Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 28, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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Republican Chairman Says
Figures Show Hanley and
Chamberlain Finish.
Flakes of I'oriner "Elections Sot
Likely to Be Tlepeatcd to Give
Senator Place Again, He
Thinks After Canvass.
Neither Chamberlain nor Hanley has
a chance in the pending Senatorial race,
says Charles B. Moores, chairman of
the Republican state committee, who
is amused at the frantic efforts now
being made by the Democratic and
Progressive leaders to make-it appear
that their respective candidates are
contenders against R. A. Booth, the Re
publican nominee.
"Clarke Leiter, manager of the Han
ley campaign, is the political Mark
Tapley, of Oregon," said Mr. Moores
"One would suppose that he actually
believes that 'Bill' Hanley is a real
Fenatorial prospect, and it cannot be
disputed that he is entitled to the
great credit for the splendid fight that
he has put up for his man.
Lnck of Campaigners Lamented.
"If the Republican party of this
state only could avail itself of the
money that is being put into the Han
ley campaign by Louis Hill, the great
railway magnate, and To,m Lawson, the
'Wall-street millionaire, and if it could
only draw on Colonel C. B. S. Wood
and Clarke ' Leiter for all the super
abundance of lurid rhetoric, that even
rivals the stuff that Tom Lawson
spreads all over creation at frequent
intervals, the life of a Republican cam
paign manager would be one continu
ous season of joy.
"Mr. Hanley is now preaching protec
tion to beat the band, while Tom Law
son is advertising him as a devoted
and consistent follower of Woodrow
Wilson. A former Taft Republican,
whose antipathy to Roosevelt and fear
that Roosevelt might win led him into
the support of Wilson, he is now run
ning as a Progressive and advertising
his devotion to a protective tariff,
while his staunch loyalty to Wilson is
vouched for by Tom Lawson.
Chamberlain's Position In Doubt.
"While we are in considerable doubt
B3 to his position upon other ques
tions, he is pronounced in his opposi
tion to prohibition. His candor in this
matter has demoralized the wet sup
port of Senator Chamberlain, which is
just now in a dazed condition over the
announcement that the Anti-Saloon
League has his promise to support the
Hobson resolution, providing for a pro
hibition amendment to the National
Constitution. Whether the Senator Is
really wet or really dry is now the
leading topic of discussion at both the
-wet and dry headquarters.
"Upon this question the Senator is
strictly non-partisan. Not so with Bill
Hanley. He is unequivocally opposed
to prohibition.
"On what can any pretense of suc
cess for either Chamberlain or Hanley
be based? On May 1 the Progressives
bad a registration of 6202, against a
Republican registration of 136,282 and
a Democratic registration of 60,693.
The. Republican majority over the
Democrats at that time was 75,589, and
over the Progressives it was 130,080.
Seven counties out of 34, whose com
plete registration has been announced
In the press, have increased the lead
of the Republicans over the Democrats
by abbut 9000.
"The other 17 counties certainly
will Increase the Republican majority
to more than 90,000 and it may reach
100,000, for a total registration of
more than 300,000 is reported, against
a total of 229.601 last May. Here we
have a Republican registration lack
ing little of being twice that of all
other parties combined. In Multnomah
County alone the Republicans have a
majority of almost 37,000.
Republicans Now United.
"Heretofore Senator Chamberlain
has been avored in all his fights by
a factional fight In the Republican
party. Today there is none. He has
never before been in a fight when a
Democratic Administration was in
power for whose sins he now has to
answer. He has never before had to
face such an overwhelming Republic
an majority. This year he is squarely
up against the real thing.
"It is easy to count groups of a
dozen here and there, of hundreds here
and there, and of thousands in the
aggregate, who may support Chamber
lain or Hanley, but it takes all sorts
of figuring to wipe out a Republican
majority of 100.000. Give Hanley the
highest vote we have heard predicted
for him 30,000 it seems universally
agreed that it will come more largely
from Chamberlain than from Booth.
It will take thousands from the Dem
ocratic column, which, in May, was
only 60,000. If it took the same num
ber from the Republican column, there
still would remain the same gap of
more than 90.000 Republican majority
from which Chamberlain must draw,
and when it comes around to do his
drawing he will find that Hanley has
already been there and gone off with
several thousand votes that he has
heretofore been able to count upon.
"If the Hanley campaign really was
launched to help Chamberlain it has
back-fired in some way and there is
now trouble In the Democratic camp
all along the line.
"The Democratic instructions that
have gone out to all the boys to claim
everything will have no result unless
it should be to lead some ccrdulous
Democrat to wager his money on a
hopeless cause."
