THE 3IORXTXQ OREGOXIANV 'V SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1914. " All Charge Purchases Made Today Go on November Accounts and Are Made Payable December Fir Mrs. A. L. Craig, Expert From Nemo Hygienic Institute, Here Today to Instruct in Proper Corseting for Health and Comfort Fifth Floor, Sixth-St. Building Store Always Undersells! s Enjoying Huge Purchasing Power Enables This Institution to Lead in Selling 20 M & Frank Great 5 gsmi wibA Years of lllfPlSillifel $2.50 Jointed Dolls ) WlWf?WM)t ,W MW. FOR CHWSTMA.I ; SffiJFiKjSirr s Inches tall. sleeping- eyas, 'VmSSBSSmSiUS " wed mohair wl. t- uTX!LL. r i Toytowm, 'lrt Flaar, Tnttrarr Aua . 2 (Yen Bids). Courteous Attention to All Patrons Brings Thousands Here Daily to Shop Showing- New Store Now Belnje Erected SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. A Wonderful Offer Originally $3.50 to $7.50 Solid Gold La Vallieres $1.25 Friction Trains 89c Locomotive. Tender, Three Pas senger Cars. Toy low. Buemnt, Tc Auex No. S. $1.25-$1.50 Play Suits 79c For Children Indian. Cowboy Chaps, Military, Squaw, of Khaki Cloth. Toytowa, Baaesseat, Temporary Aaaex No. S. $1.50 Educational Blackboard $1.15 AND DESK FOR CHILDREN, Roll-top, A B C's. Numbers. De- siffns, . Hardwood Frame. Taytowa, Bucant, Temporary Anaea No. X $2.50 Doll Buggies -$1.33 Full Collapsible. Rubber - Tired Wheals and Leatherette Covered Hood. Toytewa. Baaeaaeat. Temporary asmra No. X To Be Greatest ta Weatera America BUY NOW FOB CHRISTMAS. All Latest Designs. First Floor, Slxta-St. Bids;. Another Lot of Pin Seal Bags, 98 25c Wash Foulards 19c Never Before Sold at Such Low Price For the making of House Dresses, Underskirts and Blouses we offer these Wash Foulards. 32 inches wide. Colors, navy, brown, black, gobelin and reseda grounds, in attractive designs, dots, stripes and rosebuds, in white or contrasting colors. Supply your needs today.- Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bide. MEN'S STORE, TEMPORARY ANN BX MO. 1 Makes of Men's Cloth i n g a.t Lowest Prices ! You'll Recognize These Tailoring Concerns by Name. Rogers-Peet, Hickey-Freeman, "Society Brand", Wash ington Co., L. Adler of Rochester, Naumberg & Co. Every Man and Young Man in Portland Will Find Here the Most Complete Stock of Fall Suits and Overcoats. All-Wool Suits at $15 to $35. Overcoats $15 to $40 Buy a Raincoat Today $7.50 to $35 For. Autoists For Hunters Every Style Mackinaw Coat, for Men, $5-$20 For Ice Skaters For Street Wear Agents KNOX HATS for 'Men Last Day of Great Sale of 31 -Ties, '69c All made of Imported Silks Large, wide flowing ends. See window! 7 first Floor, Temporary Aaaex Xo. 1 OWN A KODAK to picture the happenings of every day the scenic beauties "of Oregon, in city and country. See our ex tensive line of Kodaks today. Prices $6 to $63. Brownie Cameras $1 to $12. Make Photo Calendars for Christ mas gifts. Ask to see the Calendar Blanks. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 25c Pckg. 1-Pound Eastman Acid Fixing Powder 19 S"lrst Floor, Temporary Aaaex No. t sarta Floor, Sfcrta-St. Bids. . Mat I J 111 - M- 'J 1 J 1 - 11 7 Extra T JUST ARRIVED BY EXPRESS 75 New College (Goats Worth $10 Sizes 15 to 38 For Misses and Juniors 2 STYLES AS PICTURED ! Material Are Fancy Mixtures, Checks and Plaids. Brown, Green and Hague Blue. Colors Navy, s"oarta Vtmmr, Slzta-flt. BMa ALL AUTHORITIES Say A Great Sale Today ! Bulbs at Dozen 35c Single and Double Hyacinths Pink, rose, pure white, blush white, dark blue, red, light blue and yellow. Bulbs at Dozen 15c Single and Doable Tulips White, pink, red, yellow and red, yellow. Narcissus and Daffodils Empress, Emperor, Princeps, Paper "Whites, Yon Sion. Fourth Floor, Temporary Annex. Every Boy Wants a Balmacaan Overcoat We sell the famous "Sampeek" line; also a "Sampeek" Suit gives the "correct posture" to your manly, growing boy. "SAMPECK" BALMACAAN OVERCOATS. For Juveniles, ages 2 to 8 years .....7.50 to $12.50 For Boys, ages 8 to 18 years $10 to $16.50 "Sampeek" Knickerbocker Suits, 7 to 18 years .. .--$7.50 to $18 "Cowba" C"ii4 r -.. -U a. : t i a- n j. inn Boys' Store. Secoad Floor, Temporary Annex o. 1 .' aa- -a.l Last Day to Buy Kid Gloves at Wholesale Prices! This Has Been a Phenomenal Event Every pair of every make has been included. Perrin's, Dent's, Bacmo, Trefousse, Ireland's and others. Buy gloves -today for men " women and children. ' Men's and Boys' Gloves, First Floor, Temporary Annex No. 1. Women's and Children's Gloves, First Floor, Sixth-Street Building. Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose, black and tan, pair 39c Timely Sale! Peter Thompson Dresses Women's 25c "Burson" Hose, outsizes, split foot, pair 19c mmmmmmmm Women's 50c Lisle Hose, outsizes, black only, pair .. 