Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 19, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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For more than a month Germany
haa been blocked in er attempted
advance to Dunkirk, Calais and Bou
logne by the successful resistance of
the allies. As her forces have in the
exeat majority of the Flanders fights
taken the offensive, their losses have
probably been much greater than
those of the allies. . The Germans
have brought up reinforcements, but
so have the "allies; and the issue
seems to hang on the question, which
army -'-will have the superiority when
air their forces are in the field.
France and Great Britain can con
centrate their power on Germany
alone, while Germany must divide
hers between the eastern and western
fronts, as Russia seems to be a match
for both Austria and half of Germany.
Germany can probably ,add as
many men to her western army as
France alone can. add to that of the
allies, " but there is grave doubt
whether she could outnumber an
army which included the new troops
which Great Britain will soon have
ready for the field. Kitchener's army
now numbers about 1,000,000 men
and has been training so assiduously
that it is expected soon to be ripe
for active service. Can Germany
send enough reinforcements to the
west to outmatch not only those
which France has in reserve, but this
new British army?
If this be beyond Germany's power,
military necessity would seem to com
pel her to make one supreme effort
to obtain command, of the sea by
pending out her fleet to fight that of
Great Britain. So far. she has con
fined her efforts to picking off -one
British ship at a time-by submarine
or mine attack, and has had some
measure of success, the greatest of
which was the sinking-' of the Auda
cious, but the British navy is still
superior in strength. Both nations
have no doubt added to their navies
by hastening the building of new.
ships, and the event will show
whether either has had the advan
tage in this respect. If Germany by
a. great naval victory can obtain com
mand of the sea, she .can prevent the
sending of Kitchener's army to
" France and may thus prevent the al
lies from gaining superiority over her
in the iwest. She would also clear
the way for an invasion of England
and could harry, the British coast by
bombarding towns after having
cleared away mines.
If the German navy were to make
such a sortie, it would be exposed to
the same danger from submarines
and mines as the British fleet has
faced in its-patrol of home waters. At
the beginning of the war Great' Brit
ain had nearly twice as many sub
marines as Germany, leaving out of
account ..those which were out of
date. Germany has scored more suc
cesses with submarines and mines so
far because her own fleet was safe
in harbors which are inaccessible to
submarines, while the British fleet
was in the open. The British sub
marines might be expected to show
equal daring and skill with those of
Germany when they had the chance
to make a hit.
Germany may have calculated that,
in securing the aid of. Turkey, she
rendered less urgent the necessity of
.making ah effort for . naval suprem
acy. Russia, being -fully occupied on
her western frontier, cauld scarcely
detach so many troops to Armenia
that Turkey would .be compelled to
concentrate all her forces in repelling
invasion from that direction. Hence
Great Britain must place in Egypt an
Simy adequate t'o drive back Turkish
' invaders, for protection of the Suez
. Canal 'is of prime importance in draw
ing forces from India and In keep
ing commerce In motion. Whatever
forces Great Britain finds it neces
sary to senti to Egypt are so much
' deducted from the reinforcements
she can send to France and Belgium.
They thus diminish the urgency of a
German stroke for naval supremacy.
The same motive may have
prompted the effort to induce the
Emir of Afghanistan to Join Turkey
in a holy war against the allies. The
Emir's foreign relations are under
supervision of the Indian government,
but, he has firmly maintained his in
dependence in other respects and he
has a well-organized, modern army.
If German "intrigue should bring
about an Afghan invasion of India,
the stream of black troops from that
'country to Europe would be stopped
and British troops might be needed
- therei
Every step taken by Germany to
cause division of the British forces,
such as the enlistment of Turkish aid,
the Incitement of Afghanistan against
India and the stirring up of-sedition
in Ireland and South Africa, dimin
ishes the possible reinforcements
which Great Britain can send across
the channel. It thus improves the
chances of Germany's overcoming the
allies' resistance to her advance to
the channel and to Paris. It post
pones the day when the German fleet
must come out to fight in order
that the German army may win. It
prolongs the period during which
Germany can pick off ship after ship
of the British navy, iwhlle every ship
yard in Germany Is doubtless taxed to
. bring th German navy up to an
equality with that of her foe. Thus
an Intimate relation exists between
German naval strategy and the diplo
matic intrigues which have extended
to Constantinople, to Cairo, to Kabul
and to South Afrlca.
A contemporary opines, that "great
constructive reformers have had ex
ceptional reverence for past rules and
traditions." He cites as examples
"William the Silent, who was assassi
nated as a heretic rebel; Lincoln, who
was murdered in defense of a conserv-Tattve-
oligarchy, and Edward Burke,
who reformed nothing. "Born for
humanity," he "narrowed his mind
and to party gave up what was meant
for mankind." Among the reformers
who particularly loved tradition why
was not Martin Luther included?
