Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 12, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Manaslng- Kditor Main 7070. A 6095
City Editor Main 7070. -A 605
Bundav Editor Main 707O. A 0033
Advertising Department.. .Main 7070. A 6'JJ
City Circulation Main 7070. A 6095
Compojlni-room Main 7070. A 60U5
Printintr-room Main '.070. A 6O05
Superintendent Building ..Main 7070. -.6090
HETI.TO THEATER (Broadway, at Taylor)
y. Host -nes Time it at a l ) -ii-k.
BAKER (Broadway and Sixth, between Al
der and Morrison Baker Players. In
"Maggie Pepper.'" Tonight at 8:15.
T V r T 1"' T - . . ... V. .. . at wU-t Wh.IaI f rtTTl -
edy. I "Lulu of the Underworld." 'This I H.
J. W. Millinqton Is tBAD. John W.
Millington, 70 years old, a Civil War
veteran and who assisted in the cap
ture of John Wilkes Booth, slayer of
Abraham Lincoln, died of cancer yes
terday at the home of his son, Joseph
E. Millington, 670 Sumner street. Mr.
Millington is survived by a widow
and three sons, John W., of this city;
George K.. of this city, and James W.
Millington, of Vancouver, Wash. The
family came to Portland 12 years ago.
Mr. Millington was born in New .York.
Funeral services will be held at Hol-
man's chapel Friday afternoon at 2
o clock. Interment will be in the Grand
Army of the Republic Cemetery.
Inheritance Tiim Dub. Agnes
Rowe, widow of the late H. S.
arternoon at 2:80 and tonight at 7:30 and I Rowe, formerly Mayor of Portland,
:10 o'clock. I must Day an inheritance tax to the
Vaudeville. I state of $470.91, according to a state'
PANTAGES (Broadway and Alder) Per- ment filed yesterday in the Probate
formances 2:30. 7:30 and 9:80 f. m.. Court. When Mr. Rowe died. March 20.
MARCUS LOEWS EMPRESS (Broadway 1914, his estate was appraised at $53,422
ana umnu i-rmarajuM -and nracticallv all is left to the widow.
6 and at 7:30 and 9:30.
Moving-Picture Theaters.
NATIONAL Park and Stark.
PEOPLE'S West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
SUNSET THEATER, Wash, and Broadway.
CftKS RINK Roller skating. Special attractions
ICB SKATING Hippodrome, 21st and Mar-
Inheritance taxes have been assessed
against the estate of the late Daniel
Kunkel, who died January 17 last,
leaving property valued at $108,886.
The widow, Anna, was bequeathed $8833
and pays an Inheritance tax of $48.83,
while a brother. Samuel Kunkel, who
lives In Germany, was willed $77,664
and will pay a tax of $726.65.
Jackson Estate Left to Widow,
Probate of the will of the late Rhees
Jackson, son of Colonel James Jack-
Agricultchal Boosters to Mett. I son, of this city, a captain In the
An agricultural boosters' meeting will United States Army, whose death oc
be held at Sandy next Saturday under I curred September 21 In Laredo, Texas,
the ausDlces of the Portland Railway, 1 Is asked in a petition niea yesteraay
Light & Power Company, arrangements I by Richard W. Montague, named in th'j
having been completed by F. D. Hunt will as executor of the estate. The
and R. M. Townsend, who will' have value of the property belonging to
charge of the meeting. Mrs. T. W. Captain Jackson at the time of his
Cross, Miss Cora Bush, Miss Genevieve death is stated to be $3500, which Is
Stinsman. Stanley Stinsman and others lett by his will to the widow, naiza
are on the reception committee. Lunch beth Van Eman Jackson, whose home
will be served from 12 to 1 P. M.
Speakers will be J. E. Werlein, T. W.
Cross, Mrs. Helen Brooks, of the ore-
is in New York City, and to a daughter,
aged 4 years, Mary Elizabeth Jack
son. The will was executed in Jaa-
ron Agricultural College, and Frank uary, 1910.
