Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 12, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Tho Administration 13 again plan-
political and business piracy." It pro-1 this country until the. current epi-
nounces the Progressive party "dead, I demic, which is virulent beyond pree
I past hope of resurrection," and says: I edent. The causes of its extraordi-
rrrv. i i i i 1 rin tit enraail 1nct rt m oi-a oa T-n t-si t" o -l nila
CVAluuvt I countrv fm t n t numnrnit e -nftrtv under ttlA I tn mAn aa vmnrhlA
6.Vi-LViSf.i. """" r wooarow wuson. but no doubt Investigation will bring
aTubstpUoa Rates invariably la -AAvanoe: a ne reasons for uemocrauc reverses them to lisrht. In the meantime no
-By Mail.) , are held by the New York Times to precautions against the disease can
nlWZ' 5 2 T5 2 S' ... moTSh."" .i-M De lne Iacts that tno appeal ror a be too strict.
Dally, Sunday included, three months ... 8.25 vote or confidence was made at a time
. Daily, Sunday included, one montii .-Jj when the country is in the midst of
Sr.' i'r ie?"i2.;?' S""i..'"::: I a 25 serious industrial depression and when
Daily, without Sunday, three month - the dissension which divided the on-
WwkiJPoni.i.SrUniy' ne mnUl ."". Position party in 1913 has substan- ning to withdraw American troops
Sunday, on year ". dally disappeared." I from Vera Cruz. One Carranza, a
Sunday and Weekly, one year B-B0 The Progressive nartv "as a oollti- I fugitive provisional president, having
ty V.UTI1W.I 1 1 4- -3 . .1 . .. , A l- I looiia a .nV.nlAnl W .... .-. amanf
. ' . . aW.WJ I O-i US Uillg UUl. Ilja- 1 a. 1 1 1 1 1 i. i ULii.ii""vv.
bally.' Sunday included, on month 7 son found by the Times is that after by the State Department, there is an
How to Remit Send Postotnc. money "traveling with somewhat a rapid step inclination in Aaministration circles to
ser. exDresa order or personal cbeclc on your I , ., , .A .-, .-it i ; .. . I ). it o t,-ana
local hinl, Rt.n. o'nln or currency are """S " r""-" .u.l.a.iu., "'" I -" - 1 -
.enaer-s risic uive postornc
Including county and state.
na?T??.rV'ZZS?. B iS K Vaiea. 8 cent: safer and saner policies." tlnual presence of American troops at
60 to 60 page. 4 cent; 2 to . P"8;.,6 I Saying that an indorsement was I Vera Cruz might cause trouble, since
. A Si , p IWl asked by the Administration and de- factional differences are again becom
iutm n..inM. vrnrverree & Conk- I nied by the people, the Brooklyn Eagle ing heated,
Iln, New York. Brunswick, building. Chi-1 suggests that the adversevvote might If this purpose Is carried out it
cago. stenger building. .. I hav hwn liMvlor "hut for th war might be well to inauire lust what
-i -. . -
18 1 any extreme of reaction, but toward home. It is admitted that the con
A ceIL.'- I R9 for onr? a an or- nnliplcit " I tinual oresenee of American trooDS at
San Francisco
T42 Market street.
Office It, J. 3
and but for the confidence that the has been accomplished by American
President can be trusted to steer us naval and military activities In Mex-
POBTLAM), THURSDAY, NOT, It, 1914. clear of international complications." lean realms. The cost has been nine-
This is explained to mean that "the teen American lives and many mil-
President is Immeasurably stronger lions of dollars. The net result Is
than ril nartv. hut rn that streneth elimination of General Huerta as an
with but few exceptions, ana these waa inadequate." individual without elimination of any
I of those evils Huerta was said to rep
only among the rockrlbbed Democrats,
the great newspapers of the country
Interpret the result of the election as
a rebuke to the Democratic Adminis
tratlon and as presaging the early ex-
ure will remain to Invest or to engage
in business, and the Pacific Coast will
surely benefit immensely. The prob
able passage at the coming session of
Congress of the conservation bills will
open opportunities for development
which have been closed for years, and
will do so at a time when many
wealthy people are visiting the West.
By its rejection of radical measures
submitted to popular vote Oregon has
freed itself from the reputation of be
ing a land of rash experiment in
legislation. This state has proved
that the power, of direct legislation
can be used for conservative ends, and
actually Is so used. Hence there is no
cause for the homeseeker and investor
to pass by Oregon's unrivaled oppor
tunities. -
With such a prospect, optimism
should be the ruling spirit of the
people. We should turn our minds
from the times of adversity through
which we have been passing to the
time of prosperity which is before us,
By paying expenses of Commis
sioner Dieck In the recent recall elec'
tion, the city government will estab
lish a wrong precedent. The City of
Portland was not on trial. To be
sure the amount Is small, which is
all the more reason It should be paid
by the official concerned. It is not
to the credit of the Commission as
The Chicago Evening Post's article resent. In fact conditions have -grown , ,,, , ,,,, .v, .
sermon over the Progressive party, to I Mexico is now in a more pitiful state
which It was devoted. It Bays: of chaos and misery than ever. It
referring it to the City Attorney.
irsuon ana aa presaging trie eariy w- t, th eountrvs rebuke to the bual- ,,ij v, intcrcaMno- tn vnnur ni J. no persistent report tnat lao ' - - , " nuutuvn
Unction of the Progressive party. This Less SoUeSmSSX. party' "ldmh lnotfer"DSwt f'" d hfnd- egg supply from Russia on ao
view is taken not only by the Republi. au alonr the line men who were out ot t t"hf"d from the west and dispatching them tent with my bayonet as a tool this c ount of the war is ) said to hav,
n n V , V,- T.nocdtr. nonora I ---.--. 1 - -- . - . . -oof l lnrai1lhU Wlnl -" J wunil nuuiciiaico " r
Stars and Starmakers
Commercial, Financial and Industrial
Outlook Growing Much Brighter.
