Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 05, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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: i
The Outlook
for Good Clothes at a Special Discount of
Price was never better than now. Our
Blockade Sale
Is a Timely Opportunity for Men
nftfrmrrts ftrifruirm . rtnmww.
Place Kick From
Line Turns Trick
Borleske's Boys.
.Lincoln! Ics Play Great 3-to-0 Game
and Get One Chance to Tie
Score, but Pigskin Flies Wide
of Goalposts fcy Foot,
I" Interscholastlo , Football 'Standing.
W. I Pct.l W. I Pet.
Washington 2 0 1000;Port. Acad.. 1 2 .83J
Columbia... 2 0 1OO0IHU1 1 2 .S33
Jefferson... 2 1 .667Llncoln 0 3 .000
It begins to appear as if Coach Bor
leske, of the Lincoln High. School foot
ball team, cannot win a game. With
all due credit to Coach Earl and his
husky Washing-ton. High footballers.
It must be said that luck was against
Lincoln High In Its furious - battle
against the Washlngtonlans on Mult
nomah Field yesterday. Score, Wash
ington. 3, Lincoln 0.
A place kick from the 12-yard, linein
the second quarter by Halfback Strow
bridge did the trick. That was the
nearest the East Siders came to the
Rallsplilters goal line during the en
tire contest. On three occasions Coach
L.H.S. W.H.S.
1907 11 6
1908 6 0
1909 0 9
1910 (first) 0 6
1910 (second) 0 3
1911 6 5
1912 0 21
1913 7 0
1914 - 0 3
Totals 29 62
Record attendance, October 22,
1913, 3562; yesterday's attend
ance, 2550.
A ,f Vi ixvscrJ
1 - i-if 'Sk A w 1 v "' 1 v
Johnny -Bender May Spring
Coup on Idaho Squad on
Saturday Next.
Earl's warriors bucked the line with
out any gain Just before th score and
then on the fourth down Quarterback
Korraandln called for the place kick.
The Llncolnltes had one chance to
tie the score, but it went for nought.
Center Druschell passed tho ball back
to Captain Ray Groce, who fumbled It
a trifle, and the attempt of Erie Free
man to put the oval between the up
rights from the 22-yard lino went wide
about a foot. . This occurred in the
third quarter.
West Siders Are Refreshed.
For the most part the playing" was
In the winners' territory and when
the Becond half started the West
Siders seemed to be the more re
freshed. In the first period Lincoln
Hhad the ball on Its opponents' four-
yard line but no score could be reg
istered. When the quarter ended the
ball was in Lincoln's possession on
Washington's 40-yard line. A record
was established in the opening quarter
lor no time was taken out either for
injuries or penalties.
During the second canto Coach Earl's
Bide showed to the best advantage and
it was in this frame that the only
score of the contest was annexed. By
a series of line plays, featuring Young
Parsons, the pigskin was shot to the
losers' 15-yard line. It took three
downs to advance the ball but three
yards and then with little effort Strow
brldge performed the act that won the
ennual affaii. This win gives five
victories out of the nine campaigns
So the Kast Siders.
Lincoln seemed to realize that it
would have to score early after the
third quarter opened and line bucks
and a 25-yard forward pass from
Freeman to Groce found the spheriod
on the Washlngtonlans' 25-yard line.
Three plays were tried. Including an
Incomplete forward pass, and then
Freeman tried to continue on the road
to be a hero. I
Busch Breaks Through Line.
When the fourth period opened the
ball was in Washington's possession
on its own 28-yard line. Frank Busch
broke "through the heavy East Siders
and blocked a kick and Washington
was forced to punt out from behind its
own goal line.
Coach Earl's eleven made a spurt
when yardage was ripped off three
times in succession by Charles John
son, Parsons, Strowbridge and Norman
din. Frank Busch blocked a punt in
this quarter again, but an opponent re
covered the ball.
