Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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AT a charming and elaborate recep
tion yesterday the engagement
of Miss Edith Clerin and Edward
Glenn Smyth was announced by Mrs.
G. P. Clerin. Smartly gowned matrons
and maids thronged the Clerin resi
dence during the hours of 3 to 5. Mrs.
Clerin and her daughter were assisted
In receiving by Mrs. Sidney Smyth. A
color scheme of yellow was carried
.out in the drawing-rooms with huge
bowls of chrysanthemums and in the
dining-room yellow dahlias yere used.
Mrs. Robert A. Lamberson and Mrs. W.
Y. Masters presided at the samovars
and cut ices, assisted by Miss Marguer
ite Deering, Miss Genevieve Caughey.
Miss Elizabeth McGaw and Miss Marian
Grebel. Assisting about the rooms
were Mrs. Frank W. Swanton. Mrs.
Herbert Taylor Scott. Miss Louise Boyd
and Miss Agnes Beach. Little Anette
Byford and Mary Clerin received the
cards at the door. More than 100 guests
called during the afternoon.
Mr. Smyth is a mining engineer en
gaged in the quarrying business in
Southern California. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smyth, of this
cityr a graduate of the University of
California, and a member of Beta Theta
Pi fraternity. Miss Clerin. who is a
charming girl of the younger set. also
attended the University of California
and is popular in Delta Gamma soror
ity. The date for the wedding has not
been announced.
The women of St. Clare's parish will
Blve a card social tonight in their new
hall at Fremont and Spring Garden
streets, on Capitol Hill. The programme
will begin at 8 o'clock.
Miss Mabel "Withycombe, of Corvallis,
daughter of Dr. James Withycombe,
Republican nominee for Governor, has
been visiting for a few days with Mrs.
Benton Killin. Miss Withycombe is a
charming and popular girl and was en
tertained considerably at informal af
fairs during her visit here. She has
visited here before as the guest of both
Mrs. Killin and Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sharpsten
are now domiciled at the Wilmar
Apartments for the Winter. Mr. and
Mrs. Sharpsten passed the Summer at
Seaside and have recently come to the
Coast from the East.
. :
The Ladies' Alter Society, St. Steph
ens, Forty-second and East Taylor
streets, will give their "hard-times"
party Friday evening.
One of the most . elaborate parties
ever given by the Knights Templar
Club was the opening of this season's
series last night at Masonic Temple.
The hall was decorated prettily with
seasonable flowers in a riot of pleasing
coloring and many Templars' banners
and emblems. About 200 persons at
tended and were received by President
and Mrs. Frank McCrillis. Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Averill, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stev
ens, Jerry E. Bronaugh and Miss L.
Bronaugh and H. C. Thompson. Hop
kin Jenkins, chairman of the reception
committee, introduced the guests to the
receiving line, and the other members
of the reception committee who as
sisted in making the affair a success
were J. G. Mack, C. H. McGlrr. George
F. Eisman, E. G. Crawford, H. M. Haller
and Louis G. Clarke. An auxiliary
women's reception committee was com
posed of Mrs. Robert Skene, Mrs. W.
H. Monroe, Mrs. Charles E. Runyon,
Mrs. A. P. Goss and Mrs. Ralph Robin-
son. Card tables were arranged for
the non-dancing members, and hand
some prizes were awarded for high
scores. A special feature of last night's
dance was the elaborate music and
supper. Christensen's full orchestra
played for the dances, and a delicious
collation was served.
The parties will be continued on the
fourth Wednesday in each month, with
the exception of March, which will be
the Lenten season.
Tonight the young people of the
Irvington section will enjoy the first
dancing party of the season at the
Irvington Club. The chaperones for
the affair are: Mrs. O. C. Calhoun,
Mrs. E. S. Beall, Mrs. F. A. Ross, Mrs.
11. M. Haller and Mrs. C. Mlnsinger.
The committee includes Miss Marie
Haller, Miss Eugenia Calhoun. Miss
Kdna Minsinger, Miss Alice Autzen and
Miss Helen Ross.
Miss Jennie Hartman, who is the
owner of a large farm near Scott's
Mills, Or., has recently visited the farm
of her brother, Emanuel Hartnvin, of
"Waplnltia, Or.
Preparations have been completed for
the Halloween dancing party this even
ing at the Rose City Park clubhouse.
The affair is in charge of a commit
tee, with Mrs. Harry Jay Brown as
chairman. During the evening exhibi
tion dances will be given by Miss Clara
"West and Hughes Barnard.
t I Clan Macleay, Order of Scottish Clans,
and ladies' auxiliary will give a Hal
loween concert and dance in Knights
of Pythias Hall October 30. the pro
ceeds to go in aid of Red Cross funds.
