Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Shipment From Chicago Is Put
v in Quarantine and Held
I . for Observation.
Cost of Campaign Against Foot and
Mouth Epidemic, to Date, Is More
Than $700,000 and Congress
Slay Be Asked to Aid.
Nov. 17. The Department of
.Agriculture was advised by telegraph
today that a shipment of cattle from
Chicago bad been held up at Spokane
because of the discovery of foot and
mouth disease. The representatives
of the Bureau of Animal Industry at
Spokane reported that this shipment
had been quarantined and would be
held under observation and that pre
cautions had been taken to prevent
epread of the disease.
In view of this announcement, the
department will not place a Federal
quarantine on the State of Washing-ton
unless It is discovered later that the
disease is spreading- from Spokane.
To date the Federal and State Gov
ernments have spent approximately
$750,000 in the campaign against the
livestock foot and mouth epidemic. Of
this about $400,000 has been borne by
the Federal Government, almost ex
hausting the available funds of the
Department of Agriculture. An emer
gency appropriation of probably $200,
000 will be asked of Congress when It
meets to complete the work of stamp
ing out the disease. -
Experts of the department estimate
that about $700,000 alone has been
spent for slaughtering condemned
cattle, one-half of which is borne by
the Federal, the other half by the State
Governments. The last outbreak of
the disease, that of 1908, cost the Fed
eral Government alone $300,000. The
Infected states then included Pennsyy
vania. New York, Michigan and Mary
land. On reports from field inspectors that
an outbreak of the disease had oc
curred in the State of Washington and
In the District of Columbia, department
officials prepared today to place the
affected areas under quarantine. Action
was withheld, however, pending re
ceipt of more definite information.
(Continued From First Page.)
supposed, sufficiently chastised. We re
flect very complacently on our own se
verity' and compare with great pride
the high standard of morals established
In England with the Parisian laxity.
At length our anger is satiated. Our
victim is ruined and heart-broken, and
our virtue goes quietly to sleep for
seven years more.
- "It Is clear that those vices which
destroy domestic happiness ought to
be as much as possible repressed. It
is equally clear that they cannot be
repressed by penal legislation. It is,
therefore, right and desirable that pub
lic opinion should be directed against
them. . But it should be directed against
them uniformly, steadily and tempo
rately, not by sudden fits and starts.
There should be one weight and one
General Punishment Advocated.
"Decimation is always an objection
able mode of punishment. It is the re
source of judges too indolent and hasty
to investigate facts and to discriminate
nicely between shades of guilt. It is
an irrational practice, even when
adopted by military, tribunals. When
adopted by the tribunal of public
opinion it is infinitely more Irrational.
It la good that a certain portion of dis
grace should constantly attend on certain-
bad actions. But it is not good
that the offenders should merely have
to stand the risks of a lottery of in
famy, that 99 out of every 100 should
escape, and that the hundredth, per
haps the most Innocent of the 100,
should pay for all.
"We remember to hare seen a mob
assembled in Lincoln's Inn to hoot a
gentleman against whom the most op
pressive proceedings known to the
English law was' then in progress. He
was hooted because he had been an un
faithful husband, as Jf some of the
most popular men .of the age. Lord
Nelson, for example,, had .not been un
faithful husbands. . 1
Example Is Selected. "
" 'We remember a still stronger case.
Will posterity believe that, in an age
In which men whose gallantries were
universally known and had been legal
ly proved, filled some of the highest
offices in the state and in the army,
presided at the meetings of religious
and benevolent institutions, were the
delight of every society and the-favorites
of the multitude, a crowd of moral
ists went to the theater, In order to
pelt a poor actor for disturbing the
conjugal felicity of an Alderman? . What
there was in the circumstances, either
of the offender or of the sufferer, to
vindicate the zeal of the audience we
could never conceive. It has never been
supposed that the situation of an actor
is peculiarly -favorable to the' rigid
virtues, or that an Alderman enjoys
any special immunity from . injuries
such as that - which on this occasion
Toused the anger of the public. But
such is the Justice of mankind.'
