Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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the aroT?vTNo orkgoman, Wednesday, November is. ioi4.
Committee Decides to Adver
tise For Bids on Issue On
Two Different Bases.
Remaining $400,000 Worth of Se
curities to Be Sold at Same Time
. Multnomah Disposes of Its
$1,000,000 Worth.
Action was taken yesterday by the
mdvisory bonding committee of the in
terstate bridge, meeting- with the County
Commissioners and' a delegation from
Clarke County, to ask for bids for the
remaining $1,000,000 in bridge bonds as
Boon as advertisements can be pre
pared. The Vancouver delegation ex
pressed willingness to go ahead with
the sale of the $500,000 worth of bonds
to be issued by Clarke County to be
devoted to the bridge fund, and the
Advisory committee, consisting of Dis
trict Attorney Evans, Henry Teal and
Charles K. Williams, was directed to
prepare the form of the advertisement
and report at a special meeting to be
beld tomorrow.
Present yesterday were Messrs. Evans,
' Teal and Williams, County Commis
sioners Holman, Lightner and Hart,
County Clerk Coffey, County Auditor
William Marshall and County Commis
sioner A. Rawson. both of Clarke
County, Washington.
Two Plana to Be Ottered.
Tenders will be asked for the pur
chase of interstate bridge bondc to be
delivered on two alternative proposi
tions. One calls for the entire issue
of $1,000,000, to be delivered within 20
days after the award to the highest
bidder, and the other will ask for ten
ders on the same amount of securities
to be delivered in two, four or six
months, it being the plan to deliver
certain parts of the issue as the bidders
desire. Longer than six months, it is
thought, would not prove attractive to
' bond-buyers.
The advisory committee will meet to
day to draw up the form of the ad
vertisement for bids and state the terms
of the proposed sale for" the informa
tion of bidders. The committee will be
ready to report at tomorrow's meeting.
Should responses to the advertise
ments to be printed for the entire re
maining block of Multnomah County'
bond issue for the interstate bridge be
iot attractive, they will not be sold
and some other action yet to be deter
mined will be taken.
Market Improvement Expected.
It ' was the opinion that the bond
market is due for marked improvement
within six months, and some suggested
that the bridge work be prosecuted
with the funds on hand, leaving the
later payments for material and work
to be met with the proceeds of later
. bond sales.
All were in earnest, however, about
commencing work at once. County
Commissioner Rawson, of Clarke Coun
ty, said the Clarke County committee
will co-operate to the fullest extent. He
, eaid:
"Wo have been waiting for a. bridge
for a long, long time. Twenty years
ago we had a bridge project started and
' eucceeded in placing one pier in the
river, where it has remained ever since.
'After that, the State of Washington
'decided to bridge the' Columbia at Van
couver and passed a. legislative act
making the appropriation. But the Gov
ernor vetoed the measure and we are
Btill without a bridge for vehicle and
pedestrian traffic"
Clarke to Offer $400,000 Worth.
; The Clarke County committee is in
a ponition to dispose of $100,000 in
bonds, of the total $500,000 block au
. thorized, at once, that amount to be
purchased with the state school funds.
The remaining $400,000 in bonds will
be advertised simultaneously with the
Multnomah County securities and bids
opened on the same day. Following the
i opening of bids, the committee will
- come to Portland to confer with the
Multnomah County authorities before
Voting to accept the tenders.
That this is a favorable time for let
ting contracts for the bridge was the
opinion of those attending the meeting.
V. J. Lewellen, representing the Ameri
can Bridge Company, said he believed
the bridge could be bought now for
$100,000 less than in normal times. Al
though money is high, the opinion was
expressed that the low price of mate
rials would counterbalancee this condi
tion. Companies Aak Details.
Telegrams were received from the
Pennsylvania Steel Company and the
Phoenix .Bridge Company In reply to
inquiries sent last Saturday, asking if
tliey would bid on the structure before
.all the funds were In hand, and both
replied that they were interested in the
contract but would require more Infor
mation in detail as to the progress of
financing the structure before making a
definite bid.
At yesterday's meeting a letter was
ordered sent to A. L. Mills, president of
the Portland Clearing-House Associa
tion, asking the attitude of local banks
as to paying interest on bridge funds of
the county that will be on hand be
tween the sale of bonds and payment of
bridge contracts.
Marine Notes
Having loaded 325 tons of wheat
here for San Francisco, the steamer
Johan Poulsen left the harbor for St.
Helens yesterday afternoon to finish
working 490,000 feet of lumber. The
Siskiyou, bound for San Pedro, left to
load more lumber at St. Johns. Wauna
and Knappton.
It is reported yesterday that a brisk
Inquiry was on for lumber to New
..York, one firm having offered 2,500.000
feet and another 1,500,000 feet, while
.'. -several smaller lots down to 75,000 feet
were proffeied. The rate by the Canal
Is $12 a thousand.
