Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 03, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Candidates Are Certain
. Success and Estimate
Plurality at Count.
C B. Moores Decries -Claims of Foes
and Says They Are Absent In
Places Where Money Is to
j Be Found on Outcome.
On the eve of the election campaign
Managers, state and county chairmen
and the candidates alike were confi
dent of success. The usual glowing
reports of sweeping victories emanated
last night from every political head
quarters in the state.
Republicans. Democrats. Progress
ives and even the Prohibitionists and
Socialists were confident.
Following are some of the predictions
made last night by the various cam
paign managers and candidates:
Booth Aaaured of Election.
C. B. Moores. Republican state chair
man The "estimates" emanating from
the Hanley and Chamberlain headquar-
ters are so manifestly absurd as to
throw discredit. In a way, on all esti
mates from whatever source they come.
The remarkable drift, however, towards
Booth during the past two weeks has
been apparent to everyone. It Is in
the atmosphere, everywhere, and the
conviction that he is certain of elec
tion is reflected In the poolrooms,
where Booth money is abundant. From
every district in the state assurances
have come into headquarters that
Booth is forging to the front and the
enthusiasm of workers everywhere is
apparent. "With a Republican majority
f about 110,000, according to the com
- pleted registration lists and with Han-
ley cutting far more deeply into Chara-
berlain than into Booth, there comes
the news from every section that while
there Is here and there some deflection
to Hanley and Chamberlain, largely on
the liquor question, there is nothing to
' indicate the possibility of reaching the
enormous Republican lead, and thou
sands of voters are coming to Booth
from the other parties. It is apparent
lv the policy of the Progressive and
Democratic parties to claim everything
for the moral effect of it. Instead of
designating the counties they are to
carry, they should simply claim all the
counties. It would save Bpace. These
gentlemen are not In evidence, how
ever, around the poolrooms taking any
of the Booth money. This money is now
talklnsr in tones louder than the com
blned chorus of all the spellbinders and
it is calling especially for Bert iu.
Haney and O. C. Leiter. Idle boasts
count for nothing. Hanley has made
enormous Inroads into Chamberlain's
' strength, but he will not carry a single
county in the state. The majority for
Dr. Wlthycombe will exceed that ever
before given for a candidate lor uov
' ernor in the State of Oregon. Mc-
Arthur's friends declare that he is
aure winner in this district.
Chamberlain Seea Success.
Bert E. Haney. Democratic state
chairman Chamberlain will carry
Multnomah, Baker, Union, Umatilla,
Harney. Malheur. Wasco, Crook, Curry,
Josephine, Lincoln, Benton, Grant, Lake,
Klamath. Jackson. Douglas. Linn, Clat
bod. Yamhill. Polk. Tillamook and
Clackamas counties. It is certain that
Senator Chamberlain will carry all the
above-named counties, and it is prob
able that he will carry several of the
others, but in them the race may be
more closely contested. Dr. C. J. Smith
will be elected Governor by a tremen
dous majority. In the Third Congres-
- clonal District I believe Mr. Flegel will
win by more than 6000 plurality.
Clarke Leiter, manager for William
Hanley. Progressive candidate for
United States Senator. My previous
predictions that Mr. Hanley will win
by approximately 13,000 votes over Sen
ator Chamberlain remains unchanged.
Mr. Hanley is strong in Eastern, Cen
tral and Southern Oregon, as well as
in the .Willamette Valley and Multno
mah county, we nave made a good
clean campaign and are confident that
we will be successful.
C N. McArthur, "Republican candidate
for Congress in Third District. I ex
pect to win by approximately 10,000
votes over Mr. Flegel. I believe A. W.
Lafferty will be third in the race. I
expect to carry 300 of the 326 precincts
in the county. Moreover, I believe
Multnomah County will return a ma
jority for the whole" Republican ticket.
A. F. Flegel, Democratic candidate
for Congress. My canvass shows that
I will win by from 5000 to 10,000 votes.
