THE MOT? NTNO OTSEGfONTAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1914. 11 ABOLITION OF DEATH x PENALTY MAY 'PASS Complete Returns From 25 of 34 Counties Put "Yes" in Lead 239 Over "No." TWO SLAYERS MAY LIVE Late Figures Fail to Give Any Ad vantage to Either of Normal School Bills Withycombe Continues to Gain. Complete returns from 25 of the 34 counties in the state give the measure providing: abolition of death as a pen alty for murder in the first degree a lead of 239. . The measure voted on at Tuesday's elect lbn carried no substitute fori the death penalty, so persons convicted of murder In the first degree may go unpunished. Two murderers now are awaiting execution of the death sen tence at Salem. It is probable that their lives will be spared if the bill actually has passed. Virtually all the populous centers of the state now have reported their votes on the measure. Later figures fail to give any ad vantage to either of the normal school bills. With the returns from Multno mah County included, the Southern Oregon Normal now is nearly 6000 votes behind, while the Weston Nor mal has an adverse majority of nearly 3000 votes. The totals on these two measures now are: Southern Oregon normal, yes. ....... .78,764 Southern Oregon normal, no.., &0,71ft PRIZE-mNOTNG TWINS OF THE MANUFACTURERS AND LAND PRODUCTS BABY SHOW. 'f if; - f - - . . ' f t w - ' - ' - m ': - r y ' A. .. A., ' ' f X - fx I ' - . HARBOR BILL TO BE CONSIDERED EARLY PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Paeinc Title & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. ot Com. ACCOKPION PLEATING. Continuing Contract for Co lumbia River Improvement Among Probabilities. K. STEPHAK Hemstltvhlnjt and scalloping. accord, siae Dieai.. Dim""" uy..-, ponged; mall orders. 38a Alder. BRING in your old jewelry, old gokl 'ler ore or platinum and get cash tor it. IT. A. OIU IN. w. Pius-. " MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Vm 2d- Gld. silver ana piannum u ims n " AITORNV8, UNUSUAL CARE REQUIRED LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tiord bldg.; Portland. Oregon, rnoaa jiam wqo. Majority against 4.9B1 Weston normal, yea 78,218 Veston normal, no .,..81,212 Majority against 2,994 Dr. James Withycombe, for Gov ernor, and Georgre E. Chamberlain, for United States Senator, continue to make leads in the later returns. The previous estimates that Chamberlain will carry the state by approximately 27,000, and Withycombe by 35,000, are borne out by the figures reported yes terday. Hurlbnrt'a Plurality 201. Thomas M. Hurlburt, Republican, has been elected Sheriff ot Multnomah County, according "to complete but un official figures, by a plurality of 291 votes over Thomas M. Word, Democrat. On account of alleged irregularities In the count, it is probable that Sheriff Word will ask for an official recount of the votes. Hurlburt declared yesterday that he is ready to face a recount. He be lieves that he was elected on the square and says that he is ready to prove this contention. It now seems certain that C. M. Hurl burt, Republican, has been elected State Representative in the Multnomah Clackamas joint district. Hurlburt was repudiated by the Republican organ isations of both counties and Hurst was supported by Republicans almost gen erally. In spite of this Hurlburt ha been elected. He is in Wisconsin no, ' and it is not probable that he will re- . turn. Hurst declares that inasmuch as Hurlburt is disqualified for the office, he will try to gain the seat for him self. McArthar'a Plurality 3010. Complete figures also show that C. N. McArthur, Republican, has been elected to Congress from the Multno LOHITA AND LOLITA ROBIN SOX. " The healthy-looking twins of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Robinson, of Mult nomah, could not but help attract the attention of the Judges of the Armory Show. The girls are S years of age. Each little head is cov ered -with a mass of the lightest blonde hair. Lorita and Lolita are almost the same in size and weight and since birth have rigidly kept Just three-quarters of a pound apart. GRAIN MARKETS ACTIVE COUNTRY PURCHASES MADE 03T BASIS OF 1.16 1 FUTURES HIGHER, Larxeit Day's Business on Local Ex change Reported and Conditions Indicate Farther Advances. All the wheat markets in the North west are excited. Prices are moving up each day and purchases were made yesterday even above the Liverpool parity. Exporters did much of the buying, and it is -evident they antici pate the foreign markets will advance still further In the next few days so as to show a profit on the dealings. Club wheat was bought In the Walla Walla country at equal to $1.16 here, although the local market tpr prompt ciud did not get above $1.14 V4 during the day. Country purchases of forty- fold were on the basis of $1.16, and farmers were offered equal to 11.20 for bluestem for immediate shipment. At the Merchants' Exchange. 