Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 31, 1914, Image 1

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    VOL. LIV. XO. 1C,S28.
Russian and Turkish War
ships Reported Engaged.
AH Sailors Not Drowned Are
Said to Have Been
Li. Killed or Wounded.
Frontier of Egypt Threatened
and Danger of Mohamme
.. dan Uprising Is Felt.
LONDON, Oct. 30. It is reported
from Constantinople that a battle be
tween a Turkish and Russian fleet is
proceeding off Odessa. This neWS is
contained in a Rome dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph Company.
A dispatch from Pefrograd says
that Odessa was visited by Turkish
warships, probably 3'esterday.
Two Destroyers Tire Shells.
Two Turkish destroyers fired shells,
says the dispatch. They succeeded in
sinking a merchant ship. The Turks
also bombarded Novorossysk, a sea
port of Caucasia.
Two Turkish officers landed at
Theodosia, on the southeast coast of
Crimea, to demand the surrender of
the port. The Governor promptly im
prisoned them.
(This attack is presumed to be the
one reported previously.)
Russian Gunboat Sunk.
A dispatch from Bordeaux says it is
officially announced there that a Rus
sian gunboat was sunk by two Turk
ish torpedo-boat destroyers in the at
tack on Odessa. This gunboat was
the Donetz., Part of its crew were
.drowned and the remainder killed or
Shells also were fired on the sub-
Tirbs of Odessa near a number of oil
tanks, but the tanks were undamaged,
,A sugar factory, however, was hit.
gome civilians also were killed or in
jured by the shells. ,
Bedouins Threaten Egypt.
There have been great manifesta
tions at Damascus, in Asiatic Turkey,
in favor of a war against Christians
and especially against Great Britain,
according to a dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph Company from
The massing of Bedouins along the
Egyptian frontier, the dispatch adds,
is being continued.
A dispatch from Rome says that
Turkey's attack on Russia without a
declaration of war is causing a seri
ous impression, as it is taken gen
erally to mean a further extension of
the war and also its indefinite pro
Italy Protects Russians.
On the request of the Russian gov
ernment, the Italian government has
instructed the Ambassador of Italy
at Constantinople to protect Russian
subjects and interests.
There is keen interest here as to
the attitude of the- Balkan States.
Bulgaria recently gave assurances
that she was bound by no treaty
compelling joint action. It is be
lieved that she would join the allies
against the Turks if assured of some
reward at the end of the conflict
Roumanian feeling is more than ever
favorable to the allies.
Public opinion here, while surprised
-. at Turkey's action, welcomes the op
portunity presented to settle the East
ern question once for all.
Disclaimer Believed Possible.
The view has been expressed in of
ficial circles that the Turkish gov
ernment may conceivably try to dis
associate itself from the action of it:
warships in the Black Sea in bom
barding Russian ports, including
It is suggested that the Porte, when
Concluded on Pti 6.)
LOSDOX, Oct. SO. 'T'he report that
GerauiT fa a made peace proposals to.
France, offering; special concessions, was
repndlated today by the German Consnl-
General at Amsterdam as 'completely
nfonnded.'" says a dispatch from tha
Amsterdam correspondent of Renter's
Telegram Company.
LOSDOHi Oct. 30. "IJnnklrk la pre
paring: for a state of siege," a Berlin
dispatch to the Marconi Telea-raph Com
pany, received here tonight, says. MXn
the event of a German advance the
vrhole neighborhood will he flooded.
Paale exists In the town of Dunkirk,
on which several German aviators have
dropped bombs.
LONOOIT, Oct. SO. A dispatch to the
Central News Aacency from Amsterdam
saya It Is reported that 100 German
soldiers have discarded their uniforms
and crossed from Belgium Into Dutch
LONDON, Oct. 30. The newspapers
continue to nrge on the Admiralty the
desirability of the entire dosing of the
North Sea In order to prevent the al
leged action of the Germans In sending
ont mine-layers In the gnise of peace
ful, neutral trading vessels.
I.O Vno V. Oct. 30 The official press
bnrean announces that an Indian con
tingent has joined the British and Jap-
ese forces operating ugalnst the
Germans at Xslng-Tau, Chlna.
BERLIN, Oct. MO. The followlagwas
given out officially here todays Dr.
Rhomberg, ex-counsellor of the Ger-
tn Embassy nt Toklo, la an Inter
view, explains that it is Japan's aim
to free Asia from European and Amer
ican influences and to subdue China to
Japanese supremacy.
