Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 11, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Dr. Withycombe, Executive
elect, Besieged by Appli
. cants for State Positions. ."
Many Posts Offering Salaries Rang
ing From $2000 to $4000 and
Some Paying Nothing in
Republican's Hands.
tlces have been not to disturb the in
cumbents in these places if they were
giving satisfactory service.
The law also provides a secretary
ship for the State Board of Control, a
place now held by R. B. Goodln, and a
secretary for the State Land Board,
which also consists of the Governor,
Treasurer and Secretary of State. .
Governor May Dictate.
Heretofore these appointments have
been dictated largely by Governor
West and Ben Olcott, Secretary of
State. It is expected, however, that
under the new administration Gov
ernor Withycombe and State Treasurer
Kay will control the Board and per
haps dictate the appointments.
The Governor, Treasurer and Secre
tary of State also have the appointing
power of two tax commissioners, the
term of one of whom, Charles V. Gallo
way, will expire March 2, 1815.
A secretary also is to be appointed
for the Desert Land Board, composed
of the Governor, Treasurer, Secretary
of State and Attorney-General.
Then there are numerous boards
most of them bi-partisan which pay
I no salaries and which carry no salaried
appointments, all of which roust be
filled in whole or in part by the Gov
ernor. Among these are the fctate
Board of Forestry, Board of Account
ancy, Parole Board, Board of Health,
Bureau of Mines, Industrial Weliare
Commission. State Library Board, the
A whole lot of nice fat Jobs in con- r
nection with the state government are
at the disposition of the newly-eleet-ed
Governor, and some of Dr. Withy-
combe's friends are beginning to worry
that he will have a hard time finding
men who are willing to accept the
But, on the contrary. Dr. Withy
combe himself, according to word com
ing from Corvallls, Is in no danger of
such a perplexity. He is constantly
besieged with applicants for every Job
at his disposal from the janltorship
at the Statehouse to the private secre
While the Governor will have the
direct appointing power over a score
er more of positions paying fancy sal
aries from $2000 a year up to J45J0
he also controls directly and indirectly
cores of minor places that are no less
eagerly sought.
Board to Be Named.
In addition to this, the Governor is
empowered to appoint several impor
tant boards, which boards in 'turn have
authority to appoint persons to sal
aried positions According to all rules
of politics these board appointments
can be dictated by the Governor. It is
not unlikely that some of the positions
now existing will be eliminated by the
Legislature, many . members of which
are pledged to a programme of econ
' One of the most sought-after posi
tions In the hands of the Governor is
that of Corporation Commissioner, in
whose hands is the operation of the
blue sky" law. This place now Is held
by Ralph A. Watson. He was appoint
ed by Governor West January 4, 1913,
for a four-year term. Watson is mak
ing an effort to retain his position on
the ground that he is entitled to fill
out his term. He is a Democrat and
formerly was private secretary to Gov.
ernor West, and before that was politl
cal reporter for the Oregon Journal, a
Democratic newspaper printed In Port
land. Many Republicans are after this
office and ague that its tenure should
run concurrently with the Governor
C v A i;
i"' :;
: --T Y
Lieutenant Fred H. Barn.
Lieutenant Fred EC. Burns, a
Spanish War veteran, at one time
First Lieutenant of Battery A,
Oregon National Guard, is report
ed at the, point of death at his
home near Molalla, Or., as the
re&ult of a stroke of paralysis.
Lieutenant Burns is well known
in- Portland, having lived here
since 1881.
Lieutenant Burns is a member
ol the Oddfellows, the Moose and
of the Woodmen of the World.
Board of Inspectors of Child Labor, the
unoer the direct appointing cower of State Board of Horticulture, the Oregon
the Corporation Commissioner are a I Conservation Commission, the State
cumber of corporation examiners pay-(Board of Barber Examiners, the Board
l"S salaries of S2000 a year or more. 1 of Examination and Registration of
Insurance Plum Sonffbt Nurses, the State Board of Dental Er-
Th. rft,. in. t i-t I aminers, tne eoara oi optometry r,x
tnissioner also is to be filled by the f""5- a coar? OI rnarmacy. tv.1 -no- 1 the Board of Commissioners for Li-
Vore-ucnT,' . ,-. ' I censing Sailors' Boarding-Houses, the
West in that place, doe, not expire ."VE JS!
