le THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TTTTTRSDATt NOVEMTJEIt 19, 1914. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. NKW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $160 $2150 $2160 $2150 $2X50 Worth $3uu0; must sell tor $2150. We can't keep It- Well built, warm and cozy, strictly modern, o rooms, bath, reception hall, attic, sleeping porch, 2 light, airy bedrooms, elegant fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, beamed celling, Dutch kitchen, numerous built-in con veniences, standard pRimbingr complete, beautiful electric fixtures, full 7-ft. con crete basement with cement floor; vast front lot with 10-ft. alley, 1 block from car; attractive front and rear porch; very artistic home ; terms. OWNER, 1U09 E. 28TH N". ALBERTA CAR TO 28TH, TUEX 1 BLK SOUTH. OR PHONE OWNER. SELLWOOD 75. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, Near 00th and Hawthorne. Price tt73o: cash required, $200; new S-room bunealow with attic and base ment, built by day for home; ail built-in conveniences, restricted district, view over all the city, larse trees on lot; dissolving partnership, enables me to give bis bar gain; no humbusrs. but good jjooas; cheat) to responsible buyer. See Mr. Wel le r. owner, 50th st. and Hawthorne ave., in little office. Day. Tabor night. Tabor 2642. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING: PLANS FREE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW -HOW. TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS, SEE OUR WORK. WILL O VK BONDS. L. xt. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLIHI. 6-ROOM bungalow that was built for com fort and convenience; oak floors in living and dining-rooms, Dutch kitcnen finished in white enamel, cement floor in base ment, large front porch. 50x100 lot two blocks from car. If you see this you will stop looking: $2300, $100 cash, $22.50 per month, including interest. Owner and builder AP 307, Oregonian. A-liOOM bungalow, hardwood in both liv ing and dining-rooms ; rest of the floors scraped and oiled, modern built-in con veniences. If you want something nice, this will please you, aud the price is only 2300, terms to suit. We sell our own property. Come in and see us. BASE LINE LAND CO., 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $25 DOWN. Own a little home, don't rent; $1250, partly furnished 8-roost house In Kenton and o lots; east front; payments $5 month ly and interest if you are a safe risk. ELMER S. SHANK, Ry. Exchange. Main 2113, A 1735. WILL make someone an attractive price and terms on my last bungalow, consist ing of 5 large rooms, modern built-in con veniences, oak floors, attractive electric fixtures, full size lot, two blocks from car and grocery store; I really want to sell; If you are Interested, answer this ad. Owner and builder. AO 307, Oregonian. HAWTHORN DISTRICT. Muat sell at once my beautiful brand new 6-room house; modern and every built-in convenience; on a corner; will cell at cost; will take Ford or a good building lt as first payment. Call owner. Tabor 5483. MT. TABOR DISTRICT $2200. 4-room California bungalow; Dutch kitchen, stationary tub and built- tin features, cement sidewalks in and paid for; $50 cash and balance monthly; will take lot or acreage up to $000. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE Modern 9 -room residence on one of the most attractive quarter clocks in the city; beautiful foliage and excel lent surroundings; one b.ock. from Holla dav Park on northwest corner Hassalo and Kast loth. See Mr. Bales, owner, 301 Yeon bidic.. lor further details. TWO PIEDMONT HOMES. 1203 AND 12S7 RODNEi' AVHJ. Both good, but one is the finest and mofit Impressive in this distinctive district. Attractive prices and terms. Builder, owner, phone O 219S. 11. F. Gallirnoie. Fine lot. $1000. hW, SWELL HOME $3650 $100 CASH, 7 ROOMS RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms, large double living-room, ele gant plate gtu.ES buffet, owlt flours ; 20 minute to city. Phone Tabor 1900. ROOMS and sleeping porch, on East 2:th ft., thoroughly modern, street Improve ments In. two blocks from the car, is a bargain at 37M. Will accept a clear lot up to $1000. C. M. Derr, 1100 North western Bank bldg. DO YOU FIT In your present home? If not, let's see if )ou won't fit in my new, modern home la Laurelhurst on which I am forced to sac rifice. Easy terms. Thone J. Delahunty, Main l&0o, A 1515. $ST5. $40 CASH. $5 per month, buys a nice 2 -room cottage with a large view tract. West Side, only 20 minutes' car r.de,-"tc fare, city water, best buy in. Portland. M. K. Lee, uOT Corbett bids. FOR SALE Four-room house with lot 55 by 177. at 4325 73d st. S. E., FirJand Sta tion, Mount Scott carilne. A good bargain lo cash buyer. For sale by owner. A V 371, Oregonian. WILL sacrifice fine 8-room house, corner lot. on E. Yamhill, walking distance; big snap at $5oo, $."00 down and $25 per mouth. Owner. 171 East 2Ud. Phone E. PS-IS. . LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lots or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOMEBUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bauk Bldg. NEW, modern 12-room house, Irving ton; block. Phone East 2 432. R. B. Rice. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carilne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshu.ll 1585 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. FINE 21-acre suburban home, 6 miles from business center on Section Line road ; finely improved; 6 acres fruit aud berries; city water; will sell or trade. Kaste Bros., 618 Henry bldg. For Sale Business Property. SOUTH PORTLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY $0000. Fine corner, large store building, and rooms overhead; street Improvements paid for; unincumbered; exchange for small farm same value or less. Fred W. Ger man Co., 114 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Acreage. WEST SIDE ACREAGE BARGAINS. 10 acres. 3 V miles Courthouse, 4 acres In cultivation: $4500. half cash. 2.05 acres. i mile Raleigh station; 7c fare, half cleared; 12ao, $250 cash. U acres. mile Greenburg and Tlgard. level, rich land; $1050, half cash. 8.72 acrs, mostly beaverdam. good creek, all but one acre In cultivation, M mile station, snao price $350 per acre, will ell half If desired. 10 acres. 1 mile Tualatin on main road, 5 acres in cultivation, a bargain at $2750. a"ood terms. 5 acres cleared. 4. mile Hermann sta tion, for bargain price $1250, $250 cash. J. G. RAINEY, 1304 Yeon bide. Marshall 3177. ACREAGE, 1. 2. S and 10-acre tracts, 30 min ute s out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters fare, very best of soil, water and community conven iences; $126 to $600 per acre, on in stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 36. 102 4th St. A 3500. RAISE CHICKENS. 4 lots BOxlOQ, 1 lot 60x200, all In one piece; good 6-room house, chicken-house, 48 choice chickens, plenty fruit, chicken fence; a snap for $6i0. At edge of town. D. W. WHITLOW, WOODLAND, WASH. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chickens and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 6 acres . $400, $500 $700; 3 acres $600, $700; 10 acres $760, $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., to $100 per acre. FRANK M'B A R LAND REALTY CO. 209 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 12 ACRES BOTTOM LANC, $1250. 30 MILES OUT. Ad.lofns small town, lies along gravel road and R. R., creek crosses tract, fine rich soil, about 1 acre cleared, balance burned over ready for clearing; only takes $200 cash, balance terms to suit at 6 er cent. J. B. RULEY CO.. 923 Cham, of Com. 160 ACRES, 35 acres cultivated, house, barn, outbuildings; a dandy stock ranch, 3 miles from R. R. town; only $25 an acre, $7o0 handles It. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 204 Failing Bldg. TIGARD ROAD GARDENS. 2, 8 and 4-acre tracta, all in cultivation, B mln. walk to station, $360 to $460 per acre; easy terms; only 6 tract left. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. ACREAGE for platting at Astoria and War renton; some good buys; active market for lot; I will plat and sell addition for you. R. L. Yoke. 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. Bommteadi. DOUBLE your money 152 acros, at $10 per acre, in LaKo county, 6 mile from R R. survey ; R R. Is now belne built west from Vale. The coming country of West. Must have money; $50O down balance terms. Afi 875 Orefoniajx, REAL ESTATE. Homestead. HOMESTEADS and relinquishments under me xsuiiy cretK. irrigation project in Mal heur County; rich opportunities Write jonnson & lregasKia, vaie, ur. WANTED Two more parties to join me In taking homestead; good valley land. Call apt. uo, LaiubrooK Apts., aster a Jr. M. B 349y. Hiil CAN be homesteaded or timber claimed, on river, near coast : n.OuO.Ooo Euarinteed $365. Marshall 141. tUG uregonian blue. Jt'or Sale Fruit Lands FOR SALE at about half price. Hood River apple rancn; tine buildings; $15u0 will nanuie tnis. AN 4U, Uregonlan. For Halts -Farms. S12 PER ACRE. 223 acres, In Benton Co., 3 miles from railroad station, 1 miles from new rail road now building about 30 acres been cultivated, lies roiling, no waste, several springs, poor building, plenty of pasture, would make ideal stock ranch ; owner must nace money quick, $l;tH cash, baL & years, 6 per cent; no trade. UODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark St. FARM AND STOCK. 140 acres, oractitaily all tillable, 43 now cultivated, rest pasture with little timber; 4 v. miles on gravel road from valley railway station, close to store and school, eood 8-room house and barn with spring water piped, 3 horses, 11 cattle, 12 sheep. hOKS. chickens and pees, farm ma chinery. 15 tons hay and grain; $55 an acre. D. McChesney. Title &. Truat bldg. 10 AND 15-acre tracts, cleared, in grass; genuine beaverdam. not overflow land; ood bulldinsr sites : spring water, local market, district built up; line transporta tion. We will furnish cattle and lumber; you can make money from start ; every inducement offered to reliable and ex perienced farmers; easy terms. 527 Cor beU bids. Marshall 1:50. EASTERN OREGON DAIRY FARM, situate in the fertile bottom-land dis trict near PrinevtUe; irrigated, stocked . with dairy cows, farm machinery, equip ment and livestock, pays $2700 yearly, has unusual advantages. Ideal In every resDect. $.iji00 down, balance can be ar ranged: honestly a bargain. Address Box ill. Prineville. Or. 1K2-ACRE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. Near Forest Grove: 125 under plow, 25 acres hops, balance oak and piling timber; trout creek; eight-room house; hot and cold water; , two barns; graveled road; some trade, balance terms. Owner, Wm. Johnson. D27 Chamber of Commerce. FROM OWNER. 60 -acre farm, with stock and crop, 4 miles from the new Clackamas Southern R. R. ; on main county macadamised road, on Clark road; $4000, $1500 down 6 per cent interest to suit you. Peterson box 24. route 4. Oregon City. 10 ACRES garden land, near R. R. station, cow chickens, pigs and lumber for house and barn, price Siaou. only $4O0 cash and lonpr-time yearly payments on balance; market for everything; plenty of work in the vicinity. Ackley, 304 Failing "bldg. 23 ACRES on Oregon Electric, all in culti vation and hlehlv improved; $4-"00; trade for larger farm and assume to $7CK0; just the nlace for a retiring rancher. Ackley, 204 Failing bldg. 131-ACRE dairy and stock ranch, bldgs. new running water, close to school, town and church; price $3000 for Quick sale, $1000 cash, bal. long time mtgs. Phone Mar shall 31)41. 603 Oregonian bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATR. WANT good residence, $14,000 to $20,000; must be clear, will give in exchange free and clear. close-in. Heights property, most attractively situated in high-class surrDundinss. Address owner, E 405, Ore jroniau. WANT to trade Portland property for sev eral hundred acres good wheat land; Sher man County or nearby preferred. Van duyn & Walton. 615 Chamber of Com. WANTED H acre, fenced, small house, chlcken-houpe, good water and soil; 9c coin, fare; $450 cash. 407. Oregonian. WANTED Modern house with 4 bedrooms, lot COxlOO, about $4.U0, in Sunnystde. Call 414 Corbett bldg, 5th and Morrison. $100 CASH 10 acres near Roseburg, valu $r00: lot wanted. Alberta district pre ferred, stjg Alberta st. WILL buy sellers contract under $600 on clear property. Phone East 6074. FOR REM FARMS. FARM for rent; G acres clear land, all suitable for cultivation; 7-room house, 2 barns, milk house, chicken house, shed; one hour's riae from Portland, 14 trains daily: boat landing on farm. Inquire 260 25th at. N.. cor. Northrup. 44-ACRE farm near Newberg. Dartlv set to fruit; considerable open range; creek flows across the farm; will give cheap rent to me rignt party, see owner, bl2 Piatt bldg. SMALL farm, suitable dairy and chicken raising; 10'mlles from Portland, near Ore gon ijity. bee owner, 262 Clay St., cor. 3d. room 6. Call bet. 3 and 6 P. M. Main 7808. RENT free in exchange for personal serv ice. 100 acres In Grant County, Washing ton; part under irrigation. E. F Gllstrap, 12U0 Wilcox bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR RENT $15 mo., ell on easy terms, 10 acre farm, with good house. 3&3 East 11th st. Phone East 6o89. Mrs. Rooklidge. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. STUMPAG E -u00 cords ilrst-growth fir tim ber, 75 cents per cord; tributary to Port land market. E. J. GE1. R, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE i;;4.7i acres Kocfd land ; saw mill, planer; koo1 timber at a bargain; paying good profits; will accept some trade. AV 203. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. FARMS WANTED. MAN with small family wants place equipped and stocked to run on shares, one Miat will support from lUj to 20 cows; reference. G. W. C, box lu. Castle Rock, Wash. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. A CATTLE buyer wants to rent, with view of buying, a farm; must be on a railroad and have buildings suitable for that pur pose; eive full particulars. AH 408, Ore Ionian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FREE AND CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCES. Modern 6-room house and furniture, lo cated on Mason St., between Union anil Williams ave., worth $3600. to trade for a good lot. Pearson, 82$ Morgan bid,?. WANT home in Alameda district up to $15,- vuu; ni&L payuieiii mce, ciear irvington. O. W. Bryan, 500 Cham, of Com, Main 11XJ3. HIGHLY Improved S0-acre farm with bullr ings, ail under the ditch, worth $7000, to trade for city realty. Wliloughby, t2H Mor gan bldg. HAVE 7 houses, clear, also some vacant property, some cath ; ail or part to ex change for improved farm at cosh basis; owners only. M 408, Oregonian. TWO houses, ifc lots, 15 acres of land, to tal value $S7000: my equity tii.700 ; will trade for an apartment-house or a lot oa West Side, close in. AN 408," Oregonian. AN experienced harnessmaker will trade two unincumbered lots in Multnoman County, worth $1500, for like Interest in harness shop. AM 392, Oregonian. EXCHANGE 5-9 acres at Clackamas, good improvements, and some cash for farm, SO acres or niore. between Portland and Se attle. C 408. Oregonian. $1050 EQUITY in good 6-room house, lot &3xl0t, one block from car, exchange for vacant lots or business. COS Commercial block. HAVE unimoroved. free and clear, acreage and city property to exchange for good farm uo to $00,000; will not assume. AD 400. Oregonian. WILL exchange $11,000 Umbdenstock & Lar son homebuilders stock for unimproved city property or good Oregon farm. G 40i, Oregonian. LARGE, modern residence, quarter block; exchange equity of $5000 for acreage or Vallev farm. L K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. WHAT have von to trade for 320 acres of land in wheeler County, $25 per acre, cov ered with yellow nine. X 40j, Oregonian. $30,000 TO $40,000 In acreage, close in. for Valley ranch; improved. N 408, Orego nian HOUSE or acreage as first payment on my nice home farm; well stocked, also farm implements. AN 406, Oregonian. TO TRADE Poolroom, confectionery, cigars and tobacco for liaht auto and some cash, or will sell chean for cash. Tabor 3079. FRACTIONAL acre with small house, lota fruit, chicken-house, etc.; want 4 or 5 room bungalow closer In. Main 1955. TO exchange, two beautiful Laurelhurst lots, clear, for modern bungalow; prefer West Side or Irvington. J 394, Oregonian. I HAVE a good player piano" toTxchanje for a horse weighing 1300 lbs. C 4o5, Oregonian. S1O0 CASH 10 acres nar Roseburg. value $500: lot wanted. Alberta district pre ferred. b6S Alberta st. NON-RESIDENT owning fine resident lot on waved street will exchange for dia monds.' AK 406. Oregonian. SO ACRES, val. $2500, clear, you? East 4213, No amenta, Wliai have TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE. Who has lO to 12 acres of very good improved land, close to Portland at about $500 to $600 per acre that they will trade for good city. West Side prop erty? THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bfdg. Marshall 3718, A 291. - STOCII AND WHEAT RANCH. Eastern Oregon, 400 acres, plenty water, 85 acres bottom land, 85 acres , alfalfa now, house, barn, all the stock and machinery at $25 per acre, free and clear; want small improved pixice in val ley ; we don' t want inflated, stuff or equities. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 723 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade for 1-ton auto truck, chicken and hog ranch, three blocks from depot, 2 acres- land, 4-room house, good cellar, smoke-house, 2 chicken-houses ana chicken-yards, barn for five head stock, all good improvements, rent for $1200 per -year; city water, used at present for jiugs, cnicK.en.s anu cows, a a a r ess cox. i, Condon. Or. Gilliam County. 154 ACRES, fine, large, new buildings, stock and implements, a real value of $ii00 ; mtg. of $3000 on land, due in 3 years at 7 per cent; will sell part oauh or trade equity for good, modern residence in good district; property must be good and worth money or no attention given. AP oof, oregonian. EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS. We have over 2000 properties In all parts of Oregon and Washington to trade. Bring In your TRADES, we can match you. UUK SPECIALTY IS TRADING. 22 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 18-61 Yeon bldg. Main 48-1. WANTED LAURELHURST LOT. I have a new. modern, well-built, house. located In the very heart of Laurelhurst on which I will accept a. clear Laurel hurst lot or good mortgage as first pay ment, traaing on cash basis, balance easy terms. Phone F. C. Clements, Main 1&U3, A 1515. NOTICE. , I have 7-room house, all clear of In cumbrance. value $a300. to trade for s-room house with 4 bedrooms and sleep ing porch located in Washington High School district; will pay difierence in cash. -Call 650 Ptttock blk. RELINQUISHMENT to ltto acres, d m:ies .fine, or. ; rtu acres clear, bal. wooaea, lies fine, no waste or rock. In a beautiful country between forks Deschutes River; $400 cash or take good lot. AP 390, Ore gonian. 160 ACRES irrigated land, near Redmond, Or.; I'M acres cultivated; paid water right, good buildings, fine alfalfa and hog ranch; incumbrance 51 000. 6 per cent; want good cltv oronertv or Valley farm. Owner, at Hotel Arthur. MICHIGAN property for sale or exchange; lill acres land, level and rolling; has some white pine, cedar and hardwood. For par ticulars address 18; Bancroft ave, phone Marshall 3082. Portland, Or, A FINE Improved Idaho stock and grain ranch for Portland income property; the ranch im well located, best of soil, good water right, fairly waU improved and profitable. T. M. NIchoI, Caldwell, Idaho. OWNERS ONLY. Will accept mortgage, good lot or Ford automobile and $50 as first payment on 6-room cottage in Peninsula Add.. baL mortgage 8-per cent. M 407, Oregonian. WHAT have you in city property, business blocks. aot.