60,000 bushels of wheat changed hands, which Is 10,000 bushels more than was sold on the best day heretofore, on August 19. Most of the trading yesterday was in wheat for future delivery. Alto gether, 45,000 bushels of bluestem were sold at $1.20 for December up to $1.23 House Committee May Meet In Ad vance of Session, but Senate Fili buster Is Still Threatened . If "Pork" Appears. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Nov. 6. The preparation of a river and harbor bill will be onaof the I first things undertaken when Congress reassembles in December. . If possible. the House leaders want to pass the new river and harbor bill through the lower I branch of Congress before the holiday recess, so as to give as much time as possible for its consideration in the Senate. Unless some sort of river and harbor bill does pass at the short ses sion, work necessarily will have to be abandoned on practically every project in the country, The $20,000,000 makeshift bill that passed at the recent session, wns de signed only to continue work on ex lsting projects until March 1. by which date it was expected that a regular river and harbor bill would be passed and become effective, and on most proj ects the amounts allotted out of the $20,000,000 appropriation will be ex hausted by the close of the short ses sion. New Projects Not Authorised. Under the bill of the. recent session no new projects were authorized nor were surveys provided for, and author gained lenient recommendations from Motions of these types necessarily will Detectives Hellyer and Tackaberry, with the result that he received the light sentence of six months' imprison ment lrom Municipal Judge Stevenson be deferred until another regular river and harbor bill is passed. Among other items that went down to defeat with the river and harbor yesterday morning. Petit larceny was bill of the past session was the con the charge 'brought against the con fessed robber. ' - Gratitude was not Included in the general makeup of J. Rollo Woods, for the specific $30 theft on which he was tinuing contract authorization for the mouth of the Columbia River. Had that project been placed on a continuing contract basis there would have been no further concern over appropriation H. G. Pratt, another roomer of the Y. M. C. A., who but a short time previ ous had obtained for Woods the posi tion he was holding with the gas com pany. Woods also confessed to robbing an uncle who had befriended him. His depredations In the Y. M. C. A. had been going on for some time, including many articles, from raincoats to small pieces of Jewelry. Woods is 2i years old, well dressed and good-looking. He frankly admitted the thefts of which he was accused and told the officers of others committed. M. s373. ASSAYt-Ka AND ANALYSTS. Sennet. R. DANCING. MR. and Mrs. Heath's Academy; lessons daily; class Mon. and Fr. eve., 8 to 1U. 231 Morrison, cor. 2d. Marshall 813. HEATH'S Dancins School. 10 Second at., bet. Wash, and Stark.; lessons daily; ail the latest dances tsught. PLUMES. 0 KLECTKIO MOTORS. inuiuno, generator uwugut. do all kinds ot repair- . rtDPPviriRl.u General practice, ab- " streets, contracts, collections, etc.; consul tation tree, .-sew omcw lug; bldK. Main 490;:. Open evenings. BUSINESS COLLEGE. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. P.uss from old car.u pets, ran rugs, .l&s t.asi nm. oum v"""-' CELLULOID BUTTONS. BAIKiEH. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 82 5th st. I-hone Main 12 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and VUllam. Jr., Deveny, thn An r scientinc cniruuwjmB " v. .a. purlori. xo2 uerllniter bide. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. cuioAonniKT and trnot Sneclallst. ael zanlne lioor. in. w. naim piug. mm -ji. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. tUU. uglcea. j.-lieqner Dreg. Mrs. M. D. Main 8473. CHIROPRACTIC FHiaiCtmS. rift. U'lUHQN. 121 4th Chronic . . ,n. ., - 1 u.l. MtK treatmen lb. siu; uiuqib iw. ....... IS CLEANING ANI PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each week tor (1.00 per montn. i!ioi:r tailoring CO.. S09 Stark; St.. bet. 0th and Oth. Main 614 COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes, Judgments collected. 'Adopt Short Metnouc. snort AOjustmem jo. 820 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 974. K kth j& CO.. Worcester bldg. Main lii" No collection, no charge, rjstaousneo iyuu. UENTISTS. lJlt. A. W. KEEN E, Majestic Theater bldg., S51 H Washington St. jaarsnan pvo. DANCING. PREPARE FOR THE WINTER'S )A WPlVfl KEA.SOM. The Vernon Castle Method of Teaching.' Ttasrlnners' course. We sruarantee to teach you to waltz, twostep. twinkle hesitation and onesteo in four strictly private les- Hons. S5- single lessons, si.