ID AY, NOVE3IBER 20, 1914. 11 1 V V Very Greatest 3ii to the People of Oregon This is the building at Fifth and Couch Streets that has housed the immense wholesale stocks of theBaron-Fulop Co. STOCKS ON SALE NOW AT 104-106 THIRD ST. r ULOF znd's Greatest Wholesale Concerns) i ws Clothing, Furnishing Goods, r and Mighty v O O O O i) with tremendous overstocks on hand- rnnsori W thinsr and Furnishing- Goods stocks on the market Ledent or parallel in the annals of trade. A sale so I tne low prices at which they will be sold, that the fcf lect, just consider for a moment. The opportunity ugner ciass at savings tnat are marvelous. We lhird btreet, between Washington and Stark. tney go on sale, together with the People's stock, in until an stocks are sola, open Sat. until 10 P. M. ale at Absolute Mercliasiis Attention Out-of-town as well as local merchants are urged to come to this great sale AT ONCE, where merchandise in small or large quantities may be purchased at far below reg ular wholesale cost Special terms arranged with merchants with satisfactory rating. . ' ! LrtL'- ' t : ""-U i . I - J .' tit n ri 11 ft Hi S :. :T: ., J : .MwwSS';':'. Mail Orders Delivered Free to Out-of-Tovn People No Matter Where You Live You Must Share in This Sale In order that people from every nook and corner of the Northwest may share in this great sale, we make the offer to prepay all delivery charges. Get your neighbors and send in a big order together outfitting all the men folks and boys at the lowest prices ever known. Swatches of men's Suits and Overcoats will be mailed you on request, or we will express the garments out, C. O. P., subject to inspection troke of 9 A. M. Today, Friday, N ovember 20th Wholesale Firm That y of This Sale LOP CO. LOTHIERS Portland, Or., Nov. 19, 1914. p stocks on the market in such a breaking away from the resrular Kg forced to vacate our quarters at ontea by a condition that called ad our stocks. On account of a ur stocks are tremendous, and ve decided to close the entire pres- ng cost prices to the wholesale and mity to take over the Peonle's b deal, taking over the entire stock, wholesale stocks will ero on sal Signed) BARON-FULOP CO.. Per Nate Fulop, Vice-President. SuiitSo Overcoats s Now BLUES AND BLACKS INCLUDED Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Balmacaans of this season's newest creations. Thousands of garments are grouped to close out at this price, which is the average manufacturing cost. All of the wanted fabrics are represented, and no man, no matter how critical he is, can but be pleased with the tremendous as sortment The, garments are strictly man-tailored and fit to perfection. Every man, if he only realized the meaning of this offer, would start for the store now. Positive to $25.00 values. $5.00 Auto Coats a Fonderf ul and Unusual Sale Extra-$15 Raincoats for English Raincoats that sell regu larly for $15.00 are grouped to close in this great sale at one-third the regular price. ... $2 Men's Trousers, Pair A great lot of Men's $2.00 Work Trousers will be sold at less than one-half the reg ular price.. All sizes, while they last, at, the pair ,., , 85c pi .P,(W)1PIL $25 English Raincoats .Regular $25 English Raincoats in all sizes will be thrown on sale here, while they last, at this astounding price . ., This is almost giving these garments away. Choose from a great lot of Auto Coats, while they last, at this highly startling and sensational price 79 $5.00 Brown Hats $4 Corduroy Trousers at Men, buy a pair of Corduroy Trousers now at a price far under cost. A great lot of $4.00 Pants on saie cnoice, wniie tney last "We have grouped to close a great lot of Men's Brown Derby Hats. The styles are good, and those men wjio prefer brown to other colors will benefit. To $5 values 19 $3.00 Dress Shirts If You Have a Boy, Buy Clothing for Him Now! Overcoats Reg. to $8 (2 a Boys' Overcoats, ages 3 to 9 years, that are made to sell to $8.00, on sale now, choice . . . .$2.85 Overcoats Reg. to $15 $5.00 Young Men's Overcoats in ages 9 to 15 years, that are made to sell to $15, now, choice. Boys' Suits Reg. to $6 Boys' Suits, with one pair of Knickerbockers free, ages 7 to 15 years, resru- do tc lar $6, choice P Boys' Suits Reg. to $10 Just think of buying Dress Shirt3 that sold to $3 at such a price. The famous Manhattans are in cluded and all sizes are represented, while they last 55 $ 1 .50 Mixed Underwear Boys' Suits that are made to sell to $10 are grouped here to close at the 0 QC very low price. . .PO70 1ES tvhich is combined with Baron-Fulop's wholesale lerchandising. Nothing like it ever known before. 10 Th: 0 Between Washington and Stark Men's Wool and Cotton Mixed TTndprwear in hnih Shirts and Drawers that formerly sold at the Peo- S Tllft'lJ RfnTA tn 5fc1 SO is O-T-mi nor? r iilnca n ri str m the garment 50 $5.00 Sweater Coats en Now is the time to buy a Sweater Coat. They are here for men, women and boys. Choose from a great lot of $5.00 garments, while they last, choice S1.50 3S! 3t I; Si. II' tv ill h J; fi iS - -5 Sit, 9 J fi! trrifrriaiTniTwnw i iii hi 1 1 fin n miiaii l I, i- r-w t"bp' rur.