Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 20, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Oregon Legislators, Nbs. 15, 16, 1 7, 18
E. E. Blancnard, Re-Elected Representative of Josephine; D. C. Thorns,
Re-Elected Representative of Marion; Dana H. Allen and Thomas
Brown, Representatives-Elect of Marion.
Christian Science Lecturer
Says School Health Work
v Increases Sickness.
There's a lot to do before the Thanksgiving
feast, and one of the things you ought to
attend to is to see that your clothes are right.
If you're not supplied with the right
Suit or Overcoat come here at once for
" v " . " ,".,
' . u'.lf,M!vWi!;S:':".- , Hi
' -v.
at- 1
4 -s 4.
Pictures of Effect of Germs and Mi
crobes Bring About Aliments
Lessons Try to Avoid, Says
( Bicknell Young at Churcli.
The teachings of Christian Science
were discussed by Bicknell Young, C.
S. B., of Chicago, last night in a lec
ture before a large audience which
filled First Church of Christ. Scientist,
to overflowing. The lecture will be
repeated" tonight at 8 o'clock. Mrs. G.
H. Watson appropriately introduced the
lecturer, referring in her refnarka to
the practical side of Christian Science
and its adaptability by each individual
to the problems of every day life if
studied honestly and with an open
Mr. Toung said:
"To recognize the nature and action
of thought is educational. To arouse
or awaken a human being to the ne
cessity for correct thinking and the
power to attain it as a habit is the
object of all true religious and philo
sophical endeavor.
j Thoughts of Disease Avoided.
"For this reason it is universally rec
ognized that in order to produce good
moral results It is necessary that moral
teaching should be carried on, and in
accordance with this necessity people
are taught to guard themselves against
evil thoughts, whether audible or si
lent. Is there not the same necessity
to guard against the thoughts of dis
ease? "What must then be the conclusion
as to the present effort made through
the press and elsewhere to instill the
belief of disease into children, and
others, by means of processes that are
called educational?
"If it were not obvious that such ef
forts are basically wrong the results
of the last 10 years prove them to be
no. The advocates of such systems
themselves admit that the diseases,
which so-called education was aimed
to mitigate or destroy, have increased
enormously in that decade, and anyone
who has observed carefully the influ
ence of thought in human history
should have no difficulty In perceiv
ing that such results would necessarily
follow such a wrong system.
System Called Wrong.
"If one is to learn about disease and
the constantly shifting theories which
characterize medical science in order
to guard himself against disease, if one
m is to be forced to build up in his own
thought images of disease and germs
and microbes and bacilli through the
use of charts and experiments in order
to be healthy, why would it not be
necessary to familiarize the young, and
others, with all the vices and sins that
characterize depravity in order that
they may thereby gain in virtue and
"If it be true, as experience has
proved beyond any doubt, that moral
education and high ideals tend to im
prove character, why is it not equally
true that the inculcation of true ideas
as to the origin, cause and law of be
ing tends to improve health, and that
contrary teaching tends to produce
Sanitation Cardinal Teaching.
"Notwithstanding the somewhat
common notion that Christian , Scien
tists oppose sanitation and hygiene,
the fact is that they are enthusiastic
believers in and advocates of both.
Scrupulous cleanliness in everything Is
a rule among those who practice
Christian Science. They require not
only personal cleanliness but clean air,
clean food, clean streeUi, clean water,
clean clothing, clean houses and that
everything be clean with which they
may be associated or surrounded.
"And when ail this is done. Christian
Scientists are still unsatisfied, for
Christian Science shows that little has
been accomplished in the nature of true
hygiene, and that little that is worthy
of the name of sanitation until the
human mind itself is cleaned out and
kept clean.
"Jesus stated this fact more strongly
than anyone else could, and Christian
Science practise has proved conclusive
ly that to the extent that the human
mind is emptied of fear, malice, envy,
hatred, revenge, evil thinking, evil
speaking and all the beliefs of vice
and sin and disease, just to that ex
ttent is a true sanitary system being
Mental Hygiene Equally Advocated.
"And, furthermore. Christian Science
has proved in innumerable instances
that when such a system of hygiene,
purely mental, is established, all of the
world's hygienic requirements are more
than fulfilled, and just in that pro
portion also is tthe law of - health un
mistakably and permanently estab
lished, both, individually and collect
ively. ,
The human body never gets ill be
cause of any inherent capacity to do
bo. To put it exactly as it is, the
human body does not know enough to
suffer. Deprived of mind it never suf
fers. Mrs. Eddy's Responsiveness.
