K VOL. L.IV. NO. 16,833. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. V PDAnnnifooum bulletins UIHUUbl OOIIII BELIEVED LOST Yireless Call for British Admiral Unanswered. GERMANS DESCRIBE BATTLE L-r Britons Outnumbered and Un aware That Enemy Was I Approaching in Force. FATE OF FOUR IN DOUBT Jwo Vessels on Each Side Missing Victors Unable . to Succor Foes. LOSDON, Kot. e According to the Dall Mall's Rotterdam correspondent, the Inhabitant of Oatend have been or dered to take to their cellars with five days provisions. WASHINGTON, Not. B. Two German officers and two men of the crew of the German cruiser Oder, now at Honolulu, who have been held for some time at San Francisco, will be paroled, bnt mast i remain In the United States an til the end of the war. The German embassy was so Informed today by the State Department. rETROGRAD, Nov. 6. Emperor Nicholas has arrived at army headquar ters at the front. LONDON. Nov. B. The British mine eeper alary was sunk by a mine in the North Sea today. Six of the crew of 14 were rescued. The survivors, who landed at Lowestoft, reported heavy arun firing off the Yorkshire coast today. LONDON, Nov. 5. Lieutenant Murray lost his life today in an aeroplane acci dent at the Avon flying school. It is believed he miscalculated the distance while landing;, after making; a flight over Rushall Down. BERLIN, Nov. 5. (By wireless via London.) Vienna officially reports that In Russian Poland the Austrlans cap tured over 2000 prisoners. Including 20 officers. On the Gallclan front BOO Russians surrendered. During the op erations against Servla 77 officers and 650 men were taken at Roumanla, ; I well as much war material. ROUTED TURKS ARE Protection of "United States' Interests at Beirut Is Ordered London Government Annexes Otto man Island of Cyprus. BERLIN, Nov. 3. (By Marconi wire less via London.) Shanghai nevrspa pera report that the German artillery fire la systematically destroying the VALPARAISO, Chile. NOV. 5. At entrenched positions occupied by the mtmlaca tt, -r -t v. f Japanese arounu -rsing-'i'au. Tie Jtp Glasgow intercepted by the German attacks. The waters around Tslng-Tau victors was the last word received from Rear-Admiral Cradock's squad- London. Nov. Marconi wire- t I I... dinnntch from Berlin IITI that in ron following the engagement off the Egypt the English have abandoned the rhilPHn nr.st K.innv Arabian frontier and withdrawn across The Germans saw trip ATnnmnTit h I M V BTPBn A Iff -.-1 fjmilnn VftV 6ink and heard an explosion on board PriB Joachim Aibrecht, of Prussia, the Good Hope that they believe Sent! son of the late regent of Brunswick, the crippled battleship to the bottom. in Nnrnberg Searches Sea. ..All that night the German cruiser Nurnberg searched the seas unsuccess fully for the Good Hope. They picked up a radiogram directed to the flag ship by the Glasgow. There was no reply. . There were about 650 men on the! has been wounded while fighting France, according to the Telegraaf. BERLIN, via London, Nov. 6, 120 A. M. Fog was responsible for the loss of the German cruiser Yorck, which struck a mine and sank In Jade Bay, an Inlet of the North Sea, on November 4. This statement Is made by the Lokal Anselger. have been killed by ' their . machines falling on the roof of a house at Issy les-Mollneaux. LONDON, Nov. 5. Emperor William and Prince Henry of Prussia both have been removed from the ranks of hon orary Admlrala of the British fleet. Their namea are stricken from the No. vember navy list, which has Just been issued. LONDON, Nov. C A dispatch to tbe Exchange - Telegraph Company from I pari, -1vM an Aff lolnl mntniinli.1l&o Jilonmouth when she .disappeared be-which says that Captain Remy and TiPttfVi thn wws ' Ailmii-ol rVoJ!,! Faure, distinguished French aviators, had 900 men with him on board the Good Hope. I Fate of Four Vessels in Doubt. "Whether the Glasgow and the trans port Otranto, which escaped destruc tion, survived the damage suffered is not known. The whereabouts also of the German cruisers Leipzig and Bremen remains in doubt Further details of the first really important naval battle of the war be came known from statements made by German officers. The latter did not hesitate to commend the bravery of the Britishers and intimated that an effort to save lives would . have been made if the weather had per mitted. , Norther Blows Like Hurricane The engagement was fought in the teeth of a norther that assumed al most hurricane proportions. Small boats could not live in the sea. The BEING HUNTED DOWN INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Russians Victorious at Bazygan and Dyadan. ORTE ALSO REPORTS SUCCESS ranee and Britain Formally Announce War on Sultan. AMERICAN MARINES LAND TURK PLUNDERS ARMENIAN Refugees to Be Enrolled by Russians and Sent to Caucasus. LONDON, Nov. 6. In a dispatch from Tiflis, trans-Caucasia, coming by way of Petrograd, the Daily