It is Uttle less than nonsense to
blame the pistol for the murder of
poor young Emma TJlrich by Fred
Traunson, a demented youth. One
might almost as well blame her beau
ty, or gracious mood, or girlish charm..
The water that drowns the struggling
swimmer is not to blame, nor the fire
that burns the heedless child. Neither
fire nor water can be abolished be
cause of human rashness, nor care
lessness. Only a maniltc could have commit
ted the awful crime against Miss
Ulrich. It is not enough to cry out
against the pistol; for another weapon
might, and doubtless would, have
been used to accomplish the slayer's
purpose. The real cause rests In the
perverted senses of ignorant and
sensuous youth, excited by secret pas
sion and reckless spirit. In a world
where crimes of the blood are not
often punished, and where transgres
sions of sex are generally condoned.
It .may be expected that any mad
dened young brute may waylay and
kill a creature he cannot possess.
If manslaughter were punished
promptly and impartially? the inno
cent Miss Ulrichs would be altogether
safer from the attacks, of crazed
The United States Bureau of Edu
cation has issued an interesting bulle
tin in which Elizabeth Harrison com
pares the Montessori system with the
kindergarten. , The section on "The
principle of freedom" is especially in
structive. Froe-bel believed that-there
should be more or less trimming of
the child's propensities as he develops.
Montessori relies on the law of com
plete freedom: She places her appa
ratus of Instruction where the tots can
reach it and then, in theory, leaves
them 'absolutely to themselves.
The - difference is perhaps not so
great, however, as it appears. Even
Madame Montessori keeps some su
pervision over her pupils and superr
vision by its very nature is guidance.
We dare say the kindergarten and her
children's houses" operate very much
alike in practice. Few educational
thinkers have failed to animadvert
upon the perpetual harassment which
little children suffer from impertinent
mothers, worrisome nurses and tyran
nical teachers. . If they could only be
let alone . In their work and play,
things would.jgo far better with them.
Whether we effect this reform un
der the name of Montessori or Froe
bel makes no difference if only it is
Under the circumstances there is Just
cause for the Oregon Bar Association
to debate the non-partisan Judiciary
question. One year ago the associa
tion indorsed the principle. In the
recent election a bill providing for
non-partisan election of Judges was
submitted. Some prominent members
of the association condemned the bill
as Inadequate and conducive to the
election of unfit Judges. Other prom
inent members Indorsed the measure.
Theblll was defeated by a large ma
jority. Why?
It would be timely to discuss
whether the bill was lost because the
people believed it defective In form
or because they are opposed to the
principle involved. Was . the public
alarmed by the picture of hordes of
unfit candidates seeking places on the
bench drawn by opponents of- the bill
or is the public so tired of govern
mental changes that it is ready to
defeat everything submitted by Initia
tive the merits of which are open to
honest difference of opinion?
Moreover, experience with non-partisan
election of Judges has developed
an attempted divergence from the
idea that Judges should be elected
without taint or suspicion of bias
In any direction. In Washington,
where the principle is In practice, the
state ha3 rid Itself of political parti
sanship in the election of judges, but
there was an effort this year to invest
it with another kind of partisanship.
Three of the candidates were Indorsed
by the labor unlojoj the Grange and
another organiza.Wjn- It is quite nat
ural to inquire whether it is worse for
a Judge to owe his election to political
partisanship than it is to owe It' to
trades unions or other class partisan
ship. However, the candidates that sought
to benefit by the new form of parti
sanship were defeated. Such would
likely be the case in any state where
the people were thoroughly and hon
estly convinced that partisanship has
no place in the election of the Judi
ciary. Thef e the injection of any form
of partisanship will be resented, no
matter how remote, and will work
against candidates for whose benefit
it was designed. But -unless the non
partisan idea is thoroughly implanted
and cherished, the law that imposes it
will be evaded.
It therefore seems Important that
the convictions of the people should
be fully ascertained before the system
is adopted. It cannot now be safely
applied In Oregon by legislative en
actment, for at best it must be a mat
ter of mere opinion as to why the bill
submitted to the people was defeated.
If they are not in accord with the idea
we would still have some form of parr
tlsanship in Judicial election, no mat
ter what the form of the law. .The
only wise course is to debate the sub
ject thoroughly and then .possibly sub
mit another bill to the electorate in
form and provisions that have the in
dorsement of all members of the . bar
who are committed to the principle.
