Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 17, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Government Reports Indicate
That Trend of Trade ,1s
1, Toward Improvement.
Advices to Secretary McAdoo Are
That Imports for November Are
SO Per Cent Lower, While Ki-'.-
ports Gain 50 Per Cent.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 16 While the
forces of destruction are being mobil
ized In ever-Increasing- strength In the
warring: countries of Europe, construc
tion agencies, public and private, are
at work on this side of the Atlantic
and resources of peace are being con
centrated to overcome the effects of the
world war.
All Information reaching Govern
mental departments here indicates that
the gloom and depression which over
took business enterprises in the United
(States when the war storm burst are
fclowly drawing aside, and glimpses of
present and coming prosperity are vis
ible. The hopeful outlook for American
entures was summarized today by Sec
retary Redfleld in a letter to the Cham
ber of Commerce of the United States
In which he declares:
Condition "Relatively Bright.''
"Let the worst be said and admitted
that can be said respecting existing
business difficulties iu America, our
condition still remains not only rela
tively bright, but rapidly improving,
and In many respects both prosperous
and promising." s
The pulse of the Nation's foreign
commerce is showing steady improve
ment according to the daily tele
graphic statements received by Secre
tary McAdoo from the ten leading ports
of entry. Import business or last eat
urday. based on reporta from ports
handling 87 per cent of all imports,
amounted to $2,330,512; exports from
these ports .handling 72 per cent of all
exports amounted to $10,411,551. The
daily average for these ports in No
vember, 1913, was: Imports, $4,923,
97: exports. $6,983,426.
Since November 1 the total of the lm
rort report is $51,627,759; exports $77,
99,600. Since October 5 the totals have
been: Imports, $156,627,759; exports,
Trade Balances Shown.
The actual export balance for the
month was $57,305,074, as compared
with $15,962,722 in September and an
import balance of $19,400,396 In August.
Two years aKo the October export bal
ance was $76,645,518; last yearthe same
month showed an export balance of
"The detailed figures are:
"October Imports, $137,978,778, against
$132,949,302 last year; 10 months' lm
ports. $1,548,429,652, against $1,460,334.
873 last year. October exports, $195,
283,852. compared with $271,801,464 last
year; 10 months' exports. $1,662,685,841
against $2,005,283,622 last year. Of the
month's imports 62.92 per cent entered
tree of duty, in comparison with 61.36
per cent last year and 67.71 per cent in
October, 1912.
"The commercial gold movements
were: October imports. $5,934,866,
against $5,391,085 last year; 10 months
eivded with October, $45,876,812, against
al. 690,693 last year. October exports.
$50,341,972. against $483,780 last year;
10 months, $207,998,753. against $74,
663.059 last year."
Device Is Discharged While Being
Examined on Dutch Shore.
LONDON. Nov. 16. A mine washed
ashore near West Capelle. Holland, ex
plowed today while being examined,
killing three naval officers, one civ
Uian and three sailors. This informa
tion was contained in an announce
ment made by the Dutch Ministry of
Marine and Cables from Amsterdam to
the Keuter Telegram Company.
Several mines had been taken to
pieces successfully before the accident
occurred. Between 30 and 40 mines
were seen in the Scheldt near Flush
'the Dutch officials say. by torpedo-
boats and others were washed ashore.
llcity regarding the achievements of
other regiments which had accelerated
their recruiting greatly. Mr. Asquith
said be would be glad if any system
could be adopted b which gallantry
of officers and men of all regiments
should be promptly communicated to
the public.
With regard to the suggestion that
skilled war correspondents be permit
ted at the front, be pointed out that
the government was not a free agent
fn the matter.
Allies Have Decisive Vote.
We must regulate our proceedings."
he said, "by the proceedings of our
allies, who do the chief share of the
fighting in the long lines at the front
in their own country and who, there
fore, rightly have the decisive vote as
to what should be done in the way of
appointment of war correspondents."
He declared that he had been gov
erned in the matter Etrlctly by the
requirements of military exigencies and
he knew the commander-in-chief of
the French forces desired that both
countries should get the full advantage
that could be obtained by giving pub
licity to the military operations.