LONDON, Oct. 30. Colonel Conrad
Brlns, who has been engaged In sup
pressing the rebellion started by Lieu
tenant-Colonel Marlts In Northwest
Cape Province, reports that the in va
sion of the Cape has finally been brok
en, nceording to a Capetown dispatch
to Renter's Telegram Company.
BERLIN, Oct. 30. (By Wireless.)
The German War Material Compaay,
Limited, announces that the stocks of
copper In Germany are sufficient even
for a war lasting a long time and that
private Industries also may be sup
LONDON, Oct. 30t The appointment
of Baron Ftaher, Admiral of the fleet.
to succeed Prince Louis of Battenberg,
an First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, was
announced officially by the press
bureau today.
WASHINGTON, Oct.- 30. The sur
render of 10O rebellious Boers wlthowt
fighting at Brandvlei and Understedoor,
In South Africa, was reported today In
official London dispatches to the Brlt
Ish Embassy. -
Official Report From Africa Says
Kaiser's Men Repulsed.
LONDON Oct. 30. 6:41 A. M. A dis
patch from Lorenzo Marques. East
Africa, to Reuters Telegram Company
confirms the report of a German in
vasion of Portuguese West Africa, and
gives the following official details
regarding the affair:
"A party of German cavalry, com
posed of 12 Europeans and 20 natives,
crossed the southern border of Angola
and arrived at the military post at
Naulila, saying they desired an in
terview with the commander.
"Shortly afterwards they were about
to retire without further explaining the
reason for the visit when a Portuguese
officer placed his hand on the German
officer's bridle. The German troops
thereupon raised tlielr weapons, but the
Portuguese soldiers were beforehand
and fired on the party, killing three
London Well-to-Do, Wearing Ready
Made, Deprive Dressmakers.
LONDON, Oct. 30. The economy be
ing practiced by English women at
present Is causing lack of work In cer
tain branches of trade. At a meeting
of relatively unemployed people here
tonight it was said that one-third of
the 66,000 dressmakers in London are
on short time because even the well-to-
do are buying cheap ready-made cloth
ing. It was also said that one-fourth
of the 14,000 millinery workers are on
short time, due to women's buying hats
which are cheaply trimmed. ,
Statistics presented indicated that
there are 3000 more unemployed per
sons in London than there were last
year at this time.
Copenhagen Welcomes Stars and
Stripes First Time in Three Vears.
COPENHAGEN, Oct. 29. via London,
Oct. 30. The American oil tank steam
er John D. Rockefeller arrived here
today. For the last three years no
mercantile vessel carrying the Amer
ican flag has visited Copenhagen, and
the advent of the Rockefeller today
was made the occasion for a hearty
greeting by a large crowd which gath
ered at her pier.
The steamer United States sailed to
night for America. She had 1200 Amer
ican passengers aboard.
French to . Sequester Property of
20,000 Firms in Time.
PARIS, Oct. 30. A chateau near
Brest, belonging to the - Princess Ho
henlohe, has been ordered seized by
the court.
It is estimated that the property of
20,000 firms and 100,00 individuals of
German and Austrian nationality will
be sequestered in pursuance of gov
ernment decree.
Belligerents to Take
Supplies, Not Gold.
German Financiers to Be
Among First to Act.
Administration, However, Holds
Government Cannot Prevent Com
merce In Contraband, Subject
to Seizure by . Enemies.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Viewing
credit loans to belligerent countries
as private transactions, the Washing
ton Administration will not attempt to
Interpose its influence against such
transactions on the part of the Ameri
can banks.
This was learned on the highest
authority today after It became known
that German financiers were contem
plating the establishment of a credit
loan In this country similar to the
flO.000,600 credit fund negotiated by
the National City Bank of New Tork
and other bankers for the French gov
Bin- Purchases la Prospect.
The decision of the Washington Ad
ministration may lead to the purchase
in the United States of about 150,000
000 worth of supplies by Russia and a
equal if not a greater amount by Ger
many. Details of the expected trans
actions are lacking here.
High officials of the Washington
Administration inslBt . that President
Wilson has not changed his view, an
nounced at the outbreak of the war,
that the lending of money to belliger
ents would be "inconsistent with the
true spirit of American neutrality." A
distinction was drawn by officials.
lowever, between the loans offered at
that time such sb bond issues of
fered for public sale and credit trans
actions intended as a' checking account
against the purchase by belligerents
of foodstuffs and supplies from Amerl
can firms.
Imu Are Not Unlawful.
The President realizes that this
Government has no legal rlgl-t to op
pose loans of any character, nor is
there any obligation of international
law forbidding them. During the
Russo-Japanese war loans were float
ed for Japan in the United States
through public bond issues. The Pres
ident Is understood, however, to be
opposed to that form of loan as liable
to stir up ill feeling and prejudice.
