THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1914. .60 1.50 2.50 B-50 PORTLAND. OKEOON. Entered at Portland, Oregon. Postoiilea as Second-class matter. Eubscriptlon Bates Invariably in Advance: B Mall.) Dally, Sunday Included, one year ?'SS taily, Sunday Included, six months ..... Xally, Sunday Included, three months ... JDall, Sunday Included, one month ..... Dally, without Sunday, one year Dally, without Sunday, six months t'ii Lfailv. vlthfliu KiinHav. three months 13 Daily, without Sunday, on month . weekly one year ............ Cunday. one year fcunuay and Weekly, one year By Carrier.) Eaily. Sunday included, one year a'2 a!!v Ritnrin In.lnrf.ri find mOBth How to Remit Send Poatoltice money or. der, express order or personal check on ; local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's riik. Give postofflce address la in". Including- county and state. Pontage Kates 12 to 18 pages, 1 cent; 18 to 82 page, 2 cents; 84 to 48 pages. 3 cnlj 60 to 60 pages, 4 cents; 82 to 78 page cents; 78 to 82 pages. 8 cents. Foreign post, age. double rates.- Eastern Business Office Verree CRV Jin. New York. Brunswick building. Chi cago. Stenger building. San Francisco Office R. J. BldweU Co.. 42 Market street. rOBTLANO, SATUBDAV, NOV., 7. 1814. EGYPT A VULNERABLE POINT. The most vulnerable point at which Turkey can attack Great Britain is Egypt. If she can wrest control of that country from the Britons, she can fclockade the Suez Canal and thereby close tho gateway through, "which the latter bring troops from India. "With tho canal In the hands of an enemy, transports from India, and merchant chips from the whole of Eastern Asia could reach Europe only by the long and stormy route around the Cape of Good Hope. Should emergency cause Britain to call Japanese troops or warships to her aid in Europe, the tame delay would be experienced. It is imperative to the safety of India and to British ABlatic commerce that the Suez route be kept open. . Long before there was a canal or even a railroad, Great Britain recog nized the importance of keeping the Suez rout to India open. "When there was only a caravan route across the Isthmus, a British army at the begin ning of the nineteenth century brought about evacuation by the French. Great Britain took the lead among the pow ers in preventing Mehemet All from establishing an empire in Egypt, Syria and Arabia. When Mehemet Ali's sue. - cessor, Ismail, became deeply in- volved in debt. Great Britain joined the other European powers In taking charge of the finances. French con struction of the Suez Canal and Is mall's subsequent sale of his shares to Great Britain, led to Anglo-French control, which continued untll Arab Pasha's rebellion In 1882. France having declined- to Join In suppressing this revolt, Britain did it alone ana assumed sole control, except of the . debt, but against French protest. When Great Britain and France set tled their differences In 1905, France -withdrew all objection to undivided British control, and Germany, Austria and Italy acceded to the arrange ment. Joint control of the debt and of finances wasat the same time abolished. The material advantages of British rule are not disputed, even by those Egyptians who aspire to Independence. Taxes have been reduced, forced labor abolished. Irrigation and agriculture extended, education made general, and prosperity brought to the longrop pressed fellahln, but the people are already beginning to forget the evils from which they have been delivered In 1905 a Nationalist party arose, fos tered by Turkish intrigue, ands gave aid to a pan-Islamic agitation aimed ' at renewal of direct Turkish rule An anonymous letter sent by a Moslem leader to the British agent Illustrates the feeling behind this movement. It freely admits all the good that has come from British rule, but It says Though the Khallf were hapless as Baje sld. cruel as Murad, or mad as Ibrahim, he is the shadow of God, and every Moslem must leap at his call. In 1906 Turkey attempted to extend its frontier to the Suez Canal by claiming the peninsula of Sinai, which Britain claimed for Egypt. Egyptian troops were sent to occupy Taba on the western side of the Gulf of Akaba, which bounds the peninsula on th east, but the Turkish Governor of Akaba, on the western side of the gulf, was beforehand with him. Only after a threat of war by Great Britain did the Turks withdraw and accept the line claimed by the British. Akaba has been bombarded by the British since Turkey entered the present war. Egypt has a legislature, partly elec tive, with very limited powers. Al . though the Nationalists demand con- stitutional rule, the mass of the people are indifferent, for In 1907 only 5 per, ' cent of the voters participated In the election. The Mohammedans in Egypt, as in India, appear to be divided between those who accept Christian rule with appreciation of Its material benefits and of the religious liberty it gives them and those who would rather be oppressed by a Moslem than Justly governed by a Christian. The lndlf- t erence of the majority to the Nation alist movement and the loyalty of Mo hammedans