"Punishments, of this kind are not
uniform and are not steady. If the
girl in this case had had -an influential
father or brother it is doubtful. Indeed
it is almost certain 'that she would not
have been allowed to- tell her story. .. It
every time a girl had stepped aside she
were dragged into court and made to
tell the history of her conduct it would
be a sad, indeed a lamentable state
affairs. The girl in this case was not
able to protect herself, nor was she
through her father or mother able to
secure protection. I sometimes ask
myself in cases of this kind: Suppos
. ing this girl were my sister, would 1
like her story published to the world?
Of course I would not! I would not
permit her to bring destruction upon
herself while bringing it upon others.
Then I certainly would not ask It of
somebody else's sister.
Deterrent Is Virtue.
"This is the only good that punish
ment can possibly do to act as an ex
ample or as a deterrent. If the pun
ishment were certain, uniform and
steady I should say that it might act
as an example, but to have it enforced
now and then to refrain for a long
period from punishing for similar of
fenses would take from its effect as an
"A very' great' wrong was done' this
girl by each of these defendants, and
about in the same degree. ' The indict
ment charges that it was done against
the 'peace and dignity of the State of
Oregon,' but those of us who know any
thing about it know that this clause
of the Indictment was taken from Eng
land, where the charge was that it was
done against the "peace, majesty and
dignity of our lord and King.' Infrac
tions of the sexual moral code, against
the 'peace, majesty and dignity of our
lord the King,' has a satirical sound,
in the light of the conduct of some of
the kings the world has known. The
peace and dignity of the state,' after
all, is a good deal of a fiction, as em
ployed so often in cases of this kind.
Money Not for State.
"If I could place this girl where she
was before she met Berger and Roach
by putting them in the Penitentiary, I
woujq pui ooin or them there and
would impose the limit of the statute,
but I cannot do this. If I confine them
and turn the mciwy over to the state
the state would then be getting money
for a wrong thar was done this girl,
and-for nothing but a fictional wrong
done the state. I have, therefore, con
cluded that inasmuch as the law has
fixed a monetary sum that will satisfy
the 'peace and dignity of the state,' I
shall take this as the measure, so far
as the law is concerned, of some of the
damage that was done to the girl, and
the money. Instead of letting it go to
the state as a fine, I am going to give
to this girL
"The judgment of the court is that
Berger be imprisoned in the County
Jail for the period of one year and
that he be paroled upon the condition,
first, that the bail money now in the
hands of the Clerk of this court,
amounting to $1000, be deposited with
the banking-house of Ladd & Tilton,
to be there kept as a savings account
for the girl in the case, whose name
and age I will give to the bank; that
this money be .held for her until she
is 21 years of age, and that wiien 21
the principal and all accrued interest
be turned over to her and to her alone.
Good Bebavlor Required.
"Provided, that satisfactory proof is
made to me or to my successor in this
judgeship when the girl has arrived at
the age of 19 that her conduct has
been all that it should be, the banking
house may pay her the money when
she is 19; that no contract or assign
ment with reference to this money Is
to be honored , by the bank, But that
all dealings are to be done by the bank
with the girl directly.
"I have already passed judgment upon
Roach six months' imprisonment in
the County Jail I shall allow that
Judgment to stand. I formerly paroled
him, but withdrew his parole. The
condition imposed in his case is in all
respects the same as in the case of
Berger, only that the sum which
Roach is to pay is $250. When these
sums shall have been paid there is
still another condition that neither
of these defendants shall in any way
transgress in the future. If either of
them gives any cause for complaint
the Judgment which is now pronounced
against them and each of them will
be put in motion and the parole in
each Instance will be withdrawn.
Girl's Cause Championed.
"As long as I am around here, 1
will see to It that the girl gets the
money In person and that nobody else
gets it; and if I should not be around
I hope that my successor, whoever he
may be, will do this for me and that
he will see to it that, if the girl keeps
faith with the state (as I believe she
will), the money be promptly paid
to ner At any rate. I pledge her
the best effort of this department,
through myself and through those
who may come after me, to keep faith
with her. I believe she will keep faith
with us. The money is hers when she
arrives at the age of twenty-one. but
as I have said, it may be hers when
she is nineteen upon satisfactory
proof tjjat-her conduct has been such
as to entitle her to It.