-houses. houses and lots or vacant lots to trade fo farm land 7 See me this week at 6"o Plttotfk blk. ' TO KXCHAXGE MISCELLANEOUS. BIG KALE will be held at Transfer Livery Barn, Gresham. Or., Wedntsday, Nov. 25; hone as. cows, wagons and' harness to be sold to hlfehest bidder. SEPARATOR S3 by 56 to exchange for sim ilar machine or trade for an engine L. Siegenthaler, 2S2 2d St., Portland, Or. WEBER pianola piano for clear Iota. Ii-387, Oregonian, FOR SALE. 14oree, Vehicle. Harness t ttc. TEAM of young horses, weight 2800 1 bs., and will weigh it; are true to pull and gentle- in any or all ways; set of hand made harness, all like new, $225. Also team, horse and mare, weight 2U85 lbs., are 6 years old and no older, will work any place you want them to and have no tricks or vics in or out of stable; set heavy box loop harness with collars they have always worn, low price of $h5. One pair of mares, full sisters, weight 2050 lbs., and are best of workers, and a pair of proven brood mares that will do your work and raise a pair of colts each year, set of good heavy harness, all at low price of $50. Also a new wide tire larm wagon complete with box and seat and a tingle farm, wagon at very low prices. In spection invited. Call ll'i N. 11th st. We have replaced with auto trucks. MARE AT $45 Nice, handsom ll&O-lb. bay mare, drives single or double and rides, gentle in or out uZ stablu; also a big, fat black horse, weight 2A) lgs., good worker In all harness. Price $G0. One 1400-lb. horse, true to pull and is young, suitable for any business. Price $12o. One nice small team of mares, best of workers sin gle or double and ride; suitable for small ranch, good double harass, all at low price of 9'jQ. One farm wagon (ttu de baker), like new, poie and shafts; price for both One heavy farm gear, wide tires, good condition and complete at low pricofl $-i0. Also one heavy farm wagon with long box, wide tires, fine shape, at only Two saddles and bridles at $15 each. Two sets single harness at your own price. Come ana look. Union Trans fer Stables. Utb at Hoyt st AUCTION SALE Of horses, etiiclnm and harness at Colum bia Stables, H02 Frout St., every Thursday at 2 :&o. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. It you want to buy, attend this sale. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strictly commission siablea in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co.. 240 E. 8th. East tcllb. HORSES and wagons for rent or sale; we do furniture and expressing at oc per hour. A Ford delivery car in good shape for sale. East 72, B 16&J. Hawthorne Avenue Stable, 4J0 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE cheap, 1 team of young horses, weighing H7UO lbs. ; one young horao, weighing 14x lbs. ; one first-class driving horse, weighing 1100 lbs.; one small hord weighing luoO lbs. 22ti Russell st. TEAM, weight 2100. 8 years old, little street aore. short time on ranch will be as good as new: Sllu. Call at Olson Ice Co. barn, 207 Kast 8th st. SEVERAL nice mules will be sold at the auction sale on Thursday at Columbia Stables, 302 Front st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. I. Cohen, o8l Water st. Main Z2vn. Main 6jo. DEAD horses and cattle taken away freo. Tabor 4203. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. ALL kinds of musical instruments excep tionally low prices. U2U Lurubex Ex. blui;., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Piano, in any condition, for cash. AN 402, Oregonian. - WANTED Player piano; will pay cash if reasonable. AP 4uS, Oregonian. Automobiles. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices, $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR i'AR CO., Studebaker Bunding, Corner Chapman and Alder St. MICHIGAN 5-passenger, 1912 model, fully equipped, tires 80 per cent new, car in ' beet of condition mechanically, price $400, S200 cash, balance $23 month; no trades. Call after 9 o'clock. 3t9 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE or exchange. seyen -passenger Cole 50. 1913 model, in apparent perfect condition; two extra tires; cash or In come beariner real estate equal exchange. Address AM 403. Oregonian. FOR SALE 1914 6-cyllnder car, only driven 3600 milea, cost new $2200, Gray & Davis electric estem, everything the best; will make price right for immediate sale. Phone Marshall oo. TAKE-DOWN portable garages erected un your lot complete with lock and key; price 37.EO uo. Take-Down Garage Mfg. Cp.. Main 571Q. A 6035. Foot of Harrison sX CONTRACT your renairing to Broadway Garage; no risk or overcharge; work guar- anteed; motor work a specialty; try us. East Broadwav at 24th. East 2330. FEDERAL TRUCK. Second-hand Federal In No. 1 mechan ical condition; easy terms. AR 401, Orego nian. WHITE steamer, just overhauled and re painted; mechanically good as new. Will trade same for lot worth $1000. L 4U&, Oregonian. FOR HIRE. S1.50- per hour, 5-passenger 1914 Ford; sDedal rates for day or trips. Main 1-201 after &:34 P. M. or Sundays call East 4.'10S. ONE 1914 6-passenger Hupmoblle, good con dition; bargain; will take Ford roadster as part payment. 54S Flanders. 1913 5-PASSENGER Che liners Six, Al, to exchange for good real estate, AE 408, Oregonian. 8 TO 5-ton Kissel truck, $00. .$300 cash, balance to suit. Phone East 6145. FOR SALE lH-ton auto truck In first-class condition; cheap. Call 327 Water st. FOR SALE Ford taxicab, $350 cash, Ray Hicks. Main 4314. FOB SALE. Automobile. COLE. Cole roadster, 9-pass., 30-H. P., Just over hauled aud repainted; new tires. Fire stone demountable rims; for quick sale "'$476. American Travelers' Scrip civen. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Couch, and Broadway sts. HAVE a new -ton motor truck and would like to figure with business houses or Individuals on their steady freight hauling, which I can handle quicker and cneaper man py teams. G 4ua, urego nian. LOOK. LI jht four-passenger, easily converted Into delivery car; recently overhauled, ail worn oarts reolaced. tires almost new. In excellent running order; very reasonable for cash. Phone C 1593. 1U13 OVERLAND "30," 5-passenger, fully eaulDPed; this car Is practically new and must be seen to be appreciated; original cost $1150. price $495 if taken at once. Francis Motor Car Exchange, East iotnana Hawthorne ave. Phone East HHtf. THREE-TON TRUCK. The best buy today; our S-ton standard demonstrator, newiy painted and cyaw tires ; easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 690 Washington St. ' CA RS bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Taxis and touring cars for hire. Storage accessories, repairs and washings. Day and nigni service. Main 6922. Cotillion Garage, 14th and Burnside. Fred Boyer, Mgr. Automobiles Wanted MUST TRADE IMMEDIATELY; PIANO, MAHOGANY CASE AND CASH FOR 8D- HA.VD AUTOMOBILE. AO 406, OREGO- i 1A.. WANT to trade equity in house and lot for second-hand automobile. For particulars jjiiuiiq .iain o 100. Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. DOGS BOARDED Prices reasonable; to-date kennels. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Angora poodle, $1G; year old, female. 1109 East Main. F OR SALE Persian kittens. East 0152. 689 E. Broadway. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Furniture for Halo. $5o0 WORTH of first-class furniture, used less than one year, for 2il, and new, mod ern six-room bungalow for rent If de sired. a.4 E. 43th st. Phone B 2610. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale; must leave at once: a bargain, 475 Hollauay ave,, corner 9th. THE furniture of four-room house for sale, some cash, rest on Cine. 314 San Rafael street. WILL sell part of my furniture; good as new. Phone A 2833. Ives toe k. 15 HEAD of good dairy cows, Durham and Holstein; 5 head of Guernsey and Jersey. Take Woodstock car to 50th ave., walk 4 blocks wesw HOUSE equlty$2400 for farm stock and feed f. o. b. Portland. AV 131, Oregonian, Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for o and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Corn pally, hq Broadway, Portland. Or. WE save you from 50-to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department, WHOLE. HAL3 TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St TYPEWRITERS All makes. $10 to 65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 02 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. C. 31 fetark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One 12 H. P., 35-ft. launch, 9-ft. beam, S1760. One good dry kiln, 9000 ft. pipe headers complete. $275. One shingle milt, machinery, boiler, en gine and kiln, 700. Address T. E. Conley, Eta. B. Tacoma. Wash- FOR SALt CHEAP, stern-wheel steamer Oiympiau ; carries 400 passengers; fully equipped and ready for Bervice; 153 feet long. 26 feet beam; compound tandem 1500 H. P. engines, oil burner. For particulars aoply to Moncrleffe Cameron, Proctor in Admiralty, 324 Central bldg. Main 168i and Queen Anne 1463. Seattle, Wash. SEWING MACHINES Sold on very easy pa y menta ; rented one week $1. one mo. 33, 2 mo. $0. Repaired by expert?. We call for and deliver. FINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Mar. 721 382 Morrison SW AC110. SEWING machines of all makes, new and second-hand bargains; 35 up with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfect; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 943L Sewing Ma chine Emporium, 190 3d, near Taylor. THOROUGHLY, reliable end cheapest place In the city to buy your second -hand fur niture Is at the Levin .Hardware & Fur niture Co., 221-223 Front, corner Salmon, Phone Main 9072, A 7174. AM unloading a fine car of -pplea. Just shiDPed in; price from 30c to 600 per box; am forced to sell at this price; will sell vou anv amount from one box and up. Call at Pacific Storage Co., East 1st and Madison sts. CASH registers (National), sold on easy monthly paymenta; all registers) guaran teed. THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Basement Majestic Theater Bldg. FOR SALE Slightly used malleable steel comoinatlon coal, wood and gase range; cost new $95 ; guaranteed first-class con dltlon; price 365. AM 388. Oregonian. HUNTING; season is now on; bargains In rifles, shotguns, revolvers, all makes, cneap. Beauregard's, 703 Main st,, Van couver, Wash. WOMAN'S fine dark blue suit, long tun la stvle. never been worn, will fit size 36 or 38. uald S4S. will sell for half. Phone East ;i470. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon $1.65. Portland PfInt Co.. 250 Front st. Marshall 100. $SS BUYS fine dinner ring. SS diamonds, set pi an num. j.uinuer oiag., xa ana Stark sts. SAFES All sizes) at cost; safes repaired. Mosler Safe Co.. 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 767. SINGER sewing machine, lrophead, cost for 420 : also bedroom set and rug, Sri. Phone Main 427. SAFES New and second-hand; bargains. 101 First st. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy. sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 3d St. N. GENT'S overcoat. Battenberg bed set, cheap. iea vine city, juaror.au 414 i or 110 zist st. North. FOR SALE Houseboat, furnished; will sac rifice, as I am going to Alaska. AE 4 0 a, Oregonian. DIAMOND, over -k., perfect, at a bargain. J 411.. ureeunian. ROSE beads, all sizes, 2c each and up. 16th st. car. 4-'7 21st st. North. FOR BALE New drop head sewing ma chine very cheap. Tabor 1889 mornings, FERTILIZER Rotted manure for sale b the load. Phone East 157:, B 3403. FOR SALE Sealskin coat, size 18. 1085 E. 25th st. N. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented S months for $4. Main 6273. A 4441. 244 Stark sL 1000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1. Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor.Sd and Morrison. WILL sell scholarship in best business col lege at good discount. X 402, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WS PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES. SHOES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 61&5. 203 MADISON ST., OR 251 FRONT. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING A.D EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2080. 285 FIRST STREET. AND you will get highest caith prices, no matter what you have. Call Mt-ln 20SO. WANTED To rent houseboat, about 20 by 25 feet or larger, price must be right; answer at once, stating" price and par ticulars. J 408, Oregonian. DO NOT cell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 194 2d st. Maishall 478J. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. Highest price paid for second-hand registers. 243 Waehington st.' 2D-HANDFURNITURE.ETC., WANTED. Don't give it way. Get our flgu.'es first. Standard Fur. Co., 183 1st. Main 4773. TINTING room and clean woodwork; $2 up; painting, papering, all work flrst-cias. P h o ne Main ?396. '' WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at your price. Phone East 171. STOVE repairing, colls, connections, cast ings, roofing, plumbing. Main 8735. 342 1st. WANTED Three National cash refiners a: once, wifl pay spot cash. Main 606. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 Dekum bldg. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept. Main 663 or A 1663. Barde. SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwoo-l 1682. CASH for eood second-hand furniture. Main A'20tf7 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED! WANTED! Get acquainted. I pay cash. Let me figure on your secona-hand machinery, cable, pipe, motors, belting, tools, boilers, engines, etc; also entire machlue jshops. and PAY SPOT CASH. Call me auoT make money. Main 663. S. HORWITZ. A 1663. 2jOFronSJiJs.phone Marshall 662 SQUARE DEAL PAYS BEST PRICE AT J. MYER'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, 5 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3o5. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO?, 221 Front st.. buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Haul 8072. Our ouyer calls promptly OLD bicycle frames and parts bought. Ta bor 6475. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seekinic employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are coruiaiiy invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record, 1813. Calls for men from emnlovera 5R5i Positions filled l4l Employment memberships $5 per annum guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and 10 months' social prlv ileges. Issued by employment secretary only. Second floor. Y. M. C. A. building. ADVERTISING MAN WANTED. Livestock solicitor and general field man wanted by only agricultural weekly published in Idaho. Founded 185. Give full particulars and salary expected. Ad dress Editor Western Farmers' Review, Boise. Idaho. SALE'S MAN wanted to sell stock in co ooerattve wholesale house indorsed by Grange and Farmers Union of State oil ashington; sanctioned by blue sky law 01 oreieon; none but live wires neoa ap ply. 1118 Spalding bldg. WANTED 10 tiemakers, 14 and 17 cents per tie. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 Couch SL USE spare time to build up mail crder business of own; help you start lor share in profits; 21 opportunities. particulars iree. itepu j-s-i , opportunities &cutui,v, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Two men to appoint agents; .salary $20 a week and commission; expe rience unnecessary. LASTIC-A1R PRO DUCTS CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y. NOTICE, automobile owners, we can at all times supply you witn competent cnaut feurs. mechanics. EmDlovmeiit Dept. Mar, 40 00. Pacifio Auto School, 206-209 11th. PA INTERS. ATTENTION 1 Have one 6-room house left that painter can rent and pay a months rent in worn. Mnith-waconer Co.. totocK wcnaDge. EXPERIENCED salesman to aell balance of stock in going dividend paying financial corporation; state experience and refer ences in first letter. AO 4U4, urtgonian. AT once Reliable salesmen with good ad- dress: lucrative ana permanent occupa tion for right party. 4U1 Chamber of Com merce. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stocK; excellent territory; nun tiers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppemsh, wash X7 1 VT I." T urn 1 tn t- uTiri hnuuA hold goods salesman. Apply to A. li. t'rice, Oregon i;uy. ur. WANTED First-class barber for Klamath Falla, Oregon ; good wages. Apply Lewis- btenger Haroers' fauppiy o. WANTED Salesmen to represent an old established corporation in city; salary. Ap ply salesmanager, U-IO. 41s Mohawk. PORTLAND Barber College Men wanted to learn the barber traae. L3a ja st. WANTED Man to clear lavd; must have few hundred. See Smith, 520 Couch st. WANTED General business man, dramatic stock. 174 13th St.. a to 4. PHOTO agents, .something new; extra com mission psua. barony ttuaio, xtoyai diqs. LIVE photo agents; premium given; extra commission. Moore studio. Elks bldg. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED Stale and county agents to han dle our new spark gap; this gap elim inates lenlOon trouble and saves buying new spark plugs; greatest seller of the age, Notamlss Spark Gap Company, UU3 Hippee bldg.. Des Moines, Iowa. WANTED Christian representative In Port land and vicinity to handle our Christmas calendar: exclusive territory: treat seller; biic Dioflta. X. Messenger Co., 22 Quincy Ht.. Chicago, iil- MAN wanted in each county to handle busi ness. Oregon and Washington; no opposi tion; best paying business for right man today. D. Thormahlen, lU 5th st. AGENTS wanted everywhere to marUet new brand of tea; biff pay; easy work. Cali fornia Sales Co., Watson viile, California. Help Wanted Sales in mi. WANTED Live, energetic business getters to sell our Oakland and Berkeley real es tate In all Pacifio Coast and Inter-Moun tain states; there are reasons why our salesmen radiate happiness and good cheer. Come in and let me '"show you." If too far away, write full particulars about yourseir. age. ousincss experience, etc A. D. F. Reynolds, rooms 4U7, s and 9 Syndicate bldg.. Oakland, Cal. WANTED A live man to handle Washing ton and Oregon on a brand new, red-hot household dollar seller; no fake; a good proposition to the right man; protected luuy by patent. u. van J-e v cere, Healdsburg, Cal. SALESMEN who can get results; Lower Co lumbia Harbor property, gooti commission. Yoke, 113ft Northwestern Bank bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $li WEEK, expenses advanced; women to travel and appoint agents for concentrated food flavors In tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., Como bldg., Chicago. ANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible nosition. Viavl Com Dan v. A2H Pittock block. 335 Washington. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. 414 WANTED Experienced girl for general nousework. Appur o i. Morrison aiter- noons. i WANTED Girls to learn Maurine system of beauty culture; we help finance you In business. 5 14 Ablngton bldg. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg., '270 Washington, room 35. near 4th. Phone Main 883 C, or A U.Utf. BUSINESSGIRLS' "EMPLOYMENT SERV ICE If unemployed .or wish to better yourself call at 403 Dekum bldg. FAMILY second work, $30; housework, $15 to iit. oi. L.oui5 u-uiea Agency, aati JUalu street. A 7175, Main 0ai. GIRL for .central housework, three in fam ily. S20 per month. Apply Zil Mont gomery st.. near 17th. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer; eiaie references. experience ana salary expected. Y 407, Oregonian. WANTED Well-dressed ladles to call at 501 Broadway bldg. and get work. WANTED Piano player, also character woman. Ii4 l$th St., '2 to 4. LADY cook wanted in country hotel; must be good cook. AV 191, Oregonian. YOUNG woman, assist dining-room and up stairs, room board husband. 284 Main st. GIRL wanted to learn ladles tailoring. 284 1 n i rq we. Don't You Enjoy Music? TVouldn't a piano make he even ings at home delightful? If you feel that the cost of a piano is a bit more than you want to pay. or if you only want one for temporary use, why don't you rent one? You can get a splendid instrument cheaply. Con cerns who make a business of renting pianos, and individuals who for vari ous reasons want to rent theirs, usually use our Want Ads ,Turn to them now. You may find a splendid piano which you can rent or buy cheaply. Use 44 The Want Ad Way 9 trrP km HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. N EAT-APPEAR I XG solicitors of ability. Ap ply Thurs. and Fri. evening between 1 and 9, room 403 Hotel Congress. WAN TKI yolicltora for hanrt-pailited pho torraohs and also tiie work taught. Call !K3 Jefferson -St.. Portland, Or. HBIP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE QUICKEST WAY TO LANGUAGES. If you want to learn qulcklyq and easily the French. Spanish, English or any other lausuaee, don't (all to attend the Free Lecture-Demonstration of the new Gouin Language Method at the Public Library (lecture-room A) tonight at 8. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma chinery In operation, electrical gas and ; steam engineering, machine shop, worK and automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to llt West Roy st.. Seattle. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks ; position guaranteed ; tools free , paid while learning; scalp and face mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE aanta nien and women to iearn the trade in 8 weeks; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools tree; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free catalogue, 48 N. M. RAILWAY mall clerks, V. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific Stato Schools, McKay bldg., city. WANTED Active man to work. 6 hours day, satisfied to make 15 week; must have S7o to invest. 