until January 19, 1917. But here aga nr, . , Jl i, , t " . .
the argument is advanced that this of- sio" to Investigate Co-Operative Agri-
flce should be filled at the time the
cultural Societies and Rural Credits
Governor takes his of Heel A number I Eu.rP- Ste, Board of Medical
Examiners, the State Board of Text
book Commissioners, the Board of
Higher Curricula, the State Banking
Board, the Stallion Registration Board,
the Board of Portage Railroad Com
missioners, the Board of Pilot Commls
sioners and others.
Some of these bodies carry with them
salaried secretaryships.
The Governor also has the appoint
ment of a private secretary., but as this
is such a personal subject with him it
is not considered a political office.
About 20 applications have been filed
of prominent Portland insurance men
have been mentioned in this connec
tion. .-, . ... .
The state bank examiner draws a
alary of $3000 a year. Will Wright,
who held that office under the West
administration until he resigned about
a -year ago to become an officer In a
Portland bank, is a Republican. Ex
amlner Sergeant, who was appointed
oy tne governor to succeed hint, was
reappointed in May of the present
There are two bank examlnerships I with Dr. Withycombe for the job,
to o tinea Dy tne uovernor, each pay
ing a salary of $2000. Governor West
has not always exercised partisanship
in maKing these appointments,
One of the best lobs at the disposal
or tne administration is that of state
architect, which pays an annual salary
oi 4tuu. w. c. Knighton, of Salem,
the present state architect, is a Re
publican. The appointment is made by
the State Board of Control, composed
of the Governor, Treasurer and Secre
tary of State.
Two Wardens Appointive.
The state game warden an- the mas
ter fish, warden, under the organiza
tion that existed until recently, were
paid jnoo each. But Governor West
reorganized the State Game and Fish
Commission, and several new positions
were created. These Jobs are tilled by
the State Commission, which in turn
Is appointed by the Governor. It is
predicted that the new administration
will effect radical changes in this de
partment and. take it out of politics as
nich as . pcwsltjlja."' It is charged that
vjwvcufl weal. 111 luo L A. C W J11UIH.HH,
has tried to build up a political ma
chine through the officers of the state
game, and fish department.
W. H. Lytle, a Democrt;, is the pres
ent state veterinarian and state, sheep
inspector. The office pays 12000 a year.
it is lined by the Governor.
The state health officer Is appointed
by the state Board of Health a body
named nythe Governor. The place
pays Jiooo a year. Dr. Calvin S. White.
the present official, is rated as a Re
publican, but it is understood that-he
was active during the recent campaign
on behalf or Dr. c. Smith, the Dem
ocratic candidate for Governor.
Road Engineer Republican,
Oregon, Washington and California
Contest Next Year to Enable
Young Folk to Borrow Cash.
Every boy and girl in Oregon, Wash
ington and California will have
chance next year to engage in a series
of hog-raising stunts under the a us
pices of the Portland Union Stock
yards, the State Bankers' Association
and other organizations interested in
the agricultural development of the
At a recent conference between O. M.
Plummer, of the stockyards; N.-C Mar
is, field worker of the 'industrial edu
cational department of the State Bureau
of Public Instruction, and F. L. Griffin,
of the Oregon ' Agricultural College,
programme was arranged that will per
mit boys and girls to engage in this
work without expense and with tbe
financial aid of- the bankers.
The plan will enable the young folks
to borrow money on the security of
their parents or of their school prin
cipaL Thus they will be enabled to
pay for. their nogs' at market rates. It
is expected that the proceeds from the
sale of the hqgs will repay the original
investment and return a profit besides.
Separate sets of prizes will be . of
The state highway engineer is Major fered for the best work with individual
H. L. Bowlby. This appointment is Pigs and with sowa and litters. Similar
made by the State Board of ControL prizes will be offered in poultry work
The office pays $3000. Major Bowlbv and In various other branches of farm
is a Republican. I activity. This plan was tried last year
The state printing expert is R. A. "n a limited way and proved so uc
Harris, a Democrat. The salarv is S4 I uessiui ui u "uupnuu uu a. mure sx.-
a day. This appointment is made di
rectly by the Governor.
