Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 06, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Choose Your New Coat or Suit Today
Narrow Majority Will Compel
Perfect Organization to
Maintain Control.
Tarlff Committee Much Affected tj
Returns Members "Who Sought
Freferment in Higher Places
Defeated at Polls.
In three states where Senator
ial elections were held the re
sults are yet in doubt. In Col
orado Charles Thomas, Dem.,
leads Hubert "Work, Rep., by a
narrow plurality, but full returns
may revise it. In Nevada the
latest figrures show but nine
votes separating: Thomas G. New
lands, Dem., who leads Samuel
Piatt, Rep. In Wisconsin Francis
C. McGovern, Rep and Paul A.
Hustlng, Dem., are practically
tied and an official recount is in
prospect. The alignment in the
Senate at the next Congress will
be as follows:
In doubt S
Republicans . 39
Democrats ....-......-......63
Progressives ......... ...... 1
Total ........ ...... .96
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. Many
ehan&es In the organisation of the
House of Representatives will be made
when Champ Clark and "Uncle Joe"
Cannon once more face each other
across the center aisle at the begin
ning of the next Congress. The dwin
dling of the Democratic majority,
which' will drop after the close of the
December session from 140 to 24, will
necessitate a general shifting of the
working order in the House.
With their slender majority the Dem
ocrats, while able to re-elect Speaker
Clark and retain control of the com
mittees, will be forced to maintain an
almost perfect organization. Even with
a full attendance 'in the House a shift
of 12 votes would throw the control to
"the minority side. Practically complete
returns tonight gave the Democrats
229, Republicans 196, Progressives 7,
Socialist 1, Independent 1.
Committees to Be Readjusted.
This narrow margin will probably re
sult in a rearrangement of committee
representation. tho Democrats now
having an overwhelming majority in
' all of the standing committees. The
falling off of the Progressives from 19
in the present House to seven probably
will cut down their committee repre
sentation materially, and even may
lose them the few Important places
they now hold.
Democratic leadership in the House
will undergo great changes. Repre
sentative Underwood was elected to the
Senate and will leave the House at the
close of December. Representative
Kitchen, of North Carolina, the ranking
Democrat of the ways and means com
mittee, will claim the Democratic lead
ership by right of seniority, and is ex
pected to have the support of Southern
Democrats generally.
Representative Mann, of Illinois, un
doubtedly will retain the Republican
leadership, facing the Democrats with
formidable support. His rank will in
elude ex-Speaker Cannon and numerous
other Republicans who have recaptured
the places they lost in the 1912 cam-
Tariff Committee Decimated.
The election will vacate five of the
14 Democratic places on the ways and
means committee, which framed the
Underwood tariff law. Representative
Underwood goes to the Senate. Repre
tentative Hammond was elected Gov
ernor of Minnesota. Representative
Mitchell, of Massachusetts, who suc
ceeded Representative Peters on the
committee when the latter became As
sistant Secretary of the Treasury, was
defeated at the polls. Representative
Palmer, of Pennsylvania, surrendered
his seat to run for the Senate and was
defeated, and Representative Stanley, of
Kentucky, sought the Senatorial nomi
nation and lost his place. Representa
tive Murdock, of Kansas, the Progres
sive leaaer ana meraner or the com
mittee, lost his seat in an effort to go
10 ine senate.
All of the Republican members of the
committee were returned, and in addi
lion ttbenezer Hill, tariff expert and
one or the Iramers of the Payne law.
was sent back after a two-year stay at
home. He will probably make a fight
ior nis oia place on me committee.
. Rnles Democrats missing.
Two Democratic members of the rules
committee will not return. Represen
tative Hardwlck. of Georgia, goes to
the Senate, and Representative Gold
fogle, of New Tork, was defeated by
Socialist, Meyer London.
Representative Kelly, of Pennsyl
vania, the Progressive member of the
committee, was defeated by a ReDub
llcan, and the Progressives may lose
thetr place on the committee.
The labor committee lost two Demo
crats, Representatives Baltz, of Illinois,
ana waisn, or new Jersey, who repre
sented President Wilson's district. Rep
resentative MacDonald. of Michigan, the
Progressive member, also was defeated.
