TTTE MOTtNTNG - OirEGONIATf, SATTODAY, ' NOVEMBER T, 1914. LIQUOR LI DATE PUZZLING STATE Governor Lister Asks Attorney General to Settle Ques tion by Opinion. FAIR TRIAL NOW SOUGHT Executive Requests That Rule of Ma jority Be Accepted and That Busi ness May Have Chance to "Work TJp With Condition. OLYMFIA, Wash., Nor.' . (Special.) Question having been raised as to the date upon which the prohibition law .passed at Tuesday's election will take effect. Governor Lister today requested Attorney-General Tanner to render an official opinion on the subject. The prohibition law Itself provides that it shall take effect January 1, 1916, giving business a chance to adjust Itself to the change. The aeotlon of the consetitution providing for the initia tive, however, provides that an initia tive measure "shall be in'operatlon on and after the 80th day after the elec tion at which it Is approved," which would make the law effective Decem ber 4, 1914. The Governor said, his own disposition was to accept the date named in the initiative bill, since this was the proposal upon which electors voted. Governor Lister today issued a pub lic statement asking citizens to cease -'agitation of the liquor question and T i v-,lKttln Kill a f.lf trial statins in Dart: The effect on the state will be Just what the people of the state make It. We believe in the rule of the majorltyt A majority of the voters of the state have declared in favor of this measure. If all now will accept the decision of the majority, lend a hand in seeing the law enforced and direct energies to those things which will build up and develop the state, rather than predict ing dire disaster as a result of this measure becoming a law, we materially will assist In quickly bringing about the rearrangement necessary on ac count of its adoption. "I believe its opponents will agree with me when I say that business would be injured much more by con stant agitation against the law, now it has passed, than by accepting it and directing our energies to proper ae velopment under the new order of things." PROHIBITIOX "WIXS BY 14,0 00 Many "Women Elected to Various Of fices of Various Counties. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 6. The ma Jorlty for prohibition in the State of Washington promises to be about 14,000. With 146 small precincts miss ing the vote stands: For prohibition. 175,904; against 162.782; prohibition majority 13.122. In four of the five Congressional districts the Progressive candidate finished third. In the first or Seattle district, the Progressive candidate was second. Two women are members of the lower house of the present Legisla ture, but so far as known there will be none in the new Legislature. Many women were elected to office in the various counties, principally to the posts of superintendent of schools and treasurer. Miss Reab Whitehead, chosen Justice of the Peace in Seat tle, is 28 years old, has been assistant prosecutor and Is expected to handle to a large extent criminal cases involving women and children. TRAIN ROBBERY CONFESSED Express Messenger Tells of Plot and Division of Spoils. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. 6. Wil liam Ahrlng, express messenger on the Rock Island-Hot Springs train held up between these two points April 9 and robbed of $1300. asserted today that W. W. Dunn, a former Rock Island Conductor, of Little Rock, also under indictment, and another man of this city were the actual robbers. Dunn was designated as the brains of the sang. Ahrlng declared that one of the men boarded the train at Hot Springs, con cealed himself in the express car, and with Ahring's permission bound and gagged him and locked him in a trunk. Ahring said he and. the two men met in Little Rook and divided the spoils and that he received $600 as his share. ST. JOHNS MAY BE MERGED Attorney Thinks Defect in Form "Will Not Obstruct Annexation. ST. JOHNS. Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) City Attorney Parker this morning ex pressed the opinion that while the city merger constitutional amendment adopted at the election is faulty, the court probably will construe it favor ably. "The amendment should have read, 'a majority of the electors who vote on the merger question,' " he said, "and not 'a majority of the electors.' as there is no way to ascertain the wishes of the electors except by their votes. However. I believe the amendment will be called valid, as the voters have ex pressed their will in favor of permit ting merging." MISS C. 0. ABBOT IS DEAD Teacher at Drew- Passes Suddenly After Short Visit. CANTONVILLE,-Or Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) Miss Clara O. Abbott, of Jack sonville. ' Or, who came here recently to teach at Drew, suddenly took sick and died last Friday at the home of Dr. D. A. Forbes. She was the daughter of Charles D. Abbott, of Jacksonville. Or and was born at Salem on February 9, 1893. Removing with her parents to Jackson ville about six years ago, she became Interested in the work, of the Methodist Church. The body was removed to hsr nome town, where the funeral tooK place on Monday. Linn County Pioneer Dies In South ALBANY. Or.. Nov. C (Special) News has been received here of the death yesterday at his home at Los Angeles of J. B. McCoy, a member of one of Linn County's most prominent pioneer families and son of John Mc Coy. Linn County's first County Judge, Mr. McCoy came to this county with his parents in 1845, and resided here until about 15 years ago, wnen he removed to Los Angeles. He la survived by a brother, A. K. Mccoy, and a sister, Mrs. F. M. French, both of this city. Winter Number of Home Book of Fashions, Showing the Advance Styles for November, December and January, Price 25c, Including 15c Pattern Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts, Providing Same Are Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month Double Stamps Today With Cash Purchases Made in' Women's, Children's Knit Under- wear. Glove, Hosiery, 1st Floor j Don't fail to take advantage of this opportunity to buy Underwear, Gloves and Hosiery at sale prices and get Double "S.-& H.". Green Stamps. Women's Gloves in Best Makes IflllR DOUBLE Department, Main Floor A timely sale of "Women's Kid Gloves, offering a rare opportunity for thrifty buyers to supply their holi day needs. Eskay, Derby, r amosa and other standard makes included. Women's Eskay Overseam Real Kid Gloves. All col- CI 7 CZ ors. Priced at, pair V Derby two-clasp, P. K. sewn Kid Gloves. All e T CZf colors. Priced, pair P J f Women's Famosa' Kid Gloves. Two-clasp s t y 1 e. C J Off Priced at, the . pair P - Several other standard makes in all the popular C t O J colors, at $1 andV Extensive Showing of Misses' and Children's Gloves in All Styles Women's Underwear Reduced Candy Day Today At the Bargain Circle, on the Main Floor. Delicious sweets of all kinds special reduced prices. Try our fa mous OWK Bon Bons Olds, Worlman Sc King t Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Free Knitting Lessons Art Dept., 2d Floor, 9 to 12, 1 to 5 daily. Expert instruction. Children's free classes in art nee d 1 e w o r k every Sat., 9:30 to 12. Men's and Young Men's Suits $1S to $35 Balmacaans and Raincoats $9.95 to $25.00 Department, Main Floor Double Trading Stamps given tomorrow with all cash purchases made in this department, in addition to extraordinary low prices on Women 's Union. Suits, Pants and Vests. Women 's $2.00 Heavy - Weight Union Suits on spe- JJ f ZCZ cial sale at only H Women's $2.25 Outsize Union Suits on special 3P f O f sale today at only PJ.JJ Women's $1.00 Light -Weight Pants and Vests on fif special sale today at Women's $1.25 Light -Weight Pants and Vests on sPe"i2 rial Rain tndnv at. nnlv-'' sale today at oniy r" --" ' "- g cial sale today at only "- Women's Medium-Weight Union Suits, ALL STYLUS, garment, $1 Specials in Women's Hosiery Department, Main Floor Dependable makes in Women's and Chil dren's Hosiery at special prices. An opportunity to supply your needs and get Double "S. & H." Trading Stamps with your purchases. 