4 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER C, 1914. ARIZONA DRYS YET BIG FIGHT OH Amendment May Not Be Self Operative and Lawmakers May Have to Act. TECHNICAL POINT RAISED Liquor Men Say They Have Majority in Legislature and Referendum Would Entail Another Vote at Next Election. SALK OF ALCOHOLIC LlftlORS NOW FROHIUITED IN" 14 STATES. Fourteen states now have laws prohibiting- the sale of alcoholic beverages as the result of Tues day's election, on the face of the late returns, which show that prohibition was adopted in Ari zona. Washington. Oregon and Colorado. The states which pro hibit the sale of liquor are: 1 Arizona, 2 Oklahoma. 3 Colorado. 4 Georgia. 5 Kansas. 6 Maine. 7 Mississippi. 8 North Carolina. 9 Oregon. 10 Tennessee. 11 Washington. 12 West Virginia. 13 North Dakota. 14 Virginia. Alabama once adopted prohibi tion amendment, but later re scinded it. South Carolina is largely so under various acts. A score of states have local option laws. . - will leave at 4 A. M. tomorrow for Bos ton, where she will remain pending the determination of civil suits against her owners in the Federal courts. She will probably cover the distance in 12 hours. The ship will leave the harbor with guarantees from the representatives of that she will not be molested. Two destroyers of the United States Navy, the Terry and Lamton, will act as convoys for the German steamer and Lieutenant Kilpatrick, of the Navy, has been ordered by Washington to su perintend her navigation, keeping, her as far as possible within the three mile limit. The Kronprinzessln Cecilie came into this port on August 4 after she 'had gone more than halfway across the Atlantic on a voyage from New York. On account of the opening of hostili ties, her officers turned her about and made a run for a neutral port. She carried many passengers and a valuable cargo of gold. It was the failure to deliver the latter at Its des tination that led to the libelling of the ship in civil suits in the Federal court. DEmDGRATlC HOUSE ftlAJGRITY NOW 24 Although Late Returns May Change Figures,. Senate . Margin Now Is 13. . SOCIALIST IN LOWER BODY VICTOR HAY STAY AWAY M. IHRLBIRT, REPUDIATED CAN DIDATE, IN WISCONSIN. Progressives Have Seven Represent atives and One Senator "Wiscon sin, Colorado, Nevada Upper -House Races Unsettled. (Continued From First Pare.) Republican Representative-Elect Slay Be Ousted by Legislature If Con ' test la Filed by R. P. Burst. with the Republicans. Representative Kent, of the First California District, is ranked as an independent. This would give the 'Progressives seven members of the House. C. M. Hurlburt, who apparently has CTMMIXS HOLDS LEAD IX IOWA oeen elected Joint Representative from Multnomah, Clackamas and Columbia Counties in spite of the fact that he was repudiated by the party which nominated him. Is at present in Wis consin, and there is doubt whether he will retprn to Oregon to take his seat in the Legislature. After hi, nnminotlnn i nrlmorls. on the RenubHoan tirt . rhar wr mately 48,000 and 25,000, respec- Governor CJarke's Plurality Also Maintained in Late Returns. DES MOINES, Nov. 5. The plurali ties of Senator Cummins and Governor Clarke, Republicans, was -approxi- made against Hurlburt by others in the same party. Called before the Repub lican State Central Committee, he ad- tively, tonight, with most of the pre cincts in the state heard from. In the contests of Representatives in mitted that, his chief reason in- running Congress in the state, 10 of which went for the office was to introduce and try l. P!?.?"JBOBai d?f wb"1 i0r3ilt ocrats. C. C. Dowell, Rep., of the Sev enth District, got the largest plurality. With returns practically all in, Dow- ell's plurality was close to 7000. The half of this amount if successful. Other charges were that he was iden- JtirZ bt eSfa Wll,dCaV, U,Bl2"E approximate pluralities of the other Re ventures, at least one of which led tol r,r.. 0L.... r- a PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 5. Although the state was voted dry in Tuesday's election, there was a question whether the prohibition amendment added to the constitution was self-operative, or whether it would require an emergency act by the Legislature before becoming effective January 1. Purdy Bullard, the retiring Attorney