Four Democratic members of the bank
lng and currency committee also failed
of re-election. They were Colonel
Korbly. of Indiana; Bulkley, of Ohio
Neeley, of Kansas, and Seldomridge, of
Colorado. Representative Hobson, of
Alabama, long a prominent member of
the naval affairs committee, lost his
place in an effort to defeat Representa
tive Underwood for the Senate. Repre
sentatives Bathrick, of Ohio, and Gerry,
of Rhode Island, also win be missing
from the naval affairs committee.
The Democrats lost five members who
were on the military affairs committee.
the Republicans one and the Progres
Fives one. The judiciary committ&a will
be practically unchanged. .
In the Senate the indicated increase
in the Democratic majority was wel
corned by Administration leaders, who
have been hampered during the present
Congress by the narrow margin of their
control. The possibility of the defeat
of Senator Newlands, of Nevada, threat
ened to leave vacant the chairmanship
of the interstate commerce committee,
which has handled the Administration
anti-trust measures, and which now has
before it the Administration railroad
securities bill.
It's the "bu" in Bu-Kola that's the
most important. It means buchu in a
concentrated form. Combined with kola
and other valuable Ingredients makes
it the one best remedy for kidney and
bladder troubles. Get a box today and
drive that pain in the back away. Bu-
Kola Tablets. 25o . the box, all drug I
V: ''
y VxS, ' -
States of Montana and Nevada
Probably for Suffrage.
National Association
Says Sex
for Victory
in Three
Entitled to Credit
for Prohibition
States on Tuesday.
Six states voted on the ques-(
Uon of woman suffrage Tuesday.
In two the suffrage cause won,
while in five it was rejected.
Montana and Nevada granted the
franchise to women. Missouri,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio
and South Dakota voters declined
to do so.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5. Women " now
have full suffrage in 11 states and In
the Territory of Alaska, according to
latest returns tonight from Tuesday's
election, which apparently gave the
franchise to women in Nevada and
Late tabulations of the vote on equal
suffrage In Nevada and Montana did
not upset the lead previously recorded
in favor of the women, but rural and
mountainous counties had not reported.
In addition to the 10 states now
listed as granting full franchise to
women, the sex have the right to Vote
for certain officers in 22 other states.
In Illinois, one of the 22, women may
vote for all statutory offices. Including
Presidential electors.
Eleven States Sow Give Snffrage.
The 11 states, with the time of grant
ing the franchise, are:
1 Wyoming, 1890.
2 Colorado, 1893. .
3 Idaho, 1896.
4 Utah, 1896.
B Washington, 1910.
6 California, 1912.
7 Arizona, 1912.
8 Kansas, 1912.
9 Oregon, 1912.
10 Nevada, 1914.
11 Montana, 1914.
The 22 states allowing partial suf
frage to women are: Connecticut, Del
aware, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois,
Kentucky, Michigan, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska (de
feated full suffrage Tuesday), New
Lucy and Ethel Baker.
Lucy and Ethel Baker, billed
as "Just Two Girls," are making
good at Marcus Loew's Empress
this" week. Lucy and Ethel are
the girliest kind of girls, and
they know how to sing and
dance and to chatter foolish
nonsense in a way that wins the
plaudits of every audience at
the Empress. "Tommie" Ryan,
the veteran character actor, who
headlines the bill, is not the least
bit jealous of Lucy and Ethel's
popularity, nor are any of the
rest, of the actors, for the girls'
are "just girls" off the stage,
too, and so have everything their
own way and everybody's good
will behind the footlights, as
well as In front.
sr. ;- :. .. . 5
3 ' if ?
fc -4 . ' "M 1 '
a II- . ' J .
;f If A XI F J
: v
s " ?A All'
Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico.
New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma,
Ohio (defeated full suffrage in 1912
and on Tuesday), South Dakota, Ver
mont and Wisconsin.
Franchise Denied by Seven.