&u. Advanced society dancing Castle's halt and halt, tox trot, lulu lado. lancy one steuplng and hesitating; maxlxe. 8 private lessons. 910; single lessons, Make -vour appointments now. La Ser- rlnta Jk Huntington Freeman. S18 Ellers ' bldg. Main 6i!55. sold, rented and r.'na 1 rui) w lng and rewinding; all work guaranteed. xl. Jtt. H. Electrlo CO.. 21 irst St. XHorm Phone Main t210. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and omce near 24th and York sts. Muin 34y. RIB3ER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialists; glasses fitted. Ir. x--. casseday. 517 Dckum bi., 4a at wan. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw- tnorne. (general machine and tounury wora. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing. printing and enlarging. flltE fe HAM CO.. 345 Washington St. MACHINERY Enaines. boilers, suwmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 03. A zias. MOVING PICTURES. FILMS, machines, supplies, rented or sold. United Film Co., 22ti 2d st. MUSICAL. Emil Thielhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 2V7 Flleaner Diag. a 4100, jsarsnau iwm NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, ner vous chronio diseases. oM Oregonlan bldg. NURSERY. CHOICE 2 and 8-year-old roses. 2oc: shrub. bery, trees and climbers. Woodlawn 2519, OPTICIANS. FIGHT on high prices. lu for a nen l can lth first quality lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as fl.COT Goodman, lal Morrison St., near unuge. t attsiactlon guaranteed. v A riUHi on hig I wsT 1 Why ?ay s-to VJfV K J pair of glasses wh - fit your eyes wl OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Broadway and WaHhinjcton street. Office pnone, Main 3J; retilaenc, Kast 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. T. J. GE1SLER, Att'y-at-Law. 508 Henry, wm. -w. oc.imioi, ing. ana araiuman. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice, U. S. and loreign patents. uu ieKum Diag. PAWNBROKERS. I3TKIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 19 years In buameas. Liberal loans on diamonda. atcnes, cameras, etc Z6 tn au N DON'T throw your old plumes away; we are experts in feat ner dyeing, cleaning and remotlwU lng, mounting birds of paradise our specialty. "THE PLC ME." Ua Morgan bids. Main 400M. XIPK- PACIFIC COAST STAMP WOKKS. 1!31 Wat a. ml. Phone Main 110 and A 2710. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED in lu minutes wiiilo you ait- New York Shoe Repair Co., 243 Alder st. SHOWCASE, BANK & STORE PIXTfRES. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 10th and Flanders ISew and old window display and cabinet work. FOK reasonable prices see Western Fixture c hnowcaee o., -o rt. luin. Marsnau 1 . 6TORAGE AM) TRANSFER. POKTLAND Van t Storage Co., cor. litu and ivearney sts.. Just completed, new fire proof warehouse for household effect, planes and automobiles; contains separata lire and vermin-proof rooms, eteatn-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vauita; track age for carload shipment, vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through curd. Main 5040. all departments. C O. PICK Transfer Storage Co. Oftic and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vauita for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic anoV foreign ports. Main AuO, A 1VU0. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. New fireproof warehouse with separata rooms. We move and pack household, goods end pianos and ship at reduced; rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage Oitic and warehouse 15th and. Hoyt sis. Main 547, A 11-47. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO., IS til and Everett Sts. Pianos and household goods moved packed and shipped, reduced freight rates on all household goo-is t and from East, through car service. Main 7uS, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main tiU or A Hoy. We own and operate two largo class 'A " warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In city. MAD1SON-ST. POCK and WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison; general merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7iiU. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood; blockwood. ama Fuel Co. Main .Wilt). A asyy. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS AGRICULTURAL, IMPLEMENTS. R. M. Wade & Co., 322-326 Hawthornea. ARCHITECTURAL WIBB IRON WO'RKS. Portland Wije 6c Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. GROCERIES. WADHAMS A CO., 69-J6 Fourth st. AUTO AND BCGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLB BUGQY TOP CO., 200 d st. for the last half ot January. Decern- v-u.8.. b club brought 1.15 and December mah County str ct by a plurality of flfo u, lds were made of 1.18H for 10,000 bushels of spot bluestem and 8016 over A. P. Flegel, Democrat. His total vote was 26.691 to 23,675 for Fle gel. A. W. Lafferty-, incumbent and in dependent candidate, secured 16,731. George E. Chamberlain, Democrat, has carried the county for re-election to the United States Senate by a plural ity of 9661 over R. A. Booth. Republi can. The vote on the Senatorship now stands: Chamberlain, 35,672; Booth, 26,011; William Hanley, Progressive, 8516. Dr. James Withycombe, Republican, for Governor, has secured a plurality of 11,797 over Dr. C. J. Smith, Demo crat. The vote on the Governorship Is: witnycomoe, a,W4; Bmitn, 27,151; w, 8. U'Ren, independent, 4902. There have been no changes In any of the other candidates or measures in the complete count. $1.11 for 10,000 bushels of spot fife. but there were no sellers at these prices. Pacific Coast wheat is worth more in England than it ever was before. There were bids on cargoes ot 49 shil lings for club, 49 shillings 6 pence for forty-fold and 50 shillings for milling bluestem. The best price heretofore paid for Oregon wheat in Europe was 46 shillings 9 pence during the Letter wheat boom. European buyers are inquiring also for flour cargoes here, but have-made no purchases during the past two weeks. haled before the court was made from to complete the north Jetty, for once a prujeci goes on mo cuuiiuuius the appropriations for continuing the work are made annually in the sundry civil bill, which must be passed at each recurring session. Lnofflrlal Bill Discussed, There is some talk that Chairman Sparkman, of the House committee on rivers and harbors, may call his com mittee together some time the latte part of November to prepare the rivers and harbors bill unofficially. The com mittee by that time will be able to have access to most of the estimates of the Army engineers on which to base a bill, and by meeting in advance of the session they will be able to report the bill to the House within- a week or ten days of the opening of the session. It will require less than a week to pass any river and harbor bill through the House. - The House, of necessity, will have to exercise unusual care in passing a river and harbor bill during the short session, for if their bill is loaded down again with pork-barrel appropriations, as was the bill of the last session, it most certainly will be held up when it reaches the Senate. The trouble with the last bill was that most of the pork items were slipped In by the Senate committee, although the House passed several indefensible Items when it first put through the bill reported by Its river and harbor committee. - Filibuster StUI Threatened. It is a moral certainty that the AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLQU & WHIOHT, "th and Oak sta. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Bassage & Omnibus, Transfer. Park Davis. BICYCLE, MOTORCYCLE St SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Cont., Inc.. 11th and Everett BREWERS ft BOTTLERS. HENRY V'ElNHARU,13th and Bnrnslds. "CASCARA BARKAXb GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BKOS., 191 FRONT ST. LIME AND PLASTER. & CO.. 45 Fourth atreet. CEMENT, F. T. CROWE COFFEE, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSETT & DEVEKS, 1-11 N. front St. LICENSE UP TO POLICE "WHKN IS ITALIAN SALOON DISOR DERLY" BAFFLVS COUNCIL. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHXER, MAYER ac CO., 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co.. 6th. and pine sta. f. It MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HA1H GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKl'M BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 53-6S Front HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS., iul Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East End of Burnside Bridge. STEEL, STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDKV. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock ot STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES, TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, m. findings. LIME, CEMENT. PLASTER, METAL LATH Tne J. ucuraKen t.o., 1114 uosra or xraue. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and" 7th sta. ORNAMENTAL IRON Portland Wire & Iron Wks., AND WIRE. Id and Columbia PAINTS AND WALL TAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 166 First street. V. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davm. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUS-SEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sta PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, Front street. PLUMBING M. L. KLINE, AND STF.AM SUPPLIES. Front street. PRINTERS AND W. HALXtS & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FVKKD1XO & FARRELL. liy Front il ROPE AND BINDING TWINEl Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Norchrup. sand"and gravel! ' COLUMBIA DIGGER Co.. . tout ot Ankeny. SASH. DOORS AND GLASSZ W. P. FULLER & CO., lL'lh and Lavls. ' Portland Iron Works. 14th and Nortnrup. soda fountaTw "supplies. COLCMBIA SUPPLY CO., 6S Frunt at. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 130 2d st. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mf Co.. S3 Fifth s WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. BUTTERFIELD PROS.. MOHAWK BLDG. Plea Made That Games Are Noisy, hut Closing ot Place of Recent Mar. der Depends on Testimony. PEACE- WAVE FORESEEN JAPANESE ENVOY OK CHRISTIAN CHURCHES IS OPTIMISTIC. Dr. K. Tiansnhlms, Speaking at Young Mrn'v ChrlnUan Association, De plores Religious Veneer' Noted. "After this war has ended the Chris Horn nf thu world should unite in a What is disorder? This is a quetslon which the City Commission will decide this morning. It arose yesterday when the Council considered recommendations of Chief of Police Clark and others that the license of an Italian saloon at 641 filibuster of the past session will be Fourth street be revoked because tke rPeai5U k" J XVJlVL great peace movement that will sweep " ' .j . - I Ir.nt i.. th. r var anl hllrhAr I fLWSV Tnft firmed camps Ol in nearing testimony in tne case yes- blli and in view of tna f act tnat there assure the settlement of disputes m teroay, the Commission learned that will be only three months' of the short .,..., of arbitration. The war is a the disorder referred to was disorder I session, during which all of the regu-1 , ,, Dirutinns It means caused by the playing of noisy Italian 'ar appropriation Dills musx De passea, tback for reiigi0n the world over. games. Now the question is. Should " ,"u"'" " m these words Dr. K. Tsunashlma, the American people class this as dis- If thoae ln charge of the river and for 20 years Congregational pastor at order or should the racket be con- harbor bill will make appropriations Tokio and now peace envoy of the sldered within the bounds of propriety only for meritorious projects, they will christian churches to the United States, Decause it is part oi the customs ol De aDie to get tneir om tnrougn ooiu It 1 a nnrf nf thjk mitnml nf AM flhlA tn STAt their bill thrOUETh DOta . . . . . . . . . nAnfllnt nniinT rnrmr n r 1 1 1 -r-r l I.. :. " - I. .... . . ... ... . , jj, summea up tne eiieti ui .....w- ine prourietors or tne saioon are it. I tiun to Hupruurnniuii caiduuk D ...... M ... I A T If I .. : I T I t t - I n n. Mm w- 1 -A oKnviw r uiui.t.wiAjiujiji iuauuu.T -s' .u,, "."i" They are a number of other Italians new projects which are possessed of eplrit is with us In the work of ce menting the friendship betwee'n the peoples ot the two countries. "I have found that the anti-Japanese feeling is like an epidemic It Is dy ing out in California. In Portland 1 find not the slightest trace of it. "I was in Paris the day war was declared. The city was ln a furore of excitement. The armies were on the move and all of the talk was war. I saw that although there are many great Christians in Europe, the religion itself has not taken a firm hold on the nations, that it Is but a religious veneer." Dr. Tsunashlma left last night for San Francisco, where he will take pas sage for Japan after an absence of one year. AMUSEMENTS. Hurlburt Says He Would Iike to See One If Rival Insists. Although he declares that many votes cast for him at Tuesday's elec tor Defendants In Case. Instruction to return a verdict of riot guilty was given to the jury ln the case of Thomas Johannssen and M. G. Thorsen by Judge Bean ln United in their Sunday best! real merit. Such a bill doubtless will! the disturbances were I make the improvement at the mouth of upon the work of the churcn. Dr. Tsunashlma spoke at the Young Men's Christian Association last night on "The Position ot Christianity in Japan." He pointed out that ' Japan who declared English that part of their play. Several police- the Columbia River a continuing con- 1itt1n nr -rowls or doctrines, but i-'"i t"i mis proDaoiy was trace u i. .ti.. t,. th. .nlrlt nf Chris I .... A . .. . . . . I A : n tl.. 1 a I limb lb ,o ova. . a. J I I A 1 U U. Afc 1.11 J A AA ID 11AQV W OX O SUXO tllCttl ASOUiniUB All AA A til IT A11A1AI1AB A ,1,A1 I . tl there was plenty of