10 THE SrORNiyQ OREGOyiAN, SATURDAY, yOVTOIIVER 21. 1914. , Express ' Smpment Site Fran - Famous Maker jSSI fi Jest Arried at Meier' & Frank's . ; f -- A You Save $5.15 or $7.15 on Each Suit in This Sale .few iiXpr J85 Jr- thin chnwlno- TT" f I I ' n i ' .: - Mi F 1 , ' AI N ILT - wmms hi cam, E Enters the Greatest Suit Sae of the Year ! 2 Wonderful Groups to Pick From Today! 150 Fashionable New 4W O Smite For Quick Disposal at $ MEN! A very fortunate special purchase from a concern of Nation-wide repute as tailors for men brings you this "Ja! phenomenal event and timeliest of sales. Choose today from this remarkably low-priced grrouo of new. serv iceable, up-to-the-minute, well-finished Suits and enjoy a wonderful saving on garments of worth. Whatever your taste in dress, here is a selection in advanced or conservative models that will please beyond measure. Suits in seasonable weight and in the soason's favored colors sizes to fit any build are offered in excellent assortment. Fabrics are of tested reliability and will give the ultimate of service. Visit our Man's Store today and you will profit greatly ! Make early selection from these $20 Suits at Only $14.85. 14? 250 Handsomely Tailored Suits Will Sell Quickly at $ MEN I This greatly underpriced group of Suits to be i disposed of -rapidly today features the latest weaves in worsteds, cassimeres and tweeds, finely tailored along the most approved lines of style. The workmanship of these Suits shows skillful application of modern tailoring meth ods and painstaking- attention to detail. A wonderful assortmont iiou xiiu iuo leas raoicai luoueis in splendid array. Su ts to satisfy lone- short mm t hiSS "TP" The coLor ran,e 18 broad and in the desirable shade. . Vrava browns and mixtures, checks, stripes or plaids. Some of these recent arrivals have patch pockets. Other smart-style touches are shown. This selection of snlenrtiS new seasonable garments will please the most exacting-, You will greatly enjoychoos-lng- from this extraordinary low-priced assortment today and yoif win. be hadU somely repaid In clothes value. Plete your Salt early at 817 85 hand- M i store, second Floor, Temporary Annex. No, Men's Store, Second Floor Temporary Annex No. 1. See Window Display! Sizes jor Men of Every Stature! Store, Temporary Annex No. 1 Santa Claus Welcomes . .. All of the Children to TOYTOWN at Meier &Frank,s TODAY! 3000 Boxes of CANDY FREE! To Children Accompanied By Parent or Guardian Who VisitToy town Today Between 9 o'CIock and 12 Remember Toy town Is Located in Meier & Frank's Temporary Annex No. 2 YEON BLDG.. 5th and Alder NsT 7 Big Toy Specials Today! $1.25 Ice Skates 5Sr.tfR the Pair 89c $1.50 Character Dtflls SffSsSs 98c $1.75 Dressed Dolls ILuTolnYe" Each 98c 50c Vacuum Arrow Target Guns 33c $1.25 Mechanical Auto Ksr Each 93c 50c Military Swords Special at 37c $2.75 Chair Horses Special at $1.69 Toy Town, Temporary Annex No. 2, Veon 13 Id a. LAST DAY! Great Sale of en's Winter Weight Underwear M Men's $1.50 Union Suits 950 Medium heavy wool mixed, ribbed style. Natural gray, with closed crotch. . Men's $3.00 Union Suits, $2.59 Fine Australian "Worsted, natural gTay, blue and pink. Medium weight, perfect fitting garments. Men's Cotton Union Suits, 850 Heavy Ribbed Cotton, come in silver gray and ecru color only. Men's Shirts and Drawers, 950 Heavy worsted, derby ribbed. Good Win ter weight in natural gray. Form fitting, splendid for service. Men's $1.25 Munsing Union Suits 980 Cotton fleeced. Soft, non-irritating yarn. In ecru and gray colors. Men's $3 Union Suits, $2.65 Wright's Wool mixed. Heavy weight, natural gray color. Closed crotch. Men's $1 Shirts and Drawers, Each. 850 Wright's ribbed cotton! Medium and heavy weights. In ecru color only. Men's $2 Shirts and Drawers, $1.69 Wright's Australian Wool. Derby ribbed style, medium weight. Form fitting, neatly finished. In white only. Men's Store, First Floor, Temporary An nex No. 1. 1 These Days Demand Sweaters! Men's $6 and $7 Sweaters Styles also popular with women ice skaters. 6oysV$1.50 Sweaters at Also worn by girls in Winter weather. 2 Wonderful Glove Specials for Men Men's $1.50 Cape Gloves, Pair .... $1.15 Men's $1.50 Mocha Gray Gloves, Pair $1.15 Men's Store, Tenporary Annex, No. 1, Fifth and Alder Sts. 9 to 12 -o'CIock Bargains! Women's $1 Thread Silk Hose 49c Also plated silk. First and second qualities. White, few blacks and tans. First Floor, Sixth-St. Bids. 25c CHALLIES AND TRICOTS, YARD 12Vs!0 Half -Wool Challies, figures, stripes, light, dark and medium colors. AH-Wool Tricots, plain shades of navy, garnet, brown, grays, black. Third Floor, 6th-St. Building Women's 75c Silk-Lined Cash mere Gloves, Pair 55c All sizes. Black and colors. First Floor, Stxth-St. Bldff. 