THE MORNING OREGON! AN, TUESDAY,- NOVE3IRER 10, 1914. BY BRIDGE BONDS 16 PREMIUM BROUGHT Seven Bids for Entire Issue of $250,000, Bearing 5 Per Cent, Are All Above Par. BOARD HIGHLY GRATIFIED Award Made to Morris Bros., of Portland, Harris Trost & Sav ings Bank, of Chicago, for Ag gregate Sum of $253,375. ' Bids for Interstate Bridge bonds were so advantageous when opened, by the bonding committee yesterday that the members expressed surprise. Of 16 bids submitted, seven were for the entire issue, all above par. The first block of bonds, amounting- to $250,000, was awarded on a Joint bid of $263,375 by Morris Bros., of Portland, and the Harris Trust & Savings Bank, of Chi cago. This was the highest tender. The Quotation is $101.35. Much gratification was expressed by members of the committee because of the active bidding. Chairman Holman said the confidence shown In the secu rities evidently indicates that when the next block of bonds is offered in about clx months, there will be no difficulty In disposing of them at a good rate. Commissioner Lightner expressed the belief that the most important phase of the matter is that as the bonds are to be delivered within 20 days, the bridge construction can be commenced Boon and the work prosecuted without any delay. Order for Printing Expected. Proposals will be asked for printing the bonds today. A meeting of the committee probably will be held today to adopt, a resolution formally author izing the Interest rate, which will be 5 per cent annually, and the form of printing. , A telegram was sent to Waddell & Harrington, Eastern engineers, who are experts in charge of the plans for the bridge, yesterday, asking that they supply data at once in their hands In regard to rights of way for the Oregon approach that must be procured before construction can be commenced. Two meetings of the bonding com mittee were held yesterday. Bids were opened at the first meeting and at the second a resolution was adopted direct ing that the highest bid for the entire Issue be accepted and that certified checks" submitted by other bidders be returned. Present at both meetings were uounty commissioners Holman, Lightner and Hart, District Attorney livans and County Clerk Coffey. Small investors, who. It was hoped, might take the first block of Inter state Bridge bonds, were represented In a minor way only in the bidding, and such offers as were made could not be accepted because the figures they quoted were not high enough. Lit of Bids Given. The block disposed of yesterday rep resents 20 per cent of the total issue authorized for Oregon's share of the construction of the Interstate Bridge. Unsuccessful bidders for the bonds whose tenders were opened yesterday were: Bank, National Bank National Bank Sweet. Causer. Foster Co... Denver $ r-B.. imnauB, foruana. . . . William Willlnr. Portland.. United States National Bank, for Baker - Boyer National Bank. Walla Walla TTnlted States National Bank. Portland Tho First National Portland The First Portland The First Portland It. H. Rollins & Son and Merchants Loan & Trust Co.. Chicago Continental & Commercial - Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago E!lon. Clifford & Co., Chi cago W. F. White. Portland Lumbermen's Trust Com pany. Portland, and Will lam A Heed &. Co.. Chicago, by F. W. Camp. J". W. Crocker. Portland... Henry Teal. Portland 250.000 l.OOO 900 Bid. 250,808 1.000 300 6O.00O DO.OOO 10,000 10,000 1O.0OO 50,130 50.130 10.075 10.087 10.101 250.000 251,050 230.000 251,700 250,000 1O.000 250.000 3,000 250,000 250.400 10.2O0 250.025 3.000 251.673 PERSONALJVIENTION. "W. Hayden. of Alsea, ia at tho Carl ton. O. W. Haar Is at the Oregon from Louis Zeiss, of Yamhill, is at the oewara. D. I. Boyakin, of Nehalem, is at the rcrKins. C. Schlegel, of Banks, ia at the imperial. M. E. Travis, of Seattle, is at the JNortonla. G. E. McCrow, of McCoy, is at the lorneuua. A. F. Coats, fo Seattle, is at the Multnomah. Charles M. Osten, of Newton. Or., is at the Carlton. C. G. Frampton, of Camas. Wash., is at ine uorneuus. . William H. Powell, of New York, is ax me rtortonia. W. H. Eccles is registered at the Oregon rrom Baker. Judge N. A. Peery has taken apart ments at the Seward. A. F. Wallace, of Newberg. is reg istered at me Perkins. Harry Fraiier, of New York, is reg lstered at the Norton ia. 