Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 07, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Patriotic Programmes Bring
Thousands to Theater at
Land Products Show.
ICcvrsboys Stage Bouts That Prove
Exciting? Old Soldiers March In
Long Parade Headed by Drum
Corps Concerts Feature.
European Institutions, Dr. Hubert C
Herring-, secretary of - the National
Council of the Congregational Churches
of the United States. last night urged
the' need of a stronger centralization
upon his hearers at the First Congre
gational Church.
"Is Congregationalism possessed of
the things needed by this age?" he
asked. "What, indeed. Is the need of
this time? Look at the countries
across the water trying to destroy one
. "A negative answer to" this question
is that the churches of Europe cannot
"control human passion. The day of
ritualism and ceremonialism is done.
They are bankrupt. They cannot sup
ply the needs of the age.
"The democracy and scientific spirit
now abroad demand a religion that is
ethical, rational and at the same time
"Congregationalism Is all these
things. To make them operative, how
ever, we must face the world with the
conviction that we are called upon to
mould these times.
"If we are to Imprint ourselves upon
the age, we must gather under the
leadership of our National council. The
past of our church has been dotted
with aggressive achievements, but our
church has not b"een an aggressive or
ganization. It was a new impulse of
Students Take Part in Land
Products Programmes.
Discussion or Progress in Europe
Along Agricultural Lines to Be
Illustrated by Pictures ot
Methods Music Arranged.
Public schools of Portland will share
the afternoon at the Manufacturers
and Land Products Show today with
the Oregon Agricultural College, and
will hold special public exercises. The
Mayor at today's municipal primary.
There were no Democratic or Progres
sive candidates in the Held.
Other nominations were: Truman
Butler, Charles H. Castner and James
Stranahan, members of the Council;
Louis A. Henderson, Treasurer, and H.
L. Howe, Recorder.
Report of Bootlegging Hotly Denied
by La Center Skipper.
Peter I. Moe, master of the steamer
La Center, will appear before the cus
toms officials In Portland this morning
to explain a report from Rldgefield,
Wash., that bootlegging traffic was In
progress at La Center. The report did
not mention any names, but said evi
dence had been collected from a build
ing on the waterfront. Mr. Moe said
many persons believed the report was
directed at him, and made an emphatic
denial that bootlegging traffic was be
ing conducted -in or on any of his
"I have been told by the City Attor
ney and Marshal that they know noth
ing; about any confiscation or collection
of evidence. I want to say the report
is false. There has not been any liquor
Obi The'
of the Woirlcer
Afternoon Portland public
schools day. Exercises in after
noon. Grade school orchestra of
150 pieces in concert. Oregon Ag
ricultural College day. Tillamook
band in concert. Ellers' eight
octavos. Recreation League of
Portland. Address by Arthur
Evening 8:30 P. M. : iristian
Brothers' Business College. 8:30
P. M.: Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, Eilers" eight octavos eight
girls at eight pianos. Tillamook
Booster band.
Spanish War Veterans, members of
the Grand Army of the Republic, the
Social Turnverein and the Newsboys'
Association, all giving programmess at
the Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show last night, kept the little theater
In the pavilion crowded throughout the
The Grand Army of the Republic and
Spanish War Veterans . began the en
tertainment of the evening. Assembl
ing at the Courthouse, they marched to
the Armory. The drum corps of . the
eons of the Spanish War Veterans was
& prominent feature in the parade and
at the entertainment. Captain James
P. Shaw was chairman.
Immediately after the patriotic pro
gramme of the veterans was completed
the musical programme of the Turn
verein wa given, and the evening
closed with the Newsboys' Association
staging a series of exciting boxing
bouts. Lucien E. Becker had direction
cf the Turnverein programme and the
committee in charge of the newsboys'
show was headed by Max Lewis, Julius
Steinberg and J. Edward Tonkin.
All the demonstrating booths were
surrounded by visitors and the entrance
figures indicate an attendance of be
tween 5000 and 6000.
The Tillamook band, which began its
engagement at the Land Products Show
yesterday, assisted at the programme
of the Grand Army of the Republic and
gave a concert later in the main ex
hibit hall In the Armory.
Wondav Musical Club and Grade
Teachers Chorus to Have Charge.
Sunday at the Land Show will be
given over to a great "Community Sing
under the auspices of the Monday Mu
sical Club and the Grade Teachers'
Chorus, with Mrs. Lou. Gray as con
ductor. The programme will begin at
8:30 P. M.