McAllister, of the . Union Meat Com- I trotjtdalb O f r i,c B R Retaiked.
pany. air. wenein ana mrs. iit.nn r-or,...t rr ch.nir wnwi th
will tell of Plans for the development county Commissioners yesterday made
of the Sandy Valley. Mrs. Brooks will
speak on "Domestic! Art.1
In the nature of a farmers' Institute.
an nriiAr inntlnnlnv Ttaniitir Kharlff
, .7T. f I Monahan's employment as a peace
officer at Troutdale, where, he has
Another Splendid Grafonola Achievement $QC
Or with 23 double disc records (46 selections) all for $100.
Can be had on new easy payment plari of $8 a month
A small first payment secures im
mediate possession of this incom
parable instrument of music and
a fine set of 46 selections (23
double-disc records). Buy
ers may order them by
title or 'number or we
will supply a lot on
free trial and sub
ject to exchange.
If you have been waiting for the opportunity
to buy a specially good instrument some time
at a price within reach, and on your terms,
here it is. This new "Leader" is equipped
with the many exclusive Grafonola features,
and will most certainly come up to your ex
pectations for tone, tone volume and conven-
Come in and hear it or we will be
glad to send it to your home on approval;
Eellwood T. M. C. A. Active. A con. been temporarily employed during the
spicuous feature of the activities of Summer, until December 31. It is
the Sellwood Y. M. C. A. Is the gym- stated that the deputy has eftetced the
nasium classes, which are 'made up of capture of two highwaymen while he
men. women and boys and girls. The has been on duty and has lmnxoved
women have two classes of 35 each, conditions there as regards the tramp
There is a girls class or 2. members, I nuisance.
which is growing. ine intermediate r. -ry, Martin Is Buried. Raleigh
and young men's classes have 25 mem- I -vv. Martin died at his home- at Rock
bers each, and the juniors boys' class I WooH nn tvi Ratio T.ina nH sgtnninv
has 20 members each. In the business 0f wounds received by the discharge
men's class, there are 15 members. All cf a shotgun while he was hunting In
classes m-tcoa tu iuo v mi.. mis tne Columbia Slough country last week
tank. There is a DaBketuau league 01 He was son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J.
three teams of boys and two teams of Martin, and was born at Eugene, Or.,
young men. uuua, medium, m in- March 12, 1891. Besides his parents
Sellwood x. M. C. A., are the Lom- he is survived by three sisters and two
munity jnorai uuD,memguiai xjromer- brothers, Mrs. George Brent, of Eugene;
hood, Sellwood Y. M. C. A., the Sell- Mrs. Q. j Smith, Rainier; Miss Ola F.
wood Boaro or iraao ana tne women s Martin, Edward and Richard Martin,
auxiliary. Illustrated lectures are Funeral services were held yesterday
given each Friday night. from the family residence at Rock-
Am Event of considerable Interest wood and the interment was made In
will take place at 8 o'clock Saturday Rose City Cemetery.
evening of this week when Miss Greater Memorial. Dat Aim. In
Katherine Trevette, a talented reader the hope of increasing the Importance
and impersonator, irora unicago, witn or Memorial day. as an occasion honor.
the assistance of local musicians, will I tng the dead of wars past and look
present .a literary and musical pro-1 ing toward peace In the future. City
gramme in the auditorium of the First I School Superintendent Alderman has
Christian Church, corner Park and Co- I invited the various civic organizations
lumbia streets. Miss Trevette is nign- 1 of Portland, to send delegates to
ly recommended by men' of culture meeting to be held in his offices at 2
and discrimination. The programme P. M. Tuesday, November 24, when
will be given under the auspices of plans for next Memorial day will be
the Christian Endeavor Society or the discussed. All Interested in the gen
church, 25 cents admission will be 1 eral movement also are Invited to at-
charged and the proceeds will be used tend.
by the Endeavorers In their Thanksgiv- Habeas Corpus Hearing Todit.