- . . . I xA.. . . . .
Dnv AT.n BRIAN has ma-ae nls aeDuti iiuragign uiupaicn 10 iew xora. nor
as a song writer. None of the review- f n. ,
ers who heard the ditty went wild over I change situation between the United
it, and one referred to It most unKinaiy. : states and England is so far advanced
Nevertheless the dancing Idol, Mr. I that a final agreement is expected to be
Brian, made it all up out of his own reached between the representatives of
head, music and words, called it "The Bj"itlsh Chancellor of the Ex-
,, . . , , wiri chequer. Sir George Paish, and Basil B.
Most Wonderful Eyes In the World, B, nrw1 ,k,
and insisted on having it Inserted some- eral Reserve Board within a few days.
where in the new musical comedy, lne I possibly tomorrow (today).
Girl From Utah," in which he is star- 1 Mr. McAdoo said that confidence now
ring-. 1 is restored regarding the financial sltu-
e e , i mo unikcu Dmies aaa in&i lie
,, . . land the British financial experts are
Mary Goulden, the English girl who 8trivlng to brine about the sam con-
plays Rose In "Milestones," is in re- Idition in the international situation.
celpt of a letter from her 18-year-old .
brother, who has Just joined the British See 'a $600,000,000 Market.
expeditionary force. He gives her a New York World.
ion- w nr numharn huind bv his The Alexander Hamilton Institute.
name, and in explanation of the hiero- which has been conducting an inquiry
, T ,.r .1.. n , ii into foreign trade opportunities, esti-
glyphlcs says, I think, you will be all mate8 that a tsoooQ0O market for
right In addressing me as above, for a lron an1 steel machinery, copper goods,
month's time at least. We are not al- naval stores, arms and. ammunition.
lowed to mention names of towns, etc., I mineral oils.ehemlcals, leather goods
in our letters, else I could tell you and foodstuffs has been opened up in
where we are. I have not been put into V.. 1J""'U Dl"
. . . - ... I f acturers with the suspension of im
a. po..uon yet. uut " " I porta from Germany. Austria and Bel-
snoruy. .n oi trier nave jl seen any buwi glum.
or shell. Soldiering is very different to
civilian life, let me tell you, and one Ship 8,000.000 Errs to Britain.
has to get used to looking after oneself. I Boston Dispatch to Philadelphia Press.
We count ourselves lucky if we get any Three million eggs arrived here to-
sort of a roof over us and a board to af (Thursday) from the West fo:
. . . . . . I shipment tomorrow to England, form
"" ,..7, ,nS the largest consignment ever sent
camped In the mud. Picture me, little from thls port Tho reduetion tn Ens.
The papers of all three leading parties I voted aralnst the Democratic party
agree in the opinion that Progressives The instrument they chose tor the ex
united with Republicans to express flcan'partV. th9lr Erotest w" Eelub-
who saw economic perils surrounding them, structive meddling, better known as
watchful waiting.
their resentment at the results of
Tho Post labors to explain the Pro-
Democratic policy. Republican papers 33 siump by saying the Repub-
t a ai 1 j m j. 1 s- 1 cunmn uown in oil i'x. e t iuiib. dul a-it
nominir 1 11 i. lit hi 11 ui liib uki iir i . . . m.
in the east and the troops are needed this work Is child's play, and our in- " Pa Dispatch tTwasMngton
a. u liio 'w eo u. xl uuus woio v itii- 1 - ..I post. '
drawn the action took place some to things the boys have to put up witn A Readlns flrm today (Thursday) re-
Does anybody still remember Dr. weeks aeo. A strenerthenine of the at tho front, and I only remark on it I celved an order for 600.000 hoscital
" " " " " - I all Kaai V n HlUHin IIV KiLVlllK tllM JTk.K V U aJ" I - 1 I . . I - -
assert, however, that Republican sue- 7, iTi. -xTl..r , Friedmann? He came to this country western forces at the exnense of the Because it nappens to De new to me. 1 shirts for the British army. The con-
,., io k. natrnoH a a a trl- I .. t , . from Germanv two vears aero with a I ,in rnntinroni I. mnm tn r "Some of our chaps have started col- I tract is for $350,000
v " v , 1 Lion. it pxnrensAs commence, now-1 " - - 1 " o --1. . . .n 1 - ...... t aaa aaa j
.,.r,v, nr. oMr, o n Kovpral of .. . . . . consumDtion cure. - Without much I inici fnr lections 01 souvenirs Servian, ueigian 1 -."."
' .r- : ever. "tnai tne progressive movemem ..,, v. . , UnH rr,. htr,, t t -,aii h of muslin to fill the order,
Twenty-Five Years Ago
them loin with Progressive papers in Hn ' ' tj,,m- difficulty he won the confidence of
warning the Republican party that I party, as a party, shall never con- I thousands of sufferers and many were Ttlo r, Bchools, as we learn able to write to you only the fringe of
anv such construction or tnis years i , ireaieu wiui ma serum, ah 11 lumeu
from the Portland School Bulletin,
happenings, on account of the censor.
