THE MORNING- OltEGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. COLORADO IS READY TO TAKE CONTROL Governor Advised to Assert Statehood and Care for Possible Disorders. CRITICAL PROBLEM FACED Committee Reports to Executive on What to Io When Federal Troops Are Withdrawn From Duty in Strike Zone. DENVER. Nov. 22. Colorado Is pre pared to assert its sovereignty In the coal mining- districts, which have been occupied, by Federal troops for nearly seven months. This Is the opinion of the legislative committee' appointed at the extra session of the General As sembly in May to act In an advisory capacity to Governor Amnions ex pressed in its report to the Governor today. The report was submitted In re sponse to a request from the Governor for advice on "what should be done upon the withdrawal of - Federal troops." Serious Problem Faced. During; the 14 months since the coal miners' strike was called, the com mittee declares, "no Governor of any state in this Union since the Civil War has been confronted with as se rioua problems . as those you have faced." It recalls that at the time President Wilson sent Federal troops to the mining districts he made it clear they should remain "only until such time as the state could properly reassert its authority," and continues: "We believe that the state is now in that position and we agree with you that you cannot, in fairness to the President, plead longer for Federal aid, much as the same might be de sired. You should therefore prepare to accept for the people of this state the responsibility of again being a state." Obedience of Law Demanded. After urging the Governor to ad vise the people of the state at once that the Federal troops are to be with drawn in a short time, the report sug gests that he Issue a proclamation com manding every person in the state to obey the law and refrain from all in cendiary utterances. - In suggesting the subject matter of the proposed proclamation, the report directs attention to, that section of the state constitution which provides that members of the state militia shall con sist of "all able-bodied males between the ages of 18 and 45 years, except those exempted by state or Federal laws." Abie-Bodied Men Subject to Doty. "Make it clear," the report says, "that each able-bodied man between the ages of 18 and 45 is. In fact, a member of the militia, and that if it becomes necessary he will be called Into service." It is further suggested that the Gov. ernor make It clear that the state troops must be respected, if It again be deemed necessary to use them; that the order prohibiting the sale and impor tation of liquor and sale or importa tion of firearms be continued; that he "firmly assume the responsibility placed upon him." The report is signed by S. J. Burrls. George Stephen, J. F. Pearson, Chester Ft. Smedley. Siewers Fincher and W. D. Wright, Jr., the members of the legis lative committee representing the Democratic, Republican "and Progres sive parties. "4" PRESS CLUB CHARM Digit Figures Prominently in Wednesday Jinks. Four ls to be a reigning number at the Press Club jinks next Wednesday night Thanksgiving eve. The club is four years old, every member is in vited to bring four non-member men friends, four turkeys Will be turned loose and everyone may help himself 44 times at the refreshment counter. The Jinks Wednesday will be the first the Press Club has presided over in months, and. In a measure, it is to be a celebration in honor of the new officers, who were installed last week. P. E. Sullivan, editor of the Catholic Sentinel, is the new president. As the new entertainment commit tee was given only a week to prepare the jinks many impromptu features are expected to enliven the celebration. A young man singer never before heard in public In Portland will sing sev eral solos. This vocalist is the dis covery of "Jimmy" McCool. In addi tion to the surprise singer there will be several entertaining numbers. In cluding Instrumental solos, dancing and monologues. A girl pianist has been engaged. With the exception of a speech by the new president all oratory will be cried down, the entertainment commit tee declaring it is inviting a multitude to the Press Club to be entertained and not exhorted. As an inducement for music lovers, A. A. Rosenthal, of the house commit tee, announces that the piano has been tuned for next Wednesday's Jinks. The celebration is to be held Wednesday so as not to conflict with other en tertainment which might call mem bers of the Press Club Thursday. Mc Cool says the hilarity will be all over by 1 o'clock Thursday morning. It has to end then, he says, as the board of directors didn't allow him enough money to pay the musicians overtime. NEGROES HEAR JOHN D., JR. Sunday School Text Taken From Words of Pickaninny. HOT SPRINGS. Va.. Nov. 22. (Spe cial.) John