lug charities. Adv. E. H. Carpenter, confessed forger, who
J. S. Otis. OB" Pleasant ' Home. Dies. J. I Is held In the County Jail on the
S. Otis, a resident of the Pleasant Home strength of a warrant issued in San
district for the Dast 20 vears. died I rancisco, wnere he is wanted on
Monday after a long illness. He was like .charge after having been paroled
81 years of age, and is survived by I in the local courts, will be brought
a widow, and a sister, Mrs. Noami I before Judge Kavanaugh today noon
Clark, of Lynn, Mass. Grandchildren I on a habeas corpus proceeding and the
surviving him are: Archie Collins. I Multnomah County authorities will be
Pleasant Home; Jewell and Miss Jennie required to make a showing as to why
Collins and Mrs. Leona Phelps, Port- he should not be released from custody,
land. Funeral was held yesterday - Official. Co lint Progresses. The
afternoon at the Pleasant. Home Metho- official count of the votes cast at
dlst Church, Rev. S. T. Smith and last week's election proceeded yeBter-
Rev. J. H. Wood officiating. The In- day under the direction of deputy
terment was made in the Pleasant clerks In John B. Coffey's department.
Home Cemetery. When closing time came , yesterday, 4 3
Woman's Death Laid to Fugitive. precincts had been completed and It
Holding that Mrs. Olimpa. Parllnin Is estimated that eight or nine more
came to her death as a result of gun days will be required to finish the
shot wounds and knife injuries inflicted count. The work is being carried on
Saturday by Roman Padgln, the Coro- in the registration department, where
ner's jury at an inquest yesterday the 82.000 ballots cast in this county
recommended In its verdict the detain- are stored.
ing of Padgin. Mrs. Parlinin died Tues- Driver Sues for $5000. Employed
day, after lying at the point of death as driver for the Palace Laundry Cam
In St. Vincent's Hospital since Satur- pany and falling to the street when a
day. Padgin escaped and is being wheel came off the wagon, forms the
hunted with bloodhounds. He attempted basis of a suit for $5000 damages
to enter Mrs. Parlinin's home near brought against the laundry concern
Grays' Crossing. Mount Scott, It Is said, and the Fashion Livery Stables yester-
PsYCHOLOGY CmB Circle Formed. day by Ross R. Churchill. The livery
Another circle of the Portland Psy- company. It is stated, was responsible
chology Club was organized on Ban- for the condition of the wagon. Severe
croft Heights Tuesday afternoon at the injuries are said to have been Inflicted
home of Mrs. T. A. Long, Overlook when the accident happened.
Apartments. The president, Mrs. Puree Left Under Pillow. Wi. W.
Weister, gave a clear outline of the Carr, living at the Central Hotel,
purpose of the club and the women Broadway and Alder street, placed his
showed great interest and enthusiasm, purse containing $100 under his pillow
Those present were: Mrs. Weister, when he went to sleep Tuesday night.
Mrs. C. M. McKay, Mrs. G. G. Mair, When he awoke yesterday he forgot
Mrs. Anna M. Mills, Mrs. G. A. Luke, about his precautionary efforts and,
Mrs. George Sering and Mrs. T. A. thinking the money stolen, he reported
Long. the alleged theft to Detectives Swen-
Optical. Com pa nt Incorporate. nes and P. Moloney. The detectives
Articles of Incorporation were filed searched Carr'a room and located the
yesterday with County Clerk Coffy hidden wallet.
by the Davles Optical Company, whioh Musical Benefit Tonight. Miss
Intends to deal in optical goods. Capital Freita Shaw, a member of the Jeffer-
stock is given as $10,000 and incor- son High School Girls' Glee Club, will
porators are: D. M.' Davies, George appear in a musical and song recital
Whltlark and D. J. Griffiths.' Arti- at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium tonight
cles were filed by the Douglas Fir at 8:30 for the benefit of Bethel A. M. E.