"We are apt to think of revelation
as somethlnug imposed upon man by
God, but more consistent understand
ing of the word shows that its mean
ing is best apprehended when one un
derstands its naturalness. That Mary
Baker Eddy was lispired when she dis
covered and set forth the truth of
Christian Science cannot be doubted,
and yet that inspiration, that revela
tion, required first receptivity.
"It was this readiness, this cease
less responsiveness to divine mind
which characterized her whole career
and made her the leader of the most
far-reaching religious and scientific
movement that the world has known.
"It was this same responsiveness
which has made Christianity a science,
resulting In such untold benefits to
mankind that thousands of people
spontaneously reverence and love the
name of the discoverer and founder of
Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy."
Three Men at Spokane Admit Shoot
ing Driver of Deer Park Auto.
SPOKANE, Nov. 19. Three men ar
rested last night after the Deer Park
automobile stage had been held up
and the driver. Albert Schnetzky, and
another man, shot, confessed today in
the office of the prosecuting attorney
that they held up the stage and did
the shooting. They gave their names
as J. E. Riley. Norman Garfield and
Frank Smith.
They are being held on charges of
highway robbery. Schnetzky, who was
wounded, perhaps fatally, is still alive.
rt - i LiZ2
E. E. Blancnard.
D. C Thorns.
if " : - v y( r 1
,5 1 ' . ' . ; j - !
x $ i: Pi V?'
Dana B. Allen.
Thomas Brown.
GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. 19. (Spe
cial.) E. E. Blancnard was born
on the Western Reserve in Ohio,
graduated at West Reserve College
and later at the State University of
Iowa. He was city Superintendent of
Schools in some of the best cities of
Iowa for 16 years and State Examiner
from 1894 to 1898. He practiced law
for about ten years and then moved
from Iowa to Josephine County, Ore
gon, in 1908, where he has since resided.
He was elected to the Legislature of
Oregon in 1912, where he was recog
nized as an able, fearless and con
scientious legislator. His work was
so satisfactory to his constituency
that he was re-elected unanimously
Representative from Josephine County
without opposition.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 19. (Special.) D.
C. Thorns, one of Marion County's
five Representatives-elect in the Legis
lature, represented the county in the
lower house at the last session, being
the chairman of the committee on
alcoholic trafflo and a member of the
committees on Insurance and roads
and highways. He lives In Jefferson,
having an interest in the Jefferson Mill
Company, where he is employed.
Mr. Thorns was born In Carver Coun
ty, Minnesota, in 1866, and at the age
of IS years went to North Dakota,
where ho was engaged in the grain
business with an elder brother. After
learning the milling business he moved
to Oregon, and for several years was
connected with a mill at Sidney, this
county. He moved to Jefferson nine
years ago. Mr. Thoms is married and
has one child. He took an important
part in the deliberations of the last
sesslon.iof the Legislature, and will
be one of the leaders of the Marion
County delegation at the coming ses
sion. SALEM, Or., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Although a young man, Dana H. Allen.
Representative-elect In the Legislature
from Marlon County, had the distinc
tion of leading the ticket at both the
primary and the general election in
the contests for Representative. He
was born' on a farm near Silverton,
and received his early education in
the district schools of Marion County.
He attended the Humboldt Evening
High School, of San Francisco, and the
University of California. He was
graduated from Willamette College of
Law In 1910. and was admitted to the
bar the same year.
Mr. Allen was Deputy County Clerk
of Marion County under his father, R.
D. Allen, 1907 to 1910, and since then
has been engaged In the practice of
law In Silverton and Salem. He also
conducts a farm.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 19. (SDecial.'i
Thomas Brown, who wlli be one of
Marlon Coanty's Representatives in the
lower branch of the Legislature at the
coming session, is one of the leading
lawyers of the county, being a mem
ber of the firm of Carson & Brown,
Salem. He was born Jauuarv 2. 1866.
in MIddleport, Ont., and received his
education in the public schools and
collegiate institute in Brantford, Ont.
