Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 07, 1914, Image 1

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    VOL. I.IV. NO. 16,834.
Surrender of Fortress
Surprise to Tokio.
British and Japanese Besieg
ing Forces Take Posses
sion After Hard Fight.
Garrison, Much Outnumbered,
Long Resists Attack by
Land, Sea and Air.
' TOKIO, Nov. 7. It is officially an
nounced that the German fortress of
!Tsiiig-Tau has surrendered to the Jap
anese and British forces.
It is farther announced that the
first step in bringing about the sur
render of the fortress occurred at mid
night, when the infantry charged and
occupied the middle fort of the line
of defense. In this operation they took
200 prisoners.
Surrender Is Surprise.
The Germans hoisted the white
flag at 7 o'clock this morning at the
weather observation bureau of Tsing
Tau. The quickness of capitulation of the
Germans was cause of much surprise
and joy to the men of the. army and
navy operating against it, and also to
the people of Tokio.
The charge against the middle fort
was a briliant one. It was led by'
General Yoshimi Yamuda, at the head
of companies of infantry and engin
eers. The number of the German and
Japanese losses, which were large,
have not been announced.
j Last Asiatic Possession Gone.
The capture of Tsing-Tau loses to
Germany her last foot of possessions
on the Asiatic mainland as well as
her last strategic position outside of
the German empire in Europe.
For nearly three months the little
German garrison, amounting to about
7000 and nearly wholly composed of
reservists who were living or doin
business in China, has held out against
the land and sea attacks of the Jap
anese and of certain British detach
ments of both white and Indian troops
that found themselves in China at
the outbreak of the war. What the
losses of the garrison have - been are
not known, but the official Japanese
and British reports have indicated
that Tsing-Tau has been taken at
heavy cost of men on the part of the
Action Begun in August.
It was on August 15 that Japan
threw herself into the European war
as an ally of Great Britain, after de
manding that Germany withdraw or
intern all German warships in Asiatic
waters and relinquish possession of
Kiau-Chau. In the statement from
Tokio that accompanied this demand,
Japan asserted her intentions were
purely military and did not contem
plate the retention of one foot of
ground on Chinese, territory, and later
affirmed that she did not intend to
extend her holdings in the islands of
the Pacific that might fall into her
possession during the campaign.
Her demands ignored, when the ul
timatum expired a week later, Japan
proceeded cautiously with plans to
seize the German settlement on the
Chinese mainland.
Modern Warfare Waged.
The operations in this isolated Far
Eastern theater of the war have been
reduced to a scale of some 200 square
miles, as compared with the whole
continent of Europe; but on that ac
count they have been none the less
interesting. Aeroplanes and all other
accompaniments of modern warfare
LOKDOX, Nov. According to a
Central N'enri dispatch from Copen
hasn the German Minister there.
Count Von Brookdorft Raatun. has
categorically denied that the German
Crown Prince and Prince Albert were
either wounded or,Ji.llled. He aaya both
are In the beat of health.
LONDON. Not. 6. A diapatch from
Stockholm aaya the government haa
proteated to Enrland aaralnat the Brlt
Inh Admiralty order dosing the North
WASHINGTON. Nov. . Acting; Sec
retary LaniiniE today promlaed Senator
James, of Kentucky, to reqneat Great
Britain to place tobacco In the name
claaa with cotton and give aaanraneea
that ahlpmenta In nentral vessels to
Germany and Australia will not be In
terfered with.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. New Zea
land haa declared an embargo on wool.
tt,t to the allied power. Formal
notification waa received today at the
State Department
LONDON, Nov. 6. A Renter Tele
gram Company dispatch from Amster
dam sayat "A telegram from Berlin an
nounces that the Emperor In a Cabinet
order haa promised a reward of 750
mark (about S1S8) for each machine
LONDON, Not. 6. A dispatch to the
Central News from Salonlkl says that
Oiographoa, the ex-Governor of that
seaport, haa addreaaed a proclamation
to the Eplrotea, Informing; them of the
annexation of Eplrua by Greece.
LONDON, Not. 6 The Amsterdam
correspondent of Renter's Telegram
Company says that General Jooat,
formerly a commander In the Boer
army, haa entered the British
a volunteer.
AMSTERDAM, Not. 6. The Vosslsche
Zeltnns; haa published a dispatch from
Sofia, Bulgaria, saying Tnrklah cmlaers
have successfully bombarded the Rat
slan fortified aeaport of Datum, on the
east shore of the Black Sea.
BERLIN, Nov. . (By wireless.)