C. H. McGIrr, designer of the battle
ship Oregon booth, which has attracted
bo much attention during the show, is
having a fine American flag made to b
raised especially on this occasion. The
flag will be hoisted to the mast of the
battleship at the beginning of the
A chorus of 25 voices will lead the
singing and more than 1000 copies of
the words of the songs to be offered
have been provided for distribution in
the audience. MeinDers of the commit
tee on arrangements are: Mrs. C. J
Krankel, Mrs. Hermann Heppner, Mrs.
Russell R. Dorr and Mrs. Low Gray.
Following is the programme:
1 Tillamook County band. 2 a. "Amer
lea:" b. Annie Laurie: Krade teachers'
chorus, band and audience. Mrs. Lou Gray.
conductor. 8 Opening chorus from "The
Heiperui" (John Hyatt Brewer), grade
teachers' chorus. 4 a. "Old Folks at
Home:" b. "Silver Threads Among the
.Oold;" c. "Juantta;" Grade teachers' chorus
and audience. 5 Selection, "The Tillamook
County Band." 6 Hymns a. "Rock of
jes;" b. "Work for the Night Is Coming:"
c. "Lead Kindly Light;" . chorus and audi
ence. 7 "Goodbye. Summer" (Lynes.
rrade teachers' chorus. 8 a, "Battle Hymn
of the Republic;" b, "Star Spangled Ban
ner;" solo chorus. Land and audience. 8
(Selection. Tillamook County band.
mil? i - r n i
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aggressiveness that led to the organi
zation of the conference.
Dr. Luther R. Dyott Introduced the
i ma Laaerage Held mt Salem Police
Station to Protect Her Valuables)
Until Relatives Can Be Found.
chief feature of the school programme
will be a concert by the grade school
orchestra, under direction of Professor
Chapman, head of the musical Instruc
tion In the schools. The orchestra Is
composed of 150 pieces.
The programme Includes the follow
ing selections: -"Beutoro March,"
"Grand March," "Silver Star Overture,"
"Romanza," "Ursula Gavotte," "Capi
tol Polka," "A Mile a Minute Galop"
The Agricultural College will hold
its programme both in the afternoon
and at night. . Dr. Hector Macpherson
will be the principal speaker In the
afternoon. He was a member of the
rural credits commission which recent
ly toured Europe to study plans on
rural credit systems.
Pictures of Progress to Be Shown.
Tl if. 1 1 11 1 ...
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 6.(Special.) The Vk., Jr. " ,
police are trying to locate relatives of and Rural Llfe Conditions in Various
European Countries." By means of a
carried on the steamer La Center since
the town of La Center went 'dry.' "
Good Things in Markets
That is where strengthening
foods are necessary, where so
much depends upon the act
ive play of brain and muscle.
When Ghirardelli's Ground
Chocolate is the morning
beverage, the day's work
comes easier, there is none
of that depressed feeling.
Then again, there are many
tempting desserts that can be
prepared with this original
Ground Chocolate, that tend
to relieve the monotony of
the daily fare.
In hermetically
sealed tins,
Ghiraxdelli's Ground Chocolate is th
only original ground chocolate. It
has been used in Western homes for
over a third of a century and its
popularity is growing day by day.
an aged woman giving her name as
Emma Lauerage, who was found wan
dering about the streets late last night.
. She had $1035 In gold coin In a satchel
tied about her waist and $2.60 in an
old pocketbook. When asked why she
was out so late the woman said that she
could not afford to pay for a room in
a first-class hotel and that cheap rooming-houses
were not clean.
Besides the money she had a sack
filled with clothing, trinkets, fancy
work and scraps of silk and cotton
goods. She also had four rings and
two woman's gold watches. Although
she gave the name of Lauerage, Mrs.
teries of lantern slides he will illus
trate the progress Which has been made
in the agriculture of various European
countries previous to the outbreak of
the present war.
The agricultural labor situation.
farm homes, marketing conditions for
agricultural products, systems of farm
finance and rural insurance will be
touched on for those countries which
have taken the lead In these depart
ments of agricultural activity.
An examination will be made of
such American agricultural conditions
as could best profit by the example of
Lynch, police matron, who took her to I the European farmers in their various
tne station nouse, iouna in tne satcnei
containing the money a number of safe
deposit slips made out to Emma Lau-
renson, of Seattle. The woman said she
came here looking for work, but de
clined to say where she came from or
whether she Tia relatives living. She
oes not appear to be mentally incom
petent, but declines to go to a hotel or
rooming-house. As a consequence
she is being detained at the station
house to protect her money and val
uables. . ''
Tillamook Party Here With Big
Programme for Land Show.
