Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 19, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Oregon's contribution to aid starving
Belgians, the Albany Commercial Club
has appointed a committee, consisting
of C. H. Stewart, W. V. Merrill and G.
A. Flood. Many Albany people are
willing and anxious to contribute to
the fund,- and this committee will ban
die arrangements of collecting and
sending the supplies .donated.
Extraordinary Precautions
Defense Reported.
Base of Jfaval Operations Expected
to Be Removed Krm Present Lo
cation at Esqnlmalt to
Victoria Soon.
SEATTLE, "Wash., Nov. 18. (Special.)
Bringing news of the methods taken
to defend "Victoria, B. C, against Ger
man raids that would have been blue
penciled by the British Columbia cen
sor if offered by telegraph. J. W. Camp
bell, of Portland, Or., arrived here with
a lively description of the military ac
tivities of the British authorities.
While Esquimalt is at present the
base of the naval operations of His
Majesty's officers on the Coast, he said
Victorians .believe that the base will
be changed soon to that city, in view
of the fact that drydocks and other
accommodations, for many years in
active and now being overhauled, are
located there. Mr. Campbell says:
"Three cruisers In the vicinity, mines
In the harbor, lookout cruisers and
scout boats patrolling the shores and
constant communication with observers
at the southernmost border of Can
ada are considered ample protection by
the Victorians against any attack by
the Germans.
"All the valuables of the seacoast
towns in Canada have been sent to in
terior points for safe-keeping and the
residents are keeping their households
in such a condition that evacuation
could be accomplished in a short time
if necessary. Kvery able-bodied man
in the province is passing all his spare
time at the excellently-equipped rifle
range, learning to use the army gun.
"The women of Vietorla are active in
preparing clothing for soldiers on the
Continent. Women on streetcars and
at afternoon teas can be seen with
knitting needles In hand."-
Battered ' and Bruised AVJtness Tells
Story of .Attack, and Robbery.'
FergniiOB Yet in Jail.
KOSEBUna, Or., Nov. 18. (Special.)
"This is without doubt the most
cold-blooded case that ever has come
to my attention," said Judge Hamil
ton this afternoon when he sentenced
Kay Bunch, confessed assailant of
Frank Kuhn, of Loon Lake, to life
imprisonment in the state penitentiary.
The prisoner appeared unmoved by
the sentence and retired from the
courtroom quietly In the custody of
the officers.
Prior to passing sentence District
Attorney Brown interrogated Mr. Kuhn
at the request of Judge Hamilton. He
recited in detail the circumstances con
nected with the assault and subse
quent robbery. Mr. Kuhn's face and
head are terribly bruised and it was
with difficulty that he reached Rose
burg. Bunch, together with six other pris
oners, all convicted by District Attor
ney Brown during this term of court,
will be taken to the penitentiary to
morrow. James Ferguson, who is In Jail here
charged with receiving $400 of the
money taken from the Kuhn home,
from Ray Bunch, will be held pending
developments. Ferguson was employed
as guard over Bunch at Gardiner.
John Hanks, of Glendale, charged
with selling liquor to a minor, was
fined $50 and his license was revoked.
J. C. Hamilton, charged with forgery,
was .sentenced to a term of from two
to 20 years in the penitentiary, while
James Kenney, held on an immoral
charge, was sentenced to a term of
from one to five years. Court ad
journed late today.
Scholars Plan to Save Movie Money
and Carfare to Boy Goods for ISO
Dresses and Other Garb.
E0GENE, Or., Nov. 17. (Specials
One hundred and fifty dresses, pajamas
and underclothing for the suffering
Belgians are being made by the stu
dents of the Eugene High School, who,
this morning, on their own initiative,
turned the weekly assembly hour into
a discussion of methods for aiding
those in the war zone. The students
resolved to give up one moving pic
ture show or one carfare and spend
the money for the purchase of outinir
flannel -with which the garments are
to be made. Nearly 400 yards of ma
terial will be purchased.
Miss Carrie Pym, instructor in do
mestic arts, will direct the sewin
of the garments. The girls will be
allowed to sew certain times In school
hours, and sewing classes after school
will be held. It is proposed to raise
from $25 to $50 for materials and from
100 to 150 garments will be made.
The work is similar to that being
carried on all over the city by the
church and club wbmen banded as the
Christmas War Relief Association.