With reference to the allegations
that there had been much demoraliza
tion among the troops through drink
and other causes, he said a careful In
quiry had been made which showed that
far from 30 or 40 per cent o the men
were suffering from preventable dis
ease, as had been stated In some quar
ters. It would be nearer the truth to
say that there had been not more than
10, or the outside 15 per cent of the
men suffering from disease of any sort.
(Continued From First Page.)
iaid. that the money 'should be given
moso nations.
John Hodge, the labor member for
Lancashire, indorsed the proposal, with
xue suggestion:
"Later on we can collect It from
the German Emperor."
Walter Hume Lore, Unionist, said
the country was not likely to be faced
with tne stupendous problems of un
employment which might naturally
have been expetced, and he believed all
"the men needed would be. forthcoming
because the spirit of the country was
eo magnificent. He congratulated the
Kovernment, on behalf of the Opposi
tion on its "steadfast determination to
carry the war to a successful con
Fuller Details Advisable.
Mr. Lone, Mr. Healv and Lord
Charles Beresford discussed the ques
tion oi puDiicity ana urged that the
country should be given fuller details
of the achievements of the troops In
mo neia.
William Henry Cowan, Liberal, pro
posed that Great Britain follow Rus
Kia's example and prohibit the sale o
liquor during the war. Mr. Healy de
manded great liberality In dealing
with the dependents of the soldiers,
He said:
"We are not going to have Crippled
warriors In the work houses again,
or their dependents thrown upon the
scrap heap.
Wishes of France Considered
"In hi3 closing speech. Premie
Asquith placed the burden of the
censorship on France and said it was
necessary to defer tc the wishes of
the country which was doing the
greater part of the lighting and where
nichting was being carried on.
Dealing with the matter of pay the
I'remier said:
"The insulficieucv of the oav of th
lower ranks of commissioned officers
long has been a reproach to thi
country, but has become scandalou
and an indecency when men are laying
uuw ii meir lives.
He announced that Earl Kitchener.
Secretary for War, had prepared a plan
for increased pay. He closed by de
claring that sickness among the troops
had not exceeded 10, possibly 15 per
cent, and that he believed no body of
men ever have been brought together
who had comported themselves better
than the present army.
Referring to the great stimulus to
recruiting for the London Scottish regi
ment which had resulted from the
prompt publicity given to the story of
Its gallant charge, and to similar pub-
Terms of First Chief Are Re
ported as Agreeable to
Mexican General.
Rations for Children, Convalescents
and Well Adnlts Given Articles
Vary From Cream to Beans.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. Dr. Harvey
W. Wiley has prepared a list of select
ed foods for European war sufferers
as a suggestion to Americans who wish
to contribute supplies to the relief
cause. The list is suggested as the
most effective for shipping and 01s
tribution purposes.
It is divided into three classes -one
for infants and young children, one for
convalescents and another for well
adults. A package for infants and
young children should include 30
pounds of evaporated, unsweetened
milk, about two pounds of milk eugar,
five pounds of barley flour, five pounds
of Indian cornmeal, five pounds of oat
meal and two ounces of salt. This will
sustain from 200 to 250 infants or
young , children for one day.
For packages for convalescents the
following is recommended: Fifteen
pounds of evaporated milk, 15 pounds
of malted milk, one pound can of olive
or cottonseed oil, two pounds of canned
chicken, five pounds of brown rice,
seven pounds of whole wheat or white
flour, three pounds of sugar, two
pounds of tea and six ounces of salt.
It is estimated that this will sustain
from 100 to 150 convalescents for one
A package for well adults should con
tain five pounds of canned baked
beans, eight pounds of dried lentils.
peas or beans; five pounds of canned
salmon, five pounds of oatmeal, five
pounds of cornmeal. 15 pounds of
whole-wheat or white flour, two pounds
of sugar and six ounces of salt. This
will furnish a sustaining ration for 50
adults for one day.
It is recommended that the supplies
be packed in 50-pound boxes, as it is
difficult for Red Cross nurses to handle
more weighty ones.
Reported Threat of Germans to Forbid
Relief Distribution Is Declared
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 16. The Ques
tion of a fuel supply in Belgium is be
coming a desperate one. The German
authorities have given permission to
the Belgians to work the coal mines,
but horses and machinery with which
to operate them are lacking. Permis
sion also has been granted to the poor
to cut wood, but transportation faelli
ties are so thoroughly disorganized
that it is almost impossible to distrlb
ute it.