Timber Company, objects being to con- I Church building fund. Miss Shaw,
duct a general timbering and lumber- I though young, is without doubt one of
ing business. Capital is $1000 and in-1 the sweetest singers of the colored
corporators are Harrison G. and Robert! race and is destined to become a lead-
Treat Piatt and Hugh Montgomery. I ing star in the musical world.
Commission Mat Settle- Claim. I Show Wants Boy's "City." City
County Commissioners yesterday de-1 School Superintendent Alderman yes
termined to ask an opinion from the terday received a teleeram from
' State Industrial Commission as to what Gordon C. Corbaley, of Spokane, asking
will be an equitable settlement of to get into communication with Ladner
claims of Charles Eatchel, who was Ross, the crippled boy who planned the
Injured severely at Kelly Butte rock miniature city. Mr. Corbaley states
quarry some time ago while in the that he wishes to make a contract
employ of the county. The amount with the proprietor to place his work
decided upon will be put In the torth- in the women's and children s depart
coming budget of expenditures for the I ment at the National Apple Show.
coming year. 1 dr. Morgan at Reed Todat. In
Jury Awards $3250 for Loss op Leg. I the Reed College extension course No.
The Jury In Judge Morrow's court 12. natural science, the lecture for this
that heard the trial of the suit brought afternoon, on "Is Anything Really
by Jack Johnson against the Chapman Lost?" will be given by Dr. William
Timber Company, Jack Moon and the Conger Morgan In the biological lec-
Nehalem Timber Company lor $24,250 I ture room of the college, at 3 o'clock.
damages because of the loss of a leg I At 7 o'clock, the conference on labor
while the plaintiff was employed in I problems will hold Its weekly meet
logging camp operations near Scap- I ing in the seminar room of the social
poose returned a verdict yesterday I sciences.
awarding $3o0 to tne piainurr. Psychology Meeting Todat. The
Dr. Chapman to Lecture. "The New regular meeting of circle No. 10 of the
Internationalism" will be discussed by psychology class will be held this
Dr. C. H. Chapman in his lecture to- morning at 10:30 o'clock at the home
night in Library Hall under the aus- I of Mrs. William Ingold, 631 East Madi
pices of the Oregon Civic League. In son street- The meeting will be led
view of the present complicated con- by Mrs. W. F. Henze, and the topic
dition of international relations, this will be, "What Is Mind, and How Is
topic should give unusual scope to the I It Developed?"
lecturer's powers of deduction and Auto Ownbr Sued for Damages.'
prophecy, and should prove both en- Arthur Heller filed suit yesterday
tertainlng and stimulating. against Edward J. Tracey, alleging that
Knispel Trial, Decisiox Saturday. he was struck and knocked down by
Judge Morrow will give his decision 1 the defendant s automobile on a Port
on Saturday in the motion of Julius I land street on October 14, and serious
Knispel, convicted of illicit traffic in I injuries inflicted. Damages of $1050
drugs, for a new trial. Knispel was I are asked.
tried before Judge Morrow and he Centenarian Roams Street. Wander-
bases his motion for a second hearing line aimlessly about the citv. but an
upon the allegation that witnesses parently in perfect health. James Mc
against him were drug users and un- I Donald. J03 years old, was picked up
worcny 01 neiiei. by Patrolman coulter at 600 East Mor
Norwegians to Meet. There will rison street. The old man was unable
be a Norwegian mass meeting tonight to give any clew to his relatives and
- at 8 o'clock in the Lincoln High School could not ten nis aoaress.
( auditorium. Rev. "C. August Peterson, Car Company Sued. Alleging that
of Seattle, recognized as the most I she was injured when a streetcar she
popular orator among the Norwegians 1 was boarding at Second and Morrison
on the Pacific coast, will be the prln-1 streets started with a sudden jerk
clpal speaker. The programme will throwing her to the pavement. Hatti
include several musical numbers. j. Mathews brought suit against th
Oriental Ruos, wasn-cleaned and re- Portland Railway, Ligh & Power Com
paired. Cartozian Bros. Main 8433. Adv. I pany yesterday for $6500 damages.