It Is fervently to be hoped that
Colonel Ge'orge 'Harvey knew; whereof
he wrote when he said in the 'North
American Review:
We have reason to believe that It Is the
pumo of Mr. Wilson to undertake a com
plete reformation of Governmental appre
oriatlons such as Mr. Taft essayed somewhat
tentatively and failed utterly to achieve.
It is unjust to Mr. Taft to say that
he essayed this reform "somewhat
tentatively," for he made It one of the
cardinal points of his policy, and, so
far as he could without the co-operation
of Congress, he effected impor
tant economies. Had his . recom
mendations been adopted, he would
have effected more, but hla plana were
foiled by the Jealousy of Congress for
its functions and particularly by the
partisan opposition of the Democrats
in the second Congress of his term.
The necessity of financial reform by
the Government has been made more
apparent by the extravagance which
the Democrats have heaped on that
which they charged to the Republi
cans and by the emergency taxes
which they have imposed when the
country is at peace. But the evil
which must be removed is the out
growth of a tendency which originates
among the people. There has been a
constant demand that the Govern
ment undertake new work in regulat
ing railroads and banks, suppressing
monopoly, protecting life . on rail
roads and ships, in mines and against
disease, protecting food from adul
teration, extending the mail service,
fostering agriculture, fisheries and
Performance of thiff work requires
employment of increasing thousands
of men. Congress is nothing loath to
establish new offices wherein the
members' friends can draw salaries
and have expense allowances, so It
gladly gratifies the people. It does not
show equal alacrity in abolishing of
fices which have become useless.
Witness - the desperate resistance to
abolition' of useless land, pension and
customs offices. Navy-yards and Army
posts. .
When the people cease to demand
that Congress spend more money and
when they demand that it spend less.
Congress will change its course grad
ually, slowly and reluctantly, only
after the demand has been many times
The interest of medical men con
tinues to center round the hideously
fascinating subject of cancer. Dr.
William J. Mayo, the famous surgeon,
has just expressed himself about it.
and his words are too instructive to be
passed over without remark. In some
respects he speaks reassuringly. . Can
cer, he tells us, is not hereditary, and,
if taken in time, it Is curable..
So far all sounds pleasant. But the
difficulty is to take it in time. Any
abrasion, even the slightest, may be
an Incipient cancer. The disease may
originate in a mole, a wart or an
almost imperceptible Irritation of the
skin. Any such lesion. Dr. Mayo
teaches us, may develop into a can
cer. If it refuses to heal promptly a
surgeon should be consulted and the
knife unsparingly applied.
An early operation is usually per
fectly safe and effectual. It is delay
that makes cancer fatal. According
to this great authority, it is folly to
put much confidence in radium. That
mysterious substance does very well
for superficial cancers and it may
mitigate those too intricately seated
for operation, but it cannot be de
pended upon.
Dr. Mayor thinks that people are
too apt to neglect slight sores, since
these may very well pass on into ma
lignant tumors. "All sources of irri
tation," he says, "carry with them a
deadly significance. Go to your phy
sician at once on the discovery of any
sign or symptom of' irritation about
warts, moles and benign tumors or
injuries, however slight, which fall to
heal promptly." If there is the faint
est suspicion . that cancer threatens,
apply the knife without hesitation.' If
people could overcome their ground
less dread of surgical operations the
mortality from this disease would
rapidly diminish.
In disposing of the "vice cases"
which have been so tdorously before
his court. Judge McGinn's avowed
purpose was to compensate the in
jured girl as far as the circumstances
permitted. While It was naturally im
possible to restore her virtue the
Judge contrived a way to hold out be
fore her some inducement to mend
her. ways. The guilty males were not
exactly fined. If they had been the
money must have gone to the public.
By a species of pious evasion they
were first sentenced to Jail and- then
allowed to buy the privilege of the
Of course there was nothing to
hinder the court from turning the pro
ceeds over to the injured girl under
such, conditions as it was thought fit
to impose. Whether she will be bene
fited by the windfall or not time must
tell.' The depravity which she has
practiced in the past does not neces
sarily forbid us to hope for better
things in 'her future life. At the time
of her illicit assooiation with actors,
merchants and ballplayers she was a
mere child, probably with no proper
comprehension of the moral aspect of
her conduct.
Complete reform is by no means
Impossible for her. Indeed it is- high
ly probable. Wisdom is likely to come
with years. The rude experience
through which she has passed will
purge her mind of folly, perhaps, and
thirty years -from now she may be a
happy and useful matron. Such things
constantly happen. The boy is not
always the father of the man In any
obvious sense, nor is the girl invari
abTy the mother of the woman. Some
where between the ages of 12 and 20
there may occur a complete transfor
mation of character and conduct. In
the churches this change is- often
spoken of as "conversion," and , it Is,
In fact, the beginning of a new life.