After being graduated by the Upper
Canada Law School at Osgood Hall,
Toronto, he waB admitted to the bar.
and began practice in Brantford in
1889. Two years later he moveri tn
Norwich, where he practiced until he
came to Oregon 12 years later. He was
aflrameo to the bar in this state in
1904. practicing in Woodburn until 1907.
when he moved to Salem, entering into
a partnership with John A. Carson.
Mr. Brown served a term an Mavnr
of Norwich, Ont., and also served a
term as member of the common coun
cil of that city. He was captain of
No. 5 Company, Oxford Rifles, for
seven years. Mr. Brown has been a
member of the Republican party since
coming to the United States, and
stands high in the party councils in
this county.
French Army Officer to Inspect
Steeds Monday.
Malheur, Harney, Grant and Union
Supply Animals Agent Now In
Kastern Oregon Field Plans
Purchase of 5000 Bead.
BAKER. Or.. Nov. 19. (Special.)
Turner, Bros., horse buyers, have
contracted for 600 head of horses in
various sections of northern Malheur
County, Harney County Grant County,
Union County and Baker County, es
pecially in the Burnt River and Mor
mon Basin sections. These horses will
be sent for inspection to Baker, where
a French army officer will go over
these and about 200 others, which will
be assembled here from nearby points
for inspection Monday, November 23.
The army officer now is at Lewlston,
Mont., where $85 is being paid for
cavalry and artillery horses.
Mr. Turner said today that between
$100 and $110 is being paid for horses
in the Baker field. A year ago, he
said, these same horses were bringing
about $45.
The requirements are that cavalry
horses shall be more than 15 hands
high, smooth and between the ages
of 5 and 11 years. Requirements
for artillery horses are more exacting,
horses of between 15 .nd 16 hands
only being accepted for that branch.
Robert Jones, agent for the French
government, who made the contract
with Turner Bros., now is going
through Eastern Oregon getting ad
ditional horses for the French army.
He expects to assemble about 6000
horses for floal shipment from Baker.
experience in full operation. Aside
from the proposed first-aid amendment
to provide medical attendance for in
jured workmen, none of the amend
ments will change any of the essential
features of the act. The original draft
of lha lan. Ti . .
V ,T,r , rrosiun contained a
.... a ciause wnicn tne Legislature
of 1911 eliminated, but it appears cer
tain that the amendment to be adopted
at the coming session will follow close
ly the lines of Mr. Preston's original
Labor Commissioner to Estimate
Number in Counties.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Labor Commissioner Holt, who soon
Will Issue his biennial report, will
estimate the population of Baker
County at 20,376 and Benton County
at 13.245.
It is his Intention to incorporate in
his report estimates of the popula
tions of all the counties. His method
of arriving at the figures is unque. It
is based upon the average school
census, attendance and enrollment in
the schools in 1913, when the last
census was taken by the Federal Gov
ernment, and that of the school de
partment for 1914.
He figures, for instance, if there
were 10,000 school children in a cer
tain county in 1910. and they had
parents, brothers and sisters totaling
8000, the scnool children this year, a
census of whom has been taken, must
have parents, brothers and sisters in
the same proportion as 1910
"I will admit it is an unusual
method of arriving at the figures," said
the Labor Commissioner, "but even
my enemies in the past have com
plimented me upon the correctness of
the work. It is a simple plan but a
good one."
Baker County's population- In 1910
was 18,076 and Benton's 10.666.
Workman Law Amendments Likely.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Attorney Harold Preston, of Seattle,
author of the Washington compensa
tion act, the first measure of Us kind
to be put Into operation by any state,
was called into conference by the In
dustrial Insurance Commission and Attorney-General
today on proposed
amendments to the law, made advisable
in the light of more than three years'
Idaho University Has New System.
Nov, 19. (Special.) The new system
of "hurry ups." recently adopted by the
university faculty is in vogue and Is
expected to prove highly satisfactory.
W hen a student drops behind in any
subject under the new system he is
sent a "reminder" at the end of the
week and talks over the deficiency with
the dean of his respective college. The
second time a warning is necessary it
is sent to his parents and then unless
the student makes a serious attempt
to catch up he is required to drop school
One hundred shade trees will be planted
by the Massachusetts Forestry Association
In cities or towns of 4000 population classes
which win prize contests tor excellence In
street tree planting.
art Schaffner & Marx
Clothes; well get you ready on short notice; and the style, the fit
- and price will be right.