General, put the question up to his suc cessor, Wiley Jones. Mr. Jones said he would not express an opinion until he had actually assumed office. If an emergency act is necessary to make prohibition effective throughout the state, another fight on the liquor issue will be precipitated in the Legis lature where the liquor men believe it will be confronted by a hostile major ity. In-that event a referendum would be certain, with the question again on the ballot at the next general election. COLORADO WITHOUT PENALTY Returns Give Drys Bigger Lead and Show Senator Thomas Ahead. DENVER, Nov. 5. Belated returns today swelled the majority in favor of the prohibition amendment, and with Colorado definitely placed in the dry column uf the states, the anti-saloon forces are turning attention to legisla tive matters in an effort to make the new clause effective. Latest figures for prohibition are 106,088 for and 99,132 against. In Denver the wets polled , a majority of 9452. This lead was wiped out by the state precincts. The new amendment as it stands, ac cording to a statement of the Anti- Saloon League, is merely an addition to the constitution without penalties for violation. The next Legislature will be asked to pass .laws providing punishment for Interstate shipments of liquor; an.anti bootlegging law and a measure giving the Governor power to remove county officials for failure to enforce the law. Unofficial figures compiled late to night on complete returns from 33 counties including Denver and repre senting more than 90 per cent of the votes cast Tuesday give Senator Thorn as 94.053, Work 89,815. OHIO DRYS ARE MILITANT Referendum Election to Be Called in Year to Vote on Issue. COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 5. Ohio has merged from the contest over state wide prohibition Tuesday only to enter upon a new campaign upon the same Bubject, according to official announce encnt of prohibition leaders today. While it was not conceded formally that the so-called home rule amend ment had been adopted, thus automati cally making wet the 45 counties which heretofore were dry under the Rosa law elections, the Anti-Saloon League trustees were notified that a meeting would De called soon to take steps to ward Initiating petitions which would call for a referendum election one year hence on the subject of the repeal of the home rule amendment and the adop tion of state-wide prohibition. Official and semi-official returns In dicated that the Prohibition amend ment had been defeated by more than 40,000 majority. CALIFORNIA WET FOR 8 YEARS his arrest. It was also alleged that he worked in Portland for ome time un der an assumed name. He has lived here about four years. A short time ago Mrs. Hurlburt filed suit for divorce. When the Republi cans repudiated him and indorsed Ros coe P. Hurst, the Democratic candidate. It was believed Hurst's election was assured. Mrs. Hurlburt said yesterday that she believed her husband was "somewhere in Wisconsin," but beyond this she knew nothing of him. No decision has yet been made by the Multnomah delegation to the Legisla ture as to what action will be taken in Hurlburt's case. It will be necessary, it is said, to give him his seat. It is suggested that Roscoe P. Hurst then file a contest against Hurlburt. By a two-thirds vote the Legislature can then unseat Hurlburt and put Mr. Hurst in. re nedy, First District. 2000; H. E. Hull, Second. 1800; Burton E. Sweet, Third, 2000; G. N. Haugen, Fourth. 5000; James W. Good, Fifth, 1800; C. W. Ramseyer, Sixth. 200; H. M. Towner, Eighth, 6000; W. R. Green, Ninth, 3000; F. P. Woods, Tenth, 5000. T. J. Steele, Dem who was elected In the Eleventh District, received a plurality of 3596 on avail able returns from practically all of the precincts in the district. With complete returns from 92 out of 99 counties - in the state, and the remaining counties reporting almost complete returns, Senator Cummins' lead over Connolly was 47,730 at a late hour tonight. Cummins' vote was 191.113 and that of Connolly 143.383 in 2127 precincts, out of a total of 2297 in the state. In the race" for Governor complete returns from 93 counties, together with KINK YEARS OP" HONEST DB.V T1 I'H I N PUII 1 1. At a. Dr. PAUL C YATES WE HAVE CUT PRICES IU1SKU I'Uh OUALITI. , WK OlVt TKAVUL SLHIP 