William A. Plnkerton is at the Port
land. M. H. Abbey, of Newport, Is at the
J. J. McMahon. of Ashland, is at the
Faul R. Smith, of Salem, is at the
Seward. i
W. R. Leach, of Tacoma, is at the
Ed Hamilton, of Astoria, is at the
C. C. Catbey, of Albany. Is at too
Kmil Olscn, of Troutdale, Is at the
E. E. Haines, of Ashland, is at the
U. F. Martin, of Rainier, is at the
H. C. Rice, of The Dalles, is at the
C. A. Richards, of Hood River, is at
the Eaton.
L. F. Hughes, of Cbesterbrook. is at
the Carlton.
B. L. Beals, Jr.. of Tillamook, Is at
the Imperial.
C- M. Speck, an attorney of Medford,
is at the Imperial.
Mrs. M. A. Chanler, of Seattle, and
H. L. Chanler, of Aberdeen, are at the
Mr. and Mrs. J.. Carroll, of Eugene,
are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Breen, of Chicago,
are at the Carlton. i
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Spencer, of Salem,
are at the Cornelius.
Father A. Bronsgeest, of The Dalles,
is at the Multnomah.
J. H. Dunlap, a business man of Hood
River, is at the Oregon.
Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Small,, of Summer
Lake, are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cram, of Fort
Canby, are at the Carlton.
K. C. Eldrldge. an attorney of Inde
pendence, is at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wright .of
Albany, are at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs.. E. V. -Htlberiv of New
Tork, are at the Multnomah.
Charles Hall, a telephone man . of
Hood River, is at the Imperial.
William A. Butts and C. C. Coulter,
of Tacoma, are at the Multnomah..
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ogden, of Brook
line, Mass., are at the Multnomah.
H. E. Morton and H. M. Hawkins, real
estate men of Albany, are at the Seward.
Mrs. G. L. Baker . and Miss . Nelle
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Sylvia Arnold.
Sharing . honors with Eugene
Emmett, the popular Irish tenor
in "The Sunbeam," the charming
little sketch of life in the Emer
ald Isle a century or so ago, at
Marcus Loew's Empress this
week Is dainty little Sylvia Arn
old, who plays the role of a wln
Bome colleen. The romantic lit
tle playlet, with Emmett's ap
pealing song - numbers, and the
pretty love story, is one of the
big hits of the bill. .
Cooper, of McMinnville, are at the
J. W. Clark, of Kent, is at the Eaton.
Dr. Myron - Haynes, of McMinnville,
is at the Eaton.
G. Armand, a merchant of Brussels,
who left shortly after war was declared,
is at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fisher, of Astoria,
are at the Perkins. Mr. Fisher is a
merchant of that section.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ravlin, of Hood
River, are at the Norton la. Mr. Ravlin
is secretary of the Commercial Club of
that city. ... .
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Duryea, of Eugene,
are at the Nortonia. Mr. Duryea is
manager of the Commercial Club Land
Show of Lane County. -
Convicted Attorney to Fight Anew
Wnen. Mandate of Supreme Conrt
Is Received Here.
Thomas Mannix, attorney for Max G.
Cohen, asked yesterday- for a stay of
execution of sentence on his client in
United States District Court,' but the
motion was not allowed by .Judge Bean.
United States District Attorney
Reames pointed out that the motion
could not be made properly until after
the receipt of the mandate of the United
States Suoreme Court, denyine Cohen
Yhe right to a writ of certiorari, for
which he applied recently.
As soon as the mandate arrives Cohen's
sentence will begin, and it has been an
nounced by Cohen's attorney that as
soon as he is arrested an application
for -a ' writ - of .habeas corpus- will be
presented to the United States Supreme
Court by ex-Senator Bailey, of Texas,
whom Cohen has retained- to represent
him before that body. -
The Cohen case Involves the hardest
fight ever made by a man convicted in
the Federal Court in Oregon to. avoid
serving sentence. Cohen was convicted
of subornation of perjury for having
persuaded Esther Wood to testify false
ly in a white slave case against her
husband, Jake Gronich,' who is serving
a sentence at McNeil Island..-
Meeting Devoted to Dlcussion of
Measures and Voting.
InterSst in the " recall election was
high at the luncheon of the Rotary
Club at the Benson Hotel yesterday,
and J. C. English, president of the club,
earnestly urged, every member not only
to go out and vote, but to give his em
ployes the opportunity to do so.