Her inward consignments of sulphur
j: having been discharged, the Japanese
steamer Azumusan Maru shifted yes
terday from the St. Johns public dock
; to Llnnton, where she begins loading
. lumber for the Far Bast in the in
terest of Mitsui & Company.
Collector of Internal Revenue Mil
ler has notified tobacco dealers that
a war tax will be levied to cover the
: period between November 1 and June
SO on a basis of $4 a year or $3.20 for
& proportional period. Dealers must
apply for blank applications on which
to obtain special form stamps by No
vember 30.
As a cut at Doblebower's was fin
ished the Government dredge Wahkia
kum shifted yesterday to Puget Islaii.
where she will dredge for a short time.
- The Government dredge Mathloma
1 reached the Linnton moorings yester
day to substitute snagpulling gear
for dredging apparatus and she re
turns to the Upper Willamette to cleat
the channel in places.
Assistant Inspectors Meany and
Weldon, of the Federal steamboat in
spection service, left aboard the
. steamer Breakwater last night for
Coquille to inspect the steamer Tele
graph, which has been lengthened
about 17 feet. The vessel is to resume
her run between Bandon and Coquille.
The steamer Homer is to be inspected
here today by United States Inspectors
Edwards and Fuller.
Captain Vic Cagerstedt has resumed
command of the river steamer Beaver,
relieving Captain A. N. Smith.
In ballast the Norwegian bark Falls
of Afton was entered from Callao yes
terday. The vessel fell in with a
naval vessel off the Oregon Coast and
from her obtained her position. It
was rough at the time and the nation
ality of the marine fighter could not
be made out, but it was believed to
have been an American ship.
Balboa advices to the Merchants'
Exchange yesterday reported that the
steamer Geo. ; W. Fenwick, lumber
laden from Portland, arrived there
during the day. She is under charter
to W. R. Grace & Company and was
started from Portland October 30.
As the steam schooner Tosemite was
leaking slightly she was lifted on tho
Oregon drydock yesterday and it was
found that a small amount of caulking
was required around the stern post.
The vessel will probably be floated
today and start loading for. the return
voyage. -
Arrest Results From Charge That Is
Blade by Ray Buck, Who Confesses
Loon Lake Robbery and. Assault.
EOSEBURG, Or.. Nov. 17. James
Ferguson, of Gardiner, accused of re
ceiving $400 of the money taken from
the cabin jjf Frank Kuhn. of Loon Lake,
after an attack made on Kuhn by Ray
Bunch last . Thursday night, was
brought here tonight by a Deputy Sher
iff. He is being held pending an ex
amination before the grand Jury.
In his confession to District Attor
ney Brown Saturday night, Ray Bunch,
confessed assailant of Mr. Kuhn, said
that while he was confined In a hotel
at Gardfner awaiting transportation to
Roseburg he gave Ferguson $400 of the
stolen money. Ferguson, the officers
say, was deputized to guard the pris
oner during the night Bunch was held
at Gardiner.
Bunch told the District Attorney that
he made an agreement with Ferguson,
whereby Ferguson was to surrender to
him half of the $400 in the event he
was released from custody by the
courts. In the event of being con
victed and sentenced to a term in the
penitentiary. Bunch said Ferguson was
to keep all the money.
Ferguson tonight denied the accusa
tions made by Bunch.
None of the money taken from the
Kuhn home, with the exception of $70,
which was destroyed, has been re
Mr. Kuhn is expected here early to
morrow to testify against Bunch.
No one here knew of Ferguson s ar
rest until he arrived In town tonight.
Eccles Interests Not Trying to Buy
Oregon, Is Assertion.
Persistent rumors are afloat that the
Eccles interests of Utah are closing
negotiations for an interest in the
Hotel . Oregon. These rumors, however,
are denied by F. S. Bramwell, the new
assistant "manager of the hotel.
'If any deal is pending for the
purchase of any interest in the Ore
gon, I know nothing of it." said Mr.
Bramwell last night. "The owner
ship, insofar as I know, remains with
Wright and Dickinson and will re
main with them. The report that Mr.
Wright may retire from the active
management Is absolutely without
foundation. Mr. Wright is in Seattle,
and Mr. Dickinson is in Bellingham
looking after his oil interests.
"During the past 30 days the busi
ness of the Hotel Oregon has Increased
35 per cent and the company is in
splendid financial condition. I was a
close friend and the personal repre
sentative of David Eccles prior to his
death nearly two years ago, but since
that time have not figured ' extensively
with the Kccles interests."
Mrs. Camilla Donnell, Itast Charter
Member of Church, Dies.
-THE DALLES, Or.. Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Camilla Donnell. aged 87,
one of the pioneers of The Dalles since
1858, died Monday as a result of a com
plication of diseases.
She was the last charter member of
The Dalles Congregational Church and
a prominent member of the old Fort
Dalles Historical Society, the Women's
Relief Corps and the Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union. The funeral
will be held Wednesday afternoon.