D. Rockefeller, Jr., made his promised address before the col ored Sunday school at Hot Springs to day. Only negroes were present In the audience. The speaker began by asking the children why they came to Sunday school. A pickaninny said the children came to be good. Mr. Rockefeller took his text from the answer, saying there were two kinds of goodness the resistance of temptation and the performance of duty. He told the colored people that to be a good waiter or a good cook or a good carpenter was to follow the teachings of Christ. The colored people had a stenogra pher take down what Mr. Rockefeller said and will make the address one of the documents of the church. Mr. Rockefeller shook hands with the col ored people and put a bill of large denomination in the collection plate. When he bad finished, John Smith, head waiter at the Homestead Hotel, delivered an oration of thanks. PORTLAND WOMEN WHO SEE IN FOR CREATION OF INDIVIDUAL 5 ::'.j:::Vvffi.; -.. - y . s " ft 1 A .J& TOP. MRS. R. J. 4M A11SH BELOW. M Its. J. WESLEY LADD, BUSS LOtTISH BCnxs. Ml IVIES GREAT "The Woman in Black" Is Thriller at Majestic. NATIONAL HAS GIRL PLAY Theodore Itoberts Is "The Circus Man" at Star and Peoples Offers "Aristocracy," Columbia and Sunset Films Stellar. Klaw & Erlanger have again ex ceeded their own efforts in producing for the screen "The Woman In Black," a story of .politics, unfaithful love. wua natreoana jealousy, wnicn is being shown at the Majestic Theater. The story concerns Zehda, a gipsy fortune-teller, whose daughter is be trayed by a politician. The man ls llnvolved In a political scandal with the father of a beautiful girl, whom he hopes to marry. He is trailed by "The Woman in Black," who finally overthrows him and his plans. The plot is intricately woven and carefully unraveled. The play is intensely real istic and thrilling. Hughle Mack, fat and funny: Flora Finch, thin and willowy, and Cissy Fita-Gerald, she of the wink and the wholesome smile, are attempting to outshine one another in "Mary Jane Entertains," a burlesque In which the servant girl and the grocery boy come to grler. The News Pictorial shows Interest ing current events at home and abroad. MOVIE FILM ASSAILS SNOBBERY Bronson Howard's "Aristocracy" Is Featnre of Peoples. How snobbishness, that poisonous malady, may make fools of wise men and women is depicted in Bronson Howard's masterpiece, "Aristocracy," a powerful photoplay at the Peoples The ater. Love is unfeelingly cast aside and King Greed directs the hearts and minds of his loyal subjects. So vivid is the picture play that the spectator feels sudden dislike for money; -re volt against money and its power to make for misery and unbappiness takes hold of one. The real purpose ot the play is re vealed with relentless vigor. The play Is a protest against the sham and juperf iclality of the ultra-smart set. Tyrone Power, as the nobleman, ls unexcelled. He is supported by a large cast of Famous Players, all of whom do creditable work. . A Rex comedydrama, "Traffic In Babes," and another of the series of Strand war pictures conclude the bill, which will be the offering all this week. GIRL PROBLEM AT NATIONAL "What Could She Do?" Has Moral, Showing Wagearner's Flght.v ' "What could she dor' That is the question which con fronted the girl . In the photoplay at the National Theater. It is a burn ing question which is -confronting thousands of girls today who try, like the girl In the picture, to make a clean, honest living on less than a liv ing wage. The story contains a problem for so cial workers, a lesson for employers and almost a solution of the problem of a decent living for the working EUROPEAN WAR OPPORTUNITY MODE FOR AMERICAN WOMEN. 4 i X fx it.., - . . . .j. . ;-. .. 1 i woman. It ls a vital, morale-problem play a sermon preached without be ing "preachy." A Vitagraph production, "At the Stroke of Five," featuring beautiful Naomi Chllders, ls the story of "the woman who didn't care." Ruthlessly she gathered hearts, played with them, broke them and cast them aside. Then true love comes, and, with it, retribu tion. Sidney Drew is appearing In "The Professional Scapegoat," a howling oomedy about a man who made a busi ness of being fired. "THE WISHIXO RIXG" CHARMS Iloniantic Film at Columbia Theater Teems With Comedy. There is something most fascinating about "The Wishing Ring," a comedy drama In five parts, which opened yes terday at the Columbia and the pa trons enjoyed It immensely. Romantic features add to its attractiveness and sparkling bits of comedy are inter spersed. Vivian Martin, a clever little actress, appears In the role of Sally, daughter of the parson of a poor church. Oppo site Miss Martin, Chester Barnett ap pears as Giles, the disguised son of the Earl of Bateson, who is first seen as a carefree schoolboy. Then" he quar rels