Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1914, Image 1

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One Sinks, One Burns,
Third Bottled Up.
Admirat Cradock Defeated in
Engagement With Kaiser's
i Larger Squadron. -
Teutons Little Damaged and
Strong Anglo-Japanese
Fleet Seeks Them.
Tonnage. Men.
Scharnhoorst 11,600 76S
Gnelsenau 11,600 765
Nurnberg 3,540 295
Bemen 3,200 321
Leipzig 3,250 28S
Total. German 53,590
Good Hope '..14,100
Monmouth 9,800
Glasgow ........... 4,820
Total. British 28.720 1931
'Otranto is a transport and did
not figure in the fighting.
VALPARAISO, Chile, Nov. 3.
The German warships Gneisenau,
Scharnhorst, Nurnberg, Leipsio and
Bremen Sunday attacked the British
fleet off Coronel, Chile. The British
cruiser Monmouth was sunk. The
cruiser Good Hope was badly dam
aged and, as she was on fire, is
supposed to have been lost.
The British cruiser Glasgow took
refuge in the harbor of Coronel and
is now bottled up. She is reported to
have been badly damaged.
Damage was alsc inflicted on the
British transport Otranto.
4 German Fleet Not Damaged.
The German warships Scharnhorst,
Nurnberg and Gneisenau anchored at
midday today in Valparaiso harbor
The British cruisers Good Hope,
Monmouth and Glasgow were udder!
command of Rear Admiral Sir Chris-'
topher Cradock and had been search
ing the coasts of South America sev
eral weeks with the object of engag
ing the German warship which had
been destroying British merchant
An official report issued later in
the day by Admiral Graf von Spee
eaid :
"The action lasted nearly one
Lour," the report 'said, "and it was
only discontinued at nightfall. The
British were forced o give way. The
Good Hope was so badly damaged
that she was unable to resist and
could only make her escape protected
by the darkness. Between her fun
nels the result of the big explosion
could be seen.
Small Cruiser Sinks Monmouth.
"The Monmouth, under identical
conditions, tried to escape, but was
followed by a small cruiser and sunk
with a few shots.
"Owing to the. hurricane that was
blowing no boats could be lowered and
consequently there was a terrible loss
of life.
"It is. supposed that the Glasgow
and the Otranto, which were badly
damaged, were able to make their es-
. cape, owing to their speed and the
"The Germans suffered little or no
"Only two men wounded were re
ported in the Gneisenau's crew."
In naval circles here it is said that
the action took place 20 miles off St.
Maria Island, whence the flashes of
the guns could be seen, but no det
onations heard.
Hurricane Aids Victory.
The Germans opened fire at 9000
meters and the British, when they
x came within 6000 meters of the
Concluded on Fags 8.).
PETROGRAD, Nov. Emperor Nich
olas today left for the front, accom
panied by General Soulthomllnoff, the
Minister of War.
LONDON Nov. 3. "A Constantinople
dispatch says that Ser-rla today sev
ered diplomatic relations with Turkey,
and the Servian Ambassador naked for
his passports," says the Rome corre
spondent of the Exchange Telegraph
Company. .
GENEVA, Switzerland, -rim Paris, Nov.
3 Travelers who arrived here Monday
from S trass bars say that Crown Prince
Frederick William of Germany was
serioasly altnoun-h not mortally wound
ed tn the fifth tins: in Prance, and that
he has been taken to the palace at
Strassburg and placed under the care
of specialists from Berlin.
LONDON, Nov. 3. The Star today
publishes a dispatch from Its Petrograd
correspondent dated Nov. 3, In which he
says that the Russians are now se
curely established inside the East Prus
sian frontier.
MELBOURNE, Au, Nov. 3, via Lon
don, The Imperial government has con
sented to assist Australia with a loan
of 20,000,000 (lOO,OOO,0O0). This sum
will be advanced in two installments of
10,000,000 each, repayable In live years.
PARIS, Nov. 3. Germans resumed
their bombardment of the City of
Rheims with great violence on Sunday
and Monday, according to a dispatch to
the Temps from Bordeaux.