37c ti T C TVT r X r i Women's 35c Cotton Hose, black and tan, two pairs, 55; pair. 28d ' 1 JtllS Lot Or INCW UreSSeS JllSt KeCeiVed Women's 35c Mercerized Cotton Hose, black, pair 27 Boys' and Girls' 20c School Hose, Tlack . The most popular for school wear. $13.50 Peter Thompson C OO t'KJ Hf0i!,Senv?e1:thT5 pfra 5,?C; v----. 17c Dresses, Sizes 14 to 20 years, all new $9.98 Infants 25c Plain Lisle Hose, black and colors, three pairs 55c; pair. ... -20c . 500 Pairs Women's 25c to 50c Fine Lisle and Cotton Hose, broken lines in sizes NAVY BLUE SERGES, trimmed black and white soutache braid, and colors, three pairs 55c; pair 20c emblem on sleeve and dickey. - V ; First Klr.Stxta-St. Bid,. I . 1fta KI r. Blata-St. Bid,. .. . . Toilet Needs & Drugs Today Oriental Cream (Gour- ard's) antiseptic Lotion 29 ?linjl"s Honey and Al mond Cream. 28t Jergren's Benzoin and ' Almond Lotion wansdown Kace Pow- 5 der. 12d 711 White Rosa Gly- cerlne Soap 12 Society Hypienlo Soap (unscented) 39 X)r. Lyon's Tooth Pow der 12 Ttubiioam. two for 25 Euthymol Tooth Paste 13 i Squibb's Talcum Pow- der. . .. 16 Jerfren s Talcum Pow- der. 12 randerine larse-slze bottle. ,69 Potter'a Hair Stain 69 Pal Hepatica, $1 alze...69 Sodium Phosphate, one pound, Merck's IS Murine Eye Remedy.. 33 Hospital Cotton, 1-lb. roll 19(i Paroxtde. one pound.. 23 tl KuRhes' Ideal Hair Bruches 69 tic Tooth Brushes, as sorted styles 19 First Flxr, Slata-St. Bids, a All-Day Grocery Specks Royal Banquet Butter, Boll 72 Freshly made fancy Oregon Butter. Victor Coffee, the pound 29 Well-known rich old blend. Sugar-Cured Bacon, the pound 22 Vk 10 to 12-pound strips. Whole or half strips. Sugar-Cured Hams, the pound 19 Eastern sugar-cured, well smoked. Large Walnuts, the pound X2!4 Hard shells. Excellent meats. : Pare Fvoa Grocery, Baaemcat, Slxta-St. Bide l07 a-a. 184 rM& QjjALiTir Stoke or Pobjlamd: now FOR MEN! 9 t o 12 o'Clock Only 50c TIES 4-in-Hand Styles Genuine Cheney Foulards. New bias stripes and polka-dots. Popular colors navy, tan, gTeen, red, heliotrope and grays. Men's Store, Temporary Annex, No. 1 1 $3.25 BLANKETS, 2.21 White Woolnap Blankets, with fancy borders. Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex, No. 1 40c HEMSTITCHED TOWELS, 30 Pure Linen Huckaback Towels. Hemstitched ends. Size 19x34. Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. 85c TABLE DAMASK, YAED, 65 Linen Table Damask. Pure white. Good quality. 66-inch width. Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. THREE CANS MINCED CLAMS, 25 "Ellmore" brand. No. 1 cans. Clear white meat. Kegular 15c qual ity. Limit, six cans to a purchaser. THREE QUARTS JERSEY CRANBERRIES, 25 Large red berries. Well ripened. SEEDED RAISINS, PACKAGE, 7Vj "Guardian" brand. No. 1 cartons. Regularly 10c. Freshly seeded. Limit, sis packages to a customer. Pure Food Grocery, Basement, Sixth-St. Bldg. 25c WAIST MATERIAL, YARD, 12,2 27-inch Silk and Cotton Waistinc-, in stripes. A limited quantity at above price, from 9 to 12, while anv remains. Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg- BULLETIN? 9 to 12 Bargains Small lots. Exceptionally low prices. Telephone orders accepted for Morning Specials from 9 to 10:30, subject to merchandise remaining. 35c TO 75c VEILING, YARD. 29 Nose Veilings of mesh. Some with chenille dotted borders. In double and single hairlines. Black, magpie and colors. First Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. REMNANTS LACE AND EMBROIDERY. 10 2 to 1-yard lengths. Shadow Lace and Embroideries. Rejrularly sell ing from 15c to 40c. First Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. $1 CHIFFON AND BEADED NET, YARD, 49 36-inch Beaded Nets, in colors. 42-inch Printed Chiffons. First Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. 50c TO 85c MEDALLIONS, EACH, 39 $1 TO $1.25 MEDALLIONS, EACH, 49 r Real Irish Crochet and Cluny Medallions. Large sizes. Round, square and Crescent shapes. First Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. CHILDREN'S COATS, S4.85 Sizes 2 to 8 years. Oxford Chinchilla Coats tailored style with black velvet roll collars. Cape Coats of diagonal Meltou cloth. Copen hagen, blue. Detachable cape. Fifth Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Children's Shoes, sizes 8'2 to 11, SI. 4 9 Misses' Shoes, sizes HVz to 2, at SI. 79 Of patent colt, with black cloth or mat top; also gunmetal calf. AH button style. Low heels, medium soles. Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. Boys' $2.50 Shoes, sizes 1 to 6, at Si.98 Boys' $2.00 Shoes, sizes 10 to 13y2, S1.6S Gunmetal or calfskin. Blucher or button style. Heavy soles. Broad toes. Third Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg. 1