Shipped to any place on the
map, securely boxed, with com
plete instructions. Send for
The Nation's Largest Talking Machine Headquarters, Eilers Building, Broadway at Alder
Talking Machine, Department,
tne r inest in 1 own.
Only place In Portland where aU makes
of phonographs are to be compared im
partially aide by aide.
Two Baby Shows Arranged.
Although the Chinese baby Bhow at the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show will be the special feature for
Friday, white babies who won prizes
in the show , last Saturday will be ex
hibited" once more in competition for
a sweepstakes prize. Two sweepstakes
prizes are offered, one for the prettiest
boy under 3 years and one for the
prettiest girl. Prizewinners In the
show last week were: Margaret Earl,
daughter of Mrs. Victor Earl; Cordelia
Dodson, daughter of Mrs. W. D. B.
Dodson; Charlotte Prichard, daughter
of Mrs. W. S. Prichard; Floyd White,
son of Mrs. J. R. White; Ruhl Morgan,
son of Mrs. G. H. Morgan, and Bob
Adams, son of Mrs. H. A. Adams.
Nagging Is Charged. On the charge
that he was given to nagging and
scolding. D. B. Cantwell was sued for
divorce yesterday by his wife, Etna.
He also, she said, insisted that his
brother should live with them and by
reason of the relative's drinking habits,
she alleges her life was made miser
able. The brother Is charged with
having insulted and abused her, the
husband doing nothing to protect ner.
The custody of two children Is asked.
Phoebe L. sued Charles T. Boyd for
divorce, charging desertion.
Pipe for City Undamaged. Twenty
thousand feet of small galvanized Iron
water pipe consigned to the .city on
the steamer Santa Catalina which was
partially burned in the river recently,
is to be accepted by the city after an
investigation of its condition. It has
been found that the pipe was uninjured
by the fire. Considerable dirt got into
the part of the ship where the pipe
was carried but this has not damaged
it. -The consignment was being brought
here from the East. It will be un
loaded as soon as possible.
Credit Men Resume Luncheons. S.
E. Webb was the speaker at the first
luncheon of the Credit Men's Associa
tion for the year, which was held yes
terday at the Multnomah Hotel. Mr.
Webb urged the establishment of a
course of lectures to employes in all
concerns, with the Idea of helping to
Increase efficiency. Beginning next
Wednesday the Credit Men will have a
course of law lectures bearing upon
the line of work In which they are
Senator-Elect Arrested. Municipal
Judsre Stevenson was honored yester
day by a visit from Arthur Langguth.
the newly-elected state senator irom
Multnomah County. The senator aia
not come as a guest, but as a prisoner.
He left his car standing In the same
place all day," complained Patrolman
Maxwell. "I guess I did." ruefully ad
mitted the Senator. As It was the first
offense. Judge Stevenson let Mr. Lang
guth go.
Policeman Is Discharged. On recom
mendation of Chief of Police Clark A.
H. Ullfers, a policeman was dismissed
from the service yesterday by Mayor
Albee. He is charged with conduct
unbecoming an officer. It Is charged
that on November 2 he left the bureau
on sick leave and has failed to report
back to work. Upon several occasions.
it is charged, he has been seen drunk.
Teachers' Club to Dine. The St
Johns Grade Teachers' Association will
give the newly elected officers a dinner
Saturday night. Several matters ivill
be considered at this meeting. The
Central School Parent-Teacher Asso
ciation, of St. Johns, will meet in the
Central building this afternoon at 3
o'clock for general business.
For Rent. West Side, fine six-room
corner flat, fireplace, furnace with hot
water coil and every convenience, 721
Kearney, corner' 22d; rent reasonable
Call East 4496. mornings and evening,
arranged for a concert at the Seamen's
Institute, 125 North Fifth street, to
night at 8 o'clock: Soprano solo. Miss
Eva Wills Abbett; piano solo. Miss
Elma Anderson; reading, selected; vio
lin solo. Miss Blanche Larsen; contralto
sojo. Miss Ethel Slusser; soprano solo,
Miss Ann McGovern; Scotch and Irish
dances, the Misses Marie and Irene
Watson; solos and choruses by men
from deep-water ships.