The office of Adjutant-General,' un
der the present law cannot be dis
turbed by the Governor. W. E. Finzer.
the Incumbent, was appointed by George
If -KamKAlaln than riftn.-nA. . . .1
an act of the Legislature that prevents ff; m,f5! i
his removal. General Finzer virtually
tensive scale this year was found ad
The boys and girls .will be required
to keep an accurate record of all their
expenditures in the respective under
takings and to submit a sworn state
ment of their results at the end of the
their stock to the State Fair, as was
proposed this year.
has a life tenure unless the Legisla
ture changes the law. When this law
was enacted it was intended to keep the
National Guard free from politics.
It is reported, however, that ambi
tious Republicans will seek to have the I Stay-at-Homes Could Have Changed
next legislature cuange tne law so I
that the place may be made vacant! King Liquor Election
for one of thelf number. I N
Penitentiary Place Open. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 10. Official
Another lmnortant offic.A a t the dl- I figures given out today show that
rect diSDOsal of the Governor is the! there were 21,765 stay-at-home voters
wardenship of the State Penitentiary, in Seattle last Tuesday, only 70,260 out
This office .now Is held by Colonel B. I of 92,025 registered electors voting in
K. Lawson, who came into prominence I the general election. Seven thousand
as commander of the exDedition thai I nine hundred of those who voted in
freed Copperf ield of its saloons. It Is Seattle expressed no preference bn the
reported that Frank Curtis, a former wet and dry measure. In King County,
warden, and Andy Vaughn, a Portland outside Seattle. 1337 who voted on
detective, are applicants for the place, other questions passed up the liquor
Then there are the superintendences issue, nmmog a touu oi ji.juj stay-at-
Of the State Hosnital for th TnsauB. I home and non-prohibition question
the branch hospital at Pendleton, the votes in the county, enough to have
Oregon State Training School, the Tu- changed the entire complexion of the
berculosis Hospital, the State School I "ecuuu imuur proposition.
Tor the Deaf, the State Institution for
i,,7I "ri'iS.-"'. Dcnooi l?T 5ne Webfoot oil dressing, for the hunters'
j i.n3 iu "' na me in- shoes. Keeps the water out Ask the
Great Pre-Holiday Clearing Women's Wearing Apparel
Entire Stock Women9 s Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns and Skirts Reduced in Price
4th Floor
A wonderland of in
teresting toys, dolls
and games to delight
the eyes of the little
ones. All are welcome!
Olds 9Wrtmam$ King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 6231
and secure the
Christmas Gifts
without one cent ex
tra cost. Visit the S.
& H. Premium Par
lors on the 4th floor.
asetnent Underprice St ore Economy Sales!
3-Day Offerings Today, Tomorrow and Friday 3-Day Offerings
KEEP THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR REFERENCE ! Thrifty buyers will throng the Basement Underprice Store and supply their personal or home needs during
this great 3-day sale. Prices have been reduced to the lowest point, enabling all to share in the most pronounced economies the Underprice Store has yet announced.
Only a few. of the hundreds of special bargains are here mentioned. Shop early in the day and bring this advertisement with you. S. & H. Trading Stamps given.
600 Women's and Misses9 Suits Divided Into 3 Big Lots
This Includes Our Entire Basement Stock of Suits Don't Fail to Attend This Great Sale!
' . At $3.98 ' '
fhHP T Women's and misses' Tailored Suits, odd
M. J. lines of high-priced garments grouped for
immediate disposal. All are good serviceable. styles for gen
eral rear mostly in plain tailored effects. Exactly 139
Suits in this special assortment so it's very important that
you come early for best choosing: Splendid range of colors
and good assortment of sizes.. Suits in this lot worth three
or four times the sale price. While they last J? Q3
you may take your choice of these Suits' at V'''
At $9.98
O Women's and misses' Tailored Suits in
W the season's smartest styles. Handsomely
tailored throughout and perfect in finish. These are
shown in a variety of materials, including the service
able mixtures, in good .Winter colors. Excellent Suits
for wear on any occasion. 263 Suits all told in this group
and not a one of them but what is worth very much
more than the sale price. Nearly all sizes in Q OQ
this lot of women's and misses' Suits. Choice
At $12.98
Men's Fibr Silk Socks, 15c
Extra- special, 100 dozen excellent
quality Fiber Silk Socks, medium
weight, double heel, toe and sole.
