Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Audience, Half of Which Is
Composed of Women, Cheers
Candidate Vociferously.
Principles of Republicanism Ex
tolled in Moderate language
and Plea for Party Support
Kinds Answering Echo. ,
BEND, Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.)
- Robert A. Booth, candidate for the
Senatorship, made a most excellent im
pression upon Bend and upon the hun
dreds of Central Oregonians he met
during his campaigning of today. Of
that fact every member of the audience
which he faced here tonight is con
vinced. For' the crowded house at the
Commercial Club rooms, whatever their
party preferences, heard an address
which seldom has been equalled in
Crook County for sound common sense
and eloquent appeal.
Mr. Booth traveled over the county
all day, reaching Bend late in the after
noon. As he took the 8:30 train for Port
land, his address was necessarily cur
tailed, but despite the early hour of the
meeting he was welcomed enthusi
astically by a large gathering when H.
H. Dearmond, manager of the Commer
cial Club, introduced him. That women
are taking an active interest in the
present campaign was evidenced by the
fact that nearly half the audience was
composed of women.
Karly Visit Recalled.
When Mr. Dearmond introduced the
candidate as "our next Senator" a burst
of applause showed that Republican
sentiment was not lacking. -
Forty-four years ago, said Mr. Booth,
he camped where now is the town of
Bend; this time he tame here, he said,
at the protest of his managers, who
desired Ills campaigning in more pop
ulous districts.
"I came because I want Central
Oregon to realize that whatever the
proportionate vote I am equally in
terested in all portions of the state,"
said Mr. Booth, "and especially I came
because Crook County gave me at the
primaries a larger vote than it be
stowed upon any other candidate. 1
want you to know that your friendli
ness is reciprocated."
in view of the bitterness that has
crept into the present campaign Mr.
Booth's moderation and his careful
avoidance of any personalities or any
thing even approaching attacks upon
opponents - or those of the other po
litical faith was welcomed. This mod
eration, indeed, backed by his thorough
knowledge of the facts he handled and
the pleasant personality behind it all,
made a favorable impression, as was
evidenced by many remarks at the
meeting's close.
Republican Party Kxtolled.
Mr. Booth outlined the growth of
the Republican party and the prosper
ity which the country had enjoyed
under its regime. He called it "the
party of human rights."
"Take the tariff out of politics, where
it belongs,"., said he, urging also less
of politics and more of business sense
in railroad and kindred legislation.
"Iset the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion be arbiters, but not oppressors. I
stand for the stability of business upon
scientific lines."
The harmful influence of the Pana
ma tolls upon the development of Ore
gon received attention at the speaker's
hands. The Panama tolls policy of the
Wilson Administration he characterized
as "unfair, unstatesmanlike and un
true to party pledges."
. A protective tariff system he in
dorsed heartily, going into detail to
show the harmful results of the pres
ent tariff law, which, he declared, per
mitted a flood of unfair foreign com
petition to wipe away the profits of
American labor and American industry.
"America was built up under a protec
tive system and for a-protective sys
tem 1 stand. I think the American
market should be held, and developed
for American producers. For that I
stand, and for a high wage for the
working man," were among the per
tinent statements which won applause.
Development of Wot Urged.
Mr. Booth indorsed the fullest devel
opment of forest reserves, urging that
timber be sold under reasonable re
strictions and at reasonable prices.
National affairs, he argued, should be
regarded with a patriotic view, but
from a Western viewpoint, for from
the West comes breadth and progres
sive understanding.
His speech closed with a ringing
appeal to party loyalty and a reminder
that might be styled a business man's
statement, to the effect that he asked
no votes unless the giver of them felt
as sincerely as did their recipient that
the road to real National prosperity
should be paved with the Republican
' principles of a protective tariff and a
readjustment of the Panama tolls.