1THKK. Our offer Is for you to go to any dental office and get prices, than coma to us and we will show you BOW TO SAVE) A DOLLAR, and we make a dollar on your dentaj work. Geld Crswas S4.0 BridgMTSrk. . ............... S-l.OO Flllingm. Sl.OO Plates. SIO.OO All Work Guaranteed 13 Years. P&ul C Y&tC5, 'desti'st. Fiftk oid atorrlaoa. Oppoalta- lat. of He. PRUGSf mm i a y oudVateT t'C republican, have lnunt!es. gave Governor claPke. pudiated Hurlburt and the Demo-lu" , OA Co r . T-. crats can have no objection to seating T i?k rrTouTJ;i th. TvJ- m.mh.r f th.i. n n..tv ,1,1. I Dem.. 166,475. making the former's of 41,762 over Governor Hodges (Dem.) j on final figures, on the wave or tne big Capper vote, the entire Republican Etate ticket was swept Into office by 25,000 and the Legislature becomes Re publican. Henry J. Allen, (Prog), and J. B. Blllard (Ind.), are running a close race for third place in the contest for Governor. One feature ' of the election that stands out Is the fact that despite bis pluralities for the Republican state ticket, the Democrats' gained one Rep resentative in Congress. The Demo cratic gain was in the Eighth district, where W. A. Ayres defeated his Repub lican and - Progressive opponents, and will succeed "Victor Murdock (Prog.) In the House. Murdock left the House to become Progressive candidate for United States Senator. He was third in the race. WISCONSIN SENATORSHIP CLOSE Democrat Leads . Unofficially but Contest Is Not Decided. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 5 An official count of the votes cast in Wisconsin for' United States Senator appears to night to be the only way of arriving at a definite conclusion as to whether Paul O. Husting, Dem., or Governor McGovern, Rep., has been elected United States Senator to succeed Isaac Stephenson. Unofficial returns received from every county in Wisconsin by the Milwaukee Journal give Husting 122,315 and Mc Govern 120,760, or a plurality of 1555 for Husting. An analysis of the returns indicates that Husting received considerable sup port from followers of Blaine, the in dependent candidate for Governor. A case in point is cited in Dane County, where Husting received some 1500 votes more than Karel, Democratic candi date for Governor, while McGovern and Phillips, Rep., received practically the same vote. a member of their own party, this plan is likely to be followed PRICE LIMIT IS PROBLEM plurality 24,163. In the Supreme Court contest with returns from 88 counties the figures stood: Weaver 65,386, Ladd 65.121. Salinger 64,827, Wlthrow 58,435. Thomas 57,413, Prouty 56,667. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY IS TRYING TO CONTROL, FOOD SITUATION. JOHNSON'S VOTE MOUNTS UP Pliclan Also Gains as' California Re turns Come In. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5. Through out today the pluralities of Governor Johnson, candidate to succeed himself, and James D. Phelan, successful Dem ocratic aspirant to the United States VENICE, via Paris. Nov. 5.Both the ?tn.,C?"tLu.eA..t,. .!"Ut . JiP.W,"v.d8' Austrian and Hungarian governments Producers Demand High Figure De aplte Government Threat to Im port Floor la Sent Out. are making desperate efforts to pre vent further increases in the price of iooo. The Austrian Ministry recently di- rected that after December 1 bread shall contain not more than 70 per cent or wneat flour or rye meal; the remain der may consist of barley, maise or po. tato meal. The decree further Drohib- its the restaurant managers' practice of exchanging stale white bread at the bakers or returning the bread. To prevent the wasting of flour, the government has now ordered that the mills restrict the quantity of the finest grades of flour, because the milling of these produces a much smaller percent. age of flour than does the milling of coarser grades. In Hungary-aftfforts of the govern. ment to restrain landed pr6prietors, who are said to be demanding exorbi tant prices for grain, have failed thus far. The Ministry has now warned farmers that steps will be taken to import flour from America. Meanwhile the military authorities have taken more decisive action by requisitioning large quantities of flour, paying con. siderably below the market prices for it. As a consequence, the grain trade of Hungary is now at a complete stand still, dealers refusing to take the risk of losing heavily at the next requisition. As the military must have more flour soon, the situation is becoming acute. It is expected that the Hungarian Cabi net shortly will be forced to take drastic steps to settle the question of the prices of grain and flour. or Amendment Delaying Renewal Prohibition Fiffht Adopted. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5. Not only did the voters of California man and woman swamp state-wide prohibition on Tuesday by a majority that will reach 150,000, but they also approved a measure designed to prevent a. re crudescence of the prohibition move ment within a period of eight years. Amendment No. 47, which provides that there shall not be another vote on the question in that time, has been adopted, but by a much smaller ma jority. Scattered returns brought in from all parts of the state today, while meager, because the count had not progressed through the amendments in many precincts, showed No. 47 to have a commanding lead, which full returns are not likely to upset. Missouri Legislature Dry. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 6. The next Mis souri Legislature will be dry, accord Jng to information received at the of fices of the Missouri Anti-Saloon League, and the league will attempt to obtain the passage of a law providing for precincts and ward local option In St. Louis. This was declared today by Rev. W. C. Shupp, Etate superintend ent of the Missouri Anti-Saloon League. INTERNED LINER OFF TODAY Kronprinzessln Cecilie Guaranteed Safety in Shifting Ports. BAR HARBOR, Me, Nov. 5. The steamer Kronprinzessln Cecilie, of the North Germun-Lloyd line, which has been interned here for three months, At the close of tabulation tonight John son had 118,087 more votes than John D. Fredericks, his Republican opponent. and 32,539 more than the combined vote for Fredericks and Curtin, the Democratic nominee. Senator - elect Phelan was more than 25,000 votes ahead of Joseph R. Knowland, his Re publican rival. Francis J. Heney. the Progressive nominee, is little less than 4000 votes behind Knowland. The miss lng Los Angeles precincts should favor Heney. A desperately close fight has devel oped for a pla.ee on the Supreme Court bench between Lucien Shaw and John D. Murphy. At the close of the tabula tion tonight Murphy had a lead of 185 votes, but again the missing Los Ange les precincts, which number 268, have to be reckoned with. Shaw is far in the lead in the Los Angeles count, and it seems probable that the final figures from his home county will give him the victory. Superior Judge Lawlor, who won the other place on" the Supreme Bench is well in front of his rivals. Justice Angellotti is about 9000 votes ahead of - Judge Conley for the Chief Justiceship. Complete Los Angeles re turns should favor Anfellotti, as he has been leading in the count there. Kingsbury, Progressive, for Survey or-General, has defeated Wright, Re publican, on the face of partial returns, which give him a considerable margin of votes. SHERMAN'S LEAD IS 17,030 One- Progressive Candidate Polls Half of Roosevelt Vote. CHICAGO, . Nov. 6. Lawrence Y, Sherman. Republican, was re-elected to the United States Senate, defeating Roger C. Sullivan, his Democratic op ponent, by 17,030 votes. Complete re turns tonignt irom an tne precincts outside of Cook County (Chicago) gave Sherman a plurality of 73.630. The Democratic candidate carried Chicago and Cook County by 56,600 votes. Rob ins, the Progressive candidate, polled a little more than 50 per cent of th vote gathered by Colonel Roosevelt in 1912, although Colonel Roosevelt toured the state urging his election and he had the support of most of the Chicag newspapers. It was conceded tonight that the Re publicans had won most ' of the state offices. Andrew Russell, for State Treasurer, ran about 13.000 votes Le hind the Democratic candidate in Cook County. Returns -tonight from 67 the 101 down-state counties gave Rus sell a plurality of 28,000 outside of Cook County and apparently assured his elec tion. The official canvass of the vote was started at once. Despite the apparent ly overwhelming figures, counsel for Sullivan Insisted that the canvass would show big gains for their candidate, but it -was not expected