. 'We had to ride half way around
the city before we could find a bridge
that had not been destroyed. Now we
entered Antwerp with an indescribably
happy feeling."
At Present Price Tear's Returns Would
Almost Pay for Land Broken
Contracts Cause Suits.
CONDON, Or., Nov. 22. (Special.)
Of the 1,500,000 bushels of wheat raised
in Gilliam County this year, approxi
mately 85 per cent has been sold and
delivered to the warehouses. Much of
this was sold under contract for de
livery at low prices. Farmers esti
mate that present prices mean an in
come from their land of $16 an acre.
Many of the farms on which this crop
was raised could be bought for $16 an
Ferry Canyon, ae a rule, 4s the ban
ner wheat district of this county, but
this year Beecher Flat has the distinc
tion of producing the most wheat per
acre. This may oe due. to a large ex
tent, to the fact that Beecher Flat re
ceived a little more moisture than
Ferry Canyon and was not visited by
hailstorm, as was the latter.
Although many of the farmers were
disposed to hold their wheat for war
prices, their financial condition would
not allow them to do so in the major
ity of cases.
Those who are holding
The Fast, Comfortable, Convenient
Way. " Round Trip Fares Between
Valley Points Wednesday, Nov.
25 and Thursday Nov. 26.
Portland and Salem
Portland and Wood birr n 91.50
Portland and Entcene S4.KO
Portland and Corvallls S3.50
Portland and Albany S3.10
Bates to Other Points in Proportion.
5th and Stark
10th and Stark
A Coming- Event-
today's event,
Selling's sale of wom
en s tailored suits, begin
ning, at 9 this morning'. Don't
miss it it's a real event.
$19.50 to $32.50
Fancy Suits
Entire Third Floor.
Morrison at Fourth
their grain yet expect to get $1.25 a
bushel. Much trouble has arisen here
between the buyers and farmers over
the early contracting of wheat. A
number of the farmers who contracted
early for 70 cents refused to deliver
and sold to other buyers for a higher
price. On Quite a few of these con
tracts no money was paid down. Sev
eral of these cases will be decided In
court next month.
Farmers have finished thetr Fall
seeding and much of the grain is up
and growing nicely.
The biggest wheat check received In
this county this year was issued to
Lloyd Gibson, who sold 35,000 bushels
of bluestem for $35,000. He hauled
this with a caterpillar engine and fin
ished delivering it last week.
Growers Advised That 25 Cents Slay
Be Expected Next Season.
BAKER, Or Nov. 22 Special.)
That wool prices next year will be be
tween 23 and 25 cents was the declara
tion today of prominent wool men, who
declared that the English embargo on
Australian wool would create a prohib
itive market In America
Byron Gale, secretary of the Wool-
growers' Association, advised against
contracting for wool at this time and
urged growers to wait until the market
became clearly fixed next year. Prices
this year were from 15 to 18 cents anil
at these prices the growers reaped
big profits.
Belgians Say British Care Is Too
Good for Comfort.
LONDON, Nov. 6. (Correspondence
of the . Associated Press.) Belgian
wounded soldiers in the hospitals of
London and other English cities are
cared for with so much solicitude that
they tire of rules enforced for their
good. What they want most is cigar
ettes, and smoking Is forbidden except
to those with slight wounds.
"I wish I was in the hands of the
German," said one soldier to a visitor.
They would not worry me with so
many rules."
Gasoline Heating Stove Explodes.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) The explosion of a gasoline
heating stove this morning caused a
fire which destroyed the interior of a
frame v building on Main street, near
Sixth, and injured J. W. Belts, of the
firm of Belts & Colebank. which occu
pied the structure. The building is the
property of the E. D. Kelly estate and
was Insured. The tailoring establish
ment of Belts & Colebank suffered a
loss of $1000 without insurance.. The
Sen ram building, on the north, was
slightly damaged. Prompt work on
the part of the fire department pre
vented the flames from spreading to
adjoining buildings.
Toledo Students to Give Play.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) According to an announcement
Just made by County Superintendent
Carrier, the annual Lewis County de
clamatory contest will be held in To
ledo in February. Prior to the county
contest a school contest will be held
to pick a representative of the Toledo
High Schools In an effort to raise
funds for the .support of their athletic
teams the students of the Toledo Hi
School will stage "Mr. Bobs" this week.
Low Fares for
csgiving .Visits
Salem and Eugene .2.SO
Portland and E. Independ
ence 2.30
Portland and V. Grove.
Portland and Donald.
. .91.10
10th and Morrison
North Bank Station
Vancouver Churches I'nlK In Sleeting
at Presbyterian Edifice Where
Departing Minister Speaks.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.) Seldom, if ever, in this city has
a more successful union meeting been
held than today in the Presbyterian
Church, when congregations of the va
rious churches in the city united In the
farewell service of Chaplain Jamea
Ossewaarde, of th Twenty-first Infan
try, who has been ordered to Alcatraz
Island for duty. Two selections were
played by the Twenty-first Infantry
During his stay in tne post. Chap
lain Ossewaarde has entered in the
many civic and religious activities of
Vancouver and has worked for all the
churches alike. He has been unusually
popular, and hia leaving is the cause
of real regret.
At the service Rev. H. S. Templeton,
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,
presided. Rev. J. Lincoln Ellis, pastor
of the United Brethren Church, read a
passage from the Bible, and Rev. J. E.
Maley, of the " Main-Street Baptist
Church, led Jn prayer.
Chaplain Ossewaarde delivered his
farewell sermon.
Preceding the sermon the choir sang
"Hark, Hark, My Soul," and Mrs. Osse
waarde sang "Ninety and Nine."
Chaplain and Mrs. Ossewarde will
leave Monday night for San Francisco.
The UnlvemllT of Michigan has two mar.'
rled men. Huirhitt and Bushnell, on lis foot-
Time of Trains
Effective Sunday, November 22
Northern Pacific
Trains northbound will leave Port
land as below:
Lv. 7:35 A. M. for Chehalis, Cen
tralis, Tacoma, Seattle, Aberdeen,
Hoquiani, Raymond, South Bend,
Lv. 4 P. M. for Chehalis, Centralia,
Tacoina, Seattle, Aberdeen, Ho
quiani, Raymond, South Bend.
Lv. 11:30 P. M. for Chehalis, Cen
tralia, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver,
B. C.
Train heretofore leaving Portland
10:30 A. M. is discontinued.
PIIOXE Main 244 or
A 1244.
City Ticket Office.
255 Morrison Street.
A. D. Charlton, A. G.
P. A., Portland.
We Have Cut Prices
We will save you 50 cents on every
dollar on the best dental work
made by human hands and without
Our offer Is for you to go to any
dental office and get prices, -then
come to us and we will show you
non- you save dollar and we make
a dollar on your dental work.
Gold Crowm g 4.00
llrldeevrork. S 4 OO
KlIlioK. S l.OO
All Work Guaranteed 15 Years.
Paul-C Yates E9
Fifth and JIrrloa, Opposite Post
- Will Insure to this country a
healthier and more Intelligent "Family
of the future" and many a woman,
obviously unfit for marriage, has had
her health restored by the timely use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, the mo&t successful remedy for
female ills the world has ever known.
Enormous quantities of roots and
herbs are used annually In mun-
this good old-fashioned remedy and no
woman wno suiters from female ills
should lose hope until she has tried It.