On his trip here Mr. Booth was ac
companied by a large delegation of in
fluential Republicans from Prineville
and there is no doubt that the united
work being done for him throughout
the county will loom up large at the
polls, when the votes are counted.
Mr. Booth's enemies as well as his
friends agree that his whirlwind tour
of the county will do much for him,
not only among those whom he has met
and addressed but throughout Central
Oregon, which, they maintain, is ap
preciative of such personal attention
on the part of candidates.
Prineville, Redmond, Sisters, and
La id law Welcome Candidate.
J-A1DLAW. Or.. Oct. 22. (Special.)
R. A. Booth started the day this
morning with a speech to the student
body of the Crook County High School
at Prineville. where more than 100 stu
dents listened to the Senatorial can
didate, who impressed them with the
Importance of applying ,thelr talents
and proved to them by comparisons
that the future of the country depends
upon Just i such, institutions as the
Prineville school and the individual ef
fort of each and every student of
such schools.
Mr. Booth was accompanied to Red
mond and throughout the day by an
escort of 12 Prineville business men,
headed by Mayor Clifton, in the
Mayor's car. Mr. Booth wins an ova
tion everywhere. At Redmond a large
crowd had gathered from the surround
ing country and the Republican nom
inee was cheered heartily. Mr. Booth's
talk was concluded just before noon
and the party then proceeded imme
diately to Sisters. Mr. Booth's speech
at Redmond occupied 30 minutesv and
was devoted particularly to- conserva
tion of the water and timber resources
of the country. .
Mstera Out la Force.
At Sisters the entire town turned
out for an enthusiastic street Tneetin-r.
The schoul, which is a large one. was
dismissed and the pupils furnished
band music for the meeting. Cheer
after cheer greeted the candidate In
tne bisters meeting. Mr. Booth said,
in part:
"What is needed .is to blend the soil,
the sunshine which is so bright today
and the water that is stored in the
huge reservoirs of snow yonder on the
shining peaks of these mountains.
"Our money from the sale of our
public lands and the timber should be
used to develop the resources of this
country. I am for the Issuance of
bonds against the resources in the for
ests and the mountains for the devel
opment and blending of these ele
No meeting was held at Laid law
but a large crowd greeted the Booth
party as it proceeded on to Bend.
Development Beat Conservation.
. Mr. Booth issued the fo'owing state
ment: "I believe in conservation in all rea
sonable ways. whether in timber.
power or minerals, but the best con
servation is proper development under
reasonable conditions to operator and
consumer. The Journal accuses me of
standing for a water power trust. If
mere is any such thing I do not know
it. I do not own any interest in any
water power company or water power
project. I am not associated with any
one who has, so far as 1 have knowl
edge. "I want to see the water power de
velop as quickly as its use will justify
it. So far as power in National forests
is concerned, it should be done in the
best and most permanent and cheapest
way, that it may be furnished at the
least cost and thus have the widest
Federal Rule Favored.
"I believe in Federal udminiatratinn
of public forests and favor such con
ditions as will open homes readily and
reasonably to provide settlers, the sale
of timber at competitive prices and un
der reasonable regulation, tharthe ma
tured timber be as rapidly converted
Into money as market conditions jus
tify. I believe the product first right
ly belongs to the state where located.
.Money received from timber sales,
water powers, for minerals or land a
above cost of administration should all
be expended in the state where located
for reclamation of land, road improve
ment and other puhJlc uses.
"Money from lands should be made
at once available for such internal im
provements, the bonds to be retired
from proceeds of forest reserve prod
ucts. "Mr. Graves, the National Pnroetor
is capable, aggressive and devntiris-
much time to the study of Western for
ests. He will continually become a
better friend of the West as he knows
its conditions and needs better."
Ea-Deputy Coleman Arrives t Face
Embexslement Charge and Total
V Shortage Pat nt f OO.OOO.