But it must be confessed that the
new life is far more likely to be vir
tuous if the preceding years have not
been too familiar with vice. In spite
of everything, the habits and mental
Images of childhood project them
selves onward Into all the rest of life.
It was a wise observer who said that
"the thoughts of youth, are long, long
thoughts." , Impressions made upon
the mind when it Is most plastic are
seldom obliterated entirely. -They may
be erased until they are illeglb'lly dim
and we think they are gone forever,
but in some moment or moral peril
they flash up with a blinding glare.
Just as Jane Eyre was saved in her
terrible temptation by the precepts
she had learned in far-off childhood,
so one may be lost by the sudden
revival in the memory of vicious long
ings suppressed and almost .forgotten.
After all, we must admire, the good
sence of the Jesuit fathers who said
that they did not care who had the
child for the rest of his life if they
could have him. for the first seven
years. r
More and more the saving efforts
of civilization are concentrated 'upon
childhood. Judge McGinn's zeal to
rescue the girl from perdition rather
than to punish her betrayers Is char
acteristic of modern society. It has
largely lost faith in what used to be
called "retrtbutive Justice." It seeks
to "save that which was. lost" rather
than to weigh "out the precise penal
ties of sin. The conservation of hu
man values seems likely enough to
become the great watchword of the
future and we are learning that sal
vation must begin at the birth of the
child or even sooner. Thus the re
sponsibility for human welfare falls
ever more heavily upon the family. If
family life and influence fail us, where
shall we look for rescue? Hopeless
Indeed is the outlook for mankind
if nothing can be done to fortify the
saving power of the home.
Society may presently o called
upon to make serious sacrifices to. re
build the crumpling . sanctuary of
family life. Homes cost money. They
cannot exist and thrive without steady
incomes for breadwinners. As the
loveliest, flowers are rooted n black
mold, so the most salutary, institution
of the world is founded in economic
welfare.' . The family must be prosper
ous before it can fulfill Its whole
function in civilization, because-with-out
material prosperity its stability is
at the mercy of continual accidents.
The American lawyer Is an anom
aly. A speaker before the Bar Asso
ciation yesterday blamed lax laws Tor
many crimes.' Yet lawyers make the
laws In the Legislature, lawyers on
the bench fnterpret them, and lawyers
work hard to secure acquittal of de
fendants, taking much pride in suc
cess. Reform should begin some
where, but only a lawyer can tell just
where. -
It is madness in the Turks to insult
the United States, but perhaps -they
have done so more in ignorance than
malice. They probably . confuse us
with the British, as is common In the
less literate parts of the world. In
any case there., is no occasion for
frenzy. Turkey is likely to be well
trounced without our interference.
There is an extensive movement on
foot to settle Hungarian, Slav and
Bohemian mill hands . on Louisiana
farms. The manufacturers protest,
but the country blandly smiles. An
independent farmer is a better citizen
than a migratory "hand." When , in
dustry has to compete- with cheap
land human welfare advances. ,
The successive Russian victories in
Eastern Europe do not, appear very
substantial. No doubt great conse
quences flow from them, but to the
remote spectator all is dim and un
real. If their troops ever reach the
vicinity of Berlin that part of the war
will- acquire a living Interest to us
which it has not at present. -
. South. Bend, Ind-, has been teach
ing German in the second and higher
grades for a year or more with won
derful results. The City Superin
tendent says the little pupils speak
and read the language better than
"most college students." They could
hardly do it worse.
The "masher" on the street corner
is a common nuisance. He cannot be
abated too soon or too completely.
His business is to insult women with
leers, gestures and, when he dares,
with suggestive remarks. Chief Clark
will win abundant laurels if he extir
pates the pest.
Freight enough to make 8000 car
loads has already gone east from San
Francisco through the Panama Canal.
The railroads look on in consterna
tion. "If this goes on, where do we
come in?" they are asking.- Evidently
a profound traffic revolution Is not
far away.
Men in the colder regions can help
the cottongrower indirectly by wear
ing two shirts of the light material
instead of a heavy woolen and be
warmer. With womenfolk, however,
it is different, for the colder . the
weather the less they put on.
Th3 new British loan Is popular,
Germany finds no difficulty that way,
the French peasant unloads the con
tents of the stocking, and the war goes
merrily . on, and Death stalks the
fields. A year will make a difference.
' The captain of the Emden certainly
had a highly developed sense of gal
lantry. Because there was a woman
aboard, he let the ship go. Had there
been no worrfan aboard He would have
sent the vessel to the bottom.
The Austrians are reported to have
occupied Belgrade in force. Appar
ently the Austrians have given up the
Russians as a hopeless job and have
centered upon someone nearer their
own measure.