In India to Great Britain suggest that the religious appeal has lost its powr in political affairs and that the latter class is small. The Turks wllj doubtless do their utmost to stir up the population against the British, and a strong force of un doubted loyalty will be necessary to quell revolt, to repel Invasion and to guard the canal. Earl Kitchener, hav Jng long commanded the army in Egypt, knows the country well and knows how far he can rely on the na tive army. It is significant, however. that he has sent half of the Canadian contingent and some Indian troops to . aid the Egyptian army, although he had proved the fidelity and fighting qualities of the latter in his Soudan campaign. that. The moment they begin to move about they are. liable to be sunk by floating mines. If they escape the mines the deadly submarine may as sail them, from beneath .and' it Is Im possible for them to defend them selves. It is curious to notice that as far as the war has gone the German subma rines have been more active than the British. The news at any rate points to that conclusion. We have heard a great deal of what- the German sub marines have" done' and hardly any thing about the British. Some paraly sis seems to have struck the entire British fleet. Its old prestige has not, of course, disappeared, but there Is a feeling throughout the world that it is waning. In most encounters the Ger mans hold their own fairly well. In many cases they have been victorious. The cruiser Emden, which has been haunting the southern seas, has destroyed twenty-elx British craft of one sort and another without suffer ing any injury itself as far as can be ascertained. If this sort of thing con tinues what will become of the defen sive power of the British fleet? No wonder the people of . England are clamoring for some " brilliant action that will restore their confidence in the "wooden walls" which in all for mer wars have been their main de pendence. ment was tried would have made it successful. The history of this vitally important subject is sketched popularly in Brooks Adams' "Theory of 'Social Revolutions," which may be obtained at the Public Library. Once well ini tiated by John .Marshall's determined policy, the censorial power of the Su preme Court over Congress has stead ily grown. Mr. Adams points out that it has drawn the court Into politics and seriously impaired its prestige. The authority to nullify or approve laws passed by Congress has made the Supreme Court in reality a third legis lative chamber, and, like other law making bodies, it cannot escape '-responsibility for its acts. ing and outgoing cargoes so as to re move uncertainty and render possible fixed average rates for bulk freight. This would steady the world's price for staples, would steady the home price and benefit the farmer. This is a much farther-reaching scheme than that which Mr." Lublin put in operation by causing establish ment of, the International In stitute of Agriculture, and it cannot advance in these, war times. He has therefore done wisely in setting the conference at which it is to be consid ered for the year 1917. We all Hope that by that time peace will have been restored and the nations will be in the humor to consider the scheme! Half a Century Ago The Administration spent $100,000 and eleven months in getting ready to begin to establish Federal reserve banks. During this long wait for the compounding of the Democratic pre scription, the patient business has been kept alive by a medicine pre scribed by the doctors whom the voters discharged in 1910 namely. the Vreeland-Aldrich act. A GREAT VICTORY. If there is any weakling on the initiative ballot count on the Portland Journal to pounce upon It. Two years ago it turned its biggest siege guns loose on the majority rule measures. This year it brought up its heaviest artillery to attack the assembly meas ure. ' i Nobody feared them other than the Journal. Nobody had the faintest idea that they would carry except the Jour nal. Nobody voted for them, or would have voted for them if all the press had kept silent, except a few irrecon- cllables constituting a pitiful minority. Possibly it was self-flattery having no other basis than prior coinci dence with a foregone conclusion that tempted the Journal this year Into more uncertain battles. At any rate it had some policies of its own. After fighting for single tax under cover for a long period it came out openly for it by supporting the J 15 00 exemption. It also offered two measures all Its own the notorious waterfront amend ment and accompanying bill. It in dorsed two other tax measures and gave abolishment of capital punishment and the non-partisan judiciary bill its approval. But its timid nature had not wholly given place to strutting bravery, for it waited until practically every known organization and nearly all other newspapers had Indorsed the amend ment. changing voters' qualifications and then fell in line. Likewise it seemed safe to oppose consolidation of the Corporation and Insurance De partments, abolishment of the Desert Land Board, and the two-thirds rule on tax measures. They