'A. K. Cowglll, of Eugene, is reg lstered at the Nortonia. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fischer, of Rose au rgr. are at the Oregon. Mrs. E. L. Rector is registered at the uornelius from Wheeler. John Parry, of San Francisco, is res -stereo, at me variton. H. Whltcomb, of Cathlamet, Wash., is registered at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Couch, of La ixrande. are at the Imperial. j. L. Blair, of San Francisco, is registered at the Multnomah. Miss Mabel Knapp. of Ostrander, vvasn.. is at me Multnomah. F. C. Crismone, of Astoria, Is at the Cornelius with Mrs. Crismone. Grant Smith and E. V. Hauser, of beattle, are at the Multnomah. Hugh R Rankin, of Eugene, reg istered at the imperial yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Palmer, of Walla Walla, are registered at the Seward. H. A. Foster, assessor of Crook County, is registered at the Perkins from Prlnevelle. Mrs. Charles R. Higgins, of Astoria, and Mrs. D. K. Warren, of Warrenton. are at the Seward. W. T. Grieve. Assessor of Jackson County, Is registered at the Imperial xrom jacKsonviiie. A. M. Hare, elected County Judge of Tillamook County, is registered at the Perkins rr-m Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gillette, of Bell Such .am Early-im-tfae-Seasoin Clearance of All Women's Suits, Dresses, Coats, Gowns &Furs Never Attempted in 57 Years at Meier & Frank's Immense Assortments! Newest Styles! Most Emphatic Reductions! Buy Your New Winter Apparel at Meier & Frank's at Clearance Prices! Bale Robes ALL REDUCED ! BUY NOW FOR A mas Gifts Handsome Patterns, Newest Merchandise All $3.50 and $3.95 Bathrobes, $2.89 All $4.50 Bathrobes reduced to $3.79 All $5.95 Bathrobes reduced to $4.48 All $6.95 Bathrobes reduced to $5.69 All $7.95 Bathrobes reduced to $6.89 $15.00 to$18.00 Waists $7.85 Broken lines of sizes in a great profusion of handsome models, fancy silks, crepe de chines, nets, satins and pussy willow silks. All this sea son's' models. Sizes 34 to 40 but not every size in each style. 4 Very Special Prices on New Waists "Dressy" Waists $5.00 Shadow lace, combinations of lace and net. Some jumper style, trimmed in white silk braid. Others with shawl ef fect, collars of satin. Also handsome flowered chiffons, made on simple lines, trimmed in satin, white and colors to match suits. A splendid offering. Lingerie Waists $1.58 Cotton crepes, madras, batiste. Shadow and em broidery trimmed. Organdie and pique collars, cuffs and vest effects. Very special for this sale. New Style Waists $3.65 Crepe de chine, messalines, taffetas and shadow lace over flesh linings. Immense variety of handsome effects, made in the most approved styles of the season. Very specially priced for this sale. Fifth Floor. Slxth-St. Bid. Only 38 Days of Shopping Until Xmas Visit Toy town the Greatest Toy Store in the West! See the "Funny Man" in the Window Yeon Building, 5th and Alder Streets, North east Corner, Temporary Annex No. 2. Indian Raglan Bath Robes, $3.95 Attractive Navajo patterns, raglan style, silk finished col lars, sleeves and pockets. Very special at S3.95. Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, $1.98 Generously full. "Warm Bea con blankets in stripes or cubist designs. Roll collars. Special for this sale, 1.98. Fifth Floor, Stxth-St. Bid. THE LATEST Fiction ; "A Soldier of the Legion," by the Williamsons 91.35 "The Witch," by Mary Johnston $1.40 "The Mutiny of the Elsi- nore," by Jack London. .$1.35 "The Honorable Percival," by Alice Hegan Rice...$1.00 "The Raft," by Dawson. . .$1.35 "Blind Eyes," by Petersen. $1.30 "Kent Knowles Quahau&-" by Lincoln $1.35 "Happy Hawkins In the Panhandle," by WTason. .$1.35 "Selina," by Martin $1.30 "The Fakers," by Samuel G. Blythe $1.35 "The Clarion," by Samuel Hopkins Adams. $1.35 "The Letters of William Green," by Foley $1.00 Bookstore Sixth Floor, Stxth-St. Bids. IxtraNews 846 Pairs of Perrin's French GLOVES Regularly $1.25 This Lot We Are Closing Out at 75g You'll Economize the Most From These Amazing Offerings From 9 to 12 oTlock Take Advantage of These Sales! Quantities Limited! Shop Early! 75c BROCADED CREPE DE CHINE, YARD 35c 36 inches wide. Variety colors. Third Floor, 6th-st. Building. $2.00 LACE CURTAINS, PAIR, $1.29 $2.25 and $2.50 Lace Curtains, pair $1.59' $3.25 and $3.50 Lace Curtains, pair $2.15 Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1. "GEM" BABY BLANKETS, 29c 3 for 75. 50 in lot blue and gray, tan and pink combinations. Third'Tloor, 6th-st. Building $6.00 OREGON WOOL BLANKETS, $4.45 Full-bed size. Mottled wool. Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1. $1 AND $1.35 KIMONO SILKS, YARD 89c Cheney Bros.' satin-finished Silks, beautiful colors and combina- tions. 30 inches wide. For kimonos and fancy work. Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1 45c WASH NETS, YARD, 25tf Cream and white for, waists and caps. 36 inches wide. First Floor, 6th-st. Building. 35c CAMISOLE LACES, YARD, 15c English make. Beading top and bottom. 18 inches wide. First Floor, 6th-st. Building. ROYAL BATHROBING, YARD 18c Double faced, 27 inches wide. Handsome color combinations. Third Floor, 6th-st. Building. 15c AND 18c GALLOONS, YARD, 9c Val. and shadow laces. For Corset Covers. First Floor, 6th-st. Building. 5c AND 7c IMITATION LACES, YARD, 3c Armenian and Maltese edges for Holiday work. First Floor, 6th-st. Building. ALL WOMEN'S 50c HOSE, PAIR, 35c Entire stocks lisle, silk lisle, imported cotton, cashmere. Black and colors. " First Floor, 6th-st. Building. AH Veilings Reduced! A Very Unusual Sale Our entire stocks of Veilings radically reduced for this sale. The very newest and most up-to-date styles and meshes included. Buy now ! Immense savings possible. All $2.00 Chiffon Veils, all colors, each $1.59 All $2.50 Chiffon Veils, all colors, each $1.98 All $1.50 Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard. $1.19 All $1.00 Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 79 All 75c Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 58 All 65c Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 47 All 50c Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 39J All 35c Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 27 All 25c Imported Mesh Veilings, all colors, yard 18 First Floor. Slxth-St. BldK. The"Dovelet'' and "Clover Leaf" Collars Latest Neckwear Novelties for Women Shown for First Time in Portland. Women will be delighted with these two new Neckwear conceits. Made of sheer organdie and ba tiste and cut on the most graceful lines. Priced $1.25, $1.75 and $2.50 First Floor. Slxth-St. IllilK. Morning Grocery BARGAINS 9 TO 12 O'CLOCK ONLY. 15c Best Brands Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 3 cans, dozen $1.35 can 12 Victor Flour Gives universal satisfaction, sack ....$1.35 Butternut Butter Well-established brand, roll 67 t Asparagus Tips Hatchet brand, No. 1 cans, dozen $1.35 can - . ...12J Large Cans Pineapple Gold Medal brand, No. 22 cans, 8 slices, can , .. 12V2 5-pound Sack Popcorn Old and dry, sure to "pop" .'