420 Pairs Boys' Shoes Today at Extremely Low Prices 9 to 12 o'CIock. Gunmetal calf. Button or Blucher style. Heavy soles, medium broad toes. Sizes 9 to 13V2, special, pair , $X.39 Sizes 1 to 6, special, pair $X.T9 Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. CHOOSE A KODAK for a Xmas Gift whether for man, woman or child and you'll be sure of giving joy to the recip ient all the year 'round. KODAKS PRICED SO.OO to S63.00 BROWNIE CAMERAS PRICED $1 to $12 SATURDAY SPECIALS $4.50 Antex Release An ingenious little device which enables the person taking picture to appear in picture. Priced Saturday $3.89 $1.50 3A Developing and Printing Outfit $1.19 25c 1-lb. pkg. Eastman Acid Fixing Powder, 180 Kodak Store, Temporary Annex No. 1. Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bldgr. econd Floor. Sixth-St. Bids. All Worn en's Neckwear Reduced! First Floor, Slxth-St. Bldgr. FIRST SHOWING Reprints of Favorite Books at 50c "Mother Carey's Chickens," by Kate Doug las Wiggin. "Old Rose and Silver," by 'Myrtle Reed. "The Secret Garden," by Frances Hodgson Burnett. "Good Indian," by B. M. Bower. "Poor Little Rich Girl," by Eleanor Gates. "The Melting of Molly," by Maria Thomp son Daviess. "The Wilderness Trail," by Frank Williams. "The Flower of the North," by James E. Curwood. "The Hound From the North," by Ridgewell Cullin.' Read "A Pair of Sixes," by Edward Peple Price $1.00 Bookstore, 6th Floor, 6th-st. Building. $100 in Toy Prizes to Be Given to Boys and Girls Under 12 Years ia Our Story Writing Contest. Ask for Details. . Temporary Annex No. 2, Yeon Bldg. j Ttvsr Quality' Stoke? or Portland miw 9btK "MarHMfc Aldar eta. v ' . ; All Day Saturday Grocery Specials Buy Today for Thanksgiving! Shoulder Hams Well smoked, sugar cured, lb., 14y0 Jersey Butter Established, satisfactory brand, roll 650 35c Victor Coffee Delicious blend, pound 290 Four Large Bunches Celery in Bundle While any remains, bundle 1O0 Three Cans Clam3 Xo. y2 flat cans. Best pack. .250 Sugar Cured Hams Carefully smoked leg Hams, pound 1 190 Eastern Pumpkin Large No. 3 cans, solid pack, can 150 Tillamook Cheese Freshly made, rich Oregon Cheese, pound 2O0 Table Raisins Fine Clusters. No. 2 boxes 25 No. 1 boxes . .-v 19 Royal Banquet Butter Fancy fresh Oregon make, roll ..73 Three Packages Mince Meat Supreme brand high-grade quality 2o Pork Sausage Freshly made, pound 17Vfe Quart Jars Queen Olives Mason jars, large green olives 39 Sugar Cured Bacon 10 to 12-pound strips half strips, pound 2314 "9 to 12" Saturday Grocery Specials No Phone Orders for These Items. Three Quarts Cranberries Best Jersey quality 25 Three Hars Naptha Soap Feldman's or Victor brand, limit three to a customer 10f Cottaiee Hams Sugar cured, nearly boneless, weight about four pounds. The pound 14 20e Vz-lb. Cans Baking; Powder Victor, high grade quality, can X5 First Floor. Slxth-St. Bids. Our Marvelous Sale Mens Shirts Ends Tonight ! $5 Pure Silk Shirts - - - - $1.98 $1.50 "Nofade" Shirts 77. 8ik $6. and $7 Silk Shirts - - - $2.98 $1.50 French Cuff Golf Shirts 98c $2 Silk Front Shirts - - - 98c $2 Mushroom Shirts - - - - $L29 i . ii h .. .j Last Day to Make Unrestricted Choice Ail Wool Dress Goods Reduced Prices All Laces and Embroidery Reduced First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. AH Athena Underwear Reduced Last Day of Great November Drug Sale NOTE THESE SPECIALS! Oriental Cream 89 Benzoin and Almond Cr'm 19 Pebeco Tooth Paste 2S Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder.. 11 Kolynos Tooth Paste 16 Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream 247 Sempre Giovine 280 Colgate's Tooth Paste 2O0 Woodbury's Facial Soap.. 12 Woodbury's Facial Cream two for 250 4711 White Rose Gl3'cerine Soap 120 Java Rice Powder 390 Williams' Talcum, assorted Odors 100 Massatta Talcum 110 Rubifoam, two for 250 t " : " FREE-50c Worth La Pe tite Geraldine Perfume with every purchase of Willard White's Creams, Face Powders, Toilet Waters, Rouge and Vaucaire Galega Tablets, Saturday. Fare Food Grocery. Basement. Slxth-St. Bldic. IMPORTANT NOTICE! Very Often Our Advertisements in the Oregonian Journal and Telegram Detail Entirely Different Store News -Read Ail Our Ads. Carefully . " " ' " ' ' " 1 ' I "V.