A first-class programme has been pre
pared. Mrs. W. R. Gue left this morning for
Seattle and Vancouver, B. C, to visit
friends for a few weeks.
Mrs. R. Rindlaub and daughter Anna,
mother and sister of Mrs. A. G. Clark,
of this city, are making an extended
tour through the South. Visits were
made to St. Louis, New Orleans and
other cities, and at present they have
taken up quarters at Santa Fe, Isle of
Pines. The passage from New Orleans
was made under considerable excite
ment, the boat on which they took pass
age being chased by a German cruiser
and travel by night was made without
Scores of spooks, ghosts, black cats
and witches will Join the jolly
Maxixians this evening at Cotillion
Hall in frolic and revelry and with
their aid many spooky Innovations that
will bring back memories of long ago
Halloween frivolity carefully will be
carried out. A farmer orchestra will
furnish old-time music and a trio of
country lassies will render special
songs for the occasion. Members are:
George E. Love, Paul R. Dickenson. El
mer A. Hansen, Mabel Mascot, Martha
Weiderhold, Alice Burke. Charles
Bauer. Walter M. Dickenson, Dick Mul
lin, Margaret Harvey, Eleanor Haw
kins, Edith Miller, William H. Gwalt-
ney. Carl Taylor, Harvey A. Altno
Irene Mosher and Hazel Gallagher. The
patronesses or the evening will be: Mrs.
F. A. Dickenson, Mrs. H. P. Love, Mrs.
C. W. Bauer and Mrs. C. A. Dorrance.
A special musical programme will be
(riven this evening at the Waucoma
Club s dance by the club quartet. The
dance will be held at Christensen's Hall
and the members are: Ella C. Knack.
w. Lyaia Jjanmeier, Cora Walker, Wal
ter v. KnacK, James c Howard; com
mittee. Harriet C. Tryon, Luclle Car
roll, Luna ' B. Dempsey, James E.
Murphy and Fay Dempsey. Patronesses
for the series of dances are: Mrs. R. w.
Graham. Mrs. L. Seward, Mrs. C H.
Thompson and Mrs. F. W. Carroll.
Mrs. W. W. Downard will entertain
the members of the Portland Shakes
peare Study Club and their husbands
1 -
tonight with a Halloween party at her
home, 685 East Nineteenth street North.
The year books will be distributed,
brief reports will be read and timely
entertainment will be a feature. All
members of the club will doubtless ac
cept Mrs. Downard's hospitality.
THE Committee on School Beautl
fication will meet this afternoon at
3 o'clock in room H of the Library.
Mrs. J. C. Elliott King will preside.
Representatives from all clubs are
urged, to attend.
The Portland Psychology Club will
entertain the club women of Portland
at a reception to be given this after
noon in the home of Mrs. E. E. Coovert.
An artistic musical programme has
been arranged.
The Progressive Study Club met re
cently at the home of Mrs. A. W. Ar
nold, Lombard street.
m m
Mrs. L. V. Rawlings entertained the
members of the Portland Study Club
on Monday at her home, 526 East For
ty-fifth street north. Mrs. L. R. Bailey
read a paper on timely topics. Mrs.
N. F. Titus. Miss Helen Wilson and
Mrs. William Miller . made excellent
Ockley Green Parent-Teacher Asso
ciation will give its Halloween party
on Friday instead of Saturday, as was
planned at first.
. .. v.
Clubwomen always are interested in
club affairs, and the women of Port
land have been particularly attracted
to the success of the Ebell Club of
Los Angeles, as a former Portlander,
Mrs. William Lawrence Jones, was the
president last year and was enter
tained here. Mrs. W. S. Bartlett is the
president now and the organization
continues to flourish. This is the lar
gest woman's club in the world. It
was patterned after the Oakland Ebell,
which was organized in 1876 by Dr.
Adrian Ebell, of Berlin. Los Angeles
Ebell was organized in 1894. At its
last meeting the president urged the
members "to keep Ebell a sanctuary
of the ideal." The success of this
club, its liberal patronage of art. phi
lanthropies and matters of civic inter
est make it an organization that should
Inspire pride in all the women of this
The Spell of Kindness.
M;t; upon a time there lived a
youth named Joel, who did not
seem to care much about work or try
in any way to help his mother, who
was a widow and had to work to take
care of them.