Telegraph correspondent says: "The Turkish Armenians were piti lessly plundered on the eve of the war. Hundreds were arrested. The arrival of the Russian troops was greeted en thusiastically in those neighborhoods, where harvesting now has been resumed. Large numbers of Armenian refugees have reached Odessa seeking enroll ment in the Russian army. . .They will PETROjSRAD, Nov. 5. The follow lng communication or the general staff of the Russian army in the Caucasus was made public here tonight: "Concerning the operations during the last 24 hours, there is nothing im portant to report. Turks Pursued Vigorously. "Our troops are vigorously clearing the enemy's territory, which is occu pied by small bands, the remnant of the Turkish vanguards defeated during the last few days. 'One of our columns has defeated the Turks near Bazygan, routing them and capturing the town. The Turks In their flight, threw away their arms and- scattered to the villages in the neighborhood. Kurds Meet With Defeat. 'Our cavalry attacked to the east of Dyad en three Kurd regiments support. ed by Infantry and threw them back." AMSTERDAM, via. London, Nov. 5. The following Turkish official state' ment Is contained In a dispatch from Constantinople: "The Russians are now strengthen lng their positions near the frontier, but have been repulsed completely from the Karaklissa and Teehan districts. 'Bombardment Not Kffeetlve. "During the bombardment at the en trance to the Dardanelles the hostile fleet fired 240 shells without causing material damage. Our forts fired only 10 shots." PARIS, Nov. 6. The French govern' ment tonight declared that "a state war exists between France and Tur key," according to the Bordeaux cor respondent of the Havts Agency. Presence of Germans Cited.' He says that the Foreign Office issued the following note: . ' "The hostile acts of the Turkish fleet against a French steamer, causing the The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. Att degrees; minimum, 62.2- degree. TODAY'S Partly cloudy, probably occasional raia; winds mostly southerly. , flections. Technical point raised against prohibition In Arizona. Page 5. Washington- prohibition majority estimated at 20.000. Page 0. - Woman suffrage believed to have won In Montana and Nevada. Page 6. Democratic majority in House is 24 and in Senate 13. Page 1. Democrats find reason for hope, following decrease In majority. Page a. Reduced House majority puts Democrats on uneasy seat. Page 5. Colleague and defeated opponent .congratu late Senator Chamberlain. Page 13. Hurlburt la elected Sheriff. ' Page 1. Count over state four-fifths complete, same leads are maintained. Page 7. War. British Admiral believed lost with ship after battle off cnliean coast, page 1. Routed Turks are hunted down by Rus sians. Page 1. American signal officer urges development of aeroplanes In United., States Army. Page 8. Germans continuo strong offensive movement in west. Page 2. Russian army column marches for SO hours through snowy mountains. Page 8, Russians report entire German front in re treat, and Austrlans routed. Page 2. National. River and harbor bill to be considered early in. next Congress session. 'Page &. Cattle epidemic spreads alarmingly. Page 0. Sports. Bis- learues' baseball war to continue. Fin 14. Leaarue Interest still centers In sale of Seals and Sacramento club's future. Page 14. Boxing In California takes count. Page IS. Selecting: Aggie end Is big problem for coach. pass li. Commercial and Marine. British steamer held at Esquimault is re leased and will load here. Page- 13. Red wheat sells higher' on local exchange. Page 10. . ... Proflt-taklns: sales send wheat down at Chi caxo. Page 19. Improvement In sentiment In steel trade is pronounced. Pago 19. Portland and Vicinity. Bands play - airs to ' Xun-bent Land Show crowds. - Page 9. Flxinir of Densities for violations of prohl biuon law Is dry's next step. Page 9. Canadian Pacific official says war aids Canada. Page 11. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 19. DEMOCRATIC HOUSE ITYN0W24 MAJOR (Concluded, on Pare 2.) AVIATOR BURNED IN CAR Englislrhian Volplanes Mile After Aeroplane Bursts Into Flame. ALDERSHOT, Kng. (via London) Nov. 6. Aviator Busk, of the aircraft staff, was burned to death - In midair today ' when a biplane which he was testing caught fire. About 1000 feet above the ground the biplane suddenly burst Into flames. Busk tried to descend by gliding. He continued this for nearly a mile, the aircraft metfn while -blazing furiously. The aviator was burned to death be fore the machine 'etruc'x the ground. HUERTA CONSUL DESTITUTE Mexican Asks Philadelphia to Care for His Children. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 5. Mariano F. Clrat, until recently Mexican, Consul in this city, today appeared In the Munlcl pal Court here and asked that his live children be committed to institutions In this city. . Me explained that since ex -Pro vis ional President Huerta had fled to Eu rope he has received no salary and 1 now destitute. igure May Be Changed With Full Returns. Thursday's War Moves MARGIN HELD IN SENATE IS 13 Results in .Three States Are - Still Doubtful. SOCIALIST IN LOWER BODY NO decision has yet been reached In the battle In the sand dunes of West - Flanders, and the opposing armies now stand virtually as they have stood for many days. "While the Germans keep hammering away at the allies around Ypres, which route they chose for their march to the coast after they had found the road along the sea barred to them, and the allies are making an effort to move north to Ostend, neither side has gone far. The Belgians and those support ing them have found that the floods which they created to stop the Ger man advance are a hindrance to their movements, although they have been able to occupy some villages, ' Includ ing Blxschoote, which had been In the possession of the Germans. Around Ypres the German offensive. according to the accounts of the allies, has met with no success. In fact, it seems that all along the line there has been merely a repetition of artillery duels and of Infantry attacks and counter attacks, which sometimes sue ceed, but more often do not? Progressives Have Seven Represen tatives and One Senator Wiscon sin, Colorado, Nevada Upper House Races Unsettled. NEW YORK. Nov. S. The member ship 61 the Sixty-fourth Congress as the result of Tuesday's election, exclud ing one contest still In doubt, will be as follows: House of Representatives, Demo crats, 229; Republicans, 196; Progres sives. 7; Socialist, 1; Independent. 1. Democratic majority, 24. Senate Democrats, 53; Republicans, 39; Progressive, 1. Democratic major ity, 13. ' Three Senate Results la Donbt, Senatorial contests still In doubt to night were In Colorado, Nevada ' and Wisconsin. Democratic leaders still claimed the election of Charles S. Thomas over Hubert Work. In Colorado, and of Francis D. Newlands over Sam uel Piatt, in Nevada. Republican leaders claimed the elec tion of Francis E. McGovern over Paul A. Hustlng. Dem., In' Wisconsin, but through an error discovered late In the day In one of the Wisconsin counties, an apparent majority for McGovern had been swept away, leaving the situation much in doubt. One Representative la Doubt The result in only one Congressional district waa undetermined tonight. In the First New York District, Frederick C. Hicks, Rep., and Representative Drown were running -on, virtually even terms, and the outcome, probably will not be .known, until an official count 1 made. .. In computing the Democratic total In the House at 229, William Kettner, of the Eleventh California District, who also ran on the Progressive ticket and ranks as a Progressive in the presen Congress. Is Included with the majority party. Progressive With Minority. Representative Knowland, of the Tenth California District, who ran on the Republican and Progressive tickets. and was elected to the present Congres as a Progressive-Republican, Is classed Concluded on Page 4.) heavy weather militated against the be enrolled as a special corps and sent 1 1.: J ii IT . . , 1 V-UW" larger amps ana me uoou iiope louna her guns almost useless because of the ship's roll. The German China fleet, the cruis ers Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Num.. berg,, had joined the cruisers Leipzig! NAL ana rsremen, wnicn later nad Deen 'The Russians administered most se vere losses to the Turks during their advance across the frontier. The Rus sian artillery was skillfully handled and created a panic among the Turks." PLOTTER CAUGHT Way Sentenced for Life. " LONDON? Nov. 5. The Alexandria. Egypt, correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company sends the following dispatch: A German officer named Mors was arrested by the Egyptian police on his return from Turkey with plans for dy detached to patrol the coast north of German Conspiring to Destroy Snez .Valparaiso. The unit proceeded south ward, apparently well aware of the rendezvous of the British off Concep tion Bay. British Vessels Taken by Surprise. At the same time the British cruis- rs Monmouth and filasariw. swnm. ... , ' namiting the Suez Canal. He was sen- panied by the transport Otranto, tenced by courtmartial to Imprisonment moved north to meet the flagship r life. Good HoDe. The Britishers evidently were not aware of the proximity of MINE HIT BY HOSPITAL SHIP the Germans and met off Coronel It was 6 o'clock Sunday when the Germans sighted the three British ships. The latter attempted to alter their course, evidently with an inten- Commander of Briton Recently lost Explains Cause. LONDON. Nov. 5. The hospital ship Rohllla, which was recently wrecked off the Yorkshire coast with a larca tion to approach the coast and gain number of casualties, was struck by a mine and so badly damaged that her captain was forced to run her onto the rocks to escape sinking at sea. Captain Wilson, the commander of the Rohllla, gave testimony to this at an Inquest today. 