Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 30, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    ''JJ---' nxAt wuiumjAV . Olf, XUXrt 3
Join the Free Classes in Knitting and Crocheting 9 to 12 A. M, 1 to 5 P. M. Daily, Second Floor
Charge Purchases Made Today and the Remainder of This Month Will Go on November Accounts
Pre-Holiday Sale Men's Neckwear
At 50c, 65c, 85c, $1.19
Main Floor An unprecedented opportunity to choose
Christmas Neckwear at noteworthy savings. Hundreds
of beautiful new patterns. ery latest wide-flowing-end
styles. See special window display of -these Ties.
Olds, Worttnan $c King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231
Neckwear V2 Price
Main Floor Beautiful hand-embroidered Coat Collars
in large stylesmany exquisite patterns to select from.
Fine sheer batiste combined with Irish crochet and
hand -made Irish crochet. Pieces ly T ,T
ranging in price $5 to $25, now MTM ICS
Clarke Leiter Reminds Repub
lican Chairman of His Pre
dictions in 1912.
Mr. Hanley's Manager Declares Vic
tory Lies With Progressives Ac
cuses Opponents of Stealing
Thunder at Eleventh Hour.
. "'I doubt very much if the public is
interested in the antics of political
managers," said Clarke Leiter, man
ager for William Hanley, Progressive
candidate for the United States Sen
ate, yesterday, in answer to a column
article by C. B. Moores, Republican
state chairman.
"I imagine that thev are. however,
Interested in the candidates and their
principles, and I have tried to conduct
our campaign for Mr. Hanley along
constructive lines. However, if I have
been able to entertain or amuse Mr.
Moores for a few minutes and lighten
the gloom over the impending defeat
that confronts the Republican camp, I
am indeed gratified.
"Mr. Moores himself has in the past
proved very entertaining at times, es
pecially as a political prophet. I won
der if this is the same Mr. Moores
who predicted Mr. Taft's overwhelm
ing election, when Mr, Taft only ran
third. I have noticed that Mr. Moores'
predictions usually go in the inverse
ratio. He predicts Mr. Booth's elec
tion. It seems safe, therefore, to as
sume that Mr. Booth will be third In
the race.
Inconsistencies Pointed Out.
"If Mr. Hanley is not a serious Sen
atorial candidate or a formidable factor
In the race for United States Senator
ship, what is Mr. Moores worried
about? And why is he giving Mr. Han
ley's campaign a whole column in The
Oregonlan? The fact is, one of the
many things that is making Mr. Moores
gloomy is the steadily gaining strength
of Mr. Hanley and the steady drift of
the progressive Republican votes to
Mr. Hanley.
"If Mr. Booth is so overwhelmingly
elected, why carry on a campaign at
all? Why not stop? Since Mr. Moores
professes not to fear Mr. Hanley, and
Insists Mr. Chamberlain is going to
have no votes at all, why worry about
Mr. Hanley's camp? Why worry about
Lawson's words and Letter's rhetoric?
With all the millionaires in Oregon,
with all the banks, railroads, water
power corporations, owners of timber
and skyscrapers In the Booth camp,
why worry because Thomas W. Law
son known as a true friend of the
people and the foe of Standard Oil
takes his pen in hand and writes let
ters to the people, who believe him and
trust him, about his friend Hanley?
Publicity In Plenty Available.
"I know one thing that Mr. Moores
does not have to worry about, and
that is publicity. He sends out press
matter. And lo, it appears as edito
rials in the country newspapers. Mr.
Moores becomes worried about Han
ley, presses a button and the news
papers begin to run oft anti-Hanley
matter. Really, Mr. Moores makes me
"Mr. Hanley's position on all public
questions has been stated fully and
frankly. He is standing squarely on
his constructive platform for the devel
opment of Oregon."
"It must be a great comfort to Mr.
Moores to read over the Republican
registration, but when he remembers
how lightly party ties are held in Ore
gon he grows worried again and com
mences to figure and prophesy. He
knows that over one-half of the Re
publican registration is composed of
progressive Republicans who are op
posed to the scheme to elect a reaction
ary Senator, to revive the old Assembly
machine, to knife the Oregon system.