were given a tardy knock. The other seventeen measures were passed up. The Journal scored as usual wher ever it played safe. But Its attempt to form public opinion along the line of tls own warped ideas failed miser ably. The tax exemption and the wa terfront measures were snowed under. However, felicitations! The assem bly measure, so puny and weak that It could hardly totter, was successfully surrounded and annihilated. ' It was a great victory. The Holy- War of Mohammedans against Christians never seems to come off. It Is prophesied every time any nation has trouble with Turkey, but the fulfillment Is. always post poned. We dare say Mohammedans are much like other people. They will stand by their friends and fight their enemies without regard to creed or color. LET EACH COMMIX1II I3LELP. On the assumption that it is the duty of the Government to prevent the Mis sissippi River from overflowing its banks, many millions have been ex pended by Congress in building and maintaining levees along its lower course. These levees have the inci dental effect of reclaiming large tracts of overflowed land, the value of which has been enhanced from nothing to anywhere between J 50 and $150 an acre. The states or localities were re quired by the defeated river and har bor bill to payonly one-tenth of the cost of improvement. Senator Burton made this one of the grounds for his attack on the bill. He drew from Senator Ransdell the ad mission that about 18,000,000 acres in the neighborhood of Cape Girardeau alone would be overflowed but for the British rule has made Egypt levee system.- He contrasted with the clean and prosperous country, re American method that pursued by I lieved the fellaheen of oppressive tax Hungary in preventing overflow from atlon and diversified industry. But the river Theiss. The Hungarian gov- the people are not satisfied. The ernment first pays its proportion for washed sow longs for her wallow and the benefits accruing to railroads and I the dog but read the text. highways. The remainder is then taxed against the land benented in Ttio Christian sowers now compete proportion to the increased value re- for tne faVor of Mohammedans by suiting from the improvement. promising not to injure their holy The theory favored by Mr. Burton places. In the days of the crusades has already been put in practice in i they would have made a particular Oregon by the voluntary action or tne mark of those same holy places, people. The Port or Portland nas done a large share of the work or The war would seem to have done deepening the Columbia River channel 1 enollSh to make meat scarce without and, with Astoria, has lately contribut-I tno addition of wholesale slaughter of ea to tne cost or improving tne cnaa- i cattle to extinguish foot and mouth nei across tne par. oev?rai umci disease. Beefsteak may become as gon ports have followed -this example Kreat a luxury as terrapin Dy snaring witni tne uovernmeni tne cost or improving tneir naroors. Kmneror TSTIohnlaji havlrnr been re The precedent established by Oregon Dorted at the front, we shall Drobablv snouia De aaoptea Dy tonp-ess tu govern river and harbor appropna- From The Oregonian November 7, 1864. The California Stage Company has received several new wagons of light build, which will be used on the roads in the worst places between Portland and Shasta. The regular term of the United States District Court will convene in the Stark s building today. Judge Deady will preside. Judge Marquam will preside over the County Court to day at the Courthouse. David Logan packed the theater Sat urday night when he addressed his audience on Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Seventy-five negroes lease and oper ate farms in the South and will clear about $20,000 this year, which shows what they can and will do if they re tain their freedom. A strantrer filled with "forty rod' went uninvited to the dance in the old Bergman market Saturday night -and assaulted a young woman present with a large piece of bologna sausage, ihe Marshal came in answer to the cries of the young woman and led the in truder away. THE ARMENIAN S. The news that the Armenians have given the invading Russians a Joyful welcome surprises nobody who re members what that patient -people have endured from their Turkish mas ters. Armenia lies in the extrm northeastern ctrner of Asiatic Turkey on the Black Sea. To the east of it the Russian Transcaucasia. On the southeast it touches what is left of the ancient Persian empire. The numerous mountains of Armenia are Infested by the barbarous Kurds, who at the be hest of Turkey have ever been ready to descend upon the peaceful inhabit ants 6f the plains for robbery and murder. The Turks have ruled Armenia by assassination. The vitality of the peo pie Is wonderfully proved by the fact that they have not been exterminated by their masters. Their country is ex traordinarily fertile and under any deL cent government it would be highly prosperous. The Turks take good care, however, that none of their do minions shall be too prosperous. Their motto is that a starving people is like ly to be a submissive