The Tillamook "Booster Band" of 62
pieces announced its arrival in Port
land yesterday morning with a sere
nade in the streets before The Ore
gonian building and other Important
business houses in the city, and paraded
the business section of the city before
going to the Armory, where it was to
open its engagement at the Manufac
turers' and Land Products Show.
The first programme was given in the
afternoon at the Land Show, and for
three days the band will be a feature
of the big exposition. The band, when
full, carries 65 pieces and represents 10
cities in Tillamook County.
W. C Trombley began- the organiza
tion about six months ago at the. in
stance of the Tillamook commercial
clubs with a view to providing a spe
cial feature from the county for the
Panama-Pacific Exposition. Rollle Wat
son, secretary of the Tillamook party,
already has made arrangements for the
band to take the trip south next Sum
mer. and to play in the Oregon building
at tne exposition in san a rancisco.
Proposul Will Be Passed Upon at
December Election.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 6. (Special.) The
City Council tonight decided to submit
to the people at the city election in
December a draft of a' charter recently
prepared by a committee of citizens
providing a commission form of gov
ernment. The charter provides for
seven Commissioners, one for each
ward, the, one receiving the highest
vote to De Mayor, a city manager,
chief of police and fire chief would be
appointed, while the City Recorder-
ship would remain an elective office.
If the charter is approved it will be
come operative January 1, 1916, the
city officers elected last Monday to
serve until that time.
Dr. H. C. Herring Says Congrega
tionalists Mast Arouse Themselves.
Comparing the churches of Europe
with Congregationalism in this coun
try, to the great disadvantage of the
Vermont State Concern Convicted of
Violating Sherman Law.
ALBANY. N. T.. Nov. 6. What are
said to be the first substantial Judg-
ents for triple damages entered In
the United States under the Sherman
anti-trust law were awarded today by
Judge George W. Ray, of the Federal
Court, against firms constituting the
American seagron falate company, of
The judgments, aggregating $25,-
962.49, were awarded the firm of O'Hal
loran & Jacobs, of Pittsburg, on the
finding of the court that "the defend
ants violated the Sherman act In the
formation of a combination to restrain
and to' monopolize, or attempt -to mo
nopolize, the Interstate trade in the
Seagron slate."
This material constitutes approxl
mately 90 per cent of the roofing slate
produced in Vermont
business organizations.
' Musical Programme Set.
Following is the programme an
nounced for tonight by the Agricul
tural College: I '
Piano solo. Miss Blount; selections,
quartet; Scotch monologues, Russell;
duet. Green and Johnson; violin solo,
Mr. Collins; selections. Quartet.
The Recreation League of Portland
also will hold a meeting in the little
theater this afternoon, at which Pro
fessor A. E. Wood will lecture on "Boys'
The Christian Brothers. College an
nounces the following programme, to
De given tonignt unaer its auspices, tne
musical numbers to be furnished by
the pupils of the piano and voice
teacher of the college, Mrs. Minnie
Thompson Carter:
(A) "The Good Old TJ. S. A" (Morse): (B)
'Uncle Sammy" (Holtzman),- Junior College
Glee Club, loO voices; piano solo. "Valae
Papllllon" (Frlml), Alfred Manning; recita
tion, "Reenzl's Address," Thomas Iuty; tenor
solo, "When You Come Home" I3qulres
Ben B. Chappell, recitation, "Asleep at th
Switch," Seth E. Nygren; violin solo, "Ador
ation" (Botrowskl). Theo. Matchlner: barl
tone solo. "The Flag That Has Never Known
Defeat" (Sutton), Art Albertlnl; piano duet.
'Rhapsodle Honsrolse". No. 2 (Liszt-Hans
Liu), Minnie 'inompson carty, William
Schuster: tenor soio. "ine v alley or stars
(Russell). Melvln U'Snea; recitation, "The
Betrothed." Earl Williams! debate. "Re
solved. That There Should be Municipal
Ownership of the Streetcars in the City of
Portland." Altlrmatives, setn. ftyg-ren. joe
Callahan. Francis Clifford. Negatives,
Thomas Duffy, Ben E. Chappell, John Paaue
'Last Night" (Kjerull), parKs, senior col
lege Glee Club.