The newspaper Social Demokraten, pub
lished in Stockholm, anggeats am eco
nomic league of neutral powera against
the encroachmenta of England.
BERLIN. Nov. ft (By wireless.)
General Pearson, who served as 4uar
termaster-General In the Boer army In
1808, la now In Berlin. He has said In
an Interview that there was no doubt
that the Boers would now throw off the
British yoke forever.
United States Secretly Constructs
and Completes Monster Rifle.
WASHINGTON, Nov. . The largest
and most powerful naval gun ever de
signed has just been completed for the
United States Navy. It Is a 16-lnch
rifle, which. It became known tonight.
has been constructed without publicity
at the Washington Navy Tard and is
now being put through tests at the In
dian Head proving grounds on the Po
tomac, below this city.
If the new weapon proves to be the
success Its trials promise, In all prob
ability It will be adopted for the main
battery of the three dreadnoughts au
thorlzed at the last session of Con
gress. These vessels will be larger by
several thousand tons than any ship
now afloat.
It is said the 16-inch gun will have a
range of 15 miles and at least twice
the penetrating power of the famous
German howitzers.
Harbor Reported Full of Interned
Vessels of German Flag.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. . (Special.)
The harbor of Manila is full of Ger
man merchant vessels Interned in the
American port for protection from
seiaure, according to advices received
here by mail.
Because of the proximity of the Jap
anese fleet, the Germans will be unable
to get away from Manila for an in
definite period.
Money is said to be tight in Manila,
out cusiness continues good in many
lines. At Colombo the British turned
several big German steamers, which
they had. captured, into colliers, and
British skippers for them were at
premium. In the absence of captains
with master's papers the berths went
to third mates from Pacific, Oriental
and British India vessels.
Provisional Executive of Mexico Re
ported to Have Resigned.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 6. Ac
cording to advices received tonight
from Aguas Callentes by a San Antoni
newspaper. General Eulalio Gutierrez
has resigned as provisional president
and may be succeeded by Villa himself.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Nov. 6. Gen
eral Villa two days ago wired General
Carranza proposing that in order to
settle the question of peace in Mexico
that both he and Carranza be executed,
according to A. Dittman, a photograph
er, who returned today from Agua
callentes. General Carranza did not
Chicago Also to Prohibit Painting'
Display In Windows.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. The
denied today to copies of '
the painting which won
Palmer prize of $1000 at
malls were
The Nude,
the Potter
the annual
aioiuiuan ul American paintings at the
Art Institute here.
The work of art was described
"purely vulgar" by C. A. Angler, post
office Inspector.
Copies of "The Nude" will be barred
from store windows. Major M. L.
Funkhouser. second deputy chief of po
radock Unmindful of
Foe's Superiority.
Favor of Setting Sun Awaited
by Larger Squadron.
Ship Reported Beached on Chilean
Coast May Be Monmouth, and
Rescue of Crew Will Be At
tempted One Escapes.
LONDON, Nov. 6. It was the British
cruiser Good Hope, Rear-Admlral ' Sir
Christopher Cradock's flagship, which
foundered after being set on fire by
shells from German warships, in the
naval battle that took place off the
Chilean coast last Sunday.
A dispatch from Lima, Peru, says the
cruiser Glasgow has arrived at Puerto
Moutt, Chile.
The British cruiser Monmouth, which
the Germans said they had sunk, was
badly damaged and it is possible that
she is the warship which was reported
today to be ashore on the coast of
Chile. So far as is known none of the
Good Hope's crew survived.
Britishers Choose Battle.
Thla was the news given to the Brit
ish public by the Admiralty tonight.
Just as the people were beginning to
think that the German accounts of the
result of the battle .In the Pacific had
Deen exaggerated. The only bit of
satisfaction for the British is that their
little Pacific fleet had itself chosen to
give battle to a much stronger squad
ron and had not been overwhelmed un
til the last possible shot had been fired
at the enemy.
The British cruiser Glasgow, which
was with the Good Hope and Mon
mouth, also put up a fight against the
two German cruisers Leipzig and
Dresden, and when her bigger sisters
were put out of action managed to
Foe's Strength Not Considered.
Rear-Admlral Cradock lived up to
his reputation of being one of the fol
lowers of that naval Bchool which be
lieves that the enemy should be en
gaged, no matter what his superiority.
According to the Admiralty it was he
who brought about the action, for the
German squadron was at first disin
clined to give battle. It was only when
dusk came on and the light was In
their favor that the Germans engaged
the British, who were three to their
four, while superiority in number of
range guns was also in favor of the
The battleship Canopus, which was
(Concluded on Page 4.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
62.0 degrees; minimum, oegreea.