One day after becoming very angry
with Joel, his mother said, "Ton shall
not have a morsel to eat until you go
to. the woods and gather faggots to
make the fire. Then I will cook you
the cabbage I brought back from the
Joel took his cap from the peg be
hind the door and started off, walking
so slow and looking so stupid that his
mother called after him to hurry or the
sun would set before he returned with
the wood.
When Joel reached the forest he saw
by the roadside just before he turned
into the forest an old woman asleep
with her head resting on a stone.
"Poor old lady," thought Joel, "she
looks tired and I know that stone
must hurt her head. I will make a pil
low of my coat and put it under her
So. without awakening her. he nn
tly lifted the old woman's head and
put under it his coat.
When he had gathered the faggots
and was returning he passed again the
place where the old woman was sleep
ing, and as she was still asleep he did
not awaxen ner to get his coat.
here is your coat?" asked his
mother when he reached home, and
wnen ne told ner had made a pil
low of It for the old woman, she
scolded him roundly ar.d said: "Now
you will go without a coat aU the win-
All Cakes,
Biscuits, Hot Breads
More Tasty, Economical,
Absolutely Healthful
3 -SU,
ter, and if you are cold don't blame
Joel did not think- any more about
the coat until it became cold weather,
and one morning he went out of his
house shivering as the cold wind
struck him, and wishing he had his
Great was his surprise when lie saw
hanging on a tree in front of the house
the very coat he had put under the
head of the old woman in the Sum
mer. Joel put it on and ran into the house
to show his mother.
"Look, mother." he said, "here is my
coat back at the very time I needed
it, and it has a new warm lining. I
wonder who could have done It."
"I don't know," his mother replied,
"but now that you have a warm coat,
you better go into the forest and see if
you can find faggots enough to keep
us warm for another day. I do not
know what will become of us; we have
no wood to make a fire to keep us
irom freezing.
Never fear, mother, answered Joel.
I will find some wood." And off he
went to the forest.
'I wish I had a nice, warm oair of
mittens." thought Joel, whose hands
were cold, and no sooner had he wished
than upon his hands appeared a paid
of thick mittens.
Joel looked at them in a stupid way
and thought: "I must nave had them
on all the time and did not know it."
When he began to look for frfrnt
he found only a few stray pieces
scarcely an armfull.
'Oh. dear. I wish I could fin a r-art-
load to take to poor mother," he
And then Joel rubbed his eves nnd
stared, for on the ground before him
he saw a cart full of faggots.
HOW will I get them VinmA?"
thought Joel. "I have a cart full of
faggots, but I have no horse to draw
mem. t wish I had one lust to -.t
them to our door." There was the
horse harnessed to the cart as soon as
the wish was out of his mouth.
Joel jumped into the cart and drove
up to the door, his mother ran out and
asked. "Where did you get the horse
and cart and all the wood? It will last
us me rest oi tne Winter."
'I don't know." said Joel. "T in.
wished I had them, and there they
were before me."
But his mother did not bellevo -him
and was about to punish him to make
him tell where he got them when an
oia woman noooied up to the door and
said. "Your son speaks the truth, he
wished for the cart, the horse and the
laggots to neip you, and because he
was kind to an old woman once and
gave her his coat for a pillow it has
been returned to him with the marie
power upon it which will grant any
wish no manes.
"It is lined with kindness, inn n
long as ne is kind his wish will be
granted wnenever he wears the coat '
The old woman hobbled n w v i. atr-
ing Joel and his mother looking after
ner wnn wiae-open eyes.
Copyright. 1914, hy th McClnre Newspaper
.j j v. .u, 4iew tors tliy.
in? of subjects that interest girls alone.
But they are interested as well in
subjects that men are interested in.
Sometimes their husbands call to take
them out to dinner or to take them
home, and it makes me happy to see
the smile they give each other when
they meet. There's a comradeship and
a deep-rooted understanding in this
new business of woman being a girl
but not being just a glrL
, Both of Them Love Him.
"Dear Miss Blake: We are two girls
of 18 and we often go out Sunday
nights. We went downtown last Sun
day night and two fellows followed us
home. There was one fellow the other
girl was crazy about, and he took her
home; but the next time we went out
we met the same fellows, but the fel
low the girl friend of mine was In love
with took me home. I asked him why
he did not take the other girl, and he
said it was because he likes me. We
love him and we would like to know
which one of us he likes the best, the
one he took first or the one he took
last. "ANXIOUS.