Small Lead of Blesecker . Over
Thompson May Bring Recount.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. . (Spe
cial.) When the official canvass had
been completed today it was found that
E. S. Blesecker, Republican candidate
for Sheriff, had a lead of only one vote
over his rival, George E. Thompson,
Democrat. The two candidates have
been seesawing back and forth on the
unofficial count.
There probably will be a recount of
the ballots, as both candidates feel that
Justice would thus best be accom
plished. . Friends of Thompson say he
will win on a recount, as a number of
people in marking their ballots made
a cross at the top of the Republican
ticket and made a cross after Thomp
son s name. inese Daiiots, it is as
serted. In some instances, were counted
for Blesecker.
A. J. Townsend Charged With Effort
to Enlist Aid for "Sanitarium."
On parole from the Oregon Penl
tentiary, where he was sent from Ash
land tor forgery, A. J. Townsend, alias
C. A. Townsend, was arrested in Port
land last night by Detectives Swennes
and Moloney on Information that he wa
trying to defraud a local furniture com
pany with a scheme to build a sanl
tarlum in Salem. He - is held on
vagrancy charge until the State Parole
Board can be notified.
It is alleged that Townsend had ap
proached a well-known Salem woman
whose name is withheld by the police,
and tried to interest her in his scheme
to start a sanitarium. He is said to
have vtold her that he had $600 and
wanted her to buy $110 worth of stock
In the sanitarium. She called the police.
Candidates to Get Refund.
SALEM, Or.. Nov. 6. (Special.)
Secretary of State Olcott said today
that the cost of printing the election
pamphlet was 134.13 a. page. All per
sons having announcements in it were
required to matte a aeposit or 150 a
page, and the Secretary of State is
returning to them the difference be
tween the deposits and actual cost.
Hood River Xames' Candidates for
Approaching City Election.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 6. (Spe
clal.) Dr. H. L. Dumble received the
Republican nomination over Albert P.
Reed, incumbent, for the office of
g" RAPES are making their last brave
VI stand for the season. Tokays, most
in evidence, can still be had for 2i
cents a basket. Cornichon and Malaga
are getting scarce and range from 30
to 40 cents a basket- The last variety
from California for this year is the
Stelmhaur, a green grape of very at
tractive flavor, which retails at 15 cents
a pound.
Apples continue and will for some
time to come to fill the public eye. The
fact that the European war has cur
tailed the market area has thrown the
very choicest of the crop open to local
buyers. Including the retail trade. As
prices have been very greatly reduced
irom former years, the sale is- enor-
ous. The fruit is simply belnsr ab-
Robust. Useful Baldwins can ba had
from 75 cents to $1.25 a box, and se
lect Ortleys from $1.60. Spitzenburghs
are irom il to SZ and Black Arkan
sas, Newtown Pippins and even Hood
ttiver .Delicious are belne retailed at
a box. The most of these varieties
can be had at 15 cents a dozen.
Pears are also well to the front. At
tractive Fall Butters are 35 cents a
dozen and Russets and Winter Nells
ery presentable stock can be had
for 5 cents a pound. The last pear for
the season to be offered is the Wake
field, from Hood Rivei- a long, green
pear, of distinctly keeping quality, of
fered at 25 cents a dozen. Prickly
ears are three for 10 cents.
Bright, ripe strawberries are still in
market at 20 cents a box. Cranberries
are 15 cents a quart and huckleberries
wo pounds for a quarter.
Florida grapefruit are two and three
for 25 cents; oranges from 30 to 60
ents a dozen, lemons 25 to 30 cents.
limes 2u ana oananas 16 to zo cents a
Pineapples, 10 cents a Doun (eren
erally from 2H to 3 pounds in a single
apple'); pomegranates, 5 cents, and
cocoanuts, 10 to 15 cents each; casabas,
15 and' 20 cents.
No better herald of the aDnroach of
Winter than the stores of nuts. The
list In market now includes Eastern
chestnuts and pine nuts at 35 cents a
pound; almonds at 30; local soft-shell
walnuts, filberts (or hazelnuts) and
pecans, at 25; Brazil nuts and chest
nuts at 20; imported walnuts, hickory
nuis (inciuaing tne shell-bark variety)
ana uiacK walnuts at lb cents a nounii
une vegetames even crather an air nf
Autumn. The squashes Hubbarvd- at
cents a pound; Summer, at 6. and
cream squasn at two pounds for 15
cents; pumpkin, at 2 cents a pound;
celery, 5 and 10 cents a bunch, and
52," -Ja.. 'O
a r i
Sine' 1852 Saa Francisco
Tkeret will be bo
increase in price
during 1914.
celery heads, 6, 10 and two for 15 cents.