BERLIN, Not. 3. By Wireless.) It
Is officially declared that the stock of
gold In the Imperial Bank, continues to
grow. The weekly report Issued last
night shows an increase of 30,000,000
marks 7,50O,O0O), and a total supply
of 1.858,000,000 marks (S4S4,500,O0O).
BERLIN, Nov. 3. (By Wireless.) A
Danish physician named Thorson, after
a visit to the German lines, praises the
organisation of the German ambulance
corps. The Germans, he declares, do not
make any difference between their own
wounded and the wounded of the enemy.
LONDON, Nov. 3. A telegram dated
November 2, received today by the offi
cial press bureau from the British Con
sul at Mohammerah, Persia, said that
the at Basra, Asiatic Turkey,
and several British merchants were be
ing detained by the Turks.
LONDON, Nov. 3. A Rome dispatch
to the Star states that a royal decree
published here prohibits the exporta
tion of rice, rye and potatoes to Ger
many and Austria.
BERLIN, Nov. 3. (By Wireless.)
Turkey, according to an official an
nouncement made In Berlin today, has
pledged her word not to attempt an
Islamic movement In Libya, and, there
fore, there is no cause for Italian un
easiness regarding Tripoli.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Norway to
day formally asked the United States
to take the Norwegian consulate at
Batoum, Russia, on the Black Sea. The
Norwegian Vice-Consul has left and has
placed the archives in the hands of the
American Consul.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 3, via London.
Fourteen hundred and seventeen men,
comprising the crews of ships cap
tured by the German cruiser Ksrlsruhe,
landed here today.
BERLIN, Nov. 3. (By wireless.)
According to information given out to
the press in Berlin today, British cruis
ers have sent a Greek torpeda-boat to
the bottom, mistaking her for a Turk
ish vessek
LONDON, Nov. 3. In a casualty list
Issued tonight Captain Sir E. A. Stew
art-Richardson, of the Black Watch
regiment and husband of Lady Con
stance Mackenzie Richardson, the
dancer. Is mentioned among the
Colonel Ullman Tears Down Wll
. son's Picture oil Way to Polls.
HARTFORD, Conn., Nov. 3. (Spe
claL) Ex-President Taft was voting in
the Ninth Ward today, having been es
corted to the pblls by his friend. Colo
nel Isaac M. Ullmann. a New Haven
Republican leader, when Colonel Ull
man ripped down lithograph pictures
of President Wilson and Governor
Baldwin placed on the front of a build
ing occupied by Democratic headquar
ters. Mr. Taft edged his way out of
the angry crowd as Ullman tore down
a second picture of President Wilson.
The police were called and Colonel
Ullman was ejected from the vicinity.
President Wilson's picture was posted
a third time and remained up 'the rest
of the day.
Highest Price for Years Offered and
Much Sold at 98 Cents.
BAKER, ' Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Wheat prices Just failed to reach the
dollar mark In Baker today, quotations
advancing to 98 cents for bluesteam'
and 40-fold wheat and 97 cents for club
wheat. These are the highest prices
recorded here in many years.
Barley advanced to $18 a ton and
farmers who have large quantities of
this cereal suddenly began unloading,
but the market was not weakened by
the big local supply.
Berlin Hints Promise Regarding
Captured Station Is Broken.
BERUIN. Nov. 3 (By wireless.)
The following was given out for pub
lication in official quarters today:
"The Japanese have sent to the Mari
anne Islands 1100 emigrants and have
appointed a civil governor and eight
officials for the islands. The officials
are already there. This fact shows
that the Japanese statement concerning
her temporary occupation of these is
lands Is most Improbable.'
VVadsworth and Whitman
Carry New York.
Democratic House Majority
Reduced, Senate Virtually
Is Unchanged.
"Uncle Joe" Cannon Is Re
turned; Progressive Vote
Falls Off Heavily.
NEW YORK. - Nov. - 3. Sweeping
Republican gains throughout the coun
try, which reached a climax in this
state by the overwhelming- victory of
Charles S. Whitman, for Governor, and
James W. Wadsworth, to succeed Ellhu
Root in the United States Senate were
indicted tonight In early returns of
the general elections.