All sizes. Three-day special x5fr
Boys' Warm Night Shirts 48c
A wonderfully good Night Shirt,
made of heavy, well-fleeced outing
flanned in best colors. Cut full
and long. Sizes 8 to 16. yrs. 48fr
Boys 75c Pants, 49c Pair
Good sturdy Knickerbockers for
boys ; good . durable corduroys and
staunch wool tweeds. All are well
made. Sizes 8 to 16. Special -49
25c Cashmere Stocks, 19c
A great 3-day sale of men's fine
wool cashmere Socks in colors of
black, Oxford and natural. Double
. heel, toe; fine soft quality. 19
$15 Young Men's Suits $5.95
75 Bplendid Suits for young men
are priced to close out quickly
made of splendid materials, good
styles. $10 to $15 Suits for $5.95
Boys' $5, $6 Suits at $2.98
For three days, a mighty sale of
boys' splendid Suits many with 2
pairs of Pants. They are made of
smart mixed tweeds. Now g2.98
'Boys' $5.00 Raincoats $3.19
For three days we offer boys' good
heavy Raincoats at this low price.
Come in rich shades of tan; full
and long. Standard $5, $3.19
Bleached Bath Towels, 11c
For three days we offer splendid"
Bath Towels, full bleached size
38x19, good and heavy, fringed
ends. Lay in a supply at Hfr
Full Size Bedspreads $1.63
vFc three days we offer this splen
did Bed Spread, full double size,
with scalloped edge and cut cor
ners and full bleached. SI. 63
Kimono Flannels, 11c
A, great 3 days' sale of fine heavy
weight kimono flannel. Shown in
beautiful rich colors and big va
riety of best patterns. Yard 11
50c Vests and Pants, 37V2c
A big three-day bargain in wom
en's fine, warm Winter Underwear.
Vests and pants of excellent qual
ity and close ribbed. Now 37V2fr
Women's Union Suits, 48c
For three days we offer women's
Union Suits at a low price. Ex
cellent quality in medium weight.
High neck, long sleeves. At 48
Child's Sleeping Garm'ts 49c
A great three-day bargain" in fine
Sleeping Garments. This is a well
known kind and at this price they
will go quickly. Worth to $1. 49
Girls' 75c Union Suits, 48c
For three days we offer children's
Combination Suits, extremely low.
These are waists and pants com
bination. medium weight. At 48
Women's Hose, 12V2c
A rousing three-day sale of wom
en's splendid Hose, black or tan,
lisle finish and split sole in resrular
and extra sizes. The pair 12V2
10c Handkerchiefs at 5c
A '" wonderful three-day sale of
women's JtianQKercniers, , plain,
sheer linen and lawn, fancy lace
and embroideried corners. At 5
$2.50 Undressed Dolls $1.48
A wonderful three-day Doll sale.
500 handsome Dolls offered at a
great reduction. 2-i inches high,
with sleeping eyes. Now $1.48
Huck -Towels, 49c' Dozen
A special three-day sale of Huck
Towels, a good durable Towel, 16x
24-inch. Has colored borders. A
good Towel at, the dozen 49
15c Outing Flannel at 11c
A three-day sale of splendid qual
ity Outing Flannel, mill ends, in
lengths up to 10 yards. Soft fui
ish and well fleeced. Yard 11
New Printed Crepes, 9c Yd.
A 'special three-day sale of new
beautiful printed Crepes. Shown
in small pretty patterns and best
$10 and $12 Coats, $5.95
A special three-day sale of wom
en's new Winter Coats; just 100
Coats in this special lot. Excellent
models, splendid materials. $5.95
Coats Worth to $22.50, $9.98
A phenomenal three-day sale of
Coats for women and misses. 320
handsome Coats are included, com
prising the popular styles. S9.98
Coats Worth to $35, $14.98
A' wonderful three-day 6ale of
women's handsome plush and vel
vet Coats, all styled in the popu
lar three-quarter length. $14.98
Men's Flannel Shirts, 98c
Special three-day sale of ' men's
Flannel Shirts. Full cut and' well
made. Assorted colors. Sizes 14V
to 17. Special for 3 days at 98?