Bnya 200,000 Palra of Shoea.
results may put new life Into the third out, this was prepared from turtles. tpachintr thnlr nunlla a "civic 1 came away on two hours notice. II ... t--.,..
party ana onus auum o. icjieuuuii I blew the Progressive bugle in 1912, "j '-' creed. One of Its tenets is: "It is my " -t tne oixice 01 tne jviuinn onoe t;om-
1916 of the rebuke administered in Udonts the ornlanMlon nf hi dpfpat very much faith in Dr. Friedmann 3 rleh, gsiA duty to make an honest and colno home that we shall be back pany here t was announced today
1912. given by F. A. Davenport, the defeated cure" His methods savored rankly Uving and to be comfortable and across the Channel, but It 1. all in the (lh"r sda y) that an or, ier had been re-
- The New Tork Sun says the salient fandldayte f or Governor of New Tork. of kTr nd his serum was kept happy." This is a long way from the P of the gods. This country doe. ceWed from the
-nartv M muuri ui iiijoij. i-.-.!, vale of tears" theory of life, but it I m ul luvo " t.,., 1 Tf .i !,
-L-ot rf nnrll- i" " uuiiruicMiuiKu.- u nu- omnds rather takimr for all that- I lrcr . 10 ra.lKiauu. . . . ins rosi 01 romnanv Trl. rlv. rt f
progressive torces are aimosi anni- Uon b disciDHnina. first one narty v"CBleu l"al l" "'en
hllated." The result emphasizes the .,, excited would amount to nothing, and
fact that Mr. Wilson is a minority The ..ODl. used tha third nartv in
President. It sees in the popular ver- 1912 to dlscIpllne the Republicans, but
a4tr4 v-aaYifmAnt- at "fapf ntHtMi nflllprl I . .... a . - .......
uLiiuiui.i.t7 iur uu vei uur vi c w
feature was "the compelling evidence ..that the conntXy favors a two
of Republican reunion." and that "the and rvrefers to better
Nothing adds more pleasure to a
After a thorough investigation, the .J . V "
diet resentment at "factories nailed they found lt to lnterfere with disci- scientific men in the service of the
up. wornmen wnnout wor. inrr. pUne to the Democrats this year, hence "ir'
ior a aeiicit onu , on top ui me they abandoned lt in order to get re
ness aepression war taxes not uue w suits.
war, the offspring or Democratic ex
travagance and tariff bungling." The Displeasure of the farmers, the un-
wall It Must as 8on aa the ."Milestones" Com
may be of brick, cement or wood.
Against lt one trains his delicate
grapes and peaches so that they may
tne letter is personal, iiiss txouiaen is an order for 500.000 pairs of shoes
going to enter the Red Cross service which the English government will give
out next week,
I pany closes.
e. a e
D. Price, who Is known in Call
From The Oregonlan. November 11, 1SS9.
Some Interesting Information l.o re
vealed in in article In The Oregonian
yesterday, in which some of the well
known authors tell how they obtained
or why they took jtheir better-known
noms de plume. Edward W. Bok Is re
sponsible for the revelations, having
delved into the lore. . Mary Virginia
Terhune (Marian Harland), Paul Blouet
(Max O'Rell). Ouida (who says from a
child's lisp of her real name, Louise,
came "Ouida), Edgar Wilson Nya t'.U
Nye), Annie Hector (Mc-i. Alexander).
Donald G. Mitchell (Ik Marvell). Will
iam T. Adams (Oliver Optic) and Alice
French (Octave Thanet) are among the
authors whose noms de plume have
oeen traced.
London. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Bur
nett, the writer. Is so ill from her car
riage accident that concussion of the
brain is feared by her physicians.
Port Townsend, Wash. The steamer
J. B. Libbey was totally destroyed by
fire yesterday In the straits.
San Francisco. It Is reported John
Jacob Astor has promised a loan of
$25,000 to the World's Fair if that In
stitution is won by New York.
Baker City and Corvallls are the
next two towns In Oregon which will
have streetcars.
A large concourse of Elks and their
invited friends were out at the Masonio
Temple last night. Cordray's orches
tra furnished the music. Mr. Dudley
greeted the visitors and introduced the
chairman, Sid C. France, and waa ap
plauded loudly. Edward Berry, of Lodge
No. 6, of San Francisco, was policeman,
and the waiters were Messrs. Whale,
Tingry, Casey and Cordray.
About 900 people gathered at the
Tabernacle yesterday to hear Rev. I. N.
Driver preach on the work of Moody.
W. H. Gray, a pioneer of 1836. Is
lying dangerously ill at the residence
of Jacob Kamm.
R. E. French and Mrs. French, of
Kansas City, arrived In Portland yes
terday. Mr. French comes to assume
the position of stage manager at Cord
ray's. Julia Ward Howe, the noted author
and lecturer, is In Portland and is vis
iting at the home of Mrs. Dunlap, 46
Washington street. She was inter
viewed by The Oregonian yesterday.
. ... Fnpiiow 1 r 1 wH.rni huiuiiiiue. run li
It "Will cure . ,, ... . . .. Portland as Cathrine. Countiss' hus
uen wt,iis me trie gicai luiuiu ui 1
a failure if not a fraud.