Heavy falling off of the Progres
sive vote in many states, the return
to Congress of ex-Speaker Cannon, de
cisive, Republican gains in New York
and Illinois in the House membership
and the overwhelming defeat of Rep
resentative Palmer by Senator Penrose
in Pennsylvania were features of the
early returns.
Massachusetts Comforts Democrats.
Democratic leaders, however, were
pleased by a triumph in Massachusetts,
where ex-Representative McCail was
defeated for the Governorship by Gov
ernor Walsh.
Early returns indicated thi.t the
Democrats would retain control of
Congress, with approximately no change
In the Senate majority, but by a de
cidedly reduced majority in the House.
At a late hour results in Illinois, In
diana, California and Colorado as to the
Senatorshlp were in doubt.
Roger Sullivan May Be Beaten.
A close contest for the Illinois Sen
atorshlp was indicated by returns re
ceived up to a late hour. It looked as
if the plurality rolled up by Sullivan
(Dem.) in Cook County, might be off
set, if not exceeded, by Sherman's gains
in other counties. The result probably
will not be known definitely until late
The triumph of Senator Penrose In
Pennsylvania over A. Mitchell! Palmer,
Democrat, who was one of the original
supporters of Woodrow Wilson, and
(Concluded on Page S.)
excuse soirrrvC
j '
The' Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 84
degree.; minimum, 61.8 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds.
Republicans make large gains throughout
Nation. Pass 1.
Republicans elected In soma Southern Con
gressional districts. Psgs 2.
All sides see in heavy vote sure success at
polls. Page liS.
Wets predict victory over prohibition by
15.000 votes. Page 13.
Thousands see returns on The Oregonian
screen. Page 12.
Republicans In Idaho carry all but Gover
norship. Page 7. -
Republicans tar ahead in New York. "Page 2.
Republican gain In House Is 42. Page 4.
Washington goes wet. Page 7.
Multnomah County goes Republican with the
exception of Senatorshlp. Page 1.
Withycombe 'Is easy winner in racs for
Governorship. Page 1.
Hiram Johnson is re-elected Governor of
California in landslide. Page 4.
Prohibition forces say they win win. by 12,
000 votes. Page 13.
Three British warships lose in battle off
Chilean coast with Germans. Page 1.
Great Britain and Turkey are at war. Page
Both shies lose heavily in severe fighting
about Roye. Berlin says. Page 5.
German gunboat Geter must sail from
Honolulu within specified time, which
is kept secret. Page 3.
Triple Entente subjects held as hostages
by Turkey. Page 8.
Republicans gain 42 seats in House of
. Representatives and may overthrow ma
jority. Page 4.
Washington goes Republican and against
prohibition. Page 7.
Democrats win Governor in Idaho. Page 7.
Chamberlain has substantial lead in early
count over state. Page 1.
Cattle epidemic regarded as serious. Page IS.
Superintendent Steel sets forth needs of
Crater Lake Park in report. Page 2.
Connie Mack charged with releasing star
pitchers to bring salaries down; Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Strong demand for wheat and higher prices
at Merchants' Exchange. Page 19.
Roads remove charge lor switching of cars
to docks. Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity. -
Fireboat George H. Williams meets tests
after being rebuilt. Page Is.
North Partita Krult Distributors win first
apple or lie at Armory. Page 11.
Federated State Societies have good time
at dance in Armory. Page 18.
State Forester denies that Governor used
his office to play politics. Page IS.
Elks of two states help Portland lodge cel
ebrate. Page 18.
German Hurls Bomb at Spot Later
visited by Poincare and Albert.
LONDON. Nov. 3. A Central News
dispatch from Northern France under
date of Monday says that a German
airman, skimming 5000 feet above the
Belgian town of Fumes, apparently
with the knowledge that. King Albert
and President Poincare were going to
review the cavalry drawn up before
the Hotel Da Villa, dropped several
bombs which, however,, missed the
square and did but slight damage a
short distance away.
