frrtn ufvt f . ... , , .,. "Boom. m.K ........ - - " FOR KENT. , . I . '. " " LAKUE handsomely furnished ueam heated riVim mltaMA . - iiciouDB mm ex cellent meals, a rflned congenial home waiklne distance. West Side, rate HP!1 TTTTTTTTT , . TtT - " : . . ' j''m a ij u two meais in at tractive home; hot and told water, for a , --ti6 uiiuiuto .uain i.'o. JD AR "ewly-Xurnlshed home. strictly eiuci.cni Duaru; every conven ience; 5 up. Main 63&L 601 Harrison at. TWO ladles with beautiful modern home, wish one or two people, table excellent. ciieap; rererence. labor 2021 CLEAN room, modern home, close in. &1 conveniences, free; board it desired, reas- "narjie. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. PKIVATE familv would hniLria unrt i-itaiiai ladies or eenllenien reasonable; close in. -o l lilamook. BOARD and room, double room for i-wo single room tor lady; (25 per month. 434 ckhiioq, cor, ltu. .WISH 2 young ladies or couple to room and ooara; name conveniences. 1043 Corbett st South Portland. WANTED Refined young lady to room ana ooara ; moaern nome, sleeping-porch. .anu mo vi vimiu. nj. voouiawn oiso. LADY owniiis- home, with large yurd. will . iaKo Doy over .a years, reasonable. Refer ences given. Phone Woodlawn 3442. lJA.SDY front room and board; only young People In family; walking distance. Main PLEASANT rooms in modern home: spe- riu) aat u,j. in .. ,n. . . aw. a " vj. a uuuB OOttO ROOMS, with board, strictly modern; walk- aa.,.ataiaa.e. i rmnucrB. aiam 1341. Fl'R.NISHED rooms and board. 320 11th su llODERN, elegantly furnished- room: ex ... v. , , i o aauu i. r.ast utto. i'RONT room, suitable for two; modern; ROOM and board. 332 10th St.. walking dls- lani'. E3KnnA entn ' ,IK0'ij room 'r 1 or 2 gentlemen with . ....... v.. Ed, proanway. I', afc I bios. PLEASANT rooms and board, special rates rnuqe jaain Abo bin St. HOME-COOKED meals; clean rooms; (18 .. , . n. l a,-i..rv. -a main at LA Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Prumt- i..,... ...1 . . a. ua u.oaaou WlUyiCtQ. Walking distance. now garaen in .connection References. . th K r.irvirvTi,'vf a...,,.,, luxuriously furnished, 1, 2 and 3-room uui-waicr iieauDg system, gas, elec tric lights, phone, janitor service, pri vate baths and lockers sleeping porches, private garage, walking distance and prices astonishingly low; il2 monthly and up. 414 4th st. ONLY tig to 2 per mouth er $5 to $7 per week for completely furnished housekeep- t1. . iicu ts, iuciuutag elec tric lights, heat, hot water, bath and prl- new oricic Duiiaing; i& min utes walk from Postoffice. Lincoln Apta., rorner 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377 or A 4152. CUMBERLAND. v. Park and Columbia sta., very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur nished aOtK All mflcrn nnuanl. beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min ,,te' walk from business center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts., with best of service, at cvguimoio prices; rererencea required. TUB WHEELDON ANNEX, (Auanment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon Sts. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates by the day, week, month or year. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th New. modern 2-roora apartments, fur nished complete, every detail; steam heat, hot water all hours; moderate rates; 10 minutes business center and theaters;, men walk home to lunch; references. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East side apartments. 28u Ross st. Phone East 3172. ULNVF,R APTS. See them before locating for Winter: furnished elegantly; all out side rooms: private bath and chone, hard wood floor, new manager; references. Take "W car. 274 N. 21st st. Marshall 3!-0. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; cozy home; well furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; "first-class service. ORDERLEKJH APTS.. 52 Grand ave.. cor. Eas Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance; $18 per month; cheapest rent furnished apart -menu In city. East 3O0. COLUMBIAN APTS.. 11th and Columbia EasT walking distance, very pleasant, spa cious rooms, all outside, private bath and telephone each apartment; 1 3-rm., S22.&0; 1 4-rrn.. S2T.50. Main 1911. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient, B-minute walk to Postoffice. burnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall al98. References. A S326. .ft'ESTEALL. 41o 5th. near Hall; 3 and 4-r. apts., by week or mo.; concrete bldg., ele. vator, thoroughly renovated, electric vacuum cleaner free, steam-heated; $23 up: best In town: easy walking distance. NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. New. most modern 2 and 3-room furnished and un furnished in the eity for the price, $20 up 8 minutes' walk from Postoffice. A 40SH HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-ioom apts., furnished first-class. reasonable rates. Main 7337. A 3615. MADISON PARK APTS. Park st., at Madison.. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart menta. close In. by week or month. H1SLOP HALL Corner East tith and Haw thorne: 2 and 3-room apts.; private bath and phone; large light rooms, well fur nished; $15 and $25. East ei2. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. New building, nicely furnished; private moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 20S. PARKHURST 20th. corner Northrup, across from ice hippodrome; elegantly furnished 3-room modem outside apart , menta. private balcony. References. THE'tevERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella Sts. Furnished 2-room apartments; walking distance. -ROOM apartment. fireplace, sleeping porch, hot water heat, use of party room, a, saa East oth No. Woodlawa or Alberta car. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 1S9 N. 23d, Nob Hill district, modern S and 4-room apartments, completely fur nlshed, $20 per month up. Marshall 2045, COMPLETELY furnished 2 - room steam heated apartment, easv walking distance; r $17 per mo., including lights, bath, phone, Janitor service. 187 17th. near Yamhill. THE STAXF1ELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments walking distance; reduced. Winter rates' $13 and $20. 204 Porter st. Main 7392. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 2SS 11TH. Modern f urnlshed two-room ap&rtxnenttf. $22.60 up; close in. Main 22SS. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS S41 14th St., at Market. New 2 and 8 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1738, J-ROOM apartment, with sleeping porch, bath, heat, phone and light. 651 E Yam hill. Phone E. 1710. BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay st Modern two rooms, completely furnished. $16. $18 and $20. Phone Marshall 2074. 