If it is true that a Russian squadron
has put out from the Gulf of Fin
land to give battle, then Russia is
bound to have a few more converted
submarines shortly. v
The Prince of Wales has been as
signed as an aide on the staff of Gen
eral French, whose high rank gives
assurance of remoteness from the fir
ing line.
However, Carranza now say3 he has
no intention of quitting. The trouble
with those Mexican patriots is that
they change over night.
The man who refuses to pay more
than a dollar for marriage ceremony
with a widow has .little appreciation
of a (bargain. V
But" even if Carranza and Villa do
take their departure from Mexico, the
supply of their kind is inexhaustible
in Mexico. x
This Is the weather that pinches the
poor. In days of prosperity, remem
ber those upon whom adversity sits.
There was a tlmewhen firing on
the American flag might have, been
attended by serious consequences.
An Englishman living In London
has a son in the German army. We
do not envy him his state of mind.
When even the traffic officer gets
run down it is time for the rest of us
to be extraordinarily careful.
If a policeman were given choice,
he would prefer death in a gun battle,
not under an auto truck.
Another, eminent writer divorced.
Seems to be a habit with 'the writing
and singing variety.
-' Postmaster Myers has a half-million
stock of holiday stamps. Ask for the
colors-you prefer.
Police are to war on mashers who
ogle, and the cross-eyed Johnnie will
Early Fall weather late in the Fall
is something more to be thankful for.
Tre French idea .of victory seema to
be to hold the Germans back.
Wilson will not have lack of topics
for the message.
Watch Washington hedge on the
Turk insult.
' Again, start your Christmas shop-Pln"-
.. . ' 1
Stars and Starmakers
Olga Petrova, who halls from Mil
waukee and can. put on or take off her
Russian accent at will, has changed her
name since she has graduated from a
vaudeville act of Imitations and throaty
noises Into a star ' In the legitimate
stage world. She Is to be known as
merely Madame Petrova a la Madame
Nazlmova and Bernhardt.
Nice little Emma Trentinl, with the
big voice. Is to appear in a new comic
opera by FVlml. with the Shuberts as
Mabel Cameron, "who played a brier
engagement at the Baker Theater one
Spring season. Is coming to the Marcus
Loew Empress Jn a sketch, "The Groom
The llnoof ticket-buyers stretched
from the window to .the street. The
girl with the red hat and the chewing
gum don't forget the chewing gum-
reached the window. Her turn at the
window had arrived.
"Gow tewgoo seats?"
"Tea; fifth row center, orchestra.
How many?"
"Dollar fifty. How many?"
"Watsuprlse supstalrs?"
"Fifty and thirty-five. How many?"
"Kin yuhsee goo upalrT
"Yes. How many 7"
'Izza thurry-fi'oet seas enygoo?"
"Tea. How many?"
"Ennylefen frunrow?"
"Yes, yes. How many? Hurry up."
"Hazza show buhgunyat?"
"Curtain Just going up. How many?"
"Wenia necks mutney?"
"Wednesday. Thirty-five cents all
over the house. How many?"
"Wensay? That stewmarra issn'nit?"
"Kessile waytll necksweak. Gotta
goatakmaw t'marra."
"I'm sorry." '
"Sowm I, buttagawttago."
And she did.
A few familiar names show up In the
list of players at the New Empress
Stock In Tacoma, - Charles I. Richards
Is the manager. Brodericlc Q'Farrell
and Jane O'Roarke play the leads and
Neil McKinnon is the juvenile.
This from a New York periodical will
be Interesting to admirers of dainty
Tina Lerner, made when she played for
us more than a year ago. Speaking of a
concert where she played, the reviewer
says: "Fleet-lngered Tina Lerner met
the mammoth Liszt Sonata in B-Mlnor
and conquered it with amazing techni
cal ease and musical mastery. She now
must be reckoned as the best of the
younger female pianists."
E. D. Price, who Is in Portland, as
manager ahead of the "Poor Little
Rich Girl," boasts of being quite fool
ish over his little leading- woman, who
is only -16 years eld. She is Leonie
Dana and plays the title role. Mr.
Price exhausts all the superlatives of
praise on the little girl, and for that
matter so do the critics In all the cities
where the play has been given. Mr.