I have recelveda whole lot of en
couragement In the last 10 days and
am confident that I'll win. I have
tried to conduct a clean campaign. I
don't know whether Mr. McArthur or
Mr. Lafferty will take second place. I
believe It will be a close fight between
A. W. Lafferty, Independent candi
date for Congress. Pre-election state.
ments usually are so extravagant that
they have no real value. But I pro
pose to be conservative. Therefore 1
place my probable plurality at 10,000. 1
had a plurality of 6000 the last time
and have a lot of strength this time
that was not evident then.
Drjn See Victory.
Victory for the drys of from 10,000
to 15.000 majority was prophesied last
night by J. E. Wheeler, chairman of
tho Committee of One Hundred.
"We have made as fair and as clean
a fight as we know how," said Mr.
"We have kept the contest to the one
real Issue, which is: Do the people of
Oregon want the saloon or do they
"There can be no side issues, such as
personal liberty, etc
"We have done so 'muckraking" and
have not entered into personalities.
"At the same time I should like to
congratulate our leading opponent, A.
M. Eppstein, for having carried on a
Institutions, hospitals, penal institu
tions social service workers, the keen
politicians and the progressive mak
azines, periodicals and reviews must
go down; and this Is the condition of
the liquor traffic in 1914."
A. M. Eppstein, manager of the Ore
gon Brewers' Association, was Jubi
lant yesterday over the outlook for an
overwhelming "wet" vote in Oregon.
"We will retain the local option and
home rule laws of the state and de
feat statewide prohibition by 30,000
majority or more," declared Mr. Epp
stein. "I have reports from practically
every precinct of every county of the
state and the same etory of a sweep
ing defeat of the proposed abortive
prohibition amendment is told uni
formly In these estimates. -Lead
la State Reported. .
"We will come up to Multnomah
County with a good round majority
and will carry this county by 20,000 or
better. The big surprise, according to
our estimates, will be in the outside
counties, where the 'drys' look for their
greatest strength. Marshfield's pri
mary vote Saturday, In - which the
'wets' swept the field, is only a fore
runner of the victory today.
3 -SWiW-
' 'Smrt i
Rev. Huber C. Herring, D. D.
The . Congregationalists of
Portland and vicinity will have
the opportunity of hearing their
National leader, the Rev. Huber
C. Herring, D. D., on Friday
evening, November 6, at the
First Congregational Church,
Park and Madison streets. Dr.
Herring comes as the secretary
of the National Council, a new
office that was authorized at the
last National Council. This
council recommended certain
measures looking toward a
closer federation of the activi
ties of the denomination, and
this secretary is the exponent of
. these measures.
Dr. Herring was in attendance
at the late State Conference of
Congregationalists at Forest
Grove. His addresses during the
session' were among the most
interesting features.
"I wish to compliment all forces
fighting against the prohibition amend
ment on the clean campaign that has
been made. No mud-slinging has been
indulged in by them and the voter has
had a full chance to hear our side of
this important issue. For a campaign
in which harsh feeling is bound to be
engendered, I honestly can say I have
never seen a cleaner, out-in-the-open
fight. Passions in some Instances may
have run too high, but such things are
to be expected in any campaign. These
feelings will disappear quickly after
election, when I firmly expect the de
feated 'drys' to accept the verdict as
the best Judgment of the majority of
their brothers and sisters of the state.
This Woman's Ballot.
Man Instructs Her to Skim Through
Names Hurriedly and Vote MNoM on
"All Those Things at the Bottom."
y Oregon
'An Easterner, who is
the source of mil
lions which might be at
tracted this way, and whose
opinion represents the senti
ment of outside capital, says:
No More Loans in Oregon Until
Oregonians Quit Tinkering With
. Their Tax Laws
The Possibility of Single Tax Being Enacted
Makes Me Regret That I Ever Invested
a Dollar in Oregon
Every Word
Is Full of
to Every
a . "
8 I
E was tall and well dressed and
knew exactly what he was about.
especially in politics, a typical good
citizen and present-day lawmaker.
She was evidently his wife, by all
signs of his leading the way for her.