"I have no -sympathy for these de
fendants. I would put both of them in
jail if by that I could do any good to
the girl. I would Jail and confine both
and turn the fine over to the state If it
did the girl any good, but the girl is
the one who has been wronced and this
will do her more good than It will the
State of Oregon.
l hope that neither of you will ever
engage In business of this kind. It
will not do for you to talk about the
girl. She was a child, a mere child. It
is a shame when things of this kind are
done. If I were to be revengeful I
would put you in jail, but that would
do no good. Consideration for the girl
is the only reason Impelling me to this
Amendment Carries Enabling City
Council to Sell Issue.
ASHLAND. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.) :
The proposed and much discussed char
ter amendment empowering the Com
mon Council to issue additional bonds
for water and light purposes when so
authorized by a majority of the elect
ors, was carried today by 967 majority.
Specifically this validates the issue
of $175,000 mineral springs project
Oregon Legislators Nos. 9 -and 10
Francis I. Michelbook, Representative-Elect of Yamhill, and P. P. Olds,.
Representative-Elect of YamhilL
i r v -x.f- '"-V J i T
! f f . . ; i J
;: I - x - r ! h r I ' !
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" Frmcl I. Mich el book. p. p. Olds. - 1
.................... . . . .4
Jj J MINNVTLLE, Or., Nov. 17. (Spe
V I -cial.) Francis I Michelbook,
Representative-elect for the Thirteenth
district comprising Yamhill County, Is
a native Oregoniaix Marion County be
ing the place of his birth. He is 29
years of age.
He completed a four-year course at
the Oregon Agricultural College and
with the exception of a short period in
the implement and hardware business
has taken to farming in Tamhill Coun
ty, being the owner of a tract of land
near Bellevue, this county, and has
leased several large tracts, among
which are the Arthur McPhillip's farm
near McMlnnville. Mr. McPhillips, his
landloard, was his opponent on the
legislative ticket
While at O. A. C. Mr. Michelbook rose
to the rank of Cadet-Major, command
ing a battalion and was commissioned
a captain of the Third Infantry," O. N. G.
commanding Company A since Decem
Acceptance Believed Condi
tioned on Villa's Similar
Voluntary Exile.
Washington Believes, However, That
Aguas Calientes Convention Will
Ask Both to Remain as Trib
: ute to Services.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Delayed
dispatches Teceived today from Amer
ican Consular agents at Aguas Cali
entes and Mexico City confirmed ear
lier reports that General Carranza bad
agreed to resign provided General
Villa similarly retired.
General Gutierrez, provisional presi
dent by authority of the convention at
Aguas Calientes, and close friend of
Villa, has approved Carranza's condi
tions and tonight it seemed that unless
Villa himself upset the arrangement,
peace in Mexico was assured.
General Carranza's proposal, which
was accepted by Gutierrez, provided
that the first chief would deliver the
executive power on the following con
ditions: : "First General Carranza would re
linquish his command in the constitu
tionalist army to General Pablo Gon
zales, commander of the division of
the East
"Secpnd General Villa would retire
as commander of the division of the
North, placing his troops under the
orders of General Gutierrez.
"Third Both Generals Villa and Car
ranza should leave the country and
should give evidence of that fact by
appearing at Havana, Cuba, on or be
fore November 25."
In accepting General Carranza's con
ditions, it is presumed by the American
Consular agents that General Gutierrez
spoke on behalf - of and after consul
tation with General Villa. The latter
previously had made public announce
ment that he had placed his own des
tiny in the hands of General Gutierrez
and would do whatever the latter re
quested. No word has come yet from
George Carothers, American Consular
agent accompanying General Villa, say
ing what the General's plans will be.
There Is some doubt In well-informed
quarters here whether either Villa or
Oarranza actually will leave Mexico.
