FOB JKENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, xitli ud Taylor. CoT-' ?.e?l.,apartment on Pacific v-oast; furnished complete. -v.iw ' Bar1n " connection. Walkms distance. .Reference.. iLY, is to per month or to to JT oer k tor completely furnished housekeep- K tWO-rooifl anHrimf .,.1..; fic lights, neat, hot water, bath and pri vate phone: new orUk building; is min utes walk from Postoffice. Lincoln Apia., corner 4th and Lincoln. Alain 1377 or A r THE WHEELDON ANNEX, panmeni iotei) Tcnt.ii auci Salmon Sta. , n .-APARTMEXTS OR ROOMS. RATES by the day, week, montii or year. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. Clean, cogy, three and lour-room f ur ate hed apartments, very cheap. rt.u5o oacneiors apartments. Heat, water, phone and Janitor service iaciuuea, 7 SERENE COURT. East First and Multnomah Streets. The most i;n-ro-(ia r t anil H-ranm fnr. rnished apartment-house ; each suite has two disappearing beds and two dressing-. a rooms; ail outsiae rooms; roof garden and It liOTTA COL'KT Kverttt u ml 17th New. modern 2-room apartments, fur nished complete, every detail; steam heat, hot water all hours; moderate; 10 minutes business center and theaters; men wane hoitirt to lunch; references. THE AVALO.V Furnished or unluruished 3-room a Dart- nnents; linen, siivrware. nrlvate nhnn and bath, Bleeping porch; nearest the i nion uepoi or n-ast blue apartmenta. 25 aiss et. rnnne n.ast alia. MBROOK APAKTMEN'i S. 2 aau ii-ruum Xurnished apartments, a inn ingle sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot ai.u cold water, electric lights, private phones, all free; prices from $10 to $25. WJENVER APTS. See them before locating ior Winter; furnished elegantly; all out side rooms; private bath and phone, hard floor, new manager; references. Take GLEN COL'RT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. , Best location in the city; cozy home; well furnished In 2, 3 and 4-roora suites; first-class service. ORDERLEIGH APTS., 63 Grand ave., cor. East Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance; (18 per month ; cheapest rent furnished apart meiits In city. Eait 300. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, Two and three-room apts., furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 71237 A 3615. WESTFALL, 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r. !-"-. , uj wten or mo.; concrete oiug., ele vator, thoroughly renovated, electric vacuum cleaner free, steam-heated; $25 up; best in town; easy walking distance. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-minute walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and S-room apartmenta. Marshall 5193. References. A 3326. THE ST AN FIELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments; walking distance; reduced Winter rates, $13 and $20. 204 Porter st. Main 7392. NEW CLARK, 616 Pettygrove, 2-room fur- mmea apt.; large Kite hen, phone, light, heat, disappearing beds; cheapest apt In city; Sift up. MADISON PARK APTH, Park st. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close In, by week or month. ilSLOP HALL Corner east Cth and Haw- in orne; & and .i-room apts. ; private bath and phone; large light rooms, well fur nished; 15 to $25. East 882. GHANDESTA, East Stark and Grand ave. -ew Duiiuing; nicely furnished; private; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone SOUTHAMPTON, 407 -Hall st. New. most moaern a ana 3-room xurnished and un furnished lu the city for the price, 120 up, b minutes' walk from Postoffice. A 4050. PAUKHURST 20th. corner Northrup; mod- cm omuuih iuriiisneu apartments; all out side rooms; private balcony; homelike; references. W car. KLMWOOD APTS. 10T11 AND HALL. Beautiful lobby, social hall; modern 2 and 3-room luruisiied and unfurnished apartments, reasonaole. k&LW HA KT Autamatic elevator, phones, 2 u o i .no., uioappenriuj; gas plate, 1-fclits, steam heat, -ua, linen free. l3i 2d near Morrison. VJACK.SOX bungalow, all newly furnished; j minus sci n,c, waiMiig umiance. t4 nth street. C'A M A R 704 Lovejuy ; 3-room apts., fur nislied or unfurnished, rent from 12a. 60 fJU, .11 dl Mltll t VX I. THE Iv. A T HERINE APARTMENTS. 1 4 it N. -3d st.. near Hoyt ; modern 3 ivuma, tm uiaiicu, reaaonaoie. ikiarsnail i9U, Is H'E funshed 2 and 4-room housekeeping suites ah 244 K illlngswort h ave., low THE WINSTON APARTMENTS 311 14th st., at Market. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable Main 1739. $-RoOM apartment. East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms; private bath and phone, $20. Phone B 1079. BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay St. Modern two rooms, completely furnished, $16. $18 and jliO. Phone Marshall 2074. HAMMERSLY COURT. 55012TH ' Bt. 2 and 3-room apartments, close In; modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, 12". 50 up; close in. Main 2286. 1UCK APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, sleeping porch, elevator; alking distance. 107 N. 21st st. BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th st. Two and three furnished. $J4 up. Marshall 4 84. THE ELMS, 14th, near Yamhill 2 and B- ruum, cosy nome. waiKing distance; $16. I'KICKSTON. 448 11th. Choice 3-room apartments. 2 Holmes beds. Marshall 51. nilE FLORENCE. 3S 11th Modern 3-room apts., completely furnished. $25 up. JL'n furnished Apartments. JLAYPOOL APTS., 11th and Clay sts The very best 3-room apartments, large pri vate balconies, fine view- eastern ex posure; l 2-rm., liont, $27.50; 1 3-rra . $30. Main 3S91. ! ELLINGTON COL'RT, 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath, phone, etc.; 1 2-rm $16, including elec tric lights; 1 3-rm., $19; l 4-rm., 122.00; 1 5-rm., $32.50. Main 1245. THE MARLBOROUGH, 2 1 st and Flanders 5 and tt rooms, large sfnd homelike; more service and conven ience for the price than you will find in mc cuy. r-noue .Main tout. A 267 ti. & AP'IS., 22d and Glisan Very nice " bh , uii uu toiuc. tuuuoiu, private bath, phone and balcoules; i 3-room, 2a lluor. $25; 1 3-room, 3d floor, S22.00. Mar shall 104. XHE WASHINGTON, o83 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern con eniences telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. phone Main 4376. K.N ICKEKROtKER APTS., Harrison. be tween iuth and 11th. Very desirable apart ments, every convenience, best of service; 's walking distance ; 1 3-room, $27.50; lj4-room, $32.5o. Main 1320. URACK APTS., 24tTT"and Northrup 5 large i"ums. unfurnished, large front veranda, fcieeping porch, new, modern, hardwood rtoi.ra, phone, bath, heau Marshall 1075. ELLINGTON APTsI. 15th and Everett, easy walking distance; private bath, I'hone. hardwood iloois; each apt. 41S50. Muln 124.". I INGStSL'K V. Ford, near Washington; high class furnished and unfurnished 3-room a panments, with piano, urivaotc balcony; rt-asuiiablo rent. CLIFTON APT.. 7S0 IRVING. Fniuruished ti-roum apartment ; three bedrooms, large oioets, two porches; rcf frenres. Phone Marshall 1758 or Main 5S3. MEREDITH Modern new Jv renovated 3 and 4-room apartments, $20 and up; good Ir.nitor service; walking distance; reier tioes. 7I2Vash.. opp22d. Main 7134. KEELEK APARTMENTS. 14th and Clayats vine of our finest front 4-room suites; iiiifuniisheJ : references. - b 1 X blocks to Multnomah Club, new brick .i p;n tment, strictly modern; hot water Ti hi ; rent $ is. Mill and Chapman. VA7ronP OOL R T, Irvington. E. 9th and Schuyler sts. Five rooms and sleepins porch, modern. East 547, C ltJ08. MAYO APARTMENTS. " .Vto. Union ave. N., near Broadway; nw. strictly mod. 3-room apts. East 920. IvUSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef f erson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ret. T-ROOM duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms, 2 laths. In fireproof building. Apply 70 tavis st. THE ORMONDE, modern, 5-room front ant r tt:. 6 Fl a n d e r ss t. Ma in S251. NORTHAMPTON, 44)7 Hall st. New. 2 and 3-room unfurnished. $20 up. A 405S. 1 E AUTIFUL 4-room apartment on the 5th floor. Apply 705 Davis St. THE 1.A1RKTTB 1 unfurnished 3-room noaruaeat; modern, 22 J llth u FOR REM. Unfurnished Apartments. THE new Alter Apartment building at 21st and Overton streets, will be finished com pletely this week. Each apartment con tain six rooms. Including one combina tion room convertible into a sieeping porch, sewing or playroom, in addition to maid's room in basement. Each and every room is large, light and airy; hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, built-in buffets, fireplace with asbeSLos gas lug. four large eiec trie-lighted closets in each apartment; tiled bathrooms, complete with best center pedestal basin, shower bath, liaen closet, medicine chest, etc Kitchen finished in white, with extra-large white enameled steel refrigerators, mirrored re ception hail door, steel combination safe for your valuables; glass doorknobs, va cuum cleaner, marble entrance, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. Ref erences required. Phone for appointment or reservations to Insurance Service Co, 518 Morgan Bidg., Main 89. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 2."1 Lith, near Main. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apts. in city; all outside rooms; beautiful surroundings; large private balconies; 5 minutes' walk to business center ; up to date in every detail; 1 3-room, 2d floor, $27.50; 1 ii room, fifth floor, $:,5. Marshall 254v. HARK I MAN APTS. ANNEX, 735 Irving st. Largo 7-room unfurnished apt. with 3 real bedrooms and one disappearing bed, hot water heating plant, large living-room with fireplace, uen and dining-room, also sunroom; janitor service and telephone. References. Main 35U or Marshall 3SbU. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving urnisnea and unfurnished apartments, in 3 and 4 rooms ; four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bu tiets anu writing uesks; plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marahall 2W1. FOHDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st. We now have one 4-rm. front apu, $42.5tl per mo., on second floor; most desirable apartment In city; beautifully papered walls, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main oIj3o. ST. FRANCIS APTS., 21st and Hoyt, Nob Hill district Up to date in every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service ; 1 4-room, 1st fioor, 22.5u; 1 3-room, 3u floor, $27.50; 1 4-room, 4th floor $35. Main 70Sd. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway 6 blocks to business center; large, ligni and pleasant rooms; private bath, phore, etc.; all modern; X 3-room apt., $27 5U also a beautifully furnisued 4-room apt $35. Phone Main 254JG. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS 2 3 or 4 beautiful rooms, walkiug distance. This place is new and clean and has some nice porches. it Is well liked by those who live there. East 14th and Yamhill. COLUMBIAN APTS., 11th and Columbia Easy walking distance, very pleasant, spa- cious rooms, all outsiae. private bath and telephone each apartment; 1 3-rm $ "50 1 4-rm., 27.50 Main 1811. ' ' LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS Unfurnished apartments, outsiae rooms: best service, pnones free. Lucretia, near 2.1d and Wash.; ref. required Mgr., Mar- ""aii iuio. janitor, .Marshall loOU. HANOVER APTS, 165-107 King st.. corner ashington Walking distance, new and modern, private balconies, one two-room $lb.50; one three-room, $3o; excellent serv- ii a 1 1 uwy. WE have a choice 4, 5 and ti-room apart ment vacant; reasonable rent; most con veniently located; select neighborhood. King Hill Apartments, 171 King st., near Washington. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and o rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service. Prices reasonable Phone Marshall 33to or A 267J. PENINSULA APARTMENTS, Alblna, near Killingsworth; concrete bldg., 2 and & room. $12 up; Kenton, St. Johns. L cars. Furnished or rnfurnished Apart m en ts. MORGAN, PLIEDNBR & BOYCE 613-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2Q15. a 2015. THE BUENA VISTA, STRICTLY MODERN'. 12th and Harrison. Under new man agement. Finest apartments in the West all outside rooms, 2 and 3, furnished or unfurnished; waiKing distance; beautiful view; few apartments for bachelor gen tlemen ; loungmg-room. References. THE IRIS Apartments, 3d and Mill sts., are now completed ; rents from $17 up; 2, 3. 4-room, all modern improve ments; the largest heating plant in the city, furnished or unfurnished; no charge gas for cooking. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity Place, near f asiiuiKiuii, cao wanting aisiance, ail apartments liRht and pleasant, modern, private balconies, elevator; 1 four-room unfurnished. $25; 1 3-room furnished, $27.50. Marshall 105f, THOMPSON APTS.. 149 Monroe St, J ust completed, one, two and three rooms, furnished and unfurnished, all out side rooms, with private bath and phone. Possession given at once with rent aating from Nov. 1. Phone Woodlawn 22t. BALBOA APTS.. 11TH AND HARRISON' j ust compietea, strictly modern brick ; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished or un furnished; all light, airy rooms; bachelor apartments; references. THE ROSEXFELD (NEW). COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new, modern and quiet; references. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER'S PHONE. MARSHALL 1101. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; also nice 3-room apt. THE CHETOPA. ISlh and Flanders 2, ana -4-room apartments, iurnis.ied or un furnished. LUCILLE COURT. S rooms furnished or un- iurnished. Marshall 2031 or 2027. Flats. A VERY desirable 6-room corner flat; light anu airy; soutneasi exposure; has lire place, furnace, w ith hot-water coil, sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent is reasonable. See it. 721 Kear ney, cor. 22d. Key and information at 104 2d st.. near W'ashington. Phone Main 143(1 or A 14:;0. IRVINGTON. We have a vacancy in the finest flat in Portland : five rooms, sleeping-porch, tile bath, hardwood floors: located at East ltjth and Hanuock sts., one block from either Broadway or Irvington car. F. E. Bowman & Co., Commercial Club bidg. Main 3026. A 1251. COZY, sunny, modern 4-room f lat ; porch. jaru. uitsemcni. juunury trays, steei range, gas plate; good neighborhood, near car; adults: 12.-. 7&0 Williams ave. phone Woodlawn 425. y-ROOM. large, light, airy, with all modern conveniences; cnoice location, easy warning distance; rent reasonable, or will lease to 2 parties 5 rooms $22.5t and 4, $15. 387 z Mill, near West Park. Main 4633. MODERN 5-room flat, $15. E. Burnside, bet. 8th and 9th. WILDER BROS.. Commonwealth Bldg. Main 13. $35 VERY desirable unfurnished corner flat. i larve rooms, every moaern convenience; closo walkinc distance: nice neighborhood. West Side ; references required. Main 125. MODERN 5-room fiat, $15, East Burnside between Sth and 1'th. WILDER BROS.. Commonwealth Bldg. Main 13. U-ROOM. nice, clean, modern: fireplace, fur nace; close in: carfare. Key at news sianl, cor. Itith and Washington. Phone Marshall 3540. TWO modern flats or can be used as one house, of 14 rooms, large sleeping porch, walking distance. East 21&S. FLAT FOR RENT. Five-room lower. t;'10 Marshall, corner 2fth ; furnace, gas range, heater, $28. SWELL 7-room. modern. 444 Park ; $30. Phone Tabor 7(i:i or East 1431. SWELL JV-room modern lower flat: nice yard. 78 E. YamhlU. Phone East 5048. SIX rooms, lower, modern ; choicest loca tion. West Side. Inquire 175 liith. FLAT of rt rooms and bath, 733 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 th st. Phone Main 278- 60S HOYT ST., near 21st Upper flat, six roo.Tis: lame, litrht rooms; $15. Main 2vlo. 4-ROOM mod-.rn flat. 170- Green ave., nfar 23d and Washington. Muln A 2-7ti. 2 modern 9-roem and 1 7-room flat, cheap; 32th and Mill, inquire 430 Mill. Main 403. 10TH and Clay Upper and lower Hats. W. H. Powell. Main 3iM0. FOR RENT Modern 5 and -room flats, reasonable. 529 Everett St.. West Side. 4-ROOM modern fiat. 383 Ross su, 3 blocks Broadway bridge, l siuw. FURNISHED and unfurnished flats in all parts of the city. Mar. N276. 7-ROOM clean, modern flat, in heart of city. Cntl Main 32S8. tt j-room flat. 301 East 11th st.; no chil dren, phone East 063. MODERN 5 and 6-room rias. Inquire 426V 6th st. 4-ROOM corner flat. 394 Benton, near Broadway ; walking distance. C 2021. UPPER FLAT. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. 494 Columbia iu TTTE aiOKXIXG FOB KENT. Flats. 4R?wf2rFer 301 teuton st.. near Phone C 4l. "B distance; reasonable. 2tyH BROADWAY, near Madison st. t-rm apartment. finely furnished, Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture uphol stered In Spanish leather; rent $23. ELEGANTLY furnished 6-room flat, walking distance. East Side; reasonable rental to desirable tenant. Phone B 2361. 3 OR 4-room flat, nicely furnished; piano, phone and water; close in. 6 East 12th st. North. PLEASANT and Iiteht 3-room modern flat; ' " "y'c, icicieucci. H.ast 4300. FURNISHED and unfurnished heated flat. 23d and Glisan St. Main 3359. A 731. COZY furnished 4 rooms, walking distance. Housekeeping Rooms. $l.o0 TO $2.73 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard. gas. Phone East 6039. 4U'j Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. NICE rooms, elevator, electric light, steam heat, bath, prices reasonable. -Call 2U7 2d st.. cor. Taylor. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments, reas onable. FURNISHED II. K. rooms, cheap. bridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. 430 Stark St. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. MODERN" 2 rooms f or H. K., "clean, and everything furnished; phone, bath, elec tric light, heat free; $15, beat value in city. 1162 Belmont, cor. B9th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, walking distance- 2 housekeeping rooms, with sleeping porch; ittvft everytning new; $20; includes heat, gas, light. Main 4S44. LARGE completely furnished If" kT room, kitchenette, sink, $9 and $10; gas, electric ity, laundry. 2 la Grand ave. a. E. cor. An keny. " TWO younc ladies ca.n secure desirable rooms, reasonable rates, closo in. 534 Morrison. TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, beautiful view, light, bath, phone, rent $12. 513 20th st., Portland Heights. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, bath free; own entrance. 622 De lay st.. near Morris. Take L car. BRIGHT, nicely furnished front housekeep ing room; usual conveniences; reasonable; also small sleeping-room. 321 West Park. LARGE, pleasant front room, completely furnished lor light housekeeping; no chil dren. 266 12th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sink, light, bath; $1.50 up. 267 Knott St., near Williams ave. 2-ROOM frout suite, light and clean, free phone; 111. 35Q 14th st. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, heat, electrlc Ity, gas; very reasonable. "SI Kearney. ly5 2uth. cor. Flanders; furnished or un furnished hou?ekeeolnK rooms. LARGE housekeeping room and sleeping porch, close In, cheap. Main 4177. $ld i unfurnished housekeeping-rooms. 301 East 11th: no children. East 963. $3 A WEEK, parlor room, free cooking gas, heat and electricity. 630 Davis. FOUR large furnished H. K. rooms and basement ; a round floor. 54 E. 16 th X. TWO connecting rooms, electric light, gas, bath, phone. 29 East 15th st. North. MODERN single H. K. rooms. $2.50 up. 332 4th st. 1 LARGE front parlor rootn. first floor; i ep arate kitchen; $18. 392 Columbia. HOUSEKEEPING suite, on first floor, very reasonable. Marshall 713. 67 N. 2Hh st. ONE well-furnished H. K. room. $5 mo. 311 Main st. . FOUR rooms of five-room cottage, cheap. 233 Worcester bldg. Houses. LAURELHURST SWISS CHALET ' ' FOR RENT. New nine-room house, located on double corner in most exclusive section of Laurel hurst, one block to car; $60; lease if de sired. This is a $15,000 place. Laurel hurst Co., 2704 Stark st Main 1503, A 1515. tf-ROOM house with furnace, gas and wood range, hot water heater, carpets and cur tains, clean and up to date, nice yard, walking distance, good neighborhood. 48S E. Davis, near 10th, $25 month. Call or phone Routledge Seed & Floral Co., ltttf 2d. Main 5956, A 8811. WILL A MKTTC. TA Rir.HT! Modern 5-room bungalow, 1088 Wilson 1 oiittti, rent WILDER BROS., Commonwealth Bldg., Main 13. 6 ROOMS, electric lights, gas range with water heater, linoleum floor, cement basement, stationery wash tubs, furnace; choice location, fine lawn, $30. Bjelland's Grocery, 234 N. 16th. Main 1S67. FOR RENT Six-room modern house, $18; 50 Buchtel ave.; furnace, fireplace, sleep ing porch, large garden, chicken yard. Inquire 973 E. Couch. 172 N. 1STH STREEt7 fine resid'ehtial dis trlct, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace. $27.50. Key janitor Ionian Apts., 18th and Couch. Main 2015. MODERN 7-room new house, sleeping porch coiled furnace, hardwood tloors. 473 k! 24th st. ; $25 per month 208 Stock Ex change blug. Main 3055. 188 NORTH 21ST ST. 9 rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $33. Key, janitor. St. Francis Apts., 21 st North and Hoyt. Main 2013. THREE houses on 10th and Baccn streets, near Brooklyn School, near two carlines, at $10, $11 and $12 each. E. Willis. 663 East 9th jiL Phone Sellwood 878. ROSE CITY PARK Modern house. Alameda Drive, inquire 309 Sherman-Clay ilusK House between 10 and 12 A, M. and 2 to 6-ROOM modern house, 15 minutes from P. O. 6 blocks to Jefferson High. Call 955 Williams ave. HOL SLS. 2 to 6 rooms, from $6 to $12 per mo. Harry A. Miller, 410 Holgate. WWear. MODERN 8-room residence ; fireplace fur nace, gas, electricity. E. Burnside, near 22d ; $25. Tabor 1903. ALMOST new, modern 8-room house, has fireplace, furnace, wide porch and walk lng distance. Call 441 11th st. WEST SIDE, 8 rooms. neat and clean, small yard. 288 13th. near Jefferson st.; rent $30. Phone Main 4510 $32 PIEDMONT, 7-room house, hot-water heat, quarter block. 13C5 Mallorv. H. P. Paimer-Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bidg. MODERN 6-room house, close In, new paint and tint; no children allowed. Key at bll Cleveland ave. 5 ROOM bungalow, modern. $20; linoleum on kitchen. 11S7 E. Yamhill, near 39th Phone C 1905. NICE five-room house. 387 East 43th, Haw" thorne district: snap; $L month. R. R. Adams. th floor Meier & Frank MODERN 5 and 6-room houses, freshly tlnteo. furnaces, etc: $16.50 and $18. 993 East 13th st. North. Woodlawn 197. STRICTLY modern 7-room house. 391 Mill between loth and West Park. Marshall 20 IS. MODERN HOUSES: ' ARK RENTAL SERVICE. CL TITLE S ROOMS, large basement, furnace; best lo cation. West Side. Inquire 173 16th. $1J FOR 7-room house, 129G Union ave. North: gas, hath; car in fnnt. Inq. I3i'3. MODERN" 6-room house. 653 Mississippi and Monroe. Main 159. 9-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d In quire 130 Cth. Muin 6278. $12..o FOR good 5-room house. East 31st at. Phone- Mn'n 1648. 71 EAST DAVIS. $1 ice. Phone evninirs . excellent car serv Main 3176. FOR RENT 6-room house. $1S. S30 S Broadway. $22 MONTH. Rose City Park. 5 rooms, fur n ace, b 1 ock to car. 6u3 E . 61st s t. N. 5-ROOM House near Park st.. cheap rent VanQuyn Walton, 515 Chamber of Coim 7 ROOMS, modern, walking distance, $25. KaPt 3d. near HoMaday. Tabor 4206. IRVINGTON Ncv. 1 will rent fine home, central location: garage. Main 807S. MODERN 7-room house, cor. 25th and Ra lei:i; r-nt $3". Main 1034. 6-ROOM house within 3 blocks of Library. Cu.'l Tabor 146. DESIRABLE 6 and S-room houses, 396 and oii San Rafael St.. close In. East 1685. S-ROOM - house. 10 acres, fruit, etc.; $25 month. Phone Oak Grove 60W. 6-ROOM house on on r acres adjoining city nt. Lundburg. 925 Yeon bldg. limits for re SEVERAL unfurnished houses. Irvington; nne -room nai. i urnisnea. cast 2 1 o. FINE modern houses in all parts of the city. Mar. 5276. 3-ROOM cottage, Ss carline, $20. Marshall 4727. l-urnhhed House. NICELY" furnished 9 -room house; good or der; newly tinted; piano; walking dis tance. "55 14th st. South. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalo-w rent reasonable. 961 Vancouver ave. Wood lawn 3229 or 27fr3. 273 H Broadway, furnished four-room cot tage, electric lights, bath, central. OREROyiAy, TIIUKSD AT, FdR RENT. Furnished Houses. 5o TAYLOR st., corner Chapman 6-room apartment, finely finished Circassian wal nut and fumed oak furniture, uphol stered in Spanish leather: rent $35; also have 4-room apt., rent $25. FOR RENT. Completely furnished modern S-room flat. West Side, within walking distance; nice location. Security Development Company, corner 4th and Pine ata. FOR RENT Irvington residence, 6 rooms, 1 block to car; modern; vacant or partial ly furnished. Rent reasonable. Phone East 161i. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage, modern, furnace, wood range, gas range, electric lights. $17 per month. e2Sl East Hth st. North, FOR RENT 8-room furnished house all modern conveniences, Willamette Heights, beautiful view; phono mornings Marshall l X COMPLEXLY" furnished six-room house, rea sonable; West Side. Call 612 3d st. Phone Main t795. THREE first floor, gas range, sink. 2 beds pUino. phone, bath, furnace, laundry. 421 Market. FURNISHED $15 or unfurnished $12. modern six-room dwelling at 229 East 77th North, oaMlla. Call 401 McKay bldg. Phone FOR R ENT Moaern 10-room furnished house in Irvington for one year, $75 to right party. Phone East 2466. E-ROOM furnished cottage, corner, n 4 3trcet' near Hawthorne ave. Tabor FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house $20. si riackama t- Phono C 14a. Inquire CLEAN". COZY 5-room cottage, furnished. T,2JLner month. 1024 William ave. Key 1020 Williams ave. 7-ROOM furnished house. West Elde, lor year to responsible party. Main 455. MODERN 5-room . bungalow, completely fur nished, phone Marshall 20. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, 737 Min nesota ave. Main 9572, A 5413. COMPLETELY Xurnished 5-room house. $30; every modern convenience, tall C 1043. FOR RENT A nice, clean butcher shop and market, counter, showcase, refrigerator, blocks and hooks, also new computing scale, $13 per month. 188 Glbbs st. Inquire I. Gevurta. &05 Water street. Main 1511. $23 STORE, suitable for market or grocery. ;os 1st. Phone Tabor 3114. PORTLAND HEIGHTS corner storeroom, W. H. Powll. Main 3960. Offices. FOR RENT Desirable ground floor offices in Jobbing district at exceptionally low rental; steam heat, electric lights free. Display counters and storage space. OCCIDENTAL WAREHOUSE CO., 9-11 North 4th St. FURNISHED OFFICE, including roller-top desk and chairs, very reasonable; also one half office space, $5 per month. 2oO Stock Exchange bldg. DOCTOR Finest location on East Side ; leaving for an extended vacation; nothing for sale; will rent oftice and fixtures. BF 367. Qregonlan. DESK ROOM in large, light office, in Mor gan bldg. Apply manager, bl3-S2l' Mor gan bldg. ONE-HALF of furnished room, typewriter and phone, cheap rent. 007 Chamber of Commerce. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk - room. $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of com merce. OFFICES $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable; Portland's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg FOR RENT Large rooms, suitable for of llces or musical studios. Sherman. Clay & Warehouses. OPEN storage (60x330) on dock with use of hoisting engine, rail connections all roads Central Hawthorne Dock Co.. E 2063 BCSINESg OPPORTUNITIES. CIGAR STAND. Located principal business street West Side, rent $43. first-class fixtures, in cluding soda fountain, doing a nice business- $630 takes it. Call room 618 Yeon bldg. (C79S) MOVING-PICTURE THEATER. Crowded thoroughfare; ntu sell hm mediately, $500; leaving Monday. 822 Davis, room 7. GROCERY Well equipped; doing from S3 to C100 a day business. Rent $23. 2 years' lease. For particulars 618 Yeon bldg. (C772) RESTAURANT for sale; One location; open nights; will sacrifice on account of 111 health at $500: investigate; no real estate dealers. A 361. Oregonlan. MUST sell my mahogany piano; will take a good horse, not under 1300 lbs., or cows, or what you have in payment. Address J 364. Oregonlan. HERE IS A SNAP. Beat cash offer takes it; must sell thia week; hardware and plumbing; fine re- pair trade. Tabor 34C8. WANTED By lumber company sober re llabld man, who will invest $2O0O; reason able salary; money guaranteed. Postoffice box 957, Vancouver. B. C. FOR EXCHANGE for good real estate, con. trollin ginterest in Dig-paying cafeteria; must have some cash. Call room 426 Mor. gan bldg. BOND issues. $100,000 upwards sold. Loans on legacies, mortgages and Commercial paper. Companies incorporated. L. N. Rosenbaum, 84 Wall st.. New York FOR SALE or trade, 150-barrel capacity flour mill ; machinery second-hand, and a fruit dryer. Address 233 State st., or 43o Court st.. Salem. Or. FRUIT and produce store, splendid location, low rent; turns stock every day; $400; this la not a fruit stand. P. W, Persela. 269 Stark st. SMALL hotel. S. W. corner Alder and Park sts., for rent, furnished or unfurnished; also former profitable restaurant location with complete kitchen furnishings. FOR SALE by owner, pnly confectionery in good town of 700; 28 miles from Portland, on main line of N. P. call or address box US, Ridgefleld. Wash. WILL put In complete sign factory witn improved sign-making machinery for $300 . to $500. Write Unity Mfg. Company, Loa Angeles. Cal. PARTNER wanted for a parcel delivery busi ness; will pay $100 month salary besides share of profits: requires small Investment, fully secured. Room 329 Morgan bldg LIGHT groceries, etc., a cash business, clear Jnir $125 month after all expenses are paid, will let you try this business be- iore you puy. rtoom 32H Morgan bldg. SMALL cash business will take a partner not afraid of work and satisfied with $18 to $25 week. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. $500 IN cash will handle the best money making business in the city. Call 514 Hawthorne ave.. cor. E. 1 1th. GOOD PROFITS IN PICTURE SHOWS Buy now while cheap; reap benefit after cicunuu. am ijumoer exchange bldg. BARBER shop. 4 chairs; best location, best paying shop In Portland; owner has other business. BF 359. Oregonlan. 170 EQUITY in 2 houses to sell on easy payments, or trade for grocery or unlra proved acreage. Phone Tabor 1315. IN THE heart of the Palouse; grocery at invoice: brick building; $2250; cheap Ad dress W. R. Walker. Qakesdale, Wash GROCERY. 5 living-roome. bath, rent $35 caily receipts average $100; invoice $2300. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. BAKERY, lunches, clearing $125 month"; $jt0; $200 cash. baU easy. 303 Lumber Exchange. HALF interest in established business; if i'?uare a hustIer. can make good monej . $100 required. 24SH 8tark st. CIGAR, tobacco, confec. atand, worth $500 but as owner is leaving city will take $27$ 24Stfc Stark st. FULL line confectionery with restaurant, in thickly settled district, across from school For particulars call Col. litf. PARTNER wanted in office business; duties light and pleasant; takes very little money. Particulars room 426 Morgan bldg. GROCERY" Cash business, good location and small expense; moneymaker; must leave city. E 361, Oregonlan. MAN. single. 25, clean-cut. desires partner shin with ladv in small business or on ranch: no agents. E 363. Ore g on Ian FOR SALE, on best street in Portland a dandy cigar, stand, at invoice for quick sale. 129 Bfoadway. DELICATESSEN A great bargain ; owner must sell, account sickness, $2500. Call room 426 Morgan bldg. RESTAURANT, sood location, $750. S 360, Oreeonian. CIGAR store for eale, clean stock; a bar gain. No. 1 North Sd. t 5 -CHAIR barb er shop, good location; p rice $140. 27 U 3d st. North. BARBERS Dandy 2-chair shop for sale, 633 U 4th st. 1 CAN sell your bueiness. W. Lawrence, $15 Lumber Ex. bldg. 2d and Stark ats. BARBER chairs. supplies; slightly rheap. on easy payments, 252 2d st. used; IF you have $30 and are a good cook (no rent), call 303 Lumber Exchange; snap. FOR SALE-Orocery and fruit, down-town business: bargain price. Call Main 39S3. RESTAURANT, never closed, good location, cheap rent; $1200. P 361, Oregonlan. OCTOBER 29, 1014. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $9S0O GENERAL. STORE. Good point for business; very little com petition; doing $15o0 per month, prac tical! all cash; will take $3uou or $4Uo0 cash, balance property ; would consider good farm near Portland for the full amount. POOLROOM AND CONFECTIONERY. The only one in town; located about 50 miles from Portland; price of fixture and stock $SO0; lot and building $170 0. AUTO GARAGE AND AGENCY. Completely equipped auto garage with repair shop and agency for one of the most popular automobiles; last years business $75, 000; wiil do better thia year account of increase in territory; $ cash handles it. IN THE HEART OF PORTLAND. At transfer point ; confectionery, news stand, cigars and tobacco; flrst-ciasa busi ness; $2000 handles it. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Dandy place on the East Side with up-to-date fixtures and clean stock; rent $20. with living-rooms; just the thing for man and' wife; price $1000. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Cor. 4 th and Pine Sta. $1800 BUYS interest in garage and repair department clearing $400 month; concrete buildings 95x95, 2fe years to run on 6 years' lease ; $500 paid on end of lease ; 30 cars stored by the mouth; sells about 1700 gallons of gasoline, lo0 gallons oil; cash dally recepits $25 to $35; monthly acct. runs up to $700; will sell the whole thing for $3600 if party don't care fur partnership. 630 Pittock block - A SUBSTANTIAL interest !n oldest estab lished high-class mercantile institution on Puget Sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part In management; this business has made several fortunes and is capable of mak , ing many more; at least $2O.000 cash and not to exceed $55,000 required. Address principals direct, care H. Erwin French, P. O. Box 1902, Seattle. Wash. CLIENT with established business in wnoie sale. retail and manufacturing, well lo cated In large Coast city, has exceptional opportunity for party who can invest and secure third to half interest with services. Lines established and experience not nec essary. Call or write D. T. Short. 826 Northwest Bank bldg.. Portland, Oregon. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing dewl for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Bosrd. F. X. PURSE. Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce bldg. RESTAURANT and chophouse for sale; good business, cheap rent, long lease, good lo cation; will sell at sacrifice; deal straight w-lth the owner; a lifetime opportunity. Write for particulars. N. Kass&veuo, 541 Bond street. Astoria, Or. IF you have clear property well worth $4000 and wish exchange it for interest in saw mill paying good dividend and carrying po sition at $luOO year, see Mr. Persela at HARTMAN A. THOMPSON ( Fourth and Stark Sts. R ES TAURAN T. Well located and doing about $15 a day business: rjjnt only $o month. Price com plete $450. Mijcht consider some cash and acreage or lot. Call 61b Yeon bldg. C756 WANTED A practical partner In a good paying monumental works; must have at least $15io capital; no other need apply to 1 Title Guarantee c Abstract Co., Marsh field. Oregon. MEAT MARKET. Best business district of East Sldo; rent $50; 2 years' lease; dally sales from $75 to $100. Best of fixtures. Prices and terms at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C770) MANUFACTURER wants state managers to establish office and manage salesmen; lib eral pay; $3vO to $700 necessary; you handle own money. Secretary, 4o6 Fisher bldg.. Chicago. GARAGE. One of the best east of thit Cascades for quick sale by owner. Interested parties wanting particulars address AV lo3. Oregonlan. WOOD YARD. 2A lots: wood and coal sheds; barn, 1 large team. 2 wagons; business clearing from $139 to $250 mo. About $1200 cash required. Call 618 Yeon bldg. C790 ON E of the oldest and most successful business chance offices in the city want a man as partner; you must have $360 and come well recommended; you can depend on $150 month. Call 303-4 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark. YOUR chance to buy an up-to-date confec tionery with10-ft, fountain, complete In every way, Inwlively country town, terminus of electric afilway being finished; worth $2200; pric if taken at once $1500. AV 112, Oregonlan. WANTED State agent, exclusive state rights to reliable parties to appoint county and city agents for the greatest automobile safety device invented; $12, 00 a year eas ily earned; will take $3500 to handle. Address P. O. box 302, San Diego, Cal. WOOD and coal Owner Is retiring to his farm and will sell this solid business cheap; requires small investment and you can clear $25o month; in fact, will let you try the business before you buy. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY In fine West Side, built up district; clears $10 dally; low rent; ex cellent equipment; established for years; $1500 cash will handle. 51$ Lumber Ex change. BLACKSMITH SHOP. In thickly settled farming community; well established : well equipped. Price complete $550. Mtsrht make terms. Par ticulars and photo CIS Y'eon bldg. (C729) PICTURE show; ideal location, no competi tion; Al equipment; low rent; long estab lished and a good money-maker; $1100 cash and liberal terms. 319 Lumber Ex change. POOL HALL. A-t West Skle location: 3 tables; handles cigars and tobaccos; rent only $25 month; $0dO cash will handle. Particu lars room 61S Yeon bldg. C7S0) CLASSY" cash grocery ; ideal location ; fine living-rooms; rent $18, Includes heat, light, water; good business; $700 cash. $19 Lum ber Exchange. PARTNER wanted, old-established, reliable contractor, will take active man as part ner, profits large; very little capital needed. Call room 7, 291 A Morrison st. FOR SALE Delicatessen and grocery store; don't miss this bargain ; owner sick, has to go to hospital; must be sold sure. Ad dress 112 No. 21st. Nob Hill Delicatessen. FOR SALE Tailoring and cleaning estab lishment, reasonable; must leave city. 4U2 Sd st. Bf SIN ESS OPPO RTCN ITI ES WAN ED, WANT man with $1000 to $300O to invest in enterprise that will pay $5 for $1 and return money; nothing safer; no trouble to explain; position to right man. 430 Wor cester bldg. LOST Between the Armory and Ford street, bunch of keys 0n keyring marked United States National Bank. Suitable reward paid If returned to bank. CASH FOR MERCHANDISE. $3500 cash and income property for stock merchandise. No agents. Kneeland, 6'tij Commercial block. WANTED Stock of groceries to $1600; will give clear lot valued at $S00. balance cash. E 362. Oregonlan. LOST Black and white male pup; reward. 9?S Union ave. North. $9O0 EQUITY In lot and cash for grocery. 502 Broadway bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES. 42-ROOM HOTEL. Just the thing for a couple of .women; clears $230 per month; modern brick build ing with 8 private bathe, hot and cold water in ail rooms, elegantly furnished throughout; not a shabby room in the house; only $loro cash required. 40-ROOM HOUSE. In splendid location, close In, always full of nice steady people; modern corner brick building and good furniture; rent only $175, which is from $50 to $100 per month less than any other place of its class in Portland rents for; $600 cash han dles tt. IS ROOMS AND RESTAURANT. Tn the famous payroll town of Camas, Wash. ; only $G00 cash required ; hurry if you want to get a business in a live town. 13-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSR. AH tho rooms on one floor; rent only $30; Income $100; price $550; will give reasonable terms. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground floor Multnomah Hotel. Comer 4th and Pine Sts. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. Hotels Rooming. Apartment-houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. GOS-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 6560. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. We do no fake advertising; our hotels, roo -n in g-h ouses and apartments are- just as represented: we eet the beat lease and prices. Home Brokerage Co.. 322 Henry bid. Phone Main 567. 7-ROOM house, 8 blocks from Postoffice, all modern conveniences, especially good fur niture, rooms always full; $S0O for quick sale. Call Marshall 8237. LOST Gentleman's Abelone pearl blister stickpin: reward. Apply- 600 Chamber of Commerce, TWO-ROOM suites and housekeeping; cheap rent. 376 Yamhill at. EOST AND FOUNT). LOST Lady's gold watch, Elgin movement, between 19th. Lovejoy and Public Library. Phone after 1 P. M.. H-1146. FOUND Silk scarf; o by pa yin g for ad. P can have same C 28h3. LOST Ladv's gold watch. Sunday P. WUlainctte Heights. Call Main 7839. M LOST AND 1'OCND. 1HE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: October 27 Marshall 5100, A 6131; 1 gas lamp. 1 parcel carrier, 1 box. 1 coil rope, 1 valise, 1 basket. 1 shirt, 1 purse, 1 suit case, I purse, 1 sample case, l pr. g!oes. - package. 1 sweater, 1 raincoat, 1 book. 3 iunchbvxes, l grip, 1 lunchbox, 2 prs. gloves, l fish rod. L-ar Lady's gold watch, Elgin, monogram, A. S. M. Date inside, J une, 1906. $5 re ward. No questions. E. J. Mautz, &io Henry bldg. Marshall 1S?9. LOsT Party taking umbrella from Van couver car, 2 o'clock trip, leave at Orego nian office, Vancouver, Wash. Reward LOfcT Fawn-colored pit terrier. female; black eyes and nosv. with two co.lars. Phone Muin 4o86. Reward. LOST Young Persian cat from 1115 Pat ton ave,; finder please return and receive reward. Main 6553. LOST Elks tooth, between Washington and hospital. Return to Elks' Loagu and receive reward. LOST Blacksmith's ledgers; wrapped iu pink paper. Reward. Chas. Myers, Yam hill. Or. STRAYED from 069 Halsev. large dark maltese cat. "William"; reward. O 3156. LOST Blue baby buggy robe, monogram "0." Phone C 2o72. SPECIAL NOT1CEA. rrojwhaia InvitetL. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed lids will be received by F. S. Gunning, Judge of Wasco County, at his office at the County Courthouse, at The Dalles. Oregon, until 7 P. M., of the sec ond day of November, ac which time and in tho office of the County Judge of Waa-o County, Ozegqn, they will be publicly ouL-nd. and rad. These bids should be addressed to Judge F. S. Gunning, The Dalles. Oregon , and called "bids for fur nishing the manual training equipment for The Dalles Public Schools." These bids should be for each of the following items, separately or In total : l (.one bandsa w. 1 lone) single surtacer, I tone) hand Joiner, x ouc) saw table, 1 (one) mortiser, 1 (one) oilstone grinder, 2 tlwo) electric glue pots. 1 tune) emery head, 1 (one) drum sander. 4 (four) lathes, motors, shaft ing and belting, etc., for above. All ma chines complete with parts, gears, tc, X. o. b. The Dalles. Oregon, and to be de livered In The Dalles. Oregon, on or be fore December lO. 1914. JU1 .machines must be safeguarded with steel guards t in compliance with the state laws. The right to reject any or all bids or to ac cept any or all items of any or all bids Is reserved. For further iniormatiou com municate with Judge F. S. Gunning, or Superintendent of City Schools Irviu ii. Warner. The Dalles, Oregon. Signed by F. S. Gunning. Judge of Wasco County, The Dalles, Orvgon. NOTICE OF LEASE OF SUMMER LAKa Notice is hereby given that the Saitto Land Board wiil receive sealed bids up to December 14. 1914. for tho leasing of the beds and waters of bummer Lake, in Lake County. Oretcon. Bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check for 5Ou0. payable to the State Land Bourl, same to be forfeited to the state in the event of the failure of the bidder to enter into the lease within 10 days after acceptance of the offer by the Board. A copy of form of lease will be for warded prospective bidders upon applica tion. Tne Board reserves tho light to reject any and all bids. AH bids should be addressed to G G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Salem. Oretzon. and marked '".Bid for Leasing bummer Lake," G. G. BROWN, Clerk of State Laud Board. October 14. 1914. NOTICE OF LEASE OF ABERT LAKE. Nc-tfce is hereby tnven that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids up to December 14. 1914. Ior the leasing of the bes and waters of Abert Lake, In Lake County, Oregon-. Bids must be accompanied by a certi fied cheAt for $5ooo. paable to the State Land Board, same to be forfeited to the state la tae event of the failure of Ltw bidder to enter into the lease within lo days after acceptance of the offer by the Board. A copy of form of lease will be fur nished prospective bidders upon applica tion. The Board reserves the right to reject . anv and all bids. All bids should be addressed to G. O. Brown. Clerk state Laud Board, Salem, Oreson. and marked "Bid for Leasing Abert Lake." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated October 14. 1914. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan building, for a stock of mer chandise, consisting principally of gro- - ceries, hardware, shoes and rubbers, dry goods, gents' furnishings, etc. ; inventory valuation of $3601.01, together with fix tures, inventory valuation $636.55, located at Orchards, Washington, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, October 31, 1914. Terms cash. Certified check or cash deposit of lO per cent of amount offered must ac company -each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock may be inspected on application. R. L. SAB IN, Dated, Portland, Oregon, October 23. 1914, U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland, Or., Oct. 27. 114. Sealed proposals for. fur nish Ine and delivering about 500O tons bituminous coal for use on The Dalles Ceiiio Canal construction work will be received here until 11 A. M. November 27, 1114. and then nubliciy opened. Infor mation on application. JAY J. MORROW Mai. Enars. U. S. ENGR. OFFICE, Portland, Or.. Oct. 28. 1914. Sealed proposals for 8 aleel swing bridges for Dalles-Celllo Canal will be re ceived here until 11 A. M. Dec, 7. 1914, and then publicly opened. Information on application. Jay J. Morrow, MaJ. Engrs. EIN AN C LAX HAVE first mortgage of $18,000, 7 per cent, purchase money mortgage, secured oy property close to Portland conservatively valued at $31,500, unimproved, which 1 would exchange for bank stock. Might consider bonds or good dtwulend-Dai ina siook. XX 96, oregonlan. -7 Wi BUY r MORTGAGES AND NOTB3. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO, 60 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. LOANS on Improved Ins id property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson St Ewing, 29 7-20 North western Bank bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham. &32 Morgan bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, also sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Nobie Lunabermens biag. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis Ac Co., 4 Lewis bidg. WILL discount $26,000 seller's contract, bearing 0 per cent, in $33,Ouo wheat farm. AV 108, Oregonian. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Ron ertson at Kwlng. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Stocks and Bonds. NOTICE Loa Angeles. California, Oct SO 1914. The unaersigned desires to pur chase bonds of Home Telephone and Tele graph Company, of Portland. Or., to- in vest a sum not to exceed sixty-seven hun dred dollars, . all unmatured interest cou pons to accompany bonds. Submit offers in writing not later than November 7, 14. at 5 P. M. Address J. H. Coverley, Trust Officer. Title Insurance Trust Company. Title insurance bldg.. Los An geles, Cal. Money to Loan eo Bcml Estate. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamter of Commerce, MORTGAGE LOAiS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO., INC Stock Exchange Bidg.. 3u and YamhllL $5oo, $1000 and upward on Improved real estate ; favorable terms : no delays; no brokerage. John Bain 3o7 Spalding bid. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. FRIES e CO, So Fourth Street. $50 TO $5000 loaned In a day on real es tat security; lowest rates. Smith Invest ment Co.. 902 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C Prudhomme. 807 Wilcox blug. $1500 TO AB 34L OREGONIAN. $20,000, TO LOAN ANY AMOUNT HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Miley. 304 Oerllnger blag. PRIVATE funds; I will loan $40,000 in amounts $3"Q up. AD 339. Oregonian. JsTaTE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. K. Thomas. agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. CITY MORTGAGE LOAN'S " FRED B- WILLIAMS. 92 H First at. MONEY, any amount. to 8 per cent. H. Sella & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. ALL amounts at low rates of Interest. 414 x ocn Ping, wre. ou. ae Mif. co. M ar. $38. MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 PER CENT. iy-f - J J siJKfSM.r- -s., - V O x AAA a L. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL BSTATBL ' A- H. HARDING. 318 Ch. of Com. $10(0 TO 20.000 at 7 per cent. Main 693$ H. L. Murton. 317 Worcester bldg. $200. $350.. $600. $900. $1 2O0r$T8O0. Fr"dw" German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. $lt00 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Ta bor Sa20 or V 176, Oregonian. 17 FIN AN C LAX. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS, COLUMBIA LIFE fc TRUST CO 91b SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property. 6 to 7 per cent. Mall a von rorstpt. 104 Second St.. near Washington. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED A BUILDING PROGRESSES THE EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION. 24U STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 TO a PJiR CENT. Auy amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Commerce, TO LOAN? " Iowst Rat Moaey on business property. apartments, dwellings and farms, R, H. Blossom, ole Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate, ST. CHARLES i,AND CO St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison S treat. ON Improved and unimproved real estate, mortgages bought. w. H. Nunc, 448 Sher m lock biug. Phone Main illu. $I0v AND $1300 at 8 per cent; $1500 at7 percent to wan ou improved city property Call 324 Board of Trade b.dg. Main 72. 2iu,oto TO LUArt in. ituiu i0 suit, ouua lng loans; ioei rate. W. G. ieck, ttlJ- MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birroll Co.. 217-19 North western Bank, blag. TO LOAN $ 4U.O0O OR LESSl " FARKINGTON, gQ 4TH 5T. BOARD OF TRAPS BLDO. SEE us today tor loans on improved city property, o to S per ctnt; 20u and. up, Ct-Uars-Murloa Co.. e25 Xcou bldg, NO commission; $-000 or any part thereof to loan on city property. Wiiioughby. $2 Morgan bld. $20vo. $500. $2000 ON city property. C. A. Aiubros'j, 3i3 Washington au Main oOle. $ 15,ooo oR part on improved city or farms. K 36: t. Oiet;oi,ian. REAL ESTATE loans, securities bought and sold. G. A. Hartmau, 711 Pi; tuck bloi-k. CITY and farm loans lo wes t rat es. J. J. Canal in, t,5 Chjubt.r I Commerce. Money to Uattels aud Salaries. 1MM1v9U1J LOANS ON PlAi.u.Ua A. NO Jivrt'ELRI AT LAaliiK.N KAUi t We have one of txe finei retail Jewelry stores la the city. A loan department Is conuueted la couuectioa with same, mak ing business STKiCTLa' CONFljjliNTiAL, aosolutety no sigus uesigiiauug loan busi ness u.spiayed in front ut our store. All morcnanUiM pieuged i held tor a period oi weven moutus, wnether or not interest is paid wuen uue. We ae licensed and have oeen established since lass. No con nection wiLh any ouier loan iLaOtiaoiaeai in Lois city. A.A s. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 334 Washington tu NOTICE Lo Angeles. California, Oct. i.0, 10 14. 'The uuuei sineu Ucstres to pur chase bonds ot Home Telephone and Tela-, graph Company, ot portiauu. Or., to in vest, a sum not to exceeu sixty-seven hun dred douaj-s. all unmatured interest cou pons to accompany bonds. SuDimt offers in writing not later than November 7. 1014. at 5 P. M. Address J. l-l. Coverley, Trust Officer, Title insurance &c Trust Conipany. Tiue insurance blug., Loa An geles, cJ &ALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTsa. -$10 TO $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACi TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No SECURITY. BUSl.Nh.SS STRICT Lit CONFIDENTIAL HOURS a a. M. TO 6 P. M SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. $0$ FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Aiamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Etc -(SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY COMPANY Licensed) $V0 Lumber Exchange BlUe. Second and Stark Sts. We Make Loans in Six Hours Time. AT LEGAL RATES, We loan money on diamonds, pianoa. livestock, storage receipts, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture. -PORTLAND LOAN CO, (Licensed) Room 3fci itoih child Bldg. Bet. 4 th and 5 th on Washington St. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx fc .tt.ocn, it a a st. LOAN S on diamonds and Jewelry ; strlcUy confidential. 141 3d st,. near Alder. MONEY. LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. S. W. King, room 45 Washington oldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl, room 8. Washington b;dg. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs. bought. Columbia Loan Co., 206 S wetland. LOANS on chattels or anything of value, 817 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main $86$. Loans Wan tea. $14oo. S PER CENT. Six-room modern bungalow, one acre of ground: housa has lull concrete basement, built-in leatuxea. etc.; valuation $3500. Fred W. German Co.. iti4 Cham, of Com. WANTED A loan of $600 for three years on improved property near Portland fully worth $4000; 8 per cent ; no brokerage; this is gilt-edge. B 36, Oregonian. WANTED $1000 on improved city property, value $30ou; will pay 8 per cent. K. J. Geiser, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $500, S per cent, first mtg oa lots worth $1400. X 335. Oregonlan. WANTED A loan of $400 on improved real estate. AV 111, Oregonian. SELLER'S contract. $lu50, new bungalow, discount $225. 233 Worcester bldg. $1(H'0 ON new modem 5-room home, value $2500. K 364, Oregonlan. WANT $1000 for good city loan, no agents. Mar. 3276. $4xx ON 219-acre farm, value $14,0oo. N 361, Oregonlan. PERSONAL, II AIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. 26-inch convent hair switches. $4.83 26-lnch convent hair switches, gray.. 4.b3 Hairdi essing 25 Face massage .25 fchatnpoo .3$ Manicure, 25c. $ for 12! iicalp treatments 5.O0 Superfluous hair removed by electrio needle, guaranteed not to .return. Cut hair. In any shade; s witches, any length; prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 4O0 412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. THE ROY CROFT BINDERY Fine book binding, stamping and gold lettering; leather iroods and specialties of every de scription; leather cases for lodge receipts made to order with lodge emblem and individual name in gold. 165 Va 4th au, southwest cor. 4th and Morrison. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE ND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best reference; treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc., masaage and baths; lady assistant. 52 Salmon, corner 13th. Marshall u33. Open Sundays. ' SWEDISH TRAINED NURSK Helslngfora graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom, ach ailments under physician's directions; bath, message. No. 7 East llth at., sec ond floor sjuth from Enst Ankeny carline. Phono East 280. B 18Q8. " FEB VET 4- HANEBCT. Leading wig and toupeo makers; finest stock human hair goods; switches from 05c up; hairdrefHing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings mado up to or der 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism, neu ralsia. facial and sraiD treatments; rea sonable. I'hone Mai shall 20. SOPHIE b! SEIP, teacher of Mental Sci ence, 302 Alisky bldg.. Wed. and FrL, b P. M-, question meetings. Main $223. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of "palmistry Made Easy." 2lfr Morrison st. DIVORCES Lawyer of 25 years experience; reliable advice given free. 404 It th child b Id g., 267 s wahlr'.on. ' MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c. Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4QQ Dekum bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circles Tues., 2; Wed. and Sun.. 8 P. M. Readings daily. 603 Fifth st. Marshall 3960. THE FUR SHOP. New orders and retnodeang; best work, lowest prices; trimmihg. 717 Swetland bl. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed without pain, harmless; price $1 a stick. 569 Spokane ave. Phone Sellwood 1H47. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 235 6th st. Phone Mai n75 48. U&E Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism, 5o tablets for 25c All drugglsta. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, "t Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. DR. M'MAHON, chiropractor, 121 4 th. Chronlo casea, 13 treatments $10; baths Sao BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonlo Tablets. 504 Davis St. Phone Main 2383. Dr. Olga Nechj chiropractic, steam baths, massage. &8 :orthweit bldg. Main 3798. PHEASANTS. Prepared for hats. 717 8 wetland.