60c Hose, 39c Women's thread silk and silk-plaited Boot Hose, in white, tan and black. QQ On special sale at, pair At 35c Pair Women's silk lisle and fine cotton Hose in black, white and tan. 3 pairs QCT tar 81.nft. or. th Tiir--J 25c Hose, 3 Pair 50c Women's dependable Hosiery of fine lisle or cotton. In black, CZ(g white, tan. Three pairs At 15c a Pair Boys' and girls' guaranteed lose, with ' double knees, heels and toes. T CZg All sizes. Snecial. nair "PORTLAND MAID" $1.00 Silk Hose for women. Popular colors. Department, Main Floor Don't let style alone guide you in selecting the new Suit. Quality of fabric, finish and fit are equally important. We ' are anxious to have you come in and examine our Suits you'll find them superior in every respect. Smartest models from America's most noted makers of men's' and young men's ap parel. Conservative or ultra-stylish models. Choicest of the new patterns. COZS sO"l Priced $15, 20, $25 to apOJJ-ULJ $1.25 Underwear at 95c Department, Main Floor Men's spring-needle Bibbed Shirts and Drawers in good assortment 1 a . -w-y It A " 1 . "T ' 1 7 . TT- . i . R OI sizes, xjxeeuent weigm ior x an ana v inter wear. .Every garment perfect in fit and finish. Surmlv vour needs todav at a substantial savine. Standard $1.25 Underwear O S priced special today at, the garment -'-'' 25o Hose at 10c Main Floor. Men's fine silk I $1.50 Gloves $1.15 Main Floor. Buy Christmas lisle Hose at -a decided reduction for Saturday's J Gloves today and save. Mocha Gloves for selling j full range colors; 25o hose for 19 men in -tan and gray; $1.50 grades for $1.15 Department, Main Floor Nowhere will you find a more representative showing of the new Coats than right at this store.. And the materials and patterns embrace the very newest effects pro duced." Especially attractive are the many hand some new models in Balmacaans for men and young men. Also Dress Overcoats and Rain coats in the latest styles. Let us supply your new Coat. Prico range for flJOCJ ff Saturday is from $9.95 to & J J Wen's Flannel Shirts 98c Department,, Main Floor Only a limited num ber of these to sell at this price. They are cut in full, generous sizes, with plenty of fullness to sleeves and body, and are made of splendid quality wool flannel, in blue and gray. A full range of wanted sizes. Priced veryOQ special for Saturday at, the garment Toilet Needs and Drugs Main Floor Standard lines widely advertised Toilet Preparations, Drugs and Toilet Articles on sale now. at special reductions in price. Five bars Ivory Soap, t &f one bar Lurline Soap--Q The above Soaps will not be de livered except with other purchases made in the Drug Department. Limit of 6 cakes to a . customer. 25e Packer's Tar Soap for 12 15c Pears' Unscented Soap aP12 15c 4711 White Rose Soap at 12 25c Domestic Castile Soap aC 10S 35c bottle Witch Hazel, 0 16-ounce size, special $1.00 Imported Bocabella Castile Soap on sale now at, the bar, 65tf 10c Monkey Scouring Soap at 5 10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio at 7& 15c Williams' Talc. Powder 10 25c Imperial Tale. Powder at 12j 25c Massatla Talc. Powder at ,11 50c Carman's Face Powder 25( 25c Jergen's Rice Powder at 10 Hedden's Cold Cream, OOm standard 50c size, now" 50c Dora Bourjois Powder at 39J $2 Bouquet Farnese Violet $1.15 25c Ricksecker's T. Powder 10 25c Zozodont Tooth Paste at 10c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste now 28 $1.50 Oriental Cream at only 89 25c Petro, one-pound jar, for 10 50c Bay Rum, 16-ounce bot., 35 Fitch standard s Hair Tonic,?0 $1.00 bottle ' 29c. Absorbent Cotton, 1 lb., 21 $1.00 Listerine on sale now at G5 50e Lavoris Mouth Wash at 38J 10c Boraxo on sale now at only 6 25c Antiphlogistine on sale at 19 25c Denver Mud on sale at 15 50c size at 30S $1 size at 60c 10 pounds Epsom Salts for 50 25 pounds Epsom Salts for SoC Tooth Brushes in vari oua styles, 35o grades 19c 25c Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder 15c 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder 20 25c Eutbymol Tooth Paste at 15 25c Pasteurine 'Tooth Paste 15 50c Cold Creams, in jars, at 28 C 50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cream, in jars or tubes, special at 33 Hedden's 75c Toilet Waters 50 Women's $15.00 Suits $Q.O BASEMENT We have grouped all odd Suits in our Underprice Store into one big lot and will close them out Saturday at $5 