It is thought that the convention on
reassembling will ask both to remain
out of consideration for their services
in the revolution against Huerta.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Secretary
Daniels said to-day that while he 'had
given no orders as yet for American
warships to withdraw, they probably
would be sent away next week, imme
diately after General Funstsn's forces
evacuated the port. There are com
paratively few Bhips in Mexican waters
now, but one or two vessels of the gun
boat type probably will be kept within
easy reach of Mexican ports on the
Atlantic and Pacific coast until order
is completely restored in Mexico. '
Convention Forces Occupy Town of
Leon W ithout Resistance.
EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 17. General
Villa's troops, supporting the conven
tion of chieftains, have "begun an ag
gressive movement against . the Car
ranza forces, disregarding any further
attempts to adjust peacefully the dis
agreement of the constitutionalist fac
tions. This was reported today in press
telegrams and official messages from
Aguas Calientes.
The convention troops took willtout
opposition the town of Leon, it was re
ported. Later advices rumored the oc
cupation of Quaretara, where General
Pablo Gonzales, Carranza's principal
leader, had established his base. The
proposition from Carranza that he and
Villa exile themselves -from Mexico and
meet at Havana November 25 was re
garded by local Villa officials merely
as a final attempt of the deposed con
stitutionalist commander-in-chief to
delay attack from the division of the
A communication was received today
by Carranza officials here from Rafael
Zuzaran Capmany, the constitutionalist
agent at Washington, in which he
called on all loyal elements to -assist
in waging war on Villa. The letter,
however, was mailed several days ago,
before Carranza's most recent appeal
for time to discuss further the situation
ber 15, 1913. This Company tinder his
able leadership won a $50 cash prize at
the Rose Festival, last Summer, for the
best appearance.
McMINNVILLE, "or., Nov. 17. Spe
cial.) p. p. olds, of Lafayette, elected
Representative for Yamhill County by
a majority of eight votes over his near
est opponent, who is the president of
a local bank, was born, raised and now
resides in the town of Lafayette, form
erly the county seat of Yamhill County
Mr. Olds is 43 years of age. the son of
pioneers who came here in 1851. He
graduated from Portland Business Col
lege in 1892 and has been a Justice of
the Peace for 10 years and at various
times City Recorder of Lafayette.
Mr. Olds is married, having one son.
aged 13. He is a member of the Elks'
Royal Arch Masons, A. O. U. w.. Odd
Fellows, Eastern Star and Rebekahs.
He is also a farmer and owns extensive
acreage in and near Lafayett.
My Goodness
$23 Cash Free
As a First Payment
Simply bring this advertisement with
yon. We have a proposition to make
yon whereby we will take this adver
tisement (to show us the real worth
of this particular newspaper) and we
will immediately credit you the same
as cash, $23, and then you can ar
range to make monthly payments.
You do not 'need to bring any money
with' you. .
Or, Start Your First
Payments After the
You do not need to pay a cent until
in Jannary, 1914. We will- take
your 'silent " never-played piano in 1
exchange for a player piano, or we
will sell you a new modern baby up
right, or professional style, all of
which are reduced to unbelievable
Free Storage
Free Delivery Xmas Morning
Can you think of anything in which
you could possibly invest an equal
amount of money where the entire
family would be as well satisfied as
in a piano, player piano, or baby
Prices are now made by
the Manufacturers'
Barnes & Davey
now in charge of this great sale, and
every pianoless home should make a
careful investigation. Now that the
large first payment has been done
away with as we know just at Christ
mas time many people have other
things to buy. That is why we make
the above offer.
. Terms
At the prices made, the manufactur
ers should certainly receive all cash,
but' they do not need the money, so
they are dividing the payments, giving
as long as 40 or 30 or 20 or 10 months,
as best suits you, according to the
value of the piano.
Just Read These Prices
Here Are a Few of Them
Only the .manufacturers can make
these prices. They could not afford to
do so but for the fact that they have
Eilers Musio House agreement to buy
three pianos every time they sell two.
The surplus stock now accumulated at
the factories will soon be disposed of.
The sale will soon close. This is prac
tically the last call.