James W. Casey.
In response to a brief para
graph appearing in The Orego
nlan's "Twenty-Five Years Ago"
column a week ago today, James
W. Casey, the veteran traveling
passenger agent of the Milwau
kee railroad, has received hun
dreds of letters and telegrams
from friends in all parts of the
country congratulating him on
his successful completion of a
quarter century of service in the
ranks of the company. "Jim"
Casey is the oldest traveling pas
senger agent on the Pacific Coast
and probably the most popular
and has traveled for the same
railroad for a longer period than
any other man on the Coast.
"Kit" Carson is the only traveling
railroad man in Portland who has
seen more years of service, but
he has not always been with the
same road. A. D. Charlton and
George Willett, both of the
Northern Pacific, are the only
men in Portland who have been
longer on "railroad row" than
t a
Advance Marked at Dock by
Cars of Hemp A waiting -Con--.
nections With New York.
Promise for Portland as Gateway in
Future With More Carloads for .
East May Be Realized Mu
nicipal Wharf Grows.
Gradually, Portland is regaining lost
prestige In the way of trans-continental
shipments. in connection with water
lines, an important feature of tbe har
bor's business that not many years ago
earned for the city the distinction of
having the largest Japanese matting
account on the Pacific Coast, when
more than 50,000 rolls of the Oriental
floor covering were stored here at a
time In bond.
Six cars of hemp are piled on munici
pal dock No. 1 for Chicago and two cars
additional are for New York, the mate
rial having been discharged from the
Royal Mail liner Den of Airlie, which
now is working her- outbound cargo.
From the cargo of the Royal Mail liner
Merionethshire, a car of cocoanut oil
was drawn for Chicago.
Portland Route to Be Urged.
There are promises that the Portland
gateway will be favored In the future
with more carloads for the East, so it
then will be a problem for commercial
interests to shoulder In inducing 'East
ern houses to instruct their Far East
ern agents to route via Portland, - as
well as send their freight through this
city that Is destined for Oriental de
livery. In two weeks nine ships have handled
cargo at Municipal dock No.- 1 and J.
W. Ransom, in charge of the property
under the Commission of Public Docks,
has his hands full keeping consign
ments on the move, as the next Grace
liner, the Santa Cruz, is eaid to have
2000 tons for Portland and other car
riers are coming along shortly which
will require space. One end of the first
unit of the dock Is being utilized for
the storage of Alaska salmon brought
down by the Portland Steamship Com
pany's vessels, and as the frame of
the warehouse in the rear of the dock
Is up and the work of covering the roof
and sides begun, space there will be
available by January 1 for freight that
is to be stored.
Second Unit of Dock Progresses.
The second unit of the dock Is well
along, the roof being on and the sides
are being enclosed. Piling and ties for
a track that extends along the north
line to the harbor frant are in place
and the steel will be laid in time for
service when -the pier and slip Is fin
ished there, the basin for the slip be
ing now under way. Material, taken
from the river, is being hoisted into a
hopper and washed to the rear of the
dock, .where a fill is being made.
Bids will be opened next week for
extending the tracks and building a
roadway Into the center of the dock
from Front street, which also is to serve
the warehouse. As soon as the second
unit is completed there will be another
extreme roadway, thereby affording
three entrances to the dock that will
facilitate the movement of team trans
fers to a large degree.
btacks of miscellaneous goods, with
1300 tons of sulphur, the latter being
moved by rail to Oregon City for paper
manufacturing purposes, damaged kegs
of nails and other packages belner coo
pered, together with shlDments of
hemp, have crowded the dock for the
present, but deliveries are being aug
mented so that there should be plenty
of space for the Santa Cruz cargo.
Manager Blair Goes South After In
specting Two Liners Here.
Huge bundles of Oregon grape and
fir boughs going into the hold of the
"Big Three" liner Bear,-destined for
San Francisco and Los Angeles, sacks
of oysters, boxes of famed Oregon ap
ples and other freight that hag to do
witn holiday cheer and dinners, gave
Ainsworth dock a yuletide appearance
yesterday afternoon, when the Bear de
parted at 4 o'clock for the land where
snow and fir trees are as scarce as hen
It may have been the character of
shipments that reminded certain offi
cials of the line and officers of the
steamer of the cheerful-giving period,
for tney combined to assist a woman
to Los Angeles and hardly had it been
proposed when a purse of $16 was col
lected quietly and the passenger sent
on her way. The Bear, having been
drydocked this trip, was an hour late
departing, but that will make no dif
ference in the time of her sailing from
the river. The steamer carried 360
passengers and there was just one more
in the first-class list than in the steer
age, classes being virtually evenly di
vided. The Beaver, "flagship' of the squad
ton, is due tn today with a fair pas
senger list and average cargo. G. L
Blair, general' manager of the fleet,
who came here on the Rose City No
vember 8, to be present during her an
nual inspection, as well as to Inspect
the hull of the Bear when she was on
drydock, left on the Bear yesterday for
San Francisco. While on the public
drydock Sunday Mr. Blair stepped
through a hole in the deck of one pon
toon, being engaged at the time in ex
amining the lower plates on the ves
sel's hull, and sustained painful in
juries to his right leg. A surgeon who
examined the- limb yesterday said there
might be a slight fracture.