to be enough to offset the Republican lead. CURTIS ELECTED IN KANSAS Huge Vote for Capper Sweeps In Republican State Ticket. TOPEKA. Kan- Nov. 5 Charles Cur- tis. Rep., Is going back to the United States Senate, after an absence of two of Louis J. In his suit for divorce from I years, to succeed Senator Bristow, whom END OF ANNOYANCES ASKED Railway Asks Restraining Order for Columbia Highway Work. Application for a restraining order against the Columbia Contract Com pany, engaged in construction work on the Columbia highway, was made yes terday to the United States District Court by the Spokane, Portland & Seat tle Railway. The new highway runs parallel and above tne railroad tracks in some places and the railroad company al leges that its right-of-way fences have been torn down, that retaining walls have been built that are in danger of collapsing on the right of way and that trains have been hit with rocks thrown by blasts. The railroad ooes not ask for action that will halt the construction work, but wants the annoying practices dis continued and ample notice as to when a blast is to be shot. FOUR ASK FOR DIVORCES Hnrriet Jeffries Alleges Treatment in Suit. Harsh Harsh treatment is alleged against her husband, Charles D., by Harriet Jeffries In her divorce suit filed yester day. The two were married in Portland in 1888. It is charged the husband re fused to speak to her for days at a time. She asks S40 a month alimony. Married in Pennsylvania tn 1907 and deserted in Ohio in 1913 is the assertion error, Martin u. BrumDaugn, nas a plurality over Vance C. McCormick, Dem., of 139,816. COLORADO SENATORSHIP CLOSE Official Count May Be Necessary to Determine Result. DENVER,. Nov. 5. The official count probably will be required to settle the ontest between Charles S. Thomas, Dem.) and Hubert Work (Rep.) for United States Senator from Colorado. Late today, with approximately- 80 per ent of the vote compiled, the count tood, Thomas, 84,299; Work. 82,641. Colorado elected three Democrats and one Republican to the House of Repre- entatives. Figures compiled by the chief deputy of the Internal .Revenue Bureau in Denver show that the National Govern ment will lose an income of about $785,000 annually when statewide pro hibition becomes operative, January 1, 1916. - NEVADA AWAITS FINAL COUNT Senatorial Outcome Depends on Re turns From Remote Districts. CARSON. Nev., Nov. 6. Who was elected United States Senator in Nevada on Tuesday must remain undetermined until the official canvass of the votes has been completed. With 182 out of 240 precincts reported tonight the vote stood: Francis G. Newlands, Dem., 7751; Samuel Piatt. Rep.. 7649. The 68 missing precincts are in re mote mountain and desert districts, without telegraph or telephone, and the result of their vote will not be known until the ballot boxes have been con veyed overland to their respective county seats. All of these precincts are in sparsely settled country, and their total vote will aggregate only a few hundred. 10 Don't Fail to Take Your Stamps - Thousands Use This Coupon and Save Money by Doing So i i BRING THIS COUPON SO EXTRA 20 Bring this coupon and get 20 extra "S. & H." Trading Stamps on your first dollar cash purchase and double stamps on balance of purchase. Good on first three floors, Nov. 7, Today ana Tomorrow. "LiMy" Trunks We place on sale to morrow, all our Hkly' Tmki at greatly re duced prices. We- need our mezzanine floor for our incoming Holiday lines. If you need a trunk, this is an opportunity. 312 Trunks now H9.45 315 Trunks. 820 Trunks. . . $25 Trunks... A five year with each. 811.85 .16. SO SIS. 75 guaranty DRUGS Handbags for Particular Folks Distinctive In appearance. Per fect in workmanship and mater ial. Some exceptional values in our Leather Section. $8 genuine walrus Travel ing Bag 85.95 S8 genuine cowhide" Suit Case, an exceptional value.86.25 $12 genuine cowhide Suit Case, extra heavy weight, leather lined, reinforced corners, straps all around.. SIO $3 ladles' Hand Bags 81.39 $1.50 ladies' Hand Bags 67 $4 Party Cases, gold-plated fittings. See Alder street window ....82.43 65c men's Purses i..50 60c Watch Wristlets, all -sizes 35 $ - T FREB FREB - frv 1". r Purchase a 50c bottle of LIQUID VESEER today and you tm will get 25c L. V. Dust Cloth FREE. Present this coupon. Name ......" Address Candy Specials 40c lb. Burnt Peanuts. . .31 75c lb. Melba Chocs 56 35c lb. Candy Chews.... 