people. They remember that Jeshurun only began to kick when he waxed fat. The Armenians are entitled to a good deal more sympathy from the Christian world than they have ever received. Even the numerous bands of them who have come to the United States of late years have not been especially welcomed. -They are lumped in with other "dagoes" and treated sometimes with shocking inhumanity in the mines and railroad construc tion camps. Their religion is essen tially the same as our own, being one of the most ancient types of Christian ity In the world. Their abstract the ology is neither Catholic nor Prot estant but resembles the "orthodox Greek," as it is called. It 13 akin to the Russian creed and this constitutes one of the reasons why the Armenians hail the Czar's invading troops as de liverers. Armenians who have been educated in the American missionary colleges exhibit a highly encouraging mental alertness. There is no doubt that their people have a great future before them if once they can get half a chance in the world. v tlons generally. If - the community benefited were required to pay one- half or one-third of the cost of an Improvement, there would be a marked decrease in the demand for expendi ture on creeks which cannot be made navigable or on rivers on which there Is small prospect of traffic. There would no longer be demand for ap- j 6hippe(j the sole purpose of having Govern ment funds expended in a Congres sional district. Readiness of a com munity to expend Its own money would be evidence, that it honestly believed that a project had merit, and would save the cost of many useless surveys. Were this policy adopted, much money would be saved, but more work would be done. The money saved to the Government by local contributions to the.cost of approved projects and by elimination of unworthy projects could be applied to other projects. Letting of continuous contracts for improvements, once they were adopt ed, would eliminate much waste and would Insure early completion. If adoption of this policy were supple mented by legislation for the construe tion of modern -water terminals and learn tomorrow that he is entertaining at his Petrograd palace. The Petro grad press bureau doesn't take the trouble to be consistent. The rush to get into poultry farm ing a year and more ago is shown in the ruling prices .on Front street. The wise poultrymen are cullingt their flocks and much "stuff" Is being With Sir Percy Scott, the champion of the submarine, as one of the strate gists of the British navy, we may ex pect attempts of the British to hit Ger man ships beneath the water. Topical Verse Twenty-Five Years Ago Going; Some. The auto traveled with a whirl Along the pave: He turned and asked, the pretty girl If she were brave. She gulped a pint of dust or less; She sneezed a bit; And then she gayly answered, "Tea, I'm full of grit." i Club Fellow. The Crisis in the Barber Shop. The barber to the right of me hoching for the Kaiser. The barber to the right of me was hacking for the Czar A gentleman from Greece was shearing off my fleece. While very near a swart Italian stropped his scimitar. And when presently discussion, poly glot and fervid. On political conditions burst about , my chair, I left the place unshaven J hope I'm not a craven. But I sort of like to wear a head beneath my hair! New York Evening Bun. The War Fever. I used to think that Jones was strong Within the law's domain. But now I know that I am wrong His forte's Alsace-Lorraine. Tomorrow is election day and The Daily Oregonian wishes to see a large vote cast. Voting in Portland will take place in Multnomah engine house of Comoanv No. 2: iudees A. B. Hal- lock, George H. Flanders and William Wero Rolf and cigarettes, but not office; Judges, C. S. Silver, Henry Lav and S. J. McCormick. And Smith (another sudden blow)- His hobbies. I was sure. They're Brussels, and Namur. The bark Industry arrived from San Francisco last night in tow of the steamer Rescue. The Injlustry sailed from S4n Francisco October IS, and experienced light northwest winds the entire passage. OUR QXTICK AMERICAS SLANG. And Brown, so reticent before, Now keeps waylaying me To mobilise whole army corps Or words on strategy! And Green, who thought tbe one best bet Was peace, now alas! Continually is storming Metz, Armed with a demi-tasse. And Johnson but enough of spite! The worst of all I am. For on a tablecloth last night I drew a diagram! Kennebec (Me.) Journal. Descriptive and Self-Explanatory,' and Ugly, Though Forceful. Detroit .