Suits and Overcoats SI 8 to $35
Full Dress Suits $35 and up
You'll want the best in furnishings; see us about them; they're here
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for
Quality and Service
Northwest Corner
Third and Morrison
11 -vr 1
Canyrilht IUrt Sfh.f fnrt fcUazs
Statehouse Office Being Fur
nished for Governor-elect.
Dr.. "Withy combe Especially Anxious
to Familiarize Himself With State .
Institutions and Governor
Has Offered Help.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 19 (Special.)
Oregon soon will be In the unique posi
tion of having two Governors on the
job at the Statehouse. In accordance
with his promise made to Governor
elect Wlthycombe several days ago. Sec
retary of State Olcott, custodian of the
building, today began furnishing a
room for the use of the new executive
and his office force at tne Capitol until
January 11, when Governor West's term
will expire. .
Determined to give the people an
efficient administration. Dr. Withy-
combe announced a few days ago that
he would pass about a month in Salem
before his Inauguration, becoming fa
miliar with his duties. Governor West
promised to do everything in his power
to aid the incoming executive and Dr.
Withycombe said he would take advan
tage of the offer. He is especially de
sirious of familiarizing himself with
the state institutions, so that he will
know just how to proceed when he
takes office. The room selected for
the Governor-elect's temporary office
is one of the committee rooms attached
to the Senate chamber. Before the Su
preme Court building was erected and
when the Legislature was not in session
it was used as a meeting room by the
State Board of Control.
Dr. Wlthycombe is Oregon's first
Governor to be provided with an office
at the Statehouse before his inauguration.
" .V UIJUUILH. J li 111 OUV
ject. The annual meeting of the asso-
the new board of directors will decide
on the time of the fair.
One of the reasons for the proposed
extension is that the association ran
hoViinH in ( ti . 1 (1 1 A r I i
... w.? . . iiii cliiu iigure
something must be done to get out of
-1 V- .
U C 11 1
Field Agent Sterling, of the Gresham
Tn i r Allsniiillttnn . 1 1
. ,vss n-i-i tiivi i y umi
he had an order for 100 carloads of
tauuiBo, pui win not be able to sup
ply more than 10 r.r 19. ni.ln.j. v.i.
year, which will take practically all
the crop of Powell Valley for the pres
ent year. He believes the farmers will
be able to fill a larger order next year.
Hood rtlver Committee Wages Big
Campaign for Official.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Nov. 19 (Spe
cial.) A committee consisting of the
following citizens is making a system
atlc campaign to secure the appoint
ment of a roadmaster by the County
Court: E. O. Bianchar. Truman Butler.
S. A. Mitchell. Frank Cutler. J. E. Fer
guson, Gus Miller, Al W. Peters. Ralph
Root, W. E. Sherman, Charles Stein
hauser and O. L. Walters.
The committeemen, who are Cistrib
utlng postal cards through the county
to voters this week, call attention to
the fact that in most tasks requiring
engineering skill 10 per cent is set
aside to be used in payment for expe
rienced supervision. In the county
road affairs it Is estimated that super
vision can be secured for 5 per cent
of J45.000 per year, the sum spent on
Hood Klver Proposes Ordinance to
Keep Tobacco From Pupils.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. Nov. 19 (Spe
cial.) A petition circulated by mem
bers of the Parent-Teacher Association
and members of the City School Board
and signed by a major portion of the
city school patrons calling for an or
dinance to prohibit the use of tobacco
in any form by school children and
minors was referred last, night to the
City Council.
It Is alleged that the boys of the
local schools have been using tobacco
to an alarming degree, and the police
have been Instructed to see that the
state laws prohibiting the sale of to
bacco to minors are enforced. Japanese
merchants in the city are said to have
been the chief offenders.
Prosscr Druggist Drowns on Hunt.
PROSSER, Wash.. Nov. 19 (Special.)
Frank Hedger. of tne Prosser Pharm
acy, was drowned today in the Yakima
River. He had started with his two
companions, Mr. McKay and son. for
Richland on a duck hunt. About three
miles east of Prosser they got into an
undertow and the boat sank. Mr. Hed
ger took cramps and was unable to
reach shore. The body has not yet been
recovered. Mr. Hedger leaves a young
wife, a father and a mother. Dr and
Mrs. Hedger, of Kiona, Wash.
For weak kidneys take Bukola Tab
lets and be convinced of their su
periority as a kidney medicine. 25o
a box at all drug stores. Adv.