BOISE. Idaho. Oct n -r n
ex-State Treajiiirpr rw! ., " , ,1
guilty at a special s'ession of the Dis-
v-vun. iu me cnarge of embezzle
ment Dreferreri hv rn, a i ;
and was sentenced to from Ave to ten
years in the penitentiary-. He began his
term at once.
Coincident with these proceedings
Fred M. Coleman, Deputy State Treas
urer under Allon wi i . , .
- a biiiic, ainvea
from beattle and was arraigned on a
v....Bc ui emoezznng $22,500. He was
held for trial under a bond of $5000
Allen's shortage will approximate $90,
000. It develops from the audit of
his books that his peculations cover
uiuei ui ins ierm or nearly four years.
Dart of them linear 4 . i . . . .
- - - - puuiiiuairiiuua
of ex-Governor Hawley. Democrat.
The executive comafettee of the Re
publican State Central Committee last
niirllt offiniallv ronnl I tori u l;
, .vr.BiTO vua uaiim.
dacy of Allen for re-election and asked
Republican voters not to vote for him
at the coming election. There is no
means or removing his name from the
ballot. - .
O. V. Allen at fina 1 I .- a
Salem, where he was engaged in busi
ness. He went to Idaho and engaged
in the furniture busiuuss, later entered
pontics ana, alter serviag a term in
the Ieaislature wa -. . -
- , ciaie
Treasurer four years ago.
:". 'i .'.
Progressive's Charges to Be Denied by
Pictures of Records When Talk
at Vancouver Is Made.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 22. (Spe
cial.) Albert Johnson, Representative
from this district in Congress, who ar
rived in his home at Hoquiam from
Washington, D. C. yesterday. tele
graphed Republican headquarters here
today that he will be here Monday and
will speak on topics of state and Na
tional interest Tuesday night. Charles
R. Reeves, of. Portland, and Mr. John
son will be chief speakers at a big Re
publican rally at that time.
A special programme is now being
arranged, to include music and short
talks by looal candidates and politi
cians. Mr. Johnson will reply to the attacks
made upon him by Stanton Warburton,
alleging that Johnson did not work for
the interests of his district in securing
appropriations for various projects
along the Columbia River.
Mr. Johnson has photographs of the
index of the records, showing his ef
forts for his district.
Mr. Warburton recently. In paid ad
vertisements, offered $25 for one word
Mr. Johnson ever uttered before certain
committees in Washington, asking for
appropriations for projects needed in
Southwestern Washington.
Mr. Johnson on Monday will make
speeches in several parts of Clarke
Gangrene lYom Old AVound Kills
Iowa Man in Oregon.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 22. (Special.)
S. L. Kent, aged 70, a prominent resi
dent of Lebanon, died in St. Mary's
Hospital here today. Gangrene from an
old wound finally caused death.
Mr. Kent was born in New York,
August 23, 1844, and went to Iowa in
the early days of that state. He set
tled near Manson and resided there
continuously until three years ago,
when he came to Lebanon. For 10 con
secutive years he served as County
Commissioner of Calhoun -County,
Iowa. During almost all his life he
was an active member of the Methodist
He is survived by his widow and five
sons. F. L. Kent, an ex-instructor in the
Oregon Agricultural College and now In
the Government service, with head
quarters at Portland; W. H. Kent, of
Vivla, 111.; L. B. Kent, of Shedds. and
V. H. Kent and E. W. Kent, of Lebanon.
The first Kfik dress was worn bv a lady
of the French court in J455. The first pair
of silk stockings adorned the ankles of
Henry II of France, iu 1009.
International Boundary Scene
of Running Battle With
Sedro-Woolley Gang.
Young Men Who Ixxited First Xa
tional Bank Saturday Night, Met
While Wearing Belts Heavily
Loaded With Gold Coin.
of five men who robbed the First Na
tional Bank of Sedro-Woollev of 130..