Despite the assertions of woman suf.
frage leaders that they won the vote In
some of the other of the seven states
which voted on the subject Tuesday
late returns bear out early indications
that the franchise was denied women
in Ohio, Missouri, Nebraska, North Da
kota and South Dakota-
Officers of the National Woman Suf
frage Association began tonight to re
capitulate the results of women's votes
in the various states in which they
balloted on Tuesday. They contend that
the women were instrumental in Cali
fornia in passing laws that drive out
pugilism and segregated vice quarters
and failed in driving out saloons only
because of the too drastic provisions of
the amendment. .
The suffragist leaders also
assert I
that women showed their power at the
polls in Chicago by electing as judge of
the Municipal Court Charles iu Billings,
who introduced in the Illinois Legisla
ture the bill that gave women the right
to vote for many offices in Illinois.
Billings would have been defeated by
the men's vote.
Credit for Prohibition Claimed.
The leaders also declare that women
aided materially in voting prohibition
on Tuesday for Washington, Oregon
land Colorado.
laDuiation or tne woman voies in
Chicago shows that they cast 104,641
ballots on Tuesday. The total reglstra.
tion of women in the city is nearly
170,000. The percentage of women who
stayed at home was much larger than
that of men. In Chicago the Democrats
received about 43 per cent of the wom
en's ballots, the Republicans 34 per
cent and the Progressives 23 per cent.
Eleven Counties. Including Most
Populous, Give 1317 Majority.
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 5. Incom
plete returns from 11 counties in Mon
tana. Including the two most populous,
Silver Bow and Cascade, Indicate to
night that woman suffrage was sue
essful in Tuesday s election. 'me
totals from the 11 counties aggregate
10,483 in favor of woman suffrage and
9166 against.
Late reports from widely-scattered
precincts indicate that the vote in
favor of suffrage is . growing slowly.
State suffrage headquarters tonight as
serted that suffrage had carried 33 out
of the 39 counties ;
Surprise Party Present Beautiful Sil
ver Vase and Talks Are Made by
Heads of Many Organisations.
John-E. Wheeler, chairman of the
nnmmitto r.f H.mHrori won nm. I
sented last night with a handsome sil
ver vase by a gathering of Portland
citizens which took the form of an old-
fashioned "surprise party" at his resi
dence, Sixteenth and Elm streets,
More than 100 Portland persons par
ticipated in the meeting to honor the
man who was described by M. C. Reed
as the "central figure in the greatest
campaign Oregon has ever known.
One of the speakers voiced the sug
gestion that Mr. Wheeler should be
appointed chairman of the National
Committee of One Hundred, and this
suggestion seemed heartily ' in accord
with the sentiments of those present.
There were present delegations from
every temperance society in Oregon,
among them the Committee- of One
Hundred, Anti-Saloon League, Oregon
W. C. T. U., Methodist Temperance So
ciety. Good Templars, Prohibition party
and others.
The presentation was mads to Mr.
Wheeler by Arthur M. Churchill. Mr.
Churchill said that Mr. Wheeler had
contributed thousands of dollars to the
Oregon dry fight and told of the tre
mendous toll of time his work as chair
man of the committee had required,
Dr. R. C. Coffey, secretary of the
committee, who was introduced by H.
W. Stone, general . secretary of the
Y. M. C. A., said that Mr. Wheeler would
take his place among National figures.
E. A. Baker, superintendent of the
Anti-Saloon League of Oregon, spoke of
the valuable advice and assistance he
had received from Mr. Wheeler during
the campaign. Mr. Baker was in
structed, also, to convey greetings from
the National Anti-Saloon League.
B. Lee Paget read a letter of good
wishes from J. P. Newell, state chair
man of the Prohibition party. Mr.
Paget remarked that his party was the!
original one of "watchful waiting" and
celebrations of any kind for them were
M. C Reed, of the Methodist Tem
perance Society, and Mrs. Russell, on
behalf of Mrs. Jennie Kemp, president
of the Oregon W. C. T. U., spoke of the
value Mr. Wheeler's work had been to
the campaign.
Orton E. Goodwin and John F. Car
roll also spoke.