Xorth Bank Steamers to Carry Pas
sengers Here From Philadelphia.
"When the new passenger steamships
of the Great Northern Pacific Steam
ship Company make their Initial voy
age from Philadelphia to San Francis
co next Spring, they will carry a full
list of passengers.
The company proposes to advertise
its service in the hope of attracting
passengers for the west bound trip
from Philadelphia to San Francisco and
Portland. The steamers will pass
through the Panama Canal and make
a brief stop at San Francisco before
proceeding to Flavel at the mouth of
the Columbia. The first of the pair
the Great Northern will leave Phila
delphia about March 15.
Each vessel has accommodations for
650 first class. 108 second class and 198
third-class passengers.
All Crew Saved When Craft on Tour
Fonnders in Alaska.
SEATTLE. Wash, Nov. 17. The
steamer Dirigo. owned by the Alaska
Steamship Company, of Seattle, foun
dered last night in a heavy gale off
Cape Spencer, Alaska, while being
towed to Seattle by the passenger
steamship Cordova, of tho same line.
The Dlrtgo's crew of 13 were saved by
the Cordova.
Lately the Dlrlgo has been cn the
run from Seward to the Alaska penin
sula and adjoining islands. She was
being brought to Seattle, her place
having been taken by a better boat.
A crew of 12 men, under Captain John
Johnston, was on the Dirigo. About
6 o'clock yesterday afternoon in lati
tude 58:48, longitude west 39:35. during
a tremendous gale the Dirigo became
unmanageable acd the crew was taken
on the Cordova.
The Dirigo was a wooden steamer of
823 gross tons, built at Hoquiam, Wash.,
in 1898. She was 165 feet long. During
the gold days, she was a freight and
passenger carrier between Alaska and
Puget Sound. She was valued at $125,-
On October
from Alaska
crew struck.
3, 1910, after a -royage
to Seattle the Dlrlgo's
saying the vessel had
leaked all the way down and had
been kept from sinking only by con
stant work at the pumps.
Board Fears Clatsop .Is Dumping
Material Into Main Channel.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 17. (Special.)
The Port of Astoria Commission has
ordered an Investigation of the dredg
ing operations carried .on in the UDDer
harbor by the dredge Clatsop. Recent
reports are that the dredge has been
dumping material into the main chan
nel leading to Astoria, and this, the
commission Has taken exception to. it
has authorized Engineer Walsh and
Vice-Chalrman Wingate to make an In
vestigation of the operations and re
port on them. If found to be correct
the engineer's department will be asked
to change the plans immediately, other
wise an injunction will be asked for
In the courts.
With reference to dredging opera
tions by the Chinook, a letter was re
ceived from Colonel McKinstry, engi
neer In charge of the work, thanking
the Commission for its co-operation in
the improvement of the bar-and harbor.
The letter also Bald that the Chinook
would be kept on the bar as long as
the results of her work merited.
A record of the dredging operations
at the mouth of the Columbia as re
ceived from - the engineer'? office in
Portland show that only 23,000 cubic
yards were removed from the bar In
the month of October, as against 178.
260 yards in July, 209,640 tn August and
127,820 yards In September.
Tars Jailed When Drunk Escorted
Back to. Forecastle.
Four sailors of the crew of the Rus
sian ship Thomaslna, who were arrest
ed Friday after attacking officers of
the vessel, were escorted from the City
Jail to the Thomaslna yesterday after
noon. They were takeo to tho Munici
pal boatlanding in a police auto and
thence to the ship in the Harbor Pa
trol launch, the Thomaslna having
been shifted from the Globe elevator
to the stream and anchored below the
bridges, where the men joined her.
Threats of enforcing the discharge
of the quartet here because of their
fear of capture at the hands of Ger
man or Turkish vessels had not ma-,
teriallzed up to the time they were
returned. Captain Frederlckson Insists
that they have no reasonable ground
on which to base a demand to be paid
off. as they are natives of Finland and
not directly involved in the present
European trouble. He says they are
willing sailors when sober.
The Thomaslna will leave for sea
tomorrow or Friday. She is laden with
wheat dispatched by A. Berg and has
a cargo of 98,000 bushels, valued at
Oristano Finished, St. II u go Goes
Today and Ecclesla Starts Loading.
Cable inquiry from England for oats
to be delivered in January stirred grain
circles yesterday, and the 3000 tons
aboard the British steamer' Oristano
may be only a start in a heavy move
ment of the fodder, which Is in demand
by the British and French forces. On
the Lowther Range, working cargo at
Montgomery dock, about 3500 tons of
oats will be floated, and tho sale of
zooo tons of oats at the Merchants' Ex
change yesterday Is for another cargo.