000 Saturday night, and whose progress
northward through the sparsely set
tled parts of Skagit and "Whatcom
Counties has been continuous since the
robbery, fell into a
north of the international boundary
nere at. 4:30 o'clock this morning and
two Of their nnmho.- Mllj j
third wounded when a posse inter
cepted them. A member of the posse
also was slain instantly. The dead:
Clifford Adams, aged 25, Canadian
Immigration Inspector, shot through
TWO rohhers hnth vaiitio.
inr belts heavy with gold coin.
Wounded: E. H. Keith, special de
tective for Croat W(i.than xn
' ' "l IMlUUdU,
and unidentified robber.
Telephone Aids Capture.
Thft Plthham 11. i
- " . , naming 11 U I L II on lOR
Great Northern Railroad track, were
wuen tney passed through
- uiu whs teiepnoned to
Canadian Tmmfo-iatfn. t ....... . ..
Hazelmuir, B. C.
Adams, Keith and Canadian Immigra
tion Infmpptnr A 17? T2.. 1 - -
. -" " i m ujei i ii o
robbers on the track and Burke or
dered them to halt. Instead, the fore-
"'' roDoer arew a pistol. Burke im
mediately shot the fellow dead. Firing
then became general.
.... 3 RincQ oy tne rODbers'
first volley. Three of the surviving
robbers took to the woods. The fourth
fled down the track and was brought
"w " " " iL outlet in ms thigh. Just
v ' ' iwwtsr vv n wound
ed at Halln Pralrip XX- .. L .. - .
killed himself while officers ran to
"' mm. ine two robbers who es
caped are being closely pursued, and
can scarcely escape.
Leader Has 4500 In Belt.
The fi rut mhriAn ii n .. j . .
' "'I'm. ana wno
seemen tn h.v. v. . i . ,
iud icaaer. was
short and strongly built, and had red
hall XJ" i.-fc - -
"i" oi goin in his belt.;
wc " uuimcu man carried 51700.
The men nnnoar. n v. ,i ,
- w xiussians.
There was no paper on them that
meiiiiiy mem, and all marks
h removed irom their clothing.
: b.voocu liib uoraer early
this morning at Douglas. Frank Mc
Donald, and Leo Hyde, on guard, saw
them cross and attempted to halt them.
The men kept going, however, and the
two men fired on them. These shots
miraciea tne otner members of posses
When they do succeed in getting rid of some of
the caffeine drug-content, the result is a weak,
"clover-tea" decoction that few appreciate.
But after all their efforts to rid coffee of part of
its caffeine, how about the, other coffee-drug, "tan-
"Tannic acid in coffee interferes with digestion."
"The caffeine and theine in coffee and tea are cerebral stimulants and the
tannic aeid is an astringent, affecting especially the muscular fibers, of the
intestinal walls. ..
"Tannic acid is universally condemned by all authorities as a hindrance to
digestion and health."
Why keep on running the risk of serious interference with health? Why not quit a table beverage that
bears in its train a lot of trouble like nervousness, headache, heart, stomach, bowel disturbance, insomnia, etc.?
Thousands, suffering from these ills, find it easy to quit coffee when they have at hand the delicious
nourishing beverage , '
Made from prime wheat (roasted like coffee)
and a bit of wholesome molasses, it contains no caf
feine, tannin or any other drug or harmful substance.
Postum comes in two forms Regular Posttim
Old and young alike,
and word was sent on north to watch
lor tbe men and head them off.
The wounded man was found a few
hundred yards north of the scene of
the fight by Sheriff Wells, of Skagit
County, snd Sheriff Thomas, of this
county. He was unconscious and was
Placed in a wagon and sent to Clover-
oaie, eight miles north of Blaine.
The robbers wore rouah clothlnr
which was badly torn. The pistol duel
was at snort range.
Stat Commission Holds Hearing on
Great Southern Changes.
DUFUR, Or, Oct. 22. (Special.) The
State Railroad Commission held a bear
ing hero today on the proposed new
freight schedules, as presented by -the
Great Southern Railroad Company.