Reopening: the Great Exchanges.
From an Editorial in New York Herald
fornla as a theatrical manager and In Tcotton Exchange and assurance
that the New York Institution for deal-
nobody of tuberculosis Those who I cmeg country they are band' geta ln town today ,f the train, in In the staple will resume 10 days
have staked their faith upon It are . nieasine are" on time. He Is heralding Eleanor hence signalise recovery from the
Gates' delightful fantasy. "The Poor shock of war and encourage hope of an
m, r..- ,, fr-. Little Rich Girl," which comes to the eaT reopening of the great stock ex
British Columbia already has fears '. . , changes on either side of the Atlantic.
traction. mr. rice is one or tne Dest-
known men ln - his profession and his
reminiscences of early-day show do-
Canal Tolls Increasing.
Panama Cable to New York Times.
The business of the port of Balboa
whole country, the Sun says, is "sick emnloyed and the business men with doomed to bitter disappointment.
of the long, costly war against busl- the results of Democratic legislation is Some patients seem, even to have been
mwa " . t-Vi . xi'nT-b- nr rrT-rs i tho i v, tiA..u'n Avninnn-tnn i l rt iiirpn nv tnfl meaicine aaministerea
v. vw.0.. . H 1 vhiixku aiu S CAitiaLlUll. 1 1 " - I . . A T .
Tr.0Mf lajn-rlr TA th r-nnls- rri, a , i ...... i i, . ,r to mra them. Thev exDerienced "a I OI tne (leraian uying squauron
"-""vn a. aa. vau - aJ.Ob JtJ la liai Cai O Ik aWV0 CLO ii I " " I j t t 1
nf th. Ronnhiimn nuriv nrni L.nni. ... i i. . t I distinct deterioration. which nro- I squadron has to make a long run
- ' ' VVf "S'""" . . .. ' - . tV, rhU-on -noat with ai.mHimi.
that that work has greatly dlssatlsried party government and as if the Re- gressea in some or tnem to a speeay
.... - . I i x. e. .1 I a hlfl Kiinnlv of fuel. However, tne
millions or voters. publican party had come back, but lt i uem. do say mw cjluciuj. - . insrB in Portland are delightful. Ha is I i steadllv lncreasinrr. The nrnnnnt
T . .. construes the Democratic loss as "a Tuberculosis is a disease which f- -fi T' a contributor to Eastern nublicatlon., paid tor tolls in October exceeded thos
-one more party or protest nas gone mnst forceful warning " not m ro- I thrives in bad air and dark rooms, I CU""6U "jr i i i,- In September by $50,000. The canal
down in complete and inevitable de- dlatlo It sayg th Progressive while poor nourishment encourages-it, '- - atnn.i -,.i,int- a th. Tiirt-. h" . at Balboa alone reached $188.-
feat " is the New York Evening Sun's . .. ti k The onlv wav to Drevent its ravasres A isnusn sergeant nas neen aeco- 847.60
comment. It says Colonel Roosevelt "Vns the regular Repub can ikders is to remove the conditions that cause rated for returning under heavy fire "J?" ' " fou. on wr.t
failed because he did not recognize tTatT-if theTg on the ttwwthlt them. The only way to cure the dls- to rescue his company commander, effusions of a burlesque queen wrltlng
..,. ,i.ih,.t .th.. lnal' 11 xney e on . "leor7- al v,i.v,j The com nan v commander should also to her chorus girl daughter. Is one of
tneir successes mean a demand ror a m ucu mo m --- , , , , . r, the most wldelv read
2? ?U"C.fI mlSSin ?fhePr..r-eSf: -turn to the old party order of ,higJ system; i3 to provide plenty of fresh bf rewarded for inspiring such J-J
ive party. rsy me very manner they Will throw away a great onpor- air, sunsnine ana gooa tooa. mis -"-f; - .v.. -.fc , .v. (Thursdav) closed negotiation, withthe
which it goes out. the cause the Pro- tUnity and u probaDiy galvanize the has Deen so thoroughly proved that to tneir we unaer sucn circumstances. f - British government for the manufacture
, " ' 7 Z OI "OO houses, each 20 by 60 feet, which.
The Administration may decide to a Woman. Every time I hear that it B r.resumed here, are to be used in
withdraw from Mexico and leave the 1 someone is starting to form a'soclety I housing war refugees ln England. The
Mexican factions alone. If that pol- I for the suppression of. something I 1 order calls for the houses complete and
Great Britain Bnys Houses,
Bay City, Mich., Dispatch to Washing-
1U11 1 UM.
A local manufacturing concern today
gressive party professed to serve will w.nln Prmrresisi nartv inin n it is no longer open to argument,
pirations oi tnousanas who Bougni x.o Th. sorlrle.fl-ld T?enubliran se In
make American life better "as mere fh- nonnlar df-ision a win.wrvative
coin of political barter for his own T Popular decision a conservative The feeling Is growing among edu- , instead of one of destructive med- wonder they do not form one for the ready for erection. It Is said the 600
t,P,1i"Cai 'r " ?t reaction against the radical movement National men that some of our univer-1;' had ' tonted -.-Wr aro. sunnresslon of Ion, titles to olavs. houses will accommodate 18.000 per-
va. w.a. a,.4l,vw .vVVwb w x,-w o n ri ssiVR T tt SL.T. ilift Hrnp;rpss VB n.irtv i t j I ' - "- ' I ' "
rtelyc sed Lolitig ?!!' Z"1 .r can perfo.rm. In, their eagerness Lo.Bt now!