Parcel shipments are being made from
puget sound as well.
Besides oats, the Oristano took 126,-
vsa Dusneis of wheat, valued at $145.
!. xne tramp st. tiugo should be
started seaward today with a cereal
cargo, Liverpool being her destination,
and the Den of Airlie will go into her
berth at the Crown mill to take on
flour for the Far East. The tramp
ccciesia. wnicn was lined at tho East
ern & Western mill, shifted fron
there yesterday to the Dlant of th,
Portland Flouring Mills Ccmpany to
tuna tor .cngiana.
Panaman Arrives From New York,
and Santa Cruz Due Soon.
Flour sent away last night on the
American-Hawaiian steamer Iowan,
destined for New York and consisting
of 6000 sacks. Is believed to be intended
tor reshlpment to England and is the
second lot routed that way, one cargo
In October comprising 7000 barrels. The
Iowan had an assortment of other
freight and sailed by way of Puget
Sound and San Francisco.
The Panaman, of the same line, came
into the harbor before the Iowan got
away and anchored in the stream until
a berth was available. She has New
Vork freight to unload and should take
on her outward shipments toTie able to
sail by Saturday, following the Iowan
north and to the Golden Gate.
The Grace liner Santa Cruz, also from
New York, is due November 25 with
freight aggregating 2003 tons. She Is
reported making good time from the
East coast to the Golden Gate, being
credited with an average speed of 13
knots an hour on 140 barrels of oil a
Big Lumber Cargo Sent South.
ST. HELENS, OrNov. 7. (Special.)
The St. Helens Mill Company this
week sent the Celilo, with a million
feet of lumber, for San Pedro and the
Multnomah for San Diego. The Mult
nomah left the dock 30 minutes after
the Celilo had cleared. These two
vessels had a race on their last trip
down the coast. Each vessel left with
a full quota of passengers.- The Wil
lamette took a full load of lumber and
passengers for San Pedro. The To
semite, with 40 passengers and 600,000
feet of lumber, departed for San Fran
cisco. The Klamath with 60 passengers
also took a load of piling to San Fran
cisco. The Columbus Mill, of this place,
loaded the Templu E. Dorr, of the
Hicks - Hauptman Company, for San
Pedro and the Johan Poulsen for San
Francisco. -
St. Helens Shipyard Busy.
ST.'HELENS, Or.. Nov. 17 (Special.)
The St. Helens Shipbuilding Com
pany has secured contracts to construct
the dredge, the Monticello, for the
United States Government. This dredge
will be used for improvement of the
Cowlitz, Lewis and Clatskanie rivers.
The approximated cost is $10,000. This
company also has the contract for re
pairing the Government lightship, the
Umatilla, for a consideration of $12,000.
A new steam schooner Is in tbe yards.
It will be finished and launched within
a short time.
Bids for Repairs on Dalbek to
Be Opened Tomorrow.
Rotating System on Santa Catallna
Job Planned to Give Labor to as
Many Men as Possible Dur
ing Life of Contract.
Marine repair work here will be
further Increased after bids are opened
tomorrow for new frames and other
parts in the hull of the German bark
Dalbek, which was damaged previous
to her arrival in the river, and when
ordered to lay up with other German
vessels owing to the war. It was found
that she was leaking and a survey
resulted in specifications being issued.
The three contracts awarded the
Willamette Iron & Steel Works, that
of repairing the Grace liner Santa
Catalina, repairing and overhauling
Lightvessel No. 67, and building the
new Government dredge Monticello,
will be the main scene of activity dur
ing the Winter and plans have been
adopted so that needy individuals will
be given employment to tide them over
for a time.
Bert C. Ball, manager of the plant,
said yesterday that . rotating system
was being adopted so that while from
250 to 300 men would be required to
carry on the projects, laborers would
be retained for a period sufficient to
earn money to carry them and their
families for a time and then others
would be put on, so by the time the
Santa Catallna Is finished perhaps 500
names would have been on the pay
roll. There have been many appli
cants for places and they were listed
so they will be accepted as vacancies
are open.
The Santa Catallna, which is lying
alongside the dock on the riverside,
is expected to be shifted into a berth
between the iron works and Oregon
drydock today, dredging having
progressed satisfaetoiily there. With
the ship in a more advantageous posi
tion, the damaged plates and other ma
terial can be torn away more rapidly
and everything prepared for new ma
terial to go into place. There were
about 100 men working aboard the
steamer yesterday and it was aimed
to have the vessel's funnel dismantled
the first thing this morning.
Captain Rose, of the Santa Catalina.
remains on the ground during the
period of repairs and will take the
ship to sea when she resumes opera
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Sue Oristano
for Alleged $3801 Damages.