Change In Steamer Schedule.
Effective November 14, O.-W. ' R. &
N. steamer for Astoria and way points
leaves Ash-street dock daily except
Saturday 8 P. M. Tickets, etc., at either
city ,ticket office. Third and Washing
ton, or the dock. Adv.
Seamen's Programme Heady.
The following programme has been
This $650
Ingabnrr Player Plai
rae ;-'r r'r- Twxr:
Good Things
The Hazelwood
Vegetable Soup 10-15 ,
Head Lettuce, French
Dressing 10-20
Fresh-Cracked Crab. .20-35
Fried Spring Chicken, coun
try style . . , . . . .50
Hot Turkey Sandwich 35 '
Roast Spring Turkey, cran
berry sauce 60x
Baked Pork and Beans
Creamed Chicken on Toast.3!
Asparagus Tips, Mayon- .
naise 20
Combination Salad ..25
Hot Mince Pie 10
Pumpkin or Lemon Pie...lO
Chocolate Eclair 10
The Hazelwood
Confectionery and
Dinner at Home?
Why fuss and fume
when the
Hotel Grill
is making extensive
preparations for the
most delicious Thanks
giving dinner it has ever
served? Make reserva
iions fj phone for your
table in advance non.
Vocal and instrumental,
by the
Lunch, 12 to 2, 50c
IV eekday ' Dinner
5:30 to 9, 75c
' 1 YC 1x1 Q1" 'Iimet 72 Honrs, Jlji .
Through Transcontinental Service
Every provision for the comfort of the traveler.
Dining service, "Top Class."
To Tacoma Seattle
Leave 7:35 A. M 10:30 A. M 4:00 P. M., 11:30
P. M. (Sleepers open 9:30.)
Tickets and all information at
255 MORRISON ST. Phones Main 244, A 1244.
A D. CHARLTOS, A. Q. 1, Portland, Orecoa.
First Departure November 24.
Northern Pacific Railway
Direct and Only L,lne to liardiner Gateway, Original and Nurtnern
Park Entrance.
a r
II 9 . - . 'i 1 6 1(
$OAC $25 Cash
tD $ 8 Monthly
There Is a fascination about play in
tha Player Piano which appeals to all
classes, not only to those whose musical
due at ion has been neglected, but partic
ularly to cultivated musicians; for now
they can play the compositions of all the
great masters, when formerly they could
play but a comparatively few.
Tied Fianoa, 45, (65, $135, $165' etc
Graves Music Co.
1S1 Fourth St.
Hood River Day
Woodmen of the World
Handel Yocal Society
Don't Forget
Chinese Baby Show
Friday Evening, Nov. 13
Chinese Band
Chinese Singers
Friday Is Muts' Night
Fraternal Night
Last Week of Great Exposi
tionFull of Big Features
Adults 25 Cents
Children 10 Cents
And Free Hand
Drawing. Learn how
to turn your talent
into an Income.
Y. M. 0. A. Day and
Night Schools.
j r. ' s r
Accountinr oerman
Advert iBlng
Architect Drafting
Boys' School
Business Law
Coast Enelneerlns
Civil fiervica
Machine Design
Mechanical r&ftlnjr
Plan Heading: & Evt.
Public Speaklnff
Reinforced Concrete
ft Danish
oingllau for Foreign Surveying. Mapping
Men Bhow Card Writing
Ensrllsh Grammar ft Telegraphy
Reading Trigonometry
Preehand Drawing Typewriting
French Vocal Muslo
aeometrv Wireless Telegraphy
V. M- C. A.. Taylor and Sixth Street.
Catalogua Tee.
Instant relief with- a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacob's Oil.
Rheumatism is "pain" only.