. . . ;i,,t . " , I vcoo.u., met lo extena tneir activities into every
ral but bankrupt as a moral force."
more than ther6' might be some hope for Mex-
Ben Greet is in the thick of the
fray on the other side, although not
Stealing an automobile is a much n the fighting line. He is doing
Half a Century Ago
i m llVrm il 1 I I nn.vsx inn rHHI 'I Kill maflfa I nIKl VAir V. r onm
Tha TSTnw Vnrlr Trlhnne emnhHslKPS 77 . ' ."""ir, " 7CT MJUO"la
the fact that the "voters were asked to reabsorption of Progressives by the Tingle field thoroughly. The conse- r Berious offe,nse than stealing a pollco patrol duty and heipig m the
pass on the record made by the Wll-T,riMon rrtv an ?Ht tv,l a. 5! ! ... horse, money value considered; yet maintenance of a hospital.
son Administration," and says the de- "Tt " t7on iTrartt. tTvZKZt ."JiJT"L """r. objection would be made to hanging ...
reat is as crushing as tne mia-term . onnrres, "In thA f nf th. .T,r,.. . i. tne onenaer oy men wno cneertuny
ixirs1 place the nooso on the horse
" in tne race 01 tne due in ess a expression 1 t av. vore tv hnnaa onma lira
arrr-SrhVn e nr-f ailing revulsion of of research work in -which it feels
42 years are to be reversed, the Demo- feeiinff against a new re-1 ,.Di it tt
crauc party win go out. oi power in i gimp
The Tribune, however, warns the
ReDublican Dartv that "it will not de- ttwIjNO
. ... .v. . 1, 4 tt , t MAH I Prorinblv that audacious cIHzati of
ci u nuab ii Kui u 1L ljci 111 1 L 3 ma 111 11 1 1 . . .
who were rejected ln 1912 to become Coos Bay who undertook a campaign . V
fnTYinotpnt tn siirrPArl anrl let lt lpave
other branches to institutions better P.fff'
equipped to pursue them. In this
...T. . lAn.nln . 1
way e.u v i .Go.ww..s '" be a hard one
a cnauce to uiouug uiu ilbcii emu
Berlin is said to have approached
the Russians with suggestions of
If so, the Czar had better
May Irwin's new play has been
named "The Crimson Rambler." It
was writen by Grant Stewart and
Robert Baker.
Ulecest Cotton Exports.
Washington Dispatch to N. Y. World.
There were exported to foreign coun
tries ln the week ended November 4
129,988 bales of cotton, the largest
amount since the beginning of the Eu
ropean war. In the previous week only
112.053 bales were exported. The ship
ments were made from New Tork, Bos
ton, Galveston, Savannah, Baltimore
and New Orleans.
Carpet Mill Resumes.
Edith Taliaferro is to be starred Yonkers (N. Y.) Dispatch to N. Y. Sun.
listen. It is a lone way to Berlin from In a new play founded on Kate The mills of the Alexander Smith &
Wai-snw nrirl the. Winter- nrnmlsm to Dousclas Wlggin's book "Mother Carey's I Sons Carpet Company, this city's big
Chickens." Rachel Crothers, who iu""-y. rau. uptnuona on
writes plays, as well as makes other
full time today (Thursday), after run
ning only three days a week since Au-
once again prominent in its counsels." for election to Congress against Rep-
One reason why' research has been
In a total vote of 11,610 for Gov- folks' stories over into plays. Is .going .us. Seven thousand hands are e
ernor in Clackamas County, TTRen to fix this one for Miss Taliaferro. It ployed and full - time operation in-
It concludes: resentatlve Hawlev realizes that there L,, """"-f ,",,!. :J- xt.. received about' 17 per cent, which is to be produced early ln the new creases the payroll $35,000 a week.
v- -. ... 77 . :. .. - . " oisappummw nidiw in mo u.uicu i D,roa tT,ot -uhi rnaan ta on I war
.."rtabo. ' ' . . . General Advance in Securities.
.t va- . , . I Mcavafn Irirtrlai In1 irirTiioIci fiioh ni faal rti "mltofia om " I -
trtke at WWeon. Tbey can b kept in it. certain kinds of individuals rushing I profess to feel for "materialism.
They can be alienated from it in uch num. in, where angels fear to tread. Not They do hot want to soil their hands
?.7. .'o .rivTUT'T; that Mr. Hollister is a fool, for he or minds by making investigations
Rumors and reports are flying thick
Better get our troops out of Mexico and rast jn print concerning Wlllard
Uhuca0 parVrs from all reports; only that he which have a "practical tendency." b relative ease In the sterling
n - - - i i new x o n. payci 'on y a ,
New York Herald.
Increased demand for securities, con
tinued heavy exports of wheat and mer-
not a victory for reaction,-though reaction is somewhat bolder than the angels. I Their first, last and only love is pure
r,u.s- , ..unB m .a. Pn.c.5i00. Probably he gotis money's worth science. The result is that their re
The New York American sums up on his investment, for he was to fame I search work Is oftentimes pure hum-
tne popular verdict as an expression unknown before this election; but bug.
or resentment ln these iwords: now a& i3 entitled to the distinction of The new and better tendency is to
The Democratic party went to the people being the worst-beaten candidate for I break Into the domains of agriculture,
Wilson-Bryan view. Who was it said
"peace with honor"?
exchanges and lowering tendency in
From The Oregonian of November 11. 1SC4.