Suit for libel against the British
steamer Oristano for $3801.52 on ac
count of alleged losses through dam
age to cargo and her failure to deliver
certain portions of her consignments
was filed in the United States District
Court yesterday by Balfour, Guthrie
& Co.
The complaint .alleges a shortage in
and damage to consigiments of iron,
steel, glass, salts, bleaching powder,
canary seed and" a quantity of car
bolineum destined for Portland. San
Francisco and Seattle. Several claims
made by other firms have been pur
chased by the libelants.
The damage is attributed to the leak
ing of carbolineum on the other' por
tions of the cargo. Among the dam
aged articles consigned to Portland
firms were quantities of salts and iron,
glass and the carbolineum barrels.
The shortage to firms here is named
aa three barrels of salts, 1203 pieces of
iron, 24 boxes of glass and 50 gallons
of carbolineum, the total value of the
loss being fixed at $1459.42.
Through Captain J. M. Williamson,
master of the steamer, Furness, Withy
& Co., owners. In London, have filed a
bond of $5000 as security for damagss
that may be awarded.
Vancouver Improvement In Colum
bia River to Cost $14,0 00.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.) Work on the Port of Vancou
ver's two jetties, to be built in the Co
lumbia River, will begin as soon as
contracts can be drawn up and the ma
terial assembled.
The Port of Vancouver Commission
ers. William D. DuBois, George McCoy
and C. E. Abel, today let three con
tracts for this work, which will cost
about $14,000.
Elliott Contracting Company, of
Portland, obtained a contract to con
struct 2000 feet of jetty on the Oregon
side and 400 feet on the Washington
side, its bid being $3076.
Piling will be furnished at 8 cents
a foot by Alfred A. Loeb, of Portland,
and this will amount to $4500. This
piling is cut near Battle Ground, this
The rock will -be furnished for 75
cents a cubic yard, measured on the
barge and placed in the Jetty. This
work will cost $6000.
News From Oregon Ports.
COOS BAY. Or.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Randolph ar
rived today and will load freight for a
trip to Port Orford and Wedderburn.
The steamer Alvarado arrived from
Portland with freight for this district.
The vessel is loading lumber at North
ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 17. (SDeclaH
The American-Hawaiian line steamer
Panaman arrived today from San Fran
cisco with part cargo from New Yoric
for Portland.
. The steam -schooner Northland ar
rived from San Francisco with general
cargo for Astoria aod Portland.
The steam schooners Nehalem and
Temple E. Dorr arrived from San Fran
cisco with cargo for Astoria and Port
land. The steam schooner Celilo and the
steam schooner Multnomah Is due from
San i'rancisco witr general cargo.
The steam schooner Siskiyou will
shift to Knappton, where slie will load
tiOO.JOO feet of lumber for San Fran
cisco. Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Nov. 17. Arrived Steamers
Northland. Asuncion. Temple K. torr tad
Nehalem. from San Kranciaco ; panamf.ii,
from New York, via way ports. Sailed
Steamers Breakwater, for Coos Bay; Bear,
foi San Pedro, via San Francisco; lowar.,
for New York, via way ports; Siskiyou, for
San Pedro; British steamer Oristano. for
United Kingdom.
Astoria. Nov. 17. Arrived at 5 and left up
at 7:30 A. M. Steamer Northland, from
San Francisco. Arrived at 7 and left up at
8 A. M. Steamer Panaman, from New York,
via way ports. Arrived at 8:30 and left up
at 10 A. M. Steamer Asuncion, from San
Francisco. Arrived at 9 and left up at 10
A M Steamers Nehalem and Temple E.
Dorr, from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Nov. IS. Sailed at 7 P. M.
Steamer San Ramon, for Portland.
Coos Bay, Nov. 17. Sailed at midnight
Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland, for
Eureka. Arrived at 8 A M. Alvarado. frum
Poi tland for San Francisco.
Eureka, Nov. 17. Arrived at noon Steam
er Geo. W. Elder, from Portland, via Coos
Victoria, Nov. 16. Sailed at It. 19 P. SL J
Nov. 15-21
19 14
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.
Tickets on sale daily Not. 15-20
Final return limit November 23
Apple Cooking Contest
will be held by tbe O.-W. R. & N. at the Apple
Show Thursday, November 19th. Don't miss it.
Leave PORTLAND 8:00 P.
Arrive SPOKANE 7:56 A.
Superior Service, Electric Lighted
Tickets, reservations, etc.,
Third and Washington Streets
Marshall 4500, A 6121
British steamer Merionethshire, from Port
lands for London, via. Oriental ports.
Balboa, Nov. 17. Arrived steamer Geo.
W. Fenwlckt, from Columbia River.
Honolulu, Nov. IS. Arrived Steamer Ken
tuckian, from Portland, for New lork. via
San Francisco.
San Dleg-o. Nov. 17. Arrived Steamer
Yucatan, from Portland, via way ports.
Astoria, Nov. 16. Sailed at noon Steamer
Alvarado, for San Francisco, via Coos Bay.