The King of Belgium and the Presi
dent of France arrived on the scene
after the craft had disappeared. There
after French and Belgian aeroplanes
.kept the sky clear of the enemy.
Battleships and Cruisers Also
Leave Kiel, Dover Hears.
DOVER, via London. Nov. 4. The
report is being circulated that the Ger
man fleet has come out from its base.
It is also reported from Dunkirk
that four battleships and four cruisers
have put to sea from Kiel.
IIHTiiiinn nnnr r
Chamberlain Is .Ahead in
Early Count,
Drys May Havp 10,000 Major
ity Upstate to Offset Mult
nomah's Total.
Tax Exemption, Abolishment
of Senate and Eight-Hour
Measure Defeated.
The election of the Republican state
and Congressional ticket, with the ex
ception of United States Senator, is in
dicated by Incomplete returns cover
ing the state generally. On the vote
for United States Senator some re
turns have been received from every
county, and.although George E. Cham
berlain and R. A. Booth are running
not far apart in the state outside of
Multnomah County, the large plurality
for Mr. Chamberlain in Multnomah'
County seems to Indicate his election.
Returns Favor Prohibition.
On prohibition while the issue may
yet be said to be in some doubt the
early returns report a dry victory. Al
though Multnomah County may give
a substantial majority against prohibi
tion it is not likely, on the baBis of
early returns, that this majority will
go as high as 10,000 in the state outside
of Multnomah County, and if the pres
ent ratios are continued the amendment
will have an- affirmative majority of
about 15,000. During the early evening
the returns received presaged a close
vote upstate, but these figures were
largely from close-in business districts
in the larger towns. As later figures
became available the favorable vote for
the amendment began to forge ahead
with the probable result as already ex
pressed. Tax Exemption Defeated.
On the various amendments figures
on only three other measures were
available at a late hour last night.
These indicated conclusively that the
$1500 exemption, the abolishment of the
Senate and the universal eight-hour
law had been decisively defeated.
The incomplete figures from all
counties in the state outside of Mult
nomah gave the following totals on
United States Senator:
Booth 2799
(Concluded on Page 8.)
T-.,-. w,ri.ra
INTEREST in the war shifted mo
mentarily yesterday from land to
sea. A rumor from Dover that the
German fleet was Issuing from its base
to do battle, though unconfirmed, gave
a fillip to the situation, and a note
worthy victory on Sunday last by a
German fleet off the coast of Chile
gave a decidedly new turn to the situ
ation of British commerce in the Pa
cific Ocean. Five German warships
engaged the fleet of Admiral Sir Chris
topher Cradock and came off victo
rious. One British vessel is known to
have been sunk, one was in flames as
she steamed away, and is believed to
have been lost; one is badly damaged
and is bottled up in a Chilean harbor,
and a fourth was badly damaged when
she sailed awav. Sh, ,
however, and had nothing to remain
in a losing battle in which she
could not take part.
The fleet of Admiral Cradock was
reported some time ago in the Straits
of Magellan, on its way to clear the
Pacific of vessels that had threatened
the safety of British vessels. The Ger
man vessels had recently been widely
scattered, but assembled quickly, as
results show, and attacked the British,
whom they appear to have over
whelmed. A state of war exists between Tur
key on tho one side and Russia, Great
Britain and Servia on the other, yet
the Ottoman government appears as a
house divided against itself, one section
seemingly being desirous of war, while
the conservatives are trying to smooth
over the situation, arising from the at
tacks upon Russian ports and ships by
Turkish war vessels directed by Ger
man officers.
Russia, apparently, has welcomed the
war and will not give the Turks a
chance to draw back, while the British
cruiser Minerva has smashed the Turk
ish base of operations against Egypt
at the head of the Gulf of Akabab, The
Turkish Ambassador in London has as
yet made no arrangements to leave
and the embassy still maintains a con
ciliatory attitude.
That the German army has aban
doned its attempt to back Its way along
the Belgian coast to Calais is agreed
by all the official reports tonight.