Officials have unanimously decided
to refrain from discussing the subject
of loans, as the position of the Gov-
(Concluded . on , Page 2.)
. .
; If ml S : ' W
. . .
t . . . . . j
. The Wettther.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61-4
degrees.; minimum, r4.8 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly wind.-
Sea flKht reported off Odessa, which Turks
have bombarded. Page X.
Thousands of Germane dead on Flanders
battlefield. Pace 1.
Belligerents to obtain credit loans in United
States and draw supplies Instead of gold.
Page 1.
Turkish attack on Russia expected to com
plicate 4 a IK an affairs. Page 2.
New record Is reached In United States ex
port of food. Pass 3.
Food to be shipped direct from United States
to destitute .Belgians. Page 2.
Alleged German spy tried by court-martial
in Lonaon. Page 3.
Enforcement of London conference decision
as to Albania entrusted to Italy as sole
remaining neutral. Page 3.
Odessa fourth cltv In Russia and most Im
portant shipping point. Page 2.
Carranxa offers to go into exile If Villa and
aoaoata. too. will retire from publlo life.
Page 6.
Washlngton-Aggle game at Albany today's
big sport I mature. Page 14.
Jefferson defeats Portland Academy, 2S to
o. Page 14.
Oregon overwhelms Willamette, 61 to 0.
age jo.
Harvard-Michigan game today battle of
sections. Page 14.
Major League all-star teams due here to
day. Page 14.
Pacific Northwest.
Representative Sinnott wins votes for Re
publicans at Baker. Page 7.
Governor's failure to act in Leabo case
arouses criticism. Page 6.
Grants Pass women give roses to Booth.
Page 7.
Women of home town laud high ideals of
Robert A. Booth. Pace 1.
Dallas prepares to extend Mr. Booth cordial
greeting. Page 6. .
Commercial and Marine.
Cargo of oats sold for shipment to England.
Pase 19.
Turkey's action causes flurry In Chicago
wheat market. Paxe 19.
Investment demand for bonds continues to
improve. Page 19.
Dock absorptions place Portland on parity
with Puget bound. Page 39.
Portland and Vicinity.
Man arrested for sauatting on reserve wor
ried over wife's plight. Page 18.
Oregon Conrrress of Mothers ends busy ses
sions. Page 13.
Mr. McArthur finds eastern part of Mult
nomah County solidly Republican.
Pare 8.
Many towns send delegations to Manufac
turers and Land products Show. Page IS.
Senator Chamberlain's canvass said to spell
dojm of Democrats. Page 8.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 15.
Women of London Said to Be Drink
ing Heavily While Husbands Fight.
LONDON". Oct. 30. The army council
and the commissioner ot police are
making an investigation Into allegations
that there has been a large Increase in
drunkenness among' the women of Lon
don. According to the magistrate.
many of the offenders are wives of sol
diers on active service.
It Is said officially that the police
are considering an order prohibiting
saloons to serve any women or to al
low women to enter saloons.
Opening of General Attack Marks
Japanese Emperor's Birthday.
TOKIO, Oct. 31. It Is officially an
nounced that a general attack was
opened at dawn today on the German
position at Tslng-Tau. The shelling
of the fortress continues at this hour.
The spirits of the allied troops are
said to be high.
The Emperor's birthday Is being cel
ebrated today.
Women of Home Town
Bear Testimony.
Private Life and Public Serv
ice Are Extolled..
Lifelong Acquaintances Indorse Re
publican Nominee for Senate as .
One of Most Honorable Citi
zens of Oregon.
To the Women of Oregon:
We believe your love of fair play,
and your desire that truth and right
shall prevail, will impel you to aid us
in the support of our friend and neigh
bor, who has been so grossly and so
falsely accused.
We'want to take you Into our con
fidence and tell you how R. A. Booth
came to be a candidate for United
tates Senator. We want to give you
some of the reasons why we are snp
porting him so loyally. We want to
ask you to help -us rebuke the cam
paign of misrepresentation which has
been made against him.
Ideal Man Sought. "
When the right to vote was given us
we had a 'strong desire to cast our
first vote for an ideal man. We had
such a man In our fellow townsman,
Robert A. Booth. We felt It to be our
duty to use our every power to Induce
him to become a candidate.