with his father and while working as a gardener chances to catch Sally stealing roses from the garden of his employer. They become friends and have many romantio adventures to gether. The scenes shown of Antwerp before and in the siege of the Belgian city are most Interesting. This bill runs until Wednesday when "Salomy Jane," with Beatriz Michelena in the leading rol will be the offering. THEODORE ROBERTS PICTURED Celebrated Actor Featured in "Th Circus Man" at Star. . There ls something about the circus which gets into the blood, which stirs and thrills and makes us all catch our breath as we see the daring feats per formed. Not a thrill is missed, not an act omitted, not a laugh left out in "The Clrous Man," a Paramount picture. Which ls being shown at the Stat The ater. Theodore Roberts Is the circus man. Everybody knows him. big, kind hearted man that he is. Everybody under the "big top" is afraid of him, but adores him. To those familiar With "The Rose of the Ring" "The Circus Man" ls not a new story. It is one which will bear repe tition again and again and, like "The Blue Bird" and "Polly of the Circus," never gets old. "When Their Brides Got Mixed" ls a comedy, put in for good measure. An educational offering completes the pro gramme. The bill will change Wednesday. RACETRACK STORY THRILLS "Red Bird Wins" at Sunset Fea tures Star and Steed. The race was close, and odds were against him, but "Red Bird" won. The story at the Sunset Theater is a thrill ing one of the racetrack. "Red Bird Wins" features Vivian Rich and the slim, eager horse which worked so vali antly for her. A love story adds to the interest and appeal of the story. Miss Rich does clever acting in the film. Next comes "Fatty" Arbuckle and Mabel Normand, the inimitable Key stone duo, in "Fatty's Wine Party," oomedy made to win laughs. "Fatty' gets himself into all sorts of ludicrous situations and pulls everyone else in after him. "Across the Desert" is a Western pic ture of retribution paid for selfishness and bigotry. The Mutual Weekly has especially In teresting bits of news, and "Another Chance" tells the story of a convict who won out, because someone believed in him. - -. NEW STYLES LIKELY Portland Women Think Paris Due to Lose Influence. - AMERICAN MODELS HOPE War May Bring1 Fashion Centers to United States and Develop Indi vidual Modes All Speak in Favor of Change. Out of the clothes of bondage may the American women come If the Euro pean conflict continues long, according to a number of Portland women. The ancient and honorable custom of getting models and patterns for wom en's clothes from Paris has had a crimp put in It, for with Paris shops closed the American artists have an oppor tunity to produce a distinct style. The craae for new ideas has com pelled the Parisians to look to that part of Spain so little known. There they unearthed the Basque costume, as Impossible to understand as the lan guage spoken by the Basques, which linguists consider the most difficult in the world. Arnold Bennett said in "Your United States" that American women were the best dressed he had ever seen. Many other noted authorities have complimented American women as be ing the best looking and American women In every station pride them selves on their independence and prac ticability. American Designs Likely. These characteristics of the new race should assert themselves in dress if the opportunity for establishing Amer ican styles is grasped. The day when a woman must hobble her stride or risk her health from exposure must surely pass, these women say. The following statements gathered at random from Portland women who know how to dress show a decided ten dency toward a change to "sensible," attractive wearing apparel. Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett said: "I have Just returned from New York, but am not prepared to say what Ameiican women will do. I think that the ex travagance of their dress ls inexcusa ble, but you know what the average American will do when a new Parisian model ls placed before her; she simply loses her head. ' Styles Called Extreme. "I think that the prevailing styles are extreme and disgusting and the useless extravagance observed every where shows heartless Indifference to the suffering now going on in Europe. I do not know whether or not an American model will supplant the pop ular Parisian model." "I doubt If there will be a new American model," said Mrs. Max Hirsch. "The Parisian designers are now either In London or New York, to remain until after the war. The women of Portland who go to Port land tailors are siiown models which are brought from New York, and those models originated in Paris." Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd said: "I regret that I can offer no Information on the prospect of an American model taking the place of the Parisian model.. I pay no attention to style in dress beyond that I think that the prevailing style is ridiculously extreme." Mrs. C. E. S. Wood sees hope In ig noring the modern dress tendency, while Mrs. E. C. Shevlin said: "It re mains to be seen what will happen. It is too soon to know, as the present Winter models were originated before the war started." Women See Opportunity. That now is the time to grasp the opportunity and establish an American mode is the opinion of Mrs. R. J. Marsh, prominent club woman and student, who says out of the many misfortunes of war may come some indirect bene fit In the way of women's styles. "The New' York modistes have seen the opportunity. It ls up to the Am erican women the women who wear the clothes to make the idea popular," said Mrs. Marsh. "The opportunity for individualism in American fashion never offered itself 80 well before, and while there are a great many women who do not follow the dictates of Paris, it would be a distinct satisfaction to know that out of the chaotic conditions there would come an American mode. "One thing is certain, we can hope for no change immediately. The fash ions for the Winter were set practlo ally last Spring, But. if the war should continue, it possibly will throw Ameri can designers on their own resources, and nothwithstanding Parisian and London dress artiste are flocking to New York, surely American sentiment will be an Important factor. Changes Are Not Expected. "I would not want to appear to qual ify as one wanting to particularize in what American fashions should be, but merely as an observer I am convinced there ls opportunity for Improvement in our clothes. American women al ways have wanted a good, sensible fashion. They have resented having Parisian extremes foisted on them as It were, but they have accepted them tolerantly. It is always to be re membered that fashions are designed, i or me numan lorm, and not human forms for fashions. The sentiment of American women as a whole is for saner,-more convenient modss. Never, it see ma to me have we had an occa son to make our sentiments felt as now, and get some definite result." Miss Louise Burns, who sees In the prospective American mode a mere "ex periment," doubts that a change will be brought about at once. On the other hand, she finds the "fad of styles" a bore, and yesterday expressed an in clination to believe that the curtail ment of the Parisian ideas may be beneficial to American women. "It will at least give us an oppor tunity to think for ourselves In the matter of dress," said Miss Burns. "An American mode would be a good thjng. ui tuuriiB, ii estaDiisnea, out, really, we out West don't figure in things of that kind. What can we do about it? I hardly can take the proposal seriously." BEER IS NOT ALCOHOL Beer is the combined extract of malt and hops Malt builds up tissue Hops is an invigorating tonic. ' Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which gives it sparkling effervescence. Beer contains 3 to 4 per cent of alcohol developed by natural fermentation, just enough to pre serve it. . Phones: Main 72, A 1172 Henry Weinhard Brewery Portland, Oregon 0 DRUGS i y y lof Mb . I A . DOUBLE STAMPS TILL 2:00 New Stock of Parisian Ivory Just arrived and displayed on our first floor. Nothing more beautiful nor ap propriate for a Christmas gift. Picture Frames from...60 to $6.00 Comb 25 to $1.50 Hair Brushes $2.50 to S6.50 Trays......... 5( to S-t.OO Hair Receivers $1.50 to S6.00 Manicure Sets $2.50 to $25.00 Clocks ....$2.50 to $7.50 (Guaranteed Works.) Mirrors $2.50 to $S.0O ENGRAVING FREE. DRI IRISH VIEWS GIVEN J. H. Murphy Believes War Will Bring Benefits. PROSPERITY IS PREDICTED Iiarry Sharialian, Merchant, De nounces TTlsterites and Declares That "They Won't Fight for England or Themselves." Local Irishmen yesterday expressed confidence that the present war in Europe would have a beneficial effect for the Emerald Isle, regardless of the outcome of the strife. The opinion that England is sincere in her prom ises to Ireland was practically unani mous. "Things are rather confused In Ire land just now," said J. Hennessy Murphy. "This much, at least, ls cer tain: Home rule is a part of the Brit ish statutes and constitution, and will never- come off the books. "I think this war will result in a better understanding between the north and south of Ireland, and be tween the Irish and the English. Prosperity Is Expected. "After the war Is over I look for an era of great prosperity for Ireland. ; I believe there will be an expansion in commercial. Industrial and agricultural lines and especially in manufacturing branches. The trouble between Ire land and England is over." Third street, expressed contempt for the Ulsterites. "I know that Ulster bunch," he said. "They are all a bluff. I knew them and- fought with