The contest was free from undue
Toughness and. the record crowd, of the
season was out. The official attend
ance as given out by Manager Lillard
of Lincoln, Manager Hunt for Washing
ton and Manager Davis of the Multno
mah Club totaled 2550; more than 1000
less than the number which saw the
contest last season, when Lincoln was
a 7-to-0 victor.
Jefferson Battles Jiei(.
Jefferson High and Columbia Univer
sity will furnish the next battle of the
Portland Interscholastic League on
Multnomah field tomorrow afternoon.
Jefferson's only chance to keep in the
running for honors is at stake.
Yesterday's lineup
Washington (3).
Lapham ...........C. ...
Herman ....RGL, .
Oorman RTL..
Clarence Johnson RL..
Snodgrass LUR.,
Capt. Walker LTR.,
Anderson LKR.,
"Spud" Normandin..Q. ...
Btrowbridge RHL. .
Parsons LHR.
Chas. Johnson
Officials: Roscoe Fawcett, referee; Grover
Francis, umpire; Plowden Stott, head lines
man; .facie -urownio roce and A. H. Bur
ton. of washinKton Hisrh. timers
Substitutions: Teed for Clarence Johnson.
- Clarence Johnson for Teed, B. R. Holt for
Oliver, Tannensee lor Paitet- Bruhaker for
Clarence Johnson, Clarence Johnson for Bor-
inan, ieea ior jaruDaKer, ilans Schlld
knecht for Boehmer.
Scores by quarters 1 2 8 4 To'l
wasnington Hlgn .......... . .o 3 O O
Lincoln High 0 O 0 0
Scores: Strowbridge, of Washington High
one field eoal from the 12-yard line
Time of quarters. 3 2 minutes each.
(1) Erie Brfonw, Lincoln High. With the Ball Off for g 25-Yard End Run. "Bull" Mulr Is Rnnnina- Interfer
ence and In Jnut Ready to Fall Before Charles Johnson, of Washington. The Players In the Picture, Left to
Right. Snodgrass. Charles Johnson, Both of Washington "Dutch" Llvin gstone, BU" Mulr and Freeman, All
of the Rallsplltters. 2 Two of Lincoln Hlich'a Mainstays In the Rooting Section. 3) Three Delegates of tho
Fair Sex Waitins for Admission to the Washington High Section of tho Grandstand.
sion, according to a report, circulated
here, and it was pointed out that there
was some similarity between the Stahl
case, which resulted in a change for
Boston, and the resignation of Chance
as manager of the Yankees, which
might be a feature of the debate.
Champion and Charles Mitchell
Meet for Three-Day Match.
"Blondy" Butler, champion pocket
billiard champion of the Northwest,
will start a three-days' tournament in
the Lotus Billiard Parlors tonight
agaUt Charles Mitchell. The tourney is
for $100 side bet and Butler has to
play 600 to Mitchell's 500.
The Lotus Billiard ' Parlors has in
stalled a special 5 by 10 table for the
use of the - contestants and Butler's
world's record of 77 balls for a straight
run will be sbaght after by the cham
pion. This record was registered in
Seattle three months ago. Play will be
started at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Blocks
of 200 to 167 will be played tomorrow
and Saturday nights in the same building.
Lincoln 0.
O. Busch
I". Busch
.Capt. R. Groce
... Livingstone
....... Freeman
...Bull" Mulr
Teace or "War in Fan Wo-ld to Be
Settled by Ballot Now.
Club owners of the American League
at a special session here tomorrow
afternoon will cast their votes for war
or peace in the baseball world. Rep
resentatives of organized ball and the
outlaw Federal League, it Is admitted,
recently have carried negotiations to
an extent which requires only action
of the rulers of the game to bring
about peace.
Discussion of peace, however, is
only one of the things on the pro-
srramme of the magnates, it Is said.
The possible transfer of the ownership
of the American League club in New
York is likely to come up for discus
vidual shoot was won by Sergeant B.
t. Conner, of this cJty, with a record
f 96. The local team was but two
points behind the contest for the regi
mental cup, which went to Roseburg.