414 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts GOVERNMENT positions open to women; $75 month. Write immediately for freo list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 T, Rochester, N. Y. MEN, 18 to 5, wishing to become railway mail clerks, $73 monthly. Apply for in formation. AV 140. Oregonian. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools teach civil service, also other courses; free catalogue. '202 'McKay bldg. YOUR sons Doems so.t to music; publica tion guaranteed. Particulars at 210 Ulobe bid.. Wash. St.. 9-11 A. M., 2-4 P. M. MRS. HINSDALE'S Business School. 502 Empress bldg. Personal Instructions; po sitions when competent. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 401 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4258. TWO men to learn auto repairing and drlv ing. Hawthorne Garage. 4 4 5 Haw thorne. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITINGTlTpkR MC 209 14TH ST. M. aSi3. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. MANAGER lumber office, - 20 years' expe rience wholesale and mill, wants situa tion: hie nest references; bond if desired. N 4Ua. Oreuonlan. VOUR books posted, balanced and audited by an experienced bookkeeper and ac countant. AE 4o7, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; 10- years' experience ; best of references. AH 40l, Oregonian. RETAIL salesman, experienced advertising writer, wants position. AG Oregonlaii. Miscellaneous COMPETENT clothiua- and furnishing goods sale3inan: also a window trimmer, of cor rect habits, married, age a 5, desires po sition iu a first-class cluinlug store ; speaks three luncuanes; interview solicited. C 407, Oreonian. MAN and wifo uish place to work together in or out of city; small wages through Winter months. Address 17th and Van Buren street. Phono Main -42. Oregon :ity. Or. A YOUNG American, food carpenter and nll-axou.id mechanic, wants work of any ,Ltnd at any prii-o to keep his fumily from starvation ; seeKa work, not charity. 11 40, Oregonian. YOUNG man. of jzoad. habits and neat ap pearance, wishes to identify himself with reliable firm, where steadiness and relia bility count for advancement. T 400, ore. Konian. STEADY, sober man wants to care for coun try or suburban place; is food gardener; can milk, make butter, do housework and plain cooking; references. BD 4.ut. orego nian. LINOTYPE operator-machinist and printer, pressman, seeks posit ion in West. Compe tent, temperate, reliable ; 13 years' experi ence. Address George Fid her, lock box 79, Nui folk. Neb. POSITION by man with small family on stock or grain ranch; capable of taking full charge if necessary; reference. G. W. C, box E, Castlo Rock. W ash. YOUNG LAW STUDENT" wants plana to earn board and room or small salary; preferably small salary. Room bill, Y. M. C. A. YOUNG Filipino, eood experience, wishes a Dosition as waiter or housework for hote-1 or boarding-house. Apply W 4u, Ore- Ionian. SCOTCHMAN. experienced houseman or rorter. desires oermanent position ; can do rcuigh carpenter work; reterence. Mar. 43. A-1017. EXPERIENCED carpenter and finisher de sires work at once, large family to sup port, a Lao no. inter and paper hanger, 10c uer rod. references. A-ltl. Main 1 17. YOUNG man. German descent, experienced baker, desires position; has worked for express company lor years, delivering. cashintr and collecting, iuain 7ii, A-ioii, EXPERIENCED carpenter and finisher, with familv of six children greatly in need., desires work at once, reference. A-1M7. Main 717. EXPERIENCED man for dinners or short crder cook, also painter. Aiain i ., A-1R17. STRONG, able-bodied boy of 17 yrs. with old mother to support wants permanent work. A-443 4. Mam 717. MART.1ED man wants Job on farm, experi enced farmer, nog ana poultry man. Y 4lM. Oregonian.. YOUNG man understanding carpentering wants farm work; small wages. Bl 400, Oregonian. PAINTER wishes position as Janitor; ex perienced : nominal wages; references. Main 4774. EXPERIENCED hardware man. or shipping dppartment. desires position ; also steam fitter, reference. A-1517, Main 717. MAN whose v Ife id ill mutt find work at ouce. is experienced painter, but will do 'anything. Mar. 2S43. A-1517. EXPERIENCED lanitor and wife want po sition, wages no object, both good work ers, best of references. A-lTfl7, Main 717. YOUNG man wants work of any kind so that he can attend night schuol. Call zi 3444. FiLST-CLASS WAITER wishes position. M J. Lawrence, Hotel Llnd. 44 8d st. Phone Main 4ba. YOUNG intelligent man wishes position in a private family; umail wages reyutreu K 4 06. Oregonian. WANTED Position taking care of resi dence d uring ow ner's absence ; references. Main 17C0. WANTED Position us dishwaaner; expo rlenced. Roy Vetsch. Ttgard. or. FIRST-CLASS barber. steady and sober, wants work. AV lti6. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants work where he can attend school. A louv. Main Udtu. JAPANESE, competent cook, wants place in private family. AP 3SS, Oregonian. WANTED Walluaoer to hang at 15 cents per bolt. Phone Main S97U. t'uuK. No. 1. man. wants position, couuLry hotel. Cook. 3S 3d si. YOUNG man wishing restaurant work; coun ter man preferred. 187 teth st. Mr. Griffin. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, COMPETENT and experienced younj lady. stenographer. booKKeter anl cashier, de sires position : best of relcsences. Phone B 2090. WILL Py for information resulting in good, permanent position as bookkeeper; cap able. Phone Marshall 21S2. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires position; references. Pnone Woodlawn COMPETENT stenographer desires position; win commence ivit smaii salary. Pnone Tiibor ,"4d7. DOESN'T somebody need a good etenog- rapner : &aiary to suit tne times. Call Steno, Hotel Athens. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work or worn: by the hour. Main 12. COMPTOMETER operator, two years exper ience, is o. i reterences. Main 2b 17. WHY pay SIO for stenographer when work's done ior f-'.yu? Marshall D re ssra altera. MODISTE, recently from San Francisco, us ing rrencn styies witnout patterns, wui make suits. owns. dresses, capes, etc. 245 E. Broadway, apt. 214. Call East 8851. MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaker; work rea- sonaoie. Mars nan rii5. osw wash. st. NEAT, auick dress and pult making, $2 day; references, r none t;ast 5a . IX F ANTS layettes, r up per set. Will call. Mrs. Meier Tabor 3878. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable norne or day. iou iaq it. Alain Bfria, HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD practical nurse, will wo"k also; rea sjpable, Mrs. Kauffnian. Maplewood. Or. PRACTICAL nurse, good references, will assist with housework. Phone C 1705. PRACTICAL nurse wants permanent position to care for children. East 4732. GOOD reliable practical nurse; doctor's ref erences. Main 6937. Housekeeper. WANTED By a trustworthy. congenial woman a position as housekeeper for wld - ower with child : good cook and good worker; home desired more than wages; references exchanged. Main 63 GO. King Apts. A CAPABLE, refined lady wishes position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower ; no obiection to children. Phone A i:24. FIRST-CLASS cook and housekeeper wishes position: suburban location preferred, Mar shall 4010. LADY wishes position as housekeeper to widower with chUd. A 1239. Domestlca. EASTERN STAR lady wants position as housekeeper in refined widower's homo where there are children. AC 40, Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED widow, no incumbrance and soma means, would keep house for old couple or widower. J 406, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position as gen eral housework ; family of two preferred. AC 407. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED R-lrl tor general house or second work, city reference, reply. Wood lawn 22 IS. MIDDLE-AGED, refined nurse, sa managing a home or will go out of city. AO 403, Oregon I an EXPERIENCED girl for general house or second work; city reference, reply. Wood lawn 221S. EXPERIENCED girl desires general house work; wages $;0. Phones Main SS2, A YOUNG lady would like housework for room and small wages. C 4o9, Oregonian. NEAT, experienced nirl desires housework. Phone C 2430- WANT general work in private family by colored woman. Main 5569. No. (.1 N. th. NEAT, experienced girl desires housework ; city roter v nces. A 71 75, M a in 2 lotf. GOOD French cook wants situation in pri vate home ur ranch. AO 408, Oregonian. BY experienced cook, in private family; Ger mans reference. Phono Main ;41S. EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman, house. work or care for sick. Main 2QI'.. SWEDISH girl wants position Xor general housework. Phonw Main 3471. WANTED Position a cook iu hotel or camp. Call East 6204. Al Iswe U a n ro uf. VuL'Nif woman greatly. in m ed of work and a home, must find permanent place wher sh can take nor 4-year-old boy, is an ex perienced housekeeper. A-1517. Main 7 IT. GOOD stout woman wants work Friday and - Saturday, washing, ironing, housecieau ln ; experienced, good rtterences. Mar- s shall 806. YOUNG Swedish cirl. fine apDcaring, thor oughly experienced as waitress, desires permanent position In first-class restau rant. A-1M7. Main 717. YOUNG, Btroni Polish woman, anxious and, willinr to work, must find home wher phe can take her 1-year-old hoy with her; waec3 10 ner month. A-1517. Main PRACTICAL nurse, who will also cat for children, desires work where sh can go homo nichts; reference. A-lol . Main 17. PL V1N housework, kitchen or chamber work; understand cookiug; experienced woman. Marshall S - GERMAN girl. 13. w ho speaks very littl English, desires permanent position, best of references. Main 717, A-1517. MOTHER desires to give services about anartment-honse for support of nwseil and two children. Phone Tabor -4979. BBY wanted: 1 have had much experience, will rive the best of care for the least price. Phone lanor ovj EXPERIENCED youne lady wants work as "waitress or housekcoper; reference, phono Marshall 3644. POSITION, second work, by an experienced woman: references. Address P 40., Ore eonian. YOUNG mother would like house work w here she can take small baby; $lu month. Ta bor a 172. FIRST-CLASS washer, ironer and cleaner wanes work by day; best rcf. Main or A 310S, LADY wants position in oflloo of doctor of dentist; can give doctors references. Ca.l Main 1739, apt. Jo. EXPERIENCED woman wants day wont, 'washing, ironing and cleaning. Woodlawn DINNERS teas, parties planned, prepared GOOD working woman wants day work. Phone Tabor 5Ko4. . LACE curtains hand laundered by ldy ex pert. Called for. Sell wood 1690. I ACM CURTAINS laundered; ll years ex ueHenre . Talo? .V.).. B anM. Mrs. Scott. , Work by dav or hour Mrs. Har. WANTE1 rlson. pho-ie East 47::. n POSITION wnnipci tn d. housework or cham bers ork. Phono Main ('loi. A COMPETENT colored cook wants to worlc for vou. Tabor 3?iS. Glitl. wi.-hos ulace to aasjM with uoue- worK. rnone o''"" 11 WIW. care for chlllreu: r.-, -ponslble pr- n: 4 hours. ..c. w fl!tST-"L.ASS laundress wants work Thurs. and Frl.; references. WooUIawnltll. EXPERIENCED nomsu for any work, rcf- vilRL, wants to assist in llKht housework la small iamny. nuu.a DAT work wanted rest of week: exceptional laundress. Mrs. K.. Main 4.H4U. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED By younsr business man and wif tno children), email furnished bunitalow. preferably Hose City Park or I.aurelhurst district; give full particulars first letter. O K96, uregoniaiu WANTED Furnished house for Winter; lo cation, not Important; have small family, city references: must bv- reasonable. Ad dress Jenkins. 313 Morsan bldg. Phon Marshall 23uS. RESPONSIBLE merchant would leace mod ern dwellini: with option to purchase: pre tln Northeast Side. AP 3hl. Oregonian. 8 OK 10-room house, from owner, walkln? distance. Answer today. Carnes & Be.l. S.S Morcan bld. Rooms. BV ceiilleman. December 1. furnished room, with sleeninK-porch or connecting s'-eP-Ing-room; state terms. S 4t'l. Oregonian. VOlA'G couple desires room, with use ot kitchen In RfSt City Park; references J&l'ansed East ,58'f .KJ."!-- WANTED 2 housekeeping rooms reason able, by two youns ladies. AN 40o. Ore- conian. Rooms With Board. W A NT E D TI . o m and board by two youus men in strictly private and refined home. K 09, Oregonian. W ANTED 2 nice heated bedrooms, wit a board; private home: state price and lo cation. AK 401. OreEOnian. FOR KENT. Furnished Kooms. HOTEL. FOI:D. 715 Washington. Kamily hotel: hot ana cold water and phone in every room: rooms without batli. $10 up: with bath lo "P. . HOTEL RAINIER. Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike: the house that treats vou rlRht: 50c up per day; J13 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. .M. 3413 HOTEL. SAVON. 131 Eleventh St. New modern brick building-, steam heated, pri vate baths, not end cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. J STAND1BH HOTEL. 64SV4 WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath: i2weekj?S per mo. up. HOTEL. EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month. $22 50 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby; cafe In connection. Phone East 323. HOTEL. WEAVER, 710 WASHINGTON ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone in each, largo parlor. $15 and up. Marshall 5170. A Quiet Place for Quiet People. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. near Grand ave. Best accommodations for least money. TO UNO man rooming at T. M. C. A. w&nta oommate to reduce rooming expenses, Inquire T. M. C A. office. NEW, sunny, steam heat, hot water, hath, free phone; waaKing distance, no carfare. Carlotta Court. Everett and 17th. PALMER HOUSE, steam heat, free bath. good bens, very reasonable. Corner Parf and Alder. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2C 11th St. Strictly modem, private baths, en suite, rooms J3.50 UP. Main S472, A 4783. HOTEL NORRIS. B33H Alder; cheerful out. side rooms, modern, $3 per weec up.