Illinois in 1913 produced minerals valued
The Latest Fall Styles Are
All 971 Exhibition Here
An exhibit of iik rhodels depicting the very latest
fashion ideas; developed m serge, gabardine,
tweed, cheviot an
Exclusive and - in
garments sold by st
Stanford University Students Also Sub
scribe $2300 for Relief tot
Starving Populace.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. S. Sketches,
paintings and cartoons done by artists
of local and National reputation will
be auctioned here Thanksgiving eve in
the ballroom of a large hotel for the
relief of the war-stricken. Belgians, it
was announced tonight. The project
is a part of the scheme by which San
Francisco bankers and business men.
headed by William H. Crocker, expect
to raise at least S250.000 in response to
an appeal from Herbert C. Hoover, the
California mining engineer, who neaas
the relief commission,
W. R. Davenport, acting for the Press
Club of San Francisco, which has
undertaken to aid the local committee
by supplying the material for the ex
hibtt, said that prominent artists here
workinsr on the Panama-Pacific Ex
position sculpture and painting, bad
promised to contrjbute, as had several
members of the XMew lorK Artists
Colony, who began their life work in
San Francisco.
5. Stanford students subscribed $2300,
more than a dollar for each student
registered, to the California relief fund
for suffering .Belgians today. The
campaign for funds was led by Presi
dent John-Casper Branner ana tne
money is to be expended for foodstuffs.
Plans also are under way ior a
Rugby'game for the benefit of the Bel
gians between the second '15s of Cali
fornia and Stanford. If arranged, the
game will be played either in San
Francisco or at Berkeley.
Yale Graduate Despondent Because
Unable to Find Suitable Work.
CHICAGO, Nov. 5 Watson Harpham,
graduate of Yale and member of nu
merous Yale honor societies, committed
suicide by shooting at his father's home
in Evanston today. Harpham was de
spondent because, although 25 years
old, he had not been able to get a suit
able position.
Un.nho m WA9 JL TT! PTT1 Vl P T of the Psl
UpBllon Fraternity and the Scroll and
Keys at Yale.
Idaho Debaters Accept Challenge.
rSDecial.) The University of Idaho de
bate council has accepted a challenge
from the University of Southern Cali
fornia to a debate with a two-man
team on a question and at a time to be
decided on later. Arrangements are
also unaer way iwr a uua meet wn.11
Reed College in the near future on a
Question still to be fixed. Idaho has
Hood's Sarsaparilla surely and ef
fectlvely removes scrofula, bolls and
other blood diseases because it drives
out of the blood all the humors that
cause these diseases. They cannot be
successfully treated in any other way.
External applications for their removal
have proven almost useless, because
they cannot drive out the Impurities
that are in the blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure, rich
blood, perfects the digestion, and oullds
up the whole system. The skin be
comes smooth, clean and healthy. This
great blood remedy has stood the test
of forty years. Insist on having Hood's,
for nothing else acts like It. There is
no real substitute. Get it today. Sold
by all druggist's. Adv.
Get a 10-Cent Package of Dr.
James' Headache Powders
and Don't Suffer.
When your head aches you simply
must have relief or you will go wild.
It's needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James' Head
ache Powders and relieve the pain and
neuralgia at once. Send someone to
the drugstore now for a dime package
of Dr. James Headache Powders.
Don't suffer. In a few momenta you
will feel fine headache gone no more
i 1
cy, mannish weaves.
ual, but iully as low m
s tnat Duy ana sen apparel 01 tne or
dinary kind.
- Suits $19.50 upward.
This store shows and sells more
Coats and Balmacaans than any
establishment in Portland; new
models arrive by express daily. Gar
ments especially desirable for late
Fall and all-Winter wear are tai
lored from chinchilla, corduroy.
velour de laine, fleece and European tweed and cheviot.
Striking models, handsomely made.
$10.00 upward.
A Shop
good latent debate material to choose
from this year, many high school stars
The reason why
of this sale:
Owing1 to a
backward season
and long
continued dry
spell and the
fear of stock
compel drastic
price reductions.