650 Mission Wegrmaa Plaao, asvr
less than half S316
CS50 Lester brand, latest style, al
most half S437
350 Small slse, elesrantly finished
mahogany Soule Bros. t
rights S160
325 Nicely finished, though naed.
Everett Upright 8140
$575 Stelnway, ehony stained ease,
$237, and a snutller-aised ma
hogany , S185
525 llardman, very elaborate
cue SIRS
S500 Largest slse Weber XJpriKht196
S11SO Weber 1'lnnoln Piano, just
like new, the best unci most
expensive ever built by Web-
r ......... ................ 4L88
Many other s'lishtiy uied'Pil
anola Pianos, all with Tk
modlst Metroatyle attach
meats, S380. S337 and S285
$300 Largest slse Fischer Upright.
walnut f 165
$335 Another mnhogany S135
$5O0 Most elaborate, finest toned
Steele Upright ever seen in
this city S295
$S50 Steele Pianola Plaao, Just
like new. th heat and moat
expensive models ever built
by Steele. Plainer eaae. . ". . .X435
$850 Maaalve mahogany t8-n o t e
Apollo Player Pianos. S380
and -
iwhi tintiie uraaa
$3T0 Voae 4c Sons
$475Eatey, 8165 Another
12711 LndwlK, 8165 Another....
SrtOO Aaarrlus Player Piano
$4O0 Hallet JDavla, fine for stu
dents ......... ............
$ZSO Cable Nelson make.
$275 Kingsbury make
&H50 Player Piano, beaatlf ol ma
hogany S310
$500 Weber Upright, genuine
Weber-made instrument.
Mnnufnct ured before the
Kteinwar-Weber-Aeolian a 1-
llanee. Now only ...8255
Another, very beautiful 8345
Another, shows usage.. SltiS
' And many others, almost any
make you can think of. and
all now to be had for less
than wholesale riceat
Open Evenings
with- the eonv.iitlnn neftvt1a irnn.
- u i
C. Uorente, the convention emissary to
the United States, will leave tomorrow
tor wasnington.
Customs to Be Held for Present.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. The United
States will hold the several million
dollars in customs collected at Vara
Cruz until a stable government Is es
tablished in Mexico and will not turn
11 over to the French bondholders.
President Wilson said the money
would be delivered to neither faction
in Mexico under present conditions and
indicated that only a government rec
ognized by the United States would
receive the money. He feels that re
sponsibility for which faction gets con
trol of Vera Cruz after Its evacuation
by American troops does not rest with
the United. States. No confirmation
has been received of reports that Villa
had promised to leave Mexico.
New Cbehalla Bond Issue Bids In.
CHEHALI8. Wash.. Nov. 17. fSDe-
ciaL) At Its meeting yesterday the
Chehalls City Commission opened bids
for refunding an Issue of $23,000 bonds.
Eight bids were received. The , old
bonds carried a s per cent Interest rata.
Of the bids yesterday there were two
that offer ttU per cent interest. rate.
Astoria. I-evy Is 20.7 Mills.
ASTORIA. Or., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The City Council has fixed the tax levy
on this year's roll at 1 mills for mu
Many Others All of the
Highest Possible Grade.
Uncondit ional factory
guarantee, endorsed by
Eilers Music House. $525
and $550 styles now $318
and $333. Remember, all
of these are new pianos.
Other $250 pianos, all
new for $98. Some $102.
Some $124, and of the $275
and $300 styles, $148 and
$162. These are also guar
anteed by the Manufac
turers and the Eilers
Music House.-
Player Pianos. All new
ones, almost any make you
can think of at prices un
believable. $550 new play
er pianos now $262; $750
new player pianos now
$337. Some even as low as
$275. $8.50 player pianos
now $436.
Necessity Knows No Law
It is well known that finished
pianos in large quantities have ac
cumulated in all ot the Nation's
largest factories. That is the why
of this great sale. As announced
heretofore, no pianos will be sold
to dealers except in the morning
from 8 to 9 o'clock, and no pianos
will be sold if intended for ship
ment by dealers Into other terri
tories, where these instruments
are to be sold by the merchants at
regular reiaii prices.
5$: iFi
Eilers Building
Brokdway at Alder
Until 9 o'Clock
nicipal purposes. The high rate is due
in part to the fact that several saloons
have announced that they will not take
out licenses during the coming year.