She had a woman friend tagging
along, bent, like herself, on gaining
political information from the street
spielers, who were all in full action
and howling differently.
She was not becoming sufficiently
enlightened, so she insisted to him: "I
must have one of those sample ballots
so I can read over things and make
up my mind before I go to vote."
He But I told you before. Tou don t
need to bother your head. Tou don't
need any sample ballot. Men don't.
She Then how do they make up
their minds about those measures?
He I tell you they don't have to
make up their minds! All that men
have to do Is just to go and vote. They
look through the top of the ballot.
where the men's names are and see how
many they have to vote for and then
mark them In a hurry. Then they just
mark "No" after all those things at
the bottom of the ballot and they're
done. And you don't need to do any
differently from that now. D'you hear
me? Just go ahead and vote, and don't
bother your head!
Mr. Bigelow, However, May Argue
for VTse by Ladd School Tomorrow.
Whether or not the children of Ladd
school will be permitted to use part of
the plaza blocks as playgrounds will
be determined by the City Commis
Ion at its regular meeting tomorrow.
Commissioner Brewster, who heads the
Park Bureau, has recommended to the
Council that the use of the property
be not permitted. Commissioner Bige-
low, it is, said, will take the opposite
Commissioner. Brewster says the
cleaner campaign and a straighter one I park blocks are for the use of the gen-
than the saloon interests oi Oregon I eral public and should not be fenced
ever have waged before. I oft for a school playground. He says
With reports at hand tonight from I there is an ordinance in effect giving
every county in Oregon I believe we I the school authorities the right to rope
shall carry the state handsomely, lor I on streets In front of schools. This,
the saloon interests themselves admit I he says, offers a solution of the school
Oregon dry has won many supporters I playground problem confronting the
Here's Your Chance to Do Your
Part in Bringing Back Prosperity.
VOte 1W emu. oo i
Eastern financial centers are watching Oregon today. If single tax wins
All Future Investments Will Be Withheld From Oregon
and What Money Is Already Here Will Be Withdrawn!
TTiis is nn time for experiments. Don't take chances on having all our building and other enterprises stopped enter
prises on which the state's prosperity depends. Do your duty to yourself, your family and your community vote against
and get your friends to VOTE AGAINST SINGLE TAX.
NOTE You will find it on the ballot cleverly disguised as a $1500 exemption. Bear in mind that there is no exemption
whatever on lots or land, but, on the contrary, the taxes will be increased 40 per cent.
The Portland Realty Board most earnestly asks your complete co-operation to defeat this most unjust increase in taxes.
F. N. CLARK, Chairman.
(Paid Advertisement.)
la Irish
Harry Thomson's Act. Rich
Brogue, Furnishes IS Minutes of
Amusement Other Acts Win.
Two fine numbers make up the biggest
part of a good bill at the Empress
Theater on the week's turn of the pro
gramme. Both are humorous.
The first Is "Mag Hagerty's Father,"
which is a realistic depiction on the
order of the comic series by McManus,
and the other is the favorite of many
a show in Portland. Harry Thomson,
the "Mayor of the Bowery."
Hagerty is the father of the daughter
of the same name. Daughter marries
rather comfortably and takes father on
a trip after his retirement as a hod-carrier.
But father can't get accustomed to
riches and metropolitan bellhops, and
therein lies the opportunity for comedy.
Thomas J. Ryan as father Is one long
laugh. He is capably assisted by Edna
Harry Thomson's act cannot be de
scribed without a press that will print
an Irish brogue and half a dozen other
dialects, all of which he brings in dur-
ince the election of 1910 when Oregon
went wet by 18,000. In reality this de
feat was due to the apathy of voters.
Women Vote Expected.
"If the women -of Oregon vote as
they say they will then it is impos
sible to say how large our majority
will be, but I am confident it will not
'-be under 10,000.