Booth Given Third Place.
"According to estimates based upon
the latest registration figures as fur
nished by the Secretary of State, the
candidates, for United States Senator
will receive the following vote on No
vember 3: Hanley, 90,000; Chamberlain,
75,000, and Booth, 65,000. The remain
der of the vote will be proportioned
between Socialists and Prohibitionists.
"No doubt this will worry Mr. Moores.
For that I am s'orry.
"Mr. Moores is also worried about
Mr. Hanley's stand in favor of a mod
erate protective tariff and his states
manlike views that all tariff questions
should be settled by a non-partisan
tariff commission (like the Interstate
Commerce Commission), and the whole
tariff question taken out cf politics
and the log-rolling of Congress, so that
business would not be continually un
settled and disturbed. Why? Because
Mr. Hanley's stand appeals to business
men of all parties and gains him votes
from the progressive Republicans.
"Progressives to Decide."
"The fact of the matter Is, and the
veriest tyro in politics knows, that
the Senatorial campaign is going to be
decided by the progressive Republi
cans. "Why is the Journal trying to com
pliment the 'Lincoln Republicans' if not
to entice them into the Chamberlain
camp? WBV are Mr. Moores' machine
friends so deeply interested in the
stand the progressive Republicans are
going to take?
"Where will the progressive Repub
licans go In this election? Surely not
to the reactionary Booth. Surely not
to free trade Chamberlain, never the
friend of progressive government. They
are flocking to Hanley, the genuine
progressive, the friend of the Oregon
system, the man whose sole aim in life
is to do something for every man,
woman and child in Oregon."
Business Men Start Publicity Work
to Promote District's Trade.
At a special meeting of the East
.Side Business Men's Club Wednesday
night the publicity committee, with H.
A. Calef chairman, was authorized to
go ahead with the publicity plans, and
to print the circular cards to be placed
In the windows of East Side business
These will range In size from five
inches to two feet in diameter, and will
be illuminated. Between 30 and 40
business men and representatives of
business concerns attended the meeting
and gave the plan cordial support. L.
M. Lepper reported that two-thirds of
the money needed to meet the expenses
of the publicity plan had been secured
and more Is coming In every day. The
committee estimates that it will cost
$300 to J250 a month to cover expenses.
The illuminated cards read: "Help
Boost for the East Side. Bigger,
. Better. Busier East Side. Give the
East Sido Preference. Quality, Price
and Service Being Equal."
Double art: Stamps Today
with Cash Purchases of WOMEN'S and
CHILDREN'S Ready-to-Wear Apparel
Otl SCCOTld FlOOV rhiS includes Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses,
; : Skirts, Sweaters, "Waists, Kimonos, Furs, Etc.,
Children's Coats, Dresses, Sweaters, Infants' "WearWomen's Muslin Underwear, Corsets
$1.25-$1.5Q Kid Gloves $1.15
$1 to $1.50 Silk Hose 95c
Main Floor A stirring sale- of
women's Kid Gloves for Friday.
Standard qualities in $1.25 and
$1.50 real kid and fine lambskin
in P. K. and overseam-sewn
styles. Fresh, new stock. Shown
in black, white and tan. Bny the
Christmas Gloves here and save.
$1.25, $1.50 Gloves f f T
on sale Friday, pr. P
Main Floor Women's fine qual
ity black silk Hose at a reduced
price. 500 pairs in this lot. Styled
with deep garter top of best lisle.
Reinforced heels and toes. Splen
did range of all sizes. Standard
$1 and $1.50 grades. Don't miss
this splendid opportunity to sup
ply your hosiery needs. Q
Priced Friday at. pair"-'''
50c Embroideries
10c Yd.