A combination of inundated country,
the remnant of the Rii-it, .,,.. i
King Albert and the activity of the
.iau n-arsnips. seemingly all con
tributed toward ending the costly
A Berlin official report attributes the
failure of the Germans entirely to the
flooded state of the country, where the
water in places is over a man's head;
but it declares that the army of Em
peror William withdrew in good order
and without losses.
After nearly three weeks of desper
ate fighting the brunt of the attack
has now shifted to the Ypres region,
where the English army of Field Mar
shal Sir John French, reinforced by In
dians and territorials, apparently-must
meet another onslaught. To the scene
of the contemplated battie, according
to reports. Emperor William has gone
to give encouragement to his men by
his presence.
The closing of the North Sea. to all
shipping except that which places it
self under the protection of the British
fleet is recognized as the first stroke
of Admiral Baron Fisher, the new first
sea lord of the admiralty, and. as one
of the most important events of the
war. All cargoes destined for Ger
man or Austrian consumption must
now run the gauntlet of British pro
tection In the English Channel, the
Strait of Gibraltar or the Suez Canal.
The making of the North Sea mili
tary area already has brought adverse
comments from Germany. The Cologne
Gazette claims that Great Britain vir
tually has proclaimed a blockade of
the North Sea. which its fleet will be
unable to enforce. The newspapers of
Holland also raise objections to the re
strictions placed on navigation In the
Ex-Chief of Starr Goes to Imperial
Palace to Keoover rYom Illness.
BERLIN. Nov. 3 (by wireless.)
General Von Moltke. ex-chlef of the
German staff, who has been ill several
weeks, has reached Hamburg, where he
will spend the time until he recovers.
He is Emperor William's guest at the
Imperial castle, which also shelters
Prince Oscar, the Emperor's son, who
still is convalescing.
Minister of War General Von Fal
kenhayn continues to perform the du
ties of chief of tho general staff during
the illness of General Von Moltke.
Vessels Must Use Chaunel'Owing to
North Sea's Being Mined.
LONDON, Nov. 3 The new Admiralty
mine regulations for the North Sea will
cause a diversion of all vessels carry
ing food supplies for the relief of the
people of Belgium through the English
Channel, but. as several of these relief
ships expected to take this latter route,
comparatively little delay in delivery
of the supplies will result.
These relief steamers will be escorted
through the mine fields by English
ships, and the English authorities have
promised every assistance to expedite
their passage.
Anti-Gangrene Treatment of Wound
ed Saves Many. Lives.
PARIS, Nov. 3. A microbe causing
gangrene to develop In bullet and
shrapnel wounds has been discovered
and Isolated and the serum is now
being prepared by Henri Welsberg, of
tho Pasteur Institute. The serum Is
being injected into patients on the
battle field in the early stages of In
fection, obviating amputations and
preventing a great loss of life.
In County Returns Cham-,
berlain Leads Booth.
Withycombe Keeps Big Lead
for Governor; McArthur Still
Ahead for Congress.
Hurlburt Maintains Lead Over
Word for Sheriff; 80 Per
Cent of Voters Go to Polls.
With the exception of the Senator.
ship the Republicans probably have
carried tne county for all candidates
on both the state and county tickets,
including C. N. McArthur for Congress
and Thomas M. Hurlburt for Sheriff.
The prohibition amendment has failed
to carry in the county, according to the
available returns. Among the other
Important amendments that appear to
be losing- are the $1500 tau exemption,
the proposed abolition of the State Sen
ate and the universal eight-hour law.
The dentistry bill has an Indicated lead.
Chamberlain's Lead SOI.
Incomplete returns from 225 of the
326 precincts In the county at 3 o'clock
this morning indicate thai George 10.
Chamberlain. Democrat, has carried
Multnomah County over Robert A.
Booth, Republican, and William Han
ley. Progressive, by a plurality that
may exceed 10,000, and that Dr. James
Withycombe, Republican, will have a
similar lead over Dr. C. J. Smith. Dem
ocrat, and W. S. ITRen. Independent,'
for Governor.