(Mich.) Free Press. Most of our American verb-clauses and coined words are descriptive and tolf.arnlnnotnrv d nil utrlv thnnf h forceful. "Right off the bat" Indicates n Being Jilted. Drorrmtness. exDedition. If we say of I False one. so fickle, yet so fair, a man that he "talks through hia hat," I will not wilt, beneath your frown; we mean, that hols an idealist whose I With smiling face and airy grace theories are impractical. "Giving em hot air" applies to the orator whose words have more sound than sense. "Getting hot under the collar is a synonym for the flush of rising in dignation. To lose one's temper Is to "go up in the air" or to "hit the cell ing." "Where am I at?" reminiscent You threw me down. I'll cast out woe and have you know That 1 have still a merry laugh. I need no bride; I've by my side A phonograph! Though well you look you cannot cook As can the chef at my care. of a befuddled statesman who had lost Though small and -slight, your appetite the thread of his argument could any-I Is great, they say; thing be more expressive of bewilder- I So I shall save nor be your slave; ment and Ineptitude? I I'm glad that you gave me the can; Slang expressions, like the tide, have lou are mine, but I've a line The peninsula of Sinai, where the Israelites are said to have wandered for forty years, promises to become the scene of a struggle for control of the Suez Canal. their rise and fall. On every tongue today. In a short time many are "old. A certain appositeness is essential. For instance, at one time everything had "some class" or was "classy." John Taintor Foote, through Blister Jones, the philosophic Jockey, achieves a def inition that answers to the word thor oughbred; "he's got some class" can not be applied to a quitter. "Keep go Ing. Do your best. Don't whine" are the rules that apply to men and horses who have "class." The use of slang grows on us as people; we are the most slangy among the nations Electric fan! I shall not groan and mope alone! Your scorn my peace can never mar, It's all a Joke. Ha, ha! I'll smoke A rank cigar. Who cares a ran? I am a chap Who will not truckle down, you bet! O, no! but then I'll try again And win you yet. Buffalo (X. Y.) News. Apples- Here's Thessalia, here's the sky Old Sicilian revelers knew It demoralizes our speech when at morn they rollicked by From The Oregonian -of November T, 1SS9. Washington's statehood has been temporarily withheld by President Harrison, as the papers filed were signed by Governor Moore's secretary Instead of himself and attested by the ecretary.- Papers properly filled out have been forwarded to Washington. L. A. Granger, assistant engineer of the Astoria & South Coast Railroad - Co., began surveying a route from the city westward around Smiths Point. Dayld Parsons was the victim of an industrious Portland garroter early yesterday morning. Wheat grown on W. S. Ladd'a farm Is being shown for Dakota wheat by Dakota boomers at Bufalo, N. Y., ac cording to an Oregonian who made the discovery at Buffalo recently. The sudden death of William H. Watkinds. at the Gllman House yes terday, removes a worthy pioneer who came to Oregon in the memorable year 1852. The electric motor cars to Albina were put in operation over the Steel bridge yesterday. They make much better time than the horse cars, but not as much as might be expected when the difference In speed between lightning and a mule is considered. Professor George H. Rider, of Bos ton, will give organ recitals Tuesday and Wednesday evenings on the mag nificent new organ recently established in the Grace Methodist ' Episcopal Church. The regular meeting of the board of police commissioners was held yester day. President Simon and Commission ers Cardwell and Frank were present. The applications to join the police force from Walter A. Robinson, John Reugg and E. IC Whitehead were read. Whitehead was appointed. Andrew Holmberg and James T. Watson were appointed captains of police. . SCHOOL, OF THE OUTDOOR LIFE City Existence an Contrasted With Dis cipline on the Frontiers. Baltimore Evening Sun. The average town-bred man, living and working in a city, is usually to a great extent ignorant of the life of the out-of-door man. What city dwell er is familiar with the daily existence of the man who runs his own ranch in the West, or in Rhodesia, Australia, or Argentina? Who can give a detailed description of the typical daily occupa tion of a Lieutenant-Commander of a United States battleship, a British offi cer in Burmah, or a Captain in the Philippine Scouts? Here is a charac teristic day's routine of one of this type of man: From 6:30 to 8:30 in the morning, parade and stable. Breakfast at 9, and from 9:30 to 10:30 spent in learn ing a foreign language. Ten-thirty to 11, signing accounts. Eleven to 1 o'clock, band practice; 1 to 3, office, orderly-room, signing and drafting let ters. Three to 5 o'clock, conversa tional practice of the foreign language studied in tho morning, and from 5 to 6, play football with the men. An Ho nour day completed, he is off duty. Many pt those who live in cities might profit by a more Intimate knowledge of the lives of their fellow men on the frontiers. The Democratic majority in ' the House is reduced from about a gross to two dozen. Such a slaughter matches that on. any European battle field. . v The report having been made that a Zeppelin raid on Great Britain Is for co-ordination of rail and water , T. .V "tr""' " routes, the people would soon be able " -". to judge fairly whether Mr. Burton's ,.,.. , opinion is well founded, that inland " B f l" 6 TT water transportation in this country is . . , ,7 out of date Coast. Disguised as "Eastern," no- to such a degree that Englishmen de Clare we do