Price says: "Every time I watch her
sweet and sensitive acting, which con
veys no suggestion of acting,- I see her
through a mist of tears and am un
ashamed." And Catherine Counties,
Mr. Price's lawful wedded wife, wrote
to him thusly the other day: "I am
becoming - positively jealous of your
young star. It seems to me that the
older you get the younger you like
The Punch and Judy Theater, latest
arrival among the bijou play-houses of
New York, has the most intimate dis
tinction. A naive simplicity and artis
tic common sense rather unusual com
binations, by the way have nurtured
the design, which Is the offspring: of the
wedded wits of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hopkins. It is a playhouse such as
many drama lovers- have long been
looking for: a building upon which
thought and love, rather than money,
have been expended; a place to play
in where seriousness and folly 'alike
can be at home, and the audience can
join heart and hand with the flayers.
It Is in time to be the home of reper
toire; the curtain-raiser of the venture
being "The Marriage' of Columbine," by
Harold Chapln, who has written many
good plays for the repertoire theaters
in England. The opening occurred last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, Louise
Closser Hale .and Edward Emery -are
In the cast of ''The Columbine." .
Mile. Dazle has been engaged for jtha
early Winter Metropolitan production
of -"Lady Luxury," the new musical
comedy, with book by Rlda Johnaon
Young and music by William Schroeder.
Mile.' Dazie will be called upon to play
one of the leading roles In the piece
and will Introduce a new dance that
she is now arranging. The dancer has
been for two seasons in search of a
musical production In which she might
combine her remarkable dancing abil
ity "With the impersonation of & dra
matic character of the type now offered
her. Mile. Danzie was here In "Panta
loon," at the Orpheum last Spring. .
Richard Carle has been engaged by
Daniel V. Arthur as chief comedian
with Marie Cahlll In a new musical
play now being" written for her. Tho
score will be by Jerome Kern. It is not
unlikely that Mr. Carle, a handy man
with his pen, will have a lot to do with
the book of the new musical play.
Cyril Maude, the English actor wbo
recently came to this country for his
second tour In "Grumpy," has begun
an engagement In Boston. Mr. Maude
said when he arrived In New York: "It
is like coming to, a city of beautiful
light after living in a city of eternal
- Unlicensed Sale of Beer.
-HOOD RIVER, Or., Not. 17. (To the
Editor.) I would like to know If the
recall won and what the penalty Is
for selling beer without a license In
Portland- Does thls-tlne.go fo the city
or does part of It go to the informant?
The recall was defeated. 1
For selling liquor without a city li
cense the penalty is a fine of from $100
to J250. or Imprisonment- for from 60
days to six months for first offense;
a fine of from S250 to $500 or Imprison
ment from 60 days to six months foe
second offense, and a fine of $500 ari3
not less than six months In Jail for
third offense. - For each offense both
the fine and imprisonment- may be Im
posed. The fine goes to the city In fulL
Maintaining a Wife.
"Do you think he'sable to support a
wife?" "Why, he can't even maintain
a conversation."
Then and Now
Just .40 years
ago today the
Woman's Christian
Temperance Union
was organized In
Cleve land. The
movement had its
beginning In the
follow 1 n g inci
dent: In 1S73 Dr7
Dio Lewis lectured
on temperance in
Hillsboro, and at
Today the Na
tional W. C T. U.
is the largest
woman's organl
ration in the
world. It has a
member ship of
S23.000 women and
is actively organ
ized in more than
10.000 towns and
cities. It has an
organization in
every state in the
Union. When It
was founded in
1874 there was
only one dry state
on the entire mup
of the United
States, Maine. But
within the last 10
years the "dry"
territory has en
croached on the
"wet" so there are
now 10 states
where liquor can
not be legally sold.
From the m o v e
ment has sprung
the National wom
an's suffrage
movement and
there are now
many states where
women have won
the right to vote.
The National W.
C. T. U. is the par
ent of nearly all
the organic activi
ties of woman In
this republic. It is
the mother of the
juvenile courts. It
inspired tho work
of stamping out
white slavery. It
has aided work
ing men to secure
an eight-hour law
In many of tne
this lecture there
was present Mrs.
Judg Thompson,
n. woman of sin
gular beauty, who
was moved to be
gin a w o ni a n's
crusade against
intemperance. Led
by her, the women
entered the sa
loons and organ
ized prayer meet
ings. " The move
nt e n t spread
through Ohio and
thousands of bar
rels of liquor were
emptied into the
gutters in the
Middle West. An
army of men
signed the tem
perance pledge.
But a reaction
soon followed in
Chicago. . To com
bat this Miss
Frances W. Will
ard appeared upon
the field with her
"White Ribbon
Army." Her cru
sade gat hered
such momentum
that in the Fall of
the following year
the National W.
C. T. U. was found-x
ed. Miss Willard
was appointed sec
retary and began
the work of or
ganization. Miss
Willard was the
first to combine
the temper ance
crusade with the
cry of "Votes for
Women" and out
5f the union of
these two causes,
has come the pres
ent world -wide
woman's move
ment. states ana been a
factor In the
world peace.