$8.50 Raincoats- for $4.95
A special three-day sale of wom
en's Raincoats, excellent qualities,
in plain bombazine materials in
tan or black, full length. $4.95
$12 to $25 Dresses at $7.98
A wonderful three-day sale of
women's Dresses. 92 Dresses in the
lot, consisting of many vwy at
tractive models. 3 days $798
$1.50, $2.00 Petticoats, 89c
A special three-day sale of wom
en's cotton Petticoats, consisting of
high-grade sateen and heather
bloom materials. ' Three days 89fr
20c Ribbon for 15c '
A special three-day sale of beauti-
tui ttiDDon in plain moire or iancy, it
4 and 4 inches wide. Good, heavy
Women's and misses' Tailored Suits 1S8 of
them in this special iine. All are hijh-class.
hand-tailored garments of the better grades and the styles
are smart and unusually attractive. An unparalleled op
portunity to secure a handsome new Suit at fraction of real
worth. Splendid woolen materials coats lined with best of
silks and satins. Mostly in plain tailored models for gen
eral wear. They come in aa excellent range Z? f O Q C?
of colors and priced special for this sale iK --
Children's $10 Coats, $4.95 Embroidered Pieces, $1.29
A three-day sale of manufaeturer'a
samples hand-embroidered pieces.
These make excellent Xmas gifts.
Special for 3 days, each. $1.29
$1, $1.25 Flouncings, 59c Yd.
A special three-day sale of beauti
ful new Flouncings, 45 inches wide
and extra fine sheer quality, in
crepe, nainsook, muslin. Yd. 59
Cushion Cords, 10c Each
A special three-day sale 'of heavy
cotton Cushion Cords in great va
riety of popular colors. A good
For three days we offer 400 splen
did Winter Coats for girls 6 o 14
years old. Unusual good qualities.
$10 values for three days $4.95
$1.75 Child's Sweaters 98c
For three days we offer several
hundred of these splendid woo
Sweaters. This is a very low
price.' Special three days 98
75c and $1.25 Dresses, 55c
A great 3-day sale of children's
Dresses, attractive styles that will
please. The materials are galatea,
chambray, etc. Three days 55Q
Children's Coats for $2.48
A rousing three-day sale of hand
some Winter Coats for children 2
to 6 years of age. Winter weights.
Splendid materials. Spec'I $2.48
Corsets, Corset Waists, 98c
For three days we offer this ster
ling Corset special, many styles in
the lot, all good for average fig
nres. For three days only 98fr
Men's Shoes for $2.98
For three days, we offer men's
Shoes at this special price ; all good
dependable makes in most desir
able lasts. Special at $2.98
$1.50 Felt Juliet for 98c
For three days we offer women's
fine warm felt Juliets at this spe
cial price. Attractive new' colors
and turned soles, low heel. 98d
Women's Shoes, $1.98 Pr.
A special three-day sale of wom
en's Shoes. Thousands of pairs of
excellent Shoes at this price, em
bracing the best styles. $1.98
Children's Shoes, $1.48 Pr.
A special three-day sale of chil
dren's Shoes, good serviceable
Shoes in patent or gumnetal in bnt-
ton or lace. Three days $1.48
$1.25, $1.50 Silks for 69c
A special three-day sale of new
fancy silks, 2700 yards in' this spe
cial lot, including scores of rich,
beautiful patterns. Yard 69
Fancy and Plain Silks, 39c
colorings. 27 ins. ' wide. Yard 9 quality. For 3 days, each J.O
A special three-day sale of excel
lent Silks. Plain or fancy weaves
in scores of beautiful colors. 3900
yards in this big offering. Yd 39j
65c All-Wool Serge 48c Yd.