A heavy vote, estimated at 82 per
cent of the registration 96,436 was
cast. Women voters were out in force.
Republicans Get All but One.
Returns from 226 precincts, incom
plete, give Chamberlain, Dem., for
United States Senator, 2S69; Booth.
Rep., 1878; Hanley. Prog.. 838; Ramp.
Soc. 224; Stine. prohi, 89. Chamber
lain's lead over Booth is 991.
Following is the vote at 2 o'clock
from 188 precincts. Incomplete, for Gov-,
ernor: Withycombe, Rep.. 2387; C J.
Smith. Dem., 1628; U'Ren. Ind, 313; w!
J. Smith, Soc. 234; Gill. Prog., 63;
Purdy. ind.. 28. Wlthycombe's lead over
C J. Smith is 759.
McArthur Ahead 106 Votes.
At 2 o'clock 244 precincts, incom
plete, gave McArthur, Republican, for
Congress, 2205; Flegel. Democrat, 2009;
Lafferty, Independent. 1422; Moulton.
Progressive. 422; Streiff, Socialist, 317;
McArthur's lead, 196.
At 2 o'clock the following returns
had been made from 187 precincts In
the county. Incomplete, on the State
Supreme Court ticket: Benson (Rep.)
2914. Bean (Rep.) 2875. Harris (Rep.)
2344. McBride (Rep.) 2521, Galloway
(Dem.) 1765. Crawford (Dem.) 1461.
Slater (Dem.) 1029, Ramsey (Dem.) 77 J;
Bright (Prohi.) 603, Hotchkiss (Soc.)
494. Robinson (Soc) 445, Otten (Soc)
Kay' Lead 2105 Votes.
The vote on the State Treasurership
from 187 precincts incomplete was:
Kay (Rep.) 3916, Paget (Dem.) 1751.
Sloop (Soc.) 563. Kay's lead over Paget
is 2165.
Brown Gains Lead.
Following, are the incomplete figures
from 187 precincts for Attorney-General:
Brown (Rep.). 1122; Jeffrey
(Dem.), 773; Lord (Prog.). 163; Hosmer
Incomplete returns from 187 pre
cincts gave the following votes for
the 12 candidates on the Citizen's
Legislative ticket, all of. whom were
nominated by the Republicans: Ben
Selling 1108: John Gill 1096; D. G,
Lewis 1028; Conrad P. Olson 1026; .
Andrew C Smith 921; S. B. Huston
919; S. B. Cobb 919; E. V. Littlefleld
801; Lloyd J. Wentworth 899; Plowden
Stott 854; Oscar W. Home. 628; Louis
Kuehn 812.
The same number of precincts gave)
a vote of 1856 for the Southern Oregon
Normal school and 771 against, giving
a favorable majority of 9 votes.
Hurlburt Leads for Sheriff.
Returns from 187- precincts incom
plete for Sheriff are: Hurlburt (Rep),
3691; Word (Dem.), 3264; Newman.
(Soc). 478; Lull (Prohi.), 282.
The incomplete vote from 187 pre
cincts for the prohibition amendment
was 1663 for and 2130 against, giving
the "wets" a majority of 477.
C. M. Hurlburt, Republican, who was
repudiated by the Republican commit
tee, has a vote of 1674 to 1350 for Ros
coe P. Hurst. Democrat, in the incom
plete figures from 187 precincts in
Multnomah County.
Constable Weinberger (Rep.) 1577,
Clark (Prohi.) 394, Burke (Ind.) 258,
Wiggins (Prog.) 252. Beyer (Soc.) 192.
Weinberger's lead is 1183.
Labor Commissioner Hoff (Rep.)
5574, Macdonald (Prog.) 981. Nikula
(Soc.) 527. Hoff's lead Is 4593.
Circuit Judge Gantenbein (Rep.)
2494, Van Zante (Dem.) 675. Ganten
bein's lead is 1819.
Coroner Dammasch (Rep.) 1997,
Hughes (Dem.) 722. East (Prohi.) 374.
(Concluded oa Page 12.)