Main Floor Broken lines and
small lots of Embroidery priced
for quick clean-up Galloons and in
sertions in great variety of styles
and widths. . Embroideries in this
assortment worth up to 50o the
yard. Be on hand early today
and have first choice. t
While they last at, yard t'C
Women's Dresses lJZrlo $37.50
Priced Special for Friday at
Second Floor This lot is composed of garments
from our regular stock lines which have sold
down to one or two of a kind. Good serviceable
styles. One model is of charmeuse with shawl
collar and fancy vest effect of- cream lace. Over
draped skirt trimmed with cloth-covered buttons,
meteor with chiffon tunic
Another model is of crepe
Many other stylish Dresses of velvets, charmeuse,
;repe meteor, serge, crepe de ,chine, etc., in good range of desirable shades. This
is one of the most important dress sal es we have announced for some time and
undoubtedly there will be rapid selling while any of these are to be had. Dresses
in this assortment which were priced to sell up to $37.50 early GJ T )!
in the season. Take your choice of scores of pretty models at epXOW
250 New Dress Skirts on Sale at $5.00
Dainty New Waists, Special $2.69
Second Floor Special purchase of 250
women's smart new Dress Skirts to go
on sale today at . $5.00. Stylish new
models in yoke effect, or ' yoke-tunic
style some trimmed with braids, oth
ers with bone buttons. Plain colors
and attractive combination styles, also
many, in the beautiful new tweed mix
tures in all colors. Priced 3JZ? fhh
very special at only, each
Attractive New Waists of Organdie and Crepe, $2.98
Second Floor Many pretty styles are
shown in these new tub Waists. Long
sleeves and low necks. Effectively
trimmed with lace insertions, embroid
ery and tucks. Materials include plain
and embroidered voiles, batiste and
crepe. Don't miss this opportunity to
buy a handsome new Waist at a special
low price. ifull range of
all sizes. Your choice at
Stylish New Coats
$12.50, $15.00, $18.50
Second Floor Today we feature new lines of Wom
men's and Misses' Winter Coats at popular prices. The
styles and fabrics are of the best produced at the price.
Ask to see the handsome models at $12.50, $15, and $18.50.
AT $12. 50 Women's and Misses' Coats in smart
new belted effects also in long waist styles and flare
skirt model. Many of these are designed especially for
school girls and small women. Mixtures ZJ S
and plain colors. Scores of smart styles -
AT $15.00 Great variety of models at this price
one especially stylish Coat is in the popular Balmacaan
effect. Sleeves and shoulder lined with excellent qual
ity satin. Plain colors and mixtures, in 1 C fiih
rich new Fall and Winter colors, at JXiJW
AT $18.50 Women's and Misses' Winter Coats in
Balmacaans, belted styles, Balkan models and Redingote
effects. Tweeds, Cheviots, Kersey, Boucle, CP M O EZf
etc. Many models to select from." Price ? Cf. J Vr
Girls' New Coats at
Second Floor Blue and brown
baby lamb, trimmed with plush
collars and cuffs. Also smart
styles in zibelines in all the wanted
colors. Well made and handsomely
finished. Ages 6 to
14. Priced special PJ'0
Girls' New Balmacaans
At $15.50
Second Floor We have just re
ceived a new shipment of Bal
macaan Coats for girls 8 to 14
years of age. Made of cravenetted
English mixtures, with hat to
match. Very smart. J "J C
Priced Friday at V ---
Girls' New Fall Dresses
$4.98 and $6.48
Second Floor Two-piece and Bus
ter styles, of serges and wool
plaids, trimmed with belts, but
tons, etc. Ages 6 to i O
14.' At $4.98 and P0.4fc0
Apron Specials
Coverall Aprons, special at 6T
Belted-Back Gingham Aprons S9
Men's $4.50 Calf Shoes $3.69
Women's $5 Shoes at $3.69
Main Floor Men's extra quality Chile
an Calf Shoes in stylish Fall and Win
ter lasts, including smart short-vamped,
high-toe models with heavy double soles
oak tanned. Firm, close-grained stock.