Substitute to Fill Big Hole In Lineup
Made by Loh of Malarkey for
Washington Game Unpicked.
Nov.. 4. (Special.) Four assistant
coaches are working with Bezdek in an
effort to mold the crippled Oregon team
Into Bhaoe before the game with the
University of Washington on Novem
ber 14.
"Dick" Smith, a Eugene attorney and
Walter Camp selection for all-Amerl-
can fullback, Js drilling the Oregon
backfield substitutes in order to de
velop a man to take Malarkey s place
at left half. Malarkey is out of the
game for the rest of the season, because
of an injury to his eye received ten
days ago in the Idaho game.
Besides Lyle Bigbee and Montelth,
who have been substituting all season
at half. Dean Crowell is making a
strong bid for the vacancy. Crowell
was kept out of the play last year be
cause of injuries and has been bothered
more or. less this Fall. The competl
tion between these three men for the
place at left half Is close and hard.
Bigbee excels at leading interference
and receiving forward passes; Montelth
showed up In good, style In the Willam
ette game as an open field runner, and
Crowell's chance of selection is based
on his sameness and fighting ability.
George Hug. at present principal of
the Eugene High School and former all
North west center on the Oregon team,
has been helping the line men. Ore
gon's chance of buHding a line that can
stop the Washington backs depends on
the recovery of Sam Cook. The doctor
reports that if all goes well with his
attack of mumps, he will be out of the
hospital by Saturday or Monday. This
gives him less than a week to get in
condition for the Seattle contest.
Crossman. a 200-pound recruit from
last year's scrubs, has been taking
Cook s place In practice.
Cornell's wrenched knee is still keep
ing the all-star quarter on the side
lines. His position on the varsity is
being filled by Huntington, a fresh
man from The Dalles. Huntington is
a hard tackier and in the Moscow game
he was able to get away for gains
around the end.
Oregon's Chancea of Scoring Victory
Have Been Lessened Considerably.
Outlook for Saturday Dark.
Nov. 4. (Special.) The Oregon team
will be without tho services of Floyd
Payne, the star distance man. In the
intercollegiate cross-country run to be
held at Corvallis between the Confer
ence Colleges Saturday.
Payne has been suffering from ton
silitis and is not In condition to stand
the strain of a long run. Hayward
decided today not to take any chance
permanently of injuring his long-distance
star. Payne was considered a
strong contender for first place. He
has a record of 9:52 in the two-mile
and was a consistent point winner in
the distance races last season.
With Payne out of the meet. ' Ore
gon's chance of victory has been great
ly lessened. Of. the three men who will
represent the varsity - Saturday only
one, Chet Huggins, is a letter man.
Huggins was not In college last season
and the coming meet will be his first
college race for two years.
Lee Bostwick and Don Belding will
be Huggins teammates. Bostwick
was a member of last year's squad
who has been showing steady Improve
ment. He strained a cord, however
in the try-outs Monday and has not
been able for the last two days to
run in his accustomed form. Belding
is a freshman from Grants Pass. He
is a new man at the running game,
but has made a good showing in
Nelson and Langley. both point win
ners on last year's track team, failed
to try out. Nelson, who holds - the
Northwest 880 record, was counted on
as a certain member of the team.
All of the conference colleges with
the exception of the University of
Washington are expected to be rep
resented in the meet Saturday. The
reverse system of scorirg will be used
first place counting one. second two.
and so on. The team with the least
number of points winning.
A 11-Americans Defeat All-Nationals
in Two-to-One Game.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. Bill James,
of the St. Louis American League team
pitched the All-Americans to a 2-to-l
victory over the All-Nationals today,
evening up the series being contested
on Ewing field. Incidentally James
allowed but one hit, his teammates ac
cumulating six safeties from Tesreau's
delivery. In respect to the memory
of Jack Sheridan, the famous umpire
who died Monday night, the players on
both teams wore bands of creps on
their sleeves. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
All-Amer. .2 6 1 All-Nat. ...1 1
Batteries James and McAvoy
Tesreau and Clark.