The Great Southern Company wa
represented by General Manager Helm
rich and Attorney George W. Joseph, of
Portland. Some of the local shippers
John E. Garnold.
John E. Garnold, a pioneer of 1567.
died Wednesday of cancer of the
stomach, at his home, 818 Montana
avenue. Mr. Garnold was 69 years
old. Many years ago he held the
office of County Coroner. Later he
erved in the volunteer fire depart
ment. He was a member of the Odd-
Mr. Garnold Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Nellie Garnold, and two
daughters, Mrs. B. L. Cooper, of Pen
dleton, and Mrs. w. F. Sampson, of
- Funeral services will be held at
Dunnimr-a chapel at 2:30 P. M. to
day. The committal services will be
held at the Portland Crematorium.
also were represented by council. Tes
timony was offered by Heimrich and a
number of merchants, grain dealers and
The "proposed new tariff was filed
with the Commission -in August, to take
effect October 1, but the Commission
allowed only the portion of the tariff
which lowered the rate on certain com
modities to go into effect, holding up
the advances pending a hearing. The
Commission reserved decision.
r -'A
i i
i ' 3
y v I
if ' " J
:VHS: It
:i 'a -it
of what the coffee trade think of the harmfulness- of the coffee-drug,
caffeine, is shown in their efforts to get rid of it to get
a coffee that doesn't contain caffeine!
drink POSTUM with pleasure and comfort.
There's a Reason
OCTOBER 23, 1914.
Meeting of Robert A. Booth
and Governor Promises
Dramatic Incidents.
Executive's Allegations Against Can
didate Relative to Ills Timber
Deals, to Bo Refuted
at the Hcilig.
Time 7:30 P. M.
Place Old Hel:ig Theater, Eleventtt
and Morrison streets.
Principals Robert A- Booth, of
Eugene, Republican candidate for
' United States Senator, and Oswald
W'est, of Salem, Democratic Governor
of Oregon.
Subject Mr. Booth's acquisition of
timber and his qualifications for
Division of time Mr. Booth from
7:30 to 8 o'clock: Governor West from
8 to 9 o'clock; Mr. Booth from 9 to
Chairman of meeting R. L, Sabin.
Official stenographic reporter A.
"W. Person.
"What doubtless will be one of the
most dramatic incidents of the present
political campaign In Oregon will be
the debate at -the Heilig Theater.
Eleventh and Morrison streets, at 7:30
tonight between Robert A. Booth, Re
publican candidate for the United
States Senate, and Governor Oswald
West on the question of Mr. Booth's
acquisition of his timber holdings and
his qualifications for office.
In the minds of students of the po
litical situation this discussion also is
expected to furnish the climax of the
campaign. '
For the last few weeks Governor
West has been going over the state ac
cusing Mr. Booth of fraudulent trans
actions in connection with (he Booth.
valuable timber holdings in Lune and
other counties.
In spite of the fact that Mr. Booth
answered fully every accusation In
connection with the alleged- timber
frauds in his speech at Albany early in
September the Governor has persisted
In his attacks.
Mr. Booth Auks Meeting;.
Finally last Saturday Mr. Booth,
aroused by the Governor's unwarranted
statements, invited the Governor to
meet him in Portland and make the
charges to his face, thus givimr the
Senatorial nominee a chance to answer
them in public.
After several letters passed between
the two terms -.finally were agreed
upon and the discussion scheduled to
take place tonight. It was desired at
tirsto secure the Armory for this pur.
The Best
nin" about 2 2-5 grains to every cup of coffee?
Tannin is the drug used to tan hides with.
Do you know what it does to your stomach?
Probably not. Here is what good authorities say
about it:
A pure food-drink
must be boiled, 15c and 25c packages; and instant
Postum soluble made in the cup instantly, 30c
and 50c tins. Both kinds are sold by Grocers and
the cost per cup is about the same.