The levy for park, library and sanita
tion purposes is 4.7 mills, making a to
tal of 20.7 mills.
Philadelphia now has a church building
In which tour sects unite in services.
and 59 Other Money
English Grammar
and Reading
Freehand Drawing
Mechanical Draft
Plan Reading and
Public Speaking
R e l n f orced Con
crete Salesmanship
Surveying and
Show Card Writing-
Vocal Music
Architect Grafting
Boys' School
Business Law
Coast Engineering
Civil Service
English tor For
eign Men
Wlrel'i TelegTmp'y
T. AL. C. A., Taylor and Sixth Streets,
Catalogue Free,
Temperatures at
Tos Angeles. .......
San Diego
Santa Barbara. ....
Various California
Max. Min. Mean.
.. 76
.. 77
.. 81
In a Beglon famous for Its Ecniabls
Winter Climate.
Hotel Virginia Is situated at ths "Queen
Beach of the Southland." The center of Win
ter social activities. Constructed of steel,
concrete and marble. Absolutely fireproof.
American plan.
Attractive Tariff.
Write for Rates and Information.
Colt, tennis, serf bathing, fishing, yacht-
lng, motoring, dancing, etc
laeee rHwcu sea
Th finnthl.nd'. x.u .
150 rooms. Beautiful appointments.
Unsurpassed service. Absolutely fire
proof. European plan, II up. Ameri
can plan, 3 up. Special weekly and
monthly rates. Write Ward McFad
den. prop.
' a Qrj .
Make Ocean Park
LiwZp7 Your Winter Home.
f- 7 --1.. Il . . I a .-.
Southland. Ocean Park teemi
with life and tun. Its countieaa
amusements and attractions ar
enjoyed by thousands of Winter
Northwest tourists. The climate Is
perfect Surf bathing every day.
xcellent hotel BccnmmAdallAn,
Big modern bath house with hot and cold
plunges. Band concerts, dancing, etc. Write
R. T. McMUlln. See'y Ocean Park Boosters,
for booklets, eta.
i HOTEL psh.
Hollywood. .Los Anreles. CaL
Midway between city and ocean. Every
; vuiuuur wuuseuieu t. uarge pro Unas.
American pia.ii. jttooKiet ana rat
writ uoo. . urom, mgr.
Earopeaa Plan SI -.VI a Day t ' a.
America a Plan a Day L'p.
Every comfort and convenience.
In the center of theater and retail
district. On carllnes transferring to
all parts of city. Omnibus meets all
trains and steamers. .
.! . . .. . ....
1 '
. nc jreovy i roeeuy reusious. distinctly wnolesome. and very wW told. Doris is
sots SDinelrea, nulk-and-wster character, without force, vitality, and capacity She i. .n
SJ y CUV??r! hild- who- b 0,1P0 ke?n jmuition. praaped a sreat spiritual truth,
fh.. hT iSTf TV1 ibW: KmaydW,! ' " kou3e ' GodVsll4mbrscin lovefand
it i !" "f UBt'ullydwelU there n safe. . . . I know of nothma in late fiction
Ihst leachcaaraore beaiitiful lesson m a more beautiful way.. it 8hould have a larre sale
."Tde reading While it is a story for the youog especially, it is a story that all will
enjoy (Ret.) Daitisi. McGcaa. Dayton, Ohio. '
Aotfaor of Po!Iye"
Marco, the bero of this fascinating tale, a famous violi list, wasbrought up in a gypsy
camp. ( by rare good fortune, a philanthropic artist heard him play and immediately
determined to brinjc him in contact with a cleaner and higher life, and jnve him a tioiaSed
musical training. His development into a grat artist, and the supreme event I his life
meerinc attain through the playins; of an old air, the girl who was his constant companion
in gypsy camp days are related with true literary skill, and form the basis for a novel
of unusual interest:
By GEORGE W. D VYS Prie. .et. S1.2S. postpaid.