each. Just 132 all told. Variety of excellent styles in plain and fancy materials. Nearly all sizes. No phone orders. None sent C. O. D. or on approval. Standard $15 Suits. CJCT fi Special today only vr 1 Women's Imported Coats Garments Priced-Hereto- v. fore at $25,00 Second Floor By an extraordinary ef fort we succeeded in getting theBe gar ments through from Europe. The. styles are designed especially for American women. Splendid, warm and serv iceable Coats for utility wear. The ma toriaia ra tliA he&vv mixtures, tweeds and aibelines, in rich color combinations or plain "Vfost all have laree storm collars and ka deep cuffs. Trimmings of "novelty buttons, vel vets, plushes and braids. These are all from our regular stock and are excellent values at $25.00 A good assortment of sizes. Q)5 Priced very special today at Women's Silk Petticoats $2.29 ratoi. rurrie Main Floor Women's Petticoats f trnnA nnalitv silk messaline, with self or silk Sfvled with or without fitted bands. Some have fancy praid and striped flounces, with deep or narrow plaits. Full range 2m2Q of all the newest colors. Special H"- Boys' Ttvo-Pant Suits at $4.95 Boys' $1.5Q 'Pants at 98c a Pair Main Floor HOCKEY STICK FREE with each of these Suits sold today! Smart new Norfolk models in beautiful rich patterns and serviceable fabrics. Pants full lined with double-taped seams. Ex tra pair of pants with each suit. Main Floor 200 pairs of Boys' Woolen Knickerbockers to be sold today at a big reduction. Full lined and double taped and cut in full, generous sizes. Standard $1.50 quality. Supply the boys' needs here Saturday. These Knicker bockers will be on spe- Q 0A Ages 0 to 18 years. bpecial today at only cial sale at the low price of Ask to see our famous "OWK Special" Boys' Blue Serge Suits, S4.95 New line Boys' Ruff neck Wool Sweaters, good weight, special, 82. 95 Extensive showing Boys' New Balmacaans, priced at S5.00 to $20. OO Women's $5.00 Shoes at $3.69 Dept., Main Floor CONTINUATION today of the great sale of Women's Fine Footwear still hundreds of pairs to choose from. All the fashionable new lasts all style heels and toes all widths and sizes. Genuine black ooze, patent, dull calf, suede and vici leathers. Some with brocade or cravenette toppings. CQ pair Standard $5.00 Shoes at, Men's $4.50 Calf Shoes At $3.69 Main Floor Button or lace styles, on splendid serviceable lasts, lor a all and N inter wear. Complete line of all widths and sizes. Standard $4.50 Shoes. Pair $3.69 100 Stamps Free 100 "Children's Day" Second Floor 100 extra Stamps will be given to day with cash . purchases of Children's Coats, on sale at $7.48 and $9.98. Note the following: Girls9 New Coats $7.48 Girls' Coats at $9.98 P r o p h y lactic Brashes, all Tooth t rz. textures Maurine Toilet Goods FREE Full treatment - of these well-known preparations if you visit the rest-rooms, Second Floor. Beauty Lotion priced at 50c and $1 Maurine Satin Cream, 50c and $1 Rosebud Rouge priced now at 50c Maurine Skin Food at 50c and $1 Maurine Hand Lotion at only 25c Maurine Hair Tonio priced at $1 Borden's Milk The ideal pure-food for old and Second Floor Girls' new Winter Coats, in zibe lines, plaids, checks and plain weaves. Cape styles and popular loose models in baby lamb, trim'd with plush. Ages 6 to 14 yrs. 7 Jj O Second Floor Girls' smart new Coats in Bal macaan or cape effects. In plaids and mixtures. Beautifully made and nicely trimmed with plushes. Shown in ages 6 to 14 yrs. Q QC Special at PS.ZTCy Special NEW WOOLEN DRESSES Splendid quality serge, in navy, Copenhagen, brown and cardinal. Piped with silks. Ages 6 to 14. At $2.85, $3.75, $4.98 New Basque Girdles REDUCED Main Floor For Saturday's sell ing we quote exceptional low prices on the popular and much-wanted basque girdle foundations. Note: Small size Basque Girdle Foundations. Special, only 11-inch size Basque Girdle O 1p Foundations on sale at"' 14-inch size Basque Girdle OCf Foundations on sale at Sale Rubber Goods Dept., Main Floor $1.50 and $2.00 Hot Water Bags and Syringes on sale at $1.00 Sanitary Douche Spray Syringe on special sale at only $1.25 50o Red Rubber Household Gloves all sizes special, the pair, 39c 50c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes on special sale now at, each, 39c Samples of Rubber-Lined Travel ing Cases, worth to $1.50, at 50c All PyTalin and French Ivory Toilet vGodds Combs, Sets, Mirrors, etc., now . . . ". .' 