The report that the Germans had
issued a proclamation threatening to
withdraw their permission for the dis
tribution of supplies by relief agencies
ir tne Belgians did not return to work
was baseless, although the military
authorities continue to urge that the
industrial life of the nation be re
In their efforts to cut off communi
cation between Holland and .Belgium
tne oermans are taking strong ineas
ures to prevent automobiles from cross
ing the borders. Travelers still are
permitted, however, to cross by trains.
Damage Inflicted by German Fleet
Is Plainly Visible.
RIO JANEIRO', Nov. 16. The British
cruiser Glasgow, which was one of
the vessels engaged In the fight with
the German squadron off the coast of
Chile November 1, arrived here today.
The damage caused by the German
shell fire was plainly visible.
The British Admiralty's statement
on the sea fight off Chile said the
Glasgow was engaged, by both the
Leipzig and Dresden of the German
squadron, while the Gneisenau and
Scharnhorst were fighting the Good
Hope and the Monmouth. It added
however, that the Glasgow was not
extensively damaged and suffered few
Alter tne Dattie the Ulasgow, accom
panied by the transport Otranto, sailed
south and passed through the Straits
or Magellan to the Atlantic Ocean.
Gutierrez Proclaims Himself Pro
visional Presiflent and Washing
ton Hears Differences of Fac
tions Are Adjusted.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Nov. 16. En
rique C. Llorente, Bpecial representa
tive to Washington from the Aguas
Calientes convention, is authorized to
say that General Villa Is ready to com
ply with the terms General Carranza
imposed that he (Carranza) would re
tire If Villa would resign and leave
Mexico. A message received tonight
from Eagle Pass says: .
"General Villa will accept the condi
tion." Llorente is quoted as saying, "fn
good faith if Carranza is In earnest, and
that he is prepared to retire from com
mand of his troops at once and leave
Tour of United States Aim.
General Villa 'has long desired to
make a tour of the United States and
will take advantage of this opportunity
to make an extended trip through this
WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Complete
settlement of all differences between
tne Mexican factions was indicated by
a dispatch today from American agents
at Aguas Calientes, saying Carranza
has notified Gutierrez he will resign
in his favor at once.
Secretary Bryan announced he had
received a telegram from American
Consular Agents Canova. who has been
with the Aguas Calientes convention,
saying "everything between the rival
Mexican factions had been satisfactori
ly arranged."
The message from Canova was
dated at Auguas Calientes at 7 P. M.
yesterday and gave no details of the
Villa's Exile Not Indicated.
Previous messages, however, to the
State Department told of conferences
between the various Generals and Car
ranza and Gutierrez at which the prin
cipal condition on which Carranza in
sisted was that Villa should be retired
from his command. He suggested that
Villa should also leave the country.
but there was nothing in today's dis
patches to Indicate whether that pro
posal was accepted, although Villa
himself had previously Informed the
convention of his willingness to re
sign his military command.
Secretary Bryan was much pleased
by Canova's message, believing that It
presaged an era of peace In Mexico.
Eulalio Gutierrez formally notified
the United States today of his assump
tion of power as Provisional Presi
dent of Mexico and guaranteed pro
tection for Americans and all other foreigners.
New President Is Announced.
Two communications from Gutierrez
were laid before President Wilson to
day. The formal notification of his as
sumption of office added that he soon
would set up his government in Mexico
City and seek to bring about peace.
The other, guaranteeing protection for
foreigners, made no request for recog
nition by the United States.
Gutierrez described in some dotal the
Aguas Calientes convention and how he
came to be chosen. He aslo asked for
the withdrawal of American forces
from Vera Cruz.
Opposing Generals at Xaco Say Res
ignation Would Mean Peace.
NACO, Ariz., Nov. 16. Reports from
Washington that General Carranza had
decided to turn over the governmental
affairs of Mexico to Euallo Guticrres
had practically the same effect today
upon the Maytorena and Hill factions
which had been carrying on desultory
warfare at Naco, Sonora, for several
"Splendid news," said C. Ramlerez.
agent for Governor Jose Maytorena, on
the American side.