8-ROOM apartment, East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms: private bath and phone; $20. Phone B 1035. THE KATHERINE APARTMENTS 149 N. 23d St.. near Hoyt-7 modern 8 rooms; furnished, reasonable. Marshall 190. JACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished, ' janitor service, walking distance. 454 llih street. HAMMERELY COURT. 250 12th St.. 2 and ft-room apartments, close In; modern. re sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy ; 2 and 3-room fur nished apartments; rent from $18 to $;to Marshall 2917. THE ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill 2 and S room. cosy, walking distance; $16 up. COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con crete block. $12. 1162V4 Union ave. N. HERME.NIA 400 Hall st, 2 noma modern. reasonable. Marshall 31S2. THE FLORENCE. 388 11th Modern S-room apts.. completely furnished. $25 up. S-ROOM furnished, $20; references. The Bjelland. A 1867.Main 1867. Owner. ARUNE APTS., 220 North" 17tlT Main 215. auQ o-room apartments, reasonable. A RDM AY TERRACE, 305 12th St. Large 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. Cnf nrnUtted Apartments. WALDORF COURT. Irvlngton. E. 9th and' Schuyler sts. Flye rooms and sleeping porch, modern. East 847. C 1668. FOUR. 5 and -room apts. vacant; reason li'lifng'st. ,ocaUn. King Hill Apts THE LAURETTE One unfurnished S-room apartment; modern. 229 11th st. KINO-DAVIS APTS., 54 King 3 "and 4 looms; high class; references. Main 20&S. I ... uiciucu aiflKuamiu I Kmihab x.r : a? . ill , , r i n w juui u-n v b bco. I M API1I COMPLETED this week and only one apart- ,,lcui , o.uxu i, unest ana most complete aviuii"uu at corner zist anu Overton sts.; has hardwood floors, mir rored reception hall, fireplace, built-in buffets, beamed ceilings, tile bathroom complete with shower, nnp-iai u ..., linen closets, etc; kitchen has extra iarge all porcelain steel refrigerator and gas range; built-in conveniences, combination men. sate ior your valuables, lighting fix lures most modern. See the one vacant apartment if you want the best at very reasonable rent; steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service included. Call at apartment. Main 31D4 or Mam &. lnaur anie Service Co. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 12th. near Main. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apts. in city all outside -oomi; beautiful surroundings: large private balconUs; 5 minutes" walk to business center; up to date in every detail; 1 3-room, 2d floor, $27.30; 1 3- ""n noqr. Marshall 2540. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway South-in.,"-!00"1 arsl floor, unlurnished, $-2.o0; 1 3-room front apt., third lloor, unfurnished; 2 wall beds, 3 closets; each room has access to front door, bath and Kitchen without passing through other rooms; all modern: $32.50. THE BONNIE BRAE, in Irvlngton,. one upper apartment, 3 large rooms, dressing-room and bath; 2 closets ail in white enamel; steam heat. Pacific phone and janitor service; rent $30. 11th and Hancock. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, J70 Ford St. We now have one 4-rm. front apt., $42.50 per mo., on second floor; most desirable apartment in city; beautifully papered wal.s, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main 6935. ST. FRANCIS APTS21sriand Hoyt. Nob Hill district Up to date In every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service; 1 4-room, 1st floor, $22. CO; 1 3-room 3d floor, $27.60; 1- 4-room, 4th floor, $3i. Main 7689. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. Unfurnished apartments, outside rooms; best serioe. phones free; Lucretia, near 23d and Washington; ref. required. Mgr., Marshall 1513; janitor, Marshall 1500. HANOVER APTS.. 165-167 King at., corner Washington Walking distance, new and modern, private balconies, one two-room $18.50; one three-room $3t); excellent serv ice. Marshall 2009. WE have a choice 4. 6 and S-room apart- mci. ,wwi, reasunaoie rent; most con veniently located; select neighborhood. King Hill Apartments. 171 King st., near Washington. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3. 4 and S rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service. Prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3:460 or A 2676 CLAYPOOL APTS.. 11th and Clay sts. The very Dest .t-room apartments, large pri vate balconies, fine view; eastern ex posure: 1 2-rm., front, $27.50; 3-rm.. $30. Main 5S91. WELLINGTON COURT, loth and Everett .easy wanting distance, private bath, phone, etc; 1 2-rm., $16, including elec tric lights; 1 3-rm., $19; 1 4-rm.. $22.50: 1 5-rm.. $32.50. Main 1245. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders 5 and f rooms, large and homelike; more eerviol and conven ience for the price than you will find in the city. Phone Main 7516, A 2676. CECELIA APTS., 22d and Gltsan Very nice i-i juiu apia., an outsiae, moaern. private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-room. 2d floor, $25; 1 3-room, 3d floor, $22.50. Mar shall 1804. THE WASHINGTON. 689 JS-orthrt-a 5-room uiuuiiwaucTu panments, witn oatti ana all modern conveniences telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W" car w mm .wi liu up. rnoae -Main 4376 KNICKERBOCKER APTS.. - Harrison. b- i .ten iuiii auu j 1 1 ii. very aeeiranie apart ments, every convenience, best of service -easy walking distance; 1 3-roorn $27 60 1 4-room $32.50. Main 1S20. WELLINGTON APTS., 15 th and Everett. -aula umuiuuai private bath, phone, hardwood floors; each apt,, $18 50 Main 1245. ' KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington; high- uu uuiurnienea 3-room apartments, with piano, private balcony reasonable rent. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 uu i-room apartments, $20 and up; good Janitor service: walking distance: refer ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134 GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup 5 large BinmiiiMicu, mrBB iront verauoa. sleeping porch, new, modern, hardwood iiuurs. pnone. patn, neat. Marshall 1075. PORTNOMAH rent bargains; moving ex- "wa irtni. i,aruooQ itoors; walking dis. tance. 2U0 East 13th st. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH. Modern 2-room front apt., steam heat. viivaic oain aim puone, 9-U. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef- uuiuruiaoea apartments, first-class service, private oh one '- n-f . 7-ROOM duplex apartments. 4 bedrooms 2 'baths, In fireproof building. Apply 705 THE ORMONDE, modern 5-room front apt. j- iixtmci o pi. juain ODl, BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment on the 5th tmv,. jxtiyfiy nQ JjaVlS St. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments, MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE. $13-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. a 201R THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving S """"" anu. uniurnisnea apartments, in 2, 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. B?RK.E,LEY APTS., 39 Trinity Place, near apartments light and pleasant, modern, private balconies, elevator; 1 four-room unfurnished, $25; 1 3-room furnished, 2i.50. Marshall 1950. - THE IRIS Apartment, 3d and Mill "sts., are now 1" n m ri istaH , , , . n - , . ' J 1. 1 Up, -, o, 4-room. all modern Improvements: the largest heating plant in the city, furnished or unfurnished; no charge gas for Rooking. THnwpsnv AOT-C 1 J n r-. . -., . , - j .j., uuiuu Dixecu Just completed, one, two and three rooms, furnished and unfurnished, all out Tide rooms with private bath and phone. MELCLIFFE COURT East 11th and Morrl- amn nnnnslta 1. ' . . l- . . i i . . 1. 1 1 . . . walking distance; 2 and S rooms, modern in every way; rates reasonable. THE LOIS, 704 Hoyt st., available Nov. 15. niPA 4-PnArn tfnr, .. .. - - - ...iii., oiay .1 r uu II 1M with large porch, furnished or unfurnished.; modern- rpfpraniw, . V. .. i on, i TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. i 111'- XlUU&la KJ 2 Ttl. E,, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER'S PHONE MARSHALL 1101. 1 1ILJ liClj,liUnF, 80S 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and munfurnished anartTnen tfl alan n- , . T . THE CHETOPA, 18th and FlandeTaiT- and 4-room anarlm.ntn . i . Huucu ur un furnished. - LUCIILE COURT, 8 rooms furnished or us. furnished. Marshall 2031 or 3027. Flats. A VERY desirable 6-room corner flat; light and airy; southeast exposure; has fire place, furnace, with hot-water coil; sta tionary tabs and every convenience and the rent is reasonable. See It, 721 kear ?.ew' J.cor- 22d Key anl information at 104 2d st. near Washington. Phone Main 1436 or A 1436. ES?:1 Modern 3-room lower flat, 4uo 2jth st, $12. 5-room upper flat, 820 Vaughn, $13. 3-room lower flat. 820 --'a'"'i aj a a-. main !.) uO. DO you want njee clean 6-room modern flat, newly tinted, furnace heat and water and free auto to business at $15? Call Main 4525. $10 WEST SIDE, walking distance, 5 rooms, private bath, gas, electricity, yard, norches. Call Winner Restaurant. 03 4th street. 4"RoCaOM modern fiat, 179 Green ave, near 23d and Washington. Main 3833. A 2676. SIi" roo?ns- lower, modern: choicest- loca- SWELL 5-room modern lower flat: nice yard. iS9 E. Yamhill. Phone TSavnt r.Oais STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 18TV4 16th. Aply2S6th?cornerYamhIlL FLAT of 6 rooms and bath." 733 Hoyt st. -awr vFi-ta oc. ariioiie Jiain 62 1 18, 666 HOYT ST., near 21st Upper flat, six ro0"1': large, light rooms; $15. Main 2015 SWELL 7-room. modem. 444 Park Inn Phone Tabor 763 or East 1431. ' Furnished Hats. $12.50 AN D $20. modern four and five rooms, upper flats, nicely furnished. SS carline adults. Phone B 1503. BEAUTIFUL 4-room modern flat In Walnut 5tje.rk, linoleum, gas range, garage, iti-i Wygant st. Woodlawn 275ol NICELY furnished 4 and 5-room flats back and front porch, water, garbage and 'phone free. 643 Kerby st. East 3970 18 4 rooms, completely furnished water slw Dd pbone walking distance. East NEW, modern 4-room furnished flat; porch walking distance, y, block from "lJ-Chaal man" car. 569 Market. ' TTTE -MORNIXG $3 WEEK, up, absolutely cleanest housekeep- builcs in town, single rooms, $2, up completely and nicely furnished; hot wa ter, baths, lights, linen. - eto, free; carfare. 288 3d, near Jefferson. $1.50 TO 12 7.1 week: ,.. (l,,n,EhH v,n., keeping-rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free ji--i. launory. batn. yard, gas. Phone East ---o Vancouver, .ua Stanton. "U oar. NICE rooms, elevator, elect rfc liaht- stej heat, bath; prices reasonable . Call' 2Vi 2d st.. cor. Taylor. - T FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. 4bl LAfaT Morrison: furnished one and two room housekeeping apartments, reasonable. HoUfcekeeping-Ho-omw in Private J-amlly. CLEAN, steam-heated 2-roora apartments, suitable for 2 or 4. persons; phone, bath; and $4.50. Marshall .1882. 370 th su FOUR nicely furnished rooms In 5-room cottage on 16th car; $16. 2SJ3 Worcester ISO 13TH ST. 4 rooms, entire first Xloor. also 2 rooms. Main 3672. McFaxland, 3UV $12.50 WELL furnished 2-room suite, gas - -, Usui aim -iiiune luciuaea. Jast 2209. 425 E. Ash. 2 ROOMS, ground floor, very- clean, well fur nished, best car service, walking distance. 712 E. Taylor. East 5260. HANDSOMELY furnished H. K. room all conveniences; references requested. 265 u.rttwianrJu living-room. pantry, kitchen, modern conveniences, $10. Sol ONE suite- beautifully furnished, downstairs, all conveniences, very reasonable. Hu NICELY furnished 2-room apt., with pri vate bath, steam hear, strictly modern. 443 Hassalo sx Phone E. 2207. v-iiwai, sieam-neateu. apartment, $20, in - r"-- . ....r " -"""euca. Aiarsnall 56 ib. 4u:t 12th. PLEASANT front room. comDletelv fur- n'shed for light housakecping, no children. BRIGHT, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; central; usual conveniences; rea- THREE or four housekeeping rooms, use of T aver nlonn fi 1 . -i , i " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms $1.50 per week 11 ii .ins Main .. . ., 2 17;.,iKISH?D. H- K- rooms; heat, elec- . . -"- - j caammme. toi Kearney, TWO connecting rooms, electric lights, gas. phone, reasonable. 29 Eut v.,t. h laree room in private home: light NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms, heat. til 14th Rt Vnrl Vl a-i w I." TWO furnished H. K. rooms, $7 month. COMPLETELY furnished 3-room suite very reasonable; free rent until 20th. 66 n' 2lr "O neat front H. K. rooms. 2 blocks City Hall. Bath free. 309 Clay. Uonaea. MEIER PRANK'S FREE RENTAL - AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 10th Floor, Temporary Annex. Complete and reliable list of all vacant nouses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the citv: make use of this service when .5 on desire: this does not obligate you In any manner to this store. You will find us ready and willing at all times to help 5V ln .Iocating. Newcomers In Portland win find this service especially valuable, iieal estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and houses at Meier fc Frank's Free Rental Bureau. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will builC just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co, 270 Is mia. at. Main XJUJ. A 1515. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, M L. Scott district, at Woodmere station; fine big yard. 100x100, with lots of fruit, ber- , - . c, per montn. w. ts. Roberson, 702 Title & Trust bldg. Mar. 240. 