Cottage Grove Wins Back Trophy
(Special.) The Cottage Grove rifle
team got back into something like its
old-time form at the annual shoot held
on lcal ranges last week. The cankers'
trophy, which was won two years ago
and lost last year, again comes here
by a team average of 78.84. Roseburg
was next closest with. 77.93. The indi
Ryan Wins More Often Than
Loses With Each Club.
HIgglnbotham Shares With Angel
Honor of Taking Most GAmea
From One Team, Both Picking
on Oaks.
ACK RYAN.' of Los Angeles, was
the only pitcher in the league who
won more games than be lost against
every other club in the league. Ryan
had a margin of one game over Port
land, San Francisco and Sacramento-
Mission; he had a three-game margin
over Venice, and he had a seven-game
margin over Oakland.
Against Portland and Sacramento-
Mission, Ryan
won three and
lost two; against
San Francisco he
won four and lost
three; against
Venice he won
five and lost two,
and against Oak
land he won nine
and lost two.
Higglnboth a m,
of Port la nd.
shares with Ryan
the honor of win
ning the most
Championship Title in S -Cornered
Condition, but Turkey Day Game
With Washington State Likely
to Muddle Dope Worse.
Gridiron fans in Eastern Washington
are in for a ran tidbit Saturday when
Washington State and Idaho fight out
their annual xootball duel. Johnny
Bender has lost for two years hand
running but this year it may be dif
f erent
We base this opinion on the show
ings of both teams against Oregon,
Bezdeck's squad beat Pullman 7-0 and
Idaho 13-a.
Against Oregon, Washington State
revealed a fairly stiff defense, about on
a par with Idaho, and a much more
powerful offense. In fact, at no time
did Idaho threaten Oregon, whereas
the Pullmanites were knocking at
Oregon's back door Beveral times.
Its sure to be a grlmly-lougnt en
gagement, however, and an upset in
the dope is't at all improbable. Last
year Idaho wan 3-0. Former scores
1S84 W. s. C 10, Idaho 0.
1893 W. S. C. 10. Idaho &
1S99 W. S. C 10, Idaho 0.
1901 Idaho 6. W. 6. C. 0.
19U2 W. S. C. 17, Idaho 0.
190a Idaho 82, W. S. C. 0.
1904 Idaho o. W. S. C. O.
19i5 Idaho S, W. S. C. 0.
190 W. S. C. 10. Idaho O.
1007 Idaho S. W. S. C. 4.
1908 Idaho 4, W. S. C. 4.
1909 W. S. C. 18, Idaho 0.
1910 Idaho 9, W. S. C. 5.
1911 W. S. C. IT. Idaho 0.
1912 Idaho 13. W. S. C. 0.
1913 Idaho S. W. S. C. 0.
Idaho victories. 8: W. S. C. . victories, T.
Tie. L Point scored: Idaho 87. W. S.
C. 105.
Washington State already has lost
to both Oregon teams, so there Is no
chance of Bender winning the cham
pionship even by defeating Washing
ton on Thanksgiving.
The title lies between Washington,
Oregon and the Oregon Aggies and the
twist of the schedule which sends Ore
gon and the Aggies against each other
at Corvallis November 21 favors Wash
ington to repeat.
Oregon must beat both the Oregon
Aggies and Washington to win the
championship and about the best the
Aggies can do is to tie by beating
both Oregon and Idaho.
Of course, there is some chance of
Washington State walloping the
champs on Turkey day and such a con
tingency would scramble the dope and
boost the claims of the two Oregon
It Is to be hoped, at any rate, that
some team wins definitely and con
clusively. Post-season embrogllos kick
up a lot of noise but give little satis
faction to either side.