We. and hundreds of other women
of Eugene, therefore. Joined with the
business men. wage - earners, friends
and neighbors in beseeching Mr. Booth
to become a candidate for the United
States Senate. Hundreds upon hun
dreds of the residents of Eugene went
to his home in groups or singly and
earnestly sought him . to submit his
candidacy to the people of Oregon. -Political
Wiles Not FourWH.
We knew that he was the type of a
man that the women of Oregon would
be proud to have represent them in the
National Congress. He had none of
the arts of the wily politician, but
host of the attributes of sterling man
hood. .
He was dignified and manly in his
bearing. We knew him to be an hon
orable, clean-minded Christian man. He
had always been a consistent advocate
of all rational efforts to further the
cause of temperance. We knew that he
practiced what he preached.
Single Standard Advocate.
We knew "that he had always advo
cated and voted to take women Into
political partnership with men, by glv
ing them the ballot. - He believed In
(Concluded on Page 3.)
Friday's War Moves
THE complications of the European
war have been Increased by the
entrance of the Turkish empire Into
the conflict on the side of the Teutonic
allies. Following the exploit of bom
barding Theodossio. Russia. Turkish
destroyers have sunk the Russian gun
boat Donets., in Odessa harbor, and
damaged three Russian and one French
No official declaration of war has
yet been made, but : Turkey's action
seems to make it probable that the
area of conflict may be greatly widened
and the Issues complicated. The Bal
kans,, whence sprung the present Euro
pean conflict, present such a network
of hostile interests that Greece and the
other Balkan nations may easily be
drawn i Into the vortex.
- Greece. It is believed, is likely to
be the first state now neutral to
throw her weight against the Ottoman
army. Bulgaria is bound to Russia
by racial ties and to Great Britain by
obligations for diplomatic support In
the last war. Her interests and sen
timents, however, are violently hos
tile to Turkey and Greece.
An attempt to invade the Caucasus
on one side and Egypt -on the other
is the programme, military men think
the Turkish army is likely to endeavor
to carry out. Turkish forces have
been gathering' recently in Syria and
Palestine, but a march across the Sinai
Peninsula will be a nard one. because
the country is virtually a desert. The
English papers are confident that the
protection of the Sues Canal against
a raid and of Egypt against invasion
is well provided for. They recognize
that the addition of Turkey to the
belligerent forces probably will pro
long the war and increase its horrors.
They say that this means that Great
Britain must raise more men. How
long Italy can remain aloof is a ques
tion that is being aske'i by the news
News received from the western
battle lines tonight indicates that the
Germans' desperate attempt to gain
Calais and command the English Chan
nel has failed for the present. The
flooding of the valley of the Yser Canal,
together with the work of the British
warships and of the Belgian army along
the coast, are reported to have com
pelled the Germans to withdraw some
what, while the British and French
are said to have been able to advance
on the line farther intd the Interior.
The British naval force near Nieu
port consists of three monitors, three
cruisers and a battleship with 12-inch
guns. Destroyers are protecting the
ships from attacks by German subma
rines, which have been hovering around
the coast.
A German official report says that
Dunkirk. is preparing for a siege, and
that the populace is prepared to flood
the locality In case of a German ad
The Portuguese government describes
the German Invasion of Angola as a
small affair, but it is thought here that
it may result In bringing Portugal def
initely Into the general war on the side
of the triple entente. - ,
With the announcement that Baron
Fisher will succeed Prince Louis of
Battenberg as first Sea Lord of the Ad
miralty, the newspapers believe that
the warfare on the part of the navy
will be prosecuted sternly.-
"The essence of war is violence; mod
eration in war is imbecility," Is one of
Admiral Fisher's sayings.
A renewed demand is being made for
the closing of the entire North Sea and
the placing of mines there.
A majority of the newspapers ex
press confidence in the loyalty to the
country of Prince ' Louis of Batten
burg, but a few of them consider that
his resignation was wise and desirable.
Bulgarian Leader of Russian Army
Replies to General in Few Words.
LONDON, Oct. 30. A Petrograd spe
cial to the Reuter Telegram Company
"In the recent fighting near Prxem
yL two Generals reported, to their
commander, the Bulgarian General
Radko Dlmltrieff. who is leading the
Russian army investing Przemysl, that
they were unable to hold out owing
to the overwhelming' numbers of the
enemy. General Dlmltrieff replied
with an aphorism which doubtless will
become historic He said:
" "Don't count the enemy. Beat him.' "
Re-exportation Prohibited, to Arold
Breach of Xeutrality.
COPENHAGEN, via London. Oct. 30.
Cotton Is needed badly in this coun
try and manufacturers desire to learn
whether American shippers are now
willing to risk sending cotton here.