'WET" MAJORITY IS HEAVY territorial waters and so avoid an unequal match. The Germans, how ever, headed them off and forced the battle. At the moment that the German guns were trained the Good Hope was Been coming at full speed, and through good seamanship managed to join the Anti-Prohibitionists' Majority Is other British ships. I More Than Hundred Thousand. TMr Rrmrnntra.t-.efl nn CinnA TTnna SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5. Returns The Britishers had come about and! from 332 precincts out of 4585 in the the two sauadrons sailed southward state give ,, , ,. ,, . . 1 Prohibition For in parallel lines, ine uermans Demg nearer the coast. Gradually the two lines came nearer to each other and .(Concluded on pace 2.) 172.896, 294,653. Red light abatement- against 165,259. Anti-prizefight For 145,045, 124.166. -For agains 154.134 against WHO'S TURKEY? NKcir HURLBURT SHERIFF; FINAL LEAD IS 276 Word Fails to Lead at Any Time In Count. COUNTY IS IN DRY COLUMN Multnomah Tally on Principal Issues Practically Complete. M'ARTHUR'S LEAD IS 3062 On the frontier in ' the East more wide-sweeping movements are being made by the opposing armies. The Russians, from all reports, have driven back the German center to the River Warthe in Russian PolandJiave held back a German offenslvenovement from East Prussia, and now are straightening out their line for a more vigorous offensive against the Aus trlans, who have been trying to beat their left wing in Galicla. It is to the battles In these regions that the British military men are now looking, for they declare that if the Russians can keep up their successful fighting against the Austrlans and Germans relief will come to the allies in the West because of the necessity for the withdrawal of a German army corps from France and Belgium ' to protect Silesia and East Prussia. These military observers express the belief that the Turkish threat against the Russian Caucasus will weaken the Russian armies by withdrawals from Poland, but the Russian authorities say that the advent of Turkey Into the war already has been, discounted and that they have sufficient troops to deal with Turkey on the spot. The first reports of the fighting be tween the Russians and the Turks are as conflicting as were the first Aus trian and Russian accounts of the war fare in Galicla. Each contender claims to have Invaded the other's territory and- to have defeated hla frontier armies. These fights, however, prob ably have been only advance-guard af fairs," and It is thought here that some time may elapse before a pitched battle occurs. ' The Anglo-French fleet continues to bombard the Dardanelles forts, but the Turks say the warships have Inflicted no damage. In other parts of Turkey, British warships are being kept busy. The government, however, has ordered that holy places shall, be respected by the British gunfire as long as the In dian subjects visiting them are not molested. This necessity for respecting the feeling of her Moslem subjects, it is considered, may hamper Great Britain somewhat in the prosecution of the war against Turkey, but with her large Moslem population it cannot be disre garded. In addition to the assurances received from the Indian Princes, Eng land has been Informed by the leaders of the Moslems in the Malay estates that her war against Turkey will' not affect the loyalty of the Moslems to the em pire. The result of the naval battle in the Pacific between the German and Brit ish squadron, details of which still are lacking, naturally is the most discussed subject of the war in England. It is realized that the worst accounts, which include the sinking of the Monmouth and serious damage to the Good Hope, probably are true. "It Is the price of the admiralty says the average Englishman of this and other losses to ships that have been sustained since the war began. The balance thus far Is on the side of Ger many, but every Britisher seems con fident that when the main' fleeta meet this -discrepancy will be more than wiped ou(, It is said here that should the German fortress of Tslng-Tau fall, the British and Japanese vessels en gaged there will start out in an en deavor to round up the eight or nine German cruisers still at large. GERMANS FINE BRUSSELS Alleged. Cruelty to Soldier to Cost City $1,000,000 in Levy. THE HAGUE, via London. 