29 60,000 new Holiday Cards. 2 for ...5 "Wood-Lark Library, Office and Photo Paste, the greatest seller among the finest stick ers made -IOC to 90 All Pyralin off Friday and Saturday. A truly wonderful display of useful articles Brushes. Combs and Toilet Articles. Real Ebony Solid Back Hair Brushes, 14 row, regular $2, special. .. .81. 68 "Justrite" Cloth Brushes 25 Kent's genulna English Tooth Brushes, every one guaranteed, values 35c to 60c, special 29 25c Comp. Licorice Powd.19 10c Whiting 6 10c Sulphur 6 25c Sweet Spirits Nitre... 19 10c Tr. Benzoin 7 All lOe spices 7 25c Glycerine and Rose Water 18 $1 Ayer's Sarsaparllla. . . .83 60c Phillips' Milk Magnes ia 45 $1 Newbro's Herpicide ...65 $1 Bromo Seltzer 75 75c Antlphloglstlne 65 $1 Hamlin's Wizard 0U..80 50o Pinex 40 HOT WATER BOTTLES Values to $1.50. Special 98 $1.25 Spray Syringe 87 $2.50 Fountain Syringe 81.79 50c Rubber Gloves 32 Beautiful colored Balls A, OFF J. B. L. Cascade Booklet of Information free. 60c La Dorrine Face Powder 35 10c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap 6 25c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap 1.5 60c Pebeco 28 50c Sempre Glovlne ....28 60c Pompeian Massage Cream .29 50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream 39 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 33. 25c Perspi-no 16 Imperial Grannm Food FOR THE NURSING MOTHER Increase the quality and quantity of her milk and gives strength to bear the strain of nursing. FOR THE BABY Imperial Grannm is the food that gives hard, firm flesh, good bone and rich red blood. Wood-Lark Bldg., Alder St. at West Park Abbie Schwarz here yesterday. Charging her husband, Lester D., with unfaithfulness. Sarah B. Carter sued for I divorce yesterday, asking the custody j of two children and $25 monthly for their support. Anna sued Jacob Wacker on the ground of desertion, asking $30 Curtis defeated for nomination in the primaries. .With all counties heard from tonight, Curtis has a plurality of 4782 votes over Representative Nelley, Democrat Curtis served in the House from the Fifty-third to the Sixtieth Congress and then entered the Senate. a month alimony. Ethel A. French was 1 Governor Stubbs defeated him-for re granted a divorce yesterday from Fred- nomination in the primaries of 1912. erlck French by Judge Gateau Arthur Capper, (Rep.), haa a plurality SMOOT'S MAJORITY IS 2727 Complete Returns on KIcctlon Are Made in Utah. SALT LAKE CITY. Nov. 5. Complete returns give Senator Smoot, Rep., majority of 2727 over James H. Moyle, Fus. ' James H. Mays. Fus., defeated E. O. Latherwood, Rep., by 200 In the Second Congressional District. Joseph Howell, Rep., was re-elected by 2058 votes over Lewis Larson, Fus., in the First Dis trict. W. M. McCarty, Rep., was re elected Supreme Court Justice by a ma Jority of 1892 over Frank B. Stephens, and E. G. Gowans, non-partisan, de feated A. C. Matheson, Rep., ky 3512 votes for Superintendent of Schools. Mays is a Progressive and Gowans is a Republican. NEBRASKA DEMOCRATS LEAD Party Claims State Ticket Won bu Republicans Elect Representative. LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 5. With th slight but steady gain for the head of the Democratic ticket, leaders at head quarters of that party were claiming the election of the entire state ticket, along with Governor Morehead, and figures at hand went to sustain this claim, although they are far from com plete on a single office. On BUffrage 635 precincts give 33,961 for and 86,596 against. This Includes the total vote of 10 counties. The- First district Representative in Congress was removed from the doubt ful list tonight by the assurance of the election of Davis (Rep.), by a plurality approximately of 300. PENROSE'S PLURALITY IS HUGE Lead Over Pi noli t Likely to Exceed Quarter of Million. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 6. The Plur ality of Boise Penrose, Rep., for re election to the United States Senate, probably will be more than a quarter of a million. Returns from all but a small number of districts in the state give him a plurality, of 245,533 over Glfford Plnchot, the Progressive candi date, who has a lead of only 770 votes over A. Mitchell Palmer, the Democratic candidate. The vote so far received for the three candidates Is as follows: Penrose, 506,135; Plnchott, 260,602; Palmer. 