If Little Stomach Is Sour, Liver
Torpid or. Bowels
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out-of -the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again. Children
simply will not take the time from
play to empty their bowels, and tbey
become tightly packed, liver gets slug
gish and stomach disordered.
When cross, feverish, restless, see if
tongue is coated, then give this deli
cious "fruit laxative." Children love
it, and it can not cause injury. No
difference what ails your little one if
full of cold, or a sore throat, diar
rhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, re
member, a gentle "inside cleansing"
should always be the first treatment
given. Full directions for babies, chil
dren of all ages and grown-ups are
printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs.'' then
look carefully and see that it Is made
by the "California Fig Syrup Com
pany." We make no smaller size.
Hand back with contempt any other
fig syrup. Adv.
pose, but on account of the prepara
tions now in progress there for the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show the old Heilig Theater, at Elev
enth and Morrison streets, was taken
instead. It is capable of accommo
dating about 2500 persons.
All detaifed arrangements for the de
bate are in the hands of Charles B.
Moores and Bert E. Haney, respectively
the Republican and Democratic state
chairmen. Mr. Moores and Mr. Haney
conferred yesterday and selected R. L.
Sabin, of Portland, as the chairman of
the meeting. Mr. Sabin is not a strict
partisan and is a former chairman of
the Portland School Board. He was
readily acceptable to both sides of the
Interest in Debate Keen.
Interest In the meeting has been
aroused to a high pitch and it is ex
pected that thousands will crowd
around the doors tonight seeking ad
mittance. The doors will be opened at
7 o'clock and those earliest on hand
will secure the choicest seats. Women
especially are invited to attend.
Neither side, suspects the other of
any attempt to "pack" the house. In
fact each side declares that it w ants
as manyof the partisans of the other
in the building as is possible to get in.
They point out that thus their oppo
nents will be convinced of the justness
of their respective causes.
The boxes 14 in number have been
divided equally between the Republi
can and the Democratlo state chairmen.
Bach set of seven boxes will hold 42
persons. .
A. W. Person has been chosen offi
cial stenographer of the proceedings.
The Oregonian will print in its Sun
day mornlnx issue a full stenographic
report of all that Governor West and
Mr. Booth say that is pertinent to Mr.
Booth's candidacy.
Mr. Booth elected to open and close
the debate with a one-half hour's dis
cussion at each interval.
r .. .
I ? ; ; !
tA - : J
No wonder we people in Oregon aro
poor when we consider the reasons.
The men we put In office should find
out what is the matter-and right things.
That is what I am trying to do. Read
what I have to report, and sco what
you think about it.
Taxes 3.10 Per Head.
I have recently received a letter from
the Oregon Tax Commission stating
that our total taxes for 1913 were 1S,
250,000, and for this year, according to
the returns of all the assessors, the
Commission says, they will be $23,100.
000. We only have S00.000 population.
o our total taxes anlount to practically
30 per head, or J100 per family. You
may not pay that much taxes at the
Courthouse, but you pay it at the store
to the merchant with a stock of goods
worth from 110,000 to tl00,000, who
does pay the taxes and adds same to.
the price of his goods.
A Rational Remedy.
Half the taxable wealth of this state
Is in the forest reserves and kept off
the tax rolls. I have a bill pending in
Congress to convey the forest reserves
to the states wherein located in trust
for forestry purposes only, conditioned
that the states shall hold the lands in
public ownership forever and shall
market yearly only the ripe timber.
Oregon's forest reserves are estimated
by the Oregon Conservation Commis
sion, of which Joe Teal is chairman,
to be worth $400,000,000. so if the for
ests paid a net profit of only 3 per
cent from the sale of ripe trees per
year, that would turn $12,000,000 into
our state treasury and reduce our taxe3
Street Railway Ownership.