14 Off Grocery Specials, for Saturday From Our Model Grocery, 4th Floor Imported French Peas 'Cresca" brand 20c small cans, for only 15J Imported French Peas "Cresca" brand 25c cans, special at 20 Imported French Mushrooms, regular 35c cans, on special sale at 30 Choice Sweet Potatoes, O CZ II Isle of Pines Grapefruit, O CZ special Saturday, 10 lbs.- I special Saturday, 3 for Imported Figs, the pound, 25 Telephones: Marshall 4800, A 6231 Another Great Millinery Sale! r Any Trimmed Hat in Millinery Salons On Second Floor Models Selling Hereto fore Up to and In cluding $22.50 Any Trimmed Hat in Millinery Salons On Second Floor Models Selling Hereto, fore Up to and ln cluding $22.50 All Trimmed Hats GoNone Reserved The Millinery Sensation of the Season For Saturday's selling we announce a sensationaL clearance of all Trimmed Millinery in the de partment, on the Second Floor, at $5. A positive and emphatic out-clearing, no matter what the former price. Beautiful models from the leading designers. Hats for street and dress wear, in hundreds of the season's most desirable ' style3 and shapes. Finest quality felts, velvets and plushes, trimmed with plumes, ostrich fancies, gura, ribbons, flowers, gold and silver effects, stick- ups and various other novelties, mack, brown, green, purple, wtute ana an otner snaaes are well represented in the assortment. Your choice of any Trimmed Hat many of them worth $15.00 up to $22.50, Saturday at only .' &0U Any Untrimmed Hats inBasement 69c Shapes Selling Heretofore up to $3.50 Basement Underprice Store NO RESERVE Every Untrimmed Hat in the Millinery Department, in the Basement, on sale Saturday at 69c. Plushes, velvets and velveteen turbans, in high-side effects, soft crowns, flat crowns and scores of other popular styles. Narrow arid wide-brim sailors in various models, including rolling and side-roll effects. Every shape in this lot is new and thoroughly desirable. fZQf Many of them are worth from $2.50 up to $3.50. Come today and take your choice of any atf r The id ih ) drink jrmi . v n n n c Dplioinns. nutritious and sat isfying. Stop at the demonstration booth, in the Drug Dept., on the Main Floor, and try a glass of this most refreshing bever age. Special prices during demonstra tion. Standard 50o size on special sale now at only 40 Standard $1.00 size now at 80 $3.98 hospital size now at $2.98 iB0IHBfcl Malted I JUS if Mttta" S has no raw. I i ti a Thanksgiving Sale Table Linens Beautiful Snowy Linens From World's Best' Makers Department, Main Floor Every woman loves fine Table Linens, especially when they come from this store, because we sell only the best. Our Annual Thanksgiving Sale is now in progress, offering sub stantial savings on Linens by the yard. Linen Sets,Pattern Cloths, Napkins, Doilies, Centerpieces, Scarfs, etc. The scarcity of raw flax will make higher prices for Linens in the near future. BUY NOW I Linen Sets Richardson's 72x72-inch Linen Seta, only $ 9.O0 Richardson's 72x2 0-inch Linen Sets only S 9.90 Richardson's 72x1 08-inch Linen Sets only $10.80 Richardson's 72xl26-inch Linen Sets only $11.70 We Are Exclusive Portland Agents for Unsurpassed for Beauty of Mnish and Large Size Cloths $7.50 Table Cloths, size 2V2x3 yards, now $6.00 $9.00 Table Cloths, size 2V2x3 yards, now $7.00 $7.60 Table'Cloths, size 2y2x3y2 yards, now $6.00 $9.00 Table Cloths, size 2y2x4 yards, now $7.00 "Richardson's" World-Famous Linens. Serviceability. Mayonnaise Mixers $1.12 Department,' Third Floor A device that saves time and trouble. Made just like this cut. Mayonnaise Mixer and Egg Beater" com bined. Nicely finished and easily ad- Ct TO justed to any table or stand. Special P $2.50 Carpet Sweepers At $1.75 These excellent Sweepers are well and substantially made light running and very attractive. Stand ard $2.50 Sweeper at any time. On (?1 special sale today, while they last at P J- m 3 I7 w 7