Not ont case in llfty requires Inter
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub
soothing-, penetrating ""St. Jacobs Oil
right into your sore, stiff, aching
joints, and relief comes Instantly. "St.
Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
liniment which never disappoints and
cannot burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle of old. honest "St.
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in
lust a moment you 11 be free from
-rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness
Don't sufferl Relief awaits you. "St.
Jacobs OH" is just as good for sci
atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache,
sprains. Adv.
Book telling how easy It Is to
cure LIQUOR, DRVC and TO
BACCO habits. Sent sealad
and unraarlcad. Mention wblco.
wn -. lntsraatad In. WHITE CKOSa IN
STITLTE. 11 Davis 8t Portland. Or.
Let This Store Suggest Some Novel Treat
not alone for the day. but for all the month. We've a maze of newest things
from near and far to embellish the table and fascinate the palate
Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat.
148 Third Street A-4432, Main 9432
Cresca Corn on the Cob, Va-gal jars, jar 75
Cresca Country Gentlemen Corn, S-lb. tins, tin 35
Cresca Figs, Protobon, 212-lb boxes, box 7S?
Cresca Figs, in glass jars, jar Tot, 40
Cresca Stuffed Dates, box 35("
1914 Malaga Raisins, lb. 40. 5V2-lb. boxes $2, 22-lb.
box $7.75
Sunshine Sugar Wafers, assorted, box 50
Lady Betty Fig, Orange Marmalade, jar 35
Lady Betty Cucumber Crisps, jar 50
Gordon & Dilworth's Br an died Pears, jar $1.15
Wheatena & Malt Breakfast Food, pkg 25
Swedish Milk Wafers, tws boxes for. 45
Kitchen Bouquet, two bottles for 55
McUlhenny's Tobasco Sauce, bottle ' 40
Ivory Soap, large cakes, bar 7Yih
Waldorf Stringless Beans, tin 20, dozen.. 852.10
Mayer's O. P. S. Rye or Bourbon, full qt. 7-year-old stock $1.50
Fresh Raspberries, two boxes for 35
Hothouse White Radishes, bunch , 5
Hothouse Green Onions, bunch 5t
Artichokes, Celery Hearts, Hard California Lettuce and all sea
- sonable varieties.
"Yours For Quality." "On the Great Light Way.
Motel Cairltoo
Fourteenth and Washington Streets
MijsiBM"- T"
Rooms, with bath. .$1.50 day
Rooms, without bath. $1 day
All outside rooms, fireproof
construction. Special rates
for permanent gue3ts.
F. A. Taylor Co.
130 10th Street
$125 Davenport.. $93.75
100 Davenport.. 75.00
85 Davenport.. 63.75
75 Davenport. . 56.25
65 Davenport.. 48.75
$100 Chair $75.00
75 Chair 56.25
50 Chair 37.50
40 Chair 30.00
30 Chair 22.50
20 Chair 15.00
$25.00 Martha Washington
Sewing Table... $18.00
22.00 Tip Top... 16.50
15.00 Tip Top... 11.25
$100 Mahogany.
75 Mahogany.
, 12 Chairs
. 56.25
Enropeaa Plan a Day Va.
Amrricia Plan 93JiO a Day Us.
Every comfort and convenience.
In the center of theater and retail
district. On carllnes transferrins to
all parts of city. Omnibus meets all
trains and steamers.
From Producer
to Consumer
We sell fish, butter and epgrs and
dressed poultry direct to consumers
at jobbers' prices. Write us to
quote you, specially on your fat tur
key for Thanksgiving. We deliver
to your residence via express. Ask
them about us.
Jensma Creamery Co.
246 Pine Street, Portland, Or.
Phone A 3770
Gold bracelets, aiftnet rings, belt buckles
Id any design, made to order, with names or
good luck Chinese characters engraved,
thereon. Prices reasonable. Orders prompt
ly executed and sent prepaid anywhere la
U. & We are skilled Chinese Jewelers.
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