. .29 , Pure Food Grocery. Baiwmeat, Stxth-St. BldK. REMARKABLE 3-DAY SALE OF FAMOUS MAKES OF $4.00 to $6.50 Corsets For $1.59 Madame Irene, Successo, Red fern and Ivy are the makes popu lar and high-grade models. Bro cades, coutil, batiste and tricot materials. Low, medium and high bust and long hip lines. All new models. Not all sizes in each make. An Unprecedented Corset Offer Buy Today! No Phone Orders No Exchanges. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bidg. At' the Lowest Prices We've Ever Sold JUNO Bust and Hip Forms FOR HOME DRESSMAKING. $2.00 Juno Forms pnly $1.39 $2.00 Extension Stand only $1.24 Stand and Form complete $2.63 All sizes except 40. Stand and Form Just as Illustrated. ' The possession of a Juno Bust and Hip Form simplifies home sewing. Here's an opportunity to purchase one at a vast saving it's the sale you've been waiting for! Buy today, while this sale is on it lasts but one day. Third Floor, Slxth-St. BldK. A Great Sale of Underwear All Sizes in Black Except Size 7 A Few .Sizes in White Also. NO EXCHANGES Buy Now ! This Price Is Less Than Wholesale Cost First Floor. Slxth-St. BldK. Vi Complete Stock "Starr" Ice Skates Temporary Aime No. 2, N. E. Cor. Fifth and Alder For Men & BoysA Timely Event and the Reductions Jastify Liberal Baying NOW 1 Men's $1.50 Union Suits Me dium heavy wool mixed, ribbed style. Natural gray. Closed crotch. Very well in- ished . . :95 in 85c Men's $2.00 Union Suits Fine worsted, medium and heavy weights. Natural gray and blue mixed. Closed crotch. Our best $2.00 Suit d - C on sale at tj) X O O Men's $3.00 Union Suits Fine Australian worsted, natu ral gray, blue and pink colors. Medium weight, tf O Ck Perfect fitting.. CJ),Oc Men's Cotton Union Suits Heavy ribbed cotton Suits silver gray and ecru colors Men's Shirts and Drawers Heavy worsted, Derby ribbed. Good Winter weight. Natural gray. Form-fitting, well fin ished, splendid wear- Q ing garments OC Men's $1.25 Munsing Union Suits Cotton fleeced, soft fin ished yarn, non-irritating.- Ecru and gray colors. The celebrated "Munsing" make, now Q on sale for.... iOC Men's $1.50 Wool Drawers Cooper's popular make. Broken Hues of sizes 30 to 50. Medium and heavy weights. Gray, ' blue and pink i3 C Men's $3.50 Union Suits All wool, extra heavy weight, in natural gray, with closed crotch. Ideal for the outdoor man. The famous "Wright" i brand Men's $3.00 Union Suits Wright's wool-mixed, heavy weight in natural gray. Closed crotcn. very serviceable gar ments. On sale now at only. . . Men's $1 Shirts and Drawers, Wright's make. Ribbed cotton, in medium and heavy weights. Ecru color only. Will give excellent service Men's $1.75 Shirts and Drawers Wright 's Blue Ran dom worsted and mercerized lisle garments. Good Winter weight. Well finished, perfect fitting and elas tic. Now only. . Men's $2 Shirts and Drawers Wright's Australian wool of fine quality, medium weight. In Derby ribbed style. Form-fitting, neatly trimmed and come in white only. On (t CCk sale now at tj) X of37 Men's Springtez Union Suits Light-weight worsted, spring needle ribbed garments. Perfect fitting, well made, with closed crotch. Natural gray. ' Very serviceable. Sizes m Q "V 34 to 50 J 1 ,0" Boys' 50c Shirts and Drawers Cotton fleeced in ribbed style. Ecru and gray colors. Each $2.98 $2 65 85c UlOUt. Uf 1 1. VLV $1.49 Boys' Union Suits Wright's make. Heavy weight, wool mixed. Sizes 6 to 15 years. Now Q at OOC Boys' 50c Union Suits now 43 Boys' 75c Union Suits now 59 Boys' $1.00 Union Suits at S5 Boys' $1.50 Union Suits at $1.39 SEE FIFTH-STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. Men's Store 1st Floor Temporary Annex No. 1 39c See Window Display if I ff )) Ingham, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dickinson at the Oregon.