"It is just what we want and will
assure peace so far as we are con
cerned." "If true. It Is an augury of peace,"
said General Benjamin Hill, command
ing the Carranza garrison at Naco. Hill
added, however, he would not obey or
ders from Gutierrez until formally in
structed to do so by Carranza. In any
case, he said, the elimination of Villa
was necessary to permanent peace in
Although both Maytorena and Hill
expressed hope of peace through the
prospective resignation of Carranza,
sniping by soldiers of both camps con
tinued today. One of Hill's spies re
ported that Maytorena had 3500 men
and that his Taquis were moving closer
to the Carranza lines and digging
Columbia Association Is Held to Be
in Control of Part of River.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) In reversing the decree of the
lower court in the suit of the Columbia
River Packers' Association against H.
S. McGowan. Erick Undstrom and J. P.
Coyle, the United States Circuit Court
of Appeals today decided that the as
sociation, hy virtue of its lease from
the United States Government, had ex
clusive right to haul salmon on a cer
tain portion of Sand Island at the
mouth of the Columbia River.
The District Court of Washington
handed down an opinion upholding the
right of these men to place set nets
which Interfered with the seine fishing
of the association and the latter appealed.
For weak kidneys take Bukola Tab
lets and be convinced of their su
periority as a kidney medicine. 25c
a box at all drug stores. Adv.
Courtesy of Port of Genoa Offered
on Behalf of Christmas Ship.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. Italy will
give all assistance possible to the
Christmas ship Jason.
Ambassador Page reported today the
Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs
had replied to requests for free trans
portation of the Jason's Christmas gifts
through Italy, with the statement that
the Italian government "will gladly ex
tend every welcome and hospitality in
the port of Genoa, to the Christmas ship
Jason and that every courtesy and
facility possible will be rendered the
vessel on its arrival at that port."
Trial of Coloradoans Accused of Kill
ing Nonunion Miner Begins.
CANON CITY, Colo.. Nov. 16. Twen
ty-six men were placed on trial in the
District Court here today charged with
the murder of William King, a non
union miner, who was killed in the
attack of strikers upon the Victor
American Fuel Company's mine at
Chandler on April 24.
Nearly 100 witnesses have been sum
moned. Asaistant Attorney-General
Norton Montgomery Is aiding In the
Watch for
Continuing the
Hosiery Sale
Continuing the
Underwear Sale
A Glove Sale Without Precedent
$1.25 CLOVES, 95c .
400 dozen selected Iamb stock.
one-clasp, pique sewn, fancy embroi
dered back, in black, white, tan and
gray shades. t.
$1JZ5 GLOVES, 98c
Fine quality real kid, two-clasp,
overscam, in all sizes and all desirable
$1.35 GLOVES, $1.12
New, fresh . stock of two-clasp
glace, embroidered back, in full line
of sizes and colors.
$1.75 GLOVES, $1.33
Two-clasp, glace finish, finest se
lected stock, sewing and back embroi
dery in contrast. ' In black and white
$1.50 GLOVES, $1.39
Elskay embroidered, glace one
clasp, pique sewn, fresh stock in all
sizes and shades.
$1.79 GLOVES, $1.59
lenume Russian Kassan. one-
clasp, pique sewn, fancy embroidered,
stitched backs, in black, white and
$2.00 GLOVES, $1.59
Imported doe and chamois skin,
one and two-clasp, heavy fancy em-"
broidered backs.
New, Fresh, Perfect Gloves
Sold at Less Than Wholes ale
Standard Makes World Famous
Save 25c to $1.00 on Every Pair
Again we must call your attention to the fact that these are
not waifs and strays, left over or old stock in planning this
sale our Sole OBJECT was to demonstrate to our patrons the re
markable possibilities in a sale where nothing but the Best
Grades and Perfect Gloves were concerned.
Many of these gloves probably will be sold for the last time
in this sale for an indefinite period; certainly none can be im
ported again and sold at these prices. '
This is your golden opportunity
to purchase Gloves for your own
use or for Christmas gifts.
We advise immediate selection while every size and color is
to be found.
Gloves of every description for every occasion in short and
long lengths. , First Floor
$1 AND $1.25 GLOVES, 75c
Broken line of fine overscam glace,
two-clasp gloves.
$1.00 GLOVES, 89c
Cape service gloves for rainy day
and school wear. In tan only.
$1.50 GLOVES, $1.18
Novelty cape gloves, fancy stitch
ing and embroidery. In tan. black
and white.