The Charleston papers of September
29 describe the terrible bombardment
of that city. The enemy had three
guns and poured 88 shots into the city
in the remarkably short space of 24
hours. Most of the casualties resulted
frcu flying bricks and splinters.
A Connecticut paper says that Gen
eral and Mrs. Tom Thumb have no
live baby, but a rag baby, and that
Grandpa Barnum is responsible for the '
advertising he got out of the story.
B. H. Balrd, of Jackson County, was
killed by a grlzzley bear October 27,
while out hunting deer on Grave Creek.
The severe earthquake shock which
was felt here last Saturday was felt
in New Westminster, B. C, also.
Messrs. McCormick and Bushwller
are canvassing our city to prepare a
city directory for 1865.
The following members answered to.
heir names at the meeting of the City
Council yesterday. Mayor Failing,
Councilmen Cook, Fraier, Gradon, Hur.
gren, Hoffman, McCracken and Starr.
Messrs. E L. Jones & Co. are build
ing two immense turblno water-wheels
tor the new flouring mill being erected
t Salem by the Willamette oolen
Manufacturing Company.
The Washington Guards will meet at
o'clock tonight.
The steamer Relief came down from
Corvallis Wednesday, but missed con
nection at Canemah with the Rival.
Some of her passengers came down by
stage and others waited a day for the
Among the business cards appearing
n this Issue of The Oregonian are:
I. McHenry. crockery; E. Hamilton. 1.
William Douthitt, Lansing Stout and C.
H. Larrabee, attorneys; M. Ainsa,
Dodge & Phillips and George T. Myers,
grocers; R. Pittock. baker; T. C. Ma
lone, cooper; Dr. J. G. Glenn, dentist;
John B. Miller and Stewart & Gourley.
"Now that Wlllard Mack has tasted the rates for money, are the distinctly
Turkey Is declared "doomed." The
news comes from Rome, though lt
royalties, ho Is going to try another
work on the public. The author of
favorable elements In the situation.
It Is reported that sales of listed
askln them to vote candidates Into ofrice I o ( i m. I ,,, a .ai lici.Hnn Tn I might as-well be sent from any point I ,T,,.h f c- h . whioVi ha will Im
"dntl"lralteio" ThtPvote ."o'okeX Z"lVl Hawley-s plurality is something over these fields the best scientific minds UP J?1.!??! Th& d&y 3 tWO mediately put in rehearsal under his
record. Thev found lt on. of fiat and 20,000; larger than ln any of his five may employ themselves congenially
c f ,Z? .T .X1. VJi. campaigns. , and at the same time usefully. It is ; 77 " own backing.
have refused th. Vote of confidence asked. The . campaign against Mr. Hawley by their research work ln agriculture v-arrauia -.Tui - lerras ""e" "Both Mr. Mack and Marjorie Ram-
and the mor. closely the candidate was was well organized by Mr. Hollister. that the bisr state universities have I "" " ... . i Kpnn will annear in the cast. The
hnnriR nnw nmnunt tn 19 flOO (inn n il fi -
Kick In' has extracted from his barrel and a further rise ln stocks was made
comedy, bearing the title of 'So jn the unrecognized curb market,
where a number of the more active
issues and now quoted five to six
own direction and bulwarked by hls Points above recent low figures. Short-
est prices yet reached.
But how is he going to enforce them?
Identified With the Administration Of Broken I A lt nt Httlo. nancT-o worn tii.rvo-v. fh.y rannwn nr- tho mot nar
Pledges th. more unmistakable has been I . . n , . . . . T j ,. ..' And who is this Carranza anyway
bis defeat. his effective persuasions to Join the There is no good reason why the Ana 13 ""s d yWl''
The Republican victory in New huo and cry a&ainst the incumbent privately-endowed institutions should
iTork is ascribed by the New Tork Her- "' usuier "icj ma.uc not lonuw meir mtim.
aid to the fact that this is a RenubH- iu,l - "i"
can year. That paper says that "as a f how that her wero only a few frogs
a Rtsia nriTt. TT?r ttr itv
party the Bull Moose need no longer " r"" v , . ,.t ... . I Evidences of returning prosperity
Do reckoned with." . " MO u"77 ...... to - which A. U Mills pointed in his
The Evening Mail, formerly the 6 ' ,,.7 77 .7 71, , speech before the Retail Merchants'
Austria and Servla are hard at it
amln Whv don't thev milt ? Their
i it . i .......
little part in the war has been lost in "-"" y-
the shuffle.
Navy-Yard to Employ Many.
New Tork World.