TODAY'S Probably fair, variably winds.
moatly southerly.
War. ,
Belgians holding both sides of River Taer.
Pass- S.
United States probably will build more sub
marines. Face 1. -Tslns-Tau
surrendered by Germans. Page 1.
Britain suapects Italians of aiding Germans
to obtain contraband, rage .
Bpeedy, decisive victory over Teutons is
Russian prediction. rage z-
German artillery reported bogged In Iioou-
ed area In Flanders. Page i.
Kronprlnzeasln Cecllle tranaferred safely to
Boston under American convoy. Page X.
Battle off Chilean coast forced by defeated
Britishers. Page i.
Starvlnc Belalans are saved by American
food. Page 4.
Arizona brewers will make near beer
Page 8.
Washington Republicans will have majori
ties In both houses. Page o. i
Reault on one California seat in Congress in
in doubt. Paei 8.
Lair H. Thompson probable president oi
Oregon Senate and Ben selling uv
SDeaker of House. Page 1.
Liquor law date of enactment pussies Wash
ington. Page 9.
Amendment abolishing capital punishment
appears to have carried. page 11.
Kansas City stocKyards afire; thousands ot
hogs doomed. Page 2.
Livestock epldemlo reaches Massachusetts
and Iowa. Page 6.
Pacific Northwest.
Newberg man hacked with hatchet during
(lght near Salem. Page 4.
American Leaguers leave big problems un
solved Page 14.
Columbia defeats Jefferson, 12 to 2. Page 14.
Idaho stronger than many think, .says Coach
Stewart. Page 14.
Clabby wins decision over George Chip.
Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Sharp advance in wheat prices In country
markets. Page IB,
Damage to Argentine crop affects wheat at
Chicago. Page 15.
Interest rates st New York are declining.
Page 15.
Grain ships leaving and connderce in clear
course Is expressed. Page 15.
Portland and Vicinity.
Public schools to take part In today's Land
Products Show programme. Page 10.
Judge McGinn arm In stand that women
shall not hear Immoral cases tried.
Page 7.
Veterans' patrlotlo programmes draw
crowds to Land Show. Page 10.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 11.
Germans Report Number of Prison
ers Held in Prison Camps.
LONDON, Nov. 6. A dispatch to
Reuter's Telegram Company from Am
sterdam says that advices received
there from Berlin say that up to last
Sunday the" ' German concentration
camps and hospitals held the follow
lng prisoners; r'French, SI 38 officers
and 188.018 men; Russians, 8121 of
ficers and 186,779 men; Belgians, E37
officers and 84,907 men; British, 417
officers and 15,730 men.
The correspondent adds that the
Berlin, dispatch says these figures do
not include prisoners not encamped.
Large Steamer Sinks by Explosive
Placed by Teutons.
COPENHAGEN, via London, Nov. 6.
A large German steamer has been blown
up south of the Danish Island of Lang
land, in the Great Belt, by a mine said
to have been placed by the Germans.
Several of her crew were lost.
Second GreatSeagoing
Diver Asked For.
Sacrifice of Battleship May Be
Considered in Congress.
Secretaries of War and Navy Discuss
Lessons of European War More
Men in Both Arms of Serv
ice Are Required.
WASHINGTON, Nov. S. Both Secre
tary Garrison and Secretary Daniels
will lay before Congress, in their an
nual reports, soon to be made public,
the lessons they believe the Army and
Navy of the United States should draw
from the war in Europe.
No extraordinary expenditures have
been asked for by either the War or
Navy Departments in the annual esti
mates already filed with the appropria
tlon committees of Congress, but the
two Cabinet heads will discuss In de
tail the best method of obtaining a mo
bile and adequate Army and a power
ful and efficient fleet.
Secretary Garrison will endeavor to
concentrate the attention of Congress
and the country on the necessity of i
definite National military policy, ex
tending over a period of years.
Interest In Submarines Renewed.
Secretary Daniels will recommend
two battleships, but probably will ask
Congress to give the Navy authority,
as it did last year, to expend a lump
sum for submarines without fixing the
The spectacular raids of submarines
in the European war have drawn at
tention to the fact that last year Con
gress .appropriated an . aggregate of
mora than $4,000,000 for the building
of submarines and specified that on
of them should be a seagoing vessel.
practically twice the size of those used
in the coast patroL
Such a submarine, according to the
explanation made by naval officers at
the time to Congress, will be the larg
est and most powerful in the world
able to accompany the fleet every'
where. European submarines have
been able to make only, comparatively
short voyages from their bases, and
the great cruiser submarine planned by
American naval officers, bids for which
are soon to be opened, will eclipse any
of the kind seen in the present war.