6 ROOMS, electric lights, gas range with water hea.ter. linoleum floor, cement basement, stationary washtubs, furnace; choice location, fine lawn, $30. BJelland's Grocery. 234 N. loth. Main 1867. FOR RENT Very attractive new 7-room home. Beaumont district, 12-foot fire place, furnace, 75x100 lot, everything mod ern and complete; $25 per month. W. B tva. imp flC a. rust UlUg. Jaiar. 2 4 U. SIX-Rfiniu ...... I ...... "a . .......... .. ........... . U n ii auu up-to- date, with carpets, curtains, gas and -ood range .etc; nice location, walking dis tance. Phone or call Routledge Seed tt Floral Company, Main 5956, A 8811. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, flre place, furnace, sleeping porch, large gar den, chicken-house; rent $16; close In. i-KOOM house. 781 Lovejoy. $35 month. 7-room house. -649 East Ankeny, $30 mo Both modern, full lots. Vanduyn fc Walton -- viiamuci ui "wommerce. S -SLOCKS fr"n l-th st., cor. Mill, brick bldg.; strictly modern; aU light rooms; rent 18; water, heat, easily furnished; waik- NEW 6-room modern bungalow, close to car, with view of city and river; fur nished or unfurnished. tall Overlook 172 K. 1STH STREET, fine residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key. jatnitor Joaian Apti., 18th and Couch. Main 2015! 18?,JOKTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood flofcrs. beam celling, fireplace, furnace. etc., wo. Key janitor, St. Francis Apts, 21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015. THREE houses on 10th and Bacon streets. near Rrm.lil-m Sa,v,nni . . . ' .. . -7. , . ' aataaa I. w U HI IHI Cii, at $10, $11 and $Li each. E. Wiils 063 East 9th st- Phone (tallwravt ktq 6-ROOM modern house for rent cheap 445 I-' r.jitV, at ... u...a. -. KYti .r-i:' ""-'"-. ave. mam MODERN C-roorn house, furnace, gas, iec wood 1051. - . iVO,H NEW modern o-room flat. 912 Commercial, near Skidmore; also 3-room cottage nartiv furnished. Call Columbia 490. S1i0, AEAT clean-4-room cottage one block of 3 cars, close in. Alberta or Wood- Jawjcar to Ivy st.; No. 410 Constance St. WILL exchange rent new 7-room Laurel hurst house for room and board, or will rent reasonable. AG 377. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM modern bungalow! Dutch kitclTvt fireplace, reception hall. built-in Luffet" attic. Price $16. 301 Gerlinger. Main 2970 MODERN 8-room house, quarter, block splendid location, near two carlines. AL 3 83, Oregonian. $5 A MONTH 3 rooms. 50x100 lot, fruit Jrs-..b?rrles- 'lowers. ajfTa Atlantic st. Call Main 3897. FOR RENT 8-room house, walking dist ance. Ideal for renting rooms; rent only $3o. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. WEST SIDE 8-room house, fireplace fur nace, yard, electric light, gas. 68j Everett Ht na-ir 'Mat s, Uni -t-.rt.,. , .ay aaaeaaaa uuoo, MODERN, 5-room cottage, clean, tinted, ex cellent neighborhood; basement, yard near ear; $16. 780 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426 O.RnnU Wl-Cn t I I , r i - . - 9,2 Xnurmon Bt-: are lot, lots of frnlt. Fred W. German Co- 914 Cham, of Com. CLARK RENTAL Siiii vrf-TTi TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Main "5423. ROSE CITY PARK Modern house. Alameda. uii.c. iiniuuo out, oieams blag, between IP and 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. SWELL 5-room bungalow, new and mod ern. $18. 1006 E. 26th N, near Wygant Call 320 Board of Trade bldg. Main TSI' rade bldg. Main 7432.' NICE corner 8-room house, electric gas. furnace, $20. 315 E. cherry st. 6-ROOM cottage, close in. W' Morris. Main 6976. Side; cheap. 8-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 2 2d. in quire 130 6th. Main 6278. 5-ROOM cottage. $15; corner 16th and-AI-berta.. Phone A-4203. ' 8-ROOM modem at 1247 Wilbur st. $15 mo ' Main 4522. WELL-BUILT 2-room house. $6 per month. MODERN 7-room house, linoleum In kitchen rent $25. 445 5th. Inquire 266 4th- ' COTTAGE for rent, rear of 682" Union ave. N. Apply 582 Union ave. u. L"Ts3.RN1SIiEI nouses- Woodlawn FprnlMhed Hoaaea. IRV1NGTON residence, 6 rooms, one block car, modern; will rent partially furnished. . , wum. HapvSfc IQIO, COMPLETELY furnished bungalow for rent, commanding view, near car. Willamette Heights, Jackson. Main 8429 f"'''':1"1.?' 5-room house, expensively "t-: reier""-es. Phone COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house in Irvlngton. on carUne; will rent all or oart East 4384. u WAJsTED A business woman or man and wife to share expenses of an 8-room modern home. $13.5. 411 10th. Main 788a. 7-ROOM furnished house. West Side, for year to responsible party. Main 4585. B-ROOM furnished house; all modern eon venlences; lot lOOxlOO. Call c 1043. 15 4-ROOM furnished house, yard. 209 16th, cor. M1U OREGON-tAN, FRIDAY, 7tSQ o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOB RENT. Fnraiabed Houses. I AM Suddenly Ctt.lled aav nn huainnus will rent my house, one of the really Hc-iy "oines in Laaas a a anion; rent ex ceptionaily reasonable, or will sell mv fur, niture or bouse or both or will trade for ciear vacant property, or what have you? FURNISHED modern house, 7 rooms and iiicme ortiana ueiKhts canine close In : nianot lawn, flowers: most rie sirable location : 15 minutes" ride ; owner Will rent free Winter or lnneur for htarri for self and youne schoolboy son. Address -y n ai.). ureKonian. itiWi BROADWAY, near Madison 6-room apartment, finely furnished, new Wilton rugs. Circassian walnut, fumed oak fur niture, upholstered in Spanish leather, sleeping porch: arranice to sublet part If PORTIAND HEIGHTS Nicely furnished 3-room- bungalow, picturesquely situated In natural grove, 7 minutes from Fatton n.oa car; rirepiace, city water, electric Uy: city references. Main 5041. TAYIjOR. near 17th st. 5-room apart ment, finely furnished: Circassian wl nut, fumed oak furniture, upholstered in Span isii leather, oak floors, piano ; rent 6-ROOM furnished house, neat nrwt rlonn nice lawn, best car service; rent S20. 608 jviuwiu, dve. lane l. car. jcet oil T-cotU Phone Woodlawn 220H. if URJilSHEIJ 6-room house, 3 sleeping jjurunes, ait moaern conveniences, reason able rent to responsible party. 922 Council v.rasi. unve. Marsnaii -tTisi or X -IWJ7. IRVLNGTON Plnelv ftirni-h flt.-r house, piano, everything modern; will rent xvi niuicr, reujiuuaDie to responsible rco pie: references. Phone East 46J.i. MODERN furnished cottage, five rooms, bath, also large, sunny flat, 8 rooms, gas, bath, telephone. &14 East 21st st. W-K car. IX Laurelhurst, on carllne, V new, 7 rooms, handsomely furnished, nln-no rii-.T,in.