1:10 A. M Nov. 6. There has been received here a copy of a German military decree issued in Brussels on October 28 by Field Marshal Von'Der Goltz. military governor of the occupied part of Bel glum, condemning the two Belgian po licemen to two and five years" iinprls- ! onment, respectively, on the charge of maltreating a German soldier.' The same decree fined the city of Brussels 5,000,000 francs (11.000,000) because it was alleged citizens partici pated in this affair. ZEPPELIN TO RAID LONDON German Reports Biggest Airship Will Attack City This Month. LONDON. Nov. 6, 3:23 A. M. The Dally Chronicle correspondent of Lake Constance, Germany, sends the follow ing dispatch: "An Immense super-Zeppelin shed is being rushed to completion in a float Ing shed for a raid on London before the end of November. This will be the largest Zeppelin yet constructed. will mount several pieces of artillery and have an unprecedented steaming radius. Chamberlain Goes 850 0 Ahead; Republicans- Get All Other OfTlccs. Alleged Defective Ballots May Cause Protest on Sheriff. Practically complete returns from Multnomah County prove that the re sults announced by The Oregonian In Its early editions immediately follow ing the election on Tuesday were cor rect In every particular. The late count, however, has overcome the early lead against prohibition and the county has returned a slight majority in favor of the dry amendment. With the exception 'of the United United States Senatorship the Repub-N Ilcans have carried every office on both state and county tickets, although the count for Sheriff has been close. Hurlburt Elected Sheriff. However, complete figures from 324 county precincts and incomplete re turns from the other two give Thomas M. Hurlburt, Republican candidate Tor Sheriff, a clear lead of 276 votes over Tom M. Word, his Democratic opponent and the incumbent In that office. The vote for these two condldates now stands: Hurlburt 34,235, Word 33,959. Hurlburt's plurality cannot be af fected by more than a few votes in the returns yet to be made. He may carry the county and be elected by 300. Although some of the rural districts yesterday served to reduce Hurlburt's previous plurality materially, at no time was his margin of safety In dan ger. Hurlburt has maintained his lead from the time the first reports came In on Tuesday evening. Allesred Defective Ballots Held. In a number of precincts yesteVday alleged defective ballots were found and some of them were not counted by the election officials. It is reported that Sheriff Word will ask to have them counted. Whether he will con test the election has not been determined. The Hurlburt supporters declare that there is no chance or cause for a con test and insist that if a contest is or- ' dered it will be found that fully as many Hurlburt votes have been thrown out by the judges for irregularities as Word votes. Dry Vote Is Surprise. A surprising result of the later re turns was the revelation that Multno mah has Joined the sisterhood of coun ties and swung into the "dry" column. Multnomah was the last county to re port and makes the verdict in favor ot prohibition, by counties, unanimous in the state. - With only parts - of two .precincts missing the vote on this issue now is: For prohibition. 36,588. Against prohibition, 36,202. Majority for, 386. The early returns on Tuesday night and the following morning indicated that prohibition had failed to carry the county. All the later returns brought In overwhelming votes In favor of pro hibition. Election officials- explain that the last ballots dropped Into the boxes were the first removed and counted and that those that were voted first, or early in the morning, were the last to be counted. It is evident, according to this, that that element of citizenship that voted "dry" voted early in the day and that most of the "wets" voted late In the day. Hepnbllcaaa Coatlnne Calus. x Meanwhile Republican candidates for all offices excepting United btates Senator continue to make gains. George E. Chamberlain. Dem., has carried the county for re-election to the United States Senate by approximately 9h03 votes. His present lead over R. A. Booth, Rep., Is 9503. They have 35.363 and 25,866 respectively. William Han ley, Prog., who was expected to develop great strength, has received 8425 votes in the county with only parts of two precincts yet to hear from. Dr. James Withycombe, Rep., for Governor, has secured a majority of 1690 votes over his five competitors in the county. He has a lead of 11.7T over Dr. C J. Smith, Dem. His total vote now Is 38,699, to 26,931 for Dr. Smith. L.afferty Is Poor Third. C. N. McArthur, Rep., for Congress, has been elected by a plurality over A. F. FlegeL Dem., by a plurality that ma' reach 4000. His present lead is 3062. He and Flegel have 26.533 and 23,471 re spectively. A. W. Laf f erty. Independent candidate and Incumbent, ran a poor third. C. M. Hurlburt, Republican candidate for State Representative In the Multnomah-Clackamas "joint district, has been elected over Roscoe P. Hurat, Dem., In spite of the fact that he was repudiated by the Republican organi zations in both courAies of his district and supported openly and actively by thousands of Republican voters. Ho has a majority of 418 in Multnomah (.Concluded on Page S.) I i 105.5v