Two-Battleship - Plan Adhered To.
There is every likelihood that Sec
retary Daniels will ask for money
enough to provide a second submarine
(Concluded on Paaa 2.)
Friday's War Moves
ACCORDING to an official report
from Tokio yesterday the Ger
mans surrendered the fortress of
Tsing-Tau, the fortified point of Kiau
Chau, China. Japan declared war on
Germany on September 23 and a week
ater had taken possession of the
heights commanding Kiau-Chau. From
that time on the siege continued, al
though the actual Investment of the
fortress was not completed for some
time. The battle was fought on land
and sea and in the air. Both sides lost
hips and men. The crew of an Aus
trian warship aided In the defense
British soldiers fought with the Jap
anese and a French warship aided in
the blockade of the port and the bom
bardment of the position. Recently
fighting had been incessant. Tsing
Tau was strongly fortified, but its gar
rison was relatively small.
The principal military advantage
gained by the fall of the fortress will
be the release of the blockading war
ships, which It has been said would
proceed to the task of protecting the
allies' trade routes in the Pacific as
soon as they were free to do so.
The Russians report that,- having
driven the Germans back to their bor
der in the north and forced their cen
ter to retire from the Vistula to the
Warthe River, the Russian general
staff has turned its attention to the
Austrlans, who have been so stubborn
ly holding their positions along the
San River in Galicia.
According to a telegram received
from Grand Duke Nicholas, the Rus
sians have won a victory more import
ant than any preceding it. The Rus
sians say they have again occupied
Jaroslau, north ot Przemysl, capturing
5000 prisoners and much war material.
It is believed, however, that there will
have to be another big battle on the
Warthe, before the armies of Empror
Nicholas seriously threaten Silesia.
In the struggle between the Germans
and the allies in the west there has
again been little if any change. The
Germans, twice balked In their attempt
to reach the French coast, are prepar
ing for another attack, which, like the
last, is directed at the line held by the
British on both sides of the town of
Tpres, where for a fortnight some of
the most sanguinary fighting of the
war has been in progress, and where
the casualties on both sides perhaps
have been larger than those on such
restricted front in any previous battle.
A Berlin official report says that the
Germans have made progress here, but
this is in direct contradiction to the
claims of the allies, who say that they
are holding all their positions and have
made some advances.
Reports come from the Dutch fron
tier that the Germans are making prep
arations for retirement, but military
observers 'say that from the fact rein
forcements are being brought up it is
certain they have not yet despaired of
breaking through the -allies', front and
reaching either Calais or Boulogne.
Elsewhere along the great front there
has been a repetition of isolated en
counters, which in the French official
communication are referred to as minor
affairs, but which in ordinary wars
would be considered fair-sized battles.
The British fleet, according to unof
flclal accounts, again has taken action
along the Belgian coast and been bom
bardlng Knocice and Zeebrugge, where
the Germane are supposed to be organ
izlng bases for their submarines.
Except for the Russian announce
ment of their invasion of Turkish ter
rltory from the Caucasus, silence pre
vails as to the operations In the Near
For the present Interest is centered
in the poslbilltles that the Balkan
states will become involved in the war.
Greece, it is said, has annexed. Eplrus,
which was denied her by the London
conference after the first Balkan war.
It is also said on good authority that
negotiations are proceeding for an ar
rangement by which Bulgaria will re
ceive Macedonia, which is largely Bul
garian. If she will consent to give her
active support to the allies' cause.
Servia, who won Macedonia by the
sword, hesitates, it Is said, to give It
up, but it is thought here she can
hardly turn a deaf ear to Russia, who
entered on the war on her account.
Further, It is said, she would receive
compensation in Bosnia, through which
she would get a route to the sea.
Germans Issue Proclamation Threat
ening 'Death if Unheeded.
LONDON. Nov. 6. A dsipatch from
Flushing, Holland, to Reuter's Tele
gram Company says: '
"The Germans have issued a new
proclamation prohibiting an approach
on the waterways ' at Bruges. Tres
passers are warned that they may be
"Heavy guns have been mounted on
the sand dunes along the coast from
the north of Ostend to the Dutch fron
tier. Trenches have also been dug in
the neighborhood of Heyst. Further
reinforcements have reached the Ger
man fighting line during the present
Russian Winter Starts and, Enemy
Commandeers Available Clothing;.