A new feature was introduced into
Mid-Western football last Saturday
when all rooting was ordered stopped
during calling of signals at the Chicago-Wisconsin
game. This is a good
move, for it does away with the de
lays occasioned by a noisy crowd. The
absence of cheers at the Wisconsin-
Chicago game marked a step in ad
Walter Shlel, captain of the Wash
lngton team, knows how Doc Cook felt
when he got back from discovering the
North Pole. Shlel is charged with
shooting game out of season near Ta-
coma, but he says some one must have
used his name. let me omcer e
efftres he recognizes Shlel's published
15 Off
Benjamin Suit,
Overcoat and Raincoat prices,
and other Men's Wear, Full
Dress Suits, Tuxedo Suits and
Contract Goods Excepted.
Buf fum &
Charles Chech.
games from one club, and they both
picked on the tall-end Oaks. Rvan
won nine and lost two games against
Oakland; HIgglnootham won nine and
lost one against Oakland. Leifield, of
ban iranclsco. with elcht wln
two defeats against Los A n I " nnH
Chech, of Los Angeles, with eight wins
against Bacramento-Mlsslon, come in
for second honors.
Chech's record of eltrht win nr.
defeats against Wolverton's crew
stands aione among the season's rec
uras. wnite. of Venice, c-nmm h.
closest to it with five wins and no
aeieats against the same down-trodden
oacramento-aussion outfit
Had the season closed a wk ont-lier
Klepfer, of Venice, would have shared
honors with Ryanv of .Los Angeles, in
having won more games than he lost
against every club in the leacue. IJn
to me oeginning or tne last week the
record book balanced in Klepfer's favor
against each club, but in the last week
Los Angeles slipped over one win on
him, which balanced up his record with
four games won and four lost against
the Angels. Against all other clubs
Klepfer won more than he lost; against
Sacramento-Mission he won five and
lost two; against Oakland' he won five
and lost three; against San Francisco
he won five and lost four, and against
Portland he won four and lost two.
Up to the last two months of the
season, Higglnbotham. of Portland,
was the only pitcher in the league
who had won more games than he had
lost against each club, but Venice
slipped over one victory on him in
each of Its last two series with Port
land, and San Francisco beat him twice
in the last week of the session, and
thus put these two clubs tn the wrong
side of Higginbotham's ledger in bal
ancing up lor the season.
Langford and McMahon Matched.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. 4. Sam
Langford, of Boston, and. Tom Mc
aianon, or ew castle. Fa., were
matched today for a 20-round fight at
Vernon Arena here on the night of No
vember 10i Both are heavyweights.
Defeat of Santa Clara by Berkeley
Contrary to Dope.
Berkeley. Nov. 4. (Special.) The
Varsity certainly sprang a surprise on
the fans In Saturday's game with
Santa Clara when It scored a victory
over the Missionaries. 25 to 0.
After the Santa Clara game at Palo
Alto, when Lho Mlsslonites nearly
played Coach Brown s men off their
feet. California was conceded a fair
fighting chance for the game here. As
the team came on the field the dlfter-v
ence In weight was almost ludicrous.
Santa Clara had in all reality a team
of giants, and California hopes began
to sink.
Ten minutes after the whistle bad
blown the bleachers began to take no
tice. The dope was being upset. The
Varsity was playing all around its big
opponents, outfighting them In every
department of the game.
At the end oi tne nrsi nan tne score
was 11 to 0. From that time on every
thing was California. Santa Clara
didn't have a chance.
Let Us Talk Clothes
. to you a little. You need a suit
or overcoat about now. You
want stylish, well-made apparel,
of course. But you don't want to
dig too deep In your pocket for
it? Precisely. That's why you
will find our clothing meets your
ideas precisely. See our new
line and you'll be another cus
tomer of ours.
10 P. M.
Don't wait come in "be
fore the stock gets lowl
The improved spring-
needle knit fabric of bpringtcx
1 Underwear' means perfect
freedom, snugf, easy fit, and
ideal comfort. Remember to
buy Springier and you will
forget you have it on.
At your dealer, $1 up.
Utic XltHnz Ck. Mmim. VtU. N. T.
Wholesale Distributors
Fleischner, Mayer & Co.
Sounding the Sport Reveille
time ago under the lazy husband act.