The young man probably does" not
care anything for either of you. When
boy gets acquainted with a gir
merely by talking to her instead of
through an introduction he does not
generally care very much for her. In
the future be very careful about this
sort of thing. Do not have anything
to do with boys who speak to you with
out an Introduction.
Does He Love Ilert
"Dear Miss Blake: I am in love with
a young man who is 24 and I am 20. He
has taken me home four times, but
never makes a date. I was told that
he was bashful and that he never takes
a girl home more than once. But he
has taken me home four times. I heard
if he takes a girl home more than
once he likes her. But taking me home
the way he has and never making a
date seems to me it doesn't show he
likes me. although he treats me very
nice. Would you please tell me what
to do? l L."
Why don't you invite him to call
upon you? He is probably waiting for
an invitation.
Dear Miss Blake I have been reading
your advice and in all cases it seemed
to be the proper thing to do. Am,
therefore, going to turn to you to as
sist me in doing what is right.
A little over a year ago, while on a
vacation trip, there was a young man
sitting across the aisle. I was looking
out the window, patiently waiting to
get home, when he spoke and pres
ently took the vacant seat opposite me.
We spent about half a day together
on the train and when we parted 1
had become quite interested in him,
which apparently was reciprocated.
e correspondent for a year and
this Summer again met, though dur
ing the past year I had learned to
think a great deal of him and our let
ters were frequent and a little more
than friendly. I went out with him
while he was here and he seemed vecy
affectionate. I did not stop him and
in some instances returned them. I
have written him a couple of letters.
but he has only sent me two cards.
though he stated he would write.
Doris BlakeS
HEN I overheard someone make
that old-time remark, "Girls will
be girls." the other day I began to re
fleet. Is it really true? Is it a girl's
ambition now to be only a girl, to hide
her frivolities and shortcomings be
hind the screen of sex?
At that point the girls whom I knew
came to my mind in all their pride
and youth and strength. They are full
of ambition. They seek, in their leisure
hours, the gymnasiums and swimming
tanks, that they may be strong like
their brothers. They go to work in
the morning like their brothers, proud
to bear their share of the burden of
bometimes it seems as if the old
adage should read: "Girls will be
boys." Not that any nice normal girl
wisnes to acquire the failings of boys.
Dut their strength and their good
Tennyson has expressed the thought
in ' Ane iTificess.
Yet in the long yean like must they rrow.
The man be more of woman, she of man;
He gain In (lnni and in moral height.
The mental breadth, nor fail in child-ward
I belong to a number of ' woman's
clubs. One club in particular I am very
proua ot. x m proud or the women who
congregate there, workers all doctors.
writers, singers, teachers, artists, nee
dlewomen, nurses and I see them talk
Would you be so kind as to tell me
what to do? I have all his letters and
pictures and he has mine and my pho
tograph. Should I return them and
request the return of mine?
Do not be impatient. Remember,
there are many phases to the old saying,
True love never runs smoothly." Many
men are by nature careless in affairs
of the heart, and extremely thought-
ess at times without meaning to be.
ine fact he has acknowledged your
letters with cards is sufficient that
he Is not entirely disinterested. Per
haps if your next letter is less affec-
ate, or merely an acknowledge
ment of his card. It may have he de
sired effect. It may be that in his
confidence of your interest in him he
has failed -to see the Importance of
lig Sale
Wise Women Will Take Advantage of
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$3.50 Crepe de Chine Waists.$2.48
75c to $2.50 Neckwear 48c
85c Vestees
50c Lilly Collars 25c
35c Children's Hose 15c
35c Women's Hose 25c
$1.50 Women's. Silk Hose. ...$1.15
$1.25 Women's Silk Hose... 96c
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has stood the test of time and
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Accept no substitutes. Your
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Free Preserves; Save Coupons
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Save the coupon above and when you
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Garden Preserves absolutely FllKE.
Pacific Coast Co.
Portland, Or.
rut :w-ft r
And that is what any practical housewife
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It does away entirely with the needless
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If you haven't tried it as a "Cream-of-tomato7
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21 kinds . 10c a can
Mutual attention. I do not believe
you would be warranted In returning
his photograph and letters and re
questing yours. Sometimes men be
come absorbed In business cares and
prefer not to write at all rather 'than
to write uninteresting letters. Do
not be Impatient.
Gets MaLi-tles
25c "Reflex" brand, 5fef now 15c
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The economy, efficiency and comfort of
Modem Gas Light depend upon - the
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Superior service via Santa Fe from San Francisco, through
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H. E. VERNON, Gen. Agt. Sajata Fe Ey.
122 Third Street Phcne Main 1274
Portland, Or.