-. cozy home for Winter; reasonable. MsUn NICELY furnished modern S-room house with sleeping porch, new furnace, a real home. 4 blocks from public and high school. Call East 5140. B-1273. $1-3 1-ROOM cottage, nice yard, enclosed. iii. 21st street, walking distance and car service, furnished, Main 6630. 7-ROOM furbished house, modern Improve- iii ii us. inquire zui 20th st. East sfi7 or 3 1610. 7-ROOM, ; well furnished, house, sleeping porch, lease If de-ired; rent Home City Park. Call Marshall 8148. PLEASANTLY situated furnished 2 or 3- twMii. aiecpicg porcn cneap. Phone Sellwood 2S9. .0-KOOM residence, completely furnished suitable for roomers; West Bide. 775 Glisan st. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house. niann SftR. Cast VQf ) . ry i J r - " " - 11.1. -n ivituumuu car. WILL rent my home to couple who wili FOR RENT Nine stores In new building at ' " au uauuua, J1'W1 (.OUriOOUBe, a, blocks from public market, Oregon Elec tric and S. P. electric pass stored ; reason able rent. Apply to A. & C. FELDENHBIMER, Washington and Park; sts. 45-u STORE. sultaDle lor market or grocery. M-'O .1.1. rHUHB 1IDOT HH. Offices. FOR RENT Deskroom In most desirable orcice in one ol tne nneBt buildings In Portland: every modern convenience and rent reasonable. Portlands busiest . cor ner. See superintendent, Eilors building, Broadway at Alder. DOCTOR will share one of the finest offices in me city wiia suitaoie party; excellently furnished and rent very reasonable. See this auick. Inauire of superintendent. Eilers bids;. FRONT office, including use of telephone aaii.ii icicuua-iuum , rent ?iz.tu. Room 307 Northwest bldg. Tel. Main 906S. DESK ROOM in large, light office. In Mor- saa.ii mug. Appiy manager, sis-821 Mor gan bldg-. WELL-FURXISHED private office, also "ia imwiu, ,o a liu. ,i. unamDer of Commerce. OFFICES $10 and up; furnished offices and (vuui .asijr rwuunaDie; Portland busiest corner. 303 Swetland bide. TOR RENT Large rooms, suitable ' f or of- v muaautti imuies, enerman. Clay & Co. Halls. WANTED TO RENT Hall. 30O to 400 seating capacity, with room adjoining; steady tenant. Address William Barnett. 395 B. Davis st. . M'snfaoosea, OPEN storage (S0x350) on dock with use of iiuioiaug euejiue, ran connecuons all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. K. 20S. MisceUaneoua. FOR RENT Large building, centrally lo- aa aaoauilft. .UllalDlfl IOT SKatiDr rink, storase or araratce. Particulars D lil "Welch. Hotel Cornelius. " BTJSmES3OPPOBTUNnXEaw MANUFACTURING Partner wanted pTiv- wince Tiiain ; giauraniee good salary be sides share of profits which, are large. au room ajzy morgan Dldg. ANYONE looking for fine location for "jaier panor uiiu cnopnouse. call at 387 East Morrison; best transfer corner in city. LUNCH counter, etc.; rent 18; nice living above expenses; only $200. Call 303 Lum- va ga.uu ciara. SUBURBAN grocery with living-rooms. Just rivhl fAP mian a n A . F . .. : - . business; a fine opportunity; only S1?0 Call room 42S Morgan bldK. BAKERY, lunches, confec. etc, clearing $100 month above exDenses! sr.".ii xoai. cash, bal. easy. 303 Lumber Exch. WAKTED A reliable partner to do collect ing; gooa pay ana only S.1&U required. Call i no ii i morgan Diog. FOR SALE First-class shoe repairing shop ai agi .v.. nwiHiiea will uooayear welt mahlna, T 1 a-o. - a:, a. FOR RENT Barber shop, in good location. wii.ii eijf rcMuuaiui. rent, rnona IS fill wood aaii va van aai yuamuef Dt URQmerCa SMALL cash business will take a partner 1 1 nil k l-a nun anu kiiibiIeU 1.0 Zn&kO .O dav R i .nm ai!ft MnrirjLn hlrltr t " J50O AND services buys third interest in go- aaa. iaaa.ii umv w i 3 , quills llUgfl. X'arOCUlarS room 426 Morgan bldg. LUNCH business; rare opening for steady iia&u . jcHuuca vtij ii 111 o inoiiay. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Fine restaurant; good business- fna lnnc1nn X X! 4TB . . . ai.a ui M 1 o. VlCBUULUl, RESTAURANT, good location; never closed: cheap rent; S12Q0. w 889, Oregonlan. BARBER chairs, supplies; slightly used; cneap, on easy payments. 25a 2d St. POOLROOM and short-order restaurant. In a- "vjv njvawvaa. unci,. VYOWaiaWTI ll.SalU. HAVE -tiewed tie contract: want nartner with some money. AO 383. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery, very fwuiuuin, aw HUaifeuuaa, 1 none J i2otf. NOVEMBER 13, 1914. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIE.S. 350 BUYS RESTAURANT. One sold for 150o; rent only 130 per month; never closed: the location is such that business is always good: place Is well 5350 na elui'P,;d; price for all only AMUSEMENT BUSINESS. One of the most popular amusement businesses of the day ottered at a bis bargain: looo handles It; might trade fo" clear property; this business will net 3J0 per month. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. The only one in town of about 3500 population; good pay roll and farming country; good business; 4JS0O stock and fixtures; tlTOO for building and lot; liv ing rooms In connection. tSOO BEAUTY PARLOR. One of the largest and best-equipped es tablishments of its kind in Portland; well established and doing good business; If interested call at office; no information given over the phone 1600 BUYS BUSINESS for man and wife, restaurant with rooming-house in connection; good town hav ln IT big Day roll, ne&r Pnrtlnnrt SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. 4th and Pine 8ts. A FINE creamery in Kood residence dis trict, including bottling and butter-cutting uiacuines, iurnace ana everything neces sary for wholesale and retail milk route. with horse and -wagon; part cash. Call at -i3 oiocit raxenange Dlug. ana see owners. inia is a pona iiqe proposition. THE Interstate Bridc-e bonds are nart sold. work to start very soon on structure; I will sell or trade 39-room hotel and also tue ground, tsoxioo. at 4th and Washing ton. Vancouver. Wash.; steam heat, new lunmure; oiocks irom apyroacn ot new bridge. The owner. Phono Woodlawn 23-". BAKERY, confectionery and dairy lunch in gooa vaiiey town, average S4u a day, rent S45 with lease: this is a money maker and will stand strict investigation; womu consiuer trade lor ranch. AV 127 Oregonlaq. CAUTION. RIIYKRS Before closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business get ad vice oi ifortiana rceaity Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CASH grocery, one of livest things In Port - land, downtown transfer corner; this kind seiaom ollerea, souuo cash. See Mr. Per . sela, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON - (4th and Stark Sts.) POOL, confec cisars. etc.: 4 nool iahl.- fixtures are A-l; double store, making it auve ht m. muy 10 run tne coniec. dept.; Price S1000: terms in aril i f - livino- mr, ... - - best of all. the business is very good. 203 uumuei i.iLii., u anu siara. FOR SALE One of the best billiard halls in counrv seat town or BOO0 In Rogue River Valley: best location. nhaan rnt and a money-maker; will sell right. Wal- uurt jaiiiiarq parlors, urants Pans, Or. Rl-T tlRI L ... t .. 