Within the next few days there will
be a big increase in the force of work
men at the Brooklyn Navy-yard, it was
announced there yesterday. The men
are much needed for repair work. But
Marjorie Rambeau is preparing a I for the fact that none can be taken on
suit for diverce against Wlllard Mack, .30 days before election, the force would
and has Instructed her attorney to havo been increased October 15. The
premier will take place lu Washington,
D. C.
In no uncertain terms another pub-
canaaa win ngnt to , tne ena ii . h.itiuhi.. tv- vr t-ii
,, , I oonntrv Tiresa will he o.nnsl( nH cccn --"a I the supply oi American aa venturers I I ware. North Dakota and Michigan are
vociferously Progressive of the ly to AM0Claion 3ustify a neral feeIlnS keeps up to fill the Canadian regl- which has disturbed, their marital Lml4Vhmv. been ordered to the yard
Tork papers, now makes this "eal ti . optimism. With a wheat crop mentg happiness for several years. A separ- for overhauling.
frank confession:
Th. country has turned to th. Republican
party to restore prosperity. It has Ignored
11 Other Issues, and. with an emphasis that
guarantee Mr. Hawley a round ma
selling for an aggregate of $15,000,-
atlon was threatened a year ago, but
000 more than that of last year and! -rt,. ni,,,nll nutihlnir nhearl on through the kindly offices of a mutual
with other crops of good volume sell- I -,, r,i..v,i hunt n friend, the pair were reconciled. Miss
Retiring Certificates,
Washington Dispatch to N. Y. Herald
?"rl?" nwlAn empnasis tnat TICK FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. I ,t rmunprp tiv nrices. a solid .. . 'Til ""7 . Zr t,,k-d i. n.M a. avne- tm. That clearing-house certificates ln all
7".t,""u"l7" ear Th. -rt rath ;V,JQtt;; , -lIllelr"nt' Ke5a'" cities of the country Issued In emer-
A German Drofesslonal spy shot in All of which publicity Is naturally
cratlo tariffs and Democratic nagging at cattle, which has now spread to four
laid. Upon this a superstructure has
The result means that th. ntI. nf iqir
teen states of the Union and threatens already begun in the activity of man-1 Tfl ...nt vara in th TTnitBd causing the newest "successful play-
naa ucRun. ana inai in. rtepuDlican party tu uetumo a. nauuu-iuo co-iauuiy, 13 uiacturers oi wool mm luinuei auu i" states. What was he doing over here? Wright " to beam ln publicity's glare.
. Th. country turns to th. n. noiitiai or eczema eplzootlca. It is not neces- plying to Oregon ports,
party whose National policies have always ! sarily fatal to mature cattle, though I The Panama Canal has become an
meant prosperity progress and stability, it I it injures them seriously, but young important factor in Oregon prosperity,
year. ag. anT dearly ial it paid tot it" but stock usually succumb to it. , The Orders for lumber from Atlantic ports
at is oaojc again. i eyupioniB are repulsive una crueuy i assure revival or mac lriuixstry ana
distressing. The discharge from the I return cargoes for the ships which
gency at the time of the closing of the
stock exchanges are being retired rap
idly, ts Indicated by reports received
by John Skelton Williams, Controller
One Broadway manager splashes Into I " the Currency. i
The recent renort that the German I an interview about it thusly:.
war machine had stripped a gear ap- "Maybe Marjorie Rambeau did plan
pears to be wholly without foundation. I to secure a divorce. But you might
Carpet Business Booming.
New Tork Sun.
That the business of the country is
wall consider that a chance to be seen as I about to enter a new era of prosper-
Things are looking brighter for the a star on Broadway could easily cause ity. was the belief expressed last
uuLiwuifi. me uiovuaigo iiuiu Luc i rciuiu kuc3 iui lii3 oxuija i , . , . . i , . . i i mursaayj mirnt d v jonn r . Norman
. The New York Globe, which also LM- t,iti .f-t4- . i, rt , (ko Poor overburdened taxpayers, thanks any woman to change her mind. It 17"' aaZ' "LI" 5 7.7'
supported the Progressive party in eo that the hands and th clothlne hrastern rOMt. The markets of the to a Republican victory ln Oregon, may be that the opportunity to be , d Ca t Co mpanV . at a dinner srlven
says tne xtepuDiican revival is of men who have been near diseased countries bordering on the Caribbean
not due to Democratic loss, but to a animals may carry it to others. At Sea are" opened to all our products,
featured ln a new play by her husband, i v,ia honor bv the sales denirtmcm
The Watch on theRhlne is pretty I who right now has the public call, has I of the new consolidated company at
Republican-Progressive reunion." and the Chicago stockyards, where the while the wav Is osen for direct im- weU wound up now. the whole valley caused the actress to change her mind, the Hotel Astor His opinion was re
sounds this warning: foot and mouth disease has made Uortation of nroducta of that region beln cl0sea my military forces. r at least defer her threatened action. "" .rarK8. r
It s a great woria tnis uro&awny.
If tho Republican party hopes to win In I ravages, it has been decided to extir- I which have hitherto come through
President R. P. Perkins and the other
two years lt must keen In the background I tv,. it,- .v.t t. .v.- I tt-. - .i,.. I Senator Thompson says economy, is Anfl now comes a telenrram from Miss I 7 7. 1. .7 ...
IM M nutlonrr .lM .nH t,,r. II. "' --" " 1 i V' . . T i, I . , - ... IJIOH l lieuevo in me
leaderahlo to prorresslve. membeT. T of the roofs Of the buildings and the rats the rest of the country the opportu- vu u" " " Rambeau to an tne aramauc eoitors National Administration and stop "ca
... . . , .. . .. . I . . . - . . . . . . I . . . . . . ... - . . I 1 11-A HOOraVI I I . I. . M.nli4 that DiSV kan. .tai-l. I 1 n I hnwllnr1
party. r.oi it do ciear mat in. oia stana-i tnat ourrow unaerneatn. lest iney 1 nity to increase tne traae witn jatin 1 . m - iui .. .i0
iAv;-i f . iV?. 777. '-.. not I communicate the virus. The only American countries which has been ; . t, proceedings against tne original start-
-.'" I j . .. i t v,.i. j!i. i ii.. i I Villa Witn 1D.UUV men marcnmir on l th. t-nmnr. anrl that ah. Ann I x
ment ot tn. party. Instead or trvl n v to I wcxcAiae ftaiiuk 1 1- u VU511 uiauucL- iciuiaji o-i n j cbva-AxuuxAcu, ah m uvio i . . .1 - . - " - . - .
maintain a new organization, win support tion and the most attentive hygienic nart. by the nations at war. Mexico t-ity. came oia story in tne her uterary Wlllard are as happy as COVE. Or., Oct. 26. (To the Editor.)
President Wilson by millions. care and even then formidable acci-1 The practical closing of Europe to sam old way. th4) aay they were wed. which seems Will you kindly answer as soon as
- The Democratic defeat is attributed dents may occur. Sheep, goats and I tourist travel coincides with the offer- to dismiss the Incident. possible In your valuable paper the
fcy the New York World to th faot .win. m-.hi.ot tn. th miir .olm nf . atrnn nttrn-tif.n tn tmii-ista The Government will squeeze quite following questions: A girl over 18
tnat tnree-iourtns or tne frogreseivea well as cattle. 1 by the Panama-Pacific Exposition at ""us oae-Sereats of Ireland Feat,
have returned to the Republican par- The disease seems to have been San Francisco. This Exposition will I trust. Edinburgh Scotsman.
ty, which. It says, "is not a regenerated brousrht to Eurone from the East. It surelv draw to the Pacific Coast thou- t .v,nt nu..nn.
Republican party; it is the old reac- appeared in .England for the first sands of Eastern people who would! Great Britain la- now said to he of ireiana ana the deposits are parental authority. What rights has
tlonary Republican party which they time ln 1839. Since that date there never have dreamed of visiting the fully awakened to the war. Incredible. e8timated to contain nearly 40.000,000,- a parent ln such a case? If she still
years is working and living at home.
She gives what she thinks fit Into the
house of her wages, stays out far too
Peat covers about one-seventh of the late at night and utterly defies all
repudiated two years ago." The World have been eleven distinct outbreaks West had not Europe been closed to
finds, "except in Isolated cases, no of it, but by 1902 lt was supposed to I them. These people will doubtless! Democratic Job holders have, re-
evidence of a slump in the Democratic I have been thoroughly eradicated from I tour the whole Pacific Coast and will I lapsed Into the nervous chill stage.
vote, and says the same men who that country. It was brought to the see it for the first time when it focuses
supported Wilson in 1912 did so in United States in 1870 from Canada. I the attention of the world as a field! The armies in France now have the
1914. -It says the Democrats lost which had been infected by English 1 for - enterprise and Investment Just I gopher habit.
aground la the reunion of Republicans stock. The warfare upon the disease I rendered additionally attractive by
and Progressives under the old flag of I has been comparatively successful lnithe Canal. Many who come for pleas-I What's become of Turkey?
000 tons of fuel.
Rnsaia'e Railroad Mileage.
London Tit Bits.
RuBSla has officially stated its rail
road mileage at 43,788 miles, ln addl
tion to which there are 2450 miles in 1 1 am, yours ln distress.
Finland ana ioys in eastern unina.
refuses to comply with the rules of
the house and the parent tells her to
find, another boarding place, what is
the legal right of the parent and also
of the girl? In case of a girl under
18, and same conditions what are the
conditions? Thanking you in advance.
A Carol to Cops.
By Dean Collins.
In the days of old. so I am told.
The cops were on the Job,
To use the stick to quell and lick
All guys who came to rob;
They did not cease to guard the peuce
With few and simple tools.
Before they came to play the game
By new and revised rules.
In days of old they grabbed a-hold
Upon the fleeing yegg.
And did not pause to show him cause.
But kicked him on the leg.
And had him lugged away and Jugged
Such was the force, before, of course.
The new rules came to be.
But now they must politely bust
The yeggman on the dome;
And courteous ln every fuss
Must be where'er they roam;
They must be sure to manicure
Their nails and brush their nair;
At drunken wop, the gentle cop
Is not allowed to swear.
The roaming souse, no rule allows
The copper to abuse.
For it is wrong to drag along
Poor, inoffensive stews;
No copper hath the right to wrath.
No matter what Its fuel.
But lovingly his life must be
Conducted by the rule.
In days of old, quite uncontrolled.
My sympathy went out
Unto the sad, sad cop who had
Such troubles without doubt;
But when I view this system new,
I'll wager a sombrero.
In the new fix. the cop who sticks
Is sure enough a hero.
-Patent on this rhyme applied
Is Everything
At Home "Comfy"?
November brings thoughts of in
door comfort. Is the house cosy
for the Winter months? Methodical
householders don't wait for a rain
storm, before sending for the roof
ing man.
They understand the satisfaction
that arises from looking ahead.
The advertising columns of The
Oregonian are comfort directories.
It Is a good plan to look them
over for suggestions. The live mer
chants who use them are Jogging
your memory day by day and re
minding you of the things you must
have to make home the pleasantest
place on earth.