The regular programme was an in
formal discussion of the various initia
tive measures on the ballot at the com
ing election. Attorney ' C. E. Cochran
led the discussion and brought up the
bills which had not been covered at a
former session, explaining their real
purport with arguments advanced" pro
and con, without undertaking to advo
cate or antagonize any measure. He
called upon Benjamin C. Sheldon, vice
president of the Medford Commercial
Club, who at the behest of the largest
women's club of Southern Oregon has
taken an active interest in the effort
of that section to improve their school
conditions, to explain the measures re
specting normal schools.
Mr. -Sheldon briefly outlined the his
tory of the schools, which had been in
successful operation for several years.
He explained the need of Southern Ore
gon's common schools for a teacher
training center, and answered the point
sometimes raised that the normal
school was used as a local high school
by the statement that Ashland had the
second oldest high school in the state
with a new $100,000 plant. He urged,
as a simple matter of economy in the
spending of the $5,250,000 common
school fund in this state annually, that
a proper equivalent in value to the
taxpayers could be returned only by
putting into the schools trained, effi
cient' teachers.
Ashland Gets New Pastor.
ASHLAND. Or., Oct. 27 (Special.)
The Christian Church of this city, has
Mrs. A. L: Crai& Nemo Expert, Is Here to Instruct on Proper Corseting for Health. Comfort, Style 5th Floor, 6th-Street Bldg.
Charge Purchases Today and Balance of Month Goon November Accounts, Payable December 1st
7 c to
aved im Every Fair f
o -tt-ti o
TP -no m n
- Announced for Today at 9 A. M
Men, Women and Children Take Notice!
55,000 Pairs of High-Grade Kid Gloves
Prices J
A 4-Day Sale! The Most Complete Stocks of Kid
Gloves Ever Offered in the City!
All at Wholesale Prices S
All $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50 Gloves
All Reduced to Wholesale Prices!
Lr..-S-iM -r- Q1AC. Men's and Boys' Glove Sale I I Women's and Children's Glove Sale
OCaOUO Ol J&ieS Temporary Annex No: 1 Glove Section, 6th-Street Building
i .x- . . i i, . ji
9 to 1 2 Bargains for Early Shopping
, Special 9 to 12 o' Clock Today Only.
8000 yards of white'-'Panola" Outing Flannel at this price.
No Phone Orders. Third Floor, Sixth-st Bldg.
Special 9 to 12 o' Clock Today Only.
"Naples" Outing Flannel, 27 inches wide. In stripes pinks, blues
and tans. 16,000 yards to be disposed of.
No Phone Orders. Third Floor, Sixth-st Bldg.
Special 9 to 12 o' Clock Today Only.
An excess stock of -women's imported plain and silk lisle Hose in
tan only. All sizes.
No Phone Orders. First Floor, Sixth-st. Bldg.
Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Today Only.
3 for 50
Checked material. Sizes. 34 to 46, inclusive.
No Phone Orders. Second Floor, Temporary Annex.
Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Today Only.
Fleeced cotton, heavy weight, in ecru color. Sizes 6 to" 12 years.
No Phone Orders. . First Floor, Temporary Annex.
Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Today Only.
35c TO 50c CRETONNES, YARD, 17c
Handsome designs and beautiful colorings. Very special today only.
. No Phone Or4ers. . Ninth Floor, Temporary Annex.
Special 9 to '12 o'Clock Today Only.
Chinchilla, velvets, corduroys and cloth Coats, 1 to 5-year sizes.
No Phone Orders. Fifth Floor, Sixth-st. Building.
Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Today Only.
WOMEN'S $5.00 TO $7.50 SWEATERS, $2.89
Samples, splendid assortment colors arid styles. Sizes 34, 36 and
38 only, for children and small women.
No Phone Orders. - Fifth Floor, Sixth-st. Bldg.
Special 9 to 12 o'Clock Today Only.
3c Spool Biasting Cotton, linen finish, 3 spools 5
3c "Ideal" Darning Cotton, white, 4 spools 5
10c Envelope "G. S. C." Hair Nets, 3 nets in envelope ; .. .5&
10c Pearlbone Collar Supports, 3 for ; 5
5c "Elite" Cabinet Hair Pins, wire, cabinet.-. 3
15c Shell and Amber Hair Pins, box
5c Safety Pius, one 'dozen, assorted, on card
15c Girdle Forms, assorted sizes, each 10
15c Wide Elastic "Sew-on" Hose Supporters, pair 10?
15c Castle Silk Covered Waist Bone, yard 8?
35c Kleinert's Sanitary Aprons, each
No Phone Orders. First Floor, Sixth-St. Bldg.
Special to IS o'Clock T.aar Only.