I find that the enormous tribute we
are paying yearly to watered stock in
street railways, steam railroads and
other public monopolies, is another
source of drain upon the people, that
could be easily righted. Moody's Man
ual for 1914 (the official fruide on Wrdl
Street), page 2546, gives the Income ac
count of the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company for 1913 as follows:
Gross earnings, $6,723,742; operating ex
penses and taxes. $3,298,310; net earn
ings, $3,425,432. So it will be seen that
over half the money taken in was sent
East as profits to be paid to the share
holders and bondholders.
This company is capitalized for over
$200,000 a mile, which is double the
physical value of the system. It is
capitalized for nearly $70,000,000. The
city could take the plant over at any
time at its physical value, and save
this drain. Private property may al
ways be taken for a public use on
making duo compensation. . which
means paying the actual value, not the
fictitious value, of the property.
Proof of Overcapitalisation.
Our sister city of San Francisco has
gone in for city ownership since 1912,
and now owns and operates the Geary
street line and the Union street line.
Our beloved Portland papers are say
ing nothing about it. But I wrote the
other day and asked the Mayor how
about it, and here is a part of the re
ply from his office:
"The Mayor has asked me to reply
to your letter of September 16. which
he was very glad to get. He asked me
to extend to you his best wishes and to
say this office will be glad to furnish
any further information you may de
sire from time to time relative to
street railway ownership in San Fran
cisco. "Before the present administration.
Mayor James Jtolph, Jr.. took office in
January, 1912, some feeble efforts had
been made toward a street railway in
Geary street. The Mayor at once took
up the matter energetically and the
Geary street road was opened through
out a part of its length at the end of
1912. The construction was of the
finest; the cost of construction includ
ing cars, car barns, necessary real es
tate, tracks, etc.. was Just over $100,-
000 a mile, while the local privately
owned company operating most of the
streetcar lines was capitalized for
something over $300,000 a mile."
Immense Profits Already.
.With the foregoinsr letter was the
financial statement of the Geary street
line for the year ending Juno 30, 1914.
showing gross receipts, of $624,450.74;
total operating expenses of $294,036.22;
excess of receipts over expenditures.
$348,414.52, or over 50 per cent, and the
line is only two years old. It is the
finest line In America and gives the
best service. I rode on .It last May
when I was 'fif Sah' Francisco to argue
the land grant case. The fact that this
line cost only $100,000 a mile proves
that the Portland line, capitalized for
over $200,000 a mile, and not nearly so
well built or equipped, is over half
water. The Portland lino collects gross
$6,723,742 per year from our people,
which is over $26 per pt-rson in Port
land. The Portland line collects at
least $12 per year in velvet from each
citizen in Portland, or . $60 in velvet
from each family. This drain could bo
saved by city ownership. These are
some of the reasons why we are poor.
1 wish I had the space to give others.
Tonight 1 shall speak at the follow
ing places and invite everybody to at
tend. Music by union musicians.
8 P. M., Kast First and Holladay ave
nue; 8:15, Williams avenue and Cast
Broadway; 8:30, Williams avenue and
Russell street; 8:45, Williams avenue
and Beach street; 9, Williams avenue
and Alberta street; 9:15, Williams ave
nue and Killingsworth avenue; 9:30,
K.illingsworth avenue and Mississippi
avenue; 9:45, Killings worth avenue and
Patton avenue.
Tomorrow I shall tour Eastern Mult
nomah County and speak as follows:
Montavilla, 11 A. M.; Gresham, 1 P. M.
at Fountain; Powell Valley, 2 P. M..
Hagberg & Johnson's store; Pleasant
Home, 3 P. M., near depot; Troutdale,
4:15 P. M.. near depot; Fairview, & P.
M-, near postoffice.
733-36 Pittock Block.
(Paid Advertisement.)
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it it tail. Get a 25c or 50c tube of Z
Catarrhal Jelly
tJse It quick. For chronic nasal ea
t tarrh. dry catarrh, sore nose, courhs.
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