Men and Materials Available to Provide
Service for Districts Suffering;.
PORTLAND, Nov. 18. (To the Edi
tor.) The following paragraph in The
Oregonian Monday is worthy of further
consideration. It reads:
"If there are children going hungry
in this city of plenty it Is because the
facts are not known. It is the duty
of somebody to find them."
Now it calls to writer's mind a con
dition that now exists among certain
of the civil service employes of this
city. To be more plain, I refer to the
employes of the Water Department
the men who do the hard work, "labor
ers" we affectionately call them, then
forget them.
To Illustrate: Our Commissioner,
Mr. Daly, who has charge of this de
partment In some manner has built
up a considerable surplus, with which
he perhaps Intends to iiTstall the uni
versal meter system (even though the
people at regular election expressed
themselves against his pet plan). Maybe
he only wlsnes this surplus to dem
onstrate his executive ability, to show
us what a remarkable economist oc
cupies the chair of public utilities.
Whatever his object it is quite
evident that-a considerable portion of
this surplus has been built up at the
expense of the aforementioned labor
ers, and at the sacrifice of the service.
There are now some 150 of these
same "civil service laborers" who have
been laid off indefinitely after working
from two to three months the past
season, being treated In like manner
last Winter. AH or nearly all are men
of families, whose children may be
hungry long before another Summer,
men who are, unless the civil service
is all rot, the very best fitted for the
work to be done that it Is possible to
employ. These -men are thrown out of
work at a time- dt year when they are
In most need of it, at a time when the
city should endeavor not to add any
more to the unemployed especially
when there Is work to be done, money
to do It with, and ample material on
hand bought and paid for.
As a matter of fact there are some
20 miles of eight-inch water mains in
the Albina yards. There are more than
20 miles of streets that need this pipe.
(The Vernon district for example).
There is ample cash -on hand and,
above all, men who need the work.
' Why keep these men Idle? Why put
off until the dry season arrives and
the consumers are without water suffi
cient even for sanitary purposes? In
this climate this work can be done as
well and as quickly now as later, and
these men are anxious to work.
I believe any right-thinking man
will agree with me when I say, put
these men to work and thus relieve
the condition Just that much. What do
you think? PROPERTY OWNER.
A Moving; Sight.
I saw him take her in his arms
The window shades were right;
He gazed upon her half-draped charms.
The day was full and bright.
A dozen people stopped and stared
Upon this shameful sight.
He clasped her soft and pearly throat;
He stroked her shining hair.
J-Ha sjooped, with hand that seemed to
And touched her ankle bare.
And she before that window stood.
And did not seem to care.
He lifted high a lacy gown,
A tremor o'er me ran; '
He slipped It o'er her dainty head,
No protests she began -
She was the dummy girl, and ho
The window-dresser man.
. Puck.
. Privileges In Polling; Booth.
OREGON CITY, Or, Nov. 16. (To the
Editor.) (1) Please tell me if voters
have a right to prepare a sample bal
lot and carry it to the booth for ref
erence while preparing the white bal
lot. (2) Has one voter a legal right to
allow another to dictate at the voting
place as to how or for whom he shall
vote? v . SUBSCRIBER,
1 Yes.
2 This would be a violation of law.
An election official might, however,
mark a ballot for a person who could
not see the ballot or had some other
Infirmity. The voter In this case would
have to dictate to the election official
and not the election official or anyone
else to the voter.
Yea, It Might Rave Bees Worse.
"Yes;, the car, a 1912 Pumpernickel,
was wrecked, and Jonsey, poor boy
was killed." "Well, it might have been
worse. It might have been a 1914
Cook; Points Oat Etiquette.
Sydney Bulletin.
Cook of the Dead Dog Pub (to par
son asking a silent blessing.) You
needn't be a-smellin' your victuals
they're quite fresh.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
From The Oregonian. November 17. 1889.
Olympla. The King County delega
tion had somethii-.g to think about yes
terday. The Seattle Morning Journal
carried a double-leaded editorial head
ed. "Look Out for Treachery," in which
Governor Squire and his supporters
were warned to be on the watch for
treachery. The editorial went on to
say the Journal had information that
Squire would be betrayed at the last
minutes.-whereas a week ago it seemed
certain he would be elected to the Sen
ate. San Juan Del Norte Everyone Is en
thusiastic over the prospects of get
ting the Niearaguan Canal completed.
In due time American engineers will
lay siege to three miles of rock bar
rier at once. ,
New Orleans Jeff Davis, leader of
"the Lost Cause." has been critically ill
at Brierfield.
Boston Princeton defeated Harvard
today at football; score 41 to 16.