not use the English lan guage but are creating a dialect or our own. "Language la a city, to the building of which every human" being brought stone." declared Emerson. We are constantly building. Every new in vention brings additions to our vocab ulary. New meanings are made to at tain to old terms. Thus Gelett Burgess gave us new appelations of two terms in chemistry, "bromide" and "sulphide," which are honored with a place in the dictionary. Mr. Howells recently con tributed "wofsmlth, "wot being an abbreviation of work-of-flction, the term referring to those novelists whose books are inept and futile and to ap ply a phrase of the order we are dis cussing, "the woods are full of them.1 A WORLD'S COMMERCE commission. xhe proposal to turn the saloons Into David Lubin, at whose instigation eating-houses cannot seriously- be the International Institute of Agricul- taken.- Portland has about as many ture was organized, proposes to extend I restaurants as it needs. its -usefulness by a radical inndvatlon The institute is composed of delegates Illinois has saved Secretary Bryan from fifty-four states and by collect- I from the painful necessity of concili- lng and distributing crop statistics ating Roger Sullivan, whom He called from all over the world it has done a trainwrecker in 1908. much to eliminate speculation based on erroneous Information as to the Japan is going to Insist on a power- yield of different countries. He now I ful voice In the war settlement. Let proposes to stabilize the world prices I us hope it willnot become objectlon- of staples by the establishment of an ably powerf uL International Commerce Commission, which would regulate the world's Development of a greater aeroplane ocean freights in the same way as our service for use in the American army Interstate Commerce Commission reg- is being urged. Why not develop an ulates railroad rates. He has Induced I army first? the House of Representatives to adopt a joint resolution instructing him, as a Russian column Is reported to delegate to the institute, to present have marched steadily for thirty hours a resolution instructing the institute to Must have been retreating. invite the adhering governments to participate in an international conrer- Petrograd reports the whole Ger ence. which shall consider the estab- man and Austrian armies again in full llshment or tne proposed commissiorr. I retreat. What, again? In a report to tne permanent com mittee of the institute, Mr. iuDin A reaUCed House majority puts the caned attention to me innuence oi House Democrats on Uneasy street. It ocean ireignt rates on tne price oi u a eolemn portent. staples. t-ie saia mat snipping rings control ocean rreignts ana grant re- with Turk and Russian flirhttnr in bates. They maintain excessive rates Armenia the time is ripe for another ana aestroy competition Dy tne use oi Armenian massacre. fighting ships ana by reDates to This is good time for the remittance men up north to rehabilitate them selves by enlisting. SUBMARINES AND DREADNOUGHTS. There is a growing opinion that as far as naval affairs are concerned the war is to be decided not by dread noughts but 'by the humble subma rines. Thus far they have been more avctive and effectual than the pompous and expensive vessels of the older type. One German submarine, it will be remembered, sunk three British cruisers In a single action. The secrecy with which these craft can move about greatly increases their power to do mischief. There is an account float ing in the press of a German subma rine which coasted the entire extent of Scotland, passing beneath several Brit ish cruisers which were utterly uncon scious of its presence and without power to harm It if they had known all about It. Thus far in the war the dread noughts have confined thelr efforts to stationary guard duty. They look ter rible, but It is extremely doubtful if they can accomplish much more than AN OIJJ DISCUSSION, The authority of the Federal Su preme Court to censor acts of Congress continually emerges ' into discussion. Interest in it is as old as the Govern ment Itself. In 'Thomas Jefferson's time it was the cause of heated con tention between him and John Mar shall, who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Marshall was a strong, not to say a violent, federalist. while Jefferson was a Democrat of the most pronounced type and believed that power ought to be widely distrib uted among the people. In pursuance of his theories Mar shall finally decided a case in which he took occasion to nullify an act of Congress. Jefferson was so incensed at what he called "despotic usurpation" on the part of the court that, with the help of his party associates, he tried to Impeach the whole Supreme Bench, beginning with a pretty well forgotten Judge named Chase. After this man had been disposed of they purposed to attack Marshall himself. The project failed, but the change of a few votes in the Senate when Chase's Impeach- large shippers. They regulate rates, apportion traffic, pool earnings and combine to meet competttlpn of out side lines. Ocean rates have gone up J.1U to tun per ceill in in last Th T.,rV nr. nt rlV nf years. Rates on what is called pack- plunder,nK the Armenians of what llt- age uci8'. 