We also include a special line of men's
tan Russian calf on the flat English
model. All sizes. Stand- G?Q Ck
ard, $4.50 Shoes now at SiJOZ7
Main Floor Women's button and lace
Shoes in a wide range of styles and
materials. Genuine black ooze, suede,
patent leather, dull calf and vici kid.
Up-to-the-minute lasts and shapes. Also
the common-sense models for those
seeking foot comfort. Complete as
sortment of sizes and O JQ
widths." Stand'd $5 Shoes pOe-7
$3 Shoes for "Big Girls" Special at $2.45
Main Floor Shoes made especially for growing feet. Patent, gunmetal and kid
with cloth or goat toppings. Flat heels and wide toes. Sizes from Z?0 i EZ.
2i2 to C, $4 grades $2.95; sizes .12 ta 2, $3.00 grades now at p&eJ
Women's Felt Slippers 98S Women's Crocheted Slippers now for only 48J
19.85 m
Men's $25 Suits $19.85
World-Famous Makes
Main Floor In going through onr stock we
have come across a number of broken lines
which we wish to close out at once, hence
tile special reduction noted above. Every
Suit is hand-tailored throughout with the
very best of linings, canvas, etc. Included
in this lot are many of the season's best
selling models made by America's foremost
clothiers. Good assortment of sizes and neat
patterns. Standard $25.00
Suits priced special at
Men's $1.25 Shirts Now 95c
Main Floor Dozens of distinctive new pat
terns in neat stripes or figured effects. In
plain or plaited bosoms with soft or
starched cuffs. These are all hand-laundered
and the sizes are cut full. Q
Standard $1.25 Shirts special
Men's $2.QO Underwear
Special 95c
Main Floor Odd lines men's Shirts and
Drawers priced for quick disposal. Mostly
all sizes. Good weights. Grades Q fijp
worth to $2 a garment on sale forf
Men's $1.50 Gray, Tan Mocha Gloves $1.15
Men's "Shedrain" Waterproof Hats $3.00
Men's Balmacaan Waterproof Hats at $2.00
Bath Robes and House Coats $3.50 to $18.00
Boys7 Blue Serge Suits at $4.95
Boys' Corduroy Pants at $1.50 Pair
Main Floor We have just re
ceived by express a large ship
ment of the much-wanted dark
brown Corduroy Pants for boys'
school wear. These are extra
well made and are of good
weight. Complete range of sizes
for boys G to 17 years of age.
Moderately priced C t CT f
at, the pair, only P -
Boys' Coats $5 to $20 Blouses 50c
I .. X. I I ,M r
Main Floor Boys' smart, new
Norfolk Suits of sjjlendid quality
wool serge. Pants lined through
out with double-taped seams..
Coats lined with serge. We also
include at this price 200 Boys'
Norfolks in novelty weaves, with
one or two pairs, pants. Suits
made to wear. On Q U
special sale at only ?ej j
Main Floor Extensive showing
of Boys' New Balmacaans in the
beautiful new tweeds and mix
tures. Styled exactly like our
men's models. All sizes in the
lot. Priced spe
cial at
sVpte0 $20.00
Main Floor Our Boys' Shirts
and Blouses are made J:rom the
best of materials obtainable and
the styles and patterns are most
attractive. Ask to see these ex
cellent new Shirts and CZff
Blouses. Priced Friday f vC
A Great 2-Day Sale
Women's Coats
In the Basement Underprice Store
Friday and Saturday
jjj f "
$15 to $20 Winter Coats
See Display in Alder Street Window
500 new Winter Coats purchased at LESS than manufacturer's
cost are involved in this extraordinary sale in the Underprice Store
Friday and Saturday. Every garment is new approved models for
ABOVE and many more equally as attractive. Mostly in three
quarter lengths, although there are some full length and a few short
styles. Materials are of the better grades in chinchilla, fancy plaids,
zibelines, pebble cheviots, tweeds, mixtures, etc. Beautiful range of
rich colors and patterns. Sizes 14. 16, 18 and 20 for misses and 36
to 42 women's. Standard $15.00, $16.50. $18.00, $20.00 tq Q O
and $22.50 Coats on special sale for this event at only PC9
Unparalleled Millinery. Offerings!
PprPridayand Saturday
Our Entire Stock of Trimmed Hats in Millinery Salons on the
Second Floor Included in This Sensational Sale Absolutely
"None Reserved Grouped Into 2 Lots and Priced as Follows:
Hats Worth Up to $50, Now $15
Hats Worth Up to $12, Now S4
Unrestricted choice of all Trimmed Hats, in
cluding beautiful ' imported pattern Hats
trimmed with ostrich, paradise, oura and other
exquisite novelties. This season's very choicest
creations from world-famous designers. Hats
which were marked to sell heretofore up to
$50.00. lour choice DYiday
and Saturday lor
At $4 we place on sale our entire re
maining stock of Trimmed Hats, sell
ing heretofore up to and including $12. Think
ot it I An opportunity to choose from hundreds
of the season's newest and best models in all
shapes, all colors, all trimmings. Hats in the
lot worth up to $12.00 are placed CS ffi
on sale for this event at only p' W
Any Untrimmed Hat in Basement for 98c
Sweeping disposal of all Untrimmed -Hats in the Basement Millinery at 98c each. Very latest
models, including new soft-crown sailors, with large or small brims ; telescope crowns, with nar
row brims and side rolls; round crowns, with roll brims; also manv different styles in popular
turbans. Best quality of velvets and plushes. ABSOLUTELY NONE RESERVED. QOn
Yonr choice of the entire stock of Untrimmed Hats in the Underprice Store Friday atO
Shop in the Morning
Glenwood Bu t ter
75c Square
Grocery Dept. Fourth Floor
Fresh shipments received daily.
Uniform quality and 7 CZf
delicious flavor. 2 lbs. -
20c Comb Honey, special 15J
Hood River Apples
Another carload just received.
Spitzenburgbs, Ortleys and De
licious. Fine, even pack and
priced $1.25, $1.50 and $2 box.
500 boxes Baldwin Apples,
Special T5 Box.
Holland Bulbs
Imported Holland Bulbs Hya
cinths, Tulips, Jonquils, Snow
drops and Narcissus. Plant now.
Annual Sale Libbey Cut Glass
Exclusive Designs Exquisite Quality
Third Floor For practically a century Libbey Cut Glass h
the standard of excellence. Now is the time to select your
gifts at special low prices. Our entire line Cut Glass on
$1.75 Cut Glass Nappies $1.40
$2.00 Cut Glass Olives $2.60
$3.50 Handled Jellies at $2.80
$5.00 Fruit Bowls for $4.00
$6.00 Fruit Bowls for $4.80
$5.50 Sugar and Cream
$8.00 Sugar and Cream
$5.00 Cheese Plate for
$3.00 Bread Plate for
$4.00 Candlestick only
as been
sale at
Mazda Lamps for Perfect Light!
Mazda Electric Lamps will double your light at same cost or save
half the expense with same light. We have Mazda Lamps for -every
purpose. 40-watt Mazda Lights 30S 60-watt 40f 100-watt 70
New Line Sterling Silverware in Plain Designs
EXTRA Fine quality Parlor Bri oms with white enamefed d n
handles. Specially priced for this event at low price
S. & S. Trading Stamps Given With Purchases. Always Ask For Them.
Hosiery Sale
Bargain Circle
on Main Floor
25c Hose 15S Odd lines of
women's Hose in black, tan
and red. Standard 25c grades
priced for Friday at J T
low price of, the pair JC
25c Hose 19 Women's black
cotton and lisle Hose in heavy
and light weights. Full line
of all sizes. 25c Hose " Q-
specially priced, pair
35c Hose 29 Women's heavy
black, fall-fashion Hose and
lisle Hose in tan. 3 OQ
pairs for S5. Pair'
50c Hose 39 Women's silk
plated and silk lisle Hose in
tan, white, black. 3 QQi
pairs $1.15, pair-"
Boys' and Girls' guaranteed
hose, all sizes, the air 15?