Nat Goodwin Is mourning the death
of his Infant son, which occurred last
Friday morning. Mrs. Goodwin is said
to be quite prostrated.
W. H. Hampton, of Portland, a min
ing expert in tho employ of Jonathan
Bourne, Jr., has made an Inspection of
the properties on the blue gravel lead
near Henley, Cal.
The funeral of Harry Fogg Shorey
was held yesterday from George H.
River's undertaking rooms. Rev. T. E.
Clapp officiated.
The Hawthorne-avenue motor line Is
now operating and making round trips
between Fifth street and Mount Tabor.
A preliminary meeting of the pro
posed Amateur Athletic Club was held
last night. A. B. McAlplne was named
temporary chairman and H. Pilkington
temporory secretary. The following
committees were named:
Membership C D. , McLalse, will
Llpman. N. T. Collett, George F. Hol
man and II. Pilkington.
Incorporation Messrs. Pilkington.
Collette, Holman. McLaino and B. L.
Securing hall B. L. Carr. A. J. Coffee
and J. K. Atwood.
William Conner, deputy street super
intendent, was seriously Injured yester
day In a runaway, which occurred Just
as he was driving away from his resi
dence at 358 M street.
A t the masquerade ball In Albina
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Cassidy as
"Topsy" and Mrs. Minnie Reed as a
Knight of Pythias and M. H. Murphv
as an Indian chief and William Gould
as Romeo won the prizes.
Miss Louise Boardman entertained at
a dancing party last Wednesday night
at the residence of her father, G. H.
Half a Century Ago
From The Oreconlan. November, IS, 1S64.
Dr. J. G. Glenn, a dentist, has Just
received an assortment of dental ma
terials from New York.
Sheriff Jacob Stitzel will hold a pub--Ho
auction at the Courthouse on De
cember 17, to satisfy the claims of H.
and I. Rosenfield against Matthew
Keith, and the claim of B. Q. Tucker
against John Mead. Several lots will bo
among the property sold.
A petition for four street lamps on
Washington street, to be erected at the
Intersections of Third, Fourth. Fifth
and Sixth streets, was read at tho reg
ular meeting of the Common Council
last night. They were referred to the
committee on streets and property.
A friend of ours brought three kinds
of cake and two kinds of wino last
night to enable us to celebrate his wed
ding. It would do the world good, and
some people would get married much
oftener if they could see how we en
joyed it.
Miss Maggie A. G. Marshall and Mar
shall Peterson, both of Portland, were
married yesterday at the home of Mrs.
B ram hall. Rev. P. E. Hyland officiated.
An ordinance authorizing the con
struction of a sewer on Mill street, at
a cost of $1000, was laid on the table
at the meeting of the Common Council
last night.
New York, Nov. 13. A deputation of
Quakers from England, who came to
this country to attend the yearly meet
ings of the Friends in Baltimore and
North Carolina, have been refused ad
mission to the re,bel lines.
John Leech, the celebrated carica
turist of Punch, Is dead, according to
a dispatch received from London.
Why Were Recall Forgeries Not Dis
covered Before Costly Election t
PORTLAND, Nov. 18 (To the Ed
itor.) Having been an independent
candidate at the recall election, but not
having had any connection In any man
ner, shape or form with the recall pe
tition or anyone connected with It, I
respectfully ask for a few lines in your
It appears to me this is a poor time
to investigate fraud in connection with
the recall. It is another case of clos
ing the barn door after the horse is
As soon as the petitions bearing the
10,000 or more signatures were filed,
it was or should have been the duty of
some city official to have checked them
up immediately. There were 25 days
in which to do this and had It not been
overlooked the city would have saved
the $25,000 so wantonly thrown away
at that election.
It would have been an easy task, for
hasn't it been repeatedly said in the
daily papers that the forgeries were
"glaringly apparent," in fact, so appar
ent that one glance revealed them?
Had that one glance been given before
Ocvober 27, there would have been no
I fully agree with an editorial In one
of Tuesday's papers which said, "In
this business the authorities should be
completely sensible of their responsibil
ities and meet them fully by dealing
aggressively with those who promote
bogus petitions," and would add, w"hile
the investigation is on, let it begin at
Lessons of Thrift
The necessity for thrift has been
brought home to many people dur
ing the last few months.
There has been a cutting out of
unnecessary extravagances, and in
increase in bank deposits.
All this speaks well for future
prosperity, but It means good per
sonal management for the Imme
diate present.
The truly thrifty person buys
with knowledge and buys to the
best advantage getting at all times
100 cents' worth of value for a dol
lar. The buyers' directory for the truly
thrifty is -the advertising -in Tho