Mi iMJlMllMllMllMllMllMllMlSllM
. Developing
ud Enlarging.
The Owl Drug Co.
Broadway and Washington Sts.
Thin City.
Couple, Parson and Attendants Ne
groes in Ceremony.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 19. (Spe
cial.) Rice was the only thing white
about a wedding in tho County Com
missioners' room here Wednesday.
The bride, bridegroom, parson and the
witnesses were colored. Permission
was. obtained by members of the party
to throw rice at the couple. The bride
groom was Isador Maney, of Seattle,
and the bride, Margaret Cross, of East
Las Vegas, Mexico. Rev. J. Logan
Craw officiated.
Other licenses Issued today were: K.
A. Dillon and Mrs. H. J. Stewart, of
Portland; Earl S. Slack, of White Sal
mon, and Miss Laverta M. Brous, IT
years old, of Vancouver; Fergus B.
Cromlen and GieeMa Buntzel, of Lents,
Or.; Byrel Campbell, of Rainier, and
Lillian Townsend, of Oregon City;
Fred V. Spear and Ethelyn L. Miller,
of Portland; W. D. Briggs and Lizzie
C. Hoffman; Basillo Biano and, Angel
ina Greppi; Frank Howell and Ellen
Ritter, 17, of Portland; J. B. Linn and
Audrey Baker, of Estacada; Tillman
Wyrlck, of Tacoma. and Wilhelmlna A.
Boatman, of Oregon City; Homer M.
Osborn, of Lebanon. Or., and Mrs. Rella
M. McEwen, of Ridgefield. and Alfred
M. Jannsen, of Flavel, Or., and Ruby
McConnell. of Vancouver.
Claude , Snrber, 38, of East Wenat
chee. Has Financial Trouble.
WENATCHEE. Wash.. Nov. 19. (Spe
cial.) Claude Surber, of East Wenat
chee, went into the rear of his orchard,
sat down by an apple tree, placed a
revolver to his temple and killed him
self today. The pistol shot brought
neighbors, who quickly summoned
physicians, but death was instantane
ous. Brooding over both domestio and
financial affairs is blamed for the act.
Two years ago Surber and his wife
were divorced.
His father, J. W. Surber,.. lives in
this city. Surber was 38 years of age
and came to Wenatchee from Daven
port, Lincoln County.
Directors at Gresham Suggest Ej.
, tension to Get Out of Debt.
GRESHAM. Or., Nov. 19 (Special.)
The Multnomah County Fair Associa
tion directors are considering the plan
of extending the time of the annual
fairs held at this place from five to 10
days. H. A. Lewis, president of the
association, is in favor of the extension.
Other members of the association .nd
Parisian Ivory Reduced
Prices on Parisian Ivory that astonish. The quantity in which we
buy enables us to set prices that bring Parisian Ivory within the
reach of everyone.
Concave back, 11 rows bristles, a
brush which we have J?1 ff
always sold for $5; at pHtmJJ
Wide, flat back, 11 rows bristles,
former price $3.50,
Ring handle, 5ii-inch beveled-edge
glass, regular $3.00
Parisian Ivory Inkstands
The popular round shape puff box
with knob on top. 6V2- IJO 1 O
in. face, reg. $3, now P
Whisk Broom
Holder, 25c
Engraved any letter
Picture Frames
4x6-inch, plush back,
regular $2.25, spe
cial, 98
Nail File
Flexible, regular 50c,
special, 35
Owl Friday Specials
1-lb. box )C
75c size 4:OC
BATH SALT, - -f f
Regular J1.25 OcC
Prepared from fresh
Cod Livers. at
Lofoten Islands, Qfs
Norway OuC
Lathers freely OC
Genuine Fletcher's.. JLOC
Bottle... :..
A nourishing tonic,
made from malt
and hops
(Pacific Club), pints 28c
An excellent cough
medic ine. Money
back if not re-QO
"eved 0JC
Made in Portland.
(California). 1-
gallon bottle
ruiHFBIAN HAS- fkl
The flow ery fra
grance of . this last-OQ
ing perfume ....jQ,
1-4 Off on Photo Albums f
VI Vol., for coughs, colds and tf n ff
general debility bottle.. .. w A UU
- "Satisfaction in Everv
- -vvnij A r
m m im m mi m m mm m