77. -. . . ......... a,,.,..; aaiaaiiaaScr 111 IV USUinglOn, Utah. Idaho. California, by Eastern Cor poration; Bradstreet's A. '(300 to (500 re quired; not real estate. 431 Chamber of BAKE RY-RESTAURANT- fine downtown ir. cation; A-l equipment; good custom; way "'"J,: fa BaLCrillCe al-l; aCSOlUtdy clear; nothing to assume. 31b Lumber Ex change. A RARE chance to K-et an aatablitthi hi:! ness in a Sacramento Valley town; general stock conducted In departments; terms if necessary. Address principal, box AV 165 Oregonian. - . WEST SIDE cafeteria-delicatessen; A-l equipment; thickly settled district: long established and clear in a- cooil rnonov every month: J00 cash and terms. 319 iuniuer jxenange. 310 LUMBER EXCHANR5 WUin Confectionery and pooi hall, will In voice, eitner casn or trade. Moving-picture theaters. all money makers for Investment. See Archer. BOND issues, (100,000 upwards sold. Loans on legacies, mortgages and commercial paper. Companies incorporated. L N. Roeenhaum, 84 Wall st.. New York VERY central restaurant with good busi ness, partner wanted to- act as cashier, etc.; this can be bought today for (250 Call room 426 Morgan bldg. CASH business wants good steady man as partner wno can invest 300 and be eat isfled with $30 week. 304 Lumber Ex- cnange. i:a ana biarK. RESTAURANT and rooming-house- only one In town of lilXI. just tout of 'Portland steady custom; place ojears about 173 tnnnthla- T ".1 1 -flu , .. , i . ...j . v - - - - - . uuiuuri nii-nanxR QUICK delivery transfer; established big house custom; fine transient business; es tablished 10 years; closest Investigation: C i i im -na i . . ... v. , t.- FOR SALE Hardware, furniture, imple ment store: a good -business. In a good town; atock will invoice about (16,000. Ad dress AV 164. Oregonian. SHOE stock and reoalr shoD: aood location. doing ' good business, stock new; invoice about $2000; money-maker for right per- awn. nn. asi, vregunian. A NO. 1 RESTAURANT man with itooo cash or security, to take the best res taurant proposition in Idaho. Address box wit oBiiuiwiiui, luauu. WANTED Information rearardinar ... i n ing or Industrial stock, or good patent for Mie. ienu uescription. wortn western Business Agency. Minneapolis, Minn. MEAT MARKET Best little one man's stand in i-itv - ' , 1 ,aipaa, 1.. t . .,. ' J . - " at.. aun 1 C 1. i, aaii pasn. no rtp'(r,rv -R aa a-ipaa-nHian HOTEL LUNCHROOM for rent. 172 Front. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNIT1ES WANTED. HOTEL and restaurant management, in or out of city, wanted by an experienced man. age 35. bond and references first-class; can arrange at once if desired. R HO, Ore gonian. . BUSINESS management, executive or con fidential position wanted by experienced business man; references good; bond un- iimiiCTi. 11 aaa, a-jregonian FOR CASH Stock of furnishing goods and "ta a aa i j ewuo, i uriiisiii ii gs ana snoes to inventory about (5000. Phone Marshall 8721 or address B. westerman, 290 Grant. BOO MING-HOUSES. 42-ROOM HOTEL. Only (lOOO required; corner brick build in jr. strictly modern. West Side; 8 rooms with private bath, all beautifully fur nished, and carpeted; clears (300 per month net. 7&-ROOM HOTEL, RENT (275. West Side, corner. brlpk, practically new; steam heat, running hot and cold water in every room; 6 baths, 9 separate toilets; the furnishings and carpets are first-class and in good shape; were put In two years ago at a cost of (S00O. but we are going to sell It regardless of cost; clear real estate will be considered. WILL EXCHANGE 90-room aparttment-house. swell place, close in; clears (280 every month net price (5000; wants clear property or wili sell on terms. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. FOR RENT in new building. Just - com- pietea, 40 rooms, suitaoie ior notel. rooming-house, all conveniences; rent reason able. Apply to A. & C. Feldenhelmer, Washington and Park sta. FOR RENT OR PALE 11-room furnished house, arranged Tor roomers; &69 Flanders at. Marshall 2142. Call alter 11 A. M. vnn T.irisir Established family hotel of 97 rooms. In 0-story modern brick building, on quarter block at one of the best transfer corners in the city. Will make long lease to r sponsible tenant who must buy the fur niture. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8SH9. A 25S. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. We do no fake advertising; our hotel, rooming-houses and apartments are Just as represented; we get the best lease and prices. Home Brokerage Co., 321 Henry bldg. Phone Main 57 ROOMING-HOUSE, residence district. 15 rooms, all H. K. Part cash, consider trade. Owner. AG 398. Oregonian. I.OST AXD FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: Nov. 11 Marshall 6100. A 61S1: 6 um brellas, s packages, 1 suit, 1 box. 1 glove, 1 purse, 2 tools, 1 tuck, 1 grip. 1 casting. ' pr. gloves. STOLEN, from J. H. Harley's barn, 92d and ThomD3n sta. night of Nov. 6th. dark bav horse, about loOO lbs., brand "H." wire cut on hind leg. a little sway-backed, large flat feet. (10 reward will be paid for any information leading to return of horse. FOUND A gray horse; owner may have same by paying expenses of care and ad vertising and by identifying horse; 4j mile east from Garden Hume. Bussard. LOST White male spltx. answers name Teddy; license number 304 attached; re turn to 403 Mason St., corner East 8th. Reward. LOST Diamond brooch, crescent shape, set with pearls and shamrock, with diamond In center. Reward. Return 1107 Milwaukie ave. Phone B HQWi. LOST Thursday. S20.5O in a brown cloth with ruhber band around same. Little reward if returned ti4 East Alder. East 0471. LOST Women of Woodcraft lodge pin with three sets. Finder phone Main 157. Re ward. FOUND One buckskin horse, eOO lbs., owner may have same by paying expenses. Ta bor 1MO. LOST Bunch of keys Wednesday. Return or call up sellwood carbarns. Reward. LOST Female spaniel dog. Phone Main 81SS. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals larlted. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 74U Morgau bldg., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon oi! Monday, November lti, 1&14, for a stock of merchandise consist ing principally of boots and shoes, dry goods and ladles' furnishings, hats and gloves, men's furnishings and clothing, crockery, hardware. Christmas goods and groceries of the inventory valuation ot 11.6S7-33, together with store fixtures ol (1127 located at Weston, Or. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit lor lo per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids, inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected on premises at Weston. Or. R. L. SAB1N, Dated at Portland, Or., Nov. 2, 1014. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of general merchandise consisting principally of groceries, etc, located at Edgewater, Washington, Butler station, on the North Bank Railway, of the inventory value of fourteen hundred and fifty-nine and 13-lot) dollars ((143U. 13), up to 12 o'clock noon ol Monday, November 16, 1014. Terms, cash and a certified check for 10 per cent ot trio amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and the stock inspected at Edge water. R. L. SAB1N. 740 Morgan Bldg.. Portland. Or. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office 740 Morgan building. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Friday, November loth, 1914, for a stock of merchandise lo cated at 413 5th street, consisting prin cipally of groceries, inventoried at (103U.01, together with store fixtures, inventoried at (074.73. Terms cash. Certified check for ten per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected upon application. Datea Portland, Oregon, November lotli, 1914. R. L. SABIN. DEPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, 10SB North Point sc., San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 4. 1914. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 A. M., Nov. la. 1014. for furnishing 50 pack mules. In formation on application. W. fcL Hart, Depot Quartermaster. BIDS Invited for fine apartment site. S. E. 14th and Columbia su. ; liberal terms. L 395. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that the following furniture and household goods will be sold at public auction at Baker's Auction House at Portland on the 2Mb. day of November, 1914. to satisfy unpaid charges for board and room furnished by me to Chas, E. Griggs and wife between September, 1912 and October. 1913: One Hardman piano and stool, 1 brass bed. mattress and springs, 3 pairs blan kets. 4 feather Dillowa, 1 velvet rug 9x12 feet. 1 antique Bokara rug, 1 Shearax rug, 1 Kiskiliian couch cover. 2 camelshaif Japanese portieres. 1 upholstered mahog any chair. 1 carved cherry chair, 1 small cano-eated rocker. 1 mahogany wardrobe. 1 mahoaanv music cabinet. 1 easel, 1 In dian boat. 1 Home sewing machine, 1 Port Orford cedar chest. 1 Navajo blanket. NOTICE 1 have sold my Interest in the business conducted under thn name of Hochfeld & Son, at 84 and 8tt Grand ave., Portland, Or. Rebecca Cassell and H. Nus baum are now the sole owners thereof. S. HOCHFELD. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I. John Vincent will not be responsible for any bills that my wife may run In my name after this date. Nov. 12. 1914. JOHN VINCENT. FI?JA"CIAIa.- ' FARM LOANS EXCLUSIVELY. 7 per cent money to loani-on Improved farms In the Willamette Valley, Union County and Umatilla County. NEHALEM BAY LAND CO.. 512 Board of Trade Bldg. WB BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson & Ewing, 207-208 North western Bank bldg. MONEY for good City loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, S32 Morgan bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Waeh. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages tlirat ana Seconal, equities, pur chased. . ti. lcwis & 10,. 4 laewis bldg. FOR SALE Chattel mortgage. (S25, dis count 10 per cent, interest o per cent. AJ 3M, Oregonlan. WE bay notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob- ertson & jawing, nui-s N. w. Bank bldg. Stocks and Bonds. SERIES No. 1 bonds. Realty Association of portlana, par value (30; will take (250. Atwater, 402 Lewis bldg. WANTED To buy coin machine stock; give number of shares and price. G 314, Ore gonian. Money to Iaoaa ob Real Estate. SEE us today for loans on improved city property, s to 8 per cent; (2oo and up. cellars-Murton Co., 823 i eon bldg. (2000. (500, (2000. (1100, (600. (300 on city nrnnartv f A inihrnaa "11.1 La. Waahlna. Jon st. 'Main tSOTS. (1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 42:5-424 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. tt MORTGAGE CO.. INC. Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. ON improved and unimproved real estate. mortgages bougnt. w. a. ISunn, 448 Sher lock bldg. Phone Main 5110. (500. (100O and upward on improved real estate; xavoraoie terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. (200.00O TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates, w. u. 5eck, 31a- sia yaiiing bldg. ALL amounts -at low rates of interest. 414 -V ,.,- 1. 1 .. . -Elal . , I . r .. . . ...... . --m, taiaas. yap. nva. tat aaaaaa,. V W. .11 11 1 . OOO. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. laU-Jlg a.UtOMUN CO.. 220 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. M HAKUl.TO, 313 Ch. Of Com. (1000 TO (7000 for city or farm loan. Ta bor 2520 or V 170. Oregonlan. PRIVATE funds; I will loan (40.O0O In amounu ai'UO up. au 3Q. Oregonian. (1O00 TO $20,000 at 7 per cent. Main SOoS 11 T T ...... .. -! 1 7 11-., . a. . , . STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, "lcul i-.-uiaiwm. ajuuaiaj. 11. Ol UOm, (200, (350, (GOO, (000. (1200. $1800 Fred W liaMnaa aa. 1 at Phamka. . -a ...... ... - - - . aaa VUUlluerCB. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. ai-l'l J a. liuuiiniiiiia, TWI VT11COX DlOg. CITY and farm loans; lowest rates. J. J. t.aaaim, WHO v. Iiaa hi a-i- oi (JOmmercS. (1500 TO AB 341. OREGONIAN. (20,00a MONEY leaned on real estate; contracts and uttas. duusui, a- sp-ucy, n -aieruacer bldg. Money to Loan on BeaO Estate.' ii500- r000 na 2So ' i on modern residence Droperty at current rates. See Mr. Ourus, THE BRONQ CO.. 2tS7Ja Oak St. . MONEY TO LOAN TT1rv.ROVKD E-AL ESTATE FOR rVF". PURPOSES; VEKY FLE.X- 5 r?,TiHA.C.TS; -VO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIKE & TRUST CO.. 1 SPALDING BLDG. Tfl T r 1 x- MONEY TO LOAN. ycentr. "d I,rorty. ... MALL & VON BORSTEL, l4 second St., near Washington. 0 RtM1,f.v1V?;,Dt,IaP,;)PlSR'rT OR MEN''x w J v RP0.ES "BERAL PAY-MriFi.-, Klv 1LEGES; MON EY AD- THE LQT I TABLE SWINGS afc rniv ASSOCIATION. 240 STARK ST. MONET TO LOAN'" S TO 8 PER CENT. Any amount. PROMPT SERVICE HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANT. 423-424 Chamber ot Commerce. .Lowest Rate Money on business properrr. apartments, dwellings and farms. l. II. Blossom. 31s Chamber of tommerce. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. t.harlrs Hotel. 204 Morrison St rout St. aiOKK.Af.E loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co." 217-1 North westem Bank bklg. -onn TO LOAN (4H.00O OR LeSsT FAR KINGTON. SO 4T1I ST BOARD OK TRADE BLDG ia ny "mount, 10 8 per cent. H. Seltz at Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. W. .,ir'ITy MORTGAGE LOANS, SD S. WILLIAMS. 