The Judge evidently was not a baseball
The Justly famed millennium.
Is busting into sight.
For Whltebope Carl Morris
Has up and won a fight.
J. P. McEvoy.
I M'J 'I ,'l T.W " '' J
1 EORGE STALLINGS was asked for
I an all-star big league team, and
his reply was: First base, Schmidt;
second base, IS vers; shortstop, Maran
ville; third base, Smith or Deal; out
fielders, Connolly, Moran. Mann. Whit
ted; catchers, Gowdy, Whaling, and
pitchers, James, Rudolph, Tyler.
Frank Patrick, manager of the Van
couver hockey team, is shy one de
fense man, and may don the spangles
and do a comeback.
It doesn't always pay to be funny.
'Cozy" Dolan. a member of tho tour-
ntr big leaguers, tried to amuse the
crowd at Spokane by turning the crank
on a picture machine, and the result
was that Dolan stripped all the gears
of the contraption. Now M. Martin, a
Spokane newspaper photographer, is
suing Dolan for $2540, of which $40 is
damage to the machine and $2500 the
loss of the pictures. It would require
a photo of Rube Marquard kissing
Frank Baker to be worth tZaOO.
Ping Bodle Is threatening to Jump
to the Federals. This is the biggest
boost of the Winter for Weeghman's
lunch emporium.
When Walter Cartwright left San
Francisco, he bade goodbye to Del
Howard, of the Seals, and let fly this
remark: "As one of the lemons on the
San Francisco team, I want to ask you
this tie favor: Send me anywhere but
to tire Northwestern League."
Al Bonner, the big right-hander, who
broke in at Spokane several seasons
ago, is asking a Lewiston. Idaho, court
for divorce from his wife, whom he
terms a religious fanatic Mrs. . Bon
ner failed to secure a conviction
against her husband in. Seattle some
Eight Deer and One Bear Is Record
of One Enterprise Party.
TrMTFPPRlfi!! Or.. Nov. 4. (Special)
Eight deer and one bear were brought
in by a party of five hunters. iney
hunted east of Horse Creek, which Is
.w- ont.-nn t of the Imnaha.
between that river and the Snake, and
they were out about two weeks.
Those In the party were H. H. Not
tingham. Reel Littleton, Dee and Ches
ter Shirley and Frank Bruce.
Many other hunters were in Horse
Creek during the last days of the open
season, and several deer were killed.
The country is rough, and1 the bottom
of the canyons is overgrown with a
dense thicket, which makes an ideal
hiding place for game. W. S. Burleigh.
B. W. Hamilton and Guy Horner, were
on Horse Creek a week and did not
get a shot at a deer. The next morn
ing Henry Haas and others passing
through Jumped a band of seven.
Today in Pnglllatie Annala. V
1860 Sam Hurst, "the Stalybrldge
Infant." defeated Tom Paddock in five
rounds at Newbury, tngiano. nis was
the only time in ring history that a
fighter became champion as a result of
his first ring battle. The "Infant" was
an absolute novice at the game, while
Paddock was a veteran. Hurst's gigan
tic stature more than made up for the
difference in experience, and the fight
lasted but a few minutes, the blow
which put out Paddock fracturing two
of his ribs. As this was Hurst's first
ring battle, it was also Paddock's last
He never fully recovered from the in
juries received., and died three years
later. At that time pugilism was under
the ban in England, and a select com
pany of sports engaged a special train
to take them to the country, without
any definite knowledge of where they
were going. The ring was pitched at
several places along the line, Dut was
broken up by the police, before a quiet
spot was found.
1S77 Spike Robson. English feather
weight, born at North Shields, England.
1888 Dick Burge and Johnny Robin
son fought 12-round draw at Newcas
tle. England.
1908 Jack "Twin" Sullivan defeated
Jim Prendergast in nine rounds at Hali
fax, N. S.
M 1 i
For distinctive
for 15
A White Diagonal Checked Madras
Geo. P. Ide & Co, Maken. Troy.N-T.