Tomorrow morning every student In
the high school expects to bring five
cents as his share of the cost of the
"It's only half the price of one
'movie' or one carfare," declared one
of the student orators. -
State Land Board Ignores Protest ot
Engineer as to Project.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 18. (Special.)
Over the protest of State Engineer
Lewis, the State Desert Land Board, to
day decided, to ask the United States
Government to patent to settlers about
11,000 acres of land in the Central Ore
gon Canal district of the Central Ore
gon irrigation project. Mr. Lewis de
clined to approve the plan because, he
said, the company could not deliver as
much water as its contract provided.
A petition signed by numerous set
tlers asked that the request be made.
The contract provides that 1.8 acre feet
of water be delivered every 90 days,
and Mr. Lewis said because of seepage
not nearly that much could be deliv
ered. It was, however, declared, that
enough water to grow ordinary agri
cultural crops could, be delivered and
the other members - of the Board
thought the settlers had the right to
title to the land.
Marslifield Saloon Patrons Say Sup
posed Porter Robbed Tills.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.) James O'Brien, who was arrest
ed last night on the charge of -robbing
tne Bohemian bar of $87, was given
a preliminary hearing before Justice
Pennock today. He was bound over- to
the December grand Jury in the sum of
O'Brien is said to have assumed the
role of a swamper after entering' the
saloon, and saloon patrons who say they
saw him rob the cash registers and
put the money in his pockets notified
the police. O'Brien had been working
on railroad construction work north of
Coos Bay.
Albany to Aid Belgians, Too.
ALB ANT, Or Nov. 18. (Special.)
To devise plans for securing a local
appropriation of money and food for
Citizenship Applicants Heard and
Divorce Case Continued.
CATHLAMET, Wash.. Nor. 18. (Spe
cial.) Superior Court convened here
today with Judge E. H. Wright on the
bench. Examiner Henry B. Hazard
examined 13 applicants for citizen
ship. Seven were rejected. Ten divorce
cases are on the docket.
The case of Kstelle McNemar, of Port.
land, against J. W. McNemar, also of
Portland, to set aside, the decree of
divorce granted more than a year ago
this county, was continued until
Wednesday. Mr. McNemar has re
married and the first Mrs. McNemar
contends the divorce was obtained
without her knowledge.
A mother s pension of $25 a month
was granted to the widow of Edward
Groves, who was drowned a week ago.
Mrs. Groves has three small children.
the youngest only two weeks old.
Man Who Acts as Own Attorney Con
victed in Five Minutes.
ROSEBURG, Or, Nov. 18. (Special.)
Pleading guilty to charges of bur
glary, in connection with the robbery
of the store, of Walter Kent at Drain,
about a week .ago, Jacob Krelger,
Henry Bowen and Henry Haley were
sentenced today to indeterminate terms
of from one to seven years in the State
J. C. Hamilton was convicted by a
jury on a charge of forgery. He acted
as his own attorney. The Jury was
out less than five minutes.
James Kennedy was convicted of im
The Circuit Court adjourned today
until Monday, when Judge Calkins, of
Medford, will arrive in Roseburg to try
number of actions in which Judge
Hamilton is disqualified to preside.
Dallas Lodge to Entertain Many
Pythians on Saturday.
DALLAS. Or.; Nov. 18. (Special.)
Saturday night is to' be a red letter day
in the history of Marmion Lodge, No.
96. Knights of Pythias of this city. At
that time, the hordes from all over the
state will gather here to take a trip
across the burning sands.
The Portland. Temple, Dramatic Or
der Knights of Khorassan, the great
side degree of the Knights of Pythias
order, is coming to Dallas to put on
the work of this order. From Salem,
Albany. Corvallis, Eugene. Independ
ence, Falls City, McMlnnville, Carlton
and North T-amhill many tyros may
come. A monster parade is being ar
ranged, and the ceremonies will be fol
lowed by a banquet. Dallas is prepar
ing a royal welcome for the visiting
Restraining Injunction by Saloon
Men Denied in OircuU Court.
DALLAS, Or., Nov. 18 (Special.)
After January 1 Dallas will be dry. This
finally was determined by a decision of
the Circuit Court for Polk County to
day in a complaint filed on behalf of
the saloon men asking for an injunc
tion to restrain the county officials
from issuing the order of prohibition.
Attorneys for the saloon men asked for
10 days in which to file a new com
plaint, but it is doubtful If further
action will be taken.
Dallas voted dry at the recent elec
tion by a majority of 129, under the
local option laws. Though several
errors and irregularities in the ejection
were pointed out in the complaint of
the saloon men conducting the election.