them years ago. They will fight with their fists if they are 20 to 1. but when it comes to war, they won't fight for England or themselves. "It is not generally known here, but the home rule bill has been postponed for one year only. That Is to provide time for the new Irish government to organize. North Doesn't Count, He Says. "I have no doubt that England is sincere In promising home rule. I believe that this war will have the re sult of establishing good feeling be tween England and Ireland. The north of Ireland doesn t count. That no good can come of the war is the opinion, .of Father E. V. O Hara, of St. Mary's Parish. "I think this war Is entirely regret able." he said. "I don't think that any good can come of it. I believe, how ever, that as far as home rule is con cerned, there is no possibility of hold ing it off. Juggling politicians may try to defer it after the close of the war, but I tnink that tngii9n democ racy will overcome them." JIDGE M'GIXX IRISH SPEAKEK Tutted States of Europe Hopqd For ( as Possibility. "I do not know what the outcome of this war may be, but somehow It will be for the benefit of Ireland. and that there may be a United States of Europe, modeled after the United States of America, where there shall be lib erty," said Judge McGinn in his ad dress last night at the 16th annual celebration of "Patriots' Day" at the hall of the Ancient Order of Hiberians on Russell street. . Judge McGinn reviewed some of the Important events In Irish history, es pecially what is called Patriots' Day, of 47 years ago, when several Irishmen gave their lives for Ireland. Judge McGinn told of the great love the Irish have for liberty and said that was one of the reasons why they had come to the United States, where thy found what had been denied, them at home liberty and freedom to worship God ac cording to their own desires, and where education had been free and open to them. Judge McGinn said that the names of Gladstone, the author of home rule, John Bright, John Stuart Mill and others should 'be held In the highest veneration. "At the end of this terrible war," said the speaker, "the people over there will be asking what it has been all about. What have the French against the Germans, the Germans against the French, the Russians against the -Germans? What Is it all about? It may be a dream, but may God grant there will be a United States of Europe over there, and Ireland will be one of the leading states. There is no hope of in dependence, but somehow out of this awful conflict I think some such condi tion will come. The Irish people first tasted liberty when they came to this country, and should the United States ever become involved, there will be no Irishmen, but all will be Americans and Irishmen will stand ready to shed the last drop of their blood "for the coun .Ril1?-:-1, "You . plenty of help! "In. fact, here are 21 kinds of help. And the greatest help of all is Campbell's Tomato Soup "You'd be surprised to know how many different and inviting ways there are to prepare and serve this nourishing soup. Almost every day I use it in one form or another. And by this means, I find, the whole question of simpler and easier." How about you? you're not satisfied, the grocer refunds your money. And we repay him the full retail price. 21 kinds UFERIOR SERVICE TO- PUGET SOUND and Grays Harbor Cities is afforded by the Three Splendid Trains of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company Puget Sound Express Leaves Union Depot 8:30 A. M. (Direct Connection for Grays Harhor Cities.) SHASTA LIMITED, Train de Luse 3:00 P. M. (No Extra Pare between Portland and Seattle. Carries first- class all-steel Coaches.) The OWL (Sleepers open 9:30 P. M.) 11:00 P. M. ' (Through Sleeping-Car Service to Grays Harbor) Similar Service Returning For schedules, tickets, reservations, etc., ask oar CITY TICKET OFFICE Sd and Washington Streets Both phones P. M. TODAY Thermos Bottles Cold weather demands Hot Drinks. Keep your coffee, tea and milk hot by using a Thermos. Corrugated Thermos Bottles, pint. . .$1.50 quart . . . $2.50 Carafas from. . .S4.00 to S10.00 Thermos Sets... $2.50 to $54.00 Decanters $15.00 Food Jars $2.50 to $3.50 try that has done so much for them. We are told that the Irish are not en listing, and why should they after cen turies of oppression? Home rule has been promised and the bill has passed, but not because of the justice of the cause, but because it was a political necessity." Judge McGinn was interrupted fre quently by applause. A musical pro gramme was rendered, including solos by Miss Mae Breslln. A. J. Campbell, Miss Nona Lawler. Miss Dagmar Inez Kelly. A. B. Cain. Miss Grace Dawson and Frank Hennessy, with Miss Marie Chapman as accompanist. D. J. Curran, county president, presided. 7 V see I keep the home-able is made 10c a can 0 r