Sydney. N. 8. W., Nov. 16. Arrived So
noma, from San Francisco.
London, Nov. 16. Arrived at Thames
haven Steamer Barneson. from San Fran
cisco. Avonmouth. Nov. 17. Arrived Spltheaa.
from Ban Francisco.
New York, Nov. 17. Arrived Steamer
Arlionan. from Seattle. Sailed Steamers St.
Helens, for San Francisco; Washlnstoman.
for San Francisco.
San Fraaclsco, Nov. 17. Arrived Steam
ers Tamalpals. from Grays H?rbor; Manoa,
from Honolulu; Strathearn (British), from
Pacasmayoi Peru: Adeline Smith. from
Coos Bay; Bonolulan, bark Archer, from Se
attle; Peru, from Balboa; Cordelia (British),
from Vancouver. Sailed Steamers City of
Para, for Ancon; Carznel, for Grays Har
bor; Satanta (British), for Woo Suns; Atlas,
for Honolulu; Pacific, -tor Seattle.
Seattle. Wash.. Nov 17. Arrived Steam.
ers Falcon, Bee. El Segundo. from San Fran
cisco; Jefferson, xrom southeastern AlasKa;
Novgorod (Russian), from Vladivostok; U.
S. cableshlp Burnside. from Southeastern
Alaska. Sailed steamers Queen, for an
Diego; - Shidzuoka Maru (Japanese), for
Hongkong; City of Seattle, for Souiheaatarn
Balboa. Nov. 17. Arrived Steamer
Brodmount, from Seattle, and proceeded for
Liverpoo'. Sailed Steamer Datnara, from
San Francisco, for Galveston.
Christobat, Nov. 17. Arrived Steamer
Evolyn( Philadelphia for San Francisco.
Steamer Schedule.'
Name. From. Date.
Roanoke. ......... San Diego. ..... In port
Beaver Los Angelee Nov. 18
Gt o. W. Elder Eureka Nov. 20
Yucatan -San Diego ..Nov. 12
Breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. Nov. 2-
Rose City. ........ J.os Angeles. .... .Nov.
Biar Los Angeles Nov. 28
Name. For Date.
Roanoke San Diego Nov. 18
Harvard 8. F. to L. A. Nov. 1
Celilo ..San Diego Nov 20
Yale 8. F. to L. A- Nov. 20
Multnomah ..JSan Diego .Nov. 21
Geo. W. iSlder Eureka Nov. V-
Northland. .San Francisco. .. .'Nov. 22
Beaver. ...... .... .Los Angeles. .... .Nov.
breakwater. ...... Coos Bay. ....... Nov.
J. B. Stetson .San Diego.. Nov.
Yucatan Diego Nov.
San Itamon. ...... .San Francisco. . .Nov.
Rose City. J.OS Angeles Nov.
Willamette San Diego Nov.
Yosemlte. ........ .San Francisco. . . .Nov.
Klamath Saa Diego Nov.
Bear .Los Angeles Dec.
Name. From Date.
Den of Airlie London In port
Glenroy London. ........ .Jan. 23
Glen turret. .... London. Feb. 2u
Name. For Date.
Den of Airlie London Nov. 21
Glenroy London. ......... J an. oJ
Glesturret .London Feb. 2ft
Name. For. Date.
Thos. L. TV" and Skigway Nov. 23
Marconi "Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. M., Novem
ber 17, unless otherwise designated.)
Santa Maria, Port Harford for Honolulu
'564 miles south of Port Harford, Novem
ber 10. at 8 P. M.
Hooper, Baltimore for -Seattle, 789 mtls
south of Kan Francisco, November 18, at S
Lyra, Ean Francisco for New York, 725
miles south of San Francisco.
Santa. Cruz, New York for San Pedro, 76J
miles south of East San Pedro.
Pennsylvania, Balboa for San Francisco,
30 miles rum Acapulco.
Atlantic. San Francisco for Boston, by
miles south of Cape San Lucas
Redondu. .San. Francisco for Redonao, SB
miles north of Redondo.
Camlno, SO miles from Magdalena Ba.
Queen Seattle for San Francisco, nine
miles south of Cape Flattery.
Governor, Seattle for Vancouver, oft
Partridge Point.
Oliver J. Olson left Everett for San Fran
Northwestern left Ketchikan for Seattle,
November Id. at 9:15 P. M.
Multnomah, San Francisco for Portland;
crossing Columbia bar. '
Richmond, Richmond for Seattle, 200 miles
from Seattle.
Leelanaw, San Diego for San Francisco,
145 miles south of San Francisco, Nov. 10,
8 P. M.
Atlas, San Francisco for Honolulu, 70S
miles out, Nov. 16. 8 P. M.
Topeka, Ban Francisco for Eureka, 30 miles
south of Point Arena. Nov. 16. 8 P. M.