To avoid all possibility of breaches
of neutrality In connection with ship
ments, the Danish government has pro.
hiblted the re-exportation of cotton.
Furthermore, the King today signed
an act providing that cotton . goods
shipped into Denmark shall be used by
Denmark alone.
Shrapnel Bullet Instantly Kills
Maurice of Battenberg.
LONDON. Oct. 30. Princess Henry of
Battenberg has been informed by the
headquarters at the front that her sen.
Prince Maurice of Battenberg. whose
name appeared in the list ot Killed
made public a few days ago, met death
leading bis company in an attack. The
Prince was struck by a shrapnel bullet
from a bursting shell and died almost
A dispatch to the Central News says
Prince Maurice has been burried near
German Wounded Total
' Large Figures.
Enemy Stubborn and His Coun
ter Attacks Are Fierce.
Body of 11,000 Reinforce Garrison
at Zeebrugge, Where Continuous
Stream of Troops Are Arriving.
Shells Kill Own Men.
LONDON. Oct. 30. "Severe fighting
continues with little intermission along
the allies' line, especially toward the
north. The German resistance is stub
born, and fierce counter attacks are
made by them frequently." says the
British official press bureau. '
"Nevertheless, the British are stead
ily gaining ground. In a counter at
tack one brigade delivered a brilliant
bayonet charge, accounting , for many
of the enemy, whose losses throughout
the fighting are heavy."
Marines Reinforce Garrison.
A dispatch from Amsterdam says the
Telegraaf asserts that fierce fighting
between the Germans and the allies
was restarted today in (landers.
Haavy firing was heard all night, and
today the German ' troops continually
were moving to Zeebrugge. where the
garrison had been reinforced by 11,000
marines stationed near Heyst.
In another dispatch from Amster
dam a correspondent of the Cen
tral News quotes the representa
tive at Ostend of the newspaper
Tyd to the effect that thousands
of wounded Germans are return
ing from the battlefield in Flanders.
Loaded into all kinds of vehicles the
sad procession of wounded men is mov
ing northward; those not so seriously
hurt are traveling on root.
Thousands Are Vabnrled. .
Thousands of unburied bodies cover
the battlefield, the correspondent con
tinues, and no one can form any ade
quate idea of the awful number of
victims falling every mom'ent in this
mad fight.
Between Lepe and Middelkerke the
German guns have ceased firing be
cause their shells would kill German
troops as well as the soldiers of the
allies. Consequently, only hand-to-hand
fighting is taking place.
Paris Reports Line Holding, With
Some Advances.
PARIS. Oct. 30. "In Belgium, accord-,
ing to the latest advices, there is noth
ing to report in the region of Nieue
port or Dlxmude," the official com
munication Issued tonight saya It
"On our left wing the enemy has
directed violent attacks against the
front of the British troops and on the
two banks of the La Baasee Canal
without obtaining any success.
"There has been a recrudescene of '
activity in the region of Rheiras and
along the heights of the Meuse, at the
south of Fresens-on-Woevre."
The usual statement issued earlier in
the day said: ,
"On the extreme left inundations
brought about by the Belgian army in
the lower valley of the River Tser have
compelled the forces of the enemy
which have passed this river to with
draw. They were subjected to a vio
lent cannonade by the Belgian and
French artillery during their move
ment of retreat.
"The Germans endeavored yesterday
to deliver very violent counter attacks
on the French and British army corps,
which were progressing to the nortn
east and to the east ot Ypres. At the
end of the day our troops had, notwith
standing, continued their forward
movement in the direction which hal
been assigned them, and also had tak
en possession of various points of sup
port. .
"The British troops, assailed at sev
eral points to the north of La Bassee
by superior forces, resumed the of
fensive with energy and reconquered -to
a considerable extent the terrain
yielded to the enemy. At several oth
er points on their line of combat the
British troops repulsed the attacks of
the Germans, inflicting on them Im
portant losses.
"On the remainder of the front there
has been no general action only par
tial offensive movements on our part
as well as cn the part of the enemy.
We have made progress almost every
where, notably before certain villages
between Arras and Albert, upon the
heights of the right bank of the Alsne
downstream from - Soissons, and here
and there along the Meuse to the north
of Verdun."
Thousands of Germans Reported to
Have Been Caught in Canal.
LONDON. Oct. 30. A dispatch 'rem
the correspondent of the Reuter Tele
gram Company at Paris says:
"The news today Is excellent. I am
able to state on the best authority that
the efforts of tha allies are being
crowned with success.
"In consequence of the opening of
(Concluded on Pas.
fRTl 1 ion