1-"'"1"'"6 -"""- tin thev haVA left on bulk freight, which comprises the staples, vary from day to day. Wheat is sometimes carried free as ballast. while at other times the rate goes up to 20 to 24 cents a bushel. Mr. Lubln explains this difference in treatment to the fact that the trusts are- "god fathers" for iron, for harvesters and for the commission men, but there is no godfather for the staples of agricul- P,i freight is sold hv rrlvtA I Victoria is seeing things, with Von contract, and fluctuations in freight I sPee thousands of miles away. rates affect only the carrier, the ship- Some of those Democratic candi dates haven't recovered yet from the shock. , Branded and earmarked, the Bull Moose is turned on the range. Tom Word seems to have a weak ness for being almost elected. A "dry" San Francisco during Fair year was not to be expected. per and the dealer. The price of sta pies is fixed in the open world market and the buyer, in order to be safe, must not only figure on the world's price, but must guess at the freight ratp which varies from dav to dav. He naturally guesses high. If he wins on netting ria or ijaireriy is an election the guess, his winnings are paid by the lb wel1 done producer; If he loses, he tries to re- Tom Hurlburt is Sheriff and cannot be counted out. Dewey's Submarine Forecast. . New York Evening Post. The activity of German submarines has recalled to Willard D. Vandiver, a former Congressman from West Vir ginia, and member of the House naval affairs committee, a prophecy by Admiral Dewey during the tests of the Holland submarine boat in 1899. Then Admiral Dewey said "that tha time was coming when the submarine would put the expensive steel armored battleship out of busi ness." According to Mr. Vandiver, who Is now an Assistant United States Treasurer rfnd in charge of the St. Louis sub-treasuryi tn an interview in the Republio of that city, the success of the experiment so impressed ? Ad miral Dewey that he declared that If two vessels of this type had been in the harbor of Manila when he sailed in he would not have dared enter. Mr. Vandiver said that the Admiral stated, moreover, that four craft of the Hol land type could protect New Tork Harbor from the attack of any power's navy. Prayers for All He Saw. John Wheelock, the second president of Dartmouth College, was a most spectacular character. Wilder D. Quint, In his Story or uartmoutn, says oi him: "He lacked culture and In his writing was turgid and almost illiterate. Lord relates that his prayers at chapel were marvels of grotesque taste. Having one day chanced to attend some experi ments in the chemistry of gaBes, he thanked the Lord in his next chapel prayer for the elements in detail: 'We thank thee. O Lord, for the oxygen gas; we thank thee, O Lord for the hvdroaren cran: we thank thee. O Lord. for the nitrogen gas and for all the gases.' . . "At another time he was impressed in the same way by the wonders of anatomy and expressed his gratitude in like form for the cerebrum, the cerebellum and for the medulla oblon gata.' " Ills Smart Grandson Acta. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. An elderly business man recently lent his grandson money to purchase a motorcycle. The money was to be paid back by installments, the machine to remain the property of the grandfather until the last payment bad been -made. The other day, while out riding, the boy met his grandfather and Jumped off his motorcycle. "Say. grandfather, said -the boy, "who does this machine belong to?" "It belongs to me until you have Liade the last payment. That was the agreement, you know. But why do you ask?" "Well. I Just wanted to make sure," remarked the boy with a grin. "Your motorcycle needs a new tire." In the daisies and the dew. Here's your lips of Helen, drung Into one gold globe of sweet Taste, and turn to something young. uancing on tsanausian icet. Apples, apples, tart and fine. Apples red, and apples yellow; Apples of Falernian wine Playing hades with a fellow! Grimes' Golden, Stayman, Rambo. Smokehouse, Carthouse, Jonathan Fruit from groves of Maricambo? No, from vales American. Here's your April and October In the thin skin of a gleam; Here's your Bacchic god knocked over Just from tasting sun and dream! Walk up, wake up, have an apple. Blobed In summers that shall be Born again in beams that dapple. All this mist of land and sea. Baltimore Sun. Importation of Intoxicant. MARQUAM. Or.. Nov. 6, 1914. (To the Editor.) Please tell us if prohibition prohibits importation of liquor for pri vate uses? , W. N. P. It will be legal under the amendment as adopted to import liquor from a wet state on filing affidavit that it is for personal use. Whether the Legis lature will pass a more drastic act re mains to be seen. Keeping IUgldly Neutral. Sty Louis Post-Dispatch. Gates Are you keeping neutral right along? Clemens I have been neutral for ao long I have forgotten by this time which countries are fighting. The Haste Rta-ht. Hush thee! It is the magic night. And the