$1.50 GLOVES, $1.24
" Soft, flexible cape stock gloves,
pique sewn, spear back, in black and
$1.50 GLOVES, 98c
Fanchon suede, two-clasp over
seam. $2.25 GLOVES, $1.69
High-grade novelty gloves, two
pearl clasps, heavy fancy crochet em
broidery, in black, white, tan, gray
and champagne.
$3.00 LONG GLOVES, $1.95
Washable doeskin, pique sewn,
1 6-button.
$2.50 LONG GLOVES, $1.95
Fine imported glace gloves, 16
button. '
$3.50 LONG GLOVES, $2.65
Elbow length cape glove, superior
quality, P. X. M. sewn, tan shades.
11 ""I
Official Bed
Cross Station for
1 receiving snb-
." r ' "" scriptions and
I I supplies
.Merchandise of
Merit On'
(A 25 Reduction on
All Picture Framing
To Order.
i Today
We Shall Dispose of 45 Suits
Selected From Our Own Stock
Selling Formerly at $21.50, $22.50, $25.00
Man tailored suits, featuring the latest notes in Winter styles.
Made of excellent quality serge, cheviot and broadcloth in red
ingote fashion. The coats are lined throughout with guaranteed
satin and at the price will surely be appreciated by those women
who seek and needs must get the fullest worth for their ex
penditure. These suits can be had in navy, black,' brown and green.
We Shall Dispose of 37 Dresses
Selected From Our Own Stock
Usually Selling at $17.50 and $18.50
Dresses of all-wool serge in navy brown and black.
Trimmed with satin girdles, collars and cuffs.
They are modeled in the newest tunic style. The
extraordinary low price that we have placed on these dresses for
immediate disposal is certain to attract attention.. At no time
during this season have we offered dresses combining so much
style and quality at such an unprecedented low figure.
Third Floor
For Today Only A Remarkable Sale of
That Are Regular $1.35 and $1.50
Made of Amoskeag gingham and extra quality percale 'in fancy stripes,
checks and plaids in dark "and light colorings. Made fancy cut side button
effect, bias or plain color vests and pipings some models have large collars,
others with small turn-down collars of contrasting materials. Set-in sleeves,
also drop-shoulder style ; some have belted and others piped waist line. The
skirts are made with plain habit back, large side plait or panel style. Sizes
34 to 46. The colors are light blue, lavender, dark blue, black with white,
pink and white checks. Fourth Floor.
For. Today Only
We Shall Offer
8765 Yds.of 7 and 8 In. Ribbons
In Faille, Plain and Moire
Chiffon Taffeta, Plain and Moire
Selling Every Day Regularly at 50c
Here's an invitation to attend and share in the best and most
important ribbon sale of the season.
It offers the ribbons most in demand at the present moment
Ribbons best suited for fancy work, for girdles, for trimmings
and for hair bows.
It establishes, without doubt, a new low price for ribbons of
this quality. -y
-It is, of course, a sale that can only be held for one day, and
being the best chance to secure these ribbons at such radical re
ductions we urge that you do not miss your opportunity.
First Floor
For Today Only
We Shall Offer
Nickel Plated Baking Dishes
Selling Regularly at $2.75
These baking dishes were contracted for expressly for this
sale. The manufacturer, who, by the way, is the most promi
nent one in his line, restricted us to a certain quantity, with the
understanding these were not to be duplicated.
For Tuesday we offer one hundred nickel-plated baking
dishes with cover, fitted with ebony handles and knob, with a
white enamel pint and a half baking dish.
We shall be compelled, owing to the limited number of these
bakers, to restrict each customer to one in order that we may
make as fair a distribution as possible. 1 Sixth Floor
Knit Underwear asmd Hosiery Sle
$1.25 and $1.50 Night Gowns
79c EACH
Made of soft finished longcloth, nainsook and cambric. In the slipover,
yoke, open front and Empire styles.
Daintily trimmed with fine lace or embroidery medallions, insertion and
edgings, beading and ribbon. Others with cluster tucks, embroidery inser
tion and some with yoke of embroidery. Necks are cut V-shape, square or
round ; the sleeves are set in and kimono styles, also some long sleeves.
These gowns are all full length and width, exceedingly well made.
Fourth Floor