"Labor leaders and the Oregon State
Grange have come out dry as never
before. We have the moral effect of
Virginia going dry a month ago by 35,'
000. and of West Virginia by 92.000 a
year ago. Any business which has ar
rayed against it the cause of labor,
the railroads, big business corpora
tions and institutions, the proven re
sults of laboratory tests and medical
research, the actuary tables of the
insurance companies, the moral con
science of the churches, philanthropic
Ladd school.
Stipe-Foster Company Ixses
and Goods to Thieves.
Burglars at an early hour Saturday
sawed through a padlock on the door
of the Stipe-Foster Drug Company. 289
Morrison street, stole $25 in cash and
about $250 worth of fountain pens and
razors and overlooked a large amount
of cash within easy reach. 1
A showcase had been badly broken
and fountain pens were strewn about
the floor when the store was opened
early yesterday. Detectives Price and
Mallett,' who are investigating the case.
ay it Js tHo worn oi a professional.
lng the 15 minutes which he spends in
a New Tork night court, presided over
by a genial judge whose falllny is his
inability to sentence even tho ;uilty.
Thomson is the Judge.
Something different In ventriloquism
Is offered by De Winters, a feminine
manipulator of the voice who has a
long list of clever imitations. Her act
was one of those which went well on
the bill of yesterday.
The cycling McNutts say that their
act is the "Pinnacle of Picturesque
Pedalry." Well and good. Their act is
one of bicycling which offers enough
new turns to get several rounds of ap
plause. - The youngest cyclist on the
staire appears with the troupe.
Lelehton and Robinson have a black
face act which brings out a lot of ap
plause. The bill In opened by I.ury and
Ethel Baker, a couple of comely girls
with some good steps. ,
The fllmery of the Empress is better
than usual, and four filmed short stories
break up the order of the acts.
St. Johns Has Money on Hand.
ST. JOHNS, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
City Recorder A. E. Dunsmore's report
for the quarter, July 1 to October 1
shows cash on hand to be $8357.29. The
total receipts were $73,851.52. The
principal item was the street fund, for
which the receipts and disbursements
were $36,226.46, besides $9615.53 tor
the sinking street fund and $8776.31 in
the street Interest fund. The city
property Inventory showed a value of
$126,627.26: bonded Indebtedness. $76,
000; improvement street bonds, $290,
0R8. The bonds are for the city docks.
(Paid advertisement by Orton E. Goodwin, publicity department Cora-
mlttee of One Hundred, 743 Morm JJIdic.)
The Southern Pacific announces the opening of
the Willamette Pacific R. R. (Coos Bay Line)
Eugene to Mapleton (58 miles from Eugene.)
Boat connects with train for Acme and Florence.
Train for Mapleton and intermediate points will leave Eugene as
Leave Eugene daily 8:00 A.M.
Arrive Mapleton 11:S0A.M.
Leave Mapleton 1:30 P.M.
.Arrive Eugene 6:00P.M.
Connection with train for Mapleton and intermediate points made
at Eugene by Train No. 15, leaving Portland at 1 :30 A. M. Stand
ard - sleeping car on this train Portland to Eugene (open for
occupancy at 9:30 the evening before).
Further particulars at City Ticket C
flee, 80 Sixth street, corner Oak; Uni
Depot or any agent oi tne
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
How She Was Helped During
Change of Life by Lydia EL
Pinkham's Vegetable
Philadelphia, Pa, "I am just 52 yean
of age and during Change of Life I suf
fered for six years
terribly. I tried sev
eral doctors but none
seemed to give me
any relief. . Every
month the pains wera
intense in both sides,
and made mesa
weak that I had to
go to bed. At last
a friend recommen
ded Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound to me and I tried it at once
and found much relief. After that I
bad no pains at all and could do my
housework and shopping the same
as always. For years I have praised
Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com
pound for what it has done for me,
and shall always recommend it as a wo
man s friend. You are at liberty to use
my letter in any way." Mrs.THOMSOK,
649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Change of life is one of the most
critical periods of a woman's existence.
Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to
carry women so successfully through
this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'f
Vegetable Compound.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med
icine Co. (confidential), Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will be opened,
read, and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence