TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. REAL ESTATK- For Sale House. DANDY a-room modern uungaiow witu verv con venience. beautiful view, ntura. hrubs and tree, only snort distance out on Bood car 11 lie. 1250. bee owner, jii Plau bldg. lor Sale Business Property. SOUTH PORTLAND BUSINESS PKOfEK'f X $6XA. Fine corner, large store building, and rooms overhead; street Improvements paid for; unincumbered ; exchange lor small larm same value or less, Fred W. Ger man Co., 014 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Suburban liome Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carjlne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15b3 or Sellwood 470. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. ACRES and 5-room bungalow on 5c car line, Portland, Or.; will sel at a genuine bargain. Write E. L. Walker, 103 W. Main t., centralla, w asn. For Sale Acreage, ACREAGE. - 1. 2, 5 and 10-acre tracts, SO min utes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL. ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters lare, very best of soil, water and community conven iences; $125 to $500 per acre, on in stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 3a. 102 4th St. A 3500. 5 ACRES FOR $250. $10 Down and $5 Per Month Buys 5 acres grood logged-off land 1 mil irom main line of railroad and town of $1000 population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria; land from f35 to $60 per acre on these terms; many 6-acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 31 Railway Exchange Bidg. Bet. 3d and 4th Sts., on Stark. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland: new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres $400, $500. $700; 3 acres, $500, $700; 10 acres, $750, .$900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at otappooBe, ur azo to $iuu per acre. FRANK. M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon Bldg., Portlund, Or. 14 ACRES FOR $5O0. Fin chicken or hog ranch, only 30 miles from Portland. 1 mile to R. ,K. station, level, county road across tract, line creek and spring, very fertile soil, easily cleared; $100 down and easy pay ments on balance. J. B. Ruley Co., WS Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES FOR $800. One mile to K. R, station, good spring, all tillable except about 3 acres of pas ture land with spring, rich soil, no rock, will make a f bjie little general farming or stock ranch; $10O down, balance easy terms at 0 oer cent. J. B. Ruley Co., 928 Chamber of Commerce. 13 ACRES, well located, all cultivated, close to carline and railroad about 11 miles from center of Portland; price right; part cash, part exchange. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. TIGARD ROAD GARDENS. 2. 3 and 4-acre tracts, all in cultivation. $ mln. walk to station, $350 to $450 per acre; easy terms; only 6 tracts left. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. ! ACRES All in cultivation; house, barn, well, fruit, and vegetable cellar; all kinds of fruit and English and black walnuts; equity of $1000 for $S0O cash. Phone B 0455. $3000 VALUE for $1500; 6 cultivated acres; Vz onion land; cottage, trees, well, etc.; right at Sif ton on Vancouver car; $1000 cash, bal. time. G86, Oregonian. ACRES, joins Tonquin-StaTon0. E. By.; $1000. easy terms. D 364, Oregonlan. For Sale Fruit Landa. 20 ACRES IN HOOD RIVER. 5 acres In orchard, trees 13 years old. In best condition; .6 acres rich bottom land; balance occupied by pasture with running stream, buildings, etc.; large 7 room house, newly rebuilt and painted in side and out, large barn, milkhouse. tenant-house, apple-house and chicken-house, all necessary equipment, cows and team; P'ice $9500. AV 79, Oregonian. 20 ACRES IN HOOD RIVER. lS's acres in apple orchard of best com , mercml varieties, trees, 11 years old, ex cept two acres of 6-year-old Spitz. ; 14 acres of bottom land, 54 miles to Hood River station. V mile to Mt. Hood R, R. station; crop will pay high interest on price of $12,000. AV SO, Oregonlan. For Sal. -Farms. AN INCOME PRODUCER. About 16S acres, of which 1-3 is In cultivation, all the rest very easily cleared and tillable except 30 acres rough pasture; has two fine streams and several springs, productive soil good for clover, grain and kale: good S-room house celled and painted, water piped, barn 45x60, with silo, milk house, chk ken and hoghouses, 15 good milk cows, $125 monthly milk income; registered bull, 3 horses, large cream sep arator, complete farm machinery, wagons, harness, etc.; GO tons hav, ensilage, grain nd kale; all this for a little less than $60 an acre; 35 miles Portland on main' road, mall and milk routes; some terms. D. Mc t'hesney. Title & Trust bldg. SPLENDID STOCK RANCH. 4S0-acre stock and dairy farm, 2 miles from creamery town: has rich bottom land that will grow alfalfa, clover, corn and root crops and the upland is fine for small grain; there is some rolling land valuable for its 5.O0O.000 feet good aw timber with market at nearby mill; 2 fine streams and many springs; controls outrange sufficient for 500 cattle. Log ranchhouse 2 years old and good barn; trout fishing on the ranch; $:." an acre: liberal terms. D. McChesney, Tit!.- and Trust bldg. INCOME-PRODUCING FARM. 165 acres within 45 miles Portland in fine part Willamette Valley, main county road, mail and milk routes; 70 acres in cultivation produces heavy crops, balance In pasture and little good timber, practi cally all tillable when cleared; running stream and springs; team, 7 milk cows; good bunch hogs, all needed farm ma chinery, plenty of hay and grain Included, $0 an acre, some terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. 4$ li ACRES. 1 ifc miles from Oregon City; 41 acres in cultivation, good 7-rooni house. 8 wells. 12 cows, 3 horses, good milk route, all kinds of farm implements ; no waste land; a big snap at $15,800; $3000 down and $."o per month or will take Portland property. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett bldg. A 1416. Marshall 02. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND, $900. All level, fine soli, close to a good business town with high school, bank, creainerv. electrio lights, etc. ; less than J miles to R. R-. store. P. O. and eighth, grade school ; large sawmill, with plenty vt work at good wages; $100 cash, 5 years to uav balance. Hostetler &. Anderson, 7J5 Chamber of Commerce. FARM, STOCK, CROP. 107 acres, nearly level land, 97 in culti vation: 10 acres timber, 2 miles on rock r:a4 from Willamette Valley railway town : 6 horses, 3 cows, bunch of hogs; complete farm machinery; hay and grain In barn ; good buildings; $St per acre; trms. D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. $S00 EASY TERMS. " 1 acres, .some bottom land, fine soil!, no rock, on good county road, part has been in cultivation some time, large dairy rap'h adjoining, will furnish cattle and lumber to reliable oar ties. 527 Corbett bldg. DA I R Y and stock ranch and hogs-; best one In Western Oregon; ItSS acres, loo acres that Is all cleared and is creek bot tom that does not overflow ; fair bldgs., buy the stock and pay $500 cash on land, balance as you make it on land; no trade. Address 510 E. 4th st. Albany. Or. A GOOD FARM CLOSE IN. 40 acres. 2 mile from Sherwood, ,"2 acres In cultivation, a bearing orchard and berries, fair 5-room house, good barn with 20 tons clover hay ; running stream ; on cream route; close to school; $tiooo. terms. D. McChesney, m2 Title & Trust bldg. SMALL Missouri farm: $5 cash, $5 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land; close three big markets; write pho tographs, full information. Munger. H. 1-iS. N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. 151-ACRE dairy and stock ranch, bldgs. new, run. water, close to school, town and church; price $3000 for quick sale, $1000 cash, bal. long time mtge. Phone Mar shall 3041. 603 Oregonlan bldg. 1 HAVE a fine dairy and stock ranch in Tillamook and one In Willamette Valley. I will sell one or both on easy terms. Phone Mar. 3041, 603 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have some Improved farms and stock ranches, also several gilt-edge dairy and fruit repositions developed to a real busl. nas basis, for sale and exchange for In come business property. Only propositions of merit will be given the benefits of our attention, THE BRONO CO., INC., 207 W Oak St.. Lewis Bldg. WANT bungalow from party who will take 1-3 to H In city lots as first payment. Willoughby. 828 Morgan bldg. W A NT ED at once. Irvington lot ; bargain; .-til cash; owners. B 264, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM of 80 acres, suitable for truck gard ening, loca ted on Mc Scot t. J ust ou tsld e city limits; orchard, barn and small bouse, rent reasonable. Call Tabor 1466. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. $50,004 CASH equity In timber claims and Portland Income property to trade for good sawmill property. AO 346, Oregonian, SO ACRES of timber about S" million, good location ; cheap if taken at once. Woodlawn 27iS. 4 71 Killingsworth. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEX, 304 M'KAY BLDG. WANTED TO BENT FARM 8. WE have a farmer with nearly all cash who asks us to buy from 0O to 100 acres well improved land in Willamette Valley, price must be reasonable; write us full description at once. John P. Weston. Co., 1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WE want a farm to rent, from 5 to 7 acres. . 235 N. 14th St., Portland. Or. FARMS WANTED. WE have a farmer with nearly all cash who asks us to buy from 00 to 100 acres well improved land in Willamette Valley; price must be reasonable; write us full descrintion at. once. John P. Weston Co l'-iirj Northwestern Bank bldg;. WE have numerous calls for stocked and equipped Willamette Valley farms and Eastern and Central Oregon wheat lands. Owners write Coe A. McKenna & Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. FARM wanted of about 100 acres, good soil, for 2 houses on 100x100 corner, rented; price S40OO: unincumbered; will assume $1000. M 304, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR QUICK SALE OR TRADE. $1400, 5 A., 1 ml. south of Huber, on electric canine, a mi. from Heaverton; smau nouae, rms.. Darn ana outhouses, wells, 3 A. in cultiv.; can all be cultivated when cleared; good soil; 4 mL to school; cash $500, mtg. $700 S per cent. See Mr. stam at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) 20 ACRES 4 miles south of Roseburg, bear ing apples, peaches and pears, on the Umpqua River; county road, 1 mile from large canning factory; price $OGOU, mort gage $1:000, long time; exchange for Port land property and assume. Jordan, 301-2 I WILL take diamonds, furniture, mort gage, labor or horses and wagons as first payment on 4, 5, 7 or 10-room house, bal ance like rent. See the owner. J. H. Nash. at 723 Chamber of Commerce. Hours lo to 4 P. M. 40 ACRES in Jackson County, 5V miles . from Med ford, s-ood location, near macad amized road. unimDroved; -, will - exchange fur automobile or equity in house and lot. Alexander. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 5120. ' WILL exchanee free and clear real estate in Multnomah County to the value of $30, 0OO for good stocks or bonds that will bear investigation ; real estate is unim proved. H lutfo. Oregonian. CASH FOR MERCHANDISE. Want stock merchandise, about $10,000, pay for same with $5500 income property, balance cash; no agents. Kneeland, 60b Commercial block. WANTED About 20 acres, partly improved; have 5-room modern home, completely furnished, to exchance for same. Price $25JO; clear' of incumbrance. Jordan, 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. IF YOUH real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, sou us. Bell Rett! Estate Co 3 1 a Railway Exchange bldg. WILL exchange new, modern bungalow, cen tral. In Salem, and cash for either grocer ies, shoes, general merchandise, harnebS or livery stock. Box 304, Salem, Or. HAV house and lot out in the country, especially adapted for Summer resort, will trade for farm land, what have you? Carl Brostrom, Cherry Grove, Or. THREE dairy and hog ranches, 'J equipped, convenient to city. Will take some in come city, balance long time, low interest. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com, TO TRADE; 5-room bungalow, clear, on a 100xl20-foot lot in Springfield, Oregon, for Portland, East Side; will assume up to SIOOO. Tabor S64. TO exchange for team, equity in 2 -acre irri- good well, 150 feet from S. P. depot. H. A. Korf, West Stayton, Or. WANTED Portland income property; have acreape and 2 modern homes in Portland lo exchange for same. Will assume. Jor lan. 30I-2 Lumbermen's bldg. TO TRADE Equity in modern 5-room bun galow, close to car, for vacant lot. Tabor fcG4. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres South Dakota for Oregon property. Particulars ., 19 N. 76th, Portland. FOR EXCHANGE for Dakota land or house. 3 city lots, Portland, value $600 each; clear. H 236. Oregonian. ONE and V acres. Oregon City line, good house, etc., $1600; will consider $0Oo -in good lot; ask for Mr. Epton, 432 C. of C. 100 ACRES, house, barn, water, all fenced, $1500, for house and lot or. auto. 623 Worcester bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, sales or exchange. b'63 Worcester bldg. Fhope Main 710A, WHAT have you to trade for vacant lot or cottage? Main 1242. W A NT E D Ora n t s Pass property 1 n ex change for Portland, p 3t2, Oregonian. FOB EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. MUST sell my mahogany piano: will" take a good horse, not under 1300 lbs., or cows, or what you have in payment. Address J 364 Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness, Etc. THE Union Transfer Stables are replacing with auto trucks and have the following for sale at very low prices: Six large draft teams, mostly mares. Five single horse and mares, all young. Three teams of big matched mules. Eight sets of double harness, also single. Three saddles and bridles. All the above are true to pull and have good wind and are gentle. Call Union Transfer Stables, 11th at Hoyt sts. We are four short blocks fmm the Armory, wher the Land Show is being held. TEAM Horse and mare, weigh 2600 lbs. and are good, horest work team that will make a fine farm team; good walkers; gentle; set. good harness and good light farm wagon; all at puce, $l&o. Also team good work mules; are fat and handsome, ti years old. and are gentle and sound; set good harness, all at $-30. One good small horse. ' Rides or drives. Price $35. Call Flynn Contracting Stables. 444 Hoyt st. PUBLIC SALE, FRIDAY, OCT. 30. 10 A. M.. consisting of 20 head of horses ranging irom. 1000 to 1750 lbs., ages 2 to IO years; six good milch cows, one Jersey bull, 2 sucking colts, wagons, buggies, harness, farm implements and other arti cles too numerous to mention. Tigard, Or., LUery Stable. H. It. Kuehue. FOR SALE One nice small team, well matched, good workers single or 'double, age $ and y; weight 2150 lbs.; price $15; also 1 bay horse, 8 years, weight 1350 lbs.; price $76; 1 bay mare, 9 years, weight 14u0 lbs., price $75; 1 chunky pair of white mares, weight 2300; price $1J5. 103 11th, cor. Flanders. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables, 302 Front st,, every Thurso ay at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. TEAM bays, well 'matched and gentle; are true to pun ana wju plow; 5 and 6 years old and no older; set good harness anu new low-wheel, wide-tire farm wagon, seat, box, all complete (Studebaker , at low price, $235. Cheapest farm outfit in Oregon. Call and inspect it. At 12i N. lit hs t SINGLE farm outfit, $s5; nice 1100-lb. horse, works single and double, rides ; gentle for lady or boy; will plow single; new set single harness and good light steel-axle farm wagon with springs under box, all complete and in fine order. At low price, bo Call 129 N. 11th st. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M.; only strict ly commission stables in the city; con signment solicited. The McClelland Horse A Mule Co., 24U E. bin. East 0315. JUST ARRIVED FROM EASTERN ORE- jri a nice consignment or horses and mares; all broke; weight from 1200 to 1500; some nice matched teams; all sales guaranteed as represented. 292 Union ave. TEAM, welnht 20OO lbs.. 10 years old, for J loo : also have sood harness and side door wason cheap; reason for selling, auto. East Side Bakery, Hoy Division st. Tabor 1482. MUST sell my mahogany piano; will take a gooa norse, not under 1300 lbs., or cows or what you have in payment. Address J 364, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good team, wagon and harness- left here for sale; $135; also a good horse, weight about llw lbs., $30. 240 East Sth st. Phone East 6S15. TEAM of chunky bays weighing 220O lbs., harness and farm wagon ; $125 buvg the . outfit; good true workers. il East 11th street. WAGONS and horses by day. $1.25. I Cohen. 881 Water st. Main 2208. Main 6905. 60 STALLS OR PART XO RENT. 308 Front W 2aia 9103, FOB SALE. Fiamj, Orgajm and Mtutical lustraantasita. HIGH-GRADE, beautiful toned piano, cheap. See A- J. Detsch, lot 5th iL. between 2 and 5:30. $13 BUYS fine upright piano; exceptional chance. 326 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and WANTED Piano in any condition for oaah. T 34. Oregonian. " $450 Circassian walnut piano at naif prlo. Fred Williams. U2y 1st st. DESIRE to purchase good Victrola or graf onola for cab. AV 1Q7, Oregonlan, Dog. Birds, Pet Stock, COLLIES, breeding pair white collie, IS months, beautiful coats, great pets, fond of children, would sell separate, cheap to bw iwnca. cimucmuu r arms. Amity, ur. WANTED An Irish setter puppy, under 111 uuiiis, peaigreea stocit. lieutenant P. W. Newgarden, V2R, Vancouver Barracks, Washington. THREE thoroughbred registered Great Dane pups, male; must sell quick; $12.5u -each, E. E. Aupperle, Newport, Or. A GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS, EST AC ADA, OR. Furniture For Sale. HIGH-GRADE office furniture, typewriter, almost new ; sell ; 3ut Lewis bldg. rugs and t bargain. FOR SALE cheap, 14 tables and 60 fine restaurant dining-room chairs. Phone M. 35UO or A C658. Poultry. 50 THOROUGHBRED pullets, some ready to lay; 75c apiece If all are taken. A 3657. uveavova. FINE Ayershlre cow, heavy in calf; one of the best butter cows in Oregon; or will trade for heavy work horse. 240 E. 8tn st. East 633 5. 20 HEAD of good dairy cows. Holstein, Durham and Guernsey, 4 to 7 gallons a day; take Woodstock car to 50th ave , walk 4 blocks west. FOR SALE 3-year-old Holsteln-Jersey cow with calf. $65. Call A 3657. TWO young suckling pigs for sale, $4 apiece. Phone A 3657. Automobiles. USED CARS. REBUILT SOLD ON TERMS. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Maxwell roadster. 16 h. p., 2 cylinders. " -1 WdUBI.Cl, A. J a. p., Bjew tires, fully equipped. A snap a: Warren Roadster, all new tire, re painted and a beauty . for performance and appearance, fully equipped with everything, at $500. Mollne 5-passenger touring car. nothin LkA U orferea for such a small amount as Chalmers 7-naipn p-ot- tnm.ir. s-no aDd fully euiPDed every detail. Bulck -passenger touring car, fully equipped, a dandy at $550. .,Real 5-Pa:nger. oversize tires and full equipment. Will sell quick at $600 choK, 350(Mb- dev truck. HOWARD AUTO CO.. Bulck Distributors, Fourteenth and Davis Street. 1912 CHALMER53 "36." TOURING CAR TO TRADE. Extra fine Chalmers touring car, 6-naa-enger. in A-l condition, equipped with over-size tires, bumper, etc Coat 1237V IriVra?.eH35OP real tati flr morVgYge or negotiable collateral. Answering give gonian Address AP 357, Ore- LAND SHOW SPECIALS. Regaroless of all claims to the contrary Investigation will convince you that we sell popular makes of automobiles cheaper Pacific Coast1 bouht elsewhere on the Today's offering includes Reos, Stude bakers, Cadillacs, Overlands, Buicks Ma rions, Oaklands and others in both tounnz cars and roadsters, from $2urt up GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY Alder St. Main -UKl IN the matter of the estate or Clarence Harmon, bankrupt I will sell at public auction two 7-passenger Peerless auto mobiles, Saturday. October 31, 1914 at 11 A. M.. at Sti loth st., Broadway Garage to highest bidder for cash. Cars can be inspected at garago at t 10th st.. Port land, Or. Sale made subject to confirma tion of court. R. D. Campbell, trustee in Bankruptcy, 909-14 Board of Trade bids Portland, Or. ' LOOK SNAP. 1914 Chevrolet roadster, electric atarter and lights, nearly new, $675. 1011 Cole, roadster. Just overhauled, on l v 54 1 u. Several other jtood buy. , Liberal terms (riven. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch st. NOTICE OF SALE. A new, never used l'J14 Franklin six thirty touring car, five-passenger, for sale by the executors of the estate of E li Virgel. deceased. It can be seen at' the garage of the Braly Du-Bois Auto Co., No 33 jWth st. North, Portland, Or. Send sealed offers to Newton McCoy, room 715 Oregonian bldg., Portland, Or., till No v ember 5, 19 J 4. CARS bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Taxies and touring cars for hire. Storage, accessories, repairs and washings. Day and night service. Main 69.12. Cotillion Garage, 14th and Burnside. Fred Boyer, mgr. -PASSENGER touring body with top and windshield; also radiator, hood, fender, frame, axle, steering gear and front wheels for 7-passenger Stoddard-Dayton. Marshall 440. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices, $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Aider Sts. FOR HIKE $1.50 per hour, 5-passenger, 1914, Ford; special rates for day or week. Main 3201; after 5:30 call East 430S. $200 CASH buy my 4-cylinder MaxwellTln first-claee shape; good tires; best buy In the city. 11 363, Oregonlan. 7-PASS. Stevens-Duryea for salo or trade for a good electric Address G 354. Ore gonian. 5-PASSENGER Maxwell, in good condition, bargain, $;i50. Tabor 043. An to mob iies antea. FORD touring car wanted In exchange for unaeveijpeu, out uuincumocrea acreage, near Goble. C 351, Oregonian. WANTED Light runabout; will trade cheap vi " 11 a v -aan u in ere nee. c 301, Oregonian. 5-PASSENGER CAR Have 10 acres good om.fc mi. Aj ;bi, oregonian. WANTED A 5-pasaenger auto, fair con dition. 567 Williams ave. East 3595. SECOND-HAND machine in good condition lorcasn. a Jbo, uregonian. RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent machine Motorcycle. SECOND-HAND motorcycle in Al condition; single cylinder; cheap for cash. 244 2d t. 1014 INDIAN, 2-speed. specially equipped. 127 E. 15th st. B 3503c Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 month for 15 ana up; 0 monttir rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. .6 Broadway. Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent an all maaes it typewriters; sena ior our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER COH 321 Wash at. TYPEWRITERS All makes. $10 to $t5. XVit i. Xi W 1 1 X rtirt Mi l UK CO.. 202 Stark St NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rAtoi T Tt f 'a 1 Srapk mt ti7 Miscellaneous. 1000 CORDS to be hauled mile from icwn ; an oown nia. nenry ischiidnacter. Rex. Or. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made n urejon; per gallon, si.ba. fort land Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 100. FOR SALE cheap, Gebhardt team flour meter, new, with eight pilot tuoes; cost $135. P. A. Johnson. Springfield, Or. CHOICE -ose bushes 25 eta. ; guaranteed ; iree aeiivery. t:au up labor &o. Port land Rose Nursery. SPECIAL low CASH price on REMADE typewntera, a up. u. L. btelnau. 37 E, 47th st SAFES AH aixea, at cost; eafes repaired. an osier aate to, iu northwestern Ban bldg. Main 7676. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE I buy, sell and exchange koaaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 H N. 3d at. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS, $1 Ryder Ptg. Co.. S.W. cor. 3d and Morrison SAFES New and 1.01 First st. second-hand; bargain. ROLL DESK, typewriter desk, rug. safe, chairs, check protector. 325 Falling bldg. 7x10 LOGGING engine! two-drutp" nearly Hw. Ciausacn, 46 2d t. FOB 8 ALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES Singer $7, Domestic $!, White $15. New Home $18. Wheeler Wilson $12, Edgemere $10. Standard -2 5o, New Singers. White, Rotary. Ki dredge and New Home machines sale or rent; phone for rates. Main V43L Expert repairing and guaranteed Sewing Machine Emporium, litO 3d at., near Tay lor. SEWING MACHINES Sold on very easy payments; rented on week $1, one mo. $3, 2 mo. $5. Repairs a by expert. We call for and deliver. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Mar. 721. 383 Morrison St. A SllOi MUST sell my mahogany piano; will take a good horse, not under 13uo lbs., or cows, or what you have- in payment. Address J 364, Oregonian. FOR SALE Stock fixtures and business of ine i. & N. Taxnale Manufacturing Co. Registered trade-mark for Oregon ana Washington, west of the Cascades. SECOND-HAND SAFES and offic furniture at less than half price. KJiham Statlon ery & Printing Co.. 6th and Oak ta VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rentdSKonU tor $4. Main 6273. A 4441. 244 Stark St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 'WANTED! WANTED! Get acquainted. I pay casn. Let me figure on your second-hand machinery, cable, pipe, motors, belting, tools, boilers, engines, etc.; also entire machlue shops, and PAY SPOT CASH. Call me and make money. Main 663. S. HORWITZ. A 1663. 24Q Front St. Res. Pliuno Marshall 502. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2O80. 285 FIRST STREET.. AND you will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Call Main 2080. SECOND-HAND CLOTH IN o" BUYERs! HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST.. OR 251 FRONT. AT J. MYER'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $5 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 8596. MUST sell my mahogany piano ; will take a good horse, not under 1300 Ins., or cows, or what you have in payment. Address J 304, Oregonlan. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front mu. buys second-band furniture, carpets, fitoves. ranges, hardware or tool of any kind. Call A 7174 or Mam 9073. Our buyer calls promptly. HORSES wanted; will trade my 4 or 5-room moaern cottage or 3 vacant lots for i-jnie horses or cows, harness and wagons. See J- H. Nash, 723 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Hours 10 to f P. M. 2ND-H AND FURNITURE, ETC. WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 183 1st. Main 4773. WANTED Timber for cordwood or small bunch of saw timber, well located D 302, Oregonian. WHEEL chair cheap for cash; give full par ticulars iirst letter. t. a. a., 44 East Davis and 5 th streets. BRING in your" old Jewelry, old gold, silver, or platinum and get cash for it, F. A. Sen net. R. 510 N. W. bldg., 6th and Wash. DO NOT iell or give away any of your fur-J niture oetore you can the Bell Auction House. 204 lid st. Marshall 4783. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. ELBY CO., 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG- 2D STARK ST. WANTED Three National cash register at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. CASH paid for hair combing. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum -bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pay more cah . for any kind of furniture. Main 895L W ANTE U One To 1 1 er top d esk with chair; must be cheap. Tabor 5732. WANTED National cash register; must b cheap. 243 Washington t- SPOT CASH. For your furniture. Phone Sell wood 1682. WE tint rooms for $2.50 ; paint house at your price. Phone East 171. STOVE repairing, coil, connections, casting, roofing, plumbing. Main 8735. 342 lat. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept. Main 663 or A 1663. Barde, WANTED Lewis-Dryden book map "cheap." roll desk $10. C 364, Oregonian. WILL buy baby go-cart. Phone Main 7900. HELP WANTEO MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially invited to cousuit the employ ment secretary. Record, 1013: Calls for men from employers ..2S55 Positions filled 1041 Employment memberships $5 per annum, guarantees members w ill secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two month full and 10 months' social privi leges. Issued by employment secretary only. Second ilocr. 1". M. C. A blug. AMBITIOUS young man for ledger posting; some experience necessary; cnuat be rapid and accurate; name references, salary ex pected, phone number. P 363, Oregonlan. WANTED Printer with two or three years exp-nence for newspaper and . job work. Write, giving experience, education and salary wanted. Herald, Albany, Or. USE spare time tj build up mail oruer ousl liCss of own; we help you start, share In profits; 27 opportunities. Particulars tree. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. I WILL sell you a house or a lot, small or large, and take It out In labor, carpente or brick work. See J. H. Nash, 723 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Hours 10 to 4 P. M. NOTICE, automobile owners; we can at all time supply you with competent chauf feurs, mechanics. Employment Dept. Mar. 4060. Paciiic Auto Schools, 66-08 11th. CAsli ucvar.ced you weekly selling my iardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory, nus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsli, Wash. MAN and wife wanted to work In small country hotel. Wne to do dining-room and chamber work. A V 72, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED special edition advertising promoter for religious publication. 207 Stock Kxchan ge; LIVE photo agents, new, snap offer, extra commission. Moure Studio, Elks' Bldg. PHOTO coupon; new ticket for live oiui Cut"oerthStudio. Dekum bldg. PHOTO agent, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Roal blag. WANTED Good Italian interpreter; give address. P 362, Oregonian. WE want 3 more first-class solicitors. Boyd Tea Co., 209 Salmon at. SOLICITORS wanted at 28G East Morrison street. JAPANESE schoolboy wanted. 555 E. 21st st. N. East 3226. HELP WANTED FEMALE. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman to take or ders for aluminum ware and specialties in homes; permanent positiun. H 302, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman for general housework. wnz-s $20 per month; references requiied. Ad I. ess Mrs. Paul Fundmaii, Willamiua, or. WANTED High school girl as a companion and to assist with housework; good home and no children. Call C 2411 Sunday. 10 SALESLADIES, to sell ladies' cloaks and suits. Call in person, 13 to 2. Thursday. Room 661 Hotel Oregon. K. H. Kelts. BUSINESS GIRLS EMPLOYMENT SERV ICE If you are not employed or wish to better yourself, call at 4o3 Dekum. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENSY Washington bldg., 270 Vj Washington, room 35. near 4th. Phone Main fe&30 or A 366. MILLINERY apprentice, good chance for lady -with talent to learn the business, $1 per day to start. 3S5 Alder. CHEF, cook, wants position, hotel, boarding-house, restaurant, money saver. Fuone Marshall 3425. . WOMAN wlh home experience to care for Insane woman, not violent; give phone. G 303. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waist saleslady, 2 first-class cloak and suit saleswomen. Worrell, corner 6th and AIder. WANTED In a minister's family of two, girl for general housework. Apply 140 E. 12th St., between 9 and 2 o'clock. REFINED woman as housekeeper, assist with children; good home and wages. Phone East 54 23 mornings. WAN TED Comnetent. hich-ciass cook with best of references; private family. Phone Mniii 2507. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Company, Pittock block. 885 Washington. COOK. $40; housework, $15 to $35. St. Louis Agency, 28 Main st.. opposite Courthouse. A 7175, Main 2030. WIDOWER wants housekeeper, not over 35, country. G 300, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper. fitnpre?s Candy Co., 406 East Morrison. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mr. C. B. Harris, 4S5 Ainsworth ave. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work or hv the hour. Main GSOu. EXPERIENCED rirl for general housework and cooking. 7S Lovejoy st. FIVE girls to leam beauty culture. 414 De kum bldg. Sanitary Parlors, HELP W AN 1 1 1 FEMALE. EXCELLENT business connection for woman of talent in educational field; teaching or newspaper, or organizing experience bene - ficiai; substantial cash returns for ability. Call afternoon only. V24 Northwestern Bunx bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A few reliable men or women to sell raincoats; a good proposition. See room 310 Eaton Hotel. LEARN art of acting, singing; engagement open capable actoi a, 401 Stearns bidg. WE furnish all kinds of Japanese domestic help. Main 9307, A 7272, A 1320, HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE TEACH practically, with actual ma chinery in operation, electrical, gas and steam engineering, machine shop work and autocuooile repairing. Send for new catalogue, a eat tie Engineering School, luu to 1AO West Roy su, Seattle. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning; scalp and lace mas bbgo a specialty; modern method teach ing usd; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. OUR NIGHT" SCHOOL of bookkeeping, snorthaiid. penmanship, typing, wiii open the way to better opportunities. Private instruction under experts, $5 per mo. Cen tral Commercial College, 10th and Aider. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the traue in 8 weeks; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free; scalp ana face massage a specialty ; send for free catalogue. 4&.N. 2d MEN wanted to prepare for firemen, brake mei; $luO-$12o monthly; positions ob tained free; send ace, postage. Railway WILL you be satisfied to make $18 a week, work 8 hrs. day ? Clean Job; $i0 invest ment required. 310 Lumber Exchange bktg., I'd and Stark ets. WOMEN for Government clerkships; big pay ; Portland examinations soon; sample questions free. Franklin institute, Dept 7o4-S, Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerk, p. O. clerk, car riers1 exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State School. McKay bldg., city. L C. 8. Let home-study course help you to a position; over 250 course; tree literature. McKay bldg. GOVERNMENT positions pay $65 to $150 a month ; 2u0 appointments monthly ; list of positions obtainable free. AV 77, Ore gonian. EIGHT WEEKS' STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Pay weekly. 403-5 Dekum bldg. Free employment department. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 401 commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4258. TWO men to leam auto ro pal ring and drlv- lng. Hawthorne Garago, 445 Hawthorne. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MO. 260 14TH ST. M. S03. EXP. IXSTKU C N . LEARN all the modern dances at Gilbert Mrs. Hinsdale's Business School, 502 Em press bldg. Personal instructions. Poslti 11 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks AMERICAN, 36, married, of good appear ance and standing, graduate Oregon Law School, wishes to connect with reliable law firm, bookkeeping, etc,, with opportunity of working into practice. H 360, Orego nlan. FOR rhort accounting work of all kinds phone Marshall 064. BUSINESS man of good standing and ability wants accounting or office work; moderate salary. H 361. oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, 7 years' experience, or keep small set reasonable. Y 351. Oregonian. Mlhcellaneoo. MAN with 15 years' office experience in the sash and door, lumber ana box shook line, also sold goods on the road, compe tent bookkeeper, estimator, handle sales department, etc, -would like to hear Irom concern in need of my services. AV 116, - Oregonian. ATTENTION. LUMBERMEN. A former resident of New York City, w-ell acquainted with the trade in the East, is about to return there and wishes negotiate for lumber and shingle agency. " 302, Oregonlan. STEAM engineer wants position; over 20 'years' practical experience; take charge or work in plant ; chief's license In east ern state; dependable; strictly temperate. AB 35b. Oregonian. GROCER and solicitor, experienced man and a ru.-u ler. with A-l local references, wishes steady position. BC 302, Ore gonian. Mo V iNG-Pl CTURE operator or assistant; verv moderate waces; in or out of city. Address Operator, 42 Fremont St., Port land. Phont Woodlawn 43. YOlTO Filipino boy by name of Bi via no Yaitrnte Bks oosition to work in family as schoolboy. Please answer. A 300, Ore gonian. CHAUFFEUR, young man. wants Job drlv ing; can drive end keep up own machine in first-class conciucn; private ref. Phone Main b3oo. YOUNG man. 28, nrst-class machinist, ill give $5 for steady position or any kind of work at living wages. F 363. Oregonian. MAN, 32 yenrs of Ago, sober and not afraid of work, would like steady work of any kind in clty AO 361. Oregonian. MAN and wife, first-class cooks, bakers, want work, town or country. BD 360, Ore gonian. MAN and wife will work and take charge of nuartment or rooming-houpe; cash bond If required. F 34, Oregonian. WANTED Garden work with tools at once. 4025 60th su S. E. Phone orders. Tabor 45, Pruning. COUPLE would like work in exchange Tor nice apartments. Phone Mardna.ll 35o2 room l WANTED Oordwood to cut; anything from 1 to 10,000 cord. Address O S6, Ore gonian. FILI PINO w ants position Janitor, bus boy, bell boy. Bernaldo Lumbay. A 20&3, Main fc6o, room AL TWO first-clasa Japanese cooks want posi tion, hotel, restaurant or club, city or county. R 364. Oregonlan. BY exoftrien ced packer or siiipping or de livery clerk. Address W. II. B., 31 Park st. North. MAN and wife together, wifo housework, man to work at anything. BF 308. Ore gonian. JAPANESE night school boy wishes work of uny kind between 6 A, M. and 7 :30 P. M. Phone Main V36L ALL-AROUND baker, experienced man, wants some position. A 364, Oregonlan. YOUNG man will work for board and room. Call Marshall 4060. JAPANESE wants a position as a schoolboy. G. Komaba. 80 lOth et. North, FILIPINO wants position as Janitor, 'bus or bellboy. A 7832 or Main 86u. room ,l-24. JAPANESE boy wanta work where he can go to school. Main 9361. A 1509. CARPENTER wants day or contract work, repairing or rshingiing. East 480L BANK employe wishes a new position M 360, O reg on laa. STRONG young man wants work on farm. Phone A 2512. Main 0572. YOUNG man, good milker, wants to work on farm. F 365, Oregonian. JAPANESE wishes any kind of position; prefers housework. Phone Main 6521. JAPANESE boy wishes chamber work or any kind; small wages; store. J 303. Oregonian. SCHOOL BOY want position In private family. 130 N. 11th St.. city. 1 JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants sittia tion In private family. A-1500, Main P361. MAN wants work, painting, tinting, clean ing, repapering, day or hour. Main 4774. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stcnogra pberai LAX) Y with typewriter at home wishes copy work to do evenings; will call for and de liver. AM 300, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and account ant wishes general offieo work.- Refer ences. Marshall 1269. YOUNG lady wants position as stenographer or general office assistant; best reference. Call Woodlawn 1j21. HIGH school graduate, teacher's training, wants school. Edith Adams, Sherwood, Oregon. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper, stenographer, can handle office detail and wait on patrons; references. Main 1340. STENOGRAPHER will exchange services for small wave and use of office. Mar a hail 3411. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desire position; references. East 6856, STENOGRAPHER, 12 years experience; must have work; salary $60; references Tabor 3630. , STENOGRAPHER, willing to do any kind of work, wants position. Woodlawn 15!. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE home or day. d ressm a It In g. r e as o n a b le, 150 Lane st. Main 0513. NEAT, quirk dressmaking. $2 day; no meals. East 6S78. FRJ.VAXE classes in sowing Woodlawn 680, SITUATIONS MAN 1 Kl FEMAiA, MODISTE, recently from San Francisco, using French ttyles without patterns, w:il inajce suits, gowns, dreases, capes, etc 245 x rtroaaway, apt. X14, Call Est 6651. SE ING in families by day; nrst-class cressmaker; $2 per day. 4 08 East Mam. x-r.one .asi -04. WANTED Plain win to do; alao chll dren'a aewlng done reasonable. Woodlawn DRESSMAKING by Uio day. Pnone Main 1. MRS. BLACK, export dresaaiaker; work rea sonable. Marshall 5725. 5s i Wash. st. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing; low prices before the holiday rash. Main 60u6. DRESSMAKING work guaranteed. 186 st. phone Marshall 2204. DRESSMAKING, ladles' tailoring, aiter- wiis oy oay, vt 00a raw n llul. Plain sewing, children's work; price reason - able; work guaranteed. Main 9312. Room -3 COMPETENT dresamaker wishes few more customer oy nay or week. Main 0104. GRADUATED nure wishes work in 01 charge ot small hospital outside of Port laud. AV 7. Orrgonian. MATERNITY NURSE wants case; will do iiuusrwora. jaarsnaii Z5tj. A HOME for Christian Science people. Tabor 20&7. Ho use lice per. RESPECTABLE, intelligent widow with son. young man. employed, would con sider housekeeainr for reanmhl rlrinw. er or business people; a comfortable home a uvmpeusauon ior service; references ex- changed. AO 362. Oregonlan. WANTED Management of a small hotel, apartment-house or rooming-house. by woman of experience and ability. R $60. Oregonian. WIDOW With srirl 11 Tears old nt- hn,--. keeping widower or Invalid wife. Address ai. jvrecs. . enter st., Salem, Or. WANTED By middle-aged lady as house keeper for widower with children. C. S. preferred. 5 N. 18th st. Phone Main 2361. LADY would like position as housekeeper for bachelor or w lnduwor. Phone Main 2S4. Small wages. EXPERIENCED woman wants position cook or housekeper, city, country. Woodlawn 3389. Domestic EXPERIENCED young woman desires situ ation as second maid or general house work; wages $-5 or $30. Phone Main 3261. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wishes position as cook or general nousewora. rnone la bor 5416. Call 235 E. 5th at. N. SWEDISH girl wants housework where she w 111 have time to attenu night school; West Side preferred. C 2243. WOMAN wants place in small family; neat housekeeper. Main ztus, room 9. EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl desire cooKing, ramny. a two. Mam Z039. YOUNG LADY wishes position as chamber maid, experienced. A-3123. Apt. L, GERMAN girl wants housework. C 25S6. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady withes place a nurse girl or companion to elderly lady; has had nurse training and taught kindergarten. Phone ivooii awn i sh. LADY would like position in office of doctor nr nl imt riT tit Tnilnncii Email i-nnmtii o- house. Call 124 Athens Hotf.1. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants to work on ranch or with old couple. BF 300, Ore aronian. MIDDLE-AGED man. . experienced in ranch work, would like work on ranch. AO 30, Oregonian. WANTED Positiun as companion to child or elderly lady; no objection to traveling, J 36?, Oregonlan. JEWISH middle-aged woman wants Job in a Jewish family as a lirst-clasa cook. AK 301. Oregonian. DAY work wanted Thursday and Friday ; experienced In laundry and cleaning. Mar shall 3644. room 16. GOOD TEACHER of piano will give lessons to oeginnera, iic per nour, at nomea. Marshall 5 3 SO. EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl wants sit uation as ecneral housework; references. Phone Marshall 20S, A 7310. ABLE woman want work by the day (20c) washing. Ironing, house cleaning; experi enced; references. Mars nail &9t. EASTERN conservatory graduate wants piano pup: is. 1 a nor 4 144. COLORED woman wants cooking, chamber work or oay work. Phone Marshall 4936. WAITRESS or chambermaid wants position; experienced: city references. Marshall 34"!S. GOOD woman wants day work. Phone A 2512, Main B572. YOUNG LADY a assistant in doctor's of fice, experienced. Call A-3123. Apt. L. LACE curtains carefully done up. Sell wood 696, 5ss South avenue. HOUSECLEA NINCi, sewing and nursing, 25c an hour ana cariare. 1'nono C -Soo. GERMAN girl wishes position In small fam ily. K. OaK St. FI RST-CLA SS cook wants position. Phone Main 347!. FINNISH girl wants position, housework. Phone Woodlawn 43. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Thurs. and Frl. ; references. Woodlawn 1611. REFINED lady wishes to assist ladies go in n -d Mfnrnia T St'.O l1rnnkn TWO girls wish lo do general housework. Phone Main 6654. EMPLOYMENT wanted, housekeeping, care children, companion. Main 4340. CAPABLE woman with child to cars for wishes day work. Main 6600. GOOD competent cook wants family work; gooa reierences. .Main -i.'it. GIRL wants housework; no washing. East 4732. WANTED Washing, ironing, cleaning, first class. Main 4182, room 2. WANTED TO BENT. Hoaxes. WANT good furnished house, close in. West Side, suitable for high-class roomers and boarders; will lease or buy on terms. C 30O. Oregonlan. WANT 5 or O-room modern bungalow in Irvington or Laurelhurst; $25 to $30, Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. WANT to rent modern eight or nine-room modern house, preferably on Portland Heights. G 361, Oregonian. WANTED Well-furnished house- state lo cation, rent aud carline. AO 364, Orego nian. Rooms With Board. WANTED by young lady, room, with or without board, in Catholic familv, near N. P. Dental College. C 363. Oregonian. FOR KENT. FumbUiod Rooms. HOTEL ANGELA. 025 Washington St., at Trinity Place. Rooms with bath, single or en suite. $15 to $25, single rooms without bath $10. Thoroughly modern, elegant lobby. HOTEL RAINIER, Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike ; the house that treats you right; 50c up per day; $12 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413 SAN MARCO-HOTELTllth a n cfw as b I n g t o n . strictly modern, newly renovated; rooms $S mo. up; with private bath $1 mo. up Come and see them. DU VINE HOTEL Hot and cold water lo every room, steam heat, strictly ciean, everything up to date; $2 week up. Grand ave. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22.&Q up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby , cafe in connection. Phone East 323, STAND ISH HOTEL. 88Vi WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phone and bath;$2 week; $ per mo. up. HOTEL WEAVER. 710 WASHINGTON "ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone In each, large parlor, $15 and up. Maranall 5 1 7 0. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms listing several hundred in ail parts of city at Y. M C. A., aiso In Association bldg. NEW. sunn v. steam heat, hot water, bath, free phone: waikinc distance, no carfare, Carlotta Court. Everett and 17th. HOTEL CORDOVA. 26t 11th st Strictly modern, private baths, en suite, rooms $3.50 up. Mam 947'A A 4783. LARRABEE" HOTEL, 237 HLarrabee st. If you want an exceptionally clean, bomelik room below regular price, phone East 849. YOUNG man roaming at Y. M. C A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses Inquire Y. M. C A. office. THE HYLAND. 490 MORRISON ST. 1 room and kitchenette, $12; rooms $6. $3. $12. Modern. YOUNG men may consult without charga furnished room register listing rooms in all parts of city, at Y. M. C A SINGLE room. Including bath, phone, etc.. SO per month. 1.s7 17th st., near Yamhill. HOTEL N ORRIS. 533 Alder; cheerful out side rooms, modern; $3 to $4 week. 3 WEEK up; absolutely the latest modern conveniences. Hotel Grant, 451 & Wash, FOR KENT. Furnish e Room. A Quiet P'.ace for Quiet People. HOTEL CUKKuKi). East Morrison St., near Grand Ave. S6 clean, cheerful rooms with recessed porcelain iavatories; fine large lobby; rates 5c per day; w.th bath $L special weekly rates $3 and up. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington St.. at Thirteenth, 0c per day ; weekly $2.50 and up. Running water, phone in each room, stea:a heat, fireproof bldg.. - ground floor looby, ail-ulght service. Business i good. . HOTEL ROWLAND, ?07 4TH ST. 100 ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water; rates 60c, 7&o and $1 per day; $3 per week and up. HOTEL BLACKSTONK, Cor. llth and Startc; $3 week and up; ele vator, hot and cold water, a team heat, telephone conection In ach room; 00 extra charge for two in a room; room and bath $1 day. Transients solicited. HOTEL ARTUt R. llth between Morrioa aud Yamhill; a very sirabe location; new. clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and $5 per week. $1 per day; no extras. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL.loth andP Wash, sis. Fireproof brick, running ht - and cold water, well heated, phonos, outside rooms. pnate or pubiio baths; same rats 1 or 3 persons; $3.50 week up; 5wc day up. H O T E L " " O C K L E Y. 7" Morrison st.. at 10th; central location. REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; weekly, $J.&0 up; neat rooms; running water, free phone aud baths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel ; hot and cold water end phone in every room; rooms without bath $10 up; with bath $15 up. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh sC New modern brick buiidlng, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished ; transients solicited. Furnished Booms in Private Families. NEWLY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen, in pleasant home at 42 Ella st., between 20th and 21st.. Just off of ash. Ington, walking distance; board if desired. .Marshall 54 . NICELY furnished room, private family: large, light closet ; xumace heat ; near Multnomah Club. 232 NarUlla at. Phone Main 6721. FURNISHED room in private family for gentleman, 3ol Jackson su, near West Park. FURNISHED room, close in, modern, private apartment, reasonable to congenial gentle- man; before 0 or after 5. A 1315. $7 SUNNY room in modern home, walk ing distance. 652 Belmont, cor. lath. Phono East 474. IF you want a nice room, clean, comfortable bed, in a quiet, refined home, steam heat. Call Main 02f7. FURNISH ED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, steam heat, walking distance, $2.5v. 3sy 3d st. $2 WEcK, clean front room, private en trance; moaern conveniences. 424 Jeffer son. DESIRABLE large or small rooms, newly renovated and furnished, conveniences. 475 Morrison. NICELY furnished bedroom, one or two people: home conveniences. 100 Whltaker at. .Marshall 4024. $ 3 WEEK Pleasant li ttie sleeping room. 26S 12th St. SINGLE furnished room for rent, $0 per month. 07 N. 14th si., Davla to Everett. LARGE room, running water, good heat and ventilation. 745 Hoyt, Mar. 4753. FURNISHED rooms, modern and reason able. 547 Yamhill at. $10 LARGE, beautiful furn, room in mod ern home, furnace heat, bath. East 155. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance. 24S North 20th. FURNISHED room, close in. reasonable, 303 West Broadway, phone A 3343. FURNISHED rooms, close in; clean, cheap; $2.5o pur week. 244 Vs Broadway. LARGE stcam-hcated room and .sleeping porch. Nob Hill. Marshall 1405. Rooms W itli Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson street. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients, or permanent guests. Phone Main A 663S. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st,. at West Park Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular or transient guests. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall. 253 6th su, has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a real home; reasonable rates. THE - CAS A ROSA, Nicely furnished rooms with board, 300 Jefferson, BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, $4 and $4.&o week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. THE HAZEL, 3S5 3d st, Modern rooms, with or without board; special rates. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch. Choice rooms and board; rate reasonable. Room With Board la Private Family. LAjRGE. newly-furnished home. strictly mod-'rn: excellent board; every conven ience; $5 u. Main 03S1. 501 Harrison St.. near 34th. SPLENDID nome for couple of children, 1 block from school. Take Oregon City car. Mrs. T, R. Feighner, Box 111, Oak Grove, Or. FRONT room, 3 windows, nicely furnished, suitable for one or two, home privileges, very close in; excellent board, reasonable, 340H. 6th st. A 2b46. COME see and ou will stay in attractive rooms. ui table for one, two or three, in ftrlvate home, with all modern couven ences ; board. Phone East 5&05. FURNISHED rooms for one or two, good board, by widow wit h no children. 422 Jefferson st. Main 'T4. TWO gentlemen to take large front room, table board, $5 per week. 511 Morrison st. Malr. 7763. PLEASANT, well -heated room, with good, home cooking, for one or two. In modern home ; reasonable. 557 E. Morrison. PLEASANT room in modern home. Portland Heights, walking distance, board if de sired. Terms reasonable. Call Main 6451. CLEAN room, modern home, close in; all conveniences free; board if desired, rea sonable. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. LARGE front room, modern conveniences, with or w ithout board ; one small room, 474 Salmon st. Marshall 4410. LADY owning home, with large ard. will take boy over 3 years ; reasonable ; refer ences given. Phone Woodlawn 5442. BOARD and iai ie front room, home com forts, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; use of lano. 31! llth st. Phone Marshall 5464. YOUNG man wishes roommate, close In. East Side, private home, excellent, $22.50. N 315, Oregonian. NICELY f urnisned front room, with alcove, and sleepius-porch and board. 102 3d st. North. Phone Marshall 3S57. SMALL private faintly with beautiful home; rellent t&bk. Tabor 23J1. Fl R."ISHEE room wfrth board, suitable for 1 or 2 w ork ins ; on .cast sice. oa 11 liams ave. Woodlawn 50 41. ROOM and board, with Scotch family, home privilege. J'none 411 Jim A VERY pleasant room with board. 211 l or ill mn. r none g 1111 1 1 PLEASANT, well-heated room, with or with out board, use 01 piano, jiain WANTED To take care of child 2 years old , girl preferred!. Woodlawn 3575. LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; good board. OIK Klanaers. GOOD board, pleasant room, bath, easy walking distance. $a ween, raat i--o. BEAUTIFUL home In Kse City Park; will board 2 people. Tabor -9-1. SINGLE and double rooms. 3 meals dally. $4. 5o to $5.50 week. 2&4 Main at, Lh iLO between the ages of 2 and 7 to board. Phone Main 0474, 'Apt, 2d. WILL board a child under 7 for $10 a month, with clothes; girl or boy. Woodlawn 3u4l. CHOICE room, new house, near Multnomah Club; two meals; reasonable. Main 2-19. uuuJJ and board. 100 22d st. North, near 1 rvtn?. phone Main 2o.4. WANTED 1 or X small children to board; mother s care, 116 West Sumnert. ROOM with board, suitable for one, two -or three; all conveniences. East So J 6. ROOM and board. 332 loth St.. walking dis tance. Phone Main 6979. A 2865. PLEASANT front rooms, first-cl&ss board, private home. 166 N. 21st st. Ma.n 4220. LARGE front room, suitable for two; first- class cooking. 331 y Montgomery. SLEEPING-PORCH, with board, and heated room connect Inc. 5 Trinity Plae. ROOMS with board; strictly modern; walk in? distance. 712 Flanders. Main 154 7. Furnished Apartments. 3 AND 4-rootn furnished or unfurnlahed. The BJelland. A 1S6 Main 1867.A1S57. COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con crete bluoH 7 1 . iibi'i. u nion ave. .v. A RDM AY T1ZRRAOE, 295 12th st. Largs 2 -room apartments. Mrs. John tran, mgr. jEUMENIA 400 Hall at.. 2 rooms, modern, reasonable. Marshall 8ie2. i It i