A speciar-three-day sale of fine
all-wool storm Serges, soft finish,
perfectly woven and nice finish. A
very desirable material. Yd 48
30-In. Costume Corduroy 48c
A special three-day sale of beauti
ful costume corduroy; full 30 ins.
wide, in new colorings. A good
heavy material. Now, yard 48
Women's 25c Neckwear, 10c
A special three-day sale of wom
en's dainty new Neckwear. Nobby
lawn and lace effects in many at
tractive new styles. Each 1Q
20c Burlap at 15c Per Yard
A special sale of drapery burlap,
a good heavy quality, full 36-inches
wide in rich colors of brown, green
and tan, closely woven. Yd 15
Cotton Blankets, 98c Pair
A special three-day sale of fine
cotton Blankets, white or gray.
Are well-fleeced. Soft finish and
heavy weight. 3 days, pair 98
$4.00 Blankets, $2.48 Pair
A rousing three-day sale of wool
Blankets. These Blankets are four
pounds to the pair and are made in
full size. The pair now $2.4S
Men's $1.50 Slippers, $1.18 J Tapestry Couch Covers, 98c
A special three-dftjf sale of men's
fine kid Romeo Simpers, full, com
fortable lasts. Come in tan or in
black. For three days at $1.18
A special three-day sale of Couch
Covers, made of heavy tapestry in
rich colorings and neat patterns.
2 yards long, 32 in. wide. 98t
Wednesday Sale Notions, Smallwares
Bargain Circle, Main Floor Between the Elevators
Clark's or Coat's Spool Cotton
all sizes special, the dozen 51
Large spool Corticelli Sewing Silk,
in black, white and colors. 50o
size. Special, the spool, for 35
10c Cube Pins, in assorted colors,
on special sale now for only 5
15c Dressmakers' Pins, put up in
one-fourth pound boxes, now 10
25o Sleeve Protectors, now at 15
10c Skirt Markers on sale for 5
65c Combination Folding Coat and
Pants Hangers- now on sale 25
15c Sanitary Belts now, only 10
25c Hair Curlers on sale for 18 $
5c Hair Wavers on sale at 2V
10c Folding Drinking Cups at 7J
lOo Tronser Hangers now only 5
Standard' 5c Removable Collar
Supports on sale now only 2V2
15c Women's Supporters at 10
lOe Wire Coat Hangers now at 7S
5c Wire or Wood Hangers at 3
5c Basting Cotton, the spool 4
2e Darning Cotton, 45-yard 1
20c Dress Weights, yard at 15J
5c Common Pins, two pkgs. 5J
10c Bone Hairpins, the box at 7
25c Stickerei Braids, bolt at 15
25c Frilled Elastic, yard at 19
5c Safety Pins, in assorted sizes,
white only, on sale now at 2V2
25c Machine Oil, large size 15
15c Stocking Protectors only -10
10c Shoe Trees on sale now at
Standard 10c .Curling Irons at 7$
Pin Cushion and Pin Holders com
bined on sale now at only 257
35c Scissors, assorted sizes, 18
Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt water.
Sizes 14 to 24. Regular price, 10c
the dozen, now on sale for 5
Hair Nets, with or without elastic.
All colors. Five of them for 10
25c Skirt Markers on 6ale at 19
10c Featherbone, special, yard 8
A Sale of Girdle Forms
Main Floor New Basque Girdle
Foundations in various widths and
all sizes priced for Wednesday's
selling at these very special prices :
. Medium-width Girdle Found- Gg
ations, special Wednesday atCJC
11-in.-width Girdle Found- O)
14-in.-width Girdle Found- O
ations, special Wednesday i
14-in.-width Girdle Found-
ations, special Wednesday4
Basement Sale of Kitchen Needs
Today, Thursday, Friday
$1.85 set of Bird Carvers $1.50
$2.40 set. Turkey Carvers $1.90
$3.75 set Turkey Carvers $2.95
O'Cedar Mop in medium size, tri
angular style. Price on 75
O'Cedar Mop, large, triang. $1.25
Orona Aluminnm Polish 15 package,
Aluminum Tea Pots $1.25
Aluminum Cof. Pots $1.25
Aluminum Tea Pots $1.4 O
Aluminum Cof. Pots $1.40
Aluminum Tea Pots $1.75
Aluminum Cof. Pots $1.75
or two packages only 25?