-California green peas, Lima beans
and Brussels sprouts are each 15 cents
a pound; artichokes, three for 25 cents;
egg plant, 10 cents each; red and green
pepper, 5 cents a pound; English hot
house cucumbers. 10 cents each; okra,
25 cents a pound.
Hothouse tomatoes are two pounds
for a quarter; from the open field, two
pounds, 15 cents, but very good stock
can be had for 40 cents a box. Spinach,
two pounds for a .quarter; mustard
greens, 5 cents a bunch.
Irish potatoes average $1.50 for a
sack of a hundred pounds: sweet. 4 and
5 cents a pound; cauliflower, 6 and 10
cents each; mushrooms, 75 cents, and
ground cherries, 15 cents a pound.
In the fish market: Sturgeon is
quoted from 15 to 20 cents a pound;
Chinook salmon. 10 to 12, silverside.
10 cents; black cod, halibut cheeks.
perch and sand -dabs, 12 H cents a
pound. Halibut, flounders, sliver smen
and salmon roe, 10 cents a pound.
Crabs, 15 and 20 cents each; shrimps, 16
cents a pound.
The poultry market offers hens, from
18 to 20 cents a pound; Spring chick
ens, 20; ducks, 20; geese, is; turkeys.
27 V4 to 30 cents a pound, and squaDs,
50 cents each. -
Butter, 65, 75 and 80 cents a roll.
Eggs. 50 cents a dozen; 2 dozen. 95
cents; Kansas eggs. 35 cents (about
which no complaints are offered).
Some specially good cheese Is being
"made in Oregon this season. Tllla
mook Is sending out some of extra high
but mild quality, which retails at 20
cents a pound, while the eastern part
of the state offers an article with con
siderably more "bite" In its composi
tion, and a cream cheese, both of which
are offered at 25 cents a pound.
proposition will be before the Council
with a delegation of youngsters favor
ing the use of the block being allowed
and with a resolution from the School
Board asking that the wishes of the
children be granted.
The Council considered the proposi
tion first on Wednesday, when action
was continued until next Friday. It
was decided to ask the School Board
for an opinion. This opinion is ex
pressed in a resolution.
Clarence L Reames Asks Aid in
- Capturing Dishonest Dealers.
A plea for the co-operation of the
reputable real estate men was made
by Clarence L. Reames. United States
District Attorney, In a talk before the
Portland Realty Board on "Realty
Swindlers" at its luncheon yesterday.
"Practically 6u per cent of the dis
closures made to me of realty swindles
have come from reputable real estate
men, with the suggestion that investi
gations are warranted," said Mr.
Reames. "I know the members of this
Realty Board are on the square and I
want your co-operation in capturing
all of the 'crooks' in the business."
M. J. Duryea, secretary of the Eugene
Commercial CLub, was a guest. Dr. K.
M. Emerson sang two solos.
and Overton streets, last night- She
sustained a broken leg. a bad cut on
the face and numerous bruises. The
Ambulance Service Company was sum
moned and removed her to the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
Woman Injured in Elevator. f
Miss Christina Meek, a trained nurse,
was caught in an automatic elevator
which started to go down as she was
getting out on one of the upper floors
of the Denver Apartments, Twenty-first
Ladd Delegation and School Board
- Resolution May Win Council.
Pupils of the Ladd School will ap
pear again before the City Commission
Friday, when the proposition of allow
ing the children to use one of the park
blocks across the street from tne scnooi
as a playground will be considered. The
The Center of Attraction at AH Times Where a GOOD MEAL
Is Served.
The best proof of our statements regarding
Butter-Nut is the taste of the bread itself.
Once you try it and find how delicious, how
appetizing it is, you'll wonder how you ever got
along without it.
is the climax of years of bread-making, supplemented
' by a special mixing process which cost us thousands to
Why not try a loaf today and let your family judge it ?
All good grocers have it S cents larger size 10
cents but look at the label to be sure it's the genuine.
Corner E. 11th and Flanders..
It's So
Kxperience will
teach you its
I ' '
.Baker's Cocoa
That Makes It Deservedly Popular
An absolutely pure,
delicious and whole
some food beverage,
produced by a scien
tific blending of
high-grade cocoa
beans, subjected to
a perfect mechanical
process of manufacture.
Registered U. & Patent Office
Gel the genuine, made only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780