M It is a capital story, clean and inspiring, filled with adventures on sea and on IsncL
but sound and healthy in all its teachings.' The opening incident is a key to the spirit of
the hook. The hero ecorea the winning run for his school on a close play in a base hall
match, and the umpire calls him safe. Hr however, publicly acknowledges that he was
Hit, and so stands for fair play to the loss of the game. There is considerable mystery and
some stirring tripe on the sea with a real Gloucester flavor, but in the end the hero clears
tip the past and readers bid him farewell on the threshold of a successful business career
with his character fully developed. All boys will bke this story, and girls and grown-ups
loo will read it with interest and profit." Somervill Jooinal, Mass.
By rKANK H. CHELEl Pries, a.t. SI AO. postpaid.
An intereatinc narrative of camnins-out days for boys, written by a man who is an up-l-dale
expert on boys' work. This book issa account of s boys' camp at which The Three
Rivers Kids, with others, spent s season. It gives sn interesting description of various
things that belongs to a boys' camp, and weaves in a story as a connecting link. The
portraiture of the ordinary boy ia splendidly done. The influence ol the manly, whole
some lads affects the entire camp.
KIW IORK. 150 Fifth- Ave. CIXCDrSTATa. 0 West Fourth St.
61 Bdu-lnton rit. (Copley Sq.) 105 Fiflb Avrnne. tl Adams Avenue. Kast.
1018-24 8. Wabash Avenne. 1121 McGee 8treet. 5 and 7 City Hull Avenue.
ItrnTI-AND, OB. (Salesroom). 80S Conch Building.
Our Guests
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J families on either American or European plan.
Mr. and Mrs. CARVTLLE, Portland's favorite society dancers.
. SIGNOR BRAVO, celebrated Italian tenor.
, Week days, 4 to 7 ; Wednesday and Saturday evenings, 9 to 12.
Hotel jSduhnomah
Reserve Tables for Thanksgiving jfffZwSf'
or New Years NOW. InizTVCAsfr
Winter Resorts Week November 7.
Max. Min. Mean.
Hollywood SI 61 71
Long Beach. 72 68 6S
Ocean Park. 75 64 64
VP! S tjl:
Mi Pif: iii
835 ROOMS.
All With Private Math.
TARIFF S1.50 TO $8.00.
Steel and Concrete Absolutely Fireproof.
Half block from Central Park. Convenient
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F. M. 11M MICK. Leasee.
Hill at., between 4th and 5th. loa Angeles.
Most curative baths known. Decidedly radio,
active. Magnificent new building. Admiral
Rnhlsv T. IPrana mai A es , . 11
at Paso Robles." Finest hotel accommoda
tions. Spacious grounds. Ideal climate.
Sporty 0-hole golf links. Every outdoor
diversion. Stop-over privileges. F. W.
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Water and mud radioact
ive. Hottest and most bene
ficial springs In the world.
til-Sodium Arsenate pres-,
ent. Altitude 2UO0 ft. Kvery
accommodation. Excellent
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ation resort. Folder and
rates, address Arrowhead
P. O.. So. Cat.
Situated at the picturesque "Mis
sion City. "Warm Winter climate
Large variety of diversions. Excel
lent cuisine, roiaer ana reservations,
write E. P. DUNN. Lessee.
Ceary Street, above Union Squara
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.50 a daj ui
u wflw wuaoa cuQciHi Btraciare. Thlra
G addition of hundred rooms just com
K pleted. verv modnrn
! Moderate rate. Center of theatre and
retail district. On carllnes trDsf er
ring all OTer eftV- TlArtHM nmntnns
Mpptsjstskiua; ana steamers.
Sise. 12mo (5i7i inches). Illustrated.
Page, 314. Binding, cloth.
SriM .-C - . , .
. . " J. pu.ipai..
Kile. 12mo(4ix7i inches). Illustrated
Pares, 3'M. Binding, cloth
Price, act. Sl.OO, postpaid.
Sisc, 12mo (5x7 inches). Illustrated
Pares. 360. Binding, cloth.
6ise, 12mo (Sx7 in eh en)
Pases. 255. Bindins. cloth.
In every detail is the accomplished aim of this
550 rooms render choice of apartments as-