Standard $1.25 Success Folding Clothes Racks, special now at $1.0Q
85c Savoy Covered Roasters 15-inch Oval Roasters, special at 68fr
$1.00 Savoy Covered Roasters 21-inch Oval Roasters, special at 80
85c Royal Covered Roasters 65
$1.15 Royal Covered Roaster 85
$1.05 Crown Covered Roaster 78
$1.15 Crown Covered Roaster S5
Standard 65c Sheet Iron Covered
Roaster oh sale, special at 50
Lisk Covered Enameled Roasters:
Roaster for 6-lb. Roast, $1.58
Roaster for 8-lb. Roast, $1.80
Roaster for 12-lb. Roast, $2.00
Roaster for 20-lb. Roast, $2.50
Roaster for 26-lb. Roast, $2.70
Sale of Dinnerware in the Basement
Crippled Woman, Deserted by Hubaid,
Urgent Case Otliera Seek Work,
food and Pnel In Demand.
An increasing procession of pitiful
seekers of help files through the doors
of the Associated Charities as the first
of the Winter weather begins to make
itself felt, and tnere is an urgent de
mand, not only for money and cloth
ing, but for fuel and food supplies as
"Jane," 24 years old and partially
paralyzed, was deserted by her husband
and has a 5-months-old baby to care
for. A neighbor helped her until her
own husband lost his job and she was
able to do nothing more. The woman
Is in desperate need of groceries sad
money to pay the rent, and a wheeled
chair would help her greatly. ,
A German .workman with a wife and
three children appealed to the Asso
ciated Charities to save him and his
family from starving. The husband Is
able to work, but can find nothing to
do. A job for him will solve the prob
lem of caring for his family.
Then there is a woman 63 years old,
who has been sewing for a living, but
has not been able to find anything to
do for many weeks. She is in dire
need of work, but a more pressing
necessity at this moment Is food and
money enough to pay the rent until
she can get work.
In the procession at the Associated
Charities is a lad who wants to go to
school, but whose eyes are too weak
for him to study until he can be fitted
with glasses. He Is one of a family
of 12, and the circumstances of the
family make it impossible for him to
obtain glasses unless he is helped by
some one. .
These are only a, few typical cases
of the scores that pass through the
offices of the Associated Charities, at
111 Commercial block, every cay.
Inspector and Poliee Tnlnk Dry State
Has No Use for Serpents After
Btte Cure Goea.
Nq more snake shows for Portland,
was the edict yesterday of city officials
when a "snake man" applied for
license to exhibit a collection of big
reptiles he brought here for exhibition
purposes. It is the opinion of the city
officials that the showing of the
reptiles is improper.
The show man became quite indie
nant when he was told he could not
show his snakes here. He said he had
skipped several cities Just for the pur
pose or exniDiting here.
"No," said License Inspector Hutch
lnson, "the state s gone dry. . This is
no place for snakes. If they'd get loose
and bite somebody we wouldn't have
any snake bite cure.
'But. argued - the snakeman, I
Jumped some of my best cities to come
"We didn't insist on you coming,"
said Chief of Police Clark.
The snakeman finally calmed down
and told the history of his life.
Lessons on Apple Set. -
Mrs. Elinor Meacham Reddlngton, a
lecturer and demonstrator in the
science of cookery, has been employed
by the O.-W. R. & N. Company to travel
over the system and demonstrate to
housewives the economic advantages of
apples as food.
Mrsr Reddington will be assisted by
Mrs. Jessie Stilson Leiss, who will
have charge of the exploitation werk
in coneetion with the tour. They will
travel in a car specially fitted up for
their accommodation. This is in ac
cordance with the company's campaign
to extend the market for apples. .
The first demonstration will be given
next week at Spokane in connection
with the annual Apple Sbow.
Best Laxative
For Children
When your baby is cross and
fretful instead of the happy,
laughing little dear you are ac
customed to, in all probability
the digestion has become 'de
ranged and the bowels need at
tention. Give it a mild laxative,
dispel the irritability and bring
back the happy content of baby,
The very best laxative for chil
dren is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin, because it contains no opiate
or narcotlo drug. Is pleasant
tasting and acts gently, but sure
ly, without griping or other dis
tress. Druggists sell Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents
and one dollar a bottle. For a
free trial bottle write to Dr. W.
B Caldwell. 451 Washington feu
Monticello. 111.