LONDON, Nov. 6. The correspondent
of the Chronicle at Petrograd tele
graphs the following:
"Winter began officially with the
closing of navigation on the River
Neva Wednesday. Snow covers the
ground all along the frontier, and the
Germans are suffering Intensely from
cold. They are commandeering all the
available clothing, furs, sheepskins and
leathers. At Lodz and S'nerardow.
where there are great cloth factories.
the Germans are working the employes
Ben Selling Is Likely
Speaker of House.
Eugene and Portland Out for
Honors, Also.
To January Legislature Is Left Ac
tion That Will Fix Penalty for
Violation of Prohibition Enact
ment Just Passed by People.
Miss Marian Towne, of Talent,
Jackson County, will be first wo
man member of Legislature in
Oregon. She is a Democrat.
Senate will be composed of 28
Republicans and two Democrats.
House will be composed of 67
Republicans, two Democrats and
one independent. Many Republi
cans also indorsed by Progres
sives. Probable President of Senate
Lair H. Thompson, of Lakeview.
Probable Speaker of House
Ben Selling, of Portland.
Other candidates for Speaker
of House Allen H. Eaton, ot
Eugene; Vernon A. Forbes, of
Bend; Conrad P. Olson. S. B.
Huston and E. V. Llttlefleld, of
Five members have been re
elected to Senate; 14 re-elected
to House. Fifteen members of
Senate hold over.
Senate will have 10 new mem
bers and House 46 new members.
Legislature convenes Monday.
January 11, 1915.
Newly-elected members of the 28th
Legislative Assembly chosen by the
people last Tuesday now are beginning
to give their attention to the business
of making laws and to the prelimi
naries of organization.
Since the complexion of the next
Legislature has been determined and
since the individual members seem to
be pledged to a programme of strict
economy, members are beginning to
discuss the various candidates for the
Presidency of the Senate and the
Speakership of the House.
It is generally understood that Lair '
H. Thompson, of Lakeview, one of the
holdover Senators, will be elected
President of the Senate and that Ben
Selling, of Portland if he wants it
will be elected Speaker of the House.
Others May Be Candidates.
Allen H. Eaton, of Eugene, will be
a candidate, and it is probable that
S. B. Huston and Conrad P. Olson, of
Portland, will be in the race. Olson
was a mernoer oi me last .legislature
and now is actively in the field for the
Some of the Multnomah County dele
gation also are urging Judge E. V.
Llttlefleld as their choice for the
Vernon A. Forbes, of Bend, who also
was a member of the last Legislature,
la understood to be a candidate, too.
Further than this, no definite legis
lative plans have been made. Some of
the members have ideas of their own,
all of which are designed to "benefit
the people," but few of such ideas have
developed past the embryonic stage.
Liquor Lan to Be Enforced.
One piece of legislation, howevet.
that will have serious attention fron.
the start will be that providing en
forcement ot the prohibition law adopt
ed by Initiative vote on Tuesday. This
law will not go into effect until Janu
ary 1, 1916, but it remains for the next
Legislature to take action that will fix
a penalty for violations.
Members of the Portland delegation
declare that they will support the ex
pressed will of the people by enacting
the strictest kind of legislation against
the liquor traffic. They insist that,
since the saloons have been voted out
of business, they do not propose to
have the traffic pass on into the hands
of convenient drug stores.
It is a significant fact that nearly
every man elected on Tuesday is
pledged to an economical administra
tion. In his pre-election campaign
Governor-elect Withycombe likewise
declared for strict economy, so it is
certain that there will be thorough
agreement on this point.
Radical Changes Made.
So far as membership of the two
houses is cpneerned it has undergone
a radical change since the last session.
The law provides that members of
the Senate are elected for four-year
terms. One-half the membership of 30
is elected each year.
Members of the Senate who have been
re-elected are: H. Von der Hellen. of
Jackson; C. L. Hawley, of Benton and
Polk; Walter A. Dlmick. of Clackamas:
C A. Barrett, of Morrow, Umatilla and
Union, and J. N. Burgess, of Umatilla.
W. H. Strayer, a Democrat, replaces
Claude C. McCulloch, a Democrat, who
now Is a. resident of Portland, as Sen
ator from Baker County.
In the Linn County district Milton
A. Miller, a Democrat, has been replaced
by S. M. Garland, a Democrat. Miller
now is collector of internal revenue la
Portland. He served in th State Sen
ate for 12 years.
A number of Democrats in the lower
(Concluded on I'a 6.,
lice, asserted.
day and nigb .
(Concluded on Fac ,j