noise and that the and harbor appropriations proceed ln tlanlty rrom tne v esiern "onu. Italians wars rlninir nmnihini, o I s-nni, faith, and frame a meritorious I said that the missionary who goes to tlon were thrown out by the Judges, states District Court yesterday. The tables that might be classed as play measure, they will probably be called I Japan must forget the subject of creed pernaps illegally, bneriix lorn word, defendants were charged with having it was decided by the Commission upon to report a bill larger than the -rt must nntxr Into the spirit ot the wno appears on tne lace or the re- conspired to conceal the assets of a that the policemen who have patrolled average, as It will be expected to cover reiini0n that he preaches or he will . . . . u ...... . kin.ll 1A 1 LA Al A. A11AJ All 111 A A U UUIL111I u.uu a I in. 111. I fl II vn n I FID IflllDTI B 11 I wnriC T Til TT1 IHirrn 1 I M I 1 III jun. AU. I J A A. . . .... n V. .. , .lain , I a Ul - ' i.vyuA.iiv-,1 i i i.,uiij UM.ii.y . lis. anouia da nnarti n tiai rno tam wa 11 h inrRA moninH more Tnan a vear. Divi iooi luKiu auha i, wj miii tun-1 -it is penectiy apparent irom tne i postponed until 8 o clock this morning siderlng whether or not to contest the testimony in this case that there is when the rjolicemen win h n hani election of his opponent. nothing criminal, as far as the bank- to testify. Charges acalnst the saloon 0 CTATFC rtPMAMn POPfiFP I shall have no occasion to enter 1.1. . nnnr.mAH n .TivtMmr U,.,. k. v... .i i. v. I - w i n i iw ikiiinnw uiiul.ii protest until the official count is I that was done bv snv of these nartlea." I of a T,nmhr nf o-nn ninv. in made next week, said Sheriff Word sala judge Bean. the saloon and because of the murder last nighL Then my decision will "The law makes It a crime for a of an Italian named. Coco some time rest largely upon the advice of my bankrupt to conceal his property after ago ln the saloon. Clamor for Possession of "June the Blondes" Accomplice Continues. friends. bankruptcy, or during the continuance "It has come to our knowledge that ti,r i- ,ft riiai.hir frnm votes cast for me were thrown out in ,,,.,. hnt thr rr. law nalcit.a- f.nnOOCCi. WriCUCn DnrtTU k" :.v; i u u o i i i u nouLu uuum many precincts because of erasures on ,t a crime for a bankrupt to transfer tnA hn 1 Int . Tn nrapltipr 37 fnr InstaniA I . . . . ... i .1 . a.: . 1 nis property to a creditor or any one i . . . , . 73 ballots were thrown out by one of ),. j k. hj Ilespect and Admiration Cbanired to - I A A.. A A 1 1. . . ... . 1 A5AOA., MAVA..1V. .. V W .A... , the night Judges which the day judge. HuriDurt supporter at that, said should have beep counted for me. The same thing occurred ln other precincts, and if the discrepancy is general, it may have been that I was properly elected. The vote as I have canvassed it gives Mr. Hurlburt a lead of only 134 votes. "If Sheriff Word wants a recount of tne voie cast at luesaays election ne f!hlrlv Rurb ninr of th. Pni-i. certainly has that privilege," said iand office of the United States For- u nomas m.. nunran mat nignt. "wot eBtry Department, is compiling statls tnat l mean to insinuate against tna n-hinh win chow ih. ,frA.(A,nn of Judges of eletclon or that any errors tho flre rangers during the past year fl a 1 UUUO n rji q iiiauc, u u t. A nuuiu IIIVO I in rhA as between the parties." TIMBER AND GAME SAVED Statistics Sliow How Rangers Cat Losses on Xational Forests. Love Declare Republicans. At a meeting of the Republican County Executive Committee yesterday. Va fnllnwlntf tilAMrrnm ... ,, , - ly ordered sent to Robert A. Booth, of d by Judge Morrow only by a pardon Eugene, Republican candidate fori - . Two states still clamor for the pos session of E. H. Carpenter, confessed forger and accomplice of "June the Blonde." While held in the City Jail on a warrant issued ln San Francisco charging forgery, attorneys triea to se cure his release yesterday by habeas corpus proceedings, but were uneuc- cessf uL It la contended, that he can be freed from the parole granted him on Tnurs- that the churches in Japan have united in Christian effort, that creeds have been made secondary and that the evangelism of the empire has been the sole aim of the church. More mission aries with a broad view of the religion ami co-oneration in the effort to unify the churches of Japan are tne neeos ot the empire today, he said. The Japanese pastor has traveled through California in his effort to spread harmon-y and better feeling be tween the United States and japan, Before visiting the West he held a con ference with President Wilson. I spoke to the President from my heart." said the pastor, "not as Presl- State Sues Auto Dealer. VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) Clyde J. Moss, a local automo bile dealer and repair man, has been ordered to pay to the State Industrial Insurance Commission $14.40 due for Moss' share of the fee paid by em ployers. Moss' class requires that he pay 2 per cent Insurance, and the Commission showed hg0ad not paid it iur t w v penuuB. iiiiatia nie bocodu such suit started In Clarke County. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND, Or- Nov. . Maximum emperature. o2.0 degrees; minimum, 42. u decrees. Itiver reading. 8 A. M., feet; hanire ln last 24 nours, u.z it. ran. Total rainfall (3 P.M. to 6 P.M.). nana; since September 1. 1914, 7.22 lnohes; normal ince Kentember 1. incnes; excess since September 1. 1914, .01 Inches. Total sun hlna. i: nours oil minutes: DOssiDie sun shine. V hours ol minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), S P. M., 30.21 Inches. TBS WEATHER. in the recent to see a recount myself. I am quite I anj Idaho. willing to amoe Dy tne decision maoe There was a continuous drought of by the majority of the voters and 1 1 73 days during the Summer, of 1914. nave noining to nioe. 1 nad no. one and yet he amount of destruction by out to watch the election, while Sheriff forest nres perhaps was less than one- wora iihu oifa. " a recount is third of that ot 1910. -whan tha nroncrht lasted do days. United States Senater election: R. A. Booth, Eugene, Or Dear Mr. Booth: Respect and admiration changed to love upon association with you. Sub lime ln defeat, manly ln action, your States of Oregon. Washington to be made I shall Insist that every precinct in the county be Included ln the proceedings." Mr. Hurlburt's friends assert that they, too, have been advised of num erous instances where their votes were thrown out for various reasons and that they would probably offset the omissions claimed by Sheriff Word." With highest personal regards and the wish that your usefulness as a citizen may increase, the Republican County Central Committee of Multnomah Coun ty bids you godspeed. "ELMER Li. AMIDON. Secretary. It is said Carpenter has offered full restitution of the 7B0 check drawn on the Anglo-American Bank of San Fran cisco and passed upon the Palace Hotel of that city, but the banners- associa tion, of which the victimized institu tion ia a member, makes it an invari ant rule nevef to compromise forgeries and demands the extreme penalty for offenders of this kind. FOUR jmASURES INDORSED The office of the Columbia Forest Reserve has been removed from Hem lock, Wash., to the forestry head- quarterns In Portland, for the Winter. A. is. (janoon is supervisor of the district. The protection of game on forest reserves has resulted ln marked in' crease, especially among the elk. A herd of 1000 has grown to 7000 in seven years. Medford and Ashland Favor Capital Punishment Abolishment. MEDFORD, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.) With Medford and Ashland complete and all important precincts in Jackson County heard from, capital punishment abolishment has received a majority of 743 votes, the count standing, for 3276, against 2533. This amendment with the citizenship, Ashland Normal and Weston Normal are apparently the only measures to be endorsed here. MANY THEFTS CONFESSED 3. Rollo Woods Appears Unaware of Seriousness of Offenses. RECALL PAY DUE MONDAY Warrants for About $ 11 ,5 6 8 Being Prepared for Distribution. Judges and clerks who served in the recall election last week will receive their salaries Monday. City Auditor Barbur announced yesterday that no checks will be ready until that time. The Auditor's office, is busy getting out 4000 warrants, aggregating about $11,568, one warrant being issued for each election Judge and clerk. The checks will cover also the meals served the election boards. BANKS SEE BETTER TIMES Currency Act Believed Boon to Firm Credit in All Trade Ldses. In preparing to co-operate with the regional bank at San Francisco in the administration of the new Federal re serve system, Portland members of the system point out that the operation of the new currency law will serve to extend the credit power of the Portland members materially and thus tend to make times better immediately. Under the new law the legal mini mum that must be held in reserve has been "reduced from 25 to 15 per cent, nhih will release about J4. 