Judge Holmes held them to be imma
Business Houses Will Close During
Funeral of Charles E. Huson.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial. jnanes E. Huson, 72 years old,
veteran of the First Wisconsin Cavalry
in the Civil War, died here at his home
last night from an illness of seven
Mr. Huson was a member of the real
estate firm of Huson oc Dever, and had
lived here for 25 years.' .The business
houses will close tomorrow morning
during the funeral, which will take
place under the auspices of John C.
Fremont l ost. Grand Army of the Re
public. Interment will be In this city.
Bert Huson, a son, who lives in Port
land, arrived last week, and his daugh
ters also were with him when ha died.
Withdrawal of Candidate for Speaker
Makes Connor Sure.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 18. State
Representative Elmer E. Halsey, of
Asotin County, withdrew as candidate
for Speaker of the lower bouse of the
Washington Legislature today, and
this, tt was said vt a meeting of Wash
ington legislators, here, insured the
election of W. W. Connor, of Skagit
uounty, as ispeaaer.
The members of the Legislature at
tending the conference conceded that
Senator Oliver Hall, of Whitman Coun
ty would be elected President pro tern.
of tne senate.
at Hotel Gearhart "By-the-Sea." Play
goir. swim in ivataiorlum. Round
trip to guests $3.00. Reservation 100 H
Fourth. Jf none main 1293. Adv. -
St I
i i jr e i -mil jr t i
h2)f I MIT . 01 fl)
a w J mm t aw -vw v a arYawBavaaBaaaa
Reason for the
About a year ago we started here
in Portland at great expense a
clothing factory in which we
have been turning out a large
amount of Suits, Overcoats and
Pants. We figured that we could
use about one-half our output in
our own retail stores, the balance
we endeavored to sell at wholesale
to other merchants. An extremely
dull season has made it impossible
for us to sell anywhere ' near the
amount' of good3 we could manu
facture and the result has been
to pile up clothing until we now
have fully $100,000 more goods on
hand than we should have at this
time of the year.
(Signed) J. L. BOWMAN,
Owner Brownsville Woolen Mill
Store and J. L. Bowman & Co.
In my two Portland Stores I
will give the pick and choice
without reserve of any Suit
mor Overcoat for only
The Regular Prices at Which We Have Been Selling the Same
Suits and Overcoats Are $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00
Remember, any man can come into either of these two stores and pick out any Suit or Overcoat that he desires, paying only the
nominal price of $15. This is a good chance to get a real bargain a $30 garment for $15 just half price. Men who have
traded here well know the quality of our clothing and our method of telling the truth and being on the square. Come to this
sale as soon as possible; it's the biggest clothing, event we have ever held.
I Our Pants Factory Closed Down
Our Pants Factory
has been compelled
for lack of orders to
close down, leaving
over 7000 pairs of
pants on our hands.
Remember, starting
today you can take
any pants you desire
paying only $3.00
Worsteds, tweeds and
cassimeres in almost
any desired color and
pattern are here to
choose from. Match
up the old Suit and
maybe it will do the
balance of the season.
uits to Orcies' Dur
ing Factory Sale
$25, $30, $32.50 and $35 Woolens to Choose From
To keep our shops running and use up what we -can of a $25,000 stock
of domestic and imported woolens we will make to order the pick and
choice without reserve any one of 50 different styles of these fine woolens
at only $20 this includes first-class work by Union Tailors. Come as soon
as you can into either of these two stores and have your measure taken,
two of our best cutters are working on city orders and they can both
please and satisfy you.
oys' Soits ' During
Factory Sale
They Are Regular $4.50, $5, $5.50 and $6 Suits
That the boys, as well as men, may share in this sale we have decided to
make a grand cut on a big lot of Boys' Suits, ranging in prices up to $6.00
at $3.85. It will pay to fit the boys out for a year to come, as no price like
this to our knowledge has ever been made in Portland. With each Boy's
Suit we will give a valuable and useful Xmas present.
rownsvilSe Woolen IVtill Store
Come to
Either of These
Two Stores.
Please Note" the
Third and Morrison Streets
owman & Co,
Third and Stark Streets
Come to
Either of These
Two Stores.
Please Note the
"From. the Sheen's Back to Your Back and No CnHrm AjJA ; -it TVTxUri
. vawv urn. luaiuxiu ,
ft i-i
sa ?.
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