moon her lonely tryst does keep. Be still! Rest now thy voice a while. And then to thee will come the beat The beat of the magic world is around. It is only In silence that magic is found. Hush thee! The wind will then her se cret tell; Thy love will come in its whispers clear. . Gaze in the glass of the cool night air. And you'll see the face you hold most dear. The beat of the magic world is around. It is only in silence that magic is found. Hush thee! And when the midnight hour Proclaims itself, do thou thy part. Hold out thy hands with love in them. Take thou the world to thy throbbing heart. The beat of the magic world is around. It is only in silence that magic Is found. New York Herald. coup himself in his next deal, also at the producer's expense. The shipping monopolies thus have the power to raise and lower the price of staples at will. They introduce a speculative ele ment into the price which enhances It. , Mr. Lubin proposes that the Inter national Commerce Commission should co-operate with the various national regulative bodies and with chambers of commerce and agriculture, and that The Hague tribunal be empowered to adjudicate points of International law, with a view to equalizing rates. The commission would synchronize lncom- Woman's suffrage has Justified Itself many fold. What is happening to the British navy? This is the "weefc for the canal to open. Why, even Multnomah County went dry. Turks routed. Sounds natural. Started Christmas shopping? Love's Tragedy. Dear lost love of long ago! Parted by a fate malign, Much I mused upon your woe. " Missing these strong arms of mine. Oft I dreamed, with fond regret. Of the beauty of your face; None I subsequently met Had your loveliness and grace. I was sure that you, out there. Long and faithfully would wait. Hoping still my lot to share. Scorning any other mate, So I. dreaming, toiled, unwed. Seeking wealth to bring to you. Thinking nothing need be said Of the love of lovers true. Fortune finally I won. At a bitter, cruel cost! I came to you on the run For the love I now have lost. Yes, I find forgive these groans-- Waiting Is a losing game! You are obese, Mrs. Jones, And you've quite forgot my name! Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. There With the Answer. Philadelphia Telegraph. In a public school one afternoon the teacher was instructing a class in phy siology, and finally, in order to test the memory of the youngsters, she closed tbe book and began to ask questions. Willie.' said she, addressing bright-faced boy near the head of the class, "can you give me a familiar ex ample of the human body as it adapts Itself to changed conditions?" "Sure!" was the confident rejoinder. "My Uncle Jake gained 60 pounds in less than one year, and his skin never cracked." With li Once Again. Rah, Rah. Rah. Zip. Boom, Bah. Old familiar sound. See 'em wince Bring the splints. Call the doctors round. Mama's boy. Pride and Joy Laid out in the fray; Five ribs broke. What a joke. Dandy work. Hurray! Kick their shins. Break their chins. Tie 'em in a knot. . Beat em up, Eat 'em up. Drag 'em 'round a lot. Smash the line; Gee! That's fine. Let no man escape. Kill the ends. Make their friends Put on yards of crepe. Do your worst. Do it first; There's no law to fear. Rah, Rah, Rah, Zip, Boom, Bah. Football season's here. Topeka, Kan., State Journal. For Tomorrow: POLLY AND HER PALS Are you following the career of Polly, the new headliner of the color comics who has made her ap pearance in Ihe bunday (Jreeo- niant You will enjoy Polly whether you are very young or very old, lor Polly is wholesome, entertain ing and full of fun and life. New War Features The Submarine A tiny craft, it is fighting a struggle for suprem acy of the sea. Not even the mighty dreadnought can- survive the sting of the tiny submarine. An illustrated article by an expert., "What Will We Get? Just what benefits will accrue to the United States from the great war is dis cussed by Leon Goldmerstein, an authority of international reputa tion. Pretexts and Causes A record of the queer incidents and circum stances that have precipitated bloody clashes. Many of them ap pear most trivial. An illustrated article. Tamous Sieges Constantinople in 1433 and Antwerp in 1832 were besieged and the stories of the fights are interestingly recorded in an illustrated article. War in Art Reproductions in colors of two more famous war paintings. War Photo s Latest action scenes from tho battle frout. French Artillery in Action A sketch in colors drawn for The Sunday Oregonian on the French filing line by Lieutenant Xavier Sager, the noted illustrator. It shows the French retaking St. Hi laire. The Piano Lesson Those who have been following the free piano course in The Ore gonian Dow have made consider able advancement. The fifth les son is ia the keys of E and C. ... The- Children's Page Seven at tractive illustrated features and a number of bright stories and spe cial articles make np a page which can be torn out and handed to the little ones. An Immense Volume of Other Fea tures to Meet Every ; Taste and Interest. Order today cf your newsdealer,