259,832. The Republican candidate for Gov- Redliglit Abatement May "Win. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 5. The red- light abatement measure voted on in California Tuesday appears to have gone down to defeat by a narrow mar gin, although there is still a possibility that the 11,125 majority recorded against it in 3324 preolncts will be upset. Utah Elects Socialist. v SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 5. J. A. Bevan. elected State Representative in Tooele County, will be the first bocial- ist to serve in the Utah Legislature. Duchense County, created last Summer, elected a Socialist county ticket. DISASTER SUIT REOPENED Rehearing of Case Against Great Northern Is Ordered. OLYMPIA. Wash, Nov. 5. The State Supreme Court today granted a petition for a rehearing in the case of William Topping, a minor, of Spokane, against the Great Northern Railroad for dam airea for the death of his father, who was killed In the Wellington avalanche in 1910. when two Great Northern trains were swept down a mountain and more than 90 persons killed. The Supreme Court in a department decision barred recovery on the ground that the accident was due to an act of God, but under today's decision the case will be reargued before the full bench. INDIANS VISIT SENATORS Chamberlain' and Lane Are Asked to Help Regain Land. , Jerry Holllqullla and Harry Miller, Indians who reside on the Warm Springs Reservation in Central Ore gon, were received by Senators Cham berlain and Lane yesterday afternoon, when they came to ask the assistance of the Senators in regaining 90 square miles of land taken from the reserva tion or pay therefor, the money to be distributed among the Indians. At present the reservation contains about 900 square miles and is inhab ited by 950 Indians. The land which they want returned has been with drawn from the reservation In strips, dating back to 1865. The last piece was taken in 1890 and there was talk of taking another parcel, which caused the Indians, through Holllqullla and Miller, to appeal to Oregon's Repre sentatives in Washington for assist ance. The Indians on the Warm Springs Reservation voted for prohibition, says Mr. Holllqullla. Newport Dry by 1 1 Votes. NEWPORT, Or, Nov. 5. (Special.) Newport again has gone dry. out with only 11 votes to spare. Newport voted dry in 1906. went wet two years later, and after six years of dampness again has gone dry. CHILDREN HATE PILLS; CALOMEL AND CASTOR OIL If Cross, Feverish, Constitpated, Give "California Syrup of Figs." look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physics simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt Is well founded. Their tender little "insldes" are Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive,, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomor row. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counter felts sold here. See that it Is made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Re fuse any other kind with contempt. Adv. . $40,000 of High-Grade Imported and Domes tic Wines and Liquors ' To Be Closed Out as Soon as Possible COTTAGE AND FURNITURE for sale at Gearhart Park 5 ACRES OF LAND for sale cheap, near Parkrose Ad. National Wine Co. Fifth and Stark Sts. M. Rosenthal, Prop. BIG LAND OPENING STATE OF OREGON TUMALO IRRIGATION PROJECT LAIDLAW, OREGON LIXD AND WATER RIGHTS $40 PER ACRE. ON EASY TERMS. 17,500 ACRES. These lands, including water rights, are open for entry under the terms of the Carey Act. The project has been built directly by too state, so enormous profits are eliminated. Land and water rights cost 140 per acre, one-tenth cash, balance in 10 years on easy terms, full information call on. or write, project Engineer. Laidlaw, Or. For BEER IS NOT ALCOHOL Beer is the combined extract of malt and hops Malt builds up tissue Hops is an invigorating tonic. Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which gives it sparkling effervescence. Beer contains 3V2 to 4 per cent of alcohol developed by natural fermentation, just enough to pre serve it. Phones: Main 72, A 1172 Henry Weinhard Brewery Portland, Oregon