Every garment
marked in plain
figures for
quick selling..
See Wonderful
Window Display
Read Editorial Comment of Leading Newspapers of the Country
The trade agencies report a distinctly disappointing condition in trade throughout
the country as a whole, and but little response to the manifestly favorable conditions,
of which the number is even greater this week than before. The present ill effects
are from the European war, warm weather, which affects the demand for Winter
goods, the depression in the cotton situation, and the high rates for money. Added to
these are slow collections, restricted industrial outputs and close scanning of credits.
Conservatism is widespread, very much overdone, and operates to curtail buying for
future delivery.
Below giving just an idea
of the tremendous price
reductions in
Women's and Misses'
Rainproof Coats
$10.00 Rainproof All
Weather Coats for women
and misses, including Eng
lish Slip-ons, Poplins, Mo
hair, etc. $10.00 Coats,
33 per cent
$15.00 Rainproof All
Weather Coats for women
alid misses. Cashmere
English Slip-ons and
Cravenette Coats. $15.00
to $2S
$18.00 Rainproof Double
Service All-Weather
Coats. English Gabar
dines, silk mohairs or im
ported fabrics, real utility
Coats. $18.00 Coats, 33
per cent
off, at
$20 Women's and Misses'
superb Double-Service
Coats, English Gabar
dines, the new Balma
caans, ' and the prettiest
Silk and Satin Coats
Quantity limited. These
$20.00 garments, 33 per
cent off,
Owing to the
very low price
rednctl ons a
slight charge
will be made for
a 1 1 e rations on
Women's Goods.
No Goods sent
0. O. D. or on
price as the
V Ail
for Gentlewomen
having entered school in the freshman
class and an excellent team should be
The Greatest Coat Bargain Event Ever
Witnessed in Portland .
Superb Double-Service All-Weather
Men, Women, Boys and Girls
Per Cent
NOV. 6, AT 8 A. M.
ers who desire to make a careful selection
are advised to call during the early hours.
Space will not permit of extended detail
of the unusual bargain ..during this sale.
$15 Coats $9.75
$18 Coats $11.50
Coats $15.00
The Only Exclusive Raincoat
Store in Portland
Men's Black Rubber Storm Coats, snap
buckles. They are big sellers at $4.75,
now 33 per cent off, sell- IQ 1 Jj
iug at 33elO
Quantity Limited.
$30.00 .Men's Coats. Space will not per
mit to dwell on the excellent quality of
fabric and tailoring. You'll like one of
these $30.00 Coats, 33 per (hnx ff
cent off, at tpZU.UU
These $25.00 Coats, for the man who
fine double-service Coat, in black,
or dark tan, will make no mistake in get
ting one at 33 per cent d 1 J 7
off figures down . .ip X D O
Saturday Night Till lO
Free '
developed to send against both Reed
and the Southern California University.
buyers who
. quality can
themselves on
this opportunity
at the height
of the season,
when the
question is:
Will it be a
Raincoat or
Top Coat?
Get a Goodyear.
It's both.
See Wonderful
Window Display
Below giving just an idea
of the tremendous price
reductions in
Men's and Young Men's
Rainproof Coats
$10.00 Rainproof English
Slip-ons, including about
40 English Toppers.
$12.50 to $15.00 values in
cluded in this lot. 33 per
cent off $10
Coats at.
$15.00 Men's and Young
Men's All-Weather Coats,
English Slip-ons, Craven
ettes, etc., including grays,
blacks and browns. 33
per cent off all $15.00
$18.00 Men's and Young
Men's English Gabardines,'
Slip-ons, Cravenettes. Get
your Coat now. These
$18.00 Coats, 33 per cent
These $20.00 Coat3 now
are sure one great buy,
including Bal m a c a a n s,
English Slip-ons, Gabar
dines,' Crav e n e 1 1 e s, etc.
33 off all ,
$20 Coats
Boys' and
Slip-Ons and
Rubber Coats.
$4.50 Values
$2.35 I
$7.50 Values
tores. Adv.
It Z1S1,BZ3,ZZ1.