000.000. The benefit it this provision, which is made possible by the soundness of the it X X r 4 s ,.v. . VAA.. Dr. K. Tanacsfctna. Japanese Peace Kavoy. Who Spoke at Y. M. C. A. Last Night. Arraneements are being made for the .AAionAi hank: at San Pranclaco. will Naively confessing sufficient thefts payment of the rental on the stores begin to be felt as soon as the new I dent of the United States, but as a at the Young Men's Christian Associa-iand buildings used for polling places, system Is inaugurated November 16. great Christian gentleman, one 01 tne io o n, him tn tho nan it on tin rv Tha total of this has not been ram-I x-irtnoilv without Montinn Portland I finest types of Christians in tne coun for-several years on a burglary charge, piled, but It probably vwlll be close to bankers are pleased with the pro- try. Japan has absolute confidence in ..who,, n tinar,nt rnmnrdh anslon of I (10. 000. The entire election cost la a-r- I to ha oiirrlpil out in tha ftppnn. I Mr. Wilson, both as President Of th 1 thai, MArinusnesa. J. Rollo Worids nested to ba about S25.000. I w.atlnn of the new svatem. 1 United States and as a Christian. His HEILIG STATIONS. Wind Stat ot Raker I 4(1 0.00! 4 NWiPt. cloudy Boise oo o.oo o w Clear Boston j SO 0.00 10 NW.t loiKljr Calftary SU0.0O; 4 EE Clear Chicago 50 0.O0il4i-E Claar Denver 76 0.00 10 SB :CIear n. UnlnM 74 o.oo 4 S Clear Dulutli I 40 o.uoiIa; aw ft. ciouay Eureka 1 6U.0. 00.20 X Clear Calveston 74 O.OO, 8E Pt. cloudy Helena I 74 v.oo io tw iciouay Jacksonville I 76 0.00' UNE (Clear Kansas City tMi.u.iu,ia w Jiear Is Anireles 78 0.0Oi 6 3 .Clear MarshfielJ I 50 0.001 4 NW.Clear Medford I R4'O.0O 6 SE Clear Montreal I 8S O.Oim. .. . . jCloudy Now Orleans tso.oo: hm icioar New York I 50 0. 00 14 NW Clear North Head i 32 0 .o.s 24 ,S Cloudy Nortn Yaklm ...! 4S 0.O0 4 SB Clear Phun t i o.ou w iCiear Pocatello , 4S O.OO) 4;W Pt. cloudy 20 0.00, bs .ciouay 0 0.001 4 W Clear .1 7i0.O0l 4'NW,Clear I S0IO.00 16 SV IKaln 54 O.OO 14 SE Pt. Cloudy 62 0.00 6 SE IClear MO.0-112W ,Pt. cloudy 62 O.01.12 sw Kaln 45i'0.OO, 4 S Cloudy B4 O.O0 12, SW Jain SOO.fcS U W IClear 52 0.00 4 W Cloudy mi 0.001 4:NW t'lear rucBieuit ........ a.j . . . -v. Portland (52O0.00 Roseburir . . . . fsacramento ... St. LKiuis , Minneapolis .. Salt .Uake .... Fan Francisco Seattle Spokane ...... Tacoma Tatoosti Island walla Walla . Washington Wlnnipeir I 4O0.00jl4SW jCloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. A lar hlah pressure area overlies the Nni-th Pacific and Nortnern ttocKy ivioun tain States and another large nign pressure area overlies the Atlantic States. A small deDression Is central over Manitoba and severe distumanca was central lasc nisn near Dutch Harbor. uurinir tne last -i hours llcht rain has fallen ln Western Wash InKton. but elsewhere ln the United States fair weatner nil revaiiea. it is roucn cool er ln the Great Salt Lake Basin and corre spondinnly warmer in the Upper Mississippi Valley. Tne conditions are favorable for fair weather In tula district Saturday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably fair variable winds, mostly soutneriy. Oregon and Washington Fair; winds mostly southerly. Waho Fair. TOO LATE TO fLASSISTT, WANTED Room, with Bleeping porch, Nob 1111 oiatricb a.&u aaaia auou. nKOAHWAT AT TAYLOR Main 1. A 1 122 LAST TIME TODAY-TONIGHT. CONTINUOUS. 1:30 TO 11 P. M MOTION FICTCRKS Rex Beach's Gripping Story. The Spoiler. rOFOlAAB PRICES. 1 to P. M., 10c, 15c A to 11 P. M.. ISC. 25c 7 ?alns TOMORROW Bargain Price Matinee Wednesday Special Price Matinee Saturday KLAW & ERL.ANOER Present Tha Reigning Buccess of England and America ILEST0NES Prices Evenings. Lower Floor, 11 rows $2, 7 rows $1.50. Bal., 1. 7oo. 60c Qal., 60c. Bargain prloe Wed. Mat., $1 to 60c. Special price Sat. Mat., 51.60 to 60c BEATS NOW EEIXINO. BAKER THEATER Main 2, A O30 . Geo. L. Baker. Mar. Home of the Popular Baiter Flayers. Matinee toaay. iast time tonight. "A WOMAN'S WAY." As played by Oraoe Oeorge. Fascinating nd amusing nlot. Superb staxe settings. Splendid cast. Kvenlnsrs. 25c. 35c 50o 75ci box seats. (L Sat. Mat., 2Sc. B0c: box. 75c Next week, starting tomorrow matinee Magglg Pepper." liATLm PAHY 230 BROADWAY. AT ALDER. 11 Cnlonlul Mtnntrrl Maids, Huxo Lnltetm, Klivood tfi 8now, Ion A Ailrlin feildtum. VftnRudenbar, I(plle Flrtcber, Cbw, Ayr Jb Company, "ke name") tb Mutual Wrrkly. l'hon Main 4636. A 22S6. SmMfMI WEEK, IS I RSTsiba1 t:very- k f S B 0 H f i 5 h bod x- QTJALITY VACDEVILaLK AIJ.-NTAK ACTS and Photoplays. vl Afternoons Conllnuons, 1:S to S. Nights -Twe sliowa, 7:80 and :!. DDIfCC J Afternoons loc. 15e rKlAC,i3 (Nights 15c. if Jo Peoples Theater Today is the .last. Mary Pickford in ''BEHIND THE SCENES" Continuous performance, 11:30 A. M. to 11:30 P. M. 1 0c ADMISSION 1 0c STAR THEATER For the last time, today. 1 n.WID HIGGI"S In his original role in "His Last Dollar" An Elaborate and Spectacular Film. Added Attraction "Dough and Dynamite, 2-Reel Keystone Comedy. Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 T. M. 10c AflmlMHion 10 f