92 Vi Fir PRE rst St. Money to Lean Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one ot the finest retail jewelry stores in the city, a loan department is conducted in connection with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL absolutely no siirns designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store aVU merchandise pledged is held for a pertou ot seven months, whether or not interest Is paid when due. We are licenst-d ana have boen established since 1SS9. No con nection with aiiy other loan establishment in this city. A, i M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS 324 Washington St. LOANS (10 TO (100 QUICKLY STATE SECURITY CO. LICENSED. C.!'PANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION I.N PORTLAND ,?."LN"1' 'LET rs EXPLAIN. OL. R EASV PAYMENT PLAN. BLSINESS STRICTLY t'ONFI DENTIAU STATE -SECl.'RITY CO. . 300 FAILING BLDG. WE Make Loans In Six Hours' Time , AT LEGAL RATES. We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storase receipts, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture PORTLAND LOAN CO., 1 Licensed Room 20j Rothchild Bldg Bet. and r. t la. on Washington. MONEY AT ONCrl PRTVATE PL ACL TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds. Wairh,:. Jewelry. Etc SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. EI.BY COMPANY (.Licensed). 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. Second am Stark sts. WE LOAN money on diamomls and jewelrr at halt the rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential. HI). 3d st.. near Alder MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry S. w. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS cn real estate, diamonds and jew elry. Wm. Holi, room S. Washington bldg. L0.AN:? " chnttels or an lhlulTut value, .ali Lumber Exchange bids. Main 5S0S. Loans Wanted. (100O AND (loOO wanted on 100x100 corner house, six rooms, furnace, occupied by owner, and ik-xlOO lot. bungalow of Ove rooms, rented; accept money In 2 morl- -"- t lane at s. ah opi.. oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE business man wants to bor row (1000 on second mortgage on modern S-room house with lot looxlOo. in fine resi dence district; first mortgage S2i00; se. curity Al. AG 380, Oregonian. LOAN of (0000 wanted for on-i year at 7 per cent uoon (1O.O00 ot S per cent pre ferred stock of large corporation. AG 3S1. Oregonian. WANTED 8 per cent money on Vancouiwr and Clarke County real estate. N. W. Merrlficld, 810 Washington St.. Vancouver. W ash. HIGHLY re5ponsible business man wants (lo.ooO five years, improved West Side in come property, valued (U0.00O. C 3KB. Oregonm n. WANT to borrow (Oooo on Portland Heights property valued at (14,000. Address owner. Illli. - 1 T ilTO Ht V-T a a - r r , . - - . 1 . ... - -i aaa.iuut.iuil lo.-UV. Fred W. German Co.. H14 Cham, of Com. PARTY nwnlnar f In. T .......... i . ....... : - --- - ........... ..... "in l:i iwu. wants loan of (400 thereon, or -vill selL AN 3S0, Oregonlan. (500O WANTED; security modern Income property close In; value (15,000. .-a. la., 1 11 eilly .Bldg. I Y ANT to borrow (500 on a new. modern bungalow and choice lot; will pay 8 per cent. See me at 512 Piatt bldg (125 (SIX months, first-class collateral; private parties. AH 377, Oregonian. WANT $275 on two lots in Hyde Park years. 10 per cent. AL 379, Oregonlan. WAN! iO loan on J.t.-.oO timber aim: pay commission.. 2:i.1 Worcester bldg. W ANT (loO. 3 years, on 40 acres. Address AG 37S. Oregonian. WANT (400, property worth 01200. Mr. Kp ton, 4:12 Chamber of Commerce. (160O MORTGAGE, will discount 20 per cent Mi Epton. 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANT (000 on 3 full lots, ample security -owner, p. o. box 10t3. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. It-Inch convent hair switches $4 83 2. -inch convent hair switches, gray. 4 8a-' Halrdressing "jj Face massage ................... ' 2 i Shampoo ....................... J '35 Manicure, 25c, 5 for , . . 10s 12 scalp treatments 5 0tl Superfluous hair removed by eieclrio needle, guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; switches, any length; prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 4U0 412 Pekum bldg.. 3d aud Washington. THE ROYCROFT BINDERY FinsioolTa binding, stamping and gold ' lettering 1 leather goo-is and specialties of every de scription; leather cases for lodge receipts made to order with lodge emblem and. individual name in gold. 165 j 4U1 at. sonthweat cor. 4th and Morrison. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best reference; treat men's for lheumatism and lumbago etc massage and baths; lady assistant. 4ii Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall 6033. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions bath, massage. No. 1 East 11th it, see ond floor south from East Ankeny carttnaa. Phone East 2G0, B 1803. FEB VET Sc. HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock human hair goods; switches from B5o up; halrdressing, manicuring, face and scaln treatment; combings made up to order 14" Broadway, near Morrison. Main 546. SWITCHES, putts, etc, made from comb ings; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. N Pugh. 5026 70th st. S. E.. near Foster Rd. MASSBSSE, with latest European education -face and scalp specialty. 250 N. lath at! Marshall 42SI. ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism, neu ralgia, facial and scalp treatment; rea sonable. Phone Marshall 20. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author ot 0 "Palmistry Mads Easy." 2SIUj Morrisons'. DIVORCES Lawyer ot 25 years' experience reliable advice given free. 404 Rothchild bldg.. 2874 Washington. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. SSc; curls and puffs. 75a SanU tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circles Tues., 2: Wed. and Sun., 8 P. M. Readmits dally. 603 5th su Marshall S9t6. SOPHIE B. SEIP, teacher of Mental Sci ence. 302 Alisky bldg.. Wed. and Frt. 8 P. M.. question meetings. Main S225 ' THE FUR SHOP! ' New orders and remodeling; best work. lowest prices; trimming. 717 Swetland bL LESSONS In phrenology and card readinara. 235 6th st- Phone Main 7548. "s. MOLES, superfluous hair removed Mrs la P. Hill. 42 Fliedner bldg. Main (473T DR. M'MAHON. chiropractor i-j a,h Chronlo cases, 13 treatments (10; baths 2o BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonio '-""" ii st. t-none Main 2393. LISTINGS of dry farming lands wanted": " " ' aaaaa 1- DO, "-TegOniaia. Dr. Olga Nechyba. chiropractic, steamTsTha. massage. (OS Northwest biclg. Main llii.