I TTTT3 MOHNTNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. Three Large Stores iSfotu Occupied hy JSleier & Frank? s Gigantic Stocks! Toys and DollsTem-porary Annex "No. 2. Yeon Building, Northeast Corner Fifth and Alder Streets Buy Hlam ercinLieirs No w for A zinnia Gifts AT .fill WM 11 VV UJi u JLLa JLLa hJ? JTn. PMCES ; Todlaiy ait Melei &F ram Ik More Than $50,000 Worth of Handkerchiefs Enter This Great 4-Day Pre-Holiday Sale! Imported 'Kerchief s From Ireland, France, Switzerland, Germany in Elaborate Array ! Domestic Handkerchiefs Are Here in Greatest Array Ever Shown in Portland Handkerchiefs Are Dainty and Practical GiftsBuy Now at Wholesale Prices We Never Have Sold 'Ker chiefs at Sucti Low Prices! 'Kerchiefs for Gifts Buy Now at Wholesale Prices This Entire Page Could Not Adequately Detail the Astonishing Number of Styles of 'Kerchiefs We Offer Today and Balance of This Week at Wholesale Prices! Wholesale Prices Apply to Box or Quantity Lots Only SCORES OF STYLES IN WOMEN'S 'KERCHIEFS 37 STYLES IN MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS See Window Displays! Handkerchiefs for the Women and Children Sixth-SL Windows Men's in Temporary Annex No. 1 LQCatlOn Of Sa!p; ' -Men-, Handkerchiefs, Temporary Annex No. 1 JLilFCHLliyAi U kjaCO Women's and Children's 'Kerchiefs, First Floor, Sixth-Street Bunding Mrs. Margaret J. Blair Director Department Domestic Art, University of Minnesota, WOX Deliver the t t nf ttt. Qorloo "TVitt T1nnr TTinir "PiniRhinff and the Oars of Floors" V JJlfOW JJGlfbUXV? V . 1 I and "Home Furnishings," at LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITOEXTJM WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 3:30 Mrs. Blair is appearing under the auspices of the Meier & Frank Co. Admis sion by ticket only. Complimentary tickets may be obtained of any Floorman at Meier & Frank's. . - French Underwear Now Offered at Whol esale Prices Practically Every Piece Laundered! $1.59 French Chemise TOSS 97c $2 French Chemise scdfSU $1.49 $4 French Chemise B"ffieSfd- $2.98 $3 French Chemise 'fsasarBg $1.98 $5 Madeira Chemise aStfsSsij $3.39 $3.50 French Gowns Hand-Embroidered Floral Designs $1.98 French Envelope Chemise Floral Designs $1.98 $12.50 French Combinations $7.98 Princess and Waist Line Styles $9 French Combinations eX $5.98 Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Axminster Rugs at Wholesale Prices All Room-Size Every Desirable Color Most Advantageous Opportunity for You $30.00 Seamless Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size $23.00 $27.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size $20.65 $25.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size . . . $19.50 $20.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size $16.50 $25.00 Axminster Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size .$19.50 $22.50 Axminster Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size $17.50 $20.00 Axminster Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size $16.50 $18.00 Axminster Rugs, 8:3x10:6 size $15.00 - Seventh Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1 "9 to 12" Bargains Quantities Limited! Shop Early! Phone Orders for These Bargains Taken From 9 to 10:30 o'Clock PHONE "SPECIAL ORDER" DEPARTMENT Women's $1.50 Dent's Gloves, Pair 93c Dent's "Own Make." "White, black and some colors. Two-clasp style. First Floor, 6th-st. Bldg. 15c and 20c Ribbons, Yard 8c Satin and taffeta. No. 16 and No. 20 widths. First Floor, 6th-st. Bldg. Wemen's 50c Undergarments, 3 for $1.00 Fleece-lined Vests and Pants to match. Medium heavy weight. Cream and gray. Regular sizes. Second Floor, 6th-st. Bldg. Women's 25c Hose, Pair 17c S pairs 50 Seamless "Burson," fashion knit. Black only. Double feet. All sizes. . First Fldnr, 6th-st. Bldg. Toilet Need Specials 75c Russian Paraffin Oil, 1-pint bottles .50 H Pears Transparent Glycerine Soap, cake 1 C Malvina Cream .29 Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, cake . 6 First Floor, 6th-st. Bldg. Men's $25 Cravenette Coats, $17.00 50 inches long. Raglan snoulder style, convertible collars. Gray and dark gray shades. Broken lines of sizes. 100 in lot. Men's Store, Second Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1. Today's "9 to 12" o'Clock GROCERY SPECIALS Phone Orders for these SPECIALS from 9 to 10:30 A. M. CALL "SPECIAL ORDER DEPT." Victor Flour, sack $1.35 High grade, one of best-known brands. Loin Bacon, pound 1DV2 Sugar cured. "Whole or half 6trips." New Alaska Codfish, brick 9 Boneless pieces. No. 1 bricks. Jersey Butter, roll . ." G3 One of the very satisfactory brands. Pure Vanilla Extract, bottle ." 25 Van Dusen's. 2-ounce bottles. Full strength. Pure Lard, No. 5 pail .... 65J No. 10 pails $1.29. Freshly rendered. Pure Food Groc, ifasement, Slxth-St. Bids. Notions at Wholesale Prices TODAY ONLY 35c Directoire Boned Shaped Belting, 3-inch black or white, yard 20 25c Directoire Boned Shaped Belting, 2-inch black or white, yard 17 20c Directoire Boned Shaped Belting, iy2-inch. black or white, yard 15d 35c Girdle Foundations, 14 inches wide, each 2Uc 10c "See-It-Spring" Snap Fasteners, card J 5c Celluloid Thimbles, white, each 3 5c Washington Pins, the paper "2,C 3c Fancy Cut Sewing Wax, 3 for 5 Asbestos Iron Holders, each 5 FREE One package of Sewing Needles with every purchase of 25e or over today at the Notion Counter. TheNew"CotilIion,,Box Exclusively in Portland at Meier & Frank's Today $5.95 Regularly Priced $7.50 The "Cotillion" Box is the latest con tribution to Milady's comfort at the dansant. Comes in black, navy and pur ple saphian. Oval in shape, as illustra tion shows. Moire lined, fitted with coin purse, file, mirror, comb, handkerchief receptacle, vinaigrette, powder and rouge boxes. Today only special at $5.95. First Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. Inrt Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Spectacles Half Price Today! $5.00 Gold-filled Spectacles or Eye Glasses, rimless style or frame today $2.50 Flint Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. $3 Pussy Willow Taffetas, Yd. $1.87 $6 Two-Tone Chiffon Velvets, $3.19 42 Inches Wide $2-$2.50-$3 Brocaded Silks, Yd. $1.69 -Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. .067 191-4 tnsr Quality' Store of Portland TON, AbcUv.Tta-riaoit Alder 9Ub Astounding Sale of Novelty Suits Saving to You-$12.75 to $40.00 on Each Garment A Wonderful Group of This Season's Models, Medium, Short or Long Styles, Charming Array to Choose From, Make Your Selections Early Today n jj UT.uu xmwuj kimtn uun v T" - " $ 52.50 Novelty Suits now at only $34.50 $ 67.50 Novelty Suits now at only . . . $44.75 $ 98.50 Novelty Suits now at only $65.00 $112.50 Novelty Suits now at only $72.50 ' Fourth Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. m