Rose City, San Francisco for San Pedro,
10 miles south of Poln Sur, Nov. 16, S P. M.
Aroline, San Pedro for San Francisco, 12
miles north of Pledras Blancas, Nov. 18, 8
'cut of Para, San Francisco for Balboa,
51 miles south of San Francisco, Nov. 18,
Farragut San Francisco for Seattle, 23
miles north of Point Reyes, Nov. 16. 8 P. M.
Santa Clara. San Francisco for San Pedro,
25 miles south of Pigeon Point, Nov. 16, 8
P. M.
Stetson, San Pedro for San Francisco, 20
miles south of. Point Sur, Nov. 16, 8 P. M.
Washtenaw, San Luis for Oleum, 60 miles
south of San Francisco, Nov. 16, S P. M.
Kllbum, Eureka for San Francisco 12
miles north of Point Arena. Nov. 16, 8 P. M.
Beaver. San Francisco for Portland, OS
Hecta Head. Nov. 16, 8 P. M.
Herrin, Llnnton for Avon, 866 miles south
of Columbia River bar.
Oleum. Portland for Port San Luis, 134
miles north of San Francisco.
Argyll, Oleum for Seattle, 250 miles north
of San Francisco.
Centralia. Aberdeen for San Francisco, 323
miles north of San Francisco.
Dewey. Seattle for San Francisco, 160
miles north of San Francisco.
Grace Dollar. Eagle Harbor for San Fran.
Cisco. 310 miles north of San Francisco.
Buck, Monterey tor Llnnton, 4S1 miles
north of Monterey.
Lucas. Seattle for Richmond, 60 miles
north of Cape Blanco.
San Ramon, San Francisco for Portland,
50 miles north of Cape Mendocino.
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. Nov. 17. Condition of the
bar at t P. M. : Sea, smooth; wind, east,' 18
miles. .
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. Low.
1:13 A. M.... 7.4 feet6:4J A. M....2.8 feet
0:38 P. M....10.2 feet 7:53 P. M.. L8 feet
Explorers at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Bill Rodgers, - Kuba Evans, - Ty Lober
Watch for V
Announcement I
and Buddy K?an spent Sunday here In
their launches tied at & local wharf.
Mrs. Rodgers, with her son. Bill, Jr.,
and Airs. Evans accompanied their bus
bands. The ballplayers expect to spend
several days hunting in the Arlington
district, after which they will leave
for a trip of several weeks on the Up
per Columbia.
Tnckerton Wireless Resumes.
NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Commercial
wireless communication between Ger
many and the tower at Tuckerton. X.
J., was resumed today, according to an
announcement made here.
How To Stop The
Tobacco Habit Secretly
By a Specialist.
That the tobacco habit can be treated
secretly at homo at very little expense
Is the claim of a well-known specialist
who bas treated thousands of cases.
In a recent interview ho made the fol
lowing; statement: "The cost of the
drugs used to treat the tobacco habit
in the high-priced sanitariums amounts
to very little. Here is a simple, inex
pensive prescription that can be given
secretly in coffee, tea, milk or water
or tn the food, as it bas no color, taste
nor smell: To 3 oz. of water add 20
grains of muriate of ammonia, a small
box of Varlex Compound and 10 grains
of pepsin. Put in coffee or food a tea
epooniul three times a day. This pre
scription can be put up by any drug
gist. Is perfectly harmless and will be
found very effective In the treatment
of the tobacco habit in any form."
If Feverish, Bilious, Constipated,
Give Fruit Laxative at
Don't Bcold your fretful, peevish
child. See if tongue is coated; this Is a
sure tigrn its little stomach, liver and
bowels are clogged with sour waste.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat, sleep or act naturally, has atora-ache-ache,
indigestion, diarrhoea, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul
waste, the sour bile and fermenting
food passes out of the bowels and you
ave a weil anu ' :t 'i.
Children love this harmless "fruit
laxative." and mothers can rest easy
after giving it, because it never falls
to make their little "insides" clean
and sweet. -
Keep it handy. Mother! A Httla
given today saves a sick child tomor
row, but get the genuine. Ask your
druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs," which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Remember there are counter
feits sold here, so surely look and see
that yours is made by the "California
Fig Syrup Company." Hand back:
with contempt any other fig syrup..
Quit Sneezing!
A little Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly placed In
;lie nostrils will brinar relief. Yonr druuklit
guarantees it. Money back if it fails.. A 25c
or 50c tube of
Original and Genulno
Don't delay. Cse It at once. Its cooling,
soothltisr. baalinc effects are wonderiul.
;test thine yon can nse for chronic nasal
catarrh, colds in head, sneexinc. dry catarrh,
sore nose, nose bleed, etc lo.000.0C0 tubes
have been sold. Write us for eenerons free
.ample. 35.000 droireists seil this splendid
remedy. Avoid dangerous substitutes.
XONDON MFG. CO, Mlnnsaoolls, Minn.
Watch for