EASTERN SUGAR-CURED HAMS Closely trlmmod, well smoked. -1 Q
medium weight, lowest price for months, the pound XI7C
Royal Baaqnct Batter Made in Oregon, strictly high grade, roll... 73
Standard Tomatoea Labeled "Puree." latest pack. No 2 hi can 7c
Five-Pound Sack Beaaa Large-whlte variety, E-lb. cloth sack 29
Holly Milk From one of Oregon's best creameries Case of four
dozen cans. S3.35 1 the can.... . 7
Pure Rolled Omtm Freshly milled. No 9 sack..' ...35
o Phone Orders. Pure Food Grocery, Basement, Slath-St. Bids;.
Direct From Japan
10c to $2.00. Pieces
Including- Every Sample
While Any Remain
5c, 10c, 15c, 25c
Wonderful Variety of Pieces
Sale Will Be Held on the
1st Floor, Temporary Annex
NOTE No China Delivered
at These Prices
FlAhk, 3bcU.T4orriaM.Akkr 9ts.
Buy Halloween Novelties
Yeon Building
Fifth and Alder Streets
Greatest Toy Store Known to
See Window Demonstration
' Bring the Children Here
secured a new pastor in the person of
Rev Mr. Vallandlg-ham, of HUlsboro.
who" Is a relative of Clement Vallandigt
ham. at the time of the Civil War
prominent in Ohio politics. The new
pastor is an attorney and will practice
law in addition to taking up pastoral
Campaign Active at Woodland.
WOODLAND. Wash.. Oct 27. (Spe
cial.) With the general election onlyi
a week away, all candidates ana meir
friends are busy. There is a fight on
between the straight Republicans and
the allied Democratic-Progressives.
There Is also a fight being made for
Etate-wide prohibition by the Women'i
Christian Temperance Union and the
Prohibition interests, but in this Im
mediate section there is little inter
est being shown by the "dry" side.
Kelso and its Interests are working
hard for the removal of the county
seat from Kalama to Kelso.
Conference Decides I. lire ef Places Too
Attractive for Idle nnd Plans
Are Caann-ed.
No "soft" jobs are to be offered to
attract armies of the unemployed to
Portland this Winter. Men In Portland
In need of work will get it but only
at a living wage.
This was emphasized In a meeting of
business men of this city yesterday
afternoon in the office of Franklin T.
Griffith, president of the -Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company, at
which methods of handling the prob
lem were discussed. No definite con
clusions were reached but a committee
composed of J. C. English. Amos Ben
son and Rev. Levi Johnson was ap
pointed to formulate practicable plans
for meeting the extra demand for
Mr. Griffith was chairman of the
meeting, at which there were present
W. B. Ayer, Hy Ellers. J. C. English.
W. L. Brewster. A. 1 Fish. W.' L. Llght
ner. Rev. Levi Johnson, John F. Car
roll and C. C. Chapman.
Commissioner Brewster was the first
to speak, discussing means by which
the unemployed might be put to work
in clearing lands and in cutting cord
wood. The Commissioner expects there
will be at least 2060 unemployed In
Portland this Winter, seeking munic
ipal assistance.
. W. : B. Ayer proposed that many of
the men might be taken care of by be
ing employed at breaking rock for
county roads at small pay. County
Commissioner Lightner declared that
the county could offer no help in deal
ing with the problem until after the
first of the year, finances being low.
llarriman Nlffht at Mother" Here.
Tonight will be Harrlman Club
night at the old Heilig Theater.
Eleventh and Morrison streets, when
the production "Mother" will be at
tended by the club members In a body.
President Farrel and General Man
ager O'Brien, of the O.-W. R. &. Is.,
have engaged boxes for the perform
ance. There will be specialties in addi
tion: Mrs. Fred L. Olsen and Mrs.
E. M. Winger. Portland soloists, will
sing; Mr. Hughes will sing the Harrl
man Club song, written by Mr.
Brewster and De Caprio's Orchestra
will play-the accompaniment. This Is
the first of a series of social events
to be given by the club.
Authentic records show that cinders from
a forest lire in the treetops in Northern
Washington this fall were carried a distance
of 'JO miles.
Removes Hairy Growths I
. Without Pain or Bother J
(Modes of Today.)
It is not necessary to use a painful
process to remove hairy growths, for
with a little delatone handy you can
keep the skin entirely free from these
beauty destroyers. To remove hair,
make a stiff paste with a little pow
dered delatone and water. Spread
this on